The Evening Telegram, c. P. SAPP, Editor. PUBLISHED DAXLT XCEPT SUNDAY, -BT- Tiis Telegram Publishing j Company C. G. WRIGHT, jOS. J. STONE, President. Business Manager. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year. Six months, On month. 3.00. 1.5a 25c Entered at the Greensboro Postofflce as second-class mail matter. Office in Odd Fellows Building (up stairs) West Market Street, Rooms 4 and 6. Tele phone No. 71. Address all communications to The Evkx iho Telegram, Greensboro, N. C. .THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1897. You can get the telegraphic news twelve hours earlier in The Telegram than in any paper that gets into Greens boro, and for four dollars a year less. INQUIRE WITHIN. Whatever may be the shortcomings of the "American Protective Tariff League," it can never be urged against it that it is short on that peculiarly American virtue denominated cheek. We are just in receipt of "Circular No. 112" it would seem to be a con tinued story which goes on to set forth the many virtues of a new edition de luxe of the Dingley tariff law and winds up by saying "This book should be of great service in answering all questions which may be submitted to you." Truly we should like to have a pocket edition. Among the many properties and uses of that measure we had not learned that it was an up-to-date encyclopedia and oracle all in one. The poet was manifestly cor rect when he said of it : "Perhaps its sections may contain Some interesting notes, On safe routes to the pole and how The Keely motor motes." If our readers are struck with evi dences of budding omniscience in our columns, they will please attribute it to the proper source. We shall be able to tell all comers Now how "section 22" got into the bill and we shall get its own version of how it will wipe out that abysmal deficit. We shall be able to tell with equal facility who will be first mayor of Greater New York, what became of Luetgert's spouse and whether it was "The Lady or the Tiger." But the pure pellucid gall of the League wells up in all its rich lim pidity in the postscript to "circular No. 12" where we are assured that the League will be under "additional ob ligations" if we will do a few dollars worth of free advertising of this mar velous book which we are assured sells, in the language of the circus man, for "only twentee-fieve cents." If by ac cident any of our readers should not know everything they will appreciate this "last chance" to remove the blem ish. In view of President McKinley's declaration- that congress will ratify the annexation treaty Ex-queen Lil- lioukalani may be pardoned for har boring a few choice regrets for the good days of Grover Cleveland. The reports of insurgent attrocities in Cuba indicate that General Weyler has been driven to the final desperate expedient of subsidizing the imagina tion of some American newspaper re porter. The Sultan has grown languid un der the amusements of treating with the powers and bowstringing an occasional vizier and has returned to his first love, massacreing Christians in Ar menia. Mr. McKtnley must be possessed of a very vindictive soul if he cannot forgive Thomas Bracket Reed that small sized presidential boom that he carried to St. Louis with him last year. So FAR. the mayoralty nominations thrown upon the waters in New York have a good, stout string tied to them. Senator Butler announces in'his paper today that "the few black sheep will be driven into outer darkness." This may be presumed to settle beyond all cavil the color of Otho's fleece. The report that a London company will puVa trolley system ins Dublin is a new evidence of England's ine radicable hatred of the Irish. . General Weyler will be known in history as the astute commander who added the type-writer to the munitions of war. L GENERAL HEWS IN A NUTSHELL. Sixty-eight fourth-class postmasters were appointed yesterday. ! . j . The new Diamond Shoal lightship is expected to be in position by Thurs day. Morris Grovin, of Brooklyn, died after living six weeks with a broken neck. New York glucose dealers have be gun a fight against the recently organ ized trust in that community. The post office at Buchanan, Bote tourt county, Va., was broken into and robbed of $100 worth of stamps. A convention of mayors and city councilmen assembled yesterday at Columbus, Ohio, about 160 delegates being present. ' A party of Georgia colored people, who went to Liberia, have reached Liverpool on the way back in a desti tute condition. Henry George declines to state whether he will accept or not the nom ination of the silver men for mayor of Greater New York. The monetary commissionmay not be able to submit its recommendations as to the revision of the currency system before the middle of December. The administration has approached Spain in a friendly spirit in regard to terminating the war in Cuba, and the President's policy is one of peace. The Massachusetts democratic state convention met at Worcester, nomina ted Geo. F. Williams for governor and indorsed the Chicago platform. Deupuy de Lome,the Spanish minis ister, returned; unexpectedly to Wash ington, and his visit is believed to have bearing on developments at Mad rid. It is announced in Paris that M. Jules Cambon, governor-general of Algeria, will succeed M. Jules Pateno tre as French ambassador to Wash ington. Dr. B. L. Keise, who experimented in boiling human bodies in caustic potash, testified for the defense at the Luetgert murder trial, at Chicago, yesterday. The interstate commerce commission rules that the long and short haul clause of the interstate commerce law applies only when the traffic is over the same line and in the same direc tion. James Roche, M. P. for East Kerry who is in British Columbia, says he has assurance from Mr. Chamberlain and Mr. Balfour that an international bimetallic conference will be called at Brussels in May. President Faure, of France, sent a message to Emperor William of Ger many expressing sympathy with the German government in the sinking of a torpedo-boat and the drowning of the young Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin and eight of the crew. The German government returned a mes sage of thanks. A dispatch from Warsaw says it has been discovered that the principal street of Warsaw was tunneled short ly before the recent visit of the Czar to that city. The conspirators, whose design was evidently to cause an ex plosion as the Czar passed over the tunnel, became apprehensive of a col lapse of the roadway. They called in some Polish masons to build supports and the masons informed the police. One hundred and thirty arrests fol lowed, including four disguised Ger man officers, who had been active in the tunneling. Cuban Insurgents Lose Heavily. Havana, Sept. 28. It is semi-offi-cially announced that in an engage ment between the Spanish troops and the insurgents at the Tranquilidad plantation, in the district of Manza nillo, province of Santiago de Cuba, the latter lost 32 men killed and had 43 wounded. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particulars effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do. not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigor ate the system. Regular size 25c per box. Sold by C. E. Holton, druggist. T Our City Subscriber. .If you have subscribed for The. Tel- egbam and don't 'get ' it, or receive it irregular, .please , let . us know. , Sencl. us word, drop us a postal, phone or caU at the office and Inform us of the fact. We will be sorry for the mis take having, occurred and will try , to remedy it. ' One-Cent- a-Word Advertisements inserted in this column at one cent per word for each insertion. w ANTED TABLE BOADERS AT 430 West Market. s7-n LADIES, PREPARE for doing your Fall Sewing rapidly and with ease by buying a Standard Rotary. You get one-third more speed than on any other machine. tf. Winqate Bros. ENGRAVED VISITING CARDS and wedding invitations at low prices. Samples an be seen by call ing. Jos. J. Stone, Job Printer. Odd Fellows Building. DR. W. J. RICHARD SON , OFFICE Katz Building. Residence 615 W. Gaston street. 'Phone 22. slO-tf E M. CALDCLEUGH& BRO., THE Old Reliable Dealers in china, crockery, glassware. and fine lamps. 219 South Elm street. APPLICATIONS for position as teacher in the Colored Graded Schools of the city will be received by the Board of Education until Oct 2. s29-3t W. E. Stone, Pres. Bd. Ed. FOR RENT. MY LARGE BRICK Tobacco Factory, south of the depot, 50 by 170 feet, three stories and basement, now occupied by H. C. Ber ger and Co. Possession given the first of October. Apply to W. A. Fields sll-lm or W. R. Land. WANTED AT ONCE JOB PRESS feeder. Must be able to make ready. Jos. J. Stone. Greensboro, N. C. BRING US YOUR WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and small ma chinery that needs repairing. We do it promptly. Prices right. Tom Rice Jewelry Co. LOSTOR BORROWED LEATHER hand bag tag with name of "J. B. Fariss." Please return to owner, at Richardson & Fariss' drug store. s22tf FOR RENT. Modern cottage, six rooms; bath, hot and cold water; $15 per month. Apply at this office, tf CJEWING MACHINE ATTACH ments, needles, oils and parts for all machines at tf. Winqate Bros. T7RESH BEEF You will find the cheapest and best beef in town at mi Asneooro street. R. A. McCracken. WANTED. ALIMITED NUMBER of pupils in Stenography and Typewriting. I have recently gradu ated from the New York Pernin School of Shorthand. I also hold a "Teach ers' Certificate" from the author of the system and am prepared to take a few pupils- at reasonable rates. guarantee success. For particulars, etc., address MISS M. B. MURPHY, 700 W. Market St., Greensboro, N. C. Sept. lo-lm. B UY THE STANDARD ROTARY, the rapid, silent sewing machine. tf. Wingate Bros. IT7"HEN YOUR WATCH GOES wrong, come to us, we will make it right. Tom Rice Jewelry Co. rpELLER' S 'HAND MADE CIGARS at Howard Gardner's, corner op posite postoffice. A GENUINE CLEAR VUETTA, Long Havana filler, hand-made cigar for o cents, El Principe Real. sl5-tf "DEARCE'S IS HEADQUARTERS for Tobacco, 366 South Elm. slO-tf E L PRINCIPE REAL. sl6-tf LlNDAU. -TULTUM IN PARVO EL PRIN- cipe Real cigars. sl5-tf M . 'T? L PRINCIPE REAL CIGARS ARE f of the highest quality consistent witn price. sl5-tf THE EL PRINCIPE REAL IS THE very best of 5 cts. cigars. sl5-tf HPHE CONOISSEUR WILL LIKE El Principe cigars. sl5-tf NICKEL CIGAR WITH A 10CT. flavor El Principe Real. sl5-tf XT CIGAR STAND IS COMPLETE witnout El Principe Real cigars sl5-tf 6 npHE MORE OF THEM YOU SMOKE ine oetter you like El trincipe Real cigars. sl5-tf rjIVETHEM A TRIAL AND BE y convinced, n;i frmcipe Real cigars, slo-tf TDLENTY OF FRESH BUTTER, eggs and chickens at S. E. Hud son's, phone 40, 513 S. Elm. sl4-tf flHUB TOBACCO For sale by How- ard Gardner, druggist, corner op posite postoffice. Administrator's Notice and Sale. Having qualified as administrator of T C Lamb, deceased, late of Guilford county. n!c " before Ed. L. Ragan, clerk of the superior court of said county, I hereby notify all rivi payment; and all persons havkgciatosaaS Restate to present the same toldulv tHfate,loOQ or before the 10th da? of .JS&kkalso to give notice that at the late eiLc,e ,of 8aW deceased in said comity I TLdav 'the V bidde?,yoi xnursaay, the 30th day of September 1897 th personal property of Said estateTconstetitairf two mules, one horse, ten head of horaf lSf of W,eat- i?,' ?' oats 'arming and sndth toote and wJ8- l?o numerous to mention? This 7th day of September, 1897. " Bradshaw, Att'y. J S. SWAIM, Adm'r. . kntm of Rm Not brought about by swords arid muskets, but by Brains, in the interest of the. Comfort and Welfare of mankind. The Wilson and King Sheet have done more to revolutionize the heating of our homes than any other one agency which has been brought before the public for years. Uniform temperature at Odell Hardware Company. See that new display of Cutlery Get Ready! Better prepare gets here. We superior COAL and we guarantee our weights. Give us a chance and we will convince you of the truthfulness of this assertion. We have a good supply of Red and White Ash Anthracite Goal reensboro Ice Phone 58. 11 R. Forbis & Finest Line of Chamber Suits in the city. Lowest Prices. We will not be undersold. Don't forget 118 and 120 East Market Street, Greensboro. Undertaking in City or Country. Visit our up-stairs department and we will show you a good line of Carpets, Mattings, Lineoleum, Art Squares, Chenile, Tapes try and Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Hassocks. Ill l? C A PPPTQ Were bought before the v r" tomers the benefit We measure vour room viF6to uius saving you tne THE CQX-FERREE DRY API? Brooks Mariufacfurin COR. LEE AND ASHE STREETS. naea. ron Heaters Least Cost. Inside. for cold weather before it have a good supply of and Go., rise, and we give our cus" of the low prices. and maUt nnH lav vrmr f ., U 7 T WMJI trOUDie, GOODS COMPANY. Flooring, Ceiling, Siding and all kinds Rough and Dressed Lumber and Shingles.' Goal m RAILWAY GUIDE. SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. KAIK IiWJS HORTH BOUWD. No. 86, Fast Mall, leaves . . . .". 12 10 p m No. 88, Vestibule, leaves .10 44 p m No. 12, passenger, leaves. 9 45 p m No. 10, local 8 50 a m ; SOUTHBOUND. ' No. 35, Fast Mail, leaves. ............. '.. .4 37 p m No. 87, Vestibule, leaves. .7 06 a m No. 11, passenger.,.. 7 30 a m No. 9, local.. ....... .,.... ..6 25 pm Vestibule Trains 87 and 88 stop only at Greensboro, Salisbury and Charlotte in this State. NORTH CABOIiXNA DIVISION FOR RALKIGH. No. 36, passenger, leaves...... ...... ...12 10 p m No. 16, passenger, leaves. . 8 60 am No. 12, passenger, leaves... 180 am : , FROM RALEIGH. No. 15, passenger, arrives...?. 6 25 p m No. 35, passenger,, arrives , 11 65 a m No. 11, passenger, arrives.. .., 6 55 am M. W. N. C. DIVISION." No. 7, passenger, leaves Greensboro at 12 20 n. m.: arrives at Winston-Salem at 130 d. m. ; (daily except Sunday,) no. o, leaves ureensooro taauyj bou a. m., arrive Winston-Salem 9 50 a. m., connecting with train No. 7 at Winston-Salem for ail points on Wilkesboro branch, arrive at Wilkes- Doroiiap. m., itrainjNo. i runs aauy except Sunday.) No. 9 leaves Greensboro 7 50 p. m., arrive at Winston-Salem at 8 50 p. m. No. 10 leaves Wilkesboro (daily except Sun day) 2 15 p. m., arrive at Winston-Salem 5 25 p. m., arrive at Greensboro 6 20 p. m. No. 8 leaves Winston-Salem 10 30 a. m., (daily) arrive at Greensboro 11 45 a. m. ' No. 6 leaves! Winston-Salem 6 20 a. m., arrive at Greensboro; 7 20 a. m. In effect November 15th, 1896. - . CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY RY. Arrives from Wilmington 7 45 p m ieaves zor wumington vw Arrives from Mt. Airy,... 8 40 Leaves for Mt. Airy...,. 7 45 Arrives from Ramseur. 10 20 Leaves for Ramseur 6 45 Arrives from Madison- 4 30 Leaves for Madison. 10 55 a m am pm a m pm p m a m POSTOFFICE GUIDE. OFFICE HOURS. General Delivery open from, 3 00 a. m. to 6 30 p. m. Money Order Department open from 8 00 a. m., to 6 30 p. m. Sunday hours open only once, from 8 00 to 9 00 a m. FREE DELIVERY. Collection and delivery 6 15 am Delivery - 8 30 a m Collection and delivery ..12 30pm Collection and delivery . .4 00 p m No collections or delivery made on Sunday ; but from 8 00 to 9 00 a. m., will deliver at th Postomce. The Street Letter Boxes will be visited reg ularly by this schedule. The public are re spectfully requested to make use of the boxes, as mail deposited In them will be forwarded as promptly as if placed in the Postomce. Note schedule on each box, TOU CAN BUT STAMPS A1 South Greensboro Pharmacy Asheboro St. O. Pearce.. ., .S. Elm Street, near Depot. SECRET SOCIETIES. JR. O. U. A. M. Greensboro Council, No. 13. Meets every Thursday night (K. of P. building ) at 8:00 o'clock. W. L. Cran ford, Counsellor; W.T. Williams, Rec. Sec.; J. T. Thacker, Fin. Sec., L. C. Howlett, Treasurer. I. O. O. F. Bdena Vista Lodge, No. 21. Meets every Tuesday night at 8:00 o'clock. T. L. McLean, N. G.; J. T. Hunt, V. G.; W. L. Frazier, Rec, Sec.; L. C. Howlett, Fin. Sec.; If. H. Cartland, Treas. Paisley Encampment, No. 10. .Meets first and third Friday nights in each month. T. L. McLean, C. P.; J . T. Rankin, Scribe; L. C. Howlett, Finan cial Scribe. K. OF P. Greensboro Lodge, No. 80. Meets every Monday night at 7:30. John Thomas, C. C; A. H. Stack, K. of R. S. Guilford Lodge, No. 69. Meets every Friday night at 7:30. R. W. Finlator, C. C. MASONIC DIRECTORY. Greensboro Lodge, No. 76., A. F. and A. M. Me&s every second and fourth Thursday nights at 7:30 o'clock. Orlo Epps, W. M.; W. T. Gayle, Sec retary. i Chorazin Chapter, No. 13. , R. A. M. Meets every third Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. Jas. D. Glenn, H. P.; F. A. Peirce, Sec'y. IVANHOE COMMANDERY, NO. 8, Knights Templar. Meets every first Thursdaynififht at 7:30 o'clock. A. H. Alderman, E. C; G. W. Whitsett, Recorder. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief, Jos. J. Stone: first assistant. W. R. Pleasants; second assistant, E. E. Bain; secretary, E. L. Clarke: treas urer, F. C. Boyles. steam tre engine Co., No. 1. W. J. Blair ,v president: Harry Lewis. secretary. i HOOK AND -LADDER CO., NO. 1. O. D. Boycott, foreman; Ernest Howard, secretary. : Eagle Hose Co., No. 7. H. J. El am, president; E. L. Clarke, secre tary. ' SOUTHSIDE HOSE CO., NO, 4. J; H. Phipps, president; G. C. Smith, secre tary. .WESTEND HOSE CO., NO. 6. Orlo Epps, president; R. H. Hollo well, sec retary. Excelsior Hose Co., No. 2 (col. ) W. J. Jones, president; J. H. Edwell, secretary. Location of Fire Boxes. JOS. J. STONE, SUPT. Intersection of North Greene and Belle Meade Ave., near Farmers' Warehouse Corner West Market and Eugene Streets, near CoL Winstead's.' Corner West Market and Cedar Streets, near C. F. $ Y. V. Railroad. Corner Lindsay and Church Streets, near the Graded School. Corner East Market and North Forbis Streets, near electric light station. Corner East Market and Clinton Streets, beyond railroad. Corner South Elm and East Washington Streets, near MoAdoo House. ' East Washington Street, just east of rail road, near Mrs. Owen's. Intersection of Asheboro, Fayettevflle and Gorrell Streets, Keogh's corner. South ram and Buchanan Streets, Clegg's corner. West Washington and Spring Streets, near A. T. Robinson's. Walker Avenue and Mendenhajl Street, Jeffries' corner. Corner West Lee and Ashe Streets, near Glasscock's foundry. Corner Arlington and East Lee Streets, near St. Andrew's Church. Corner Pearson and East Lee Streets. Comer Asheboro and Ef ft Bragg Streets, near Graded School. 12 13 14 23 24 25 32 34 35 42 43 45 52 53 62 63