VOL. II. NO. 14 GREENSBORO, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1898. Price Two Oerrt S REMNANTS 2 OF I: BUCK DRESS r and SILKS : to be Closed Out cheap A good opportunity for Miiall ladies to. buy a bargain in a pretty skirt or silk waist. Our closing out sale of Embroideries and .Tor chon Laces will con tinue. J, M. Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. Wo beg: to call the attention of the LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron which does not become overheated or injure the hair. We invite you to call and examine these irons, which we have in nickel and silver plate. W B Farrar & Son . Jewelers Established 1868. Try some of our Deviled Crabs. Our Steaks, Birds and Oysters are the finest on the market. Central Cafej USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy. ' Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager This ad and 95 cents will pay for One Dollar's Worth of Groceries at VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South ElmSt. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription -r.t out from our Drug Store is filled ' ith the best drugs the market can Ornish. All of the best cough mix - i tu-i. laxatives and liver .regulators pt constantly in stock. Toilet arti of every description in fact, we .-;t:i supply you with anything: in the 'i line, of the best quality and at u-onable prices. Gaston W. Ward, S. Elm St. Pharmacist. ALL NIGHT AT THE PUMPS Narrow Escape of Passengers and Crew RAN ON A SUBMERGED :WRECl The St. Louis Rescues Over Two Hun area. People from a Sinking Ocean Steamer. By Wire to Tn Tklbg slam. New York, Feb. 12 The big Netherlands-American boat Vendam ' from New York to Rotterdam, was lost at sea on Pebruary6th. Thes American liner St. Louis brought her passengers and crew safely into port today. The ill-fated steamer had aboard 9 cabin, 118 steerage passengers and a crew of 85. A submerged wreck tore a . great hole in her bottom and broke out her propeller shaft. All the pumps netjrf set to work but the water gained and the boats were made ready. The male passengers joined the crew at the pumps. All night this was kept up in a heavy sea. At 10 o'clock on a stormy morning the St. Louis' was sig nailed that the vessel was sinking. No mishap of any kind attended the trans fer of passengers, though a heavy sea was running. The transfer began at 2 and ended at 5 o'clock. When the last boat load of passengers left the Vendam she was sinking rapidly.' She was fired. The Vendam rated as first-class. She was fitted with an iron screw and triple 'expansion engines. She was three days out when she struck the wreck. COMMENDED BY PASSENGERS. '. The passengers of the St. Louis passed resolutions commending the gallant service and splendid seaman ship displayed by the officers and crew in rescuing the passengers vand crew of the Vendam., :- - SAFE ROBBER CAPTURED. Knew the Combination and Had Been There Before. i For some time past Mr. E. G. West has been missing money from the safe his saloon. He suspected Martin Kelly, a forirer employe and last night he deeided to remain and watch for the thief. Secreting himself near the front entrance Mr. West waked and watched. Betwcn 1:30 and 2 o'clock a. n. a man appeared at the front door, un locked it and stepped inside. Here he waited a moment, apparently listen ing. Making sure that he was not watched he went to the safe, which was distant about ten feet from where Mr. West was concealed, lighted a match and began working the com bination. Without waiting further develop .ments Mr. West fired upon him with a 32 calibre pistol and the robber made a break for the door. Mr. West caught him and forced him to surren der at- the point of his pistol. No policemen being near by the prisoner was carried up to the chief-of -police, who had him locked up. It was a cool, nervy act on the part of Mr. West and a lucky thing for Kelly that he was not killed. The ball entered his clothing on the right side and passing through the folds of his coat lodged in his vest. Mr. West told The Telegram man that he didn't know just how much money he had lost, but that the robbery had been going on for some time. The fellow had been discharged three or four J. months ago on suspicion of being "light fingered." Mr. West thinks he had learned the combination by watching, him open the safe. The locks have been changed three times, but each time Kelly has managed to secure a key that would let him in. A Novel Hair Curler. Jeweler Farrar was displaying a novelty in the way of a hair curler this morning. The handle of the curler is an alchol reservoir with a burner at the end next to the iron. When a maiden wishes to frizz her locks all that is necessary is to light the alcohol and the iron remains hot as long-as desired obviating the ne cessity of smoking the iron over a kerosene lamp and "the danger of burning the curls. Hereafter curls should be more abundant than ever. - To Cures Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If ttlailfctocure 25o.,- , ORDERED TORN UP. What Wa Done by the Board of Al ' dermen Last Night. : The board of Aldermen met last hight, . Mayor " Nelson in the chair All the members present-except Glenn and Hiatt. - " R. D. Douglas, attorney for. the street railway company stated that the 'company refused to take np the track and denied the right of the city to do so. . . '-' Alderman r Sergeanf moved that the street committee be authorized and empowered to-take up. the track. John J. Phoenix asked to be allowed to sell fresh, meats, fish, oysters, etc., in his new building. Continued, and referred to the market . committee to report a$ the next meeting. ' C.E. Hoi ton and C. N. McAdoo, representing themselves and, other property owners, appeared before the board and made a proposition in re gard to the extension of the drain through McAdoo's meadow to and across East Market street, they . offer ing to do a certain portion of the work if the eity will do the rest. f Alderman El am moved that the matter be referred to a special com mittee to get up an estimate of the cost of -same and have the proposition of the property owners put in writing and report at next meeting. Alderman Shaw moved the reconsid eration of the vote by which the rail way track was ordered torn up. Car ried. - . Alderman Shaw offered as a sub stitute for the original motion an ordi nance ordering the taking up of the track by the company and on their failure to do so, empowering the city to do so. Carried. R. D. Douglas, attorney for the company, denied the right of the city to pass the ordinance and refused to comply with its provisions. Mr. Ireland asked the city to begin the work of cutting down the hill on Gaston street between Edge worth and Spring streets. Alderman Shaw offered an ordi nance instructing the city engineer to make a survey of all the principal streets on which grades have not been established with the view of establish ing grades, and that he report to the board as the work-progresses. Carried. J - The board adjourned to meet again next Monday night. Lincoln's Birthday Celebrated. Reported (or the Telegram. The celebration of Lincoln's birth day by the students of the A. & M. College last night in the chapel of the college was fine. A large number of citizen were in attendance. "Ameri ca" was used as an opening song. Prayer was offered- by the Rev. Pow ell. The Emancipation Proclamation was read, and a female quartett ren dered in sweet strains "The Old Camp Ground" The female baritone in this quartette was powerful. Prof. J. M. Butler, the musical director for the institution is a hard worker and de serves much credit. The programme was somewhat lengthy, and before the last piece was rendered, Pres. Dudley, came forward and thanked the citizens for turning out to witness the exercises and begged them to come often and bring their friends. Prof. Chas. H. Moore, was master of ceremonies. Tobacco to Burn. People at the depot today at noon saw something rather unusual in the way of a train. Fifty solid cars of leaf tobacco from the inspection and storage warehouse of J. E. Perkinson & Co. of Danville, Va., passed through. The train was drawn by two engines and the tobacco was con signed to W. Duke, Sons & Co. at Durham where it will be used in the manufacture of "Duke's Mixture." The train was abundantly placarded, showing its contents and destination. Evidently the demand for Durham's brands of smoking tobacco is not fall ing off. Price Slaughtering. More stupendous price reductions and phenomenal saving opportunities will be inaugurated with next week's sweeping clearing sale commencing Monday at the Guilford Department Store. It promises to raise havoc with list prices on all lines of goods. ' This hustling firm guarantees that all goods are fine and fashionable. No matter how ridiculous the prices may seem. Their sale opens on Monday at 10 o'clock. A rare opportunity for un paralleled bargains. At the Academy of Music this after noon there was much merriment in the pie eating contest. The Hordings Merry Makers gave a matinee for tfie-4 benefit of children. . To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fail to cure. 25c. v INTIMIDATING WITNESSES'? A Grave Charge Brought Against - Mine Owners DEFENSE PROftllSEU Thla Evening-or on Monday Says -that the Witnesses are In Court Under Protection. By Wirt! to Ta? Tkuboram. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Feb. 12 Lawyers for the defense in the Lattimer trial l-expecfr to spring a sensation either late today, or on nei Monday. They claim thaj they havejevidence going to show that two prominent mine owners have personally authorized the intimida tion of witnesses and have kept away men who would otherwise have testifi ed for the state. These men, it is claimed, have been induced to come into court, and have been assured that they will be protected from Interference by their employers. WILL RE8T THE CASE. Wilkesbarre, Feb. 12 There is a likelihood now that the attorneys for the defese will rest their case without calling any witnesses. They will ar gue that the sheriff had a right to or der his men to shoot, even if it was a "mistake." OLD TIME MINSTRELSY. An Excellent .Entertainment at the Casino Last Night. The Casino auditorium was well filled last night with an audience that showed its appreciation of the excel lent minstrel performance presented by the favorite Gorton minstrels. The gorgeous stage settings sf the first part attracted favorable comment but when DeWitt Cooke, the conver sationalist, began his part of the en tertainment, assisted by H. J. Yorcey and Dick Vonder the "bones" and Hawk Goodman and George -Mullan the "tarn bos," the stage settings were forgotten and peals of laughter and round after round of applause were given with a hearty good will. Tbe singing was especially deserving of praise. The soloists and quartette were very good and the noted gold conoert orchestra was fully up to the expectations. JThe show was clean, bright and humorous from start -to finish and not one person in the large audience was dissatisfied. The special ties by Hawk Goodman, Joseph Gor ton, Jr., Mullen and Vonder, H. -J. Yorkey, DeWitt Cooke Cr and all were staictly up to date. Keeping up the Farce. Wire To Ths Tklsgrah . Indianapolis, Feb. 12. The national democrats called a meeting of the state committee for February 22, say ing that the necessity which called the party into existence still exists. Killed by the Express. By Wire to Ths Tbudgbam- Easton, Pa., Feb'. 12. The New Jer sey Central Express in passing Wal nut Port last night killed William Evans and fatally injured an unknown young man. Favored the Strikers. By Wire to Thi Tslbgbam. Denver, Feb. 12. The state board of arbitration has decided every point in favor of the miners striking in the northern Colorado district. Chief of Police Suicides. By wire to ThbTm.bg bam. McKeesport, Pa , Feb. 12 Chief of Police Klinesuicided at the station at 10:30 this morning. ' Birthday Observed. By Wire to Thb TiiajGBAM. New York, Feb. 12. Lincoln's birth day was. observed here as a holiday. J. L.Hartfield, representing the New bern Fair and Eastern Trotting Cir cuit, paid the Telegram a call this morning. Large purBes will be given on the circuit, $11,000 in all, and a Ularge number of entries is expected. Premium lists and entry blanks may be-had by calling at this office. Notice. It is urgent that State and county taxes be paid at once. The money is needed to meet current expenses and state taxes. .Will advertise land for taxes soon. Fair warning to "all." Very Respectfully, J. A. HOSKINS, Sheriff. Feb. 4. lw NOTES FROM HIOH POINT. The Local NewsV-from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. ..." . - . . " r TELEGRAM BtjREATT, High Point; N. C.,Feb. l2r'08. Dr7 Mclver arrived in the eity yes terday morning on the South bound tralri to spend a day with Prof. Cro well at the Graded school. He visited the different grades and offered many . valuable suggestions which were high ly appreciated. At night our people had the pleasure of listening to an address by him which was delivered in the Presbyterian church to a large au dience. He spoke in complimentary terms of the- work .being done at the school. The lecture was much enjoyed by those in attendance. Mr. Fred Chapman, of Danville, Va., the gentleman who was spoken of in the Telegram a few weeks ago who had taken three girls from the orphan age to raise, yesterday adopted the sister of the last one taken. The Southern Chair Co., are getting so far behind with their orders that they have decided to enlarge. The plant work has commenced on the new building. There were 107 loads of logs received one afternoon last week. A. S. W. Thompson . offers a re ward for the return of hisbieycle which was stolen from his shop last night. Emery Henderson was very painful ly hurt last night.' He waa-riding his wheel and ran over a dog. It-threw him. He received an ugly wound on the head. Those whQ- attended the concert giv en by will Lindsay in the ODera house last Thursday night speak of the same in highest" terms and have requested that the concert be repeated next Monday 'night. A birthday party will be given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tate tonight in honor of their . nelce Miss Carrie Joyce, of Detroit Mich. Profs. John Blair and Charles Tom- linson, of Winston, were in the city today. The Winston dramatic club will" probably render 'Charley's-Aunt" In therHlgh Point Opera "house aCTan early date. A group of the Guilford College foot-ball team appeared in the enter prise yesterday. BIDS DUELIST MOORE COfJIE ON. Colonel Breckinridge Ready to a rat ify aThirst for Blood. Lexington, Ky., Feb. 10. The thirst for blood In aduel with the Breckin ridges to which Captain T. E. Moore has given expression may-yet be grat ified. Colonel W. C. P. Breckin ridge's paper has a scathsng and scoffing editorial this . morning on this subject, headed: 'Once a Man, Twice a Child," and ridiculing Captain Moore as follows: "We regret that this venerable Pooh-Bah should set so bad an exam ple to the rising youth of Kentucky as to publicly challenge men to mortal ccmbat- Life is too short to waste its fleeting hours in associations from which no improvement can arise, but if our indignant candidate for office feels that he cannot succeed without meeting somebody, and will go about seeking that meeting with some degree of energy and alacrity, it is not im possible that he might succeed." Electricity Kills a Horse. A horse cwned by Stephen Beyer, a cloth sponger of Ferry and Alyea streets, Newark, and driven by his 15 year old son, was instantly killed near Beyer's place of business last night by an electric shock. A wire supposed to belong to the Newark Electric Light and Power Company had broken anp hung down in the street to within a few feet of the ground. Its end struck )he horse in the head. The animal sprang into the air, broke its harness and then fell dead. The electric cur rent travelled from the body of the horse through the reins and shocked young Beyer into insensibility. He soon recovered and seemed not much worse off for his experience. New York Sun. England Buys all the Coal. London, Feb. 10. A despatch to the Daily Mail from Singapore says that the British admiral, acting under in structions from the admirality, has bought all the available Welsh coal at Singapore, and at the Coinese and Japanese ports, with the sesult that the foreign Bquadrons in' the waters of north China are almost immobilized. The step, has excited the foreign community. The dispatch adds that the Russlancruiser Russia, which is now at Singapore, has been Jallowed to take on board 2,000 tons of coal. r THE ZOLA FARCE CONTINUES Guards About the Court Increas ed In Number r COL PICQUART ON THE STAND Another Man? Prosecuted for Crying . "Down With the Command ing Officers." By Cable to Thb Tklbgsam. Paris, Feb. 12-There was the usual crowd and an increased guard about the assize's court for the Zola trial this morning, .Gen. Bellet, the for eign minister of war, has instituted proceedings against Courant who, at the close of yesterday's proceedings was assaulted by the by-standers for crying "down with the - .commanding officers." , Col. Picquart, who was called, said he believed Gen. Pellieux, because the Dreyfus .case was settled and not be cause he thought it incumbent upon him to order the bordeau submit ted to exnert examination for tbe purpose of the Esterhazy inquiry. Major Ravary doubtless took the same course and unwittingly founded his judgment on incomplete and inade quate documents. Hoyt Building Burns. By Wire to thb Tklbg ram. Cleveland, O., Feb. 12. The Hoyt building, a large-five stary- btfesfct 8tructure on the northwest corner of Bank and Stv Clair streets, occupied by stores and manufacturing concerns was burned this- morning. The loss was $200,000. State Department Worried. By Wire to Tsl Tklbqsam. Washington, Feb. 12 The state de partment is. worried "over noV hearing "frorifltftoiBterWdtor7iT garding the De Lome incident. It is intimated that his ' communications may be held up. No information had been received at 2 o'clpck today. ' m More Bodies Found. By Wire Thb Telbgkam. Pittsburg, Feb. 12. The bodies of William Finch, "Little Chief" and George Newman, inspector of the Philadelphia Natural Gas Co., were found in the ruins of the fire this morning. Two men are working in the ruins. - - " Served His Jugular. By Wire To The Telbgbajc. Richmond, Va., Feb. 12: Arthur Garvey of Rocky Mount, N. C, while dressing at Murphy's hotel this morn ing fell through a pane of glass and severed his jugular vien dying in ten minutes. Spalns Wants a Loan. By Cable to Thb Tblegbam. v London, Feb. 12 It is understood that Spain has recently applied to England for a loan. - . Ohio or the United States. Washington, D. C, Feb. 10. Senor De Eome heaped more insults on the administration today. Talking to a friend, he said: " ; "I am very sorry to leave the United States without aaving resolved one tqing. For a long time past 1 have not clearly understood whether I was accredited to the government of the United 'States or the state -of Ohio. There is the famous Mark Hanna, Mc Kinley, Secretary Sherman and the Honorable Mr. Day, all from Ohio. Some of you that I leave -behind ought to investigate and determine whether Ohio runs the United States or has merely annexed it as an outlaying province. Possibly that is the reason of the stir for - tha annexation of Cuba." Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipation, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the 'medicine you need. Health:, and strength are guaranteed by its use. :: Fifty cents and $1.00 at C.E. Helton's drug store, r - CALL AT T Stamey & Grlssom's, (Successors to South Side Phannacy For the New Drink, " -- Pineapple Pepsin Phosphate also Head Powders that will relieve TTar aha P"IA In lnminnfaa'-' -i J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist. 504So.T21m. Manager.! I Take This Opportunity, In retiring from the firm of Richardson & Fariss,i heart- ily thank our friends- snd eus - tomers whose- liberal patron age, friendship and - kindly greetings have- made hard work a pleasure, and besrftadc for Mr. Jno. B.'Farfasw& hag purchnaoA vnrjenftre' in teres -in. th& bosiness, your continued liberal patronage. With best wishes, - Sincerely yours, L. RICHARDSON. February 10th, 1898. 4 - - More Accurate Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had Ms little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and went With the prescription to one of the largest and . best known optical houses there to have the-'-glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one of " the lenses got broken recently and was carried to tbe Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed -them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulis who had gives the prescription and in reply received the fallowing; DB. HAERT FREEDENTVALD, Hours,8a.nvte,ipm. "' TmrcnfOKT, Jan Slst, '98. Dbab Sir: : ' Tours of the 39th to hand. The glasses you sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H. FRTEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. ' -OFFICE HOURS; 8:30 a m te 12:M m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. Business House. We have for sale a Store Building on West Market street. We believe the location the most desirable of any now open in the eity for a grocery business. We are prepared to offer a Bar gain. Apply tp WHARTON & McALISTBR. AGENTS. It Beats a Hot brjck A hot water bottle does as a foot-warmer and as a means of applying heat in sickness. We can sell you a good one for $1. They Sre NEW and built to use without leakage for years.' Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite tosT Office. The Necessity For Medicine furnishes its own reminder, but we would like to sug- gest in passing that when such an un- . fortunate need occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs and chemicals than at our Prescription Department. ' ' Hol ton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. BOY about 17 years of -age wanted at C. F. Thomas' jotr office, 105 Sycamore street. j-31-tf EST PEANUTS, fresh parched at Pearce's. , f-7-6t v 1899. The time limit on all our outstanding premium cards. no matter how they are dated, will be extended to January 1st, 1899. . - Thacker & Brockmanxu . i.-. - . . . . , .. '.1 f J " z 9