v3 1 GREENVILLE, NORTH (VR0L1NA, MAY 12 1905. VOL. 12, NO 13 50 C IS A 'iTA'. 1- 3 Uheothe F. feral fleet Bol urefl - of bombarding Ft- Fisher, tliey tiled 8 barge with powder and ient it on ihs t de shoiewaids. As it neared the shoreline Confederate .warn to it T..e first mau to rea:h it was T;i v Harris, who found a tinfl fuse jiut almost burned to the powder Wading &e powder iknee deep, he was just in time pet his hand between the fuse and po der. Just in the mcic oi um uc threw the fuse overboard and saved the tort from the effects of immense explosion. f!-.e first vo'u detr from Pittcoun . r. D. Umntree. who hearing t.A of the bo-nbardui int of fort Sam tar i..o .,-. ooin. to Wilson first. There he heard of the tall of fori c..mn.r so went to Fort Macon .and en iated I8th day of April I tiuft hi.mft oresumably to see a sirk brother in Wilson and the next liU people ben d from him was that his trunk be atm w ( He was then only 19. At South Anna Bridge, June Jth tenant Colonels Of the forty-fourth Resrimeut, 1. C s t . foui?dt till his men were sur . rouuded, and then refused to sur render, still fighting with his sword At last be went down and was Kit thff Yankees. "Sur- . jjrauucu vij 1" taev demanded IGUUCI vivv- y "No, I'll bed d if I do" said he and continued trying to fight In tba Seven d-iys fight near Richmond, on the first day every r . . T.V . 1 Yet H. A. Brown, Captain of Com- panyB. who wgs not e?eu in the . ri; "n,hri" tell what made them deal to At Ream's Station company H. na g. xm. k,. a. T. went icto action with 37 men and came out with only two. Those two were K R. Fleming and Mack Teel. Gen toke ordered the company to slcrk ... . 11 .... . . ne was 101a mere were oaly two left and they couldn't tck. rhy were lold to ttcak them round a slump. At Kiuston, the Juniors Beservel ' Uneaae was in the centra with rru - ...... vvi i quitt on the right Pettuj on the left aad bore the brunt of the battle- After the battle they were person ally -complimented dy General Hoke who Hold theiii they had sav d the day rbose Jcuiors were largely from Pit gountj Mer the batle of rud Harbor compy G, Eigh!h Rgiment, N. C. SA. didn't have an officer. After the figfat t fort Harrison, it had only nine m.i. jvu of thn com pany s Uaptams wr E. C. Yellow V lllne9 woo sa reered a, inuuiu wan oiny nrej taij.i. Company D. Foity-f,uith Regi ment N. V.S 1, Hit tbc escort cf the body of SioneA-ell JitJfsou from the depot at Bichmond to th Capi tol and ws the guard of honor while the remains Iry iu slate in tbe CapitoL Jn 18C1. the ieop!e of Pitt'county Tolantary contributed $3840,05 in individual subscription, to the aaifitary fund tor equ ppii.g its own aoldiera Alton ti.her Cev C C Bial,d then a young man, c imbed the fiag staff twice aoail a rain of shot and s&ell fksteiiwl the iZ m Jis Ka We give up out space to war mat -ter aad really there is no news. 'HE LAST CUAGE AT APP'JM- AITOX. Scarred on a hundred fields before . Naked and starved and travei-sore, Each man u tiger, hunted, hey Blood at bay as brave as Huns, .aatofthe Old South's splendid sons, tanked by ten thousand shotted guns, Ai.d b. teu thousand fronted. Icorched by thf cina.m's molten bieath. hey'd climed the trembling walls of death And set their standard j tattered, Had changed at ti e bu-le's stirring ' blare Through bolted gloom and godless glare. From the dead's redaenea K'tu" where The searcbin sharpnel shattered. rku Cnn.lod that Lar.-nna uanu . . . 1 t A iiv- J " With urimes, the tparian u. mand, th uiiid of Gordon, Through splintered fire and stifhug 1. srioe . ... .u .i.h lisrhtiunsr cain ing fitioKe Those doomed and denper,te and broke Across that iion c v don. men sullen, slow retreat tlicj n - - - Ah, there ae laurels ct eira.: llliuruivi Wdh one last shot hurled lack the foe And prayed the trump uoom 1 blow, The Southern bars wte broken. c . , . e u.c uaira, impanui years Of loved ones left to Uniish: What nerved them for the guard, For cleaving blade ane manpSnp shard, What gave ihem strength in ttut and ward To drain the dregs of anguish. i . . l r ... oui iuc iar ages will propound What never Sphinx had lore to sound Whir, in .,ch fir r rr,. I -. lhe God tf Lovfhnu!i1 fi, u 1 - ------vHiuftjia at. meet, -Per Him with Grant as sledge to beat On Lee, the anvil, at such heat, aefces rendered by the NinU, in Oar Nation's great sheet-anchor thebatt'e, permitted th$ regiment . -Henr7jeromeStoCkard,t0reta'"iCOlo;Which .sequently forwa ded as a tionhy to :EiIXGS CONTINUES. lhe meeting by the Martin Fami 1 con tiii u as co-.fessions. There hive been tei S(ic every diy at 3:30 aiidS P- m- Every body invited xheie will be services in the opart bouse Sunday at 3:30 f rn The Hcgc log Beam SAW MILL WITH HCACOCK-KlNC FCED WORKS AC-aiHBT. UOTTOW CilKHINr). UKICE MicifiHmt, Ck)m Mill. Era, Et . CIBSES MACRINIRT CO, Clb!, 8. C. Thk Cibbcs Shingle Machine H. Harding Agt QreenvHIe It is dull, dull, dalL 1 " tkuksMSr i A RETU THE BA ITLE-S JHB BbAumuKl tUUiNl Y m r V w Br - v -w Trenton. N. J. March 1 7-Almolj t J pa"y 1 e P,tur the tiZ cut up torn to tatters, coveted with d4b bu,Ie s b the material of which .n.,wHh.h.,.affmissine .Norift t ,s made m ,n a Estate of pre- and with the staff missing a Nori rriira hattlp-fla( has been fouD c B in the vault of the office of the Adf- jutant General of New Jeisey, ana now, alter a ipc ui Mir"",v ....ori it utn li returned to the ...v. :i. i,oi,i ri.Ktor u'hn an brave- WlllbC fll i.. " mi y tought for it betoie they lost U lujj battle at Newberii, N. C. on MarruW l 186i. The retu n of the flue ts to be co incident with the erection at New-J bern of a monument to the deaa ot the Ninth New Jersey Begiment. and will be the resu't of the following resolution, which has been offered in the New Jersey Legislature by Assemblyman E. S. Coyne, of Un ion county, and which resolution will in all probability be unanimous- ..... 4kKU..w., - X adopted by both homes of the Legislature: "Whereas, By a bnlliant and successful charge at a critical tno- ment ,n lhe fcattle of Newbern, North Carolina, Nfarch 4, l8G5, the NinU' Is?ew Jersey Voluntears cap- tured within the Confederate works a Ko a 1 1 f i Tn 1 itm l.aa.:nM . V - : Mill J 1 miwwi.vr..!:.tt.YN'"vr''' v..v...,. wa,,K ,n menp. r - - tion: 'Beaufort Plowboys, presentedTV' Tbe reas" for th,s re ltion by the ladies of Beanfort. N. CV the Jact that New Jeiy has ap- I Bna "Whereas, The commanding een era', in recognition of the valiant ti e State authorities, and is now in possebsion of the adjutant general. and I "Whereas, An appropriation of $5,000 was made by the last Legis lature for a monument to be elect ed to the Ninth New Jersey dtatl, iu the Nationul Cemetery at New bern, as a tribute to their htroisff). which monument will be dedicated in May next, and ' "Whereas, In vie of the txbliag feelings of regard and affection be tween the States of North Ca-oliua and New Jersey, it would be appro priate and fitting when tbe ceremojnjr takea place to present to the Gavh- nor of North Carolina thft captured color, that it ma be returned (by him to the survivors of the -Pbifw- boys, or the "Ladies of Beauf.ijt.' theretore, be it "Kesolved, That the Corrrnol of thn State fs hereby anihorizil to leturo tJ the Governor ot Mirth Carolina, at sach time and plac a he may deem approoiiat. ik.Il. herein referred to and now A . session of the adjutant renit rf the State of Ntw Jersey." j Ana it may be teea by the accfom. WED FLAG. ARRED FLAG OF Tvation and the incription is per fectly legible; In speaking of the resolution, Mr. Coyne Said that the nation en joys anera of good feeling and fellowship, and that he felt that it w wonld be a graceful thing to return to the Confederate veterans ot Beau fort the flag which they so bravely defended. Charlotte Observer. PRESENTED BY THE LADIES OPCHOCUWINITV. i ' ' ii rf To the Editor: In your issue of The News and Observer, ot March ifh, 1905, appears the following: "'frenton N J, March 7th In tv-loiise today Mr. Coyno intro- dli I a resolution authorizing: the 00. TPr o return a confederate flag I V Governor of North euro lino, pture J by the New Jersey volunteers at the Battle of New Ber. North Carolina. The flag was presented to the Beanfort Plow Boys by the ladies of lleaufort N. t a 1 -4 .11- propriated $5,000 to erect a suitable monument at New Kern in honor of the New Jersey Volunteers." I desire to correct an error into which the Ne Jersey cOrrespondnet has naturally fallen. 1 he thg re feired to was not presented by the ladies of Bsaufort, N. C, but by the ladies of chocowinity, in Beau fmt county, N. 0 The Beaufort I low Boys was a ompitiy raied, by Henry Harding now of Greenville, N. C , who at that time was a resident of Heiufort county. The company was com posed mainly of men from Choco winity, Pantego and Washington, N. C. The officers of the company wrre fleary Hard.ng, captain; Thos IL Satterthwaite, 1st Lieut , Willi am Stephenson, 2nd Lieut ; D. W. Inrvu Md i.ient. The flag was made by the ladies . . . - of chocowinUy, N. C Among those who helped to fashion it were: Miss Julia Harding, sister ofMaj. Harding, Miss Julia Patrick, now Mrs Julia Wilson, mother of Mri. W. II. Ricks, of Greenvilli, N. c. Miss Sarah Crawford, now Mrs'. S-ran Swindell, if auro.a, Nc; Miss Olivia Patriek, now Mrs Olivia Charmait, of Washington, N. C Miss Julia Hill, now Mrs GjyJord Shovender, of Pantego. N. C; Miss Hatlie Perry, who now resides in P.tt county, H. c. and Miss Mary Wiaficld, now Mrs M.ry Joyner, wifrof E jrann.I J.yner, of Columbia L . I C. Thd lattc was chosen, v t companion to jres,,t tJ(. Haj, hl their behalf tone J!oaulo,t Plow Boy. The pre.seiitati.n i.f the rl. made in Novcmbr, iSi, bv'ivj Mary Vintkld, ho statdino.,,n n. piazza of the hone of (sv $ q riue?, at Chocowinity r presented it to the :ompanj wliv.n was drawn up in liiein front of the home. Henry Har-linu. the cantain of the company, re eived it from the hands of Miss Winfeld and placed it in the hhnds of .Villiam Richmds, the company's ,olor sergeant- lhe fhg was captured at the but tle of New Berk, on the fifteenth day of March, iH62, by the Ninth ew Jersey volunteers Durine the progress of the battle, the flag wai stationed on the breast works jii3t in front of t ie Beaufort Plow Boys. A fierce charge having been made by the Federal irooos. the Confederates were forced to aspeedy retreat to prevent being- cantured. Just at the moment the Conftdeiates were forced from the breast works. itr-it wimam bteveoson, a cousin of Hon. Mark Stevenson, of New Henv Kith his pocket knife, while runninir up the Hill fona the work, cut the bord'that bound the flag to the staff and hurriedly placed its folds in his knapsack. In the retreat the con federates were so hard pressed they were compelled to thiow off all encumbrances except their guns in order to escape alive. Thus the flag was lost in theknapsacj ol William Stevenson. The Ceaufort Plow Boys after- 01st regtment, North Carolina Troops On September 5, 1861, Henry Harding, capiain of Company I! was promoted to major of the 61st regiment, and William Stevenson became captain ot the company. Among those of the old company who still survive, are Maj. Henry Hsrdii.g, of Greenville, N. v., Set'i Bridgdmand, Washington, N. c. William H. Patrice Chock owiuity, N. c , who btjame second , lieuten ant, William Archibald, of Beaufort county; W. F. Demby , Chocowinity N. c; Geo. H. Hill, of Washingt. h N. c; Leth V. Hodgeg, Koanoke Kapids; I) W Jar vis, ot Panet'o N c Charlie Mallison, of Washiueton. N C- H D Satterthwaite, of Bonson- ville, N C; Sam'l Snell, of Hyde ccunty, N C, and and William M. Stevenson, of Wilmington, N. C. It is with no little interest that the survivors of the Beaufort Plow Boys learn that the Hag, which was taken bom them jnst forty-three years ago today, is to be returned. Major Harding especially' wid Had- ! Iy welcome the return of the flag of the Beaufort Plow Boys, which through the ever changing fortunes of war, tound its way into the State of New Jersey, and which now. through the softening influence of many years of peace, finds its way "back to home again." F. C. HANDING. Gieenville, N C, nla-ch I7 1905. iHEFLAG PJiKSKXrEl) HY MBS MaKY W1XFIELD JOYNER The flag was prereated by Miss Mary Wmfuld, then a young g!r scarcely grown. .She married Rev. Edward yoyner and they "new live in Columbia S C. wriere he is Rector of the leading En:s nal church. Kev. Mr. lovnr i tire of Pitt county, son fJf tle Jate Noah Joyner. Mrs Joyner has the mauusr rinf of the address she mad ...... ... occasion and cerrtainlr she shonlH ie given a promneot p m the program at New Beroe next week r . j .MAY 10. Memorial Day. PIJ"GJfAM FOk TIIRHUY' t. CRIMES CAMroFtox. J-'KHgRATK VETK'tAX.s "'here will b,. ;1 ,, ., pinthftComt H.,. rv"lc' :" '''' !h(' cf ;he ;;?(.. 1 n:rh- ment i-j:m meetiio. will form and march to U,e fenw tery whm- thee -remoiiiei atlondin . the apiva.liiiK r.f ii,,wt.,s ', tllt. giaves of tht will be held. Confederate; u'.ai! 1 The Jam will then march t; ojera houso, where the rxer.-i.... the day will be ontinuni and "tht asemb'erl multitude will lu-address ett byGmcral W. P. Roberts, of Gatcsville, N. v. Ait-r the ceremomts in U. n,u . .. house arc concluded, dinner will U- servtd the- Veterans in the open ir. WILL BE RETURNED AT NFWBKliXE MV is. The Logislatuie oftfiK kmk, New Jersey has mananiuiouslv authorized the returned of the bat(' flag of tht ' Plowboys ' of Beaufort county, which was captured at Nr-.v wtrn in a gallant charge made by 'he Ninth New Jersey Volunteers on March 4, i8rt, and the color wid be restored to tne Stale at New Bern, May iSth, on the same day that the New Jersey Governor and members of his staff and Fiirvjvi -"ii'f- X'nth Kew Jwy unveil a rlwnWiit t.:. the dead of that regiment, who w:e buried in the National cemHer'y at Xew Ben . Governor (Jlenn state,! vesferday that the flag would be rcceivnd on the 18'h of May, oa the fav ( f the unveiling of ew jeracyV menu-ment.-Xews & Observer. Tbe Keunion Committee I ir in confederate. Veterans' Reunion, on June 14, 15, and 1,3, are dom,T splendid w, ik in preparing to re ceive an I e.nleit in the vart crowds crt to be in Louisville on that date. 1 he President ti,,. 11. . .111 mjttee is John H Leathers, a Iant Conieilerate ve'eran, and he is assisted by the most prominent mem 111 Llllisvdlp afiw. ... 'P lt0. Basil W. Unke and Ger.. fubn H a-tleman. . AOMlXIsTAilTOK rf NOllc., Having qaatilied E.l.abi ..re, l8fe of t.jIt counlv notice is hernliv .U-en to all ..-.,.(;.-.. ',, ni fin to preset th,.'r claio-s to . nn.--r,iorl within l-ejV8 monlhs ffom t)Kda!- hcreot, or thi? nUc- will be j.'oa.W ,n h,r of their recovery. Ail P nG.lt.edto Mid der,-,., ! .:euem.ke l.nmr-di-i.V pay,,,,,,, , u underfijiiul. April ISth t .v t..i, ', , J- crooks Adinr. w.th Wi:Ui,:WtfKliM Stoore dec VI. ADMINtsruioHj? XOML'K county, nitiwfc, t,et.v ' ' ' creditor M avtJ' 'r ; their eli.ns totl.t. BnoeMVw'f " ooi'- i PdT. h 72?7-or deceased w.il , ." "J Anll"lU5 Art.iiyo.l'hi.ti A,lmr. "' J3 I'Ti'mi di t-'l. OUK Gv lT OFFER The Atlanu Cons'.itaii The Suniry South Kind's Week1 Total 1 00 5 So th. ah can b;. Weekly t r ! c- thf-u-di e Constitute, WlIow. , . ed three ti.ne a week 71 ' 11 iy wi4 1'7 wet-k piper next fail. ci:mTtttato