- -'..v.. v : ' . vr------' . . ii :- VOL. II. NO. 7 GREENSBORO, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1898. Price Two Cents -J. Greensboro Eyetalinig' I) REMNANTS 8 OF I BLACK and SILKS g to be Closed Out cheap, g A good opportunity for g small ladies to buy a g bargain in a pretty skirt g or silk waist. Z ? x i r uur ciosmg oui saie or Embroideries and Tor chon Laces will con- g tinue. ; J, M, Hendrix & Co., 8 22i"S. Elm' St. Don't Be Fooled A. A. Waterman's c t Standard" Fountain-Pens are the only modern pens. Beware of Old-fashion Ideas! W B farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. 0 -AT- Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy. Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager Canned Goods. Best canned corn on the market at 10 cents can. Every can guar anteed. Try it. Extra Quality Canned Toma toes, 10 cents. Second Quality Canned Toma toes, $1.00 dozen. Canned Beans, Lima Beans, Peas, Boston Baked Beans, all cheap. Extra Dessert Peaches, 12ic can. Guilford County Packed Peach es, $1.00 dozen. We can supply you with any thing eatable at the lowest prices. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription sent out from our Drug Store is filled w ith the best drugs the market can f -.rnish. All of the best 5ough mix ' ires, laxatives and liver regulators -pt constantly in stock. . Toilet arti- l s of every description 4n fact,, we an supply you with anything in the f,.rug line, of the test quality -and at Reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, 108 S. Elm St. Pharmacist. VICE-PRESIDEHT STEVEHSOH. A Loser In The Chemical Bank Swindle. WHAT PRECIPITATED THE CRISIS Secretary Wilson Acts In the Fruit Matter Fire Destroys a Y.M. C. A. Building. By Wire to Thb Tii.bg ram Philadelphia, Feb. 4 Former Vice. President Stevenson is in consultation with other stockholders in the Grable concerns. He is president of one of the companies and a large stockhold- 0 er. The Chemical bank disclosures have worried him. WHAT PRODUCED THE CRASH. By Wire To The Telbgrah. New York,- Feb. 4 Developments brought out by the inquiry into the bad loans of the Chemical National bank to Grable and Silver show that Grable precipitated the crisis by de manding a further loan of $50,000 on last Thursday. SECRETARY WILSON ACTS. Washington, Feb. 4 Secretary Wil son has taken steps for the collection of all the information obtainable bear ing upon the shipment of fresh fruit to the German Empire. A COSTLY BLAZE. Scranton,Pa., Feb. 4 A big fire this morning destroyed the Y. M. C. A. building and the structures surround ing it. The loss is $200,000. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, ) High Point. N. C. Feb. 4, '98. f Fireman J. Mosa Burns who was so severely hurt in the wreck on the Ash bo ro and Aberdeen railroad, died last night at 8:20 o'clock. The doctors de cided that Mr. Burns' leg would havo to be amputated. The operation was performed by Drs. Bahnson, Hinley Boyette and Burns at 5 o'clock yes terday afternoon. The patient was unable to stand the shock. Mr. Burns leaves a widow, who is a daughter of Mr. W. R. Smith, ofHigh Point The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr. W. P. Smith left today for Ashboro to attend the funeral of his son-in-law, Mr. J. Moss Burns. Evangelists, B. P. Purdham and R. B. Hottel will commence a series of meeting next Sunday at 3 o'clock at Jarrells Hall. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these meetings. They will last through the week. Mrs. A. E. Morton, of Philadelphia, who has been visiting her sister here for some weeks, left this morning for home. Miss Nellie Lindsay, one of High Point's most attractive young ladies, left this morning for a visit to friends in Manchester, Va. Miss Bessie Hoskins returned last night from her extended trip in Vir ginia, where she has been visiting re latives. The gents who were found gambling last Saturday night in D. I. Brook's house were bound over to court last night, after a preliminary hearing be fore Mayor Bradshaw. The concert given by the old folks last night at the Opera House was well attended, an enjoyable evening was- spent by everyone present. Mrs. Elliott,, of Hickory, passed through this morning en route to Ash boro. T. R. Lashley left this morning for his home in Wako County. Mrs. W. B. Stfeel left this morning for a visit to friends in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McAlister, of Greensboro, passed through this mor ning from Ashboro. Literal. "Yes,' said the young man, "I am wrapped up in my art." "But, said the young woman, "I thought you were employed in a tail oring establishment." "I am. I had this overcoat made under my personal direction. Wash. Star. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, 25c. A GOLD HEADED CANE Presented to the Retiring Postmas ter, Special to Tn Tblbgram. Winston, N. C. February, 4.- The office force last night presented retiring Postmaster Wilson with a beautiful gold headed cane as a token of their appreciation of him during his term of that office. The new postmaster and his assist ants are smiling behind their respective desks. TBBre are rumblings of the resuscita tion of the Republican club here, get ting ready for the municipal campaign in May. Perry Heath first assistant postmas ter arrived this morning, and is the guest of R. J. Reynolds. Five Days Adrift. By Wire to Thi Tblkgbam. New York, Feb. 4 Six men who have been for five days adrift in the fury of the storm on dredging scows were rescued today, badly frost-bitten. They floated a hundred miles out to sea. The scows parted the line from the tug on Sunday and were lost in the storm. Killed in a Collision. By Cable to Thk Telegram. Edinburgh, Feb. 4 Nine Persons were killed and other injured in a col lision at Barassie, near Kalmornock, today. JAPAN'S FLEET MANOEUYERING. THE PRESS IS SILENT ON THE EA5ETERN SITUATION. It Is Believed that Premier Ito Is Awaiting the Settlement of German Claims. By Cable to Thi Tklbgkam. Yokahoma, Feb. 4 The Japan fleet is manceuvering here previous to a cruise in Chi nese " waters . The Japa nese press is silent on the situation. In China it is belived that the Premier, Marquis I to, is awaiting the settlement of the German claims before com mitting Japan to any definite policy. The Russian squadron is without smokeless coal and the supply of any kind is small. The Governor on His Ear. A Washington special to the Char lotte Observer says: Governor Russell is quoted in Washington as saying that he "Will protect Railroad Commissioners Cald well and Pearson against the rule re cently issued by the Supreme Court of the United States to the full extent of his resources as commander-in-chief of the state militia." He is reported as having advised resrstance to the order of the Supreme Court, saying that the object of the removal of the Wilsons as railroad commissioners 'was to precipitate a conflict between the State and Federal judiciary. "I will go to jail," he is quoted a saying, "to make the ques tion of Federal usurpation the para mount issue in the next State cam paign." The Best Yet. The performance at the Academy last night by the Lillian Tucker com pany in "A Bachelor's Wife", was pronounced by many to be the best of the engagement so far. A fair sized audience greeted them. On account of the Veteran Corps Band having the house for tonight, the Lillian Tucker company will not appear until tomorrow afternoon when they give a matinee, and at night when they will appear in "Led Astray," which will close sheir engagement in this city. Succeeding Easily. The indications are that there will be no trouble in organizing a lodge of the order of Elks here. The gentle man who has the matter in hand says nearly everybody he approaches puts down his name as a member. The Elks have a reputation for be ing jolly and ought to have a lodge here to add to the general gayety. Historic. The passing of great men we view", While conquerors with "hurrah" go. Napoleon found his Waterloo; "Pop" Anson his Chicago. Wash. Star. HANGED HIM AT SEVENTEEN The Boy Murderer Met His Fate ICooly THE COLD WAVE SIDE-TRACKED The-Cruiser Montgomery Arrives at Matanzas Meeting to be Held In St. Louis. By Cable to Thb Tblbgram. Berlin, Ont., Feb. 4. Robert Alli son, the boy murderer, aged seventeen years, was hanged today. Hejwalked to the gallows unassisted. He declined to make any remarks further than to bid his spiritual adviser goodbye. CRUISER ARRIVES. By Cable to Thb Telegram. Havana, Feb. 4. The United States Cruiser Montgomery has arrived at Matanzas. TO HE HELD AT ST. LOUIS. By Wire to Thi Tklbgkam. New York, Feb. 4 Secretary Young of the National baseball league an nounced this morning that as a result of the vote by mail to determine the place of meeting for the league St. Louis had been chosen. COLD WAVE SWITCHED. New York,- FeB. 4 The. cold wave scheduled for today did not appear. The weather continues fair, with ris ing temperature. THE CZAR'S ULTIMATUM. He Tells the Sultan Prince George Must be Governor of Crete. London, Feb. 2. The candidature of Prince George of Greece for the Governorship of Crete has been the shuttlecock of the foreign correspond ents for some time. A dispatch from Berlin says that the Constantinople correspondent of the Frankfurter Zei tung now declares that.. M. Zinovleff , the Russian Ambassador v to "Turkey, has handed the Porte a note received from St. Petersburg declaring it to be the unshakable will of the Czar that Prince George be appointed. The note added that his appointedhient was ne cessary for urgent political reasons. If the Sultan persists in his oppisition to Prince George, Russia will re nounce all further initiative at the Yildiz Kiosk. The note seems to have threatened the withdrawal - of the warships at Crete, by which withdrawal, it was added, the lives of all the Mussulmans there would be endangered, and, the note continued, "Russia will know how to prevent the landing of fresh Turkish troops." It has been already reported from credible sources that the -Sultan has twice positively refused to accept Prince George as Governor of the is land, basing his opposition on the temper of the Turkish nation. ,It seems that something must soon break. N. Y. Sun. No Law Against Bigamy. Des Moies, la., Feb. 2 The discov ery has been made that bigamy and even polygamy are not prohibited un der the Iowa laws. Of course there is no sanction for a violation of the laws that obtain in other states with regard to matrimony, but as matters now stand there is no provision here for the prosecution of a bigamist. The situation is due to a curious omissiorr'in the revised Iowa code, which prescribed no penalty for" big amy and does not prohibit a plurality of wives.. The defect will be remedied by the legislature. Spanked The School ma' am. Joplin, Mo., Feb. 3 Miss Ollie M add ox, the school mistress at the village of Avilla, in Jasper county has resigned because of an embarrass ing incident. On last Friday she had occasion to chastise an unruly boy of 13 years, but he resisted 6o vigorously that the teacher failed to conquer him. On Monday Miss Maddox again at tempted to chastise the obstreperous boy, when his 14-year old brother went to his assistance-; The two then gave their teacher a spanking. The affair created a sensation at- Avilla and the young woman concluded to resign. Hls Favorite. "What is your favorite poem?" in- quired the newspaper reporter. And after hard thought the Spanish general answered: "If at First You Don't Succeed, Try, Try Again." Wash. Star. HIS BARE-BACK IN EVIDENCE. An Incident In the Sheriff Martin Trial. By Wire to Tax Telegram. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Feb. 4. The stricken miners are today bringing their wounds into court and one by one they are telling their stories. Frank Fagys was shot seven times in the back. He is ready to offer his bare-back in evidence. Under the Wire. By Wire to Thb Tblbgram. Soratoga, Feb. 4 "Dare Devil Fitz," the famous jockey and starter, Wm. J. Fitzpatrick, died early this morning of typhoid pneumonia, as a result of a cold contracted Wednes day. X.Ray Lecture. Correspondence Telegram. Guilford College, N. C., Feb. 3. Prof. Henry Louis Smith, of David son College, will deliver an illustrated lecture on the X-rays at Guilford College next Saturday night. Prof. Smith is a very fine speaker and no doubt will make the workings of the mysterious X-rays, very easy to un derstand. As he wij.1 have his appa ratus with him, views of the bones in one's hand and similar things will be shown. We almost daily see accounts of the X-rays being used in surgical operations or rather to aid them and now we have a chance to see the prac tical workings of the X-rays. An ad mission of 25cts, will be charged. A PAIR OF COLLISIONS. TWO TRAINS RUN TOGETHER ON THE FITCHBURG ROAD. A Freight and Passenger Collide Killing Five People and Inju ring Thirty-Six. By Wire to THK Tblbgram. Fitchburg, Mass.," Feb. 4 An acci dent occurred on the Fitchburg road ai Porter Station ; this morning. One train crashed i ito another and several passengers were slightly injured. KTT.T.Fn THK TRAIN CREW. By CaMe to Thb Tklbgkam Glasgow, Feb. 3 A mail and freight have been ia collision on the Glasgow and Southwestern railway near Troon. The driver, fireman and five workmen aboard the mail train were killed. Thirty-six people were Injured, some of them fatally. COTTON FACTORY INCORPORATED A Big Enterprise for Stanly County With $175,000 Capital Stock. The Secretary "of State yesterday, incorporated- "The Wiscossett Mill Company," of Stanly county. The capital stock of the company is to be not less than $175,000 and may be in creased to $500,000. The incoporation papers are taken out for a term of thirty years, and the principal place of business is to be Albemarle. The business of the corporation shall be that of spinning and weaving wool, cotton and other textile produc tions and manufacturing of same into cloth and other fabrics and the sale of such manufactured products. The incorporators are J. W. Can non, D. F. Cannon, J. S. Efird and K. L. Davis. Raleigh Post. They Did Not Drink. The story is told of two Mormons elders as happeningin a town not far distant, in which one of -their doctrines was given a practical test. The story relates that especial emphasis had been made in their sermons upon the doctrine that, if they drank any deadly thing it should not hurt them; the Lord being their especial protector. At the end of the sermon the pastor, who had courteously loaned them his church, arose and said: "Now breth ren, we have listened attentively to this doctrine and if by practical test you can demonstrate this we will ac cept the doctrine. I have here a quan tity of strchnine which I will mix in water and if you drink it and survive we will believe." It is reported that they did not drink.- Winston Journal. Notice. It is urgent that State and county taxes be paid at once. The money is needed to meet current expenses and state taxes. Will advertise -land for taxes soon. Fair warning to all. Very Respectfully, J. A. Hoskins, Sheriff. Feb. 4. lw SOUTHERN STOCK WILL RISE Common Stockholders Advised to Hold On WHAT IS THERE BEHIND IT ? Alleged that Expenses are to be Cut and Increased Dividends Declar ed Forcing Up the Stock. By Wire to Thb Telegram. New York, Feb. 4 A gentleman well known in political and business cir cles here made an important state merit in regard to the stock of the Southern railway this morning. He advises the holders of common stock to hold on to it. He recites as reason able that the management of the reor ganized system will pay cut expenses so that the road will a regular dividend on the preferred stock which will rise rapidly so soon as the dividend now being declared is paid regularly. As it is every week's returns shows a large increase in receipts and profits. The common stock will rise along with the preferred. Special Tax. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is notified of three more counties which by special tax and private subscriptions have raised money for the public schools, these being Greene $354.50 Haywood $210, Watauga $169. Col. Olds. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers , furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota-: of the New York Stock Exchange: NEW YORK, Feb. 4, 1898. American tobacco 89f Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 31i B. and O ; C. and 0 24 Chic, Bur. and Quincy lOOf Chic. Gas 97i Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson 113f Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric. .. .7 371 Jersey Central 97 Louisville and Nashville 59f Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 1161 Missouri and Pacific 341 Northwestern 126i Northern Pacific Pr 68 National Lead New York Central 119 Pacific Mail Reading 22i Rock Island 93i Southern Railway 31f Southern Railway Pr St. Paul 95i Sugar Trust .... 137i Tenn. Coal & Iron, 25 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel ?2i Wabash Preferred 18i The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO, Feb. 4, 1898. Wheat, Jan " May 95i " July 84f Corn, Jan " Sept " Oct " May 29 " July 30i Oats, Sept " May 24i " . July .-. 23 Pork, Dec " May 1027 July 1037 Lard, Dec " May.....' 495 " Julv '.. 505 Ribs, Dec M May 507 " July 517 Cotton, Sept 582593 " Nov 584586 " Dae. " Jan .'. " Feb- , " March '. 575570 " April v 578580 " May 581582 " June. " July 588589 " August 4 591592 " Oct....!. .592593 Spot cotton 5t Puts, 94 ; Calls, 95i-95J; Curb 95i Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) DEALERS IN . Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery,- Cigars, Tobacco, and Fresh Garden Seeds. A full and well selected stock always, on hand of Pure Pre scription Drugs. - We make a specialty of filling prescrip tions. k J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, Manager. Our Pleasant Department extends over the entire store, of course, but our extra pleasant de partment is the part devoted to Perfumes, Imported and Domestic. We have all the newest and most dainty perfumes and can please you in quality and price. Let us put a drop or two on your handkerchief when you drop in to drink our Hot Chocolates, Clam Boullions, etc.. Richardson & Fariss. Prescriptionists. 121 and 504 South Elm Street Aildreth's Velvet Taffy, 10, 15, 25e. More Accurate . Service in Greensboro' Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes examined In Baltimore last year and went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have, the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one of the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eve Specialist to to, r-. placed. He saw at a glance that neither to accorded witn tne prescription, anasocnaacea -them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenma with an explanation to the occulist who had given the prescription and In reply received the following; y DR. HARRY FRIEDENWALD, 1029 MADISON AVE. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimobb, Jan Slst. '08. Dear Sib: Yours of the 29th to hand. Dr. Johnson Is Perfectly Right. . - The glasses-you sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. very truly yours, H. FRIEDENWALD. M. P. .Publishing House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. Business House. We have for sale a Store Building on West Market street. We believe the location the most desirable of any now open in the city for a grocery business. We are prepared to offer a Bar gain. Apply to WHARTON & Mc A LISTER. AGENTS. It Beats a Hot brick A hot water bottle does as a foot-warmer and as a means of applying heat in sickness. We can sell you a good one for 1. They are NEW and built to use without leakage for years. Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite -fosT Office. The Necessity For Medicine furnishes its own reminder, but we "would like to sug gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs and chemicals than at our Prescription Department. Holton's Drag Store. McAdoo House Building. BOY about 17 years of age wanted at C. F. Thomas' job office, 105 Sycamore street. j-31-tf DON'T think that you can't get as good hand made harness as ever at Harris' old stand 217 South Elm street. Also all kinds of harness re pairing done at reasonable prices by Geo. S. Gaulden. M-2t ICE SKATES, ladies' or gents', only $1 jper pair. .Garland Dj&nieL I A.";; -. -

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