VOL. I. GREENSBOROrN;C.THURSbAyj,JA'NUARYI6AI898 Price T wo Cents : i I. ' . . 1 . ' r:'.t-4.Sf.;: -1r, EMBROIDERIES. We have a splendid assortment of Cambric,' Nainsook and Swiss Em broideries which. jwe are eoinisr to close out, and have cut the prices re- ; gardless ot cost, t; r .-. : So ladies' if you would ,IiketQ-hily. a lot of pretty embroideries . cheap,, at tend this sale. - - L Hendrix & 221 S. Elm St. Don't Be Fooled A. A Waterman's ( C Standard" Fountain Pens are "the only modern pens. Beware of Old-Fashion Ideas! W 6 farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. t Secured a First- Glass Cook, and am fullj prepared to ' serve the good people of Greensboro. 'Remember I only cater to the best trade. Central Cafe, e. n. GRADY, Manager. USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy. Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter Manager J To Our Friends: Hoping that each one of you have spent a jolly Christmas and wishing you a happy New Year and abundant pros perity throughout 1898. Call on us at the old stand. Respectfully, VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. South Kim St. 'Phone No. 2. When Out for Your Christmas Shopping call and examine our Holiday Goods We may aid you in settling the Gift Question. Gaston W. Ward 1 Druggist. ' -THE MUBY HAS THE CASE. Bla Salt Against Winston Street - , - - i RallWaV. '.''. ' :. CHAMBER OFv COMMERCE MEETS , ... . ' Tif What That Body is Dolnj to 'Push Alonj: The Interests of Our . Hustllnz Nelzhbor. - Special to Thb Tilkedl ,'- . . . - - .. . - -V Winston, .Deo. ; 6 The . Chamber of Commerce of Winston-Salem held its annual meeting last night for the eleo- tion of officers for the ensuim? ' year. They are, J. M. Rogers , president, W. A.- Blair; secretary and treasurer; Gi- W. Hinshaw, I first vice-president and R. J. Reynolds, second yice-pres-' ident. A board of eight directors was appointed and is as follows: J. B. Vaughn, H. E. Fries, B. J. Shepherd, Frank Vogler, C. H. Fogle, W. B. Ellis, G.A.Follin and W. B. Pollard. The meeting was largely attended and very .. enthusiastic . The more prominent of the matters considered were resolutions endorsing the move ment to build the proposed railway to Marienbad Springs; commending the action and enterprise of Prof.Lomadj in converting the springs , property into a big Jiotel - and summer resort, and above all a resolution asking bet ter schedules of passenger trains on the N. & W. and the Wilkesboro branch of the Southern. : The agreement in the suit of T. J. Wilson against the street railway at Winston in which $10,000 damages are asked for the killing of the plaintiff's son closed today at noon. (J. a. Watson and R. B. Glenn spoke an hour or more each for the plaintiff and. Hon. John S Wise, of New York - . - and Lindsay Patterson addressed the jury in behalf of the defendant. The j r jury have not - at last reports deter mined upon a verdict. - FOLLOWING STANLY. Rutherford County Will Annul Bonds. A Rutherfordton special to the Charlotte Observer of this morning says: Suit was today instituted by the county commissioners of this county against the county treasurer. The ob ject of thid suit is to annul the two is sues of bonds outstanding and for which the county will be liable. The complaint has not been filed and no papers are on file in the clerks' office, but the summons, and therefore it is impossible to tell the exact nature of the action. At The Academy Tonight. Pudd'nhead Wilson which will be presented at the Academy tonight by Mr. Theodore Hamilton and ' a strong company, nas neiu its own as one oz the best plays made from contempo rary novels. A large proportion of the theatre goers of this city? are alsO readers of magazines, and no doubt are familiar with Mark Twain's clever novel, and there should be a strong desire to witness the dramatization of his work. The play follows the out line of the story and condenses it into a prologus and four acts. - Mr. Hamilton, who assumes the title role in Pudd'nhead Wilson is bet known in the Southern than in the Northern states, although he has been associated nearly all his life with the most prominent actors. Two Telegrams. The following telegrams were re ceived this morning by Manager Black burn, and are self-explanatory:" Norfolk, Va., Jan. 5. Pudd'nhead Wilson played here to a bL? house. It is a great performance. Theodore Hamilton and Joe Jefferson, Jr., are splendid. A. B. Duesbury, Manager. Norfolk,. Va., Jan. 5. Will leave here at 9:00 a. m. Have every thing ready. Our success here was very flattering. joe Jefferson, Jr., Theo. Hamilton. Big Merchant Suicides. By wire to ThbTklbqbax. Far Rockaway, N. Y. Jan. 6. William Buckley, a member of the big dry goods firm of , Dunham, Buckley and Co.,' of New York, -suicided here this morning. He had-been suffering from a' OOld. ; ,;- ;.rv;-;: '. r-1 1 mmTT1 Doctor Testifies That Scher Has RhI-1 p in the triii of faction -ot israei I saMuor w. recover vov,uw lur eniuuaii ininri frAm th MW.mnn11t.iLn' Rtr,t Railway Company there . was some Qiegerich of the supreme court J about the strange development of the ' about the strange development of the nose of the plaintiff. Dr. Arthur J Fiachmari, who attended the plaintiff soon after he was injured by a Broad way car at Prince street Deo, 13, 1894 testified that he found him bleeding from the mouth and nose and suffering apparently from . concussion of . the Drain. . Schers nose is now,. about three times as large as it ZwasA then. I Aside irom his injuries, ;the v witness said the plaintiff is suffering from a disease of the nose, .known as rhinos-' cleroma, or hardening nose. . The phy sician said that the disease is hardly known on this continent. It was . first met , with in Russia and AustraUa, and is rarely' found outside of those countries. ,:The disease .'makes ' the nose, look like New York Sun. a lobster unboiled.f A FIRE AT . SINQ SINQ. None of the Prisoners Attempted to - Escape. By Wire to Ths Tubkam Sing Sing N. Y.t Jan. fe. The pris on was afire early this morning. In me mess room many or tne convicts . ... . . wuuwere onuuty .ses to .wors: nguting the flames instead of trying to -escape during the excitement. , In a Tew min utes the fire was extinguished. The other convicts dressed and remained in their cells. EXACTING "TRIBUTE. Teutonic Reports a Stormy Passage Over. By Wire To Ths Tkubg&ax. New York, Jan. 6 The White Star liner Teutonic arrived today reporting the roughest .voyage she. ever expe rienced.. She encountered : high north west galeW Five' able sailors were in jured by the breaking of great seas on the port promenade deck '. : ' All of her passengers suffered, intensely. REORGANIZING THE ARMY. Small flove on the European Chess board. . By Cable to Ths Tzlbg&ax Belgrade, Servia, Jan. 6: A royal decree has been gazetted reorganizing the Servian army and appointing ex king Milan the father of king Alexan der commander in chief. KING'S MOUNTAIN COAL. Expert Pronounces it to Be an Ex-J cellent Variety of Anthracite. King's Mountain, Jan. 5 Our peo ple are somewhat agitated over the recent discovery of coal , near this place and unless experts are very mnch mistaken, we will be indepen dent of the coalmines of other states. An analysis of samples sent to a gov government expert shows 95 per cent, carbon He ' pronounces it a fine sample of anthracite coal. From investigations already made pee ma that it crops out in a number of places, which would indicate that it would be found 'in quantities. Char Observer. Russia Tracking Germany. By Cable to Thb Txlbcram. Port Said, Jan. 6. rThe Russian Cruiser Russia arrived here today enroute to China. It is believed that she will be compelled to disembark her guns In order to traverse, the canal. The Report Denied. -By Wire to Ths Tki.sgkam. '. Chicago, Jan. fr George Trench ; broker representing Joseph Leiter denies the rumors that Leiter has closed a contract- for the . disposal of his wheat to. exporters. niniiter to Argentine. By Wire to Ths Tslkbaic - ; " " Rome, Jan. ,6-The .-government ,to- day . appointed' Signor Counsellor of the Italian legation at ' Madrid, to be minister of Italy at Buenos Ay res. Grand Jury After Hanna. By Wire to Ths Txlsgbam. ' Columbus,-O. Jan. 6.-7-The; Kurtz managers, are1 preparing to ,; bring bribery charges against Hanna before. the grand jurr. ; ! ; OOES SLAVERY STILL EXIST? Better Take Jhls ; with, a - Small i - . v ' ; DItil CI4- ' r ' . : linCD 01 .Oait.' DETAILS OF THE CHINESE LOAN --vr. .-, -ifej,y.:;; Bubonic Plague Ms Increasing John ' Redmond In New YorkNew f V, ; Trial forjCcRatcUffe; By Wire to Ths Tiugbu. J : . -- y West Palm Beach,Fla.. Jan. 6 ,Fonr; hundred .State ;ate Wnvicts, both y , - 33, were let out at whites and. negroes auction today : under four years lease. They were massed in the public square, xuost ozjaem are nail starred and emaciated billness. Thev wereJ 8Qd for e beneflt ?f the State. PromV inent ; farmers fought for the most 1 nromisinfir 'of vthe men who wpm hoi ho- 'ii ' iN . ti,. ....1 sold into slavery. They were dragged off bound hand and foot by their new masters to serve out the sentences. THE CHINESE LOAN, By Cable to Th Txlrgkax. - London, Jan. 6. It is reported oh the stock exchange today that Great Britain has arranged to guarantee th 1 - loan. Sixteen mUUon pounds hnnds will b iaaned at thrPA tvm- and sold &t one nUudre4 and . ' "a ten 'PLAGUE IN CHE A SINQ. By Cable to Thb Tklbgkam. Bombay," India, Jan., 6. The Bu- v .- i t ' - . ! bonie plague is increasing. There were eighty -six deaths reported from the disease yesterday. f REDMOND ARRIVES. By Wire to Thb Teksah. i .New. York, Jan. 6. John E. Red- mond,member of Parliament and Irislji leader,"- arrived here this4 morning on board the Teutonic He comes to fur ther the interest of Irishmen in . this country in -'-the- great -eelebration of ninety-eight- to be helct InBubliB. Redmond says that England dare not interfere with the celebration and that all sons of Erin should attend. - NEW TRIAL WIFE BEATER: " ; By Wire to Ths Tjojbgbav. . New York , Jan . 6.J usticc Dickery , of the Supreme Court in Brooklyn, today granted a new trial ; to Actor Ratcliffe. A warrant, charging him j with-perjury was sent to the warden of the Tombs. THE POUND OF FLESH. By Cable to Ths Tklbgram. -. , London, Jan. 6. It is learned on excellent authority that in the event of England's guaranteeing the new, Chi-. nese loan the concessions required will take the form of insisting upon open . . . .. rnaot x rrnio 9 r all v- a rl rts I ing new vi - asv va . w iau auwwi.vuo alik. Ignatius Donnelly to Wed. St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 4. The an nonhcemenwas made today that Mr. Ignatius Donnelly ," , the well-known populist leader, famous' also" as. the author of many ; popular ' books,' . and upholder of the Baconian authorship of Shakespeare works, will ; in srx weeks. marry Miss "Marian Hansen, who has been stenographer fn the of fice of his newspaper. ; The sage of Ninger,' as Mr; Donnelly is called , is now sixty-sir years old and Miss Hansen is twenty; ' - Mrs. Nack Will be Arraigned Monday. New- York,r Jan. 5.-?-Judge Garret- son, Jjistrict, Attorney , xoupgs,. ana Emanuel Friend. , counsel ' for , Mrs. Augusta Nack, held a conference at the Queens county court hoSise today', at which, it was decided -."that Mrs Nack should be arraigned "next ' Mon day. It is ' ekpected that she- will be aUowed tb plead guilty to manslaugh- ter and be sentenced to a long term of. imprisonment. ' Bartley's Sentence Confirmed. ; ni ...... : . 'fi. .-- ; . , . - Lincoln, Neb'.-. Jan. 6 The Supreme court this evening rendered a decision 1 affirming tne -penitentiary ' sentence oi 20 years imposed on ex-State Treasur er Bartley, convicted o-embezzling $735,000. ;- I') vj'-sv -- I ' '' vV;' -"', c. To Cure a Cold In One Day."; ;;V 'i ;Take Laxative; 3rbmo Quinine Tab-" lets. - All druggists refund the money if it fails to curejf :;25c. 'Ci&&iT J J11 BRIDE STOLEN.- nri feaker'Says Relatives of His Have ' Spirited Away the Widow Jones i i. Alexander A Baker, 65 - years J old! who Jtiasbeen staying-, with the family of A. Parsill ia Main street" Belleville. jruBaa,,ini.o j usuce c-onneu 's omce In tfiat jvylaga last night v&nd declared that m8 wife, tonrhVw married on Monday niarht.. ' had i been nirited on Monday night, had ; been, spirited away; by relativesof his who had Tob- jecfed .to the marriage ; The udssing. wife was formerly Mrs; Annie' J ohes,.a widow, of vLodi. She is about - 50 yeirs id Baker - had been making love to her for some' time,' he said,, and, when she viaited-jfche Par fiU h.owe lAS gbt he suggested'that they get married; f a minister "was called' in .who f tied the knot; but later, so Baker alleges; relatives Who wanted Mm Wmarry; an I r1'" r . pwo w a - Jrs Bao 18 wortn ip,wu anatnattney will try5d"kee'pher away Jfeoiar htnj Matil the can have the marriage f ah- hulled. He.says -"he" has money and will spend It" to find" her.. He wanted the Justice to assist him" and the . latter promised he would today. New York Sun.- - . ! ! . ' v t-r- v '- - r;v': GIRL OF 17 A" HORSE THIEF. She Has Kept the Police of Erie, Pa., .:U-.Basy for Several Months J 5 i f Erie, , Pa., Jan. 5. Miss Edith Kelly, t SS 1 liij oivcu ' niLii ? iiiuhh nurrai mv. - ii ihh Ketlfhas'ied a wlldcareer ;fdr sever months In tUa tiark of the State, and ha W t.W'fara knd th has keot police on,. the lookout for her on acr count of the theft of half a dozen . of 1 horses ," which, although not run out of the country were . found long distances from their owners' stables V Her last escapade and the one, which led to her arrest .was the theft of a horse and buggjrat Union City this week 'The horse she r nad driven for twenty-four hours and left it exhausted and almost dead at Lincplnville after selling the robes and 'articles which she found in .'The sole object of her tharts seem to have been to procure money with which to buy morphine. The girl has been under treatment in the Warren State Hospital once for the morphine-habit. Miss Kelly says she has committed eTery crime with tfie exception, oi mur der. Prince phuleep Singh Married. London, Jan. 5. The marriage of Prince Victor Dhuleep Singh to Lady Anne Coventry,' youngest daughter of the Earl of Coventry, took place this afternoon. The event excited the firreatest interest -on account of the unique position of the , bridegroom, "such a match being unprecedented-in j an English family of the position of the Coventrys, who have for a long time strenuously opposed the marri- A large and fashionable company was present .at tne weaaing. J.ne i Oueen'B Dresent to Prince DhuleeD i Singh was a statuette of herself , in scribed "From Your Godmother.". The Prince's father, Dhuleep Singh, was a mere boy and one of the native monarchs of India when his country 9 . , - , Britain by conquest. He was the last native possessor of the Kohinoor dia mond, and -by the treaty which form ally made his country a British " pos session and "settled a princely annuity upon the young man, the famous gem became the property of the British Crown. It is valued at $6,000,000. ' HAS LEITER SOLD HIS WHEAT? A Report That He Has Disposed of ;. Most of it for Export. j Chicago, Jan. 4.' Joseph Leiter- is said to have closed contracts to dis pose of the greater part, if not all, of his .8,700,000 bushels-of 'cashn wheat. The buyers,' it is said are L. DreyfusH & Co. j. New York, the French" export ers, and Gill & -.Fisher, 1 Baltimore.' Dreyfus's 'man is: here looking pyerj the wheat, - and samples have been sent to the firm's New York headquar. ters..-. Nothing1, is - known here about the terms, but they are evidently satis factory to Leiter. He Jias. had numer; ous bids recently; from- exporters at lor round lots, but most . 4V vl.iiJ n..: vi uieiuuaic uccu iiuii xwn. .uicjiuo & Co. are said to be in a ; position to place the wheat on the other side . to- better advantage- than Leiter r and the option on a round lot gives thevfirma chance. to work to better advantage.: Butterworth Regains Consciousness. '1,. s '5v-.: v' ' . o'.',' r,- t-; Thomasville, Ga.,'Jan., 6. Dr." Mc intosh reports ;Mr.: Butterworth's con dition as improved today; He recov-. ered ' consciousness this morning' for the. time Bince , he-was"Sattacked with uremic convulsions, on Monday, and , has been conscious all dayJV" ::v WILL : ANNEX HAWAII, A Poll Shows the Senate In favor - ; ;. of the Treaty. : TM PREPARING TO HANG" CURRANT; I - ' 1 - 'J')u Revenue Cutter Running a Trio ' of Filibusters that Started from ; I ampa for Cuba. ; By "Wire to Twt TKLBGaAV. Washington, Jan, 6 A careful poll of the Senate regarding tJie , .. . - , v . ? f?nf Haw:aiI ,whl 9? annexa comes up for J consideration in that body, on next Monday, shows fifty-six votes for the treaty ana tnirty-tnree against it. LAST DAYS OP DUEBANT. By Wire To Ths Tsolbgrav. " :. San. Francisco , Jan. ; 6.- tions for the hanging of . Theodore Durrant tomorrow' ire being ' com pleted today. His mother will not be present at the execution. His last wishes regarding the disposition of his body will be granted and no pdst mortem - examination by experts "will be permitted CHASING FIIJBUSTEES.- F?!! - v oor. i-o im uaflnh UMn West Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. 6. The revenue ciitter McLean "has gone -in ' ' - e Pursuit 01 mree nnoustenng expeoi- J taonf that were fitted out at Tampa, Puerta . Gorda and' Plant City; ; The Dauntless is ! notamong "the ships There is no authentic news . further than that the vessels are off for Cuba' ;i :r . -, . THE MARKETS.. : .': T ' Closing Quotations by Private-Wire A. Porterfleld & Co.. ; W. A. Porterfleld & Co. , commission brokers r" furnish ns with thefollowing "closing quotations ' of -the-New! York stocK exchange ana the Chicago Board of Traded iUMix The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Jan.- 6, 188 American tobacco. . . i... ...... 901 HtcK.,Top-ffiaTitarff BandO.Ut:i..;;.y. C. and Ov:.:v. ;:J. Chic, Bur. and Quincy Chic.; Gas .. '. ..... .-. m m i Del. , Lack, and Western, Delaware and Hudson.-. . Am. spirits iliii . . . . .'. Dist'r and cattle feed ... . Erie.-.-. General ; Electric... . . . "Jersey Centaral. Louisville and Nashville.; Manhattan Elevated -ft n ' ji -r- v Missouri ana racuic.; Northwestern 1. 1 xturwierii jrmyjjio rr;. JMauonal Lead New York Central PacifioMaiL. . Reading . , . . Rock Island.; Southern7 Railway. :.'". . Southern Railway Pr, St. Paul;; ..V....... Sugar Trust..: . Tenn. Coal & ' Iron m . t-it - xexas jraoinc. U; S Leather Preferred. . ...... . : : 64 Western Union Telri 9U Wabash" Preferred..:.. ... . . ;. ... . 18f The tolldwing are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade! : : ' Chicago, Jan.. 6, 1898. Wheat, Jan . . ... v. ...... : . . . , . . 90 May;..... 90f July.X..iA1.....i.. Corn, Jan;;... 26i Sept r May:::.J:.. " .Tnlv 1 29i Oats, , Sept. ...... . . (( Tan -r - - - . - ' May Porki 'Dec " Jan...... May.V... 905 922 I 1 v 490 482 Lard, Dec Tot. . it ' ILToTr . xvlDS ; ieC. v ... I . i lt. Jan. ,;t . Cotton - .Sept;. litj?i'I. ....... 601602 Nov......f."... Dec.;.......... FeW... t ; . . . . . r. . , ; . '. 578 u March;. ; . ; .581 'Kt ' April yt.vhti'zii ;vi " - June. . .. ;. (cb t. August ;; ;;,.r. V; '..603 pot ; cotton. . . ri ' 5 1516. Puts, 90i; Calls, 911;: Chirb . ,90t V, NEW YEAR ADVICE byoriome'aexperlerice.:butwe wuf giTe it for what It Is worth. You will get more reiS r? v XL?0 omfor and wearoutoflSdt ' 'Z :& of custom tailor-made clothing than you will . '- out oftwenty TeadyadeSt8..Twhyoti What Is a tailor for f To fit every curve, reml TZ?y te'eet o Heme bavl yoW oouS S W iSiuSTO0,JanJ1 glve yu toe style of a genSe- J v man. . We do it every time. - - ";a. v : B.; fiUBEN, Merchant lorWOTffe There js Nothing so Goodfor Chaps and Rough Skin, as V " CHERINE : : . 1: . K-- ': Z"; -;.v.; 5,.' .: It is an Antisentio. TTfiaH net T if.i rn . . a - i - -r nuxvyu iiuco auuusi lnsianciy. TT?KHEAKED BY- ;; .ItSi. . cHaswirl 121 and iiftt Smith frlm atrL. V Huyler's ' 'IftBewS pound. Hildreth'rf -Velvet Taffyr 10 ' " .packages. s '- You probablv have been resolvins" ; - for some time that- you would .cease -7.' ,t"'A .' endangering your sight and have your vr; !? Competent and Reliable Specialist. Now ?resoive that vou will carrv : -. otner, and go to see- ". - . -rc- j- J. T. JOHNSOPf , ' The Eye Specialist, I -..4 : : . . M. P. Publishing House 302 South OFFICE HOURS : 8:30 a m, to IZisO m.; 2:00 to 5:30 prmvrfe House for x Reiit, ON MARKET STREET, . j ' ; Plenty of Money; ; , to loan, on first-class real estate security. : . v ' ; :--" "jVr- ;' ''.V.;' WHARTON & McA LISTER. - ' . . ; AGENTS. :3?i;v Has ; advanced , but we are ; selling Atomizers, Fountain ..Syringes, Crude Rubber , ; Hot iy ater :Bot'ip" at theold prjLiee. '"; New Goods. Old Prices. HA Howard uardner, Corner Opposite jost Office. One of the; p i: est Resolutions ; fcrf the,newiyear:;is;tQ,doi:v:-SW , - your tralihtiHoItori's i : ' Honest Goods at Close ,?;T 'Prices. is pur;motto; , Ilolton's Drug Store. '- r i I 4M?$. Midb'Hous.BuiidinfptS ' v. , - ';::v::'' ; ii "-".7'irv-?:.f-. .'-.i'.'S--; - I' - Xk i.: ; Vi'A. v-

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