I" BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. A HOT TlflE IN HIQH POINT. Personal Tonight Chas. Andrews opens his neatly furnished oyster parlor. Read his tempting bill of fare on another page. A. Q. Scammon's Company will present , "The Burglars" at ' the Academy of Music on next Monday night. The century club will meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, at Dr. Whitsett's office. All members requested to be present. Read all the ads in the paper today, there have been some interesting changes made, and we haven't space today to note them separately. We call attention to the advertise ment of the South Greensboro market on third page. It may possibly save you money to read it and give them a call. Style and fashion is what C. M. Vanstory & Co., want to tell you about today in their new ad they have anvthinsr vou can ask for in fashion able suits, overcoats, hats, shirts neckwear, all sizes and prices. ad and go see them. Mr. Lewis, of the firm of Lewis & Hough, Knoxville, boarded the morn ing train today for Winston, and in less than two minutes was relieved of his pocketbook, containing $50, by pickpockets. A Greensboro gentleman was also robbed of $8 at the depot here this morning. The light fingered ras cals will reap a rich harvest at the to bacco fair this week. and Local Affairs flentloned. Briefly Telegram Bureau, ) '97. t The Wrong Size of Coal How do you like to discover that your coal dealer has sent you chest nut when you ordered pea? Yet we'll bet that has happened to you unless you have bought from us right along. Coal in the right condition and right delivery is what we sell. Do you want to buy" Fishblafe-Etafz-onltiiT Go. HighArt Clothiers, have a query an d an answer. Does Clothing Make a Man? High Point. N.C.. Nov. 3, There was a sound of revelry at the warehouse Monday night and bright lamps shone over dark women and black men. Something less than a thousand feet, perhaps, beat against the floor to the old time musical plunk of genuine lailrAv hanio strains. Oh. it was a warm time! The darkies were there from the town and out of the town from all the regions round about the tnwn. thftv came tourinsr in. and woke v J y I the echoes in the peaceful hours of the nicrht and the still hours of the morn- n ing with their revelry and carousing, their shouting and their dancing,their o " . . . . - rtt-T uu rf. I - t . - About 12:30 o'clock officer Burns Nof Deoosits UctoDer 7, low, - - - - - - oo.uv er 0r men and boys, in sucn n variety . ot labrirs ,i I I H1IU J. W. SCOTT. President. J. AD. HODGIN, Treasurer. CUNNINGHAM BROTHERS. omirvn T A VTR STRRRT. 'PHONE No. 8. Deposit Your Money in the People's Five Cents Savings Bank. Pays Interest on Deposits. It may not, but there is no use in creating a disturbance by going around without any, when we are selling such ex quisite styles and perfect fit in suits, overcoats, trpusers, 4f and Read GOINO HOME TO DIE. A Sight Sufficient to Create Sympa thy In the Hardest Heart. Last night at the Southern depot among the crowd congregated there, where some were hurrying to and fro, some jolly and mirthful, thinking pos sibly of a visit to some friend, the ever present traveling man with his grip waiting for the train and still others, mere curiosity seekers, a Tel egram man noticed a sad faced man with a child in his arms and three oth er small children crouching close be side him on the bench in tbe waiting room. Near by was the wife and mother, pale, weak and emaciated. Approaching the man we learned that his name was M. F. Moffitt, that the sick -woman was his wife and those were their children. They were for merly from West Virginia, but have been in this state some years living near Red Springs, in Robeson county, and were going back to West Virginia. The poor woman's face told the story, She was going home to die, being in the last stage of consumption. The sad, anxious look depicted on the face of the husband and father told something of the great weight on his heart. Few of the throng passing and jost ling around them seemed to notice them, but to this writer it was a sad picture. received a summons to come upon the scene. Goun Palmer, a rowdy negro, had gotten to fighting and had cut in the face and across the breast a negro woman named Jennie Smith. That put an end to Palmer's fun. He was tried in the mayor's court yesterday afternoon and in default of a $100 bond was sentenced to jail to await the next term of court. Denutv Sheriff Crouch carried him x- to Greensboro iast night. Jennie Smith, the woman cut, is not seriously hut. The board will meet tonight instead of Ionday night, which was their reg ular time. They will tonight consider the advisability of changing the hour set as a limit to the operations of the bowling alley at night. Quite a number of white people went out to hear Claretta Nora Avery's sermon last uight. All agree that she is a wonderful freak of nature, inspi ration or whatever each, decides to aerree upon as the source of her mar velous outpouring of speech. It is learned with regret that thecon dition of Mr. A. B. Smith is still un improved. Gentry's show gave their parade here Monday, but the rain prevented the night performance. W. H. Ragan returned last night af ter attending the meeting of the coun ty commissioners in Greensboro. Dr. D. J. Hill, of Lexington, spent yesterday in the city A. E. Blair, of Asheboro, was here yesterday. American Bicycle Abroad. The American bicycle seems to have a run in England, although they make a good many over there. In the fis cal year 1896 8632,592 worth of Ameri-, can bicycles and parts of bicycles were sold in the United Kingdom: in the fiscal year 1897 the sales amounted to $2.375,675. Wilmington Star. Everything Delicious to Eat. fashions at such low prices, Overcoats at $lo, worth $15; cuic 0 $7 worth 19 Tenney's Candy, flurcotte's Candy, Steer's Candy. T H F R I d All kinds of Cakes and Crackers. Condiments, Vegetables, ; Meat and Fish, in tin Opposite flcAdoo Hotel. STORE, Everything and Boy's Wear. in Men's One Day Only and glass. Atmore's Mince Meat. Fruits, Raisins, Dates, Figs, Nuts. Cereal Food of all kinds. , Teas and Coffeeswell you know us. ImnnffpH nnd r)nmrti CAcrnrL for lifter dinner. . . . & , , For WEDNESDAY'S SPECIAL, SALfci We shall offer you know. r Laundry Supplies. the hollowing Bargains: All we ask of you is to come in and look around. No 1. 2000 yards Bleached Domestic, finer quality than Fruit of the Loom ( not more than 20 yards to any one customer ) at 5 cents. No. 2. 24 pairs Fine Lace Curtains, at 93 cents pair. No 3. 20 dozen Boy's Extra Heavy Rib Seamless Stockings, at 10 cents. No. 4. 200 Large Batb Towels; at 15 cents per pair. Club Building, opposite Benbow House. The New China Store AT N. J. MCDUFFIE'S OLD STAND. Lamps, Glassware, Baskets, Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, Water Sets, Chocolate Sets, Te Te Sets, Soltair Sets, Flower Pots, Jars, Churns, Crocks, Jugs, Iron Wagons, Velocipedes, &c. Accidents Do Happen! Then protect yourself by taking out a policy with The Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York. Their NEW POLICY not only insures against all classes of accidents, but Against Illness From Is Beer Fattening. By request of W. C. T. U. It is a well known fact that habitual users of alcoholic liquors are regard ed by insurance companies as "bad risks." Statistics show that beer drinkers, and brewers especially, are likely to die soon after passing the age of forty. A well known editor of a religious paper, commenting upon this, says that in wandering through a great cemetery in Germany he ob served that city Germans generally die before fifty. The style of the mon Gloriana and the Three Johns. Messrs. John Staples.John Michaux and John Gilmer went up to Winston on the noon train. They go to witness he presentation tonight of ''Gloriana' by the Winston Dramatic Club, in which Miss Lillian Staples, of this place is to take the leading part. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, letter, cnapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required . it is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. if rice Id cents per box. For sale by kj. n,. tioiion. Typhus Fever, Typhoid Fever, Scarlet Fever, Measles. Small Pox, Varioloid, Diphtheria, Asiatic Cholera. You cannot afford to be without this protection. For full information call to see Boyd, SLgrn-t, Office Number 7, Katz Building. Sample Brown mercantile Co., 225 South Elm Street. Witchwork. Those who come to us for Fall Shoes sometimes think it . must be witchwork that makes it possible for us to fit them so quickly, perfectly and cheaply. Not a bit of it It's not witchwork, but vA work, that does it. 11711 r 1 wnne you were usnm and loafing and resting" this ciimmot- ura ttrckra o tt7-1- - rral l-iic drlr in china t Vn rl juiuiui, vv v vvut cl 1 vv ui i ij S I'" J Jiuviv 111 ouapv, wnitu work is what worked the wjtchwork. For Example: Headquarters for NEW GOODS We have bought our stock for spot cash, which means Bargains that we can eive to our customers. uments, and other evidences, showed office andayi nTor thisnotileat this e cordiaUv invite you to call and look through our FOUlSiD Pair of gold rimmed spec t,n.nlpa n.t. Wout. ATorlrof ct We are offering this week: Ladies' Vici Kid, hand sewed button shoes, Lon don toe, patent tip, B, C, D and E width, at $3.50, worth $5.00. Ladies' cloth top Jbutton, or lace shoes, patent tin. rntti. tntv C! O 51 H P wiHf fi civac -f at at H inkle 13rOS . $2-5o. This shoe would be cheap at $3.50. yy c nave a tun mie 01 ren onppers ior men ana women. that the men buried there had not been drunkards but prosperous business men, and he "could find no explana tion of the death age at the most vig orous period of life, than that of the beer-drinking habit." Beer, say its advocates, is "fattening." So it is but it is not flesh-forming. It does not contribute to the building of new tis sue, it simply prevents the old, worn out, useless particles 'from escaping in the natural way. The man who in creases his weight by drinking beer is carrying around just so much super fluous flesh which the vitality of the body proper is severely taxed to sustain. 170K KENT Two newly furnished rooms, near boarding houses and P. O. Address Box 283. n-3-2t. stock. We will make you prices to please. Very Respectfully, SHRIER'S, LADIES Quick. PHAETON FOR SALE 116, North Davie St. n-3-lt 216 South Elm Street ISMAIL ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Tonight no West Market St. The Hidden Hand. The Academy of Music was pretty well filled last night to see the belated performance of VThe Hidden Hand." The play is reported to have given tolerable satisfaction up to the aver age of plays of its class perhaps. "Grim visaged war had smoothed his wrinkled front" and the play went through without a hitch. Tonight the "Little Officer" will be given. In this the star is said to twinkle with ex treme lustre. Oysters, any style Qail on Toast Broiled Chicken Ham and Eggs Sirloin Steak Hot Coffee, etc. Bananas, 15c doz, this week. Charles L. Andrews. A Fresh Supply of Royster's : Candy C. M. Vanstorv & Co j j The Home of Fashion. Men of fashion find our stock rp.rlffc with nnWhiafr. imntotmr,o are the outward expression of vour taste. "Cost.lv t.hv haKit. QQ Duy, but not expressed in fancv: rich not hand v. fnrthA annoi i,- the man. The truth is always the strongest argument. Pleasing our patrons makes life pleasant for us. ya.Luu A Good Combination: Store The Guilford Department have had a handsome and beautiful line of Ladies' Wraps consigned to them on in need of wraps to approval, and would ask all WEAR FIT STYLE PRICE The looks of clothing may be a temporary availment, but if good service be not with them, they'll never please you. a poor nwing garment, no matter how the worn by an up-to-date dresser. material, should not be Call In Tomorrow Paid for What he dot. Mr. Turrner, of the Greensboro Coal and Ice company, does not like quail hunting any more. He went hunting yesterday and was having fun galore until he got on a farm that was post ed. The farmer came to town, got a warrant and had Mr. Turner arrested. He paid something less than $5 for his experience and today is too busy to go minting. -AT- South Side Pharmacy. 25 and 50c Packages. stock of Drugs, Medi- beeaVSSiSS of our Also a full cines, etc. Accuracy, neatness and dispatch in fill Physicians' Prescriptions. J. K. McILHENNY, nanager. 504 South Elm St., Oppo. Water Tower A suit needs this to catch the eye and aid you in appearance. S 51?! M1 to 8611 at Prices to suit - o juou caclulxj wuab w a, it; uoing. A Taste of Winter. Soon you will need sompthi n or Vir a Trim in tVio -fi-i,.'Ui u t- that while summer was here we w.re looking afr your wants. All yoTh'ave to do is to come see how well we have provided for you. With us vou will find evervthino- n-n-t-Aat kt t , "imusyouwiu ... o " w- -'vu icoiciuav, uuu bouav. mmnrrnw r.an.d2a'rde.aliD' Sood merchandise and moderate prices, have and inspect them, as we can retain them Only a Few Days. C. ML Vanstory & Go., The Up-to-Date Clothiers and Hatters, 236-238 South Elm St. Phone 90. The Guilford Department 230 South Elm Street. Store,