js The Season for This New Crop Goods. We've Got: n L. L. Raisins New i-ri ev crop - urrauw New crop Poaches ew eni Apricots ov cvov Nectarines Vow crop Cranberry Sauce New crop Apple Butter New crop Mince Meat New crop .ainc New crop Buckwheat Flour New crop Rolled Oats New crop Breakfast Food New crop Boiled Wheat I 1 . Cirvrnn -eW (Jood? arriving1 now on eAery train. j W. Scott '& Co. Approaching Weddings Should remind you that you should begin to think about hiving a present. We have a handsome line of fine pic tures, medallions, mirrors, books, silver novelties, gold pens, etc. Wharton Bros. rn Railway. flMON'D AND. DANVILLE AND NORTH CAROLINA DIVISIONS. In ESeot. July W. IS'.C. V ''11VV. llV V. .'T. 1. L formation, and Ls subject to chaui-'e without notice to the public. TRAINS LEAVE GREENSBORO. l.3im-Xo. 35 daily for Atlanta and Char lotte Air Line divl-ion and ali points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing-room bullet sleepers between New Vork, Wash ington, Atlanta, Birmingham and Galveston. 7.U5 a m No. 37 dail v- . asbn gtonland South western Duled limited for At lanta. Birnii gham. Menphls. Mont gomery, Mot ile and New Orleans and ali poir.'.s South and Southwest. Through I .11m an sleeper New York to New rleans and New York to Memph's: dining car. vestibuled coach letweei Washington and Atlanta; Pulima- .ouri-st car for SanFrancisco ouncii! . 'jOam No. t duly for Richmond and Nor folk; couneet at Danville for VVash iiigl.yi.. ind points North. TiEa m Xo. Si jaily for Atlanta and all point sou'.lr. solid train Richmond to At- lant-i: tuilman sleeping car DanviUe to Hoi Sspnngs. lilOpm-Xo. :y dutfv for Washington. Ricr mono. Raieigh and all points North; carrk-. 1'uiiman drawing-room buf fet eeDer Jacksonville to Nc Vork: Hirmingham to New York; Pull man tourit car from San Francisco Thursdays. law p m . j jjy for Washington and h western vestibuled, limited, for W .Islington and all points North; Tiji-ough Pullman car Memphis to .New ork: Xev Organs to iMew Mho 9 3 5 v Tampa to N't w York; also car- - eoubuied coach and dining car. -. p m-N. i- daily for Richmond and all point. North: carries Pullman sleep :;ir from Hot Springs to Danville; C't',r; cis at Greensboro with train '-irrying Pullman car for Kaleigh. "w&X"a;-i;rh N,f. 15 passenger arrives 6.30 i .V) passenger arrive 11-" ao. 11 passnger arrives 0.00 i". foruai.'.rt X.,. : passenger leaves 12.10 p No. IC nassenirer leaves 8.50 am; -v". i i:tssenifer leaves 1.30 a m. V 11. " -V :. ii vision -No. 107 passenger leaves ' i;en-,:)ro ! 20 n m: arrives at Win- "ton-Saiem l.3o p m daily exceptSjjn ,; iv. St,, lift leaves Greensboro 8.50 n. (iiti'v. arrive at Winston-Salem ' - arriving at Wilkesboro 1.10 !' r;iin No. 7 runs daily except 'i.'"i:iy: No. 109 leaves Greensboro - iu. arriving at Winston-Salem " ; tu: No. 1.10 leaves Wilkesboro U. 'y t-xeeut Sundav at 2.05 D m. ar- at Winston-Salem 5.15 D m. ar- " at Greensboro 0.20 p m; No. 108 v-v Winston-Salem 10.30 am daily N.-.rpt Sunday, arriving at Greens- '.- :i a, a m; JNo. luo leaves wm- 1. : SienjiJ.iO a m, arriving Greens- a iu. 5- i iu 2.10 p ,;i JJJ .1 n, r. 11, - KROM THE NORTH. FROM THE SOUTH. FROM RALEIGH. ari -4ijt trains carry passengers. Jom, m - w- A- TURK, Gen. Pas. Agt., 4? ( L Washington, D. C. S H i. Onager. w. H. Gkken, ; 1 1' 1 ' k. Gen. Supt. V, en- I'ass- Agt., Washington. '"-iuii, ua. R. I VERNON, Trav. Pass. Agt.. 18 E. Trade St., r ' rare -AT THE- South Greensboro Market 418 South Asheboro. 3 lbs choice beef steak, 25c. Juicy Pork, 10c lb. Lamb, 10c lb. Rabbits, 10c each. Good Cheese, 15c lb. j?Tom iigs Feet up, all kinds of Country Produce at Lowest Cash Prices. H. P. CLARIDA, Manager. Academy of Music 3 NIGHTS commencing MONDAY, NOV. i. Special engagement of the young and taientea artist, Miss Cora Van Tassell SUPPORTED BY William Stuart and her own company of hiarh class players, presenting high class Comedies and Dramas. Specialties by the Company. Change of play nightly. TONIGHT, The Little Officer. POPULAR PRICES; IO, 20, 30. Tickets on sale at Howard Gardners Bill of drug store. W R. REACHAM. Architect and Builder, Pi,n aH SniHnnc Furnished on Application. Office : Odd Fellows' Building, up stairs, room 5 GEO. JACKSON, House Painting, Paper Hanging and Decorative Work. Satisfaction guar anteed. Orders left at Vuncanon's Store will receive prompt attention. 329 McCulloch Street, Greensboro. Wall I desire to say to the readers of The Fape Telegram that I keep a full and com plete line 01 i-'aper in an tne new shades and designs, in combination or otherwise. Also Wall Mouldings matching tints in paper. Prices to suit the times. I also take contracts for painting and papering. Interior decorations a specialty. Having had an experience of several years, am not afraid to guarantee my work. In fact, it stands on its own merit and can De seen on almost any square m Greensboro. Call and see my goods and gei prices. E. D. GOLDEN, 104 South Elm Street. ape Fear&Yadkin Valley R'lway. Schedule in Effect Oct, 10th. 1897. TRAINS LEAVE GREENSBORO. 12 15 pm daily; arrive at Ore Hill 1.16 p m; Sanford. 2.36 p m; Fayetteville. 4. 0 p m: Red springs, P ton, 0.11 p m; Bennettsvilie, 7.20pm; Wilmington. 4.30 p m; Ocean View; 6 pm; Carolina Beach. 6.30 pm; Soutn Pinsu km n m- Athens. 3.45 am. Atinnt.M. .-20 a m: Chattanooga. 1.30 P?iKim? p m; Charleston.40.50 p m; Savannah, a m daily (except Sunday); arrives at Stokesdale, 11.7 a m; Madison, 11.55 a m. -z 40 a. m. .- .v .. :i ... nrrivou nt Walnut. Cove. 9.03D I ' .itti -1 T" ty-r IV III . ruuiM;ui. o.w V "x. m; ruul juuuiikaiu, r 11.00 pm. TRAINS ARRIVE GREENSBORO. 11.55 am daily from Mt. Airy, Pilot Mountain w iiintir. uove. 9.17 a m dauy (except oynuy in" ikm-u' and Climax. , 2.15pmdaUy (except Sunday) frqroMadjson ana Diojscwuinc, . , 3 0 d m daUy from Ocean View, Carolina Beach, Maiton. Bennettsvllle, Savannah, . 1 itti 1 riii.iiii r iivcbiici uu.An.u rr n . Charleston, Columbia. Bumter. yior. c,Tvfr.rri TviaKhville.Chattanooga. Atlanta, Athens, Southern Pines and Ore Hill. XT 'W VVTT? J . W. FKY . ,T Gen. Manager. wu. FIRE DEPARTMENT. rn.iof Tns. J. Stone: first assistant, w Feasants: second assistant, E.E. R.in; secretary, E. L.. laiKe, ireas- vi n 1.- niiviea. -t TV 1 UI6II 1 r, T 1 Orwi-rx A Hit MTRT71 H.NfilNE JU. . !-. X. W. J. Blair, president; Marry ewis, O J. fjAJU. J. ., ' . HOOK AND -UAVViil y- ' D. Boycott, foreman; Ernest Howard, secretary. T TT.AfiT.V. HOSE U.. V-. , t Elam, president; E. L. Clarke, secre tary. T XT NfiTTTHSTnF. JiOSK VAJ.. XXW. Phipps, president; G. C. Smith, secre- Westend Hose Co., No. 6. Orlo Edds. nresident; R. H. Hollo well, sec- Excelsior Hose Co., No. 2 (col. ) W. J. Jones, president; J. . n.dwen, General News iii a Nutshell. The receipts from internal revenue for the last fiscal year amounted to $146,619,593. j Lower temperature in the yellow fe ver districts encourages the hope that the prevalence of the . disease is near an end. The new Astoria hotel,in New York, said to be the most costly building of its kind ever constructed, was opened formally. Representatives of Russia, Japan and the United States will probably sign a treaty this week for the suspension of pelagic sealing. The Esquimaux Lieutenant Peary, the Arctic explorer, brought to New York, are in a hospital in that city for treatment of bronchial and pulmonary disorders. An insurance society, to be called Industrials beingformedby employers throughout Germany to insure against loss arising from strikes. The so ciety will have a capital of 500,000 marks. A Brooklyn policeman arrested he driver of a hearse containing the body of a woman, and made the driver take the vehicle to the police station to an swer a charge of running down a boy bicyclist. It is believed that the Georgia legis lature will pass a bill making the playing of football in that state a misdemeanor in view of the fatal in jury of R. V. Gammon, a University of Georgia player, while taking part in a game. The London Times publishes a dis patch from Seoul, capital of Corea, which says that the Russian minister has forced the Corean government to dismiss its English financial adviser and chief of customs-and to put a Rus sian in his place. Great excitement has been caused by : the discovery of a plot to start a rev olution in Venezulea in order to pre vent the meeting of congress. Five hundred arrests have been made by order of the government. The coun try at large, however, remains quiet. The navy department, in reply to a telegram from Governor Pingree, of Michigan, has refused to make any repairs to the Yantic or to guarantee the State of Michagan protection in case 11 Dei proceedings are instituted by the owners of the Canadian steam er, with which the Yantic was in colli sion. Reduced Rates to Winston. For the benefit of those wishing to attend the tobacco fair at Winston- Salem, the Southern Railway Com pany will sell return tickets to that place for one iirst-class fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale Novem ber 2, 3 and 5, final limit November 6th. Rate 90 cents. J. B. Graham, Ticket Agent. To Our City Subscribers. If you have subscribed for The TEL EGRAM and don't get it, or receive it irregular, please let us know. Send us word, drop us a postal, phone or call at the office and inform us of the fact. We will be sorry for the mis take having occurred and will try to jemedy it. The Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chil- howie, Va., certifies that he nad con sumption, was given up 10 die, soum. all medical treatment tnat money coum procure, tried all cousrh remedies he could hear of, but got no relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to trv Dr. King's New Discov- ery, and was cured oy use 01 pwo uui tles. For past three years has been attending to business, and sajs ui. King's New Discovery is the grandest remedy ever made, as it has done so much for him and also for others in his community. Pr. King's New Dis rV,h narantced for COUffhs, colds and consumption It don't fail. bottles free at C, store. E. Holton's drug We Have Put ON SALE Twenty Dozen Heavy Cotton Flannel Undershirts. Hews, Chisholm & Stroud, 300 South Elm St. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Mrs.. J. J ; Stone went up to Winston today. W. B. Steele, of High Point is in the city. K. T. Gray, of Raleigh, was here this morning. . J. E. Cox, of High Point, was in the city today. Dr. W. A. Lash, of Walnut Cove, was here last night. Ed. H. Morris, of Asheboro, was at the Benbow yesterday. Rev. J. W. Lee is taking in the To bacco fair at Winston. T. E. Hege, of Raleigh, was here this morning on business. Dr. H. B. Battle, of Winston, is registered at the Benbow today. G. P. Talbott, formerly of, this city but now of Danville, is here today. J. H. Holt, of Burlington, was reg istered at the McAdoo this morning. Tom Mathews and Horace Rankin went to Winston to attend the fair today. T. M. Cunningham, a leading citi zen of Red Springs, is in the city today. J. H.- Spencer, a leading tobaccon- nist of Mt. Airy, spent the night at the McAdoo. t Col. John S. Cunningham, of Reids- ville, was here last night and went to Winston at 7:30. Col. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, passed through last night going to Winston to attend the fair. Miss Blanche Haase who has been visiting at Col. Osborne's returned to her home in Danville today. Miss Hattie Lee Atwater left for Winston today, after a pleasant visit to Miss Finlator, on Bain street. Editor Robinson, of the Durham Sun, was here last night and went up to Winston to attend the Tobacco rfair. J. A. Davidson, of Gibsonville, was in the city last evening and stayed un til 1:30 this morning to hear the elec tion returns. S. Otho Wilson stopped over on his way to Winston to attend to getting out the Hayseeder and see the great tobacco fair. Mrs. McMahon who has been spend ing some time with Mrs. Judga Doug las returned to her home in Richmond Va., on the noon train. Mrs. Swindell, of Raleigh, and Fred Ayers, of Durham, who have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Grjssom, re turned home on the noon train. Rev. H. C. Bowen, of Winston, who has been attending the annual conven tion of the Desciples of Christ at Pan tego, Beaufort county, passed through this morning returning home. During his trip Mr. Bowen has raised $100 for the Christian church building to be erected in Winston. Something New, A Klondike Social. The ladies' of the St. Barnabas Church will furnish gold diggings for the multitude who can't go to Alaska. Come and dig for the glittering yellow nuggets, every one is entitled to stake out a claim. Nov. 9th is the date and the Rectory the place, cor. North Elm and Price streets. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restor ing the tired out nervogs system to a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates 4he liver and kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing olf impurities in the blood. Electric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try if Sold for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at C, E. Holton's drug store. TODAY c. CLOTHING, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. Dress Goods and wraps We are headquarters for Ladies' Dress Goods and Wraps. Our stock is complete and we have any grade you-want. The right kind of goods for the season and the right price for the goods. Johnson Are The 206-208 South Elm Street. Now Is The Time Fire Insurance, Harry C. Martin, Office No. 6, Katz Building. . J. STNB, Book and COMMERCIAL WORK OUR SPECIALTY. Odd fellows' Building, Are You Subject to Attacks of If So, There is No Need to Suffer. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy WILL CURE YOU For several vears I had been sub ject to severe attacks of cramp colic. Sometimes they would last me an hour and hardly a week passed that I did not have several attacKs. l tried everything that was suggested, but found no relief. During these attacKs the muscles of the arm and leg were terribly drawn and the whole body was cramped. I was advised to try Mrs. Joe Person'.s Remedy, which gave me relief at once, but not until I had taken two dozen bottles was I entirely cured. It was eight years ago since I took the remedy, and I have not had a touch of thetrouDie siucc. Mrs. J. E. Brawley Granite Hill, Iredell Co. N., C, Doc. FOR SALE BY Howard Gardner, Corner Opposite Postomce. Anybody Can Fit a wooden model of standard proportions, but it requires an experienced tailor to fit the living man in the way he should be fitted. The first Order that you give me will prove a per sonal recommendation to you of the highest sort, and each succeeding order is a strong endorsement of what has gone before. E. W; HATCHETT, Tailor. 358 1-2 South Elm St., Piedmont House. Special Attention given to Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. 'First-class work Guaranteed. B UY THE STANDARD ROTARY, the rapid, silent sewing machine. tf. WING ATE J5ROS. & Dorset! People. to Get Job Printer. Greensboro, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. Wm. H. BROOKS, Office in Katz'Building, Opposite Benbow House Residence 123 Church Street, at Mrs. Payne's. TELEPHONE CALL No. 81. W. P. BEALL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Office 117 Court Square, Residence 404 Asheboro St. Office Hours 11:30 to 1 and 3 to 4:30. Dr. J. E. WYCHE, .- DENTIST. - Office in Savings Bank building, South Elm Street, Greensboro, N. C Office phone 29. Residence phone 22. Dr. G. W. WHITSETT, mm DENTIST.- 106 1-2 South Elm, GREENSBORO J. G BYNTJto W. P. BTNUM, JH., Z. V. TATLOE Bynum, Bynum & Taylor, Attorneys and Counsellors At Law 106 COURT SQUARE. T. J. Shaw. A. M. Scales. Shaw & Scales, rLLUliicjd - oi. -'LaYV. Careful attention to all business. Office in Wharton building, 117 Court Square. p. d. satchwell; Attorn ey-at-Law. Prompt and painstaking attention given all ; work. Collections a specialty. .Practices in state ana d eaerai uouits. cor respondence solicited. Office in the rear of Five Cents Savings Bank. J.A.BYRD, First-Class Barber - r I run three chairs and guaran tee satisfaction. Give me a , - call. . 311 McADOO HOUSE. SPENCER HOUSE, HIGH POINT, N. C. Centrally located, convenient to postofflce and Southern depot. Board per day, 11. Meals and lodging, each, 25 cents. Board by the month at reasonable terms. G:W. SPENCER Prop. Charlotte. N. C secretary. tH-''i':1-.-'