The Evening Telegram. c. p. sapp, Editor. PUBLISHED DAILY KXCBFT SUNDAY, BY ' The -Telegram'fablishing Company. C. G. WRIGHT.1 Pbkstptcwt. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, - - - 3-00- Six months, - - - 1.50. On month, - - - - 25c- Entered at the Greensboro Postofflce as second-class mail matter. . Office m Katz building, down stairs, first door to left on East Sycamore street. Telephone No. 56. . Address all communications to The Even ing Telegram, Greensboro, N. C. FRIDAY, OCT. 8, 1897. You can get the telegraphic news twelve hours earlier in The Telegram than in any paper that gets into Greens boro, and for four dollars a year less. Please Note.' Those (having business with The Telegram, will please call at the office in Katz building. Pressure of busi ness in his own office makes it impos sible, since our removal, for Mr. Stone to attend to the business of the Tele gram also. GOING FURTHER TO FARE WORSE. There are few things that are more preached and less practiced than the patronage of home industries. Greens boro is no exception to this rule. A man is, of course, at liberty to spend his money where he pleases; it is not a question of right, but of wisdom. It should be kept in mind that every dol lar in profits that leaves this commu nity impoverishes it by just thatmuch Every dollar that is kept here tends to the enrichment of the community by just so much. Every man who pat ronizes a foreign industry inevitably hurts ' himself. Money spent with a firm in this city goes out, to a large extent, in wages, rents and fuel to re appear in almost every business here. If the retailer who spends five hundred dollars with a local jobber were to mark his money he would soon find some of it handed in over his own counter. ' It is safe to say that fifty thousand dollars in profits go elsewhere every year that might just as well be kept here. Fifty thousand dollars floating, as most of it would, in the channels of trade would mark the difference be tween good times and hard times, be tween easy collections and difficult collections. In nine cases out of ten the man1 who fails to settle his bills promptly does so because the man who owes him in turn cannot set tle promptly. Ten dollars of surplus in the pocket of one man would settle twenty bills in the course of a week and save as many business men time and inconvenience and annoyance. The margin between, the community that is making money as a whole, and the one that is losing money is mueh narrower ' than most people imagine. Patronizing local in dustries is a factor sufficiently power ful to change a money losing into a money saving community. It is not only poor sentiment, but it is poorer business to buy elsewhere what can be bought here just as cheap ly. Greensboro is, unquestionably, the best distributing point in the state. Here should be located wholesale houses that, in the course of time, would largely supply a retail trade in the state that now makes its purchases in northern cities. Every wholesaler who locates here should be made to feel that, so far as is practicable his hands will be upheld while he is es tablishing his business. Yet we know wholesale establishments here that put thousands of dollars in circulation in our city who get a larger trade from towns of one thousand people than from Greensboro. Why is this? Simp ly because they are located here. They would get more trade here if they were located in New York or Baltimore. It is the old case of the prophet in his own country. If Greensboro is to be a city she will have to slough such whim sicality; not that it is a fault pe culiar to us other towns in the state have it in much the same degree. Mr. Low states that the mayor of Greater New York, will' have no time for partisan politics. That is a laud ible and , proper sentiment. The un fortunate part of it, is that it will lead to partisan politics having no ' i . time for. Mr. Low before he gets to be t i . - mayor. While it may be true that the Uni ted States Treasury has all the gold it wants, just at present, it would not bej a bad idea to lay up a little against a rainy day. It is not always possible to lay a hand on eagles when a few of them would come in specially handy. It has been lying so heavily on our mind for some days, that we cannot longer forbear to inquire whether the Charlotte man who paid the tax on i the blockade whiskey, afterit was con sumed, was the same man who saw eighty-seven snakes at one time. Thorn need not feel that Mrs. Nack puts him in a class by himself, when she accuses him of having "talked too much." There is Emperor Will- iam,f or example,to keep him company. The New York judge set the Gul densuppe murder trial, for the six teenth. It is well. The Luetgert case is too firmly established to go up against just now. Mr. Hanna's speeches suggest that possibly he employs a Lino-type ma chine, instead of a type-writer, in pre paring the copy. It may now be appropriately ; re marked that amity is brooding like a gentle jackdaw over the ranks of the unterrified elect. Can it be that Mr. Mott desires to incur the title of the" Pitch-fork States man of Wilkes?" The tariff issue is now suffering from what may be termed a diversion in its favor. CURRENT TOPICS. Owing to the fact that wells and springs have run dry in Osceola, Ark ansas, water is selling there at five cents a quart. President Harper, of the University of Chicago, announces that any foot ball player of the University who shall use unfair tactics in playing will be expelled from the University. The famous collection of birds made by the naturalist Alfred Brehm and his father, who was a clergyman, has been bought for a London museum by Baron Rothschild. It includes over 10,000 specimens of European birds, and differs from other collections in having each variety represented by several individuals of both sexes and different ages. Not for many years have fish been so plentiful in Boston harbor as they are now. Flounders, perch and smelt are running in great schools off Spec tacle Island, and cod of good size are being caught. Paris barbers and hair dressers are now obliged by the police to take san itary measures in carrying on their business. Elaborate regulations have been sent out requiring them to use only nickle plated combs , to substitute pulverized for powder puffs, to cover the hair cutoff with sawdust and have it removed .at once, to wash their hands before working on a customer and to place all metallic instrumenst, razors, shears, combs, etc., in a solu tion of soap and boiling water for ten minutes before they are used. Scien tific American. Florida's orange crop for 1897-98 will soon be going forward to market, and a good many estimates are being made as to what the crop will figure up. Last season it amounted to about 125,000 boxes. That was the first year's fruit after the freeze, and the crop was accordingly very small, especially when it is recollected that the product of the state had been numbered in mil lions rather than. in thousands of box es. A careful estimate made by a gen tleman who is well informed as to the crop throughout the state places it in round numbers at about 200,000 boxes. It is believed that these figures are conservative, and that the crop will go above rather than below the figures named. i Old People. Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxi cant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bow els, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding; nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appe tizer and aids digestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need. Price fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle at u. E. Molton's drug store. The State Fair. On account ;: of the North Carolina State 'Agricultural Fair at Raleigh, the Southern Railway will sell tickets on October 16, 17, 18, 19, 22 and 23 at rate of one first-class - limited fare for the round trip, plus 50cts. for one ad mission to the fair grounds. The fare from Greensboro will be $3.15. On October 20th and 21st, special tickets will be sold from this city for $2.40, which also includes one admis sion to the fair grounds. To Our City Subscribers. If you have subscribed for The Tel egram and don't get it, or receive it irregular, please let u know. Send us word, drop us a postal, phone or call at the office and inform us of the fact. iWe will be sorry for the mis take having occurred and will try to remedy it. One-Gent- a- Word Advertisements inserted In this column at one cent per word for each insertion. MILLINERY OPENING ON SAT urday, Oct. 9, Mrs. N. C. Weath erly will have her opening of Fall and Winter Hats. A cordial invitation extended to all. 7:2t PLASTER LATHS FOR SALE BY Brooks Manufacturing Company. o7-2t "jy-RS. C. C. GORRELL, WILL -"- have her Opening of fall and winter Millinery on Saturday Oct. 9th. The ladies cordially invited. Oct. 7 2t. WANTED SECONDHAND SAFE Must be in good condition. Ap ply at Bevil & Walker's factory. Oct. 6. tf. "BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. J- Go to Mrs. Cator & Co. for cheap Sailors, Walking Hats, Tarn O'Shan ters and Ribbon Remnants. J H. COLEMAN MATTRESS Ma ker and Upholsterer, 117 E. Wash ington street. Oct. 7th, lw. E L PRINCIPE REAL. sl6-tf LlNDAU. NEW SUPPLY BUIST'S BIRD Seed, just received. Howard Gardner, Druggist, Cor opposite Post office. Oct. FOR RENT. One-half of a 7-room house cheap; nicely furnished, suitable for married couple: or would take a few boarders reasonabl; house situated in good neighborhood; only 2 now in family. R, Telegram ofhce. f IVE THEM A TRIAL AND BE v-" convinced, El Principe Real cigars slo-tf LADIES, PREPARE for doing your Fall Sewing rapidly and with ease by buying a Standard Rotary. You get one-third more speed than on any other machine, tf. Wing ate Bros. rR. W. J. RICHARDSON, OFFICE --r Katz Building. Residence olo W. Gaston street. 'Phone 22. slO-tf "PNGRAVED VISITING CARDS and wedding invitations at low prices. Samples an be seen by call ing. Jos. J. Stone, Job Printer. Odd Fellows Building. T?OR RENT. MY LARGE BRICK -- Tobacco Factory, south of the depot, oO by 170 feet, three stories and basement, now occupied by H. C. Ber- ger and Co. Possession given the first oi October. Apply to W. A. Fields sll-lm or W. R. Land. TURING US YOUR WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry and small ma chinery that needs repairing. We do it promptly. Prices right. Tom Rice Jewelry Co. CJEWING MACHINE ATTACH- ments, needles, oils and parts for an macmnes at tf. Wingate Bros. T OST A DIAMOND SCARF PIN, last Friday night, between West's park and Clegg's. Return to this of fice. Suitable reward. s30tf. "vyANTED- A LIMITED NUMBER TT of pupils in Stenography and Typewriting. I have recently gradu ated from the New York Pernin School Of Shorthand ' T nlsr hnlrl n. "Toq. ers' Certificate" from the author of tne system and am prepared to take a few pupils at reasonable rates. I guarantee success. For particulars, etc., address Miss M. B. Murphy, 700 W. Market St., Greensboro, N. C. Sept. 18-lm. B UY THE STANDARD ROTARY, the rapid, silent sewincr machine. tf. - Wingate Bros. X7"HEN YOUR WATCH GOES T wrong, come to us, we will make it right. Tom Rice Jewelry Co. rpELLER'S ' 'HAND MADE CIGARS -1- at Howard Gardner's, corner op posite postofflce. A GENUINE CLEAR VUETTA, xx- Long Havana filler, hand-made cigar for 5 cents, El Principe Real. sl5-tf "DEARCE'S IS HEADQUARTERS for Tobacco, 366 South Elm. slO-tf "VTULTUM IN PARVO EL PRIN cipe Real cigars. sl5-tf O L PRINCD?E REAL CIGARS ARE of the highest quality consistent with price. - sl5-tf HHHE EL PRINCIPE REAL IS THE -r very best of 5 cts. cigars. sl5-tf rpHE: CONOISSEUR WILL LIKE -- El Principe, cigars. sl5-tf A NICKEL CIGAR WITH A 10CT. flavor El Principe Real. slo-tf N G,SAND IS COMPLETE sl5-tf ipe BaA ciSars rpHE MORE OF THEM YOU SMOKE the better you like El Principe Real cigars. Not: brought about by swords and muskets, but by Brains, in the interest ;of . the Comfort and Welfare of mankind. The . Wilson and King Sheet iron have done-more to of our homes than any other one agency -which has been brought before the public for years. ; . Uniform Temperature at Least Cost. Odell Hardware Company. See that new display of Cutlery Get Ready! Better prepare gets here. We superior COAL and we guarantee our weights. Give us a chance and we will convince you of the truthfulness of this assertion. We have a good supply of Red and White Ash Anthracite Goal Greensboro Ice and Goal Co. Phone 58. W. R. Forbis & Finest Line of Chamber Suits in the city. Lowest Prices. We will not be undersold. Don't forget 118 and 120 East Market Street, Greensboro. Undertaking in City or Country, Visit our up -stairs department and we will . show you a good line of Carpets, Mattings, . . Lineoleum, Art Squares, Chenile, Tapes try and Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Hassocks. Ol TP C APPPTQ Were bought before the J iu WIt ui o risef and we give our cus. tomers the benefit of the low prices. We measure your room and make and lay your carpets thus saving you the trouble. THE COX-FERREE DRY GOODS COMPANY, IT mm mm Brooks Manufacf uring Co.. COR. LEE AND ASHE STREETS. . MM Heaters r.. revolutionize the heating Inside. for cold weather before it have a good supply of Co., w, 1 Flooring, Ceiling, Siding ' t and all kinds Roucrhnnri Dressed Lumber tand Shingles. Southern Tiailuav. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE AND NORTH CAROUNA DIVISIONS. In Effect July tlst, 1897. I This condensed schedule is published as in formation, and is subject to change without notice to the public TRAINS LEAVE GREENSBORO. 7.33 p m No. 35 dally for Atlanta and Char lotte Air Line division and all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleepers between New York. Wash ington, Atlanta, Birmingham and Galveston. 7.06 a m No. 37 dally. . asbjt jrtoniand South western V .-1 iDUled limited for At lanta, Birrah rfham, Memphis, Mont gomery, Motile and New Orleans and all points South-and Hon Unrest. Through i'-.Jlman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memph's; dining car, vestibuled coach betwevr. Washington- and Atlanta; PuUma vourist car forS an Francisco Sundays. 8.50 a m No. S d illy for Richmond and Nor folk: connect at DanTllle for Wash- ingtou tnd points North. 7.S2 a m No. 1 1 laDy for Atlanta and all point Souil.i solid train Richmond to Av ian ti: Pullman sleeping car DanviUe to Bo. Springs. 12.10 pm No. ; dally for Washington. Iiici -mono, Raleigh and all points North; carries Pullman drawing-room ru fet s'eeper Jacksonville to Ne York; 1 tinning ham to Ne w York; Pull man tourist car from San Francisco Thursdays. 10.44 p m tt x 38- dally for Washington and S, :- hwestern vestibuled, limited, for Wusiington and all points North; Through Pullman car Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New Y Tampa to New York: also car-.-.3s estibuled coach and '"'"g car. 92 p m No. 12 daily for Richmond and all ' points North; carries Pullman sleep ing car from Hot Springs to Danville: connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Raleigh. From Raleigh No. 15 passenger arrives 6.30 p m; No. S5 passenger arrives lLSoa m; No. 11 passnger arrives 6-65 a m. For Raleigh No. 35 passenger leaves lilO p m; No. 18 passenger leaves 8-30 a m; No. 12 passenger leaves 1.3U a m. N. W. N. C. Division No. 107 passenger leaves Greensboro 12.30 p m; arrives at Winston-Salem 1-3U p m daily except Sun day. No. 105 leaves Greensboro &50 i am daily, arrives at Winston-Salem i 0.50 a m, arriving atWilkesboro 1.10 " ' p m; train No. 7 runs daily except Sunday; No. 100 leaves Greensboro 7.50 p m, arriving at Winston-Salem 8.50 pm; No. 1.10 leaves Wilkesboro daily except Sunday at 2.05 p m, ar riving at Winston-Salem 5.15 p m, ar riving at Greensboro 6.20 p m; No. 108 leaves Winston-Salem 10.30 a m daily except Sunday, arriving at Greens boro 11.45 a m; No. 106 leaves Winston-Salem 6J30 a m, arriving Greens 7.20 a m. 7.05 a m 1 7.32 a m I 0.43 pm FROM THE NORTH. 4 .37 p m 2.10 pmj FROM THE SOUTH. 6.35 pm 11.55 a m 6.55 a m FROM RALEIGH. All freight trains carry passengers. W. A. TURK. Gen. Pas. Art-, Josh M. CULP, Washington. IX C. Traffic Manager. W. H. Gam, S. H. Hard wick. Gen. Supu Ass t. Gen. Pass. Agt., Washington. Atlanta, Ga. - R. L. Virnos, Trav. Pass. Agt., 18 E. Trade St., Charlotte. N. C. O. D. BOYCOTT, Agent tor Luray Lime Co., Aldrid Stone Co., Senseman &, Brickensteia Galvanized Iron Cornices, Steam and Hot Water Heating in all its Branches. GREENSBORO, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA, lTn t1. o,,, Guilford county, f 111 thc Superior Court IX B. Yancey vs. The Life lusurance Co. of Va. By virtue of a Judgment order entered in the said Superior Court at the May term 186 thereof, in the above entitled action, and of another order made by said court at its August term, 1897, the undersigned commissioner will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door In Greensboro N. C, on Monday, the 1st day of November. 1897, at 12 o'clock midday, the following de scribed parcel of land situated In Morebesd township, Guilford county, N. C and described as follows, towit: Beginning at Douglas John son's southwest corner; thence south with Me bane road (Warnersville Main St.) about one hundred and three (103) feet to Masonic street; thence east about one hundred and fifty-four (154) feet to a narrow street or alley; thence north with said alley parallel with front line about one hundred and two (102) feet to Douglas Johnson's back southwest corner; thence west with said line to the be ginning, together with all Improvements situ ate thereon. This sale will be made subject to the ap proval of the court and will be immediately reported to the court for confirmation. This 1st day of Oct., 1897. R. D. DOUGLAS. Commissioner. Location of Fire Boxes. JOS. J. STONE, SUPT. Intersection of North Greene and Belle Meade Ave,, near Farmers' Warehouse Corner West Market and Eugene Streets, near CoL Winstead'a. Corner West Market and Cedar Streets, near C. JT. & Y. V. Railroad. . Corner Lindsay and Church Streets, near, the Graded: School. Corner Bast Market and North Forbis Streets, near electrio light station. Corner East Market and Clinton Streets, beyond railroad.-- Corner South f-m and East Washington Streets, near McAdoo House. East Washington Street, Just east of rail road, near Mrs. Owen's. Intersection of Asheboro, Fayctteville and Gorrell Streets, K cosh's corner. South Wm and Buchanan Streets, Clegg's corner. West .Washington and Spring Streets, near A. T. Robinson's. Walker Avenue and Mendenhan Street. Jeffries' corner. .. Corner West Lee and Ashe Streets, near Glasscock's foundry. .. Corner Arlington and East Lee Streets, near St. Andrew's Church. Corner Pearson and East Lee Strevta. Corner Asheboro and East Bragg Streets near Graded School. 12 13 14 23 24 25 32 3f 35 '42 43 45 52 53 62 63 &50 a ml 12.05 p m I 9.45 p m f 10.40 pmj

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