VOL. II. NO. 6 GREENSBORO, N.-G.,' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1898. "Price Two Gents X - - - I Our $ Closing out sale of em- S broideaies - has been & success so far. The la g dies seem to appreciate tj the low prices we are ' making, judging from the g way they are buying, g This sale will continue until the last piece is sold. I Ten C, P, Corsets, priced $2.00,l$2,25 and g $2.50, to- be closed , out at $1.19. I J, M, Hendrix & Co,, S 221 S. Elm St. Don't Be Fooled A. A.. Waterman's "Standard" Fountain Pens are ' the only modern pens. . Beware of Old-Fashion Ideas! , W B farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. -AT- Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottte Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy, Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager Canned Goods. Best canned corn on the market at 10 cents can. Every can guar anteed. Try it. Extra Quality Canned Toma toes, 10 cents. Second Quality Canned Toma toes, $1.00 dozen. Canned Beans, Lima Beans, Peas, Boston Baked Beans, all cheap. Extra Dessert Peaches, 12ic can. Guilford County Packed Peach is. $1.00 dozen. We can supply you with any thing eatable at the lowest prices. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Greeers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription - a out from our Drug Store is filled O.h the best drugs the market can ' .i-nioh. All of the best cough mix . '.s. laxatives and liver regulators -pt constantly in stock. Toilet arti of every description in fact, we ' "o-ii -upply you with anything in the line, of the best quality and at 'liable prices. Gaston W. Ward, ' a 8 HOT TIME IN OLD VIENNA Students Following the' Example of the Relchsrath ' CLOSED THE LECTURE ROOMS And-.- Ran Off tfre P ofessors All Beause They Want to Wear German Badges. By Cable to Thi Telvgbam. Vienna, Feb. 3 Hundreds Qf stu dents invaded the lecture rooms of the University of Vienna this morning1 and indulged in riotous demonstrations against the ordinance -which forbids German students to wear badges at Prague. The rioters prevented the classes from pursuing their studies and compelled the professors to withdraw from the room. The polytechnic is closed for the week. Had Never Changed Hands. Two shares of stock in the NorthH Carolina Railroad, issued August 4th, 1854, to James N. Millis, of this coun ty, were today purchased by Mr. James H. Pou, of Raleigh, at $1.20. This stock had never changed hands, and Mr. Pou showed a Telegram man the first and original certificates for these two shares, which have just come into his possession. Mr. Pou's wife is a grand daughter of Mr. James N. Millis, to whom the certificate was issued. The estate of the old gentleman is just being wound up, and Mr. Pou being struck with the fact that this stock had remained in the same family since it was originally issued, purchased it just to keep it in the family. It?s Now Postmaster Olenn. The Greensbojg postoffice was for mally turned over to the new postmas ter, Tyre Glenn, this afternoon. The retiring postmaster, James W. Forbis, goes out with the knowledge that his administration has been acceptable. He turns over the office to Mr. Glenn in good condition, and we hope that under his administration, the people will have no more cause for complaint than under that of the retiring post master. Mr. Forbis goes out with the praise of the community as having made an efficient, courteous and ac commodating official. Mr. Glenn has the esteeni of the people generally, and will make an acceptable postmaster. The Band Concert. The Veteran Corps Band and Or chestra, of Baltimore City, will arrive here from Wilmington tomorrow evening and thjs splendid company of 30 people, will give the people a chance to hear one of the most famous and popular music attraction in the United States. They delight the peo ple wherever they go with their clean and popular music. If you fail to see Miss Daisy Ogden, the child cornetist that takes the people by storm where ever she goes, you will regret it when it is too late. The price is 25, 50 and Tocts. Tickets at Gardner's drugstore. North Carolina Banks. Col. Olds writes the Observer: . The ... 3 state treasurer this afternoon issuea a bank report for North Carolina, . . . . . J o covering 40 states, io private auu u savings banks. It shows $2,564,000 capital paiTin, $361,000 surplus, $335, 000 undivided profits, $8,788,000 de posits subject to check. $4,639,000 losses. The treasurer also makes a report of the state debt, showing that it is $3,366,000 in 4 per cents, and. $2,730,000 in 6 per cents. Literature In the West. Our valued contemporary, the ' Min neapolis Tribune, which attributes "Don Quixote" to Scott, continues its original and fascinating researches. TthM discovered "Letitia Elizabeth Lendon," "Mary Russell Melford," "William and Mary Howell," "Mac auley" and the "Hon. Mrs. Newton. We await with pleasant anticipations the discovery of Olivia Wendell Sher iir Marv J. Holmes and Robert Byrnes. N. Y. Sun. Skaters Out. All day parties of skaters have been making use of the brief opportunity for skating. The lake out at the water works was the scene of their festivities and the skating was reported to be ex cellent. , Tt is said that about 18,000,000 bunch es of bananas are consumed in the United States annually. Now if some one would only figure out the number of coal holes in the sidewalks of the NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, ) High Point. N. C, Feb. 3, '98. f X The library of c the 'Graded school is by no means dominant. It is active, it i& growing; active in that a great number of books are being read by the students and their silently influencing their lives as well as storing away in formation; growing, in that occa sionally donations are received. Twenty-seven volumes were added last week, a number of them were peda gogical books, thus making it a valu able contribution. About the first of March some of the higher grades of the school will give a play in the opera-house for the benefit of the library. It is hoped that everybody will be interested in the exercises and help to make it a success. In the meantime any books or money will be gladly received. The third grade class room of the Graded school has been adorned with, pictures of Washington Franklin, Penn and several landscape views. Miss Nettie Matton, the competent teacher, together, with tn. scholars have taken great pride in beautifying the room. Manager Hoffman of the telephone exchange is distributing handsome calendars today. Mr. Hoffman says that the work will commence on the telephone line between High Point and Greensboro as-' soon as the weather permits. Messrs. D. N. Welborn and E. O. McMakin are" visitors in the City of Flowers today. A large crowd went out skating yes terday. Cy Wheeler and Marvin Jordap had the misfortune to break through. A new coach has been added to the Asheboro road for the comfort of the traveling public. Chief Bennett has sold out his beef market to Henry Bundy. Walter Willey a former resident 6f High Point but now of Marion is here for a few days visit. CAME BACK f ROM H00SIERD0M. REV. JOHNSON DELIVERS AN ELO QUENT ADDRESS AT WINSTON Pythians Will Celebrate Filling Ice Houses--Golng to Indiana to Live Ice Three Inches Thick. Special to The Telegram. Winston, N. C, February 3, The Christian Endeavorers cele brated the 17th anniversary of the Na tional Union last night, at Calvary Chapel. The celebration was most inter esting. Rev.T. M. Johnson, of Greens boro, delivered the address, an ex ceedingly fine effort receiving close attention, ami great appreciation from the audience of members and friends in attendance upon the meet ing. The Salem .Lodge No. 56, and Damon Lodge No. 41, of the Knights of Pythias are making preliminary preparations to celetrate with the 19th anniversary of the order, on Feb ruary 19. An interesting programme is being arranged. Ice houses are being filled here with very-fine ice, on account of the cold weather. Two families and twenty-three chil dren arrived here last night from In dianapolis, returning to Davie county. They left here six months ago with the intention of making Indiana their home. For some reason they returned to the Old North state, presumably because its the "Onest" state in the Union. W. H. Morgan and wife left here this" morning to make their home in Union City, Ind. Captain Hawkins says -all up the they are diceiner holes in the grouad and piling in ice three inches thick, and clear as crystal. "A Bachelor's Wife." Tonight "the Lillian Tucker Co. will give you one of the most lauganie "Comedies 'ever seen on a Greensboro staff e "A Bachelor's Wife." It is fun from start to finish, for all classes and for all ages. Don't fail to go to the Academy tonight. Remember it is the last chance until Saturday to fhta artlonrlid r.orrmanv. and the GIRL TORTURED BY ROBBERS To-tfake HcrRcveal Hiding Place of Her Valuables. TWELVE INJURED IN A WRECK. The Striking; Mill - Operatives are Given Employment Undoing The Work of the Blizzard. By Wire to The Txxbgbam. Delaware, 0.,Feb. 3. Miss Nancy Fix is suffering from the brutal treat ment to which she was subjected last night, at the hands of robbers who tortured her to make her reveal the hiding place of her valuables. She is wealthy. The robbers bound and gagged her. Unable to stand the tor ture, she disclosed the hiding place of her money and checks. The robbers secured $900 in-certificates and checks, and $300 h cash. She may not re cover. ' STRIKERS SHOVEL SNOW. By Wire, to The Tilbgram. New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 3. The strikers were more happy than was ex pected as the result of the blizzard. Most of them were given employment removing the snow from the streets, and repairing the damage done by the storm. They get fair wages for the work. A RAILWAY SMASH. By Wire to The Teusgram. A railway smash occurred on the Boston and Maine railroad, at Win ter Hill this morning. Twelve persons were injured, "one of whom will die. BIQ MONEY. Eleven Thousand and Four Hundred Dollars In Purses. The Newbern, Washington', Green ville and Rocky Mount Fair Associa tions have arranged a circuit of four weeks racing and offer the large sum of eleven thousand arid four hundred dollars in purses. The classes range from four minutes to a free for all and the purses range from $100 to $500 each. The races of this circuit commence at Newbern on March 1st; Washington March 9th; I Greenville Mafch 18th and Reeky Mount March 23rd. There will be four days racing at each place. The entries for the first two races close. on Feb. 12th and the lasttwo on March 1st. Mr. George Green is the Secretary of the Newbern Fair and Mr. R. L. Davis, of Washington, acts for the other three places. Washington, N. C. Progress. . ' Another Bad $ioo Bill. J. C. Agens, expert -money counter at the Sub-Treasury, discovered an other of the counterfeit $100 silver cer tificates yeljterday in a lot of currency received fronr the Garfield National Bank. The bill was an excellent spec imen, and the important feature about it was that its numbering showed that a change has been made- by the coun terfeiter. In those of the counterfeits that had come to hand earlier the numbering began with "345" or "346." In the latest case it begins with "323." This is the fourth of the counterfeits to reach the Sub-Treasury in the course of ordinary business. Butler's Fight on Ewart. The Washington correspondent writes the Charlotte Observer: Senator Butler is quoted today as saying that he will appear before the Senate judiciary committee next Mon day and make a personal fight against Judge Ewart. He declines to say what objections he will make, or what will be the line of his opposition. Speak ing of the matter tonight, Judge Ewart said he was not in the least disturbed by Mr. Butler 'sopposition, and that he will be ready' to meet it in what ever form it might appear. We Will Talk to Winston. The Winston Journal says: Mr. Miller also 6aid that the Bell com pany had made preparations to begin work at an early date on their pro posed line from Winston to Greens boro. The Danville exchange of the Bell comp'any is now in connection with Reidsville and Wentworth and a line will be built from Wentworth to Madison which will connect with the two great tobacco markets of the world. " To Cure a Cold in One Day. Talce Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25o. , . . ABUn SHOW. Robin Hood, Jr., the Worst Since 'Fore de War." Why the absurdity presented at the opera house last night should be call ed "Robin Hood, Jr.," is a problem. It might just as well have been called "Wang' "Mikado," "Pinafore" or any other name that could not be as sociated with it at all. There wasn't the most remote connection between Robin Hood the pretty little opera and the wretched hotch-potch that dis graced the boards ' last night. The only feature of the- whole business to be admired was the immense amount of nerve the management and players had to come before a civilized commu nity with such a show. "Modern Beauty Show!" that's a joke. The whole thing was rotten from first to last. It was flat, stale and unprofit able. Not unfrequently (were theH "bright (?) sallies," the Clever (?) burlesque," the "side-splitting hilari ty"?) "well-voiced" (?) artists (? ) met with hisses. At the end of the first act every lady in the houses left. It was a show for men only, but even they didT not en joy it. Everybody was on a big disgust at first, but seeing that all were in the same boat, they began to treat the matter as a huge joke, and general abandon prevailed in, the theatre after the ladies left. The women talked over the footlighCs to the men in the au dience; played baseball with one or two and generally exceeded anything that has been seen here lately. If the company would play to a free house tonight, it couldn't get a cor poral's guard, except, possibly, of gallery gods. But even they were on a disgust last night. The worst calamity that could be fall the town would be for such an ag gregation to get stranded here. Tell them that Charlotte has the smallpox, elephants' itch anything to get them out of town, quick. Charlotte Obser ver. THE INVESTIGATION f ARCL FRIENDS OF-. SUNATOR HANNA WILL NOW TAKE A HAND. List of Witnesses iTade Out and Leaders of the Opposition Will Be Summoned to Appear. By Wire to The Telegbam. Columbus, O. Feb. 3 The Senate committee investigating the alleged charges of attempted bribery in the recent Senatorial contest held a short session last night and examined John D. Taylor of this city. The testimony was unimportant. The - friends of Senator Hanna are considering the matter of taking a hand in the investi gation and may subpoena Nsome wit nesses including the leaders of the anti-Hanna movement aqd others who may have information that it is de sired to bring out. The list of possible witnesses is said to have been prepared. There will be no further meeting of the committee this week. Another Friendly Call. The secretary of the navy has select ed another warship to make a "friend-ly-visit" to Cuba. This is the cruiser Montgomery, now at Key West. Under recent orders from the department she will start tomorrow on a cruise in Cu ban waters, stopping first at Matan zas, on the north coast of the island, near Havana, where she will remain a few days to exchange courtesies with the port officials, after which she will proceed around the east end of the island and visit the port of Santiago, on the southern coast of Cuba. Washington Star. y Another World's Fair. By Wise To The Telegram. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 3 Senator Mc- Nulty introduced a bill today provid ing for a world's fair at New York in 1901. It provides for the issuance of municipal stock to the amount of $2, 000,000. The Jury Completed. By Wire to The Telbgbam ' Wilkesbarre, Pa., Feb. 3 The jury in the Martin case has been completed and the trial is going on in earnest to day. ' Senator Mills a Candidate. By Wire U-Thk Telbgbam. Houston. Tex., Feb. 3 Senator Mills announces himself a candidate for re-election to the United States Senate.-;. " . ' GATHERING UP SQUADRONS, Is England Preparing To Give Battle? JAPS TO 60 UP THE RIVER. Murderer of the German Sentinel at Kla Chou Executed Under ' Sen tence of Chinese Court. By Cable to The Telegbam. London, Feb. 3 A dispatch from Shanghai says that the China Gazette asserts that Grea.t Britain's Indian squadron has been ordered to be in readiness to reinforce her fleet in Chinese waters. The dispatch also says that if Russia hoists her flag over the forts at Port Arthur, England will hoist hers at Chusan. The Jap anese fleet ' will ascend the Yang Tse Kiang river as soon as the river rises. THE SENTRY AVENGED. By Cable to Tag Tkt.bg bam Berlin, Feb. 3 It is announced here in si dispatch from Kiao Chou that the murderer of Schultz, the German Sentry who was killed while on duty at Tsimo, was executed after trial by a court. The Anti-Scalping Bill. By Wire to The Telbgbam. I Washington, Feb. 3 The senate committee today favorably reported the anti-scalping bill. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A Porterfleld & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Feb. 3, 1898. American tobacco 89 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe.. 30f B. and O C. and 0 23i Chic, Bur. and Quincy.. 99i Chic. Gas 98 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson 113 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric 361 Jersey Central 961 Louisville and Nashville 59i Lake Shore - Manhattan Elevated 1174 Missouri and Pacific 33 Northwestern 125f Northern Pacific Pr 67 National Lead New York Central 1181 Pacific Mail .s Reading 221 Rock Island .S 92i Southern Railway 311 Southern Railway Pr St.- Paul 95 Sugar Trust imt Tenn. Coal & Iron 24f Texas Pacific U. &. Leather Preferred 65i Western Union Tel 91f Wabash Preferred 18 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Feb. 3, 1898. Wheat, Jan T 1 " May 94f " July as..' 84i Corn, Jan " Sept " Oct " May....- 29 " July 304 Oats, Sept - " May 241 " July 221 Pork, Dec " May 1020 " July 102t Lard, Dec " May 492 " Julv' 500 Ribs, Dec " May 504 " July 502 Cotton, Sept 582593 " Nov 584586 " Dec.. " Jan , " Feb, " March .576575 " April " May , 581582 " June " July.... 588589 ' August 591592 " Oct.... 592593 Spot cotton r- - , Puts, 94 ; Calls, 951 ; Curb 941 ( Stanley & Grissbm, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Cigars, Tobacco, and Fresh Garden Seeds A full and well stock always on hand of Pure Perscription Drugs. We make a specialty of tilling prescriptions. 1 J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, Manager. Our Pleasant Department extends over the entire stor-?, of course, but our extra pleasant de- dartment is the part devoted to Perfumes, Imported and Domestic. ' We have all the newest and most painty perfumes and can please you in quality and price. Let us put a drop or two' on your handkerchief when you drop in to drink our Hot Chocolatea, Clam Boullions, etc. ' Richardson & Fariss. Prescriptionists. 121 and 504 South Elm Street Aildreth's Velvet Taffy, 10, 15, 25c. More Accurate Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstorv had his little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and vent with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one of the lenses got broken recently ana was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re-.. placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded witntne prescription, ana so cnangea , them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had given the prescription and in reply received DR. HARRY FRTEDENWALD, WW MADISON AVE. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimobb. Jan 31st. '98. Dkab Sib: Yours of the 29th to hand. Dr. Johnson Is perfectly Right, The glasses-vou sent "are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. - Very truly yours, H. FRIEDENWAIJJ. . M. P. Publishing House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE'HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:10 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. Business House. We have for sale a Store Building on West Market street. We believe the location the most desirable of any now open in the city for a grocery business. We are prepared to offer a Bar gain. Apply to WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. It Beats a Hot brick A hot water bottle does as a foot-warmer and as a means of applying heat in sickness. We can sell you a good one for $1. They are NEW and built to use without leakage for years. Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite foar Office. The Necessity For Medicine - . furnishes its own reminder, but we would like to sug gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, pr with a higher class of drugs and chemicals than at our Prescription Department. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. VALENTINES! VALENTINES I at - E. M. Caldcleugh & Bro. M-2t DON'T think that you can't get as good hand made harness as ever at Harris' old stand 217 South Elm street. Also all kinds of -harness re pairing done at reasonable prices by G6o. S. Gaulden. f-l-2t : V ICE SKATES, ladies' or gents', only ftl tier nair. . Garland Daniel. SMS ; :'s., ; .TV;?: prices are only 10, 20 and 30 cents. l S. Elm St. Pharmacist country. J " ' - ; . '

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