.-y ;'-'-''V Telesrrainni I Hue Oreeoslboro E o ing 1 i VOL. II. NO. 23 New 1 and x Up-to-date Shoesi For Ladies and Gentlemen Just Received. Our New Oxford Ties are Beauties. s s s $ k k k k s k k $ n k k Wo beg to call the attention of the LADIES to our New Perfection 4 Self-Heating Curling 'Iron ' . oil does not become overheated or ::::re. the hair. We invite you to call and examine irons, which we have in nickel .t:.'.i silver plate. W 6 f arrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. The Season for Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty of them. Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy, Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager This ad and 95 cents will pay for One Dollar's Worth of Groceries at VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grccers. -"-.hKhn-St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription fi ora our Drug Store is filled best drugs the market can All of the best cough mix xatives and liver regulators -tantly in stock. Toilet arti vi !-v description in fact, we ! y you with anything in the of the best quality and at '-"Hf. - prices. Gaston W. Ward, lU5 J, M. Hendrix & Co., 8 221 S. Elm St. I Elm St. Pharmacist. i -. .. - LOOKING FOR .WARSHIPS That Can be Bought In Case of an Emergency. THE INQUIRY IS HALF DONE National Guards are Everywhere Re cruiting What New York Can do In the Way of Troops. Bv Wire to Thi Tklegram. Washington, Feb. 23-The navy de partmet is looking over the list of warships which might possibly be bought from the various governments with a view to their probable pur chase in case of war or an emergency. COURT OF INQUIRY. Havana, Feb 23 The members of the court now inquiring into the cause of the Maine disaster will leave here on Saturday for Key West. Gen. Lee will probably return with them. The court expects to have covered half of the ground of the investigation by this evening. NATIONAL GUARDS RECRUITING. Washington, Feb. 23 The national guands are recruiting all over the country. The most patriotic reports have been received each from state, particularly from those in the south. COMMANDERS IN CONFERENCE. Albany, Feb. 23 Maj. Gen. Rowe, commander of the national guard of New York, had a long conference with Captain Miller, commanding the naval reserves, who came from New York for that purpose. They report that New York can mass 13,800 men in ten hours. GEN. riERRITT COMES SOUTH. His Trip Regarded as of Importance at Washington. By Wire to The Tki.bg ham. New York, Feb. 24 Major General Merritt of the department of the East left today for the inspection of the coast defences along the Atlantic coast south of. New York. The route will include Atlanta, 'Mobile, Pensacola and Savannah. Through his aids it is announced that the trip was for the regular annual inspection. WOR TOO SLOW. By Wire to Thi Telegram. Washington, Feb. 23 General Mer ritt'a trip south has caused something of a sensation among army officials who believe that his mission is of far greater importance than the regular annual inspection. It is stated by those in authority that the work of fortification along the southern coast is not progressing as rapidly as is de sired. Judge" Tom Matthews. Everybody knows Tom Matthews, whose handsome and smiling counte nance can almost at any time of day or night be seen behind the counter in the Benbow office. Tom will hereafter be dubbed "Judge" Matthews, and this is how it all came about: Tom was at his accustomed place this morning looking as wise and dig nified as he usually does, wlien a citi zen hailing from High Point or vicin ity, walked in, pulled off his hat and addressing Tom said: "Judge, may I speatc to the chief-of-police of High Point a minute? I guess he-'s in here somewhere." The man thought he j?as in the court room, and strangely enough, we suppose he thought that he was addressing Judge Robinson. Of course Mr. Matthews, always accommodat ing, gave the man permission to speak to the chief if he could find him. May Buy a Horse Truck. The Greensboro Fire Department have sold their old hand hook and ladder truck, and are contemplating buying a new aerial truck. Since the old one has been disposed of it is now a necessity that a new one be bought, and the department will do right in purchasing a first-class apparatus. With the addition of a new aerial horse truck the Greensboro fire depart ment will be second to none in equip ment. British Ship Wrecked. Vineyard "Haven, Mass., Feb. 23 The British ship Asia.Captain Dakin, from Manilla, for this port, is sup posed to have been wrecked on Nan tucket shoals during the recent storm and the entire crew of probably twen- i J ty men have perisnea. The bodies of a man and a lit received from a portion or a ,iin near the Handkerchief lightship this afternoon by the V. McCauley. GREENSBORO, NOTES FROM HIQH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. ) High Point. N. C, Feb. 23, '98. f The Graded school exercises at the Presbyterian church yesterday were attended by a large and appreciative audience. The program was a good one and was well rendered. The book reception last night in the Graded school building was a complete suc cess, there being 33 "valuable books placed in the school library and $27.85 in cash, which together equals about 100 books. The program in the even ing was very tastefully gotten up, and the teachers who had charge of these little ones deserve much credit. The idea of donating- the books or their equivalent, on invitations was a happy success. By it the books presented and those that will be ordered are the kind so much needed and desired. Mrs. B. J. FisEer and children passed through this morning enroute to her home in Asheboro. A. V. Sapp left this morning for Greensboro to be present at the trial of the thieves who broke into his store. , Mrs. N. E. Allred left today for Greensboro where she will spend a few days visiting friends and relatives. Dougan Davio is spending the day in Greensboro. O. C. Wysong, of Greensboro, is in the city today on business. The Standard Oil Company has sent a new delivery wagon here, and two large tanks will be erected at once. The Seventh Day Adventists will hold meetings at Jarrell's Hall Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Everybody welcome. Miss Annie Tomlinson, one of Arch- dale's bright young daughters was in the city yesterday. The colored Graded school cele brated Washington's birthday last night with an appropriate program. Misses Eva and Mable Heitman and Miss Eva Williams, who have been spending a few days at their homes in . Trinity, passed through this morning returning to theN Greensboro Female College. W. T Parker, of Archdale, passed through this morning enroute to Ral eigh on business. Miss Bell Raper who has been at home for a few days returned to Greensboro Female College yesterday. At Guilford College. Correspondence Telegram. Guilford College. Feb. 23. The young ladies of the Philagorean Lit erary Society will give an entertain ment in King Hall next Saturday Feb. 26th. A very interesting program has been prepared and those present may expect an enjoyable and profit able time. A short play under the mysterious name of Chronothanetole tron, will occupy mostof the program. Music will be another feature Miss Elsie Weatherly, of Greensboro, will aid in the music with a violin solo. The public is cordially invited to at tend, no admission will be charged. Mr. Kennedy who has charge of the school at Summerfield, was here for a short time Sunday. Frank Plummer, of Archdale, made a short visit to the college this week. At Bennett College. Communicated. The students of Bennett College ren dered a program last night in the col lege chapel in commemoration of George Washington's birthday. D. D. Turpeau read a fine paper on the religion of Washington. W. B. Windsor delivered an oration, subject, "Washington the Man," and when he told of an occa sion on which Washington was ad dressing his officers and pulled from his pocket a paper and said: "Gen tlemen you wip permit me to put on my spectacles for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of my country," the audience demonstXited the fact that the Afro Americans love and honor the name of Gee ge Washington.. After the conclud on of the program the assem- bly ws changedto a social. Has Estimates. By Wire to The Telegram. Atlanta, Feb. 23 The war depart ment has on file reports from all south ern railways giving estimates as to the quantity of munitions of war and number of men they can move in a giVen time on short notice. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25o. N. C, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1898. ALLEN STIRS UP WE TALK When loth Sides Prefer to be Silent PROCTOR GONE TO MEET LEE Latter' s Information Too Important for Cipher Naval Militia Lo cating Signal Stations. By Wire to thi Tki.bg ram. Washington, Feb. 23 Senator Al len attempted to introduce a resolu tion today to have the senate investi gate the Maine" disaster, and made a strong speech in favorof it.This would stir up war talk and will go over un til tomorrow. The senate will attempt to prevent a debate, as it is felt by both sides that now is a time for si lence. PROCTOR AT JACKSONVILLE. By Wire To The Telegram. Jacksonville, Feb. 23 Senator Proctor, former secretary of war, has been sent here by the President to meet Consul-General Lee who will arrive on board the Cushing today or tomor row. Lee's information is regarded as too grave to be entrusted to a cipher code. Senator Proctor arrived quietly this morning. A special train for Key Wast awaits him. LOCATING STATIONS. By Wire to Thi Texjc&aii ' Jacksonville, Fla. 23 Under orders from Adjutant-General Houston, the naval malitia of Vhis city will leave tomorrow on a military mission and will proceed down the coast to locate signal stations at available points. The corps will be called into immedi ate service. SURVIVORS OF THE ASIA. Relate How That Ill-Fated Vessel Went Down. By Wire to Thi Telegram. Provincetown, Mass.. Feb. 24 The tug Mercury arrived today, bringing news and three of the crew of the Brit ish steamer Asia, rescued yesterday. They were taken from a piece of wreck age almost frozen. So soon as they could talk they 6aid the Asia struck the great round shoal off Nantucket during the gale on Monday. Captain Dakin, his wife and daughter are sup posed to have perished together, with 14 of the crew. Labor! e Denounces the Minister. By Cable to The Telegram Paris, Feb. 23 M. Laborie contin ued his plea for Zola today saying that the minister had lied. He severely denounced high officials for condemn ing Dreyfus. There was a great uproar in the court room when coun sel made the charges. Raising the Maine. By-Wire-to Thb Telegram. New York, Feb. 23 An officer of the Merritt wrecking company said today that work is being pushed as rapidly as possible to raise the Maine. Alger in Charge. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Washington, Feb. 23 Secretary Al ger returned today and. took charge of the war department. He Smiled. Hon. Steve Clay, of Georgia, passed through Charlotte this morning re turning from Marietta. He was asked by a reporter of the News about the political situation of Georgia, and especially about the candidacy of Rev. Sam Jones. To these questions Mr. Clay was 6ilent, seemingly infinitely more pleased to speak of the cool weather and the horrible fate of the battleship Maine. However, he could not help smiling when the reporter seriously spoke of the candidacy of the Rev. Sam. Charlotte News. Attack on Annexation. The question of tha annexation of Hawaii was forced upon the attention of the house this afternoon by Repre sentative Johnson of Indiana. Hav ing by previous arrangement secured an allowance of half an hour of time from Mr. Cannon pending the consid eration of the sundry civil appropria tion bill, Mr. Johnson took the floor late this afternoon and began a bitter attack upon the treaty of annexation. Washington Star. Masonic Notice. A regular communication of Greens boro Lodge No. 76, A. F. &. M., at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow (Thursday) evening. Work in 3rd degree. H.VC. Berger, W. M. W.T. Gayle, Secy. . i i . ACTION OF COMMITTEE. Resolutions Adopted in Meeting Last Night. The democratic state executive com mittee met in Raleigh last night and adopted the" following resolutions: "Resolved, first, Whereas the demo cratic organization of North Carolina is a part of the national democratic organization and whereas this com mittee is the custodian of the interests of the said organization in North Car olina, resolved that the committee en dorse the patriotic address of our national chairman, Hon. James K. Jones, seeking to unite the silver forces in the impending congressional contests. "Resolved," second, That the chair man "of our executive committee be requested to call a state convention to meet in Raleigh on the 26th of May, 1898, which early convention has su preme authority and will shape all matters of party policy. "Resolved, third, That in accord ance with the resolution heretofore adopted, all white electors who intend to vote with us in the next election and who desire the re-establishment "of Anglo-Saxon supremacy and honest government in North Carolina, are cordially invited to participate in all of our primaries and conventions." FOOLISH MISSIVE TO EULATE. One of Our PervertsSends "Sic Sem per Tyrannis" to Him. In the first mail delivered at the Spanish consulate yesterday morning was a package addressed to "Capt. Antonio Eulate,- commander Spanish warship Vizcaya, New York city." The package was about two inches long. It was' done up in writing paper. When the wrapper was re moved this was found written on the inside of it: "Sic Semper Tyrannis!" The package was opened by Senor Suarez, the venerable secretary of the consulate. When the old gentleman read the writing on the inside of the wrapper, he handled the package very gingerly. The wrapper of" a small wooden box was disclosed. The cover of the box was sealed. Senor Suarez broke the seal carefully and found inside a small metal coffin, painted green. On the top of the coffin was a cross. Inside the coffin was a tin pig, having tied to it a piece of paper on which was written, "Capt. Eulate." In the hfiad end of the ooffin was a spring by pressing which one might have the happiness of running the point of a neecle into his thumb. When the device was shown to Capt. Eulate he laughed and said "Ah," which means the same in Spanish as in English. New York Sun. The Vizcaya Coaled and Watered. New York, Feb. 22 The Lehigh Valley coal barges were towed to the Vizcaya today, and their cargoes trans ferred to the man-of-war. The vessel needed coal and Captain Eulate decid- ep to take on board a supply here. The water boat Croton, also visited the Vizcaya and filled her tanks with fresh water. , The coal for the Vizcaya came from the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad termi nus at St. George. It was loaded in in the barges yesterday under the in spection of men from the United States navy, and last night the barges were watched by a navy tug. Wooden Wedding. The home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Denny was a bright and merry scene last night, it being the occasion of their "wooden wedding." Music for the occasion was furnished by the Greensboro orchestra, and as usual the young men acquitted themselves admirably. An elegant supper was served at 10 o'clock. After a few par lor games the guests departed at mid night. The Terror Leaves. By Wire The Telegram. Norfolk, Feb. 23 The Monitor Ter ror left here this morning for New York. A War of Pigmies. By Wire to The Telegram. Colon, Feb. 23 The President of Costa Rica has announced that war with Nicaragua is inevitable. Denial of Lee. By Cable to The Telegram. Havana, Feb. 23 Lee denies that he intends to leave here fi fdV Washington. Ignatius Weds Minneapolis, Minn., Feb? 22 Miss Marion Olive Hansen and Ignatius Donnelly-were married here today .The bride, who is 12 years - old, has been for about two years Mr. Donnelly's stenographer. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. IS A FAILURE General Lee So Reports to the President. WORSE THAN UNDER WEYLER Holland Sub-Marine Torpedo Boat to be Completed In Response to a Hurry-Up Order. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, Feb. 23 Consul-General Lee has reported to the President that autonomy in Cuba is a dismal failure. The report which is detailed and elaborate shows that Spain has failed utterly in her efforts to provide a hew government and that so far as the civil government is concerned con ditions are even worse than when the potentiality of Weyler was the domina ting force. THE NEW SUB-MARINE BOAT. Baltimore, Feb'. 23 The Holland sub-marine torpedo boat, being built here, will be completed this week in response to the secretary's orders re ceived from the government at Wash ington. Scurvy at Dawson City. Dawson, N. W. T., February 18,via Victoria, B. C, February 22 Scurvy has developed among the miners to such an extent that there are now sev enteen cases in the public hospital. It is estimated that there are from twelve to fifteen cases in private cabins, swelling the whole number to thirty. Precautionary measures are being taken to prevent the spreading of the malady. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. . W. A. Porterfleld & Co.. commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: N The fallowing are the closing quota of the New York Stock Exchange: NewYork, Feb. 23, 1898. American tobacco '. 89i Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 38 B. and O C. and 0 21i Chic, Bur. and Quincy 96t Chic. Gas 92 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson 110 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric 33i Jersey Central 92 Louisville and Nashville 55f Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 107 i Missouri and Pacific 27 Northwestern.... v. 123t Northern Pacific Pr 61i National Lead New York Central 113 Pacific Mail Reading 191 Rock Island ' 87i Southern Railway.. Southern Railway Pr 28i St. Paul 92i Sugar Trust 125$ Tenn. Coal & Iron 20i Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred 62i Western Union Tel 88i Wabash Preferred 16i The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Feb. 23, 1898. Wheat, Jan " May.. 106 " July 911 Corn, Jan " Sept " Oct. - " May 30i " July 31i Oats, Sept " May 264 " July ....i'.. 24f Pork, Dec " May 1082 " July...... 1085 Lard, Dec " May . 527 " July 537 Ribs, Dec " May 522 " July... 530 Cotton, Sept (g) " Dec " Jan " Feb " March... 601602 " April 604605 " May 608609 " June " July 614(615 " August 617618 " Oct 615(616 " Nov , 61516 Spot cotton, j 6i Puts, 103 ; Calls, llOiCurb Price Two Gents PurissiirA et Optimo. ' - Drugs and Medicines fyoth in our general stock and prescription department will be found for sale at Stamey & GrissojnV (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager." Purity in drugs is as essential to life and health as expert knowledge of medicine is in the preparation of a doctor's prescription. The freshness and absolute purity of our drugs and medicines have , done as much for our reputation as the care and attention we give to our prescription depart ment. Bring us your prescrip tions if you want them filled right and at the right price, Fresh supply Buist's, Lan dreth's and Ferry's Garden seed just in.' Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one of the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had given the prescription and in reply received the following; -DR. HARRY FRTTTDENWALD, 1039 Madison Ave. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimore, Jan 31st, '98. Dkar Sib: Yours of the 29th to hand. Dr. Johnson is Perfectly Right. The glasses you sent are hot those ordered I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H. FRIEDENWAXiD. M. P. Publishing House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:10 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p, m. -MONEY SAVED by insuring in Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Go. IS -MONEY MADE- Greensboro, Feb. 19, 1898. We have been carrying insurance in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company for two years and are well pleased with it. Our dividends have made our insurance $59.83 cheaper than it would have cost us in other companies. GUILFORD LUMBER MF'G CO. C. A. Reynolds, Pres. W. D. Mendenhall, Sec. & Treas. Onion Sets Onion Sets Onion Sets Onion Sets AND , Landreth's Garden Seed Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite rosr Office. The Necessity For Medicine furnishes its own reminder, but we would like to sug gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs ana chemicals than at Our Prescription Department. tlolton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. BOY about 17 years of age wanted at C. F. Thomas' job office, 105 Sycamore ptreet. j-31-tf EDSTEADS for $1 apiece at Mc Duffie's furniture store. f 19 3t ELICIOUS Milk Kisses at f 15 5 Pearce's. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE for rent. Apply at this office.: j-21-tf , . V mm

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