u f - .Hgl WEEKLY. Published Eveiy Tuesday, VOL. 9-Xo. 79 OUR AIM AND PURPOSE. It is, has been, and will continue to be, the aim of this store to serve Its public fair and faithfully. No time is a better time than now to emphasize the straightforwardness of onr policy. The merchandising methods of a quarter of a century ago has been totally revolutionized. The 'Sand in the Sugar" shrewdness of the old time shop keeping would be stamped as roguery by the Intell igence of today. Much outfitting money is be ing spent these days. Good thing to know where you can spend it with confidence and safety. Just at this season of the year we can stretch your dollars. We will soon be making purchases for fall and our policy is, NEVER CARRY OVER, and now our greatest aim is to close out allsummer goods. Every depart ment has suffered the severest cuts. Below we give you a few prices by which you may judge all. UNDERWEAR Ladies ribbed vest, with white tape, bleached and unbleached 5c Mens pause shirts, all colors, 1 iceil with white silk tape anil pearl buttons 19c Mens Scnvens Drawers, al ways 75c, about sixty dozen left that we offer at 50c BUBHAML CHALEYS About 100 bolts left of this k'-xls, making about 'six hundred yards. To sell these 'ods quick we will offer t '.cm this week at 4c One thmisMnrl varrta T.ntii l awn?, all color and stripes These were good at 5c. to '.ose these we say 3 3 4c AMERICAN 'lADE PERCALES 30 inch wide, all colors : l stripes.' These are good ' anything. Worth 10c. mean to close them this week and shall rtlVr thorn 6 w 3 2 :nch wide, all colors 51-4 WHITE GOODS j- me India Linensf full 36 nch wide that were sold in ly season at 8c We shall "ffer these this week at 4 3-4 cents. We only have about -ve hundred yards of these KooJs left. When they are ne, they will be gone, UDIES HOSE ladies plain black all sizes, igood value at ten cents. Has .week we say cC esdrop stitch al colors. Ver a hundred dozen of irse goods, to turn them n cash we say for this - W am -hh tK j LADIES FANS One thousand Fans, all col ors and sizes. We are ofter in them this week at c Eight hundred Fans all colors that were sold in early sea son for 1 5 cts, this week we offer them at ioc pause fans, all colors 25c PATTERN DEPARTMENT New Barry Sleeves, Monte Carlo Coats, Coffee Jackets The patterns for making all of these popular styles will be found in the Standard Patterns just received by us and now on sale. The July number of the Designer, which can also be purchased in our Standard Pattern De partment makes a feature outing toiletes for ladies and summer apparel for small boys. CORSET SALE Several different styles to .select from. Long, short or medium waist. Six dozen CAB that sJl for $i.od to close them out we say 50c W CLEARANCE That clears in Slippers. We nave gone through the slip per stock ana" taken all the different styles, shapes and sizes and laid them out on the counter. Thee s:zes run from 1 r-i to 4 i-j I We will offer them this week for 35c HAT1BURG & LACES This line we will not price but shall be glad to have jom investigate before buy ing We have big line of this goods and are making spec ial prices to onloai ' Tfoureday and GffOilVlllc N. U, JULY 8 pupr. jtsooiSs alwavs on en to ArlvprKn AT PSOF. SH ERR ILL'S SCHOOL OXJSINGL J. Vfm Sherri!! school at Bie! the Bethel ItiVh Shoi lt ed a eaooessful 4ecm with d'- er exercises Thurs day and Friday Jueth and s7th W e were present -Friday. There utr crowd present. The erases operxxi wfta music Then oaie the ddes by ProL W. H. gsdaJe. It was attain nrarfil tJducatioaai od well received. in the iltfMoo Mr. W. E. Hard- inC made an address, and Jfcthel an idea of -what it could do -ang education! lice. He showed that if Belhel wanted to It could rrt ine moato school He staled t if the people wouU transfer the bui'dingto the county Board of Education, levy a very small tax. they could get enocgh of the gener 1 school fund to add to and fit up the building and herc would be 4hing to prevent them having a grade public school or as it rea2y would be. a graded school. This proposition was well received and gave Bethel's -educational pro ree a stimulus for good. Prof. Sherrill is a new man at Bethel but has made a good im pression and the people will keen him. Bethel is making Creat Drop-- ress along all lioea and we are please at its educational progrc. which should stimulate other places Be:hel i prosperous. The mer chants have good business, the crop in that section are good and the people clever and hospitable. W'c enjoyed the day. The James Manufacturing Co , is turning out some very nice and I good goods. 7 heir screen door - V lawn swings, c. are equal to any in all respect?. The United States Census Bul letin on Cotton Gining has just Inrcn ; j issued. It shows that North Cam lina ginned 451.4-11 bales in 1901 or 4.4 per cent of the total crop of 19DI, calculated on the basis of co pounds bales The sggTegatc gross ! weight in pounds was J07.003.95S, and the average gross weight of bale, 462 square, and 155 round. There are 1.37S active ginneries, averaging 175 bales ginned ea-h. MOTHER ALWAYS KEEPS IT HANDY. My mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to in dirts- lion, says U f . opaWnr, erona. : . , " ' kT .fc MV w I Zvmju agajnsi Lae accidents ioc d en try KodoL Sne grew better at once ul to moat open air sports. No and now at. the age of seventy-sir, remedy ecual. DeW,tr. Wurh eats anything she wants, remarking loat she tears no Dae enects as sht has' her bottle of Kodol handy.' Dool waste lime doctoring symp toms. Co after the cause. If your stomach b sound your health w3 be good. Kodol rests the stomach and 'strengthens the body by digest ing your food. It Is nature's own tonic J. U Wooten's. Satu rdayJT' ce-a-Week. 1902 COUNTY CONVENTION. Pitt county democrats met in con vention in the court house Saturday and resoluted and selected delegate J to the State. CongresnonaJ and Ju dicial conventions. A L Biow, chairman of the county executive committee called the con vention to order and requested Kinf, of the Weekly, and Whichsrd of the Reflector, to act at stiiiUats to Secretary W. L. Broirn. This or ganirsiioo was made permanent The first motion was, by R. R. e a recesi of fiiteen minutes, the townhips to retire and select their delegates to the different conventions. This created a heated discussion between Mr. Cottcn and Mr. Lughinghouie. in which tev eral took part. The motion was loJ. The convention wa, then giten over to resolutions. Resolution by F. G. James in Atructing for U 1. Moore, for solici tor was unanimously adopted. Also resolution by J. L Fleming, intruding for Judge Walter Clark, for chief justice, with sia noca. Resolution by F. a James, in structing for ledge Oo, 11. Biown for associate justice, led to discus sion with the result that a vote was taken, giving Brown 1 1 j 1 .f0; Con nor 2 O-tO. By W. R. rVillianf. reiolution in structing for F. C. James, for ccn- I gress. Mr. James asked for lis with dratAl and presented resolution in- 1 ftructing for John if Small; two or ' three noes. I By W. If. Ra-da!e. resolution in- stmcting for J. Y. Joyner for Surer. ' j jntendent of lYbhc Instruction; two noc5. A recess was then taken for the purpo-e 01 selecting the dclrrate convention atjj Hjrncd. ine various rcso.utj ns and list 1 ol delegates w,n be published :n neit issue. MRS. KANNIE KING DF.AD. Mrs. Fannie Line, wife of CpL John King. M Falkland, died Satur day morninr al.ut !tr .-!-w -r. - v - - v 4 an illness of atout to rreeks. Her death had been ei(ctcd for several day. She was nearly tiity five yeais old. Her husband and three children. Allen B. bam V. ar.d John King, survive her. Also sever- al sisters and brothers Mrs Henry j 1 I VACATIONS DA VS. Vacation time Is here and the children are fairly living out 0 doors. There could be no healthier Ilaiel Salve for ouicklv stormin pain or removiog danger of serious consequences. For cuts, scalds and wounds. used DcWfrr Witch Hazel Salve for sores cuts and bruises, says U a Johnson, Swilt, Tex. -It ts the Ust remedy on the market.- Sure cure tor pies and skin diseases. Beware of coun terfeits. J. L, Wooten. G0CT3 ATfEAR Harris, of Fals land, Mrs. W. R. Tr ker and Mrs. Julia Barrett, of Crrt iCe. J. J. ttynurn, of Saratoga 1 4 W. a Brnum, of Wilson. Scw s buried Saturday evening at ii o'clcck at FalkUnd. Rev. IX W. Arnold, of Fatmtine condactisg semces. She was a ni ember 0 the Dkr church at FartovCle and her life that o( the ChxisUaa woaan, re voted to her home and her fan1 y. Sht was universally loved and teemed and b sincerely raocrv . Irieads and rcXsUres, who shaft sorrow of the berraved fasnHy. 'ACfS IMMEDIATELY Colds are sometimes more tr . blesome m jmrarr than in wim us so hard to kep from 6tirv .0 them while cooling off after eim . One Mioute Cocgh Cere core tl once. Absolutely aafe. Acts mediately. Sure for coufhs, czL croup, throat and lung troubles. J. l Wooten's. Notice IUvIdj; succde4 Mr. II HymiD la tba Picture BosJ nets 1 with to innonnc in the nonI of Hrnitf . ...1 Pitt coantx that lira prv pjred to make plciort JM all the laum styles o! th irt. My experience at . t hotompher in mchraoBd Ld Baltinjore pparei m to give tou the very ben work. I shall dm the best material and cverj picture Is Guaranteed. My riricrji ar low Cabi Dfise2ir d.arn tialf Cabinets $1 dcMQ. Th-n I makea u h beater for mr am;fj. I am at Mr Hymao old Stand ever . u rail A Co . and can r found tbr (10m mortiJo till uibt. Yours for tuit- C. C .Wilson, I'liotojcrnpher. DETECTIVES:- tJT W wtml ura mm la Millinery For ThNxt Thirty Day I Will SU My Stock of nilllnry AT COST. It Consists Of Hats. RIbbcns &c; All new and Up-to-date. lira R' 0. Bong, FalMnnd, Htq f