i lrae Qreeesboro Evening Telegram. V0L. . NO. 22 GREENSBORO, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1898! Price Two Cents -"ft - .. " New and Up-to-date Shoes For Ladies and Gentlemen S if S J, M, Hendrix 6 Co. V. i-oir to call the attention of the LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron .ih does not become overheated or re the hair. Wo invite you to call and examine irons, which we have in nickel .ir.d silver plate. W B f arrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. The Season -for Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty of them. Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy, Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager. This ad and 95 cents will pay for One Dollar's Worth of Groceries at VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South' Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription -.nt out from our Drug Store is filled ' ith the best drugs the market can .. rnish. All of the best cough mix ' -.res, laxatives and liver regulators it constantlv in stock. Toilet arti- ' s of every description in fact, we un supply you with anything in the ivug line, of the best quality and at " a.-onable prices. Gaston W. Ward, Just g Received. g Our New g Oxford I Ties 1 are 8 .Beauties. g 221 S. Elm St. GENERAL MILES' ORDERS All Posts and Ports to Keep on - the Lookout. REPLIES-OF THE COMMANDERS McKInley Has a Dispatch Saying All Is Quiet The Wounded at Key West Are Improving. By Wire to Thx Tklsej B.JM. Washington, Feb. 22 Gen. Miles today sent his second general order to the department of the east repeating his .former order that all posts and ports be on the alert and prepared for immediate action. The various com mariders have replied, stating that the!? instructions with reference to the preservation and care of the batteries, magazines and ammunition would be fully carried out. M'KINLEY'S DISPATCH. Philadelphia, Feb. 22 President McKinley today received a dispatch saying there was no change in the sit uation. WOUNDED IMPROVING. Key West, Feb. 22 The injured men of the Maine at the hospital barracks are all doing well. RECRU1T1NO THE ROAD FORCE. Cases Being Rushed Through Rapidly In -Court. Will Wicker, Lodge Hill and Hen ry Palmer came' before his honor on the charge of stealing blankets. One" of the coons testified that he knew the blankets were in a wagon, tho.ugh it was so dark that he could not see the wagon. BeiDg asked how he knew the blankets were In the wagon he replied that he smelled them. Wicker and Palmer got 12 months on the public roads and Hill got 8, his honor add ing that he took off 4 months because he kept his mouth shut and did not lie. Lizzie McCleary, for assault, was found not guilty. . C. B. Pool plead guilty to carrying concealed weapons and was given the costs. D. O. Vaughn, the courageous gen tleman who beat his wife, was so proud of the performance that he took the court into his confidence and admit ted that he did it. Henry Hall confused the ownership of worldly goods and was given a year on the highways for his careless ness. Gibb Foust plead guilty to carry ing concealed weapons and got the costs. In the habeas corpus matter of G. W. Parker for the recovery of his wife, who, it is claimed, is kept away by her father, the writ was dismissed. This leaves the young woman fretj. to live with her parents or with the man she married. Three Million Dollars. It is estimated by parties in position to know that $3,000,000 of North Car olina moneys is spent annually for shoes in the easterti markets. Why not buy them at home and nrich our own people and state with the legiti mate profit on those goods? The Greensboro Evening Talegram says that they have but one exclusively wholesale shoe house in our state, we should patronize it and encourage the establishment of others. The people of North Carolina have sent their money to foreign markets long enough. Why continue to increase the wealth and growth of Eastern cities when we have learnedhat we can buy from home people the same goods at the same price and save the freights. Many of our merchants now buy their gro ceries, drugs and hardware at home they can just as well buy their full line at home and thereby give employment to hundreds of North Carolina people and thousands of dollars capital. We are pleased to note the success of the Simpson-Shields Shoe Co of Greens boro, and trust before many years the shoe jobbing line will.be as well rep resented in more of our cities. News nd Observer. Cornwallis' Hitching Tree. Mr. Boyce Bell, of Pineville, sends the Observer several pieces of wood from the old gum tree which was blown down in his yard last week, was said to be the tree which Cornwallis hitched his horse. Anyone who would like to have a piece of the wood as a souvenir can get same by calling at the Observer office. Charlotte Observer. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. ) I High Point, N. C, Feb. 22, '98. S A. S. Ellison is somewhat disfigured but still in the ring. While he was riding a wheel this morning he was thrown off and bruised up very badly. We are glad to say there were no bones broken. Miss Maie Carr, the librarian at the Greensboro Female College, who has been spending a few days with her parents at Trinity Prof, and Mrs. Carr, left this morning for Greens boro. Misses Pearl Idol and Bell Raper are spending the day in the city. A. E. Welborn is attending court in Greensboro today. W. R. Hairston, of Lexington, was in the city yesterday on business. Messrs. J. W. and J. L.. Secrest and A. B. Horney are attending the state council of the Jr. O. U. A. M. in Salisbury. J. B. Bouldin is attending court in Greensboro today. Ed, Millis left this morning for a few days visit in Randleiran. Miss Bessie Steed left today for Asheboro to spend the week with rela tives. William Clinard who has been very sick with the grip is recovering. The minstrel tronpe is progressing very nicely. The banks and the postoffice are ob serving Washington's birthday today. The Misses Armfield, of Sopana Side, are spending the holiday in the city with their brother, E. W. Arm field. Mrs. R. S. Nissen, of Salem, is vis iting the family of R. C. Charles. Mrs. H. C. Tomlinson and --Miss Mable Freeman were in the city yes terday. J B. Thompson is attending court in Greensboro. JVC. Pepper, at one time a resident of High Point but of Trinity, is spend ing the day in the city. Washington. WRITTEN FOR THE TELEGRAM. xnou warrior, statesman, sace, we honor thee, Not with the cringing homage of a slave, But as a race who love the good and brave We stand with firm, unbended knee For thou it was who taught us to be free, Thy stainless wisdom and unselfish might, So clear in forum and so strong in fight Will ring through all the years that yet shall be. We honor thee, and in all reverence bend i Before our God and pray His hand so strong May help us, guide us, and fore'er defend Us in the right and shield us from the wrong; y That we may ne'er forget vhat thou hast taught Nor loose the freedom which thy valor bought. Robert Dick Douglas. Feb. 22nd, '98. The Dreyfus Secret. London, Feb. 20 The Daily Tele graph will tomorrow make a spread on a story from Brussels to the effect that the French government's jealously " guarded secret in the Dreyfus affair is that a secret agreement existed between Russia and Germany, by which the former undertook to furnish Germany with all information regarding the French military arrangements, while Germany was to supply similar infor mation concerning another power, pre sumably Austria. Dreyfus became aware of this agreement and traded upon it. Wages and Cost of Living. While' ft may bo true that wages in the south are not so hig"h as they are in the north it doesn't follow that southern operatives don't live as well as the northern operatives do. In the south comparatively little clothing is required, and-the amount of fuel need ed is small. The cost of food is also less. When all of these things are taken into consideration it is probable that southern operatives live about as well as the operatives of the north. Savannah News. : v - To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. TO SUCCEED THE MAINE, Either The Montgomery or Nash ville Will Be Sent, TERROR ORDERED TO NEW YORK. Forward Where The Explosion Spent its Force an Expert Diver ls'Worklng: By Wire to Thk tklbobam. Washington, Feb. 22 The double turret monitor Terror now at Norfolk navy yard was ordered today by the navy department to proceed immedi ately to New York harbor. It is in tended that the' ten inch magazines which serve the high power turret rifles shall be fully equipped. Fur ther than this the order expressed the expectation that the Terror should be able to get under way within a few hours. It is officially announced that either the Montgomery or the Nashe ville shall be sent to take the place of the Maine. WORK OF THE DIVERS. By Cable to The Tklbgbam. Havana, "Feb. 22 Ensign ;Bournley is directing the work of the divers to day. Two are working at the stern for the property in. the captain's cabin and warrant office Morgan, an expert diver, is working forward where the explosion spent its force. Not Much Gold. By Wire to Thk Telegram. Victoria, B. C, Feb. 22 Three steamers, the Danube, Thistle and Tees have returned from Skaguay, each having a few Dawsonites but not much gold. There is a .'reported blockade of the trail to Dyea which is likely to cause much trouble. Both Shot to Death. By Wire to The Telegram. Knoxville, Feb. 22 James Semmate chief of police of Laf allette attempted to" arrest William Rutherford who, was intoxicated. Rutherford resisted I and in the fight which followed both were shot to death. Perished In the Flames. By Wire to The Tklbgbam. Onilla, Ont.. Feb. 22 The home of James Roma the township sutler waa burned last night. Three members the family including the mother, perished and two others were horribly burned. The Usual Celebration. By Wire to The Telegram. New York, Feb. 22 The inclement weather did not interfere in anyway with the patriotic observance of Wash ington's birthday. Flags were raised and para'des held as usual. , Heavy Snow S.'orm, By Cable to The Telegram London, Feb. 22 A ,heavy . snow storm in Southwest England is block ing traffic. Much damage has- re sulted. hi i i Telegraphic Briefs. Chief Secretary Gerald Balfour yes- i-terday introduced the Irish local gov ernment bill in the House of Commons and its passed its first reading. The seventh continental congress of the National Society of the Daughters of the American' Revolution began in WahingtoJ yesterday, -Mrs. Adlai E. Stevenson presiding. A resolution of condolence for the Maine disasterwas adopted. In the ease oi Chas. P. Barrett vs. the United States from Suth Caro lina, in the supreme court of the United States yesterday, the opinion of the court below, adverse to Barrett was affirmed. China Will Open the Door. London, Feb. 20 A dispatch to the Times from Pekin says that China has agreed to open all her inland waters to navigation by steamers, whether owned by foreigners Or natives, under regulations to be subsequently framed. The agreement will go into operation within four months. China, has also agreed to open one treaty port inHunan within two years. The despatch adds - that Great Britain has received satisfactory assurances that China will not alienate any por tion of the Yangtse Kiang Valley to another power. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. " All, druggists refund the money! a a . A If it fails to cure. 25c. A BOflB FOR MESSINE. Serious Damage Done But No -Loss of Life. By Cable to The Tklbgbam. Montpelier, France, Feb. 22 A bomb was exploded this mornieg in the residence of former president of the Chamber of Commerce Messine. Serious damage was done but no loss ef life resulted. Three similar bombs were discover ed in the vicinity of the headquarters of the staff at the railroad depot. Sev eral anarchists have been here. Still Loaning China. By Cable to The Tklbgbam. Berlin, Feb. 22-It is announced here that a Chinese loan of sixteen million pounds has been arranged with the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank of London and the German Asiatic bank. . Speech of - Laborlev. By Cable to The Tklbgbam. Paris, Feb. 22 Laborie, counsel for Zola, in concluding bis argument de tailed the facts in the case and severe ly denounced the Dreyfus conspiracy, showing all its falseness. - Sherman Better. Bv Wire to The Tklbgbam. Washington, Feb. 22 Secretary Sherman is reported to be very much improved today and expects to be able to be at the state department as usual on Wednesday. More Warships for Cuba. By Wire The Tklbgbam. Washington, Feb. 22 It is reported here'teday that Spain has ordered six additional warships to Cuba. IN CASE OF WAR. What Troops In North Carolina Would be Called. An officer of the State Guard smiled at the the telegraph tender of a com pany's service to the President. That is not the way the troops go into ser vice. Suppose the President calls on the governor for say 5,000 men. The governor would order the State Guard on active duty. It is part of the Na tional Guard, the first reserve of the regular army. The regiments now have only two battalions. Members who had served with the colors, say for the past ten years, would be called on to fill the ranks and make at once each regiment of twelve companies, giving three battalions to each. This would give 4,800 officers And men in the brigade.The Naval Reserves would recruit in 4bJ same way to 500 men in, say two &ay.,ihe thing would be done. Then all that wanuldbe necessary would be to rush in a requisition for the equipments and uniform's for say 3, 000 men. The 1,800 now in the guard would, of course, be available - for in stant duty, in the state or out of it. It is a force always the command of the governor or the president. It is arm ed, clothed and equipped entirely by the United States; in that respect not eostinsr the state a cent. The value of such a force, not perhaps apparent to the mass of the people at ordinary times, becomes doubly so now. The brigade is now but a skeleton, but with a complete organization and equipment. Col. Olds' Correspond ence. A GREAT WHARF BURNED. iVomeadous Work of -a Fire That Started In a Box Car. MnntoreT.Mex.. Feb. 21 The new supervision; was totally destroyed by Central Railroad, under government supervision, was totally destroyed by fire Sunday. The fire started in a box car on the east end of the wharf, and gradually spread to the sheds. The cause of the fire is unknown. The. con struction of the wharf was commenced in July , 1896, and it was considered to be one of the finest on this continent Its length was- 2.575 feet and all is burned. The custom house under con struction and nearly completed,Iwas damaged to the extent of 3800,000. The total loss on the wharf, custom house and merchandise is nearly ;$2 ,000,000 fully insured. Body Drifted aoo Miles. Williamsport, Pa., Feb. 20 The body of William Adams, the drowned ferryman, after "drifting from Mont gomery, Pa - on . the Susquehanna River, was found yesterday on the banks of the .'Elk River, near Reybold Md., near the month of the Susque- - " . 1 " 1 phanna, two hundred Voiles away. THE WORDS OF WASHINGTON Repeated In Mckinley's Address - Today. CULTIVATE PEACE AND HARMONY Referred to The Value of Education And The Necessity'of Maintain ing Public Credit. By Wire to The Telegram. Philadelphia, Feb. n22 President McKinley in his address to the stu dents at Pennsylvania University here today referred to the value of educa tion in a republic and the necessity for an unimpeachable public credit. Emulating Washington's idea of the necessity of having no stain of just obligations violated, he denounced the "prophets of false teachings" and repeated Washington's words about a foreign policy, "observe good faith and justice toward all nations and cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality alike en join it." BUTLER ONEWART. Says He is Totally UnfltTor the Of fice of Judge. A Washington Special to the News and Observer says: Senator Butler said today that the impression that he was half hearted in his opposition to the confirmation of Judge H. G. Ewart's nomination was erroneous. "I shall do all in my power, to defeat the nomination," said the senator to the News and Observer correspondent, "and after I present all the facts and evidence in the case I feel certain the judiciary committee will make an unfavorable report on the nomination. ; I am op posed to Judge Ewart's nomination on the ground that he is totally unfit for the high office to whieh he has been appointed. He is in no sense qualifi ed to dischage the duties imposed up on him; he has not a judicial temper ament, nor. has the experience re quired, nor ripe judgement, which is a requisite for the office. I may have some interesting data to present to the judiciary committee this week, which will cause Judge Ewart's friends Xo think a little." This is the third time that Judge Ew art's nomination has gone over, and in view to what Senator Butler says to your correspondent, the delay in con sidering the nomination is significant- y the last. Senator Butler said while here that so far from Ewart's confirmation be ing merely held up temporarily, he had good reasons to believe he would not be confirmed at all. Mr. Butler did not state the grounds of his be lief. ANOTHER "EXPLOSION" Resulting From "Rivalry" of Negro "Societies." Havana, Feb. Zl A great panic oc curred in the city at 12 o'clock last night by the explosion of a dynamite bomb during the ball at the Irijoa theatre. All the lights in the theatre were put out and indescribable confusion prevailed for several minutes. Four persons were injured. The official version of the affair is that the explo sion was caused by "rivalry" between negro societies. - N Mardi Qras in New Orleans. New Orleans, Feb. 21 The New Or leans carnival was opened today by Rex and his retinue. The river was covered with a brilliantly decorated flotilla when the royal yacht appeared with the King of Mirth,. The three warships in port Austrian, French and American were attractively deco rated. The revenue cutters partici pated. The procession included the military, the king's retinue, lords of the realm and citizens. Proteus appeared tonight followed by a grand society ball. Tomorrow Rex appears during the day and Comas at night, and both Jgive balls An Embarrassing Situation. "What is the mater?" asked the tel ephono official. "What has hap pened?" 'Two men are talking in some for eign language," answered the monitor "and I don't know whether to be shocked or not. Washington Star. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. -.Alh druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. '25c. Piyissima et Optime. Drugs and MedicinesT both in our general stock and prescription department will be found for sale at Stanley & Grissom's, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Purity in drugs is aa essential to life and health as expert knowledge of medicine is in the preparation of a doctor's prescription. The freshness and absolute purity of " our drugs and medicines have done as much for our reputation as the care and attention " we . give to our prescription depart ment. Bring us your prescrip tions 'if you want them filled right and at the right price, Fresh supply Buist's, Lan dreth's and Ferry's Garden Beed just in. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss . More Accurate Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes ' examined in Baltimore last year and went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one of the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accoraeq witn tne prescription, anasocnangea them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had" given the prescription and in reply received the following; DR. HARRY FRTEDENWAlD, 1029 MADISON AVE. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimore, Jan 81st, '96. Dear Sib: Yours of the 30th to hand. Dr. Johnson Is Perfectly Right. The glasses you sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H. FREEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing Buse 302i South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:80 ; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. m Wholesale Houses. We have been reliably informed that three or four large wholesale build ings could be rented if built on Davie street. The Southern Stock Mutual or the Underwriters Insurance Company will loan 50 per cent, of the value of the buildings and lots to any one who will undertake the enterprise. WHARTON & Mc A LISTER. AGENTS. Onion Sets Onion Sets Onion Sets Onion Sets -AND- Landreth's Garden Seed Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite ost Office. The Necessity For Medicine ' furnishes its own reminder, but we would like to sug gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there, is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs and chemicals than at our Prescription Department. Bolton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. BOY about 17years of age wanted at C. F. Thomas' job office, 105 Sycamore street. j-31-tf BEDSTEADS for $1 apiece at Mc Duffle's furniture store. f 19 3t DELICIOUS Milk Kisses at f 15 5t Pearce's. TJUGHT ROOM HOUSE for rent. Apply at this office. j-21-tf '.S-.l, 10b S. Elm St. Pharmacist. - . . -( :" . ; mm

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