PI V Published Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturda Thrice-a-Week. Sou 9-No. 14G Greenville, N. C, DECEMBER 30 1902 6 CIS x Yt.vi. WE: 1 1WUI i M i i x t ill' .11 x xv 1 IWithin a radius o'25 miles subscribers of any other paper. Books always open to Advertisers. Dissolution By mutual agreement, on Jan uary 1st, I9Q3, we will dissolve V copartnership. Wc ere offering ' - ' " . ' our entire stock of Clottiing at and below cost. If you should need a suit now is the time to get a bargain. Thankingrar friends and customers for past favors, we are Yours Truly Nice Presents What can you give a Friend, Relative, or Sweetheart, iiicer than Jewelry, Rings, Watches, Diamonds Everything in this line can be found V I at E. E. Griffin's THE JEWELER. Everything's READY FOR YOU AND CHRISTMAS. COME LOAD UP WITH THE BEST OF : : : : : Toys, Fruits, And Good Things for all Prices to suit. Kicks James Long. lotice. J Stop That Cure That Hoarseness, Relieve That Tightness. If you take medicine to relieve or cure your trouble, be sure that you take that which will do the work DR. OTTO'S Spruce Gum Balsam Is the Coujjh Cure That !ures. For Sale By. BRYAN and NICHOLS. AMEijflCAN Poultry Food. THE WONDERFUL EGG PRODUCER AND DIS EASE PREVENTATIVE. 00 o 00 Eggs in cold weather. Sold under a strict guarantee None genuine without pic ure of Uncle Sam. 0 0 o o o Manufactured by Ameri can Stock Food Co.. Fre mont, Ohio. For Sale by J. B. CHERRY & CO. of Greenville, DAY OF THE YEAH. UthoTub there tfftui to be a dispo sition In the Uulted States to allow the celebration of New Year's day to fU 'into desuetude and It has been shorn of much of Its old time story In Atuer Sea by the Importance now attributed here to Christmas, It,, still ret sins ,lta trans: as the sooti sndemt festlrai ct . the world. Both. thr Moluunoedaca and thi Jewa regard the first day V . . -- - ' . .1 . ineir respective years aw me suditct Kary of tbe bdrtb. or. rather, creation, dar of Alia at and celebrate It with all sorts of rejoicings snd entertainments, .while la olden times, bafore tbe Chris tian era. It as obaerwd as a day sa cred to the cud Jauuv. The ancient Romans made It a public holiday snd selected It the proper date for the exchange of presents of gilded fruit v It was the day. moreorer. on which the newly -ejected magistrate of the Athenian republic, as well ss those of the mighty -emmou wraith on the banks of the Tiber, entered upon their duties. The Dmldalso bald 14 first day trt the year la particular booor and ret cratlon, and even now a number of pa gun superstitions la connection there-, with hare aurrlred among the peas antry of Brittany. Wales and tbe south .western counties uf England. To this day the krwer User of tbe districts Just nanmd retain .a firm belief la the fortune bringing properties of the mis tletoe, while the people who lire along the shurc d the bay of lllsony are ab solutely convinced thnt ttt the moment when the clock utrlke 12 on New Year's err the animals. Including dogs, horse, sheep, oxca nnd pig, become endowed for the space of an hour with the power -f speech and that the huge Draldlcal monoliths known as dolmens, or menhir, extricate thcmselve from their sockets fur the purpose of rolling down to the sesshore to refresh them selves by a dip Ir. the briny w.iti rs of the deep. So firmly rooted Is this Ix llof that no Brittany peaxnnt would dare wander alxjut In llu? ui hlMrlnHl of lb- hoary ruin of tbt? stone age nt that hour, being assured that mine terrible fate would overtake him If he wrre to happen to wltnec this annual excur sion of the dolmens, and It may safely bo taken foe granted that wire he by any ehr.nee- to catrh lht of them at that hour of the uiorulug of the flrot day of the year Ihey would certainly nmar to W.in la If dancing and reel ing ntout la n weird sarnlund: for I In IJrittany. as in inauy ;ib.r parts of Europe, the new yo:r Is u!red lu with heavy and copious potations, the result of which U t rniiM1 the drtnker j to set many Grange Uilngs. in N-.i:nli;i.a .a ine xaxorite ;nMrr.;? on tbese ix"c-.i!tis Is lrunk from slhir or wooden tankards or prefmMy from horns. TIu'm- Littt-r are !!. f the nre ox. an animal now iiu-t. and ore frequently not ouly of gr-at antiquity, but also of much lauty. Many of theyn. Indeed, are oM enoucb to h-.xe been im1 by t!ie worsaljx-rs of '1 .r and (lln for toasts on their rturn from su ful raids. wb-n they ang songs cUtratiug the lrtu of tbe hero who had died on tS lattlefleJd arid h2il etitenl tuily arrtrl Into Val halla. Drinking from ther born re quires s peculiar knack; otherwise the contents nre certain to empty thta- s!v. upon . Nn- York 7rt!'ti!n. Protlt eJlir. In fltTmiiii New Var' ee L cnlbt "Sylvestt-r. aU-nl" ithe evo of KL 8jl veteri. The early bours of tbe nlsht arv spent In mils and j.nrtl. snd when mltl night comes the ringing of bells announces tbe beginning of tb new year. Guns an fired, snd from tha church lufla btu:lr are sounded Later all th windows nr flung oxn. anil, standing vrStlna tbem. tbo potpts bold up tbdx.gble and ealJ out "ITo it Nrujahr! to rrry one who passes y. IopU an Cs rreet call In to tho?e lndoort. Kvea tbe coachmen ss Ihey drive by call tn:t Ir!t Neu Jahrr Of all tb pretty ctwtoms in German thU la one of the prettiest. Not only to their friends do they wish a happy new year, but to alL Pttta- The Weekly has In every town may bo had. the that makes your horses glad. NOTICE I NOTICE ! ! After Jaru tit we will not cell any I goods on account This it not per-1 itonal to any one. Business con- I ditkins make it necessary to adopt I tht rule and feeling sure that wel can tencer our customers better 1 senrice, it will be adhered to with- oit discnmlnation. Zctjo Moore A: Bro. HOG TAKEN CP. I hare taken up three shoals that hare been in my field since Septem ber. Decnntion: unmarked will s weitrh atwiut thirtv poumts each. Vlwner can pel them by paying cots. C. W. ScotL Greenville N. C. COW TAKEN UP. I have taken up a cow that hss been in my field for 1 weeks r more Disi'riptimi, color Blue, koks to be about 4 years old, mark. Swallow fork & under bit tight Far owner can gel her by paying cosh John R- Spier. Dec. 15. tpi. Ri lge Spring N. C. NOTICK. au wno owe us on sewing .Ma chines must sctUchy Jn. 1 t. tZ as longer time will not be given. S. T. H.H.kcr Dec. nnd J. t La; in KEN I . One Red i il vr.it! t c Vihvji i year old with a s.it ti h k'1 ca. Owner will come (oward jay cot of said var!inj; A: tak? j reiuon.. Dec. S 1901 J1'- Bro n. ktuntree N. C. STOkE KOK RENT. The country store, tire mile rat of C'eenfille. on the road to Wash ington, snown as (G. M.) Tucker's s! :c 1 ("T rent f-r ivoj 1. V . Tucker. Dec 3th. 1 9 - Greenri'.Ie. N. C. CHICHESTER'S DJGUSIl PECiriYDOYAL PILLS cBcntm CTrrsocsx ool I fly 5Ss. Mm t. Al-a-a iWuU. - . i Ta " Ska y W r Vcf"tm treble the NOTICE Members of the Fill Co ir Branch of tfcc North Carolina K re? Iniursncc Atscciation will roer in the court house at Grcmviile; N ! . Monday Jan nth oot. at ne o'clock p, m. for the ourro ot elrcttnp orr.cro and tfantac inr other buiinrjm lot.n S. flar 1CC 30. IOOI tf I' er NOTICE. Br virtue ol an order of I C. M oote. Clerk of tbe Sotenor -irt of Pitt count r in the, sotO! r ceedinp entitled J. M. D. Stei h and wife and other. rxprte, 1 ft ell at the ennn house in Greje te. N. C. on Monday the tecond of Februrajr, 1033. ihe folk laod to-wlt: That tract ol land n- taining about one thousand v ra adjoining Ferd Waxd on the N- h; Mootcomerr Spear on tho J: ' ar river rn the South and John F-ro irvj on ihe West and knou-n ai - ne Possum Town Farm." Terms of sale One-thbd co one tmrd in irc!vr months. rd one-third in two years, interest .n dfferred payment at six pr t. Irom day cf sale. Wheeler Marti Dec J 1, tv dj. C n. Winter Tourist Tiekcts Now 00 Sale V ta SOUTHERN RAILWAY To a!l the Principal Wi.,tCr Rcsorti at 1 Very Low KuUs Trie Kesorls of the South, Southeast And Southwest, also Cuba, California and Mexico : : ; orr.c prorr.nent Keofts are SU I Aii-uilme. I'sim IV c K. M jAContrul Tampa l'orl Ti pa. Brunswick. Savannsh. Thomasville. Chailrslnn. ColLn -a, Aiken. Augusta. PmehursU C.mUcn. bj.Dracnil.f, Att s'lc. Hot Spring. ani intnr en to nurnrrows to mentio t The land of the nkj and Sapphire Country. Tickets on le up to and incJu : April is., lyoj. limited to reic anlil May Ji. y0J. STOP-OVKHS Allowed at t-rportant Points. "D.rouch . keeping Car ot the Ujh. est standard between principal Gtie and Resorts. Dining Car Service Unexcelled. of Winter ((nmn m m e.-,, l-anl- W. A, Turk. S II. Harxlwic P. T. L a P. A. , WMhicjtco, d. a bczv Chronicle.

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