Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R'lway. Schedule In Effect May 30th, 1897. TRAINS LEAVE GREENSBORO. .v. a m daily; arrive at Ore Hill 10.30 a nr Sanford, lt.20 m; FayettevUle,' 12.45 p m; Red Springs, 5. 42 pm; Max ton, 6.11 p m; Bennettsville, 7.20 p m: Wilmington, 4.30 p m; Ocean View: 6 pm; Carolina Beach, 6.30 p m; South ern Pines, 5.55 p m; Athens, 3.45 a m, Atlanta, 6.20 a m; Chattanooga, 1.30 p m; Nashville, 6.65 p m; Florence, 7.35 pn; Sumter, 9.15 pm; Columbia, 10.35 p m; Charleston, 10.50 p m; Savannah, -.40 a m. - in daily (except Sunday); arrives at uwiuiiiuKc, p in; jviaaison, p m. .45 p m-da"y (except Sunday): arrives at cumax, 6.35 p m; Ramseur, 8.35 p m. ;.45 p m daily; arrives at Walnut Cover 903 p m; Pdot Mountain, iai4 p m, Mt. Airy, H.oo p m. TRAINS ARRIVE GREENSBORO. .4i) am daily from Mt. Airy, Pilot Mountain Walnut Cove. 10.28 a m daily (except Sunday) from Ramseur and Climax. i.M p m daily (except Sunday) from Madison ttuu ocoKesaaie. -, .25 p m daily from Ocean View, Carolina Beach. Wihnington.Fayetteville.Red Springs! Maxton, Bennettsville, Savannah, Charleston, Columbia, Sumter, Flo ence,Sanford,Nashville, Chattanooga Atlanta, Athens, Southern Pines and J. W. FRY, Gen. Manager. W- E. KYLE, Gen. Pass. Agt. Southern Raikvav. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE AND NORTH CAROLINA. DIVISIONS, In Effect Julyolst, 1897. This condensed schedule is published as in formation, and is subject to change without notice to the public. . TRAINS LEAVE GREENSBORO. 7.37 pm No. 35 daily for Atlanta and Char lotte Air Line division and all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleepers between New York, Wash ington, Atlanta, Birmingham and Galveston. 7.05 a m No. 37 daily . asha gton and South western - Duled limited for At lanta, Birnmgham, Memphis," Mont gomery, Alolile and New Orleans and all points South and Southwest. Througa l Jlman sleeper: New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis; dining car, vestibuled:Coach betweirr. Washington and Atlanta; jfuiimu'. jounst car for-San Francisco Sunday . 8.50 a m No. 8 d lily forRlchmohd'.and iNor f oik: c: .meet at iDanvUlefor Wash ington ind points North. 7.32 a m No. II laily for Atlanta and all point Souib: solid train Richmond to At lanta: Pullman sleeping car Danviu toJUot bpnngs. 12.10 pm No. 6 daily for Washington, RLo. -monn. Raleigh, and all points NbrU.; carries Pullman drawing-room hj-:-fet s'eeper Jacksonville to 2tjr York; jUrmingham to New York; Pull man tourist car from San Francisco Thursdays. 10.44 p m : . 38 daily for Washington and S hwestern vestibuled, limited, for VV'.is lington and all points North; Through Pullman car Memphis to New York; New v. .uaas to ".New V Tampa to u w if ork; also car- , . j; sstibuled coach and dining car. S.o2 p m No. 12 daily for Richmond and all points North; carries Pullman sleep ing car from Hot Springs to Danville; connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Raleigh. From Raleigh No. 15 passenger arrives 6.30 p m; No. 35 passenger arrives 11.55 a m; No. 11 passnger arrives 6.55 a m. For Raleigh No. 35 passenger leaves 12.10 p m; No. 16 passenger leaves 8.50 a m; No. 12 passenger leaves 1.30 a m. N W. N. C. Division No. 107 passenger leaves Greensboro 12.20 p m; arrives at Winston-Salem 1.30 p m daily except Sun day. No. 105 leaves Greensboro 8.50 a m daily, arrives at Winston-Salem 9.50 am, arriving at Wilkesboro 1.10 p m: train No. 7 runs daily except Sunday; No. 109 leaves Greensboro 7.50 p m, arriving at Winston-Salem 8.50 p m: No. 1.10 leaves Wilkesboro daily except Sunday at 2.05 p m, ar riving at Winston-Salem 5.15 p m, ar riving at Greensboro 6.20 p m; No. 108 leaves Winston-Salem 10.30 a m daily except Sunday, arriving at Greens boro 1 1.45 a m: No. lot leaves Win- ston-Salem 6.20 a m. arriving Greens l.zo a m. a m t.'.yZ a in p m. ; '.iST p m t .'.JO p m j s.nO a m i 1:2.05 p m I 9.15 p m f 10.40 pmj 6.35 p m j 11.55 a m V 6.55 a m J trUOxM THE .NOKTH. FROM THE SOUTH. FROM RALEIGH. ! All freight trains carry passengers. W. A. TURK, Gen. Pas. Agt., Jonh M. CrjiiP, Washington, D. C. Traffic Manager. WcH. Green, jD S. H. Habdwick, Gen. Supt.J - Ass't. Gen. Pass. Agt., Washington, f Atlanta, Ga. R. I Vernon, ! Trav. Pass. Agt., 18 E. Trade St., i Charlotte, N. C. E. W. HATCHETT,ii ..TAILOR.. 358 1-2 South Elm Street. Piedmont House, Opp. Southern Depot. Don't throw your old but have them cleaned, suits away, pressed, re- paired and altered, to look as good os new, by paying a very low price. Goods called for and delivered to any part of the city. First-class work, strictly guaranteed. I N. B. A fine line of fall and win ter samples just received, and choice goods are being sold at a very agree able price. Please give me a call. Don't forget the place. 358i South Elm Street, Piedmont House, opposite the Southern. Rail way Depot. SPENCER HOUSE, HIGH POINT, N. C. ; Centrally located, convenient to postofflce and Southern depot. Board per day, 1. Meals and lodging, each, 25 cents. Board by the month at reasonable terms. G W. SPENCER. Prop. "A Thirio of Beauty" And "A Joy forever." -IS A- Carbonette Photograph When well made. A poor one is worse than none at all. I don't say I am be best in the world for "there are others." I only ask that you stop at my door and see samples." If you like them come up and have some. For 30 Days X will include one Carbonette, with every dozen regular Cabinets. Alderman. er Made by Mr. J. w. Cardeza, of "Great Oaks" r ituiiaiiuii, ncdi j Brown Summit, N. C. Wehave made arrangements withMr. Cardeza to handle his celebrated butter, and every pound of it is guaranteed to be . first-class in every way or Money Refunded. First Shipment Is Expected Thursday, 9th. Better have your Orders in early. The price for the present ( in order to introduce it) will be only 25c Per Pound. J. W. Scott & Co. rmiryiryyyincicirirK'yiriciririciciririCH Will GO ON YOUR BOND. -THE.. AMERICAN BONDING & TRUST CO.! OF BALTIMORE. Resources Over One Million Dollars. Business confined to surety Bonds. Accepted as sole surety by the U. S. Gov. and State and Counties of N. C Solicits the Bonds of Bank, Corporation and R. R. Officers, County, City and Federal Officers. Cotton and Tobacco Buyers. Dep. Collectors. Gaugers. Etc., Insurance-and Fertilizer Agents. Postmasters. Letter Carriers, Etc., Salesmen. Clerks and Book-KeeDers. Administrators. Executors, Etc.. Guardians. Receivers and Assignees, Contractors and Builders, j Tobacco and Cigar Manufacturers, Distillers, Importers, Etc., 1 And all persons occupying positions of trust or responsibility. AGESTS WAITED THROUGHOUT THE STATE. Reasonable Rates. S. H. BOYD & CO., agents; -Greensboro, N. C. O. D. BOYCOTT, Agent for Luray Lime Co., Aldrid Stone Co., Senseman & Brickenstein Galvanized Iron Cornices, Steam and Hot "Water Heating in all its Branches. GREENSBORO, N. C. LOOK OUT ! When In need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. Wejst Schenck Street. J.A.BYRD, First-Class Barber I run three chairs and guaran tee satisfaction. Give me a call. 311 MoADOO HOUSE. Hue HEWS OF THE TAR HEEL STATE, Dick Morse has arrived in -Roiio-h where he will preach. The number of students at the A. & M. college is now 225. A colored boy was groiW up on the railroad near Halifax Ion Thurs day. There are now 1,100 children in at tendance on the Charlotte graded schools. I -Asheville is very enthusiastic over the lecture of Henry Blount there Thursday night. I It is asserted that $3 Shoe Douglas is a North Carolinian and was born near Elizabeth City. N. M. Richmond, of Caswell County, died at his home yesterday. He had been ill for two weeks. It is expected that the Governor will shortly announce his decision in the railroad commission matter. Prof. Benjamin Irby, of Raleigh, declined an offer of a position in the agricultural college of Florida. Statesville will vote next Monday on an issue of bonds for water works: the vote is expected to be close. The Methodists of Durham are pre paring to double their church capacity. The lumber is already on the grounds: The secretary of the- state fair has the premium books now ready and will mail one to any one interested in the fair. A tobacco manufacturer of Winston has shipped three car loads of tobac co to one firm in Atlanta in sixty days. Milam, the defaulting ticket agent of Charlotte, has submitted to the charge of embezzlement and has been given three years. The body of W. J. Griffin has come ashore on Albemarle sound; he was in boat with two other men whose bodies came ashore Monday. It is said the tobacco crop of the state is above the average this year; the commissioner of agriculture gives the percentage as 87f . The residence of W. A. Jones, in Wake county, was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. Loss partially cover ed by $1000 insurance. Boggan, a man who attempted as sault on a colored woman, was sent to the penitentiary for 15 years from this term of Wadesboro court. David Holler, near Taylorsville, shot his little son through mistake; the boy was playing a joke on his father and was mistaken for a dog. Walter Ingram, a colored preacher, was struck by a passenger train near Wadesboro and his buggy demolished and he was bruised up somewhat. All of the . witnesses summoned to attend the hearing of the North Caro lina Railway case were not examined. The next sitting of the court will be in New York City. State Geologist Holmes writes from Seattle that he is studying all eco nomical problems that he believes can be turned to account for the betterment of North Carolina in mining, water power and farming. The Republican organ makes the as sertion that in the past 20 years the negro has so far outstripped the poorer class of whites in education that thoughtful people predict that in 20 years more the negro will be the better educated class. ' It is probable that work will be re sumed on the proposed line of railway from Shelby to Bristol, Tenn.; 23 miles of the road bed were graded some years ago, but the project fell through by reason of the failure of Baring Bros. An election will be held to vote bonds in the counties through which the line will pass, and if favorable the road will be built. Raleigh Correspondent Charlotte Observer: Superintendent John R. Smith, of the penitentiary, returnd to day from a visit to the Carthage rail road extension, where 127 convicts are are at work. They have just finished grading four and a half miles, and will take up eight miles more to a point where the road will cross the Durham and Charlotte railroad. A special to the News and Observer from Fayetteville says: Purvis, who murdered Flagman Blacknall near Dunn, was yesterday sentenced to be be iianged October 13. He will be brought here to-morrow for safe keep ing until that time, when he will be re turned to Lillington to be executed. He is in very feeble condition, result ing from wounds received while trying to board a moving train in his escape after the murder. This will be the first hanging in Harnett County. A flortgage on the Sun. A Danville man has applied for a patent on a device for cooking and heating with which he will use nothing but solar rays. He claims that sun shine or clouds concentrate heat enough to warm any building at a cost of a cent a day. This is not moon shine, but sunshine. Fairbrother's Farrago. SPINS LIKE A TOP. A IJttle Boy Is Tortured by y Nervous Malady. a Peculiar A little boy; the son of ' prominent people in Jersey City, is afflicted - -with a most extraordinary malady. Involun tarily he spins like a top. Every few Bteps, whether he walks or runs, he turns his body all the way around , two or three times. He wishes not to re volve, he tries not to revolve, bnt he has no more control ovfer the revolu tions of his body than ie has over the revolutions of this mundane sphere. These "forced motions" have grown in force and frequency upon the unhappy boy since he learned to walk. Lately Dr. Charles K. (Mills and Dr. W. Q. Spiller, two eminent physicians of Philadelphia who are specialists in diseases of the nervous system, carefully examined this whirling boy. "The interesting feature in the case. said the distinguished physicians, "is the tendency of the patient to revolve while walking. He has been taught since he entered the school that he must overcome this impulse, tie insists that 'he cannot help turning. 'j "It is impossible at present to decide whether these revolutions which 'he cannot help' are the result of or functional conditions. I organic "If some one would devise a method by which the Roentgen rays could give us a photograph of a brain within a skull, our means of diagnosing would then give positive results in suoh diffi cult problems. ' ' New York Journal. A WONDERFUL! CAT. it Reasons ' Like a Man and Has Snll Knowledge of Cause and Effect. . Charles Talcottof Starrucca, Pa., has a remarkable cat. The other night Mr'l Talcott came home with Ihis feet wet. He could not find his bootjack, so he couldn't remove his boots. While he was searching for it the oat came into the chamber, remained a moment, lis tening to his master's opinion of the missing implement's spiritual deserts and then withdrew. Leaving the house, the !cat went di rectly into the garden of an adjoining house, looked np at a chamber and lift ed up its voice in song. In a few mo ments the window above jwas thrown up and something war hurled out with tremendous force, striking the earth near the performer. It was a bootjack. The cat, without waiting to finish the note he had just attacked dragged the useful implement up stairs and laid it at his master's feet. Exchange. t WHEELING TO KLONDIKE. Two Men Possessing a Total of Three Legs Have Gone to the Goldflelds. Two bicycles lashed together, with a rowboat between them, containing pro visions, cJotniDg, Deciding, mining im plements and an adjustable umbrella like awning, pushed by two men with three legs between them, attracted much attention in Elizabeth, N. J., the other day. j The rig out was that of Toney Saner and Paul Ball, who are on their way to the Klondike goldfields. They expect to get to the Klondike in 90 days. Saner, the oue legged man, rides a bicycle with one pedal. He designed their boat, which is portable and can be taken to pieces. Both men have been to the Klondike before, and they expect to return in a palace parlor car. Sued For His Wedding Expenses. Joseph Hackett of Long island City, N. V., married Aliss Grace JE. Ferris of that place on Dec. 15, 1895. j The mar riage was not made public until March, 1896. The couple have since separated. In the police court recently Dr. Patrick J. McKeown brought suit against Hack ett for $37.50, which he said he lent him at the time of the marriage. Ac cording to the doctor, Hackett confided to him that he was about to marry Miss Ferris and that he needed $12.50 in or der to purchase the weddiugj ring. The physician advanced the cash,, and a few days later Hackett borrowed $25 from him to meet the expense of a short wed ding trip. Hackett did not defend the suit, and judgment was taken against him by default. Exchange. A Frog Centuries Old. A live toad imbedded in solid clay for centuries without food, air or light. This is the story told by a workman in a tunnel in Illinois when he appeared among his fellows, bearing in his hands a fat and blinking "hopper,') which he declared was discovered by him in a bed of hardpan clay and when liberated by a blow of his pick had jumped ont and croaked a "good morning" to him. When released, it stretched! itself and acted as if it was rejoicing at its free dom. The workmen have the toad at their quarters. Chicago Times-Herald. A Bright Indian. O. H. Bookcut, a full blooded Indian, has been appointed a station! agent at Wilmore, Kan. He once worked as a section hand, but learned telegraphy and educated himself in English. In the Klondike Land. Molly, go to packin. Jenny, lend a hand. It's nothin we'll be lackin In the Klondike land. Fellers there in clover Never mind the cold. Tilt an iceberg over An grabble for the gold. Here the weather's sunny. Summer has her sweets. But what is milk an .honey To walkin golden streetsf Here we're in a woe storm, Gittin poor an old. There's where every snowstorm Is sirtm town the gold. Take yer hives o' honey, Overturn the milk, Euther roll in money An dress the gals in silk. So, Molly, go to packin. j Jenny, lend a hand. It's nothin welll be lackin I In the Klondike land. F. L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution, Administrator'sillotice and Sale. t uaUfled as administrator of T. C. Imb, deceased, late of Guilford countyHff. C oeJSdiJ- Ba&an, clerk of the superior 2SnB12rt?Si!?m 1 hereby notify aUper fSf bted. to,sald estate to make immediate saidt ?Lai Pe801 vlng claims against l?,, to Iresent tne same to me duly authenticated on or before the 10th day of September, isas r.a iriYi Dar of their recovery. .- . -. I..-. . ,tr 18 a80. to. notice that at the late residence of said deceased in said county, I shall sell for cash to the highest bidder, on Thursday, the 30th day of September, 1897, the personal property of said estate, consisting of two mules, one horse, ten head of hogs, lot of wheat, lot of oats, f arming and Smith tools and 01iSeF articles, too numerous to mention. This 7th day of September, 1897. Bbadshaw, Att'y. J-S-SWAIM, Adm'r. Q INGING CLASS FOR YOUNG MEN every Friday night, at 18:30, begin nidg Septemter 17th, $1 per month. s9-lm Brockman School op Music "p1 M. CALDCLETJGH & BRO. THE KJLU XteUaDlft Dftalpra in crockery glassware and fine lamps! 219 South Elm street. I . . . DONELESS PIG FEET, 2 lb. cans. Houston & Bro. PJHUB IS THE NAME OF A FISH also of a good piece of tobacco. HHHE BEST PIECE OF SUN CURED tobacco is called Chub. GOOD EATING APPLES, 20 CTS LlNDAU. tf. CJPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO GO! in business with small capital. My entire confectionery business is for sale. Chas. L. Andrews. A Home-iade Is just as good as a foreign product, if it And we claim that are equal if not superior to anything on the Touch Down Two Hearts Content Southern Tobacco Company GREENSBORO, N. C. ndustrial - and Executive Committee : J. S. Hunter, President. (Treasurer J. W. Scott & Co.) C. H. Ireland, 1st Vice-President. !( Treasurer Odell Hardware Co. ) R. W. Brooks, 2d Vice-President. (Treasurer Brooks Manufacturing-Co. ) W. E. Stone, Sec'y. and Treas. (President Board Education and Sec'y. Greensboro Tobacco Association.) J. W. Fry. ( Gen. Man. C. F. and Y. V. R. R. ) -. Neil. Ellington. ( President Greensboro National Bank. ) W. E. Bevill. ( Capitalist ! and Director Greensboro National Bank.) -Thos. Woodeoffe. (Manager Mt. Airy Granite Co. J. L. Beockmann. ( Thacker and Broekmann, Dry Goods. J. M. Hendrlx. ( J. M. Hendrix & Co., Dry Goods. J. F. Jordan. (J. F. Jordan & Co., Leaf Tobacco.) EVERY BUSINESS MAN Greensboro Sash and Blind Co., MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Brackets, And Dealers in All Kinds 202 Lewis Street, GREENSBORO, N. C. Boo i and commercial work our Specialty. Odd Fellows' Building, YOU ENJOY THE MennNALD S Co., MaNFRS. A HIQH-QRADE FIVE-CENT CIG$. FlSf... JC rjjtf'-icc pkescrtptionists, 4lCnaraSOn X Jnirit . 12i and 504 South Elm Street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. Wm. H. BROOKS, Office in Katz Building, Opposite Benbow House . Residence 123 Church. Street, at Mrs. Payne's. TELEPHONE CALL No. 81." W. P. BEALL, M. D.. Physician and Surgeon, Office 117 Court Square, Resddence 404 Ashebqro St. Office Hours 11:30 to land 3 to 4:30. Dr. J. E. WYCHE, DENTIST. Office In Savings Bank building, South reirn Street, Greensboro, N. C ' Dr. G. W. WHITSETT, t- DENTIST.- 106 1-2 South Elm, GREENSBORO.' J. G BYNTJM, W. P. BTNUM, JR., Z. y. TATIX5B3 Bynum, Bynum & Tavlor. Attorneys and Counsellors At Law 106 COURT SQUARE, f " Article I -Jli our Smoking- Tobaccos Ounces For Ten Cents. Two Ounces For Five Cents. Try them And be convinced. Immigration SHOULD BE A MEttBER. of Pine Lumber. Job Printer Greensboro, N..C: 31.

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