r i IS I : 5 J i i 3 I i if ! U vh T Jii lif 0 A ? 1- fci - S ! The Evening lelerag. C. P. SAPP, PUBLISHED DAH.T KXCEPT SUNDAY,' ' BT ' -,. The Telegram Publishing Company. C. G. WRIGHT, JOS. J. STONE. President. BCSINKSS MaNAQB. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, Six months, One ftpnth, 1.50. 25c. . Entered at the Greensboro Postofflce as second-class mail matter. - Office to Md Fellows Building (up, stairs) West Market Street, Jitooms 4 and 5. tele phone No. 71. Address all communications to The- Even ing Thlbgram, Greensboro, N.. C. MONDAY, AUGUST 16. 18ft7. You. can get the telegraphic news twelve hours earlier in The Telegram than in any paper that gets into Greens boro, and for. four dbllars a year less. SENATOR BUTLER'S SPEECH. ' Mr. Butler said in his speech at Newton .turday that he "out speaking- at this time, to .warn the peo ple of the mp Yement ,pf the politi cians." Is that not refreshing? It has been many a day since we .haveTun upon so cool a piece of self assurance. If folks in this neck of ; the woods were asked to point out a politician in this State, nine .out of .ten would extend their index fingers Butlerward. How else does Mr. Butler account ;for .his being in the United States Senate? Were his qualifications for that exalted place so manifest that an unanimous outburst of popular acclaim ".simply l- hove him innto it? Well hardly. Mr. Butler should not despise the ladder by. which he. climbed. It is not good taste to deny the calling' by which one's bread is earned. He be came vSenatpr, by. a piece of shrewd po litical scheming just as most other men do in. the South, where they are We do not in the least blame Mr. .But ler either for the scheming or being elected. On the contrary we .have al Wjays thought it .rather neatly done; Dut wnen ne attempts to pose as a x guileless patriot; to be "like a star and dwell apart;" to constitute himself the unselfish guardian of the "poor people;" he becomes the least bit ridi culous. The Senator started out with. a great flourish of his tongue to outline the policy of his party, but, so far as, we can - gather, the only, policy yet pro pounded -is in the sentence where he says 'he will be found in the middle of the road appealing to the people to follow him; '"which, being interpreted is, the Senator will continue to do business at the old stand. He has al ways evinced more or less fondness for having the people follow, him; it is second only to his fondness for. ap pealing to them to do so; the latter is a passion, a mania with him. The Senator simply has a bad case of "stage-struck" and has mistaken iMor the spirit of patriotism moving might ily within him. He should diagnose his ailment more .carefully. .He -is likely to find, when he goes a starring in the middle of the road, that a de lighted public will not cast at his. feet a big bouquet labelled "second term." North Carolina will want men to represent her in future who stand on something more than the middle of the road; something a little more, specific. Glittering generalities and promises impossible of performance witThave very much less weight in the late, than they had in the early nineties. More over the middle ,of the road is not in very good repute just now. It would be well for the Senator , to sorter edge off toward one side, out of the August sun, and cease calling for awhile. When wheat is striving to get between the dollar mark and the dot is not an auspicious time for catiing .anyway. Instead of enthusiastic cheers he might be rewarded with a big, chilly horse laugh. It is whispered that Mr, Hanna worked some of that surplus "provi dence' ' on the Ohio Populists . Marcus is nothing if not an inftatpr , of : booms . The love of his profession Is so strong that he gave even Coxey a boost. i r THE Andree.expedition has started a great number of balloon hoaxes; . The latest is the man who will take provisions t JClondyke and bring back dust by means of one. We presume it would be proper, in the slang of the day, to say that balloons "are in the air." . It was very-.8,hor-sighted in Mr. Dingley not to have put a clause in .his tariff bill imposing a duty on' JQondyke gold. We should not allow so much' Of a British product to come in free -it will damage .our infant mining. industries. . A jOOQD JOKE. But Mr. Enqis Was Equal to ,the Eqierjjency. . Mr. P. C. Enniss, of Raleigh, an old newspaper man, -by the way, is located injGreensboro and i.s working in the interest of the A. and M. College at Raleigh. ; He was down in Randolph county, near Asheboro, one day last week and learning that two prominent gentle-, .men.wpuhi address the. voters at Ashe boro on the local tax question, conclu--ded.he wpujd .go oyer and ;bear them. .When .he reached Asheboro he found the speakers had not arrived. Quite.a4crpwd was presentjand a freeholder-thought he .recognized one of the speakers in the person Qf Mr. ,En nis.s. 'Pink" knows how to appreciate a joke, and .whep he .was asked to ad dress the waiting crowd ;he consented to. do so, with the understanding that he be allowed, to choose his subject. Mr. Enniss says the opportunity was too good to let slip, so he improved the time by talking A. and M. College to the crowd for a whole hour. We have not learned with, .what en thusiasm the address was received. We understand that Mr. Enniss tried the same game .at Randleman. In a Deplorable Condition. There was one man in Greensboro who was not in a satisfactory frame o mind for worship yesterday, and it came about on account of a little thieving, of which so much has been done in and around Greensboro re cently. R. W. Filator, who boards at the Monroe House, on Buchanan street, went to his room late Saturday night to take a bath. When he went to the wardrobe in search of clean linen, he was surprised to find npne. He knew that all the underwear he had was left in the wardrobe. After searching con siderably ana finding none, he came up street and bought a supply for Sun day,. swearing vengeance on the thief who had visited his apartments. It's tough on a fellow to lose any thfng at the hands of a thief, but when it comes to stealing a man's wearing apparel well, it puts an awkward feeling on a person, to say the least His Hands Full. m Rev. .Horace Weeks Jones, the pop ular rector, of St. Barnabas Episcopal church, had as much as one man could well attend to yesterday. At 8 o'clock in the. morning he administered holy communion at St. Andrew's church, and at 10 o'clock he preached and ad ministered holy communion -at St Barnabas. He went to Burlington on the noon train, where he preached in St Athenasius Episcopal church last evening. Good Work. Sam Browne, superintendent of the street force, in addition to the other good wprk he has done, has recently made a great improvement on Gorrell street. '. The street has been cut down, graded I and otherwise improved. Gprrell promises to become one of the most desirable residence streets in the city ' j Nearlng Completion. The new front to the store of the Greensboro Hardware Company is nearing completion. Contractor Smith has finished the brick work. When completed it will be an ornament to the main street of our city. To Our City Subscribers. If you have subscribed for The Tf.t, egram and . don't get it, or receive it irregular, please let us know. Send us word, drop as a postal, phone or call at the offica and inform us of the fact.. We will be sorry for the mis take having occurred and will try to remedy it. 8. H. BOYD & CO., jQneral Insurance Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. ' 117 WHARTON BUnjrjJG, COURT SQ. GREENSBORO, N, C. OUR LIVE-BUSINESS MEN ' CM Vanstory & Co. , clothiers. " Cox-Perree-Ck., dry goods. Greensboro Ice and Coal Co. ? W. R Forbis & Co., furniture. - Dr. Wm H Brooks, physician. Howard' Gardner druggist. Greensboro Female College. Roanoke College, Salem, Va. Dr J E Wyche, dentist. O D Boycott , building supplies . W B Farrar & Son, jewelers: . Dr G W Whitsett, dentist. . N J McDuffie, furniture.. J M Hendrix & Co., shoes. L. B Lindau, groceries.! Odell Hardware Co., steel ranges. Gaston W Ward, druggist. E M Caldcleugh & Bro. , China -C E Holton, drugs. V " B L Ruben, the tailor. - Wharton & McAlister, insurance. Cunningham Bros., coal and wood. Richardson & Farris, drugs. S Li Alderman, photograper. Bynum, Bynum & Taylor, lawyers. Dr J T Johnson, oculist. Dr W P Beall, physician. John J Phoenix, fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, etc. J W Scott & Co., fine teas. Greensboro Industrial and Immigra tion Association. J. A.. Byrd, barber. Wakefield Hardware Company. Callum's Drug Store.: Jos. J. Stone, job printer. S. H. Boyd &Co., insurance. Southern Tobacco Co. L. E. Darden, shoes. ". C" Brooks Manufacturing Co., lumber. Fishblate-Katz-Rankin Co., clothing Sample Brown Mercantile Co., shoes. . ' ' RUGS AND MATTINCS RECEIV ed today at Workman's Furni. ture House, from a great slaugher sale North, a large invoice of Velvet, Moquette, Brussells and Smyrna Rugs to be sold at prices lower than ever offered before in Greensboro. Look at our window. 1897 THE SUN, 1897 ' , Baltimore, Md: The Paper of the PeopleJ For the People and with the People. Honest in Motive, Fearless in Expression, Sound in Principle, Unswerving in its allegiance to Right Theories and - Right Practices. The Sun publishes all the dews ali the time, but it does not allow its columns to be deera ded by unclean, immoral or purely sensational matter. Editorially The Sun is the consistent and un changing champion and defender of popular rights and interests against political machines ana monopolies of every character, Indepen dent in all things, extreme in none, It is for good laws, gook government and good order. By mail flfty cents a month, six dollars year. THE BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN. ' The Weekly Sun publishes all the news of each week, giving complete account of all events of interest throughout the country and world. As an agricultural papep The Weekly Sun is unsurpassed. It is edited by writers of practical experience who .know what-f arming means ana wnat rarmers want in an agncul tural journal. It contains regular reports of me worK 01 tne Agricultural Experiment Sta tions throughout the country, of the proceed ing.s of .Farmers' Clubs and Institutes and the discussion of new methRds and ideas in agri- cuitute. its market reports, pouluy. depart ment and veterinary column are particularly viuuauie 10 country reaaers. nivery issue con tains stories, poems, household and puzzle col limns, a variety of interesting and instructive selected matter and other features, which make it a welcome visitor in city and country homes alike. One dollar a year. Inpucements to getters upoicmasior tne weekly cun. Both the Daily and Weekly Sun mailed free of portage in tne united Estates, uanaaa ana Mexico. Payments invariably in advance. Address A. S. ABELL COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, Baltimore, Md Who is acquainted with the geography of the nation of this map, that the Seaboard Air Line is the great connecting link between the East ana ine boutnwest. .?r S!i,tVe22?,led and Express Trains Furnish Quick, Attractive anrf Convenient WBW YORK, WASmSTOW, 8ICHWOT, NOSTOLS. POBTSHAOTH. , j v AEBSVWX, ATHENS. NEW ORLEANS, MA CON, MEMPHIS, MONTGOMERY, CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, AUCUSTaT? TEXAS, MEXICO, CALIFORNIA nd Principal Brche." veseThe Famous rnwii DbkT of Virginia the Carolinas and Georgia. ; ' llJicjJ?s or descriptive mat- UneVor address ""yen the Seaboard Air T. 4. ANDERSON, Gknl Pa.. ,, Aot PORTSMOUTH, VA. " ' L ST, JOHN. V, E. McBET. u ui a - Tm-tm. ft fil Up. s1 fa,t inZ if Mk of IfiTfeansi . . . I sit h e O Id I VI I I . " - When compared with the new-lightcleanly; utensils. which-we now have to offer. -: : - Wnite Enameled Steel Ware, Imported direct from Germaiiy bj; us. Agate Iron Ware, the Old Reliable. Aluminum Ware. Sauce Pans, Dish Pans, - ; . - - Coffee Pots, Bowls, Pitchers, Bread Bowls, Soap Dishes,-and Other things too numerous to mentionj DON'T BE A CLAM. . Odell Hardware Company. I In a few days we will.be GOAL Coal for the coming season. "Do not buy until you get our prices. -We are going to have the best coal to be bought, and propose to est. In the meantime we with V I mr Greensboro Ice and Goal Go. Phone 58. IV. R. Forbis & Co., Finest Line of Chamber Suits ' in the city.! Lowest Prices. We will not be undersold. Don't forget 118 and 120 East Market Street, Greensboro Undertaking in Great Sacrifice I n S h oes We have decided to close noes, and in order to do uu every pair, oome we will sell tor much less than they cost All are included in this sale, Ladies, Men's anu vnuaren s 01 tne very best makes. Come in and make your selection while our stock is complete. iuu &eiuom nave an opportunity os shoeing your- anu lamny aisucn sacrince prices. THE COX-FERREE DRY GOODS COMPANY. RU R N in tstT Plain cl. IhTURE . olyieSt Kaby carriages, Pictures and Picture Frames: Mouldings, Easels, Mirrors N. J. McDUFFIF au,.,s nurniiure uealer, Fas h i on ed T,.-: I ready to give you prices on sell as cheap as the cheap' wish to keep you supplied KsSBBBl City or Country: out our entire stock of so will sacrifice the profit , Walnut, Birch and .M A Afn A 1VT7 COAL 0a!( Bedroom Suits, Parlor Goods New Styles and New Cov erings. ; Bining-Rooms, Ta- w"airs, KOCKers in and Sewing Machines: Qreenbrn m r. , . . " . w f , . .RAILWAY; GUIDE. SOtJTHEEN BAILW A Y jGto. "- MAIN IJNrNOETH BOUND. No. 38, Fast Mall, leaves.... .. ,. 12 10 p m. No. 38, Vestibule, leavesi...-i 10 44 p m No. 12, passenger, leaves.,.. .9 45 p m No. 10, local . ....-. ; ...... 8 50 a m SOUTHBOUND. .;-'.- Hfoi 35, Fast Mail, leaves;.,.., ; .?..v. ;37 p m No. 37 Vestibule, leaves 706 a m No. 11, passenger . . ...... . ...... . 30 a m No. 9, local.... .......... e as pm Vestibule : Trains 37 and 38 stop only at Greensboro," Salisbury' and Charlotte In -this State. t NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION FOR HALK1GU. No. 38, passenger, leaves. . . , . . 12 10 p m No. 16, passenger, leaves 8 50 am No. 12, passenger, leaves.... i.. .....l 30 a m FROM RALEIGH. ; No. 15, passenger, arrives. . . J .6 25 p m No. 35, passenger, arrives. . . ... . i . . .? . . 11 55 am No. 11, passenger, arrives. . j . . . ; . . .6 55 am : it. W. N. C. DIVISION. No. 7v passenger, leaves Greensboro at 12 20 p. m.; arrives at Winston-Salem at 1 30 p. m. (daily except Sunday.) ; -: No, 5, leaves Greensboro- (daily) 8 50 a. m., arrive Winston-Salem 9 50 a. m., connecting with train No. 7 at Winston-Salem for ui "points on Wilkesboro branch, arrive at Wilkes- oro l id p. mM 4,ram jno.s t runs daily except Sunday.) . No. 9 leaves Greensboro 7 50 p. m., arrive at Winston-Salem at 8 50 p. m. No. 10 leaves Wilkesboro (daily except Sun day) 2 15 p. m., arrive at Winston-Salem 5 25 p m., arrive at Greensboro 6 20 p. m. No. 8 leaves Winston-Salem 10 30 a. m (daily) arrive at Greensboro 11 45 a. m. . No, 6 leaves Winston-Salem 6 20 a. m., arrive at Greensboro 7 20 a. m. In effect November 15th, 1896.' CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY RY. Arrives from Wilmington..... ........ .7 45 Lie aves for Wilmington; 9 00 Arrives from Mt. Airy. ..... . .... .....8 40 Leaves toF Mt. Airy ....7 45 Arrives from Bamseur. ........ io 20 Leaves for Ramseur,. ... i ... . 6 45 Arrives from Madison . . 4 ............... 4 30 Leaves for Madison. 10 55 POSTOFFJCE GUIDE. OFJMCK HOURS.' General Delivery open from 8 00 a. m. to 6 an p. m. . ' Monev Order Denartment mwn frrm 8 vi m., to 6 30 p. m. i " bunday hours onen onlv nno.p. frnm 8m t 9 00 a. m. -t FBEB DBLIVEEY. Collection and deliverv . ' L ' . Dehvery .... J i . 8 30 a m collection and delivery.. r... 1230pm Collection and delivery 4 00 p m No collections or deliverv mafls but from 8 00 to 9 00 a. m.t will deliver at the Postofflce. - : j The Street Letter Boxes will hfi visit.p.i t-ps- ularly by this schedule, f The public are re spectfully requested to make use of the boxes, as mail deposited in them will be forwarded as promptly as i placed in the Postofflce. Note schedule on each box. j- -s- YOU CAN BUY STAMPS AX South Greensboro Pharmacy Asheboro Sr. O. Pearce S. Kim Street, near Denot. SECRET SOCIETIES. Jr. O. U. A. M. Greensboro Council. No. 13. Meets every Thursday nig-ht ( K. of P. building Vat 8:00 o'clock W. T.. Cran- ford, Counsellor; -W.T. Williams, Rec. Sec; J 4 T. Thacker, Fin. Sec. , L. C. Howlet, Treasurer. ' I. O. O. F. Buena Vista Ixjdge. No. 21 . wm every Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock. T. L.. McLean, N. G.; J. T. Hunt, v. i.; vv. Li. JbTazier, iec. Sec.; L. C. Howlett, Fin. Sec: H. H. Ca.T-tla.nd Treas. . i . . Paisley Encampment .' No. 1 o. Meets first and third Fridav nip-hts in each month. T. L. McLean, C. P.; J. T. Rankin, Scribe; L. C Howlett Finan cial Scribe. K. OF P. Greensboro Lodge. No. 80. MrhLs every Monday night at 7:30. John xnomas, J. c.; A. t. Stack, K. of R. S. Guilford Lodge. No. 69. Mois every. Friday night at 7:30. . 1R. W Finlator, C. C. i ! MASONIC DIRECTORY Greensboro Lodge. No. 7k . a- f and A. M. Meets fourth Thursday nights at 7:30 Orlo Epps, W. M.; W. T. Gayle,, -Sec retary. . : Chorazin Chapter. No. 13. r. a. M. Meets everv third Thnrsda v nitrht at 7:30 o'clock. Jas. I. Glenn, H. P.: x . a. jfeirce, oec'y. IVANHOE COMMANDERY, NO. Knights Templar. Meets Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock; A. 11. Alderman. E.- C'.:' i. W w.it,tt Recorder. ;l FIRE DEPARTMENT. r Chief." Jos. J. Ston- w .K.Pleasants; second assistant, E. E. Bam; secretary, E, L. Clarke: treas urer, F. C. Boyles. i Steam .: Fuie ETjfiTTjm r.n at- i W. J. Blair, president; Harry Lewis. hook and Ladder Co. . No. 1 ( ). D. Boycott, foreman: Ernest Howard , secretary. Eagle Hose Co.. No. 7. H. .1 Elam, president; E. L. Clarke, sceve- South side Hose Co. . Tn x t it Phipps, president; G. C. Smith, seere tary. , . . ! Westend Hose Co.. ivrr r !, Epps, president; R. H. -ttoiiowell, sec retary . Excelsior Hose Co., No. 2 (col. ) . W. J. Jones. Dresidfent! .T. TT raWn secretary. . Location of Fire Boxes. JOS. J. STONE. SUPT. 1 2 Intersection of North Greene and Belle Meade Ave., near Farmers' Warehouse. 1 3 nen-?An XS? and Eugene Streets, V nar Cot Winstead s; - a A . Corner West-Mafrket and Cedar Streets ."t near C. F. & Y. V. Railroad. ireets, 2 H,orner dn.d.gajr and Church Streets, near the Graded School. 24 ?mer East Market and North Forbis Streets, near electric light station. p Corner East Market and Clinton Streets 3 .beyond railroad. T ospeets' "2 Corner South Elm and East Washington Streets, npar A don TTmico . - B "jA East Washington Street, just east of rail J" road, near Mrs. Owen's. Intersection of Asheboro, Fayetteville DO andjGorrell Streets, Keogh's. corner. Ay South Ehn and Buchanan Streets, Clegg's corner. An West Washington and Spring Streets, 0 near A. T. Robinson'sT" A e Walker Avenue and Mendenhall Street, Ttj Jeffries' corner, -v - S2 Crner West Lee and Ashe Streets, near Glasscock s foundry. . Corner Arlington and East Lee Streets. OO near St. Andrew's Church. - ' 2 Corner Pearson and' East Lee Streets. Corner Asheboro and East Bragg Streptfa. 90 near Graded School. BOCreet- p ru a m a m p m a m p m P nr a m

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