V-'. - - o4. - -.'Si- Tele eens he Or boro Issssss Of, crami. VOL. II. NO. 21 Prices Reduced on Butterick Patterns These are the most re liable patterns market. Sold by :t ir to call the attention of the LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron a :. :, does not become overheated or the hair. We invite you to call and examine irons, which we have in nickel ;i:-.'i silver plate. W B farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. The Season for Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty of them. Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and ' Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy. Geo YV Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager CVLt This ad and 95 cents will pay for One Dollar's Worth of Groceries at VUNCANON & CO.'S, 1 lei i able G rocers. . S.e;ihj-;im St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription t from our Drug Store is filled lest drugs the market can - i. All of the best cough mix - -ixativcs and liver regulators t -Utntly in stock. Toilet arti ' .. iy description in fact, we " -I'l'ly you with anything in the of the best quality and at ,l" ,: prices. Gaston W. Ward, l-iiii St. Pharmacist. V S on the 8 M. Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. I : 11 . - MANHING DYNAMITE BOMBS Ammunition And Men $ent To The forts. SAY THERE WILL BE NO WAR. Navy Department Has Fbrmulated a Plan of Campaign to Quickly Cripple Spaln By Wire to Tei Telegram. Washington, -Feb. 21 Everybody in authority here says there will be no war, but despite the fact ammunition is being forwarded to. the forts a Sandy Hook and Wilets Point on the sound. More artillerymen have been added to each of the forts. Soldiers are being transferred at night and no visitor is allowed near the Atlantic seacoast forts. Secret orders have been sent out by Commander Merritt of the department of the east. An order has also been issued to man the dynamite batteries at Sandy--Hook. They have never before been manned. Work is being rushed in the navy yard at Norfolk. Sunday was no day of rest at the iron works in Baltimore. Work -has been resumed on the fort in Baltimore. A PLAN OF ATTACK. The navy department has devised a plan to attack the Spanish possessions so that immediately after a declara tion of war a series of quick sharp bombardments may be carried out and the Spanish forces be badly crippled. AN ENJOYABLE CONCERT. The Karger Company Pleases a Large Audience at the Opera House. The Karger Concert Company gave a concert at the opera house last eve ning that'was greatly enjoyed by the large audience that was present. When Max Karger made his debut before crowded houses in New Yqpk) his per formances were greeted with un bounded ciiil-jsiasm, and he has !nce been known as the y oung American violin virtuoso. In his playing last night, he displayed a wonderful mas tery of an instrument that is regarded by many as the grandest of all for the production of music. Mr. Karger was assisted in the con cert by Miss Jeannette McClanahan, Mr. S. P. Veron and Miss Marie Mil dred Marsh -each one of whom conj tributed much to the success of the evening. Miss McC'lanahan's s lections seem ed to be particularly pleasing to the audience, and her rendition of 'Dixie,' in response to an encore, won for her prolonged and repeated applause, to which she was compelled to respond. Mr. Veron possesses a deep rich voice, the fine cultivation of which was evident in the delightful manner in which his difficult songs were render ed. Miss Marsh proved herself an ar tist in piano music, and in solo as well as in accompaniments, w"on the plaudits of her auditors. Lynchburg News, 15. PROGRAM. Piano Solo ( a ) Guirlandes, Godard (b) Gavotte, Pirani Miss Marie Mil dren Marsh. Bass Solo Toreador's Song, "Car men," Bizet Mr. S. P. Veron. Violin Solo Hungarian Airs, Ernst Mr. Max Karger. Soprano Solo Jewel Song from Faust, Gounod Miss Jeannette Mac Clanahan. Violin Solo (a) Intermezzo, Mas cagni, (b) pinning Song, Popper Aur Mr. Max Karger. PART n. Piano Solo Polonise inEb, Chopin Miss Marie Mildred Marsh. Bass Solo (a) Bedouin Love Song, Pinsuti, (b) Turnkey Song, from Rob Roy, DeKoven Mr. S. P. Veron. Soprano Sola (a) Land 'o the Leal, Foote, (b) Spring Song. Hyde Miss Jeannette MacClanahan. Violin Solo Aria from "Moses in Egypt," Pagannini Mr. Max Karger. Played on one string. - Soprano Solo Spring Time, Becker Miss Jeannette MacClanahan. With Violin Obligato by Mr. Max Karger. Pope Leo on March 3. If the Pope lives till March 3 next he will have occupied St. Peter's chair for 20years. Out of his 263 predeces sors only 11 enjoyed a longer reign t.,.n Tn XIII. His 88thbirthday falls on the previous day, so there will be grand doings at the Vatican to cele Ma event. thronfirs of pilgrims being expected. GREENSBORO, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, QBS. NOTES FROM HIQH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Tetjegram Bureau, f High Point. N. C, Feb. 21, '98. ( Burgess Sharpe, who has run a bar ber shop here for several years, died last night at 12 o'clock. He was well liked by the people and made many friends by his polite and courteous attention. The funeral took' place here this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Bencini are spending a few days in Greensboro. Misses Male Carr, Blanche Boyles and Maude England, of the Greens boro Female College, passed through Saturday night en route to their re 8pective houses at Trinity. A. V. Sapp and daughter, Irene, left for Greensboro today. Kemp P. Battlcv-late the genial clerk at Jarrell's Hotel, is in the city today. Miss Bell Raper, of the Greensboro Female College, came in Saturday night to spend a few days at her home near here. MTss Sallye Mhlis, one of High Point's most highly - accomplished young ladies, is spending a few days in Randleman. Mrs. F. S. Blair and her daughter Miss Annie, of Guilford College, are guests at J. Robert Parker's. . Mrs. Dred Peacock, of Greensboro, passed through en route to Trjnity on a visit to her parents. Joe Kirkman and 'family left this morning for Marion, N. C, where Mr. Kirkman has accepted a position as foreman at the Marion Furniture Com pany. Ninety three people from New York en route to Chattanooga took break fast at the Bellevue Hotel this morn ing. Several of them remarked that it was the best breakfast that they eaten in a long time. C. A. Hamner, a well known travel ing man, is stopping at the Bellevue. Charles Welborn is assisting in A. V. Sapp's racket store while Mr. Sapp ' is attending court at Greens boro. x H. C. Kearns and Z. E. A 11 red are spending a few days in Greensboro. The High Point Minstrel will give one of the best shows that has been given in the opera house next- Friday night. v Messrs. A. A. Holton and W. B. Steele left today for Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. C. Adams left this morning for Cairy. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ragan are spending the daj in Greensboro. J. E. Burton left today for the City of Flowers. Dr. J. W. Long, of Salisbury, and Dr. D. A. Stanton, of this place, went to Durham Saturday night to perform an operation on Mr. Southgate's child. Prominent Speakers. A Wake Forest special to the News and Observer says: President E. Benjamin Andrews, ot Brown University, has accepted the invitation of the Literary Societies to give the annual address next com-. mencement. The selection of the baccalaureate preacher, heretofore in the hands of the graduating class, is now with the faculty, and they have elected Dr. W. R. L. Smith, late of St. Louis, but now of Richmond, Va. The Alumni orator is Mr. E. E. Billiard, (class '82) of Scotlend Neck. ' . Dr. E. W. Sikes, of the chair of Political Science and History, has been invited by the publication com mittee to conduct a regular dept ment in the "North Carolina Baptist Historical Society Papers," published at Henderson. Had a Close Call. There was a negro . ia Raleigh yesrr terday with a historv. He was once convicted of murder, sentenced to be hanged, lost his case, was about tefbe swung for the killing when his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in the penitentiary. A few years later he was pardoned and is now a pros perous farmer and property-owner in Johnson county... Alex Blalock is his name. He is a ginger-cake colored negro, 45 years of age, with an honest, prosperous look about him. He is said to be one of the most influential and substantial negroes in Johnson county. News and Observer. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. i : " . . , PANIC ON -STOCK EXCHANGE Caused By The News from West Africa. EX-SECRETARY LINCOLN'S VIEWS Torpedo Boat Erlccson Sails For Tortugos With Orde s For The American Fleet. By Cable to Thk Tklbgbax vjjasgow, xep. ai inere was a panic on the stock "exchange today caused by the news from West Africa of the invasion of Sokota by the French expedition The bears are in complete control of the market. LINCOLN'S VIEWS. By Wire to Thk Tklbgbax. Chicago, Feb. 21 Robert T. Lin coln, secretary of war under Garfield and Arthur says Spain will not be re sponsible for the Maine disaster if the ship was blown up by fanatics. TUG'S WITHDRAW. By Wire to Thk Telegram. New York, Feb. 21 The navy tugs which have been patroling the Vizcoya since her arrival here withdrew this morning. - SURVIVORS AT. WORK. By Wire to Tee Tklbgram. Key West, Feb. 21 The survivors of the battleship Maine are at work on the barracks of the Marine hospital. The wounded are doing well today. The torpedo boat Ericcson sailed this morning for the Tortugos with mail for the warships. Rear Admiral Sicard is negotiating with the Merritt wrecking company to tow the leaking vessel north. DEATH IN WINSTON. Fifth Number of Y. M. C. A. Star Course Tonight. Special to the Telegram. Winston, Feb. 21. Mrs. Alice Har- rell, aged 50 years, died at 4 o'clock yesterday at the home of her sister Mrs. Mary Boner on North Liberty street. The deceased leaves a large number of friends who mourn her de mise. ne remains win oe taicen to Bethany for interment tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Rev. J. W. Frank officiat ing. The fifth number of the Y. M. C. A. Star course appears tonight, the Arean Cook Combination. A large number will greet them. Pinehurst Golf LIhks. A nine hole golf course has been laid out after the famous St. Andrews, near Edinburgh, Scotland. Mr. Tuft is giving his personal attention to the construction and we may expect as fine links as there are i the country. The spot selected is an ideal one, sit uated upon the hill south of the Vil lage Common. The grounds cover sixty acres of thoroughly cleared land, well fenced in, and covered with a thick growth of rye, which will be kept short by a flock of more than a hundred sheep, A large force of men have been at work on the links, which are now in good conditiojj. Many good golfers are with us and anxiously awaiting the opening' day. Pincehurst Outlook. ' An Abundance of Court. A member of the bar called attention to the fact this morning that during the year ending February first there have been thirteen weeks of Superior court here, or an average of one week out-of every four and yet we are very badly behind the civil docket. There were two weeks in. February, three in May, two special and two regular in I A nnnat' turn tn Tlecpmtwr And t.wrn in 6 ' . . Work in Tfilrd Degree. Greensboro Lodge No. 80. K. of P. meets tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Work in third degree. Members please be on hand promptly. A. H. Stack, K- of R. and S. K. of P. Notice. Members of Gjeen8boro Lodge No. 80, are requested to be at Castle Hall this evening at 7:30. Business of im portance and ranks to confer. Let all who possibly can attend. W. D. Mendenhall, C. C. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. FISHERMEN LOST. Have Not Been Heard from Since Saturday. By Wire Thk Tklbqbam. Marinette, Wis., Feb. 21-Nbthing has-been heard from the twelve fisher- menwho started to this city from Green Island on Saturday. Friends believe they must have found shelter. A large number of vessels are missing. A severe storm has prevailed on the lake. for three days and there is much apprehension as to their safety. To Recover the Bodies. By Wire to Thk Telegram. x Washington, Feb 21 The senate promptly passed a bill appropriat ing $200,000 to recover the bodies from the wreck of the Maine. Allen's resolution directing the na val committee to make a thorough in vestigation into the Maine disaster was also passed. Threw a Bomb-. By Cable to Thk Txlbgbak. Havana, Feb. 21 A bomb was thrown into masquerade ball at Try jo a theatre. Several were injured. No News lnjarls. By Cable to Th Tslbgram. Paris, Feb. 11 The government has no newB of the Freach having , crossed the Niger into Sokoto. Wants More Divers. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, Feb. 21 Consul-Gen- eral Lee wires for more divers. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld &o., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York. Feb. 20x 1898. American tobacco 91 Atch.,Top. & Santa Fe.., 3Si B. and O , N C. and 0 21f Chic, Bur. and Quincy 98i Chic. Gas 93 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson Ill Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric 34i Jersey Central 93i Louisville v and Nashville 55 Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 110i Missouri and Pacific 28J Northwestern 123J Northern Pacific Pr 62 National Lead New York Central 114i Pacific Mail Reading 20 Rock Island 89 Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 29 St. Paul 94i Sugar Trust 1271 Tenn. Coal & Iron 225 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred 6H Western Union Tel 90i Wabash Preferred 116 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO, Feb. 20, 1898. Wheat, Jan May...... ."j July..... 106. 92f (i Corn, Jan " Sept " Oct.... , " May . " July... Oats, Sept w 304 32 261 24 V 1100 1100 525 532 525 532 1 1 (C May , July Pork, Dec " May " July Lard, Dec " May " July Ribs, Jec May , , July. . . (( Cotton, Sept..; :.. ($ Dec Jan Feb March... April May. y June .. .. .. .. July August Oct Nov . . . Spot cotton 6i Puts, 103 i Calls, 112; Curb 1Q64 ' : X ' THE NAVY YARD FLOODED With Men Anxious-to Serve the nag ONLY AMERICANS ARE ACCEPTED Excitement is Subsiding Report of Explosion Denied Tugs With drawn Court of Inquiry. By Wire to thb Telbgbam. Brooklyn, Feb. 21 The navy yard is ilooded with' a rush of recruits to join the navy.' All nationalities are represented, but only Americans are accepted. Captain Eulatt, of the Vizcaya, has made a formal call at Admiral Bunce's office. The officers of the Vizcaya will decline a reception in their honor. EXCITEMENT SUBSIDING. Washington, Feb. 21 The confusion and excitement is subsiding Tiere. The suspense has increased. The President will leave early this afternoon for Philadelphia, where he will address the students of Pennsyl vania University tomorrow, which i& Pennsylvania day. He will return to morrow. ' NO MORE EXPLOSIONS. Havana, Feb. 31 There 'was no truth in the report that another explo sion occurred in the wreck of the Maine as might be inferred from the reports sent out from Key West. COURT OF INQUIRY BEGINS. Havanna, Feb. 21 The court of in quiry has arrived on board the steam er Mangrove and investigations into the Maine disaster will be begun im mediately. CAN HIT A SHIP ELEVEN MILES. Long Range Projectiles Being Made for the Navy. Reading, Pa., Feb. 20 The present Government orders on the books of the Carpenter Steel Company will keep that industry rushing out projectiles at its present rate for at least a year to come. The capacity of the place, reckoning a" proportionate share of each size projectile, is about 800 a week. Two shipments of 60,000 pounds each were made this week. The pro jectiles are sent to varions 'points among oheas Staten Island j Brook lyn and Washington. The sizes of the projectiles made at this place range from four to Is inches. The latter at 11 miles, can pierce a plate of great thickness. The sunken battleship Maine had a quantity of Carpenter projectiles on board. An official of the company said to day: "The United States government has commanded us not to communicate anything to newspapers and these are my instructions. Whethea the govern ment is preparing for conflict with any other nation or not, J don't hnow." REINDEER BUYER IN TROUBLE. Was Too Eager to Make a Profit on His Purchase. Washington, Feb. 20 The secretary of war has been appealed to for help by one Max Jansen. a. member of the London firm of Mocotta & Jansen, who is now in trouble in Norway as a re sult of trying to outwit the government agent sent there to purchase reindeer. Jansen, hearing of the need of our government for these animals, hasten ed in advance of Dr. Jackson and se cured 500 fine animals, which he expeated to turn over to our govern ment agent at a handsome profit. But the Dr. and Mr. Kjelimann found some deer on-their own account and, as Jan sen had contracted for but not paid for the animals, he was seized upon by Norweigian justice and held for breach of contract. 1 "Funeral of fir. Brockmann. Despite the inclement weather yester day a very large concourse of friends attended the funeral of Mr. A. J. Brockmann, at his late residence, 410 East Market street. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Dr. Weaver, as sisted by Rev. Dr. E. W. Smith. After the impressive ceremony at the home the remains were laid to rest in Greene HilL cemetery to await the call on resurrection morn. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Price Two Cents CALL AT Stanley & Grissom's, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) Fortothe-New Drink, Pineappic pepsin Phosphate also Head Powders that' will relieve Headache and Neural gia in 15 minutes J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. I Take this opportunity to extend to you a cordial invitation to visit my drug store, where you will always have a hearty welcome, polite attention and our proper assistance in selecting such drugs, medicines or toilet arti cles as you may wish. Our Prescription Department is in charge of Skilled Regis tered Pharmacists, insuring ac curacy and quick delivery. All calls left in our charge for phy sicians will be promptly deliv ered. Yours to serve, Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro jThan Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes xamlned in Baltimore last year and went. with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one-of the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had given the prescription and in reply received the following; DR. HARRY FEIEDENWALD, 1029 Madison Avh. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimore, Jan 51st, '88. Dear Sir: Yours of the 29th to hand. Dr. Johnson Is Perfectly Right: The glasses you sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a- mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H, FRIEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing House 3021 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:t m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. Wholesale Houses. We have been reliably informed that three or four large wholesale build ings could be rented if built on Davie street. The Southern Stock Mutual or the Underwriters Insurance Company will loan 50 .per cent, of the value.of the buildings and lots to any one who will undertake the enterprise. . WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. Onjon Sets Onion Sets Onion Sets Onion Sets -AND- Landreth's Garden Seed Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite ost Office. The Necessity N For Medicine furnishes its own reminder, but we would like to sug gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs and chemicals than at our Prescription -Department. Ilolton's Drug Store. " McAdoo House Building. BOY about 17 years of age wanted at C. F. Thomas' job office, 105 Sycamore street. j-31-tf BEDSTEADS for $1 apiece at. Mc Duffie's furniture store. f 19 3t 3 ELICIOUS Milk Kisses at fl5 5t Pearce's. XMGHT ROOM HOUSE for rent. Apply at this office. J--21-tf "' 1

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