A V S. J - -4 - - it" The sooro VOL. I. NO. 132 GREENSBORO, N. G.;. WON DAY, JANUARY 3, 1898. Price Two Cents l i' oveninflr M Price. To induce you to buy Fireworks -for the New Year, I am of fering what I have left at half price. ANDREWS. The Leading Confectioner. Opposite K. of P. Building. Don't Be Fooled A. A. Waterman's "Standard" Fountain Pens are the only modern pens. Beware of Old-Fashion Ideas! W 6 farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. I Have Secured a First Class Cook, and am full; prepared to serve the good people of Greensboro. Remembe" I only Uer to the best trade. Central Cafe, e. n. GRADY, Manager. USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at tehel'oro Street Pharmacy. Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager To Our Friends: Hoping that each one of you have spent a jolly Christmas and wishing you a happy New Year and abundant pros perity throughout 1608. Call on us at the old stand. Respectfully, VUNCANON & CO., Reliable South Elm St. Grocers. 'Phone No. 2. When Out for Your Christmas Shopping call and examine our Holiday Goods We may aid you in settling the Gift Question. Gaston W. Ward Druggist. NORTH WILKESBORG BURNS Work of the flames In the Moun tain Town ALMOST WIPED OFF THE EARTH With a Little Wind the Town Would Have Been Entirely Destroyed. The "Hustler" Office Burned. Special to Tbs Telegram. North Wilkeaboro, N. C, Jan. 3 Fire originated about 7:30 o'clock last night in the furniture department of Stafford Bros. store. It spread with great rapidity before help arrived and soon the entire building was i ENVELOPED IN FLAMES. The store of A. M. McGee was the next to catch and was- entirely con sumed. Then Policeman Vickers' res idence caught and was burned to ash es. The large wholesale house of L. A. Jarvis caught several times but the flames were extinguished by heroic work. The building of the Bank of North Wilkes bo ro BARELY ESCAPED. Most of the property was covered by insurance and the losses are as fol lows: . Stafford Bros, store and goods about $6,000, insurance $4,800. The North Wilkesboro Hustler office was also in this building- and was totally de stroyed, the loss being $700 with no insurance. THE K. OF P. HALL and J. N. Hickerson's law office were also located in it. Neither was insur ed, but the losses are' small, the K. of P. being $175, and that of Hickerson about $350. W. G. Upchurch had sev eral sewing machines stored and his loss is $125. ! m'gee's loss .-Vfl)out $4,000. with $1,500 insurance. He saved some of his goods. Vickers' loss is about $100. The damage to the telephone company is about $75, and to the bank $25. The damage to L. A. Jarvis' store and goods is about $1,500, fully covered by insurance. THE ENTIRE LOSS is about $14,000. The Hustler will be started again as soon as a new outfit can be ordered. J. R. Coffey, Gordon Jarvis and L. N. Hickerson narrowly escaped with their lives and were SEVERAL TIMES SINGED. They were in Hickerson's office try iog to get out some books when the flames broke through. The night was still which prevented the fire from spreading, otherwise the conflagration would have done much more damage. Growth of the South In Wealth. The value of the assessed property in the South today is just double what it was before the war, when the negroes were included as property. Taking the South as a whole, the increase has been greater where indus tries have been diversified and inten sified. Mississippi is joined to her old idol, King Cotton hence that State which, comparatively, was one of the wealthiest before the war, is now one of the poorest at least one of the least progressive as far as ma terial progress goes. North Oaroli na, one of ijhe poorest, or rather one of the slowest, in ante-bellum days, is now become one of the wealthiest. Within a few years the old North State has built 180 cotton factories and 240 tobacco factories. Her old, worn-out sedge fields, with 93 per cent. 1 of silicious matter, produce the fine yellow leaf tobacco in abundance. The building of railroads has been one of the most . important factors in this unexampled development of wealth. Nashville Banner. New Bank Receiver. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Washington, D. C, Jan. 3. John McNulta has been appointed receiver of the Bank of Illinois to succeed John C. McKeen. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. NOT THE SHOOTER. He Expects to Make the Journal Pay for the Charge. The reports today say that Joe Jack- sun, wao was snot oy joud uuckwoiib at High Point last week, is improving and will tret well. The man who did the shooting has not yet been arrested, ving far successfully eluded the But this is not all of the story. Matt Hanney was here this morning . going to Winston to see the proprietors of The Journal in regard to a statement in that paper charging him with being the shooter. Mr. Hanney showed us the paper, and seemed to be greatly worked up over the matter. There was fire in his eye, and he exclaimed "The Journal must pay me heavy damages" We bu trees ted that possibly The Journal was not to blame, that the re port was sent to them that way. He refused to Believe this and jam ming the paper down in his overcoat pocket said: "I'll have damages." From that we take it that he will accept no apology from The Journal An announcement that the statement was an error will not satisfy Mr. Hanney. He must have pay for the slander. The Journal is alone to blame, and when he gets through with them their bank account will have de creased and Mr. Hanney will walk away with a satisfied smile and a nice fat roll of erreenbacks in his inside pocket. Enough of the coin of the realm, commonly known as filthy lucre, will wipe away the blood spots which nojcJ obscure the silvery face of the moon Then all will be well, and those who desire to plant Early Rose potatoes, Silver Skin onions and such truck, in the moon, can begin to prepare their seed. "Let Them All Come." If the arrangements for railroad rates is made 'for our neighboring towns to come and see "Pudden'head Wilson" at the Academy next Thurs day night, our people had better get seats, as this being the only stop in the Slate for this splendid company. Yon may expect a top heavy house and all of our people should try to see "Pudd'nhead Wilson" by Joe Jeffersou's Co. Admission has been put at 50c 75c and $1.00, children 25o in gallery-seats now on sale at Gard ners. Salisbury's Mistake. Lord Salisbury may imagine he is gratifying Canada by placing: the wishes of the Dominion seal poachers above considerations of international policy, refusing to act contrary to their demands. But he loses far more than he can gaiat by such a course. Alienation of the friendship of the American people will be a worse thing for Great Britain than the disappoint ment of a few Canadian seal fisher men. As matters are shaping them selves in the East, Great Britain is likely to need the moral support of all whom she can araw to her side; and in such a case the United States counts for a great deal more than Canada. From the Boston Post. Public Library Movement. The plans for the organization of the public library company as noted in these columns some weeks ago are being printed and it is the purpose of the committee to begin the work of soliciting membership at once. The plan as outlined is an excellent one, requiring small outlay on the part of each member and yet will se cure for the city a first-class library. There ought to be little difficulty in securing the requisite amount of sub scription. THE SAME OLD QAG. Mayor Strong Glad to be rid of Re sponsibilities. By Wire to Thb Tklbubam. New York, Jan. 3. Ex-Mayor Strong arrived at his dry goods store at 9:30 this morning, the earliest in three years. He said that he never felt better and was glad to be rid of the responsibilities of public office. The New Comptroller. By Wire to Thk Tklbgbam. Washington, Jan. 3. Charles G. Dawes, of Illinois, today took charge of the office of Comptroller of the cur rency. N. B. Scott, of West Virginia, assumed his new duties as Commis sioner of internal revenue. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money il it fails to cure. 25c. HAHNA HOWLEBS ARE BLUE Jhc Air IS Warm With SulDfluT- i -v OUS CStffQeS OF BRIBERY, TREACHERY, ETC. Kurtz People Say They Are Gaining and Mason Says Hanna Is Beaten. By Wire to Thx Tklagbam. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 3. Senator tianna s loiiowers in tne state are in a panic; although they continue to claim his election they are very des pondent. The air Is hot with charges of wholesale attempts at bribery and treachery. The ; anti-Hanna people make charges and claim that they can prove what they assert. They promise sensational developments. The Kurtz supporters claim that two members on whom Hanna counts will desert him at the proper time, Mason, the anti tianna candidate for Speaker of the House, said this morning that he can not be defeated for that position. Manna's followers are making a des perate struggle and charge the oppo sition with bribery. MASON ELECTED. Columbus, 2 p. m. The Ohio legis lature convened this morning at ten o'clock. Owing to he Senatorial con test unusual interest is being taken in the organization of both houses. The centest - in the h6use was between Mason, the antkHanna and Boxwell the Hanna candidate. The first ballot resulted: Boxwell fifty-three, Mason, fifty -six. Mason was declared elected. SIATUTION IN THE SENATE. The republican senate caucus nomi nated Senator Alexander for president pro tern. In the absence of Senator Burke, of Cleveland, who is opposed to Hanna, it meant the election of democratic office rsbf the senate. Lieu tenant-Governor Jones, who has the deciding vote, is also opposed to Han na. The arrival of Brice started the report that the gold standard demo crats, with the republicans, will elect him. A STAY FOR THORN. Oieldsensuppe's Murderer Will Not Be Put to Death on Jan. io. Lawyer William F. Howe got for Martin Thorn, the convicted murderer of William Gieldsensuppe, yesterday a stay of proceedings on his execution, which was set for the week beginning Jan. 10. Mr. Howe filed with the District At torney and the County Clerk of Queens county a notice of appeal from Thorn's conviction, and obtained a certificate of stay, which he despatched by spe cial messenger to the Warden of the State prison at "Sing Sing. The mes senger saw Thorn in the prisoner's cell in murderers' row, and informed him of what Mr. Howe had done in his behalf. New York Sun. NACK CASE POSTPONED. To Give Time for the Judge to Inves tigate. By wire to ThkTklkgkam. New York, Jan. 3. Mrs. Nack's trial has been indefinitely postponed to allow Justice Garrettson, of the Supreme Court, who is sitting for the January term of Queens county court, to investigate all the previous state ments in the case. An Out of Season Victim. By Wire To Thb Telegram. Maysville,Col., Jan. 3 Clide Maud- ville,a member of the Wheatland foot ball team, who was injured in a scrim mage last Saturday, died this morn ing as a result of his injuries. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.' . 25c. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay reauired. It is guaranteed to erive per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2d cents per box. D or sale by C. E. HoltOQ. TRAMP WITH ONE SHOE. He Was Sleeping Off HI Inebriation Whe-n He Was Arrested. Officer Jeffries ran across a tramp Saturday, a big, strapping, fellow large enough and stout enough to do any kind of manual labor, quietly residence and the Southern railroad. He had only one shoe and was lying on the bare ground and used an overcoat as covering. lhe weather was cold and getting colder and the officer pulled the tramp, who gave his name as Joe Malloy, and put him in the calaboose. There he was kept until yesterday, when a colored man from Haw River came up and reported that he had been robbed of a suit of clothes by a tramp Diligent search revealed the fact that Alfred Graves had bought a pair of pants from a tramp for fifty cents, and that George Taylor had bought a coat and vest for $1.50. These goods were identified as being the goods which were stolen from Joe McClouie, the Haw River man. The men who bought the clothes were then carried to the lockup and? told to identify the man from whom they purchased these goods. They were carried in sepa rately and readily and without hesita tion pointed to the tramp arrested for drunkenness Joe McClouie returned to Alamance to get the proper papers and an officer, and Mr. Malloy, the gentleman of leisure, who tramps for a livelihood and steals clothes from a negro to raise money for drinks, will be carried down to our neighbor county to stand trial. He had in his pocket a key which McClouie says will unlock his door, and a button hook bent and scarred, showing that it has been used to pick locks. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield &' Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: i New York, Jan. 3, 1898. American tobacco 881 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe B. and O C. and 0 22 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 98f Chic. Gas 96i Del., Lack, and Western ' Delaware and Hudson llli Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric 34 Jersey Central 95f Louisville and Nashville 56i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 111 Missouri and Pacific 33i Northwestern 120i Northern Pacific Pr National Lead New York Central t. . . 105i Pacific Mail Reading 22 Rock Island 881 Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 31i St. Paul 93S Sugar Trust 140i Tenn. Coal & Iron 25f Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred 631 Westtern Union Tel 901 Wabash Pref erred The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Jan. 3, 1898. Wheat, Jan 961 " May 911 " July Corn, Jan 29 " Sept " Oct " May 301 " July Oats, Sept " Jan " May 25i Pork, Dec..' " Jan 907 " May 932 Lard, Dec " Jan 480 " May 482 Ribs, Dec " Jan 450 " May 470 Cotton, Sept 605606 " Oct " Nov. (d " Dec " Jan 518519 " Feb , 580582 " March 584585 " April " May 594595 " July .,..6026O3 " August. .'...606607 Spot cotton. ...l". 515-16. Put8,90J; Calls, 92f Curb 9Jf. THE CAMDEN MURDERER Is Arraigned to Be Tried for His Life Today. SWEETHEART STANDS BY HIM. French Uner Comes in Mrs. Clay Will See Her Husband Is LI in the Saddle? By Wire to Thb Telegram. Camden, N. J., Jan. 3. A large crowd of men and women presented themselves at the door of the court house this morning to witness the trial of Eli Shaw, charged with the murder of his mother and grandmother last fall. The trial has excited unusual interest. When Shaw appeared in the courtroom he was a physical wreck He stoutly pleaded "not guilty." May Belle Neilson, his sweetheart, will take the stand in his favor. She is supplying funds for his defence. STEAMER ARRIVES. By Wire To Thb Telegram. New York, Jan. 3. The French line steamer La Bretagno arrived today from Havre with a million and a half francs in gold consigned to a local firm. CLAY'S CHILD-WIFE. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Valley View, Ky., Jan. 3. Mrs Dora Clay started again today to visit her husbadd, Gen. Cossins Marcellus Clay, at White Hall. She said she would see her husband this time if she had to walk. LI IN POWER? By Cable to Thb Telegram. London, Jan. 3. The report has been published here that Li Hung Chang has been recalled to power at Pekin. BRITISH GUNBOATS RECONNOITRE Dervishes Fire from Both Banks of the River. By Cable to Thb Tklbgbam Cairo, Jan. 3 The British gunboats made a reconnoizance at Post Shendy and Metenmeh. Dervisbboats were between Berher "and Khartann on last Saturday. The Dervishes kept up a smart fire from both banks of the Nile. The gunboats proceeded 20 miles south and captured a number of boats laden with grain. Why the British .Troops Move. By Cable to Thb Telegram. London, Jan. 3 It is semi-official-y announced that the movement of British troops in Egypt is due entirely to the news of the threatened norther- y advance of the Dervishes. It is said the movement does not imply an im diato advance in the direction of Khar- tooum. The Esterhazy Trial. By Cable to Thb Telegram. Paris, Jan. 3. General Sanssier, the military governor of Paris, has decided to try Major Count Esterhazy by Court Martial behind closed doors on January the tenth. Going Full Time. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Little Falls, N. Y., Jan. 3. The Saxony knitting mills, which have been running only eight hours a day since last August, started up on full time today. KNOCKED DOWN IN COURT. A Woman Slaps an Attorney's Face, and Her Husband Finishes the Job. Chicago, Jan. 1. Kate Kane Rossi, who for years has been a conspicuous figure about the local courts, slapped Attorney F. L. Brady in the face this morning in Justice Martin's court, and her husband knocked him down. They were arrested later in the1 Harrison Street Police Court on a charge of assault. Brady and Mrs. Rossi were crowd ing about the court sheets and became nvolved in an altercation. Mrs. Rossi said that Brady insulted her and she slapped his face. Her husband, Vin- cenzo rtossi, went to ner assistance. Bail officers separated, the fighters. NEW YEAR ADVICE may be wasted, as it is only the wise that profit by other people's experience, but we will giv It for what It is worth. You will get more real satisfaction, comfort and wear out of one ul of custom tailor-made clothing than you will out of twenty ready-made suits. Why not V What is a tailor for ? To fit every curve, rem edy every defect of figure, have your collar lay justso, and give you the style of a gentle man. We do it every time. B. L RUBEN, Merchant Tailor, 116 South Elm Street Benbow Building. Announcement. Bad Colds Are in The Air. We warn you you neglect them not. If you feel one catching you, Come for our ONE NIGHT COLD CURE, 15c. OR BOX LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE; 25c. If it has yo alread andNias reached your lupgs use "Yellow Pine," the certain Cough Cure and Expectorant. Fresh HuylersBandy. ' Richardson & Fariss. Prescriptionists. Opposite Benbow Hotel New Year Resolutions You probablv have hfn rfisnlvfnor for some time that you would cease endangering "your sight and have ybuJ eyes attended to by a Competent and Reliable Specialist. Now resolve that von will ta.rrv this into effect before making any other, and go to see J. T. JOHNSON, The Eye Specialist, M. P. Publishing House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:80 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. A GOOD FIVE ROOM COTTAGE In Good Condition On Pearson Street. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. Crude Rubber Has advanced, but we are selling Atomizers, Fountain Syringes, Hot .Water Bot tles, &c, at the old price. New Goods. Old Prices. Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite ost Officjc. Holiday Goods. I have just opened a pretty line of holiday goods please call. Nothing better for ehapped haads than Marshm allow Lotion. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo Hons? Building. 11,1 :: I-