. : t .. ' . . '' ' ' '"' , . - . . ' . ' , - , - .. ' , ;!., ;'- ,.. . , . - :,'-'.' v , ' v - - - '.). i ' ' - '.'' " . ' ' J .... " ' - . " . - The Evening Telegram. c. P. SAFP, Editob. V - -rtT-taS-EKD DAIL.T- KX&MFT 8TJKDAT, Tfat Telegram Publishing Conpanj, OGWBIGHT. - - Pb8idet. SL'M "PHHXJI8, Citt SdiBMaiiag. TERMS OF StJBSCBIPTlON: One' yew, Six months, Ob month. 'entered at the Greenaboro Fostoffice imrt rAm mail matter. aec- Offlee in Kau building,' down stairs, first door lenonKa.t 8,eanre .tree. Telephone NoM. Address all ommunicationa to Thi Etik ms TsuoaAJf, Greensboro, N. C. FRIDAY, DEC. .3, 1897. You can get the telegraphic news twelve hours earlier in The Telegram than in any I paper that :gets into Greens- boroand.for four dollars a year less. A JORNALISTIC JOB. Our good-natured, jovial, hearty, wholesouled , toothsome contemporary , the Winston Republican, without which our Thursday nights would be even as a desert in an oasis, shows signs of losing that sweet sanity, which' has striped its hitherto career like unto the fleece of a Bengal tiger. All of this because the democratic press of the state has exposed certain features of the present order of things political and has respectfully declined to as- -' sist in ' whitening a malodorous and -unseemly sepulchre. The Republican chronicles the ar rival of its "winter of discontent" thus: ' ' The Republican h as , for months , pa tiently listened to the carpings, fault finding and howling of the democratic press about the doings of the fusion legislature, about the lease ,of the North Carolina railroad, about the ignorance and incompetence of the anti-democratic officials in r the state, about the corruption and mismange ment of the penitentiary, the convict farms and finally about the shrubbery on the capitol square at Raleigh." How can folks help talking (they ' need not howl) about the "doings of the late fusion legislature" ? Are the "doings" not just lyingaround loose? Have they not been flaunted in ' the faces .of quiet folks who only wanted to be let alone? And then that lease! Ha7e not the people of the state been treated to a most "bootiful" farce? Why, the company playing it have even appear ed before a New York audience. Is that not a perfect sluce of glory for modest Tarheeldom? We pay for it of course, but who would dance without remunerating the piper? But while all these things tended to puddle the limmd soul of th RpnnH. I lican it recalled that "virtue itself , . scapesnot calumnious strokes" and corked its thunder. But when the ' o'Kwi'K'Kamw a 1 ? i 1 a 1 I A n uutojt jix tuts capitol square was 1 much. TheR,hl,Wn , t,0 VtMtiMMn ' - -uuu,u nave oeen more considerate. The subject of vegeta tion is sometimes a tender one. Be sides the next democratic ftr?Tr,?r.?Df. c I tion can plant a new lot of shrubs and before another fusion gang gets in they will be too big to puU up. A conservatory of music has been established in the tenement district of New York to serve as a civilizer. We may now confidently expect an un precedented increase in the number of homicides in the slums. The fact that the democratic state - c untu l.JU a 1 !. . m. ouuwb il is composed of the same capable gentlemen who landed North Carolina in the republican column in the last campaign. Richard Croker's recognition of Senator Murphy as leader of the state -democracy of New York, it may be remarked, is not necessarily binding on either " Senator Murphy or the democracy. oome ui our contemporaries signing from the Senate of the United States. ' Mr. " Butter 7 resign ? Not much I The only way he will go out of the Senate is on the toe of an out raged constituency at ther end of the present term Until then, brethren, Tour souls in natience.He mav x die or freeze to death in August; in vent perpetual motion or cease for one brief moment to be a leather-lunged, golly-swashing "pass to noting" pa triot, but he ain't no resicrner. After all he hasd one his worst; there is some comfort in that. We welcome to our desk the Morning new.daily, and testimony that we find much pleasure therein. It is neatly printed, newsy and well edited. It takes the New York Sun press service, has opinions of its own, apparently, and should make for decency and order in the state. May it emulate the bay tree. The Crown Prince Constantine is soiDe 10 Print a book ntaining his experiences with the Turks in the late war. ' we pre8Umej llltl8. picturesbf how a Turk looks through a telescope from the rear end of a. special train breaking the record toward Athens. : THE CONCERT FRIDAY "NIGHT. Will be a First-Class Musical Treat for Our Citizens. The next entertainment in the course at the Normal College is a concert by Frances Hughes ConcertCompany. This will be in every sense of the word a first class entertainment. All the members of the company are musicians, not merely performers, and it will be worth the while of the music lovers, of which Greensboro has an unusually large number, to attend. t a- i.i 4. -ii . . n uruer ma. an may see sometning oi wnat is in store ior tnem. tne toi- i lowing program is given: Pinano Solo Polacca Brilliante Bohm Miss Bessie Godfrey. Soprano Solo May Morning Denza Miss Genevieve Lester. Cello Solo Concert No. 2 Golterman Miss Corry Appy. Baritone Solo Toreador Love Song Couchois Mr. G. Rawson-Wade. Harp Solo Fantasie. . .Parish-Alvars Miss Frances Hughes. Quartette "Harp of the Winds" Wade-Abt Misses Lester, Hughes, Appy and Mr. Rawson-Wade. 'Cello Solo "Gavotte" Popper Miss Corry Appy. Soprano Solo "Lady Mine" Hawley Miss Lester. Duo. 'Cello and Harp Berceuse Oberthur Misses Hughes and Appy. Ensemble - Terzetto, from 'Attila" . . Wade-Verdi Misses Lester, Hughes, Appy and Mr. Rawson-Wade. UNSUCCESSFUL TRAIN HOLD-UP. Passengers on Mexican National Train Stand Off the Robbers. St. Louis, Dec. 2. A special to the Post Dispatch from San Antonio today says: Advices were received here this mormnS 01 an attempt to nom up ana rob a passenger train on the Mexican National road near Montery, Mexico, by nine masked and well-armed Mexi- uiiio. The passengers made resistance and m 1 rm lue uullawB were unuccessiui. xney are nt? Pursued by soldiers, and If captured will be shot. I'Triie ' !e to PorIf g U VWl l I J that a few years since, while living in a malarial district, I suffered dreadfully with chills, which it seemed impossible to break. A friend urged me to try Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy. I did so, and by the use of a few bottles they were entirely broken broken, and I have been troubled -i.h them since. 1 also found It an excellent nervine. REV. G. L. FINCH. Williamston.'N, C, May 27, 1897. FOR SALE BY H.., i -j OWa.rQ 'GarOnPP i - r w fJ Corner Opposite Postoffice. Word Advertisements inserted In this column at one eent per word (or each Insertion. LADIES WILL FIND our line of right com- Dress' Goods nifttft. - moracms" a- f?reat variety oi desirable fabrics of both foreign and ,V' 7i"' .LrougaxiJrc, x'Aguiou uwvuoj vw., Have just opened some 25 and 30 cent ail wool fancy dress gooas. . Xhacker & Brockmann's. CLARA MARTIN, OF DURHAM, N. C, Diplomat in Osteopathy, will be at the McAdoo every Tuesday and Saturday from 7:30 to 11:30 a. m. Nature's method of healing developed into asciencebyits discoverer,Dr.A.T. Still, the basic principle of which is the adiustment of bones, muscles and I ligaments and so removing obstruc- nsall 115 systems, thus permitting nature to do her 'perfect work." Female diseases a specialty. Consultation and examin ation free. ' o20-tf MY THROUGHBRED JERSEY Bull will stand for service during the season of '97-'98 at the stable near the Finishing Mill. n22-tf J. W. Lindau. COLD WITH A GUARANTEE for J 6c. the "Southern Braves" and "General Worth" cigars. Your money back if not satisfactory. A.G. Stroud, McAdoo House. n-23-lw WjS L. Stribiing's, 217 S. Elm St. nlTtf HARRIS' LITHIA WATER JUST received. Howard Gardner, drug gist, corner opposite postofflce. CHUB TOBACCO For sale by How ard Gardner, druggist, corner op posite postoffice. NEW SUPPLY BUIST'S BIRD Seed, just received. Howard Gardner, Druggist, Cor opposite Post office. Oct. 2.tf NUNNALLY'S Fine Candies just received, 60c lb. Howard Gar dener, Druggist, Cor. opp. postoffiec. o27tf TELLER'S "HAND MADE CIGARS at Howard Gardner's, corner op posite postoffice. WTE RECEIVED yesterday about fifty grates that we are going to close out at close figures. We have them ranging in price from $1.50 up. Complete with summer fronts for $2.o0 and upwards. It will pay you to come and see us before buying. Yours grate fuUy, McClamroch Bros. Nov. 12. NO MORE BROKEN CHAINS, NO more links to catch things in, no back lash, no worriment over repairs or weather. The Columbia Chainless at Wingate Bros, is made for rain or shine, and is just as good as it looks. o20:lw( A LARGE STOCK of CHINA WARE Glassware, Fine Lamps at E. M. Caldcleugh & Bro. o-23-tf. "DARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. -J Go to Mrs. Cator & Co. for cheap Sailors, WalkingHats, Tarn O'Shan ters and Ribbon Remnants. XT AND SOME EMBOSSED Society cards for the foUowing societies: K. of P., I. O. O. F. and Jr. O. U. A. M.' Call and have your address print ed on Borne. Prices moderate. Jos. J. Stone, Printer. Oct. 9. tf Going To Build? If you are, consult us on material and prices. We deal in all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. A complete line of frames, shutters, etc. Our Specialty is hard wood work and carving for interior de corations. See our work and get our prices. Cape Fear Manufacturing Co. Greensboro, N. C. 1 Manufacturers and wholesale deal- Ciffif; 5SS, smngies, latns, and all kinds of building material. Heavy timber and factory bills a specialty. All dressed lumber kiln dried. Before -placing your orders write us for prices. Pitts & . Bain. Successors to Wm. Love. I Iria f f- -f- f . we pay -pnone cn arges on messages Oj work is done by exn had . from Leaksville, Spray, Wentworth, criticism. Our prices are always satisfactory, Reids ville. 'la well as our work. Wa nav 'nhnnlKir nn . Send us orders for seasoned firewood Christmas is But we - are nrettiest line Silverware riittarv fttr. v" 1 v" ' T " v? v- v J T v ever shown in Greensboro. Selections from our stock cannot fail to please your most fastidious friend. Ode M Hardware Company. Good Judge ie?7 We have the best grades of soft and hard coal. 50 cents takes a barrel of Greensboro Ice and Goal Co. Phone 58. Tapestry and Chenile CURTAINS Just Received, at The Gox-Ferree Dry Goods Company. S4si?l The Southern 33Q South Greensboro Sash and Blind Co., MANUFACTURERS OF , Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding, Brackets, And Dealers in All Kinds of Pine Lumber.-s'or .202-Lewis Street, GREENSBORO N. C. A OCMT 191 OBSOLETE METHODS do not obtain at ,this laundry. Our superior improved facilities enable us to turn out the acme of beauty in laundry work white, spot- !. me.8UC or meaium gloss finish. The Steam Laundry, John M. Dick, Proprietor. Coming, already : here with the of VV of fuel will never burn anything but our high-grade coal. It is not only satisfactory for cook ing and heating purposes, but its intense heat and long con tinued combustion make it vi.uiiuiiin.ai in un. iiuujv.iium. Time tO put in yOUr tUmaCe r J ;! :t 1 .,'4. ,-1 CUdl 11UVV, 11 jUU lid. VCU I UU11C it already. Kindlings beats oil. Tapestry and Chenile TABLE COVERS A Cosy Corner should be added to every home, for comfort. For husband or father fit one up in the library, or "den" with new easy chair, or luxurious leather upholstered arm chair, or laid tabour et for smoking, handsome divans, etc., for Christmas. For gift pieces for the holidays our line of odd chairs, gilt chairs, fancy parlor cabinets, china closets, and a wealth of novelties have been placed fer your selection. Varnish Go., Elm Street. DR. J. H. WHEELER, Dentist, Greensboro, N. C. Office first door south of postoffice. O. D. BOYCOTT, -Agent for Luray Lime Co., Aldrid Stone Co., Senseman .& Brickenstein Galvanized Iron Cornices, Steam and Hot Water Heating in all its Branches. GREENSBORO, N. C. Cape Fear& Yadkin Valley R'lway John Gili Receiver. Schedule in Effect Nov. 28th, 1897. NORTHBOUND No. 2 Daily Leave Wilmington Arrive Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville Junction. -Leave Sanford - Leave Climax v Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Stokesdale Leave Walnut Cove . Ije'ave Rural Hall. Arrive Mt. Airy 900 am 12 10 pm 1Z22 " 420 f 430 517 5 47 6 15 745 SOUTHBOUND No 1 Daily Leave Mt, Airy Leave Rural Hall Leave Walnut Cove - Leave Stokesdale Arrive Greensboro Leave Greensboro Leave Climax Leave Sanford . . Leave Fayetteville Junction. Arrive .Fayetteville Leave Fayetteville Arrive Wilmington 840am 10 04 10 33 " 11 06 " 1155 12 15 p m 12 43 236 355 400 4 10 720 NORTHBOUND No 4 Daily Leave Bennetts ville . Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Leave Red Springs. . Leave Hope Mills. . . . Arrive Fayetteville . 8 00 am 9 02 907 935 10 20 10 40 SOUTHBOUND. No 3 Daily - Leave Fayetteville.. Leave Hope Mills Leave Red Springs . . . Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Arrive Bennettsville . 4 50 pm 5 07 5 43 6 11 615 7 15 No 16 NORTHBOUND. Mixed Daily ex Sunday Leave Ramseur. 6 40 am Arrive Greensboro. Leave Greensboro . Leave Stokesdale. . 8 25 9 17 9 35 1107 " Arrive Madison. 11 55 No 15 SOUTHBOUND. Mixed Daily ex Sunday 11:; 12 35 pm 1 25 2-5 3 15 425 6 10 Arrive Greensboro . Leave Greensboro . Leave Climax. Arrive Ramseur CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Railroad, at itea springs with the Tied SDiines and Bow- more Railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Char lotte Railroad, at Greensboro with the South ern Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with tne JNonoik and Western Railway. I. W. FRY, W. E. KYLE, Gen. Manager. Gen. Ffss. Agt. Southern Railway. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE AND NORTH CAROLINA DIVISIONS In Effect July 1st, 1897. This condensed schedule is published as in- ormauon, ana is subject to change without ouce 10 tne puouc. TRAINS LEAVE GREENSBORO. 7.37 p m No. 35 daily for Atlanta and Char lotte Air Line division and all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing-room bullet sleepers between new York, Wash- ington, Atlanta, Birmingham and Ualveston. 7.05 a m No. 37 daily. . ashii-gton and South western v .?. -buiea limited for At lanta, Birmii gham, Memphis, Mont- ISmotsudw?h Through fiJlman sleeper New York w iew oneans ana in e w York to Memphis; dining car, vestibule- coach between Washington and Atlanta; Pullmau vourist car lor S an Francisco 8.50 a m No. s drily -for Richmond and Nor folk: c. unect at Danville for Wash ington ma pomts North. 7.32 a m No. 1 1 laily for Atlanta and all point i -k7u.i. Duau raii nice Lmonu to ianfi: nuiman sleeping car DanyiUt w no. springs. 12.10 pm No. 16 daily for Washington. Kici monn. Raleigh and all points North; carrits Pullman drawintr-rootn hii'- fet s'eeper Jacksonville to .Vc York; Birmingham to New York; Pull man tourist car from San Francisco nursaays. 10.44 p mt; . 38 dailv for Wa.shln-t.nn mrl So:- hwe3tern vestibuled, limited, for VAr ijm.tnn .J 11 . . r iiuo uuiiuu ouu au. uoiats rxortn: u'vugu r-imxuaa car xaempms to New York; New Or-cacis to New Y ., Tampa to New York; also car- i- csuuuiea coacn ana dining car. 9.62 pm No. 12 daily for Richmond and all pomts North; carries Pullman sleep ing car from Hot Springs to Danville; connects at Greensboro with train varrymg -unman car lor Raleigh. xTom Kaieign no. 15 passenger arrives 6.30 - v "iyo. 3o passenger arrives 11.55 a u, a-o. li passnger arrives 6.55 a m. -orKalelgh-Jio. 35 passenger leaves 12.10 p " " aacuger leaves o.au a m; iKcujcr leaves l.iH) a m. N. W. N. O. Division No. 107 passenger leaves . uiociBuuru ia.su p m; arrives at Winston-Salem 1.30 p m daily except Sun day. No. 105 leaves Greensboro 8.50 -uiuiuiy, arrives at Winston-Salem 9.50 a m, arriving at Wilkesboro 1.10 g in, tram so. 7 runs daily except Sanday; No. 109 leaves Greensboro 7.50 p m, arriving at Winston-Salem i.iu leaves wilkesboro daily except Sunday at 2.05 p m. ar riving at Winston-Salem 5.15 p m. ar rivmg at Greensboro 6.20 p m; No 108 uuston-oaiem iu.30 a m dailv i ii ""J'i "i"s as vsreens- ' J .11;TO m; o. iue leaves Win-ston-Salean 6.20 a m, arriving Greens- 7.20 a m. 7.05 a ml 7.32 a m 6.48 j) m 7-37 p m FROM THE NORTH. 2.10 pmj 8.50 am 12.05 p m I 9.45 p m 10.40 pmj 6.35 p m j 11.55 a m 5 6.55 a m I FROM . THE SOUTH. FROM RALEIGH. "All freight trains carry passengers. . JoWW m nr A- TURK, Gen. Pas. Agt., JNm,IA?Yi-1- Washington, D. C. Ass-t. Gen. Pass. Agt., w1ShhigPton . AUanta, Ga. R. L. Vibnon, Trav. Pass, Agt., 18 E. Trade St., ' . r Charlotte, N. C LOOK OUT ! When In need of -- . Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. West Schenck Street. . OUR LIVE BUSINESS MEN -T T . Vl.tj ta t.T-lo rrinf 1 anil raiser. South Side Pharmacy, drills Harry C Martin, insurant x Whitfield & Williams, bai-Wis . v- E W Hatchett, tailor TT P rionin C ii er market Shaw & Scales, lawyers George Jackson, painter Wharton Bros, bookstore Fordham& Ball, racket st-.. Johnson & Dorsett, shoes una clj. goods. 'ess C. M. Vanstory & Co., uI;--L-(at clothiers. John M. Dick, steam laun.ii v. P. D. Sa'tchwell, lawyer. Southern Varnish Co., fm-iuni Wharton & McAlister, insm-an,., E. D. Golden, wall paper. Guilford department Stoiv. Blaylock & White, Bicycles. Shrier, the exclusive shoe (ia!Li-. R. L. Woodard, hardwaiu. Cox-Ferree-Co., dry goods. Greensboro Ice and Coal Co. Dr. Wm H Brooks, physician. Howard Gardner, druouiL Dr J E Wyche, dentist. O-D Boycott, building supply. W ,B Farrar & Son, jew eler,. Dr G W Whitsett, dentist. L B Lindau, groceries. Odell Hardware Co., heater. Gaston W Ward, dru'rist C EHolton, drugs. B L Ruben, the tailor. Cunningham Bros., coal and wood. Richardson & Farris, drugs. .S L Alderman, photograper. Bynum, Bynum & Taylor, lawytrs. Dr J T Johnson, oculist. Dr W P Beall, physician. J W Scott & Co., .fine teas. Greensboro Industrial and Immi ?ra- tion Association. J, A. Byrd, barber. Jos. J. Stone, job printer. S. H. Boyd &C'o., insurance. Fishblate-Katz-Rankin Co.. clothin Sample Brown Mercantile Co shoes. Vuncanon & Co., groceries. W.- G. Mebane & Co., tobacco. R. E.Andrews, painting and Tain- mg. . People's Five Cents Savings Bank. W. B. Beacham, architect and buil der. G W St Sing, blacksmithing Matthews, Chisholm & Stroud, art 'clothiers and gents' furnishers. Greensboro Sash and Blind Co., building material. J . R. McDuffie, new china store. J. Henry Phipps, groceryiuan. Troxler Bros, country produce. O F Pearce, tobacco and cigm Dr J H Wheeler, dentist. Approaching Weddings Should remind you that you snoula begin to think about 1 T . , I Duymg a present. We nave a handsome line of tine pic tures, medallion's, mirrors, hooks, silver novelties, gold pens, etc. Wharton Bros. Anybody Can Fit a wooden model of standard nroiii'i-tioiis. fu ll requires an experienced tail"'- " living man in the way he should be lin. 'l. i,ic first order that vou give me will jn-ovr t per sonal recommendation to .you of t a' infill l sort, and each succeeding order i- ; -i!'011 endorsement of what has gone heiore. E. W. HATCHETT, Tailor. 358 1-2 South Elm St., "Piedmont if Special Attention given to Cleanup. I'if ins and Repairing. First-class n Guaranteed. Location of Fire Boxes JOS. J. STONE, SUl'T. a sy intersection of North Green Meade'Ave.. near Farmers W'-.n 13 Corner West Market and Ka. e li near CoL Winstead's. Corner West Market and Vu,i near C. F. & Y. V. Railroad. Corner Lindsay and Church Sir the Graded School. Corner East Market and X Streets, near electric in; lit s: ; Corner East Market and C'.'iiH"" beyond railroad. Corner South Khn and Kast V Streets, near McAdoo House. East Washington Street, just e:. road, near Mrs. Owen's. jpeis !.-. W-! .!' . , -ville 14 23 24 25 32 34 35 42 43 45 52 53 62 63 Intersection of Ashebor. 1 andGorreU Streets, Keojh s South TOm and Buchanaa Strei corner. West Washington and Siiiin; near A. T. Robinson's. Walker Avenue and Memienii JefTries' corner. Corner West Lee and Ashe S ; Glasscock's foundry. - ets. Pnma. . A .Unrrtrtti ..n1 hi if lit IjCC Sire. ets. -WUA UV A. JLL UK LI Ull ---- ' " I near St. Andrew's Church.-' Corner Pearson and East Lee Sir--c! Corner Ashe boro and E.st Brt Strt: near Graded School. 1

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