Telegram. ' 'V'r-V-- VOL. I. NO. '153 GREENSBORO, N. C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1898. Price Two Cents Our Closing hi s h' s s !! a 69 (. ! 8 I out sale of em- hrnideaies has been a e success so far. The lad dies seem to -appreciate the low prices we are making, judging from the way they are buying. This sale will continue until the last piece is sold. 8 Ten C, P, Corsets, priced $2.00, $2,25 and g $2.50, to be closed out g at $1.19. g J, M. Hendrix & Co,, I 221 S. Elm St. Don't Be Fooled A. A. Waterman's "Standard" Fountain Pens are the only modern pens. Beware of Old-Fashion Ideas! W B farrar & Son , Jewelers Established 1868. Choice Ice Cream -AT- Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy, Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager Until Sold we offer Pure Buckwheat in 25 lb tags, at 75c. Plenty of Apples at 25 to 40 ' cents peck, Plenty of Sweet Potatoes at 15 cents peck. Cabbage, 2c lb. C ome and see us or send your orders for anything you want. I Respectfully, VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. South" Elm-St. 'Phone No. 2. When Out for Your Christmas Shopping call and examine our Holiday Goods We may aid you in settling the Gift Question. Gaston W. Ward, Druggist. IS THE MAINE AI HAVANA? No Nevof Her deceived At The State Department. A BRITISH STEAMER ASHORE. Prominent Editor and Politician Suicide By The French Method. By Wire To Thi Telegram. Washington, D. C, Jan25. The Maine is probably in Havana harbor: It is believed at the state department that the Maine arrived there at an early hour this morning. No direct report has been received. BRITISH STEAMSHIP ASHORE. By Wire to The Tklet.ram. Key West, Jan. 25. The British steamer, Darlington, cotton laden from Galveston to Hamburg went ashore on Marguesas keys yesterday. The captain and mate arrived here this morning on the tug Childs. AN EDITOR SUICIDES. By Wire to Thk Telegram. West Chester-, Pa., Jan. 25. Cap tain George R. Guess the Editor and publisher of the'Chester county Demo crat and lately chairman of the dem ocratic county committee suicided at his home" by Inhaling full gas this morning. , v MAINE ARRIVES. By Cable to The Tklegram. Havana, Jan. 25 The Maine ar rived here this morning. She saluted the forts and war vessels. The repoA is current here that Consul Lee and Secretary Congosto have had a slight mLunderstandinT. STRIKERS RETURN TO WORK. Editor Ellis Will be Winston's As sistant Postmaster. Special to The Telegram. Winston, Jan. 25 The 300 strikers at Brown & Williamson's tobacco fac tory have gone back to work. The firm withdrew Its demand for a reduc tion in wages, of 10 cents on the 100 pounds of tobacco rolled for the past two weeks and gave the hands full pay. W. J. Ellis, editor of the Union Re publican, yesterday took the oath of assistant postmaster here. There will be nochange in the assistant atthe Sa lem office, the present incumbent, J.L. Brietz holding over. Word comes here from Crater's that a young man by the name of Hicks met with a painful accident. A large bucket fell from the top, cutting an ugly gash in Hicks' head. He is do ing well. The Morman elders have changed their tactics. They have abandoned preaching and gone to holding prayer meetings from house to house. Salem Female Academy 's. mid-winter concert will be held Thursday and Friday nights of this week. Will- Print the Stamps. The postoffice officials have denied Jthe application of the stamp collectors that the department rescind its order for the printing of a set of exposition stamps to be used in commemorating the trans-Mississippi exposition, which will be held in Omaha during the sum mer. The designs adopted by the depart ment have been sent to the bureau of engraving and printing, where the ar-J tists have been at work completing the designs. Washington Star. , John Evans Again Reprieved. John Evans, the negro in jail here under sentence of death for the rape of a young lady in Rockingham, has been given another respite of 30 days. The date for his excution now is Sat urday, February 26th. It is believed that on that day, un less some new evidence tending to show his innocence is discovered, the gover nor will allow Evans to hang.. His attorneys, however, hope to secure for him a commutation to life imprison ment. News-Observer. M'Camos Elected. Special to Thk Telegram. Annapolis, Jan. 5 Judge L. E. M'Camos was today elected to the United States Senate to succeed Gor man.. The vote stood: McCamos 62; Gorman, 47; Shaw, 5. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor I Briefly Told? Telegram Bureau. High Point. N. C.. Jan. 25, '98. f Miss Kate Smith returned yesterday morning frojIL-Bessimer City, where she has been visiting her brother. Rev. T. F. Mann, of Salisbury, spent yesterday, in the city with Rev. J. R. Scroggs. ' Mrs. Dr. J. E. Cartland returneoTbn last night from GuilfordXJollege ,where she has been visiting. The engine on the High Point and Asheboro aailcoad. jumped the track4 last night a Randleman,' causing a delay of five hours. No one was in jured. W. J. Clary, of Greensboro, came up last night and spent the night with A. V. Sapp. H. H. Cartland, of Greensboro, is spending the day with his brother, Dr. J. E. Cartland. Dr. Mclver will spend Thursday with Prof. George H. Crowett at the graded school. He will deliver an ad dress to the students and the citizens of High Point and vicinity Thursday, L P. m. U. S. Marshal Milikan and O. C. Wysong registered at Jarrell's hotel today. They left on No. 36. NOW THEY SAY EWART. And That Ewart Wlff flean Demo- .cratic Victory. The Charlotte Observer' s W ashington correspondent says: Replying to newspaper reports to the effect that he opposed the ap pointment of Judge Douglas on ac count of the alleged complications in connectioff with ins administration as United States marshal, Senator Pritchard said: "The statement is absolutely false. The only objection I have suggested to his appointment is that his'1 retirement from the Sta'e Supreme Court bench would imperil a change in the present complexion of the court. On that account I have de clined to recommend his appointment and have so advised him." "All this means the appointment of Judge Ewart, and that means," said a prominent Russellite Republican to night, "the end of the fusion move ment in this State, and consequents the election of a democratic legisla ture this year." "Senator Pritchard," said one of Senator Butler's confidential republi can allies, "has made an indefensible blunder, an egregious, fatal mistake in this matter, and it is Senator But ler's purpose to say to him that there can be no fusion in the State that will prevent the election of a democratic legislature this year under his leader ship." Judge Douglas will remain here un til the appointment is made, and inti mates his purpose to defeat Ewart's confirmation. HERE'S A BONANZA. A. C. Gunter's California Land is a Sort of Klondyke Itself. A. C. Gunter, formerly a real es tate dealer in Asheville, is in a posi tion to enter into the true spirit of California's gold jubilee, -which began today. Mr. Gunter has only recently struck a veritable "Klondyke in that state. Some time ago he exchanged some property for lands in California. Both parties to the transaction were of the opinion that their respective proper ties were valueless. Mr. Gunter placed the deed to his California property in a pigeon hole and thought no more about it. Some time since he received" a number of letters making inquiries regarding the property and finally . a letter came con taining an offer for $50,000 for the land. The,discovery was made that a gold vein ran through the supposedly worthless land. m Mr. Gunter left yesterday for Cali fornia where will investigate his gold interests. Asheville Citizen. BEAR NO. 107. Big Tom" Wilson Has That Number to His Credit. S. F. Chapman, who is at home from atrip to Yancey county, saw "Big Tom" Wilson while away, and brings the information that the famous hun ter and guide has killed his 107th bear. "Big Tom's" Bon Dplph is something of a hunter himself, and says he is going to break the record made by his father. He has to date 67 bears to his cr3dit. "Big Tom" says Dolph will have to stir his v stumps mightily if he-gets ahead of his father, Jkod adds that it is by reason of the training re ceived from him that Dolph is so suc cessful. Asheville Citizen. THE NEWS' FROM ABROAD. English. Troops Occupy Disputed Territory. ALL Ifr QUIET IN ALGIERS. Italy Obtains Important Concessions In Favor of Silver Socialist Bread Riots CaU For Troops. By Cable to The Tklbgram . Lagos, West Coast of Africa, Jan. 25. British troops today occupied Okeito ia the territory of Borgue. The possession ofBorgue is in dispute between France and England. RESULT OF BREAD RIOTS. By Cable to Thk Telegram Rome, Jan. 25. In consequence of bread riets by socialists and anarch ists thecabinet tqday decided to sum mon'an additional force of one hun dred thousand men to assemble under colon for services. QUIET IN ALGIERS." By Cable to Thi Telegram. Paris, Jan. 25 At a meeting of the cabinet,-"the minister of the Interior communicated dispatches from Algiers showing that all is quiet there today. CONCESSIONS TO .SILVER. By Cable to Thb Telegram. London, Jan. 25 The efforts of the Italian government . to obtain conces sions on the part of the .governments of the Latin Union, jpelajtwe to the cir culation of silver in those countries in Italy have been successful. In conse quence of this agreement Italy will liberate 150,000,000 francs held at present as a reserve in the treasury and will call in all notes, issuing sil ver in their stead. " ANDREWS UP FOR .CONTEMPT. Case Now Under Consideration by the Commission. Special to Thb Tklbssah. Raleigh, Jan. 25 The Railway Com mission met at 10 o'clock this morn ing to consider the case calling upon Col. A. B. Andrews, VicjePresident of the Southern; Mr. H. W. Miller, his private secretary; Mr. J. B. Newsom, division freigh agent, and Mr. R. L. Potts, local agent of the Southern, to show cause why they should not be punished for cQntempt for refusal to answer questions propounded to them. x The commission heard argument from Col. Henderson, of Knoxvile, Tenn., and F. H. Busbee, of Raleigh, for the respondents, and Cook and Douglass in behalf of the state. The' commission now has the case under consideration, no decision hav ing been reached. REINDEER, STRANGLED AT SEA. Hanged by Their Halters as the Glan ton Rolled and Pitched. Most of the fifteen reindeer that died on the steamship Glanton on her rough voyage from Hamburg, which she fin ished here on Saturday ere hanged by their halters. They were tied to stanchions, between decks. Some had their necks "broken and some were strangled. They were knocked from their feet by the violent 'rolling and pitching-of the ship.; After nine had died in this way the others were un hitched from the stanchions and put in a pen. Six died in the pen. The rein deer were brought here by James Niel. He collected forty of them in Finland. Eight died on the long journey to Hamburg. - He has seventeen left, which he will take.overland to Seattle and tran8port.thence by water to the Klondike. nTy. Sun." . How They Show It. ' - When the charges of bribery were first sprung ia the Ohio Legislature, Hanna's friends said: "It is done to defeat Hanna. We will elect him and then we will show that the- charges were trumped up." Hanna was elect ed, and his friends decline to answer questions and run away from investi-gation.-News and Observer. - Dissolution Notice. The firm ofForsyth & Winslow has been dissolved. All accounts due said firm are to be paid to A,. C Forsyth, and all claims against said firm are 1 to be paid by A. C. Forsyth. A. C. Forsyth'. A. R. Winslow. NTEER VOLUNTEERED- And a Bag of Chickens Went With " Him. By Wire to The Telegram Binghampton, N. Y. Jan. 25 Frank Perkins, the leader of the American. volunteers in this city was arrested at two o'clock this morning with a bag of chickens, which he had stolen, on his back. He was promptly tajjen to police headquarters. He afterward suicided by shooting. STORM BECOMES A BLIZZARD. Wires are Down and the Roads are Impassable.. By Wire To Thb Telegram. Chicago, Jan. 28. The" storm has reached the dimensions of a blizzard and . continues to sweep ' over west Nebraska and the adjoining states. The- roads have become impassable and tlje wires are down. The storm reached Illinois today and is moving rapidly eastward. BULOW EXONERATES DREYFUS. Never any Relations Between Dreyfus and German Agents. Berlin, Jan. 24 The minister of For eign Affairs, Baron von Bulow, made a solemn statement today before the budsfet committee of the Rejchstag, in regard to the Dreyfus affair. He de clared mostemphatically that there "had never been relations of any kind be tween representatives or agents and Dreyfus. Continuing, the minister said the waste basket incident at the Geriran embassy in- Paris, and the finding therein 'oT compromising documents affeeting Dreyfus, was sheer invention He added that the Dreyfus affair had not affected in the slightest the calm relations between the German and French governments. The speaker knew nothing of the visit tO Dreyfus by German officials during his alleged stay in the Reichsland, and still less of the alleged special facilities given Dreyfus visjt. Y : . " LUETOETRT CROSS EXAniNED. States Attorney Deenan Falls In an Effort to T:ip Him. Chicago, Jan. 24. State's Attorney Charles S. Deenan began the cross examination " of Adolph Luetgert at 3 p. m. today. The most material ad vantage gained by the State was the wide difference in the descriptions of the appearance of the vat on Sunday morning , given by Luetgert and Mr. Charles. The latter said the vat con tained tallow, unassimilated grease, lye and some soap. Luetgert main-tained-rtr was all "soapy substance" and the difference between the top and bottom was that the former was dark er colored and slightly more fluid. Fully a dozen questions were put and repeated with the design of forcing the witness to tell what the soapy sub stance "looked like. He realized the importance of the point and obsti nately repeated his answer that it was just "soapy substance." Explained. "Do you mean to call that a victo ry?" asked the war correspondent. "Gertainly," replied the Spanish official. "But your men went flying in terror before the insurgents. They consid ered themselves lucky to get back at all. You don't call that a victory, do you?" "Certainly. They got back, didn't they?" "Yes." ' "Well, I want you to understand that,we claim jurisdiction over this island. --We're making the rules, and every time any of us get back in safe ty it scores one victory." Washing ton Star. The Lexow Law. By wire to The Telegram. Albany, Jan. 24. An appeal affect ing the constitutionality of the Lexow antirmonitor law to examine the presi dents of coal trusts and railroads was set down for argument before the Court of Appeals today but was postponed until the next term of court on March first. ' . v St. John has not Resigned. A telegram from vice president E. St. John of the Seaboard Air Line to the Morning Post, of Raleigh, in answer to a iuer; denies that he has resigned Jiis position with the Sea board. " To Cure a Cold in One Day. Tafte Laxative Bromo Quinine-Tablets. All druggists refund the mono? if it fails to cure. 25o. , A HOLOCAUST IH SPOKANE, Terrible Work of The flames - There This Morning, WERE FIFTY LIYES LOST? The Destruction of Property Will Amount To More-Than a Half Million Dollars. By Wire to The Telegram. Spokane, Wash., Jan. 25 Twenty lives were lost in a- fire early this morning in the the great eastern block in the great Eastern block in this city. The drst stories oi the building weie used as stores and the upper stories for lodging. The, building has been known as the "fire trap" ever since it was built. The stairs were so ar ranged as to cut off escape. Many of those in the burning- building leaped from the windows sustaining injuries and were carried to the hospitals dead or nearly so. Some were penned in and smothered or - burned to death. The loss of property will amount to more than a half million dollars. Some' say that the loss of life will be fifty as i is not known -as yet' how many lodgers were rescued. The heat was so intense that the work of res cuing the imprisoned people , was, next to impossible. There were about 250 lodgers in the building when the fire originated. The building- was erected in 1890 and cost over a quarter of a million dollars. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations , of vthe Nev York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: . s The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Excfiahge: New Yokk, Jan. 25, 1898. American tobacco; . 85i Atch., Top. & Santa Fe .291 B. and GT. 12i C. and. 0 21 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 98i Chic. Gas 951 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie . General Electric 351 93 554 Jersey Central Louisville "and Nashville Lake Shore .-r Manhattan Elevated 117i Missouri and Pacific 33i Northwestern . : .-. 121f Northern Pacific Pr 63 National Lead New York Central 116i Pacific Mail Reading 21f Rock Island... 87i 86"uthern Railway Southern Railway Pr 30 St. Paul..... Sugar Trust 137i Tenn. CoaL & Iron 24i Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 90 Wabash Preferred. The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO, Jan. 25, 1898. ' Wheat, Jan " May 93S " July Corn, Jan " Sept " Oct.. May " July Oats, Sept " Jan ' -May Pork, Dec.' " Jan.......". " May........ Lard, Dec " -Jan...... , " May... Ribs , Dec. " Jan " May 29 23i -1Q 492 495 Cotton, Sept 588 " Oct 589 Nov (eg Dec ...A. Jan f 57Q Feb.. 568 March. 571 April ' - May ..578 June...... July.... 584(a& August iT.t 587 ic ( Snot cotton. 5 H-Puts, 93t ; Calls, 941; Curb 93 i THE MONETARY CONVETION. The Attendance Is Larger Than Was ' Expected. By Wire to The Telegram. Indianapolis, Jan. 25--The second monetary convention made up from delegates of commercial bodies through out the country,' opened its session here today. - The convention, which is largerthan was expected, was welcomed by Gov ernor Mount. Governor Shaw, of Iowa, presided. C. Z. Stuart, of Pat terson, submitted the report of the committee of eleven. Hon. H. M. Daughteryaind Manager Page, of the Western Union, refused to answer questions before the legis lative committee at Columbus, O., yesterday. They may. be prosecuted for contempt. The committee now goes to Cincinnati. Our -Pleasant Department - extends over the entire store, of -course; but our extra pleasant de dartment i the part devoted to Perfumes, Imported and Domestic. -" ; "10 ucwcsu ana most painty perfumes and can please you ;. j.u 14ua.1j.bjr aim price. Let us put a drop or two on your -handkerchief when you drop in to drink our Hot Chocolates, Clarn Bouillons, etc. . Richardson & Fariss. Prescriptionists. 121 and 504 South Elm Street Aildreth's Velvet Taffy, 10, 15, 25c. New Year.. Resolutions .You probably have' been resolving., for some time that you would cease endangering your sight and have your eyes attended to by a , Competent and' Reliable Specialist Now resolve thtyou will carry this into effect before making any Qther, and go to see J.T.JOHNSON, The Eye Specialist, M. P. Publishing House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. Business House. JWe have for sale a Store Building on West Market street. We believe the location the most desirable of any now open in the. city for a grocery business. We are prepared to offer a Bar gain. 'Apply to - ' WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. A Sheriffs Sale draws a crowd for a short time only. But if you use Almond Cream Lotion one time for chapped hands arid lips you will use it all the time. Howard Gardner, Druggist. ' Corner Opposite .tost Office. The Necessity For Medicine r : furnishes its own reminder, but we would like to sug 'gest in passing that whe such an un fortunate neea occurs, there is no place in town where it can be uppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs and chemicals than at our Prescription Department. nolton's Drug Store. IcAdoo Honse Building. . , - -s . - -. .. z .