The Evening Telegram; c. P. SAPP, Editor. 1 PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, BY- The Telegram Publishing Company, C. G. WRIGHT, - - PBBSIDBNT. R. M PHILLIPS, City Editob, and Manages. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION:. One year, Six months, On month, 3.00. 50. 25c. Entered at the Greensboro Postofflce sec ond-class mail matter. Office in Katz building, down stairs, first door to left on East Sycamore street. Telephone No. 56. Address all communications to Tele Even ing Telegram, Greensboro, N. C. TUESDAY, NOV. 2, 1897. You can get the telegraphic news twelve hours earlier in The Telegram than in any paper that gets into Greens boro, and for four dollars a year less. ARE AMERICANS CIVILIZED? William Jay Youmans, editor of Appleton's Popular Science Monthly, raises the question,. "Are the Ameri can People Civilized?" Mr, You mans is inclined to take a negative view of their qualifications for that distinction. In view of the fact that the meaning and content of the term "Civilization" has not been very definitely settled there is naturally room for some dif ference of opinion. A varying stand ard will yield various results. Viewed in alump, however, how is it possible to doubt the civilization of a people who daily give such fine exhi bitions of it"? Has not Kansas given Mrs. Lease to the whole country and Mr. Peffer to the senate of the United States ? And Kansas , you will please to remember, has some time been in elegantly dubbed "wild and wooly." Surely then if a community popularly accredited with standing well down toward the foot of thecolumn can show up so magnificently there should be no question about the rest of the coun try. Then we have MarcusA. Hanna, the most powerful man in American poli tics today, whatever the result of the Ohio election may be. Is- it not an other evidence of an elevated state of civilization that he should stand pedes talled as an exemplar worthy of close copying by the ambitious youth of the country? Mr. Hanna, who has evi denced his abililty and statesmanship by collecting several million dollars more than was needed to elect a presi dent; Mr. Hanna, who can make a speech of which any school boy six teen years old might justly be proud and who put a negro to shame who tried conclusions with him in the slinging of street English. There is Boston, too, aesthetic, ul tra, Browning-loving Boston, the very acme and cream and pure efflorescence of civilization. It is only just now that an organization of her fair, frail women have made the whole country dilate with pride in her by a concerted attack , infinitely delicate ,upon marriag able bachelors that has already re sulted, we are assured, in an ex-mayor's launching fearlessly on the sea of connubial bliss. A whole fleet is ex pected to follow suit shortly. It is difficult to see how Mr. You mans could have overlooked the signs right in his own bailiwick, New York, under his very nose; evidences that must ooze in at every chink and crev ice of his office daily. Has not one representative of each of the warring factions given an example of proficien cy in the use of profanity that made all the jack tars in port turn pea-green with envy? Did anybody ever hear a Fiji or a bushman swear on the stump in a mayoralty contest, however high his enthusiasm might mount, or how ever provoking the opposition might grow? We trow not. He is only a poor barbarian. Has not Mr. Youmans read the public prints? Is he not aware that during the long, hot, dry summer just passed, with infinite exertion, we lynched some three or four hundred men to show how dear to our hearts are the ways of civilization? Some of them were guilty and some were inno cent, but . the beautiful impartiality shown is a strong proof of extra at tainments. It is only highly en lightened peoples that raise so much fearlessly righteous indignation at short notice that all law and order is swept away on the crest of the popnlar wave. , And then, ah then, coming nearer home, has not dear,, dozy, conserva tive, law-abiding old North Carolina put up Mr. Butler and Mr. Russell, and Keeper Burns and Dr. Kirby Smith and a whole host of legislators and things to show that she ' must be reckoned with when the talk is of civ ilization? You just bet she has. . Dear, dear, Mr. Youmans, we charge thee fling away pessimism and come off. When it comes to being civilized we are a lonesome pebble down by the sounding sea. Very unfortunate was the killing of Von Gammon in the Virginia-Georgia football game. It will, of course, draw a flood of criticism" from the press, some of which will be sensible and pertinent and some of which will be senseless and impertinent. There is a certain element of danger in the game, under any circumstances,' just as there is an element of danger in all forms of physical exercise. There are other amusements, however, equally dangerous, and without the redeeming features of football, against which no voice is raised and no line is written. There is "no need to go into righteous hysterics over the matter. A young lady who was walking along the streets of a certain city stumbled and in fall ing was impaled on the streel rod of her .umbrella. Let all people hence- i forth take the rain. More people lost their lives at Garrisons than football has killed in all its history. Let no body ride on a train except on busi ness. The country need not be treated to a pyrotechnic display of very cheap indignation. It is to be hoped that no one will suggest that the newly appointed Vir ginia postmaster, who has just been shot while stealing wheat, was a 'fair specimen of recent appointees. There is the best of evidence that many of them would not be caught stealing wheat. Ex-Governor Oates, of Alabama, is kicking because the quarantine ran him out of the state and ' Governor Johnson is kicking because it did not run him out. This is The Season for New Crop Goods. We've Got: New crop L. L. Raisins f New crop Currants New crop Prunes New crop Peaches New crop Apricots New crop Nectarines New crop Cranberry Sauce New crop Apple Butter New crop Mince Meat New crop Maple Syrup New crop Buckwheat Flour New crop Rolled Oats New erpp Breakfast Food New crop Rolled Wheat New Goods arriviner now on eAerv train. J. W. Scott & Co. North Carolina I T 0 . Guilford County S "A"riur uuru Martha Carter vs. William Carter, Order of Publication. This was an aoHon V-ti (ri va ninin'. -- v&vug,uv wj uiiv. yiouildu matrimonii for the cause of adultery and it appearing to the court that the defendant imam wai ter cauuoi aner aue aiugence De found he is a non-resident of the said State, it is or dered bv the court that. t.hi Hat liam Carter shall appear and answer or demur w me uouipiaini, mea in tne uierk s office, at the next term of the Superior Court to be held for said county, to begin at the Court house on Monday, the sixth day of December, 1897, or judgment will be taken according to the evidence and tirawr fnr diiinvu ot r. said' and it is further ordered that this order shall be published in some newspaper pub lished in the city of Greensboro, N. C., for six weeks. Oct. 26, 1897. ED 1m. RAGAN, C. S. C. One-Cent- a- Word I Advertisements inserted in this column at GLARA MARTIN, OF -DURHAM, N. C, Diplomat in Osteopathy, will be at the McAdoo every Tuesday anl Saturrlnv frnm 7:30 to 11130 a.m. Nature's method of healing developed into ascience by its disCoverer,ur.A.x. Still, the basic principle of which is the adjustment of bones, muscles and ligaments and so removing obstruc tions to air vital forces that there may be perfect freedom of all life giving systems, thus permitting' nature to uo her "perfect work." Female diseases a specialty. Consultation and examin ation free. o20-tf TWO SPLENDID MILCH COWS one 13 months old Jersey Heifer. Must be sola this weeK. w. n. xviiaus. Nov. l-2t. rpELLER'S "HAND MADE CIGARS at Howard Gardner's, corner op posite postofhce. N J. MrDTTFFIE is closing out a nice line of Rugs at cost. o30-tf E ARE NOT in Business for fun but vou may think it is funny how we can sell nice grates at such low prices. Nevertheless we are doing it, and we will explain the reason when our Mr. K. b. McClamrocn returns from Chattanooga, Knoxville, Cin cinnati and other manufacturing cities where he has eone to buy grates, mantels and fire-place furnishings. In the meantime we have some special bargains to offer in these goods. Yours anxious to please. McClam- roch Bros, the Plasterers. U. Zl. r UNNALLY ' S Fine Candies just received, 60c lb. Howard Gar dener, Druggist, Cor. opp. postomec. o27tf fTO MORE BROKEN CHAINS, NO more links to catch things in, no back lash, no worriment over repairs or weather. The Columbia Chainless at Wingate Bros, is made for rain or shine, and is just as good as it looks. o20:lw T EMEMBER every tooth brush with J-1' our name on handlers guaranteed, 25 to 50 cents. RlCHRDSON & FAR- iss, 121 S. Elm street. Prescription work our specialty. TMRD DOG LOST. ONE OF MY JJ Black Setters has been missing for several days. I will pay a reward for her return or for information that will lead to her recovery. o25tf E. L. Gilmer. A LARGE STOCK of CHINA WARE Glassware, Fine Lamps at E. M. Caldcleugh & Bro. o-23-tf. THRESH SUPPLY BUFFALO Lithia and Tate Springs Water at Rich ardson & Fariss, Prescriptionists, opposite Benbow Hotel. o-28. tf. rpHE COLD WINDS OF WINTER will soon be here. Prepare for ice ana -snow. Come and get a King Heater and when you have tried it you will like it because it will save you money and give you comfort. I also have mamy other items in the Hard ware Line that you will need. Come and see me. K. L. WOODARD. Next door to Vuncanon's store. STERLING SILVER CHAIN Brac- lets, with lock and key, $1.50. Tom KICE JEWELRY CO. TT AND SOME EMBOSSED Society -"- cards ior the following societies: K. of P., I. O. O. F. and Jr. O. U. A. M. Call and have your address print ed on some. Prices moderate. Jos. J. Stone, Printer. Oct. 9. tf FT1HE PERNIN SYSTEM OF SHORT HAND is the simplest, most legi ble and rapid. No shading; no posi tion, and very lew word-signs. Vow els follow consonants in their natural order as in lone-hand. Sentences writ ten after a few hours study. Take a lew lessons free of charge and judge ior yourseii. miss murphy, o!3 700 W. Market St. II KG AN S AND SEWING Ma- chines sold and repaired by J. A. Wright at McDuffie's Furniture store. U. 22. lw. . A DESIRARLE ROOM FOR RENT. Also a few boarders wanted by mrs. rs,. tr. j.roy,idu w . MarKet st. Oct. 13th, tf. TJLENTY OF FRESH BUTTER. eggs and chickens at S. E. HUD SON'S, phone 40, 513 S. Elm. sl4-tf CHUB TOBACCO For sale by How ard Gardner, druggist, corner op posite postofflce. TJARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. IjO to Mrs. Cator & Co. for cheap Sailors, Walking Hats, Tarn O'Shan- ters ana jrtiDDon liemnants. :EW SUPPLY BUIST'S BIRD x Seed, just received. Howard Gardner, Druggist, Cor opposite Post omce. Oct. "TVR. W. J. RICHARDSON, OFFICE ii.atz .Building. Kesidence 615 W. Gaston street. 'Phone 22. slO-tf LOOK OUT ! When in need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. West Schenck Street. Save Your Hair. Whitfield & Williams are fully pre- f'cu tu urtJitL jour nair ior dandruff, and stop it from falling out, with The German Hair Tonic, the most excellent tonic on the market. We make a specialty of ladies' and children's work. We invite your at tention to the superior quality of our shaves, hair cuts and shampoos. Yours for patronaare. Whitfield & Williams, EXPERT BARBERS. 506i So. Elm St. oppo. water tower. Enterprise, X Ddell Hardware Company. How She Won for good cooking- was by us-. ing the best grade of coal. In the right- kind of coal lies more of the philosophy of cooking than a person is aware of. Try it by ordering ; your coal from the Greens boro Ice & Coal Company, where nothing but the best grades, well-screened, is handled, and . you will never be, disappointed by underdone cooking. Greensboro Ice and Goal Go. PhoneQ58. How Shall I Trimi The Cox-Ferree Company Will 1 J.1 A. T r . J O vve nave ine new oraia T 1 irt.r-v.. luouiar ana utasn Braids, Chiffon, Velvets, etc. Come in and see THE COX-FERREE DRY GOODS COMPANY. The Southern 330 South Greensboro Sash and Blind Go., MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Brackets, And Dealers in All Kinds of Pine Lumber.ov 202 Lewis Street, GREENSBORO, N. C. DR. J. H. WHEELER, Dentist, Greensboro, N. C. Office first door south of postofflce. 0 a BOYCOTT, gent for- Luray Lime Co., Aldrid Stone Co., Senseman & Brickenstein Galvanized Iron Cornices, Steam and Hot Water Heating in all its Branches. GREENSBORO, N. C. . PRACTICAL ECONOMY in the kitchen demands one of our useful and convenient meat choppers. . Hamburg steaks, .croquettes salads hash; beef tea, and- many tootgsome dishes , can easily be prepared by its use. It is a great time and labor saving invention and-you. should be sure to get the . , Original and Best. Her Reputation My New Dress ? solve that problem for you. j .- t 1 r-i 1 ets. oraiaea Yokes anri hrno-s O " - - - - Changeable bilks, Plaited them. No trouble to show goods. A Dainty Sleeping Room is the desire of every woman that has an eye to the beautiful and a culti vated taste. She can fit up her sleeping room from our stock of dainty or elaborate furniture from the plainest to the highest grade, at prices that are placed at the lowest point of moderation and all in the newest de signs and handsome finish. Yarnish Elm Street. IT STANDS ALONE r9F Perfection of laundry work whpn ,,. ants are employed and youZ't beauty of cotorW perfection o wSsbi' U fr The Steam Laundry, : iohn M. Dick, Proprietor. ---Approaching Weddings you that vn should begin to think about buying a present. We hav a handsome line of fine pic tures, medallions, mirrors books,- silver novelties, ?0ld pens, etc. Wharton Bros. The Ray. Not a Kodak, but some thing better for half the money. A good Pocket Camera, (uses plates) for $2.50! So simple a child can . work it. Universal Fo cus. The "Ray" 4x5, Price $6 For Sale by S. Li Alderman. Also Ready Prepared Deyelopers, etc. W. B. BEACH AM, Architect and Builder, Plans and Specifications Furnished on Application. Office : Odd Fellows' .Building, up stairs, rooms GEO. JACKSON, House Painting, Paper Hanging and Decorative Work. Satisfaction guar anteed. . Orders left at Vuncanon's Store will receive 'proinpt attention. 329" McCuIIoch Street, Greensboro. Southern Railway, I - kiqhmond anddanville and north I PAPnT.TXTA rT17TOTnwo I , ikJiVll In-EffectvJulyi.lst, 1897. This condensed schedule Is published as in formation, and is subject to change without notice to tne puDue. TRAINS LEAVE GREENSBOKO. 7.37 p m No. 35 daily for Atlanta and Char lotte Air Lme division and all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing-room buflet sleepers between New York, Wash ington, " Atlanta, Birmingham and Galveston. . s 7.05 a m No. 37 daily. V ashh gtonjand South western vi-itDuled limited for At lanta, Birroii gham, Memphis, Mont gomery, Motile and New Orleans and all points South and Southwest. Through Ci Jlman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis; dining car, yestitmled coach between Washington and Atlanta; Pullman oourist carfor San,Fra,ncisco ' Sundavs. 8.50 am No. 8 d lily for Richmond and Nor folkt cianect at Danville for Wast ingtov. nd points North. 7.32 a m No. 1 1 laily for Atlanta and all point. South:-solid train Richmond to At lanta: Pullman sleeping car Uunvve to Ho. Springs. 12.10 pm No. 16 daily for Washington. Klci mono. Raleigh and all points NojU.; carries Pullman drawing-room bu' fet s'eeper Jacksonville to -Ne .York; Birmingham to New York; ruJl man tourist car from San Francisco Thursdays. I 10.44 p m II?. 38- daily for Washington and ou.i uwesiera vesuDUiea, unui,eu.iu Wasiington and all points North; Through Pullman car Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New Y . . Tampa, to Near York; also car-.-. ;;s ; estibuled coach and dining car. 9.52 p m No. 12 daily, for Richmond and all points North; carries Pullman sleep ing car from Hot Springs to Danville; connects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Raleigh. From Raleigh No. 15 passenger arrives 6.30 p m; No. 35 passenger arrives 11.55 a m; No. 11 passnger arrives 6.55 a m. For Raleigh No. 35 passenger leaves l-MO P m; No. 16 passenger leaves 8.50 a m; No. 12 passenger leaves 1.30 a m. N. W. N. C. Division No. 107 passenger leaves Greensboro 12.20 p m; arrives at Winston-Salem 1.30 p m daily except Sunday.- No. 105 leaves Greensboro 8.50 a m daily, arrives at Winstou-Salem 9.50 am, arriving at Wilkesboro l.w P m; train No. 7 runs daily except Sunday; No. 109 leaves Greensboro 7.50 p m, arriving at Winston-Salem 8.50 p m; No. 1.10 leaves Wilkesboro daily except Sunday at 2.05 p m, r' riving at Winston-Salem 5.15 p m, riving at Greensboro 6.20 p mr No- Vz leaves Winston-Salem 10.30 a m dauy except Sunday, arriving at Oreenr boro 11.45 a m; No. 106 leaves Win-ston-Salem 6.20 a m, arriving Greens 7.20 am. . 7.05 am 7.32 a m 6.48 pm 7.37 tj m FROM THE NORTH. 2.10 p mj 8.50 a m l 12.05 pm I 9.45 pmf 10.40 p m J 6.35 p m 1 11.55 ami '6.55 ami FROM THE SOUTH- FROM RALEIGH. All freight trains carry passengers. W. A. TURK, Gen. Pas. Agt., Jonh M. CtTLiP, - Washington. Traffic Manager. W. H, Gbee, S. H. Habdwick! GenVwPton - Ass't. Gen. Pass. Agt., washutfW1 Atlanta, Ga. R. L. Vebso. Trav. Pass. Agt., 18 E. Trade bi-, - Charlotte, . - - ?

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