w V A L Published Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: Thrice-a-Week. mm mm- i VOL. -Xo. SO Greenville, N. C- JULY 10 1902 50 Cts A Yeah Within a radius of 25 miles subscribers of any other paper. Books always open to Advertisers. RICKS & IMIM OUR AIM AND It is, has been and will continue to be, the aim of this store to serve its public fair and faithfully. No time is a better time than now to emphasize the straightforwardness of onr policy. The merchandising methods of a quarter of a century ago has been totally revolutionized. The 4,Sand in the Sugar" shrewdness of the old time shop keeping would be stamped as roguery by the inteli gence of today. Much outfitting money is be ing spent these days. Good thing to know where you can spend It with confidence and safety. Just at this season of the year we can stretch your dollars. We will soon be making purchases for fall and our policy is, NEVER CARftY OVER, and now our greatest aim Is to close out all summer goods. Every depart ment has suffered the severest cuts. Below we give you a few prices by which you may judge all. UNDERWEAR Ladies ribbed vest, with white tape, bleached and unbleached 5C Mens -ui?e shirts, all colors, f.iced with white silk tape am! pearl buttons 19c Mens Scrivens Drawers, al ways 75c, about sixty dozen left that we offer at 50c BUBHAIM CHALEYS About 100 bolts left of this iniods, making about six hundred yards. Tosell these oods quick we will offer tiicm this week at 4C One thousand yards Lotus Lawns, all color and stripes These were good at 5c. to close the.-e we say 3 3 4C AMERICAN 1 ADE PERCALES YwW 56 inch wide, all colors and stripes. These are good tor anything. Worth 10c. We mean to close them this week and shall offer them at 6 3 4 3: inch wide, all colors 5 1-4 WHITE GOODS Fine India Linensf full 36 inch wide that were sold in early season at 8c We shall otTer these this week at 4 34 cents. We only hare about live hundred yard of these Koois left. When they are ;me, they will be gone. LADIES HOSE Ladies plain black all sizes, a good value at ten cents. This week we say 5c Ladies drop stitch a'l colors, over a hundred dozen of these goods, to turn them sn cash we say for this week 11 i-ic RICKS & WTLCTSOI PURPOSE. LADIES FANS One thousand Fans, all col ors and sizes. We are offer ing their, this week at 5c Eight hundred Fans all colors that were sold in early sea son for 1 5 cts, this week we ouer them at toe pause fans, all colors 35c PATTERN DEPARTMENT New Barry Sleeves, Monte Carlo Coats, Coffee Jackets The patterns for making all of these popular styles will be found in the Standard Patterns just received by us and now on sale. The July number of the Designer, which can also be purchased in our, Standard Pattern De partment makes a feature outing toiletes tor ladies and summer apparel for small bow. I CORSET SALE Several ditferent styles to select from. Long, short or medium waist. Six dozen C A B that sll for $1.00 to cle them out we say 50c A CLEARANCE That clears in Slippers. We have gone through the slip per stock and taken all the different styles, shapes and sizes and laid them out on the counter. These sizes run f.-om 1 i- to 4 i-i We will offer them this week for 35C HAT1BURG & LACES This line we will not price but shall be glad to have you investigate before buy ing We have big line of this goods and are making spec ial prices to unloai of Greenville, WEEKLY FASHION HINTS. NEW FEATURES IN TAYLOR MADE GOWNS. The materia for this handsome street costume is a fancy suiting. but it will also be quite chic if de veloped -of smooth finished doth Some of the newest features in tailor raadea, the basque or skirt as well as the fcmad shoulder effect are com- lined in this smart gown. The long rolling collar and the straps over the shoulder nn'd around ihe bottom of the skirt are of moire. The recers and tle extension vest are cf white moire stitched with -several rows of Cocticelli silk; small buttons are set down the center of the vect a well as on the fronts, and clusters of buttons arc placed on the shoulder straps aid pJcrvcs. The latter are quite ncv.cl. tbc fitted un- I 6cr$!eeve- :!aring a", the loitom. The skirt i- laid in wide tucks and spreads it into a very full flare at I the hem. 1 Aa the wraon advance the prtf ereace for mixed and fancy suitings S becomes more and marc distinct and it soems alraot if the latter wo-s'd in a very short '.imp le used entire ly instead oi the amooih-finished cloths; although the c.th ii by far the -most drevwy in appearance It is of more compact and closer wea.-e than tie mlxe suitings and home spuns, hich tuijetner wtth Scotch tweed and covc-t cloth are in the lead at present. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. 1 1 artJ Ceisily d I ft u t he f nod ltd a! di Nature In atrtajrttjenlD? and rrcoa UructJnjr theeabaattrd difftlre or gans It Utbe Utt dl-coTefrd dirrt act ani toolc No oth r r;reparatiro caa approaeb It In cdrieiiCjr. It lr ftantij reUereand rnaaneniJyeores Dyfpepfla. Indlcttia. M ran be r a, Futulenee, Soor Sfnmach, KaoicA. Slcfc neadacbe,G art r2i7la.Crampsxid til oUwr renlts of t bc per f cet d I re Uoo Pnsani fe C C 21 tx A Co- Caa The Weekly has SCHOOL ELECnCKS. Petition from Bethel ind Varro- ville were before the county com missioners Monday asking for elec tions far schools. They want to vote on the question of taxation for high grade public or graded schools. Bethd has consolidated three townships and nearly ore half the fre holders asked for the election. All of Farmville township joined in asking for the election, wore than the necessary one-fourth of the free holders signed the petition. Good Neighbors, Vote it quickly mud largely. It is the right thing to do. PLEASE REMEMBER your ntmo wnret bo published to your communication, recommending your man for office. Cash or two oont stamps, at the rate of one balf a cent a word, must come with U or it will not be published at alL TO THE PUBLIC J announce myself a candidate foT tha office of Ilrjnster of Deeds of Pitt county, objecl to the Dem ocratic convention. J. C Lanier. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF PITT COUNTY. 1 take thia method of announcing tny candidacy for the nocr.mation for Register of Deeds of Pitt county abject of course to the action of the Cocnty Convention wher. :: meets. I have been a voter sirce i S 7 1 and have alvravs tried to do my whole duty as a gtod and loya! democrat end if nominated and clc'ed i mi'; try to perform the duties of::. ;o::ikr to the utmos: of my a htr Thanking m fi:end ifi a!arc f jt their Jupjxl and a. a.. .1.4 thr action of the Co;;vcntio:i. I ur.j for 1 tV best intercut i the ;cmxatsc party. Very truly Ir..sF. l i ; i;t;. TOTIIK DKMOwKATlV I H1Y OK nri ClH SI . TLrr l lrr f Of til to tf ; t ot a Bt ntlce llit '-, r-w triaspb Np itwit tt 1 rr " Is the language of oir the Uett poet that ever drank fr -m poics full ttream. How fitly too miht it apply to him who crcaped d-a!h in his countries cause, but r.t his !:mb That old confederate veteran r.o calls apn the Democratic parly of Pitt county l y honor him sitli the nomination far Register of Deed o Pitt county, feelin that every ab!e bodied aspirant will wilhn;!y waire his cause and say nomirite the old hero by acclamation. D. H JAMES uiiivEnsiTy-couECE UFTltDICI IE-V-S crrn-tfrniit-rnfje? T treble the CaroliEi-Ylrginii Ideplone Co. The folio win r; toll rates wul be etlect oa and after May tit, 19 subject to change or correction: From GreenTiUe to: Bojdto Id letfc4at7 Barll.f voa 13 .vZUr VI !Wfort M Ctsrpart cutkMTu: so r.ri " Cfcjptt tun iuutfc a Ommm 41 r. Xasl Lrta to iUtyUsl . tlLA i NttL.l 21. f"rait!aua O Otldifcar n SaUll.U OmMkfo :af IIT lludtmi T.ifcae z . 3w Unr U wrraWa C. Hl St ratat to XT kiu a wil. UtUta 41 Ci F. C TOPLEMAtf ' Cea. Scrt. Notice HiTlct scccetdrd Mr. K Ilyman la the Picture BcsJ nets 1 wish Vi aanontace U the ptople of GrreavJUa aarf I'in county that Ianrpre jiaretl to make plctnirt ir- all the liteit ttyles ot thr ru My exjHence at a Photographer in Hlcraood nud lUltiruore prrarea zae to give Ton the rry belt work. 1 thall us ibe belt material and every picture Is Guaranteed. Mr rrlcs are low Cabl- nHij-.Toi-r uan. Mall Cablnf 1 Ui pr doxn Thru I iQjkrL beater i for $1 00 Per Doz. my samp!-. I an at Mr Hyman'o:d Stacdotcr A II Taft Co . ar.d cao be found thtjr Inrn mnrclDj; till utj;ht. Youra fcr t oil- C. C .Wilson, j IMiotorapher. t 1 "i j -i 1 DETECT1VES:- t jT UciHi; t m cUr ttrsn Millinery For ThNxt Thirty uays 1 win u iiy MocKoinminr- AT COST. It Consists Of Hatsy Ribbons Sec All new nnd Up-todalc. Mrs. II 0. Bang, Falkland, N, a i I!