,v - s-: "V llltue boro Even S n sr Telefirram VOL. II. NO. 27 GREENSBORO, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1898. Price Two Cents Greens I O v . ' i i ' " ' - - . "- V f . $ 9 s :: 8 8 New . . and Up-to-date Shoes For Ladies and Gentlemen Just Received. Our New Oxford Ties are Beauties. We beg to call the attention of the LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron which does not become overheated or injure the hair. We invite you to call and examine these irons, which we have in nickel and silverplate. W B Farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. The Season " for Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty of them. Central Cafe,' USE Tar neel((Xpuoh Syrup and Stop That Cougti. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy. Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager War Clouds Lower Rut if vnn ston eating on account of it, you won't De tit to tignt. Call on Us for anything you may want in the eating line. Too busy to enumerate. VUNANON tf: COS, Reliable Grocers. SouthElm-St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription sent out from our Drug Store is filled with the best dnigs the market can jurnish. All of the best cough mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators kept constantlv in stock. Toilet arti cles of every description in fact, we can supply you with anything in the drug line, of the best quality and at 8 J, M,v Hendrix & Co,, I 221 S. Elm St. reasonable prices. Gaston Ward, 108 S. Elm St. y Pharmacist, THE DIVERS STILL AT WORK Securing Bodies from the Wreck- ed Battleship. - : THE REPORTS TO BE INTERESTING No Information in Answer to In quiries Throwing Any Light -as to the Cause of the Disaster. By Cable to Tbs Tblbcham . Havana, Feb. 28 Today promises well for the divers who are still at work securing bodies if om the wreck- Damesnip Maine. .Including the 0..;V. JJS .1 opauiau uivers mere are as many as- eight divers below the water someof the time. Operations are on foot among the Spaniards to give a hearty reception to the Vizcaya, which is expected in this port today. General Weyler's street is arched with bunting and the Casino is gay with colors. It is probably that the election of autonomist delegates .March 29th will be postponed until April 27th to cor respond with the election of deputies at Cortez, Spain. - STILL A MYSTERY. - Washington, Feb. 28 Not a word of .information has been received from naval dnentjnquiries throwing any lignt upon Use cause oi tne Maine disaster. No intimation as to the nature of the report is expected before the last of the week. IT MAY BE W.EEKS. ' Key West, Feb. 28 Divers are con stantly at work on the Maine. When the commission returns their report will be most interesting. It is believed here by men 'who have been in com munication with high officers of war ships that the report of the board will not be made for -Keeks. In the mean time belief in the accident theory seems to be growing. The cruiser Detroit left here this morning for Tortugas and will return with a schooner of coal for warships. Late Telegraphic Briefs. It is reported that Corea has leased Deer Island to Russia. The reason for hurrying the remov al of injured sailors from Havana is found in the report of the United States Health Inspector in Havana, to be owing to - the hospital being in one of the worst fever districts. Lord Salisbury is suffering with in fluenza. A half million dollars in gold was received in New York from Euope to day. - Serious bread riots have taken place at Gallipoli where the mob attempted to burn the government offices. The police today made thirty-stx arrests. The dynaftiite cruiser Vesuvius left Jacksonville hurriedly this morning. Destination not learned. Cyrus G. Bresden, ex-cashier of the First National Bank of Bethlehem, Pa., was today sentenced to seven years in prison for embezzling twenty thousand dollars. He collapsed and was led away weeping. In Cardinal Gibbon's speech at requiem mass in"Baltimore today, he said: ''There will be no war even if Spain did it. The only circumstance that would warrant war would be evidence that Spain con nived at placin torpedoes, - in the harbor of Havana to destroy the Maine, but does any one believe that any. chivalric nation would be quilty of such inhumanity?" Proceed ing, the cardinal praised President McKinley for his patience. He closed his speech with the quotation: "It is sweet and honorable to die for one's country." Fltz. Lee to be Honored. It is believed that President McKin ley will appoint General Eitz. Lee Ma jor General of United States Volun teers with an important command in Cuba in the event of war. The matter was freely talked about in military circles at the national capital today. Both republicans and democrats were of the opinion that such an appoint ment would be heartily endorsed, by the American people. Southern Vets Fall of Fight. Middlesboro. Ky.. February 26 A card in a local newspaper, asking ex confederates to form a regiment to serve in case of war wtth Spain, has brought more than enough responses to fill the ranks from southwest Vir ginia, east Tennessee and Kentucky. Th originator of the idea now con- temnlates the formation of a division to be commanded by Fitzhugh Lee NOTES FROM HIGH POINT, The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly fold. .-, . Telegram Bureau, ) High Point. N. C, Feb. 28f '98. . The "Guilford College baseball team has just received their new uniforms. They, have a bright prospect for a strong team this season. Joe Newton, of Winston, who was here to assist in the minstrel Friday night, went home Saturday. Miss Cora Pitts, one of the popular teachers in the Reidsville Graded school, spen- Saturday and. Sunday with her parents here. J. E. Shell, who was at one time a resident bf High Point, but now of Charlotte is here for a. few days shak ing hands with his mamy friends. Miss Sallie Millls who has been vis itipg he-family of Dr. J. O. Walker, of Randleman, returned home Satur day. Rev. O. L. Stringfield, of Jlaleigh, filled the'pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday morning and night. He preached two excellent sermons. W. J. Armfield, cashier of the Bank of Randolph in Asheboro, spent yes terday in the city. Miss Bertha Snow, one of High Point's bewitching young ladies, wit nessed the entertainment at Guilford College Saturday night. ' Misses Maude and-Annie Paschal who at one time livedfhere are visit ing in the city. Dr. W. W. Bays preached a strong sermon here in the Methodist ehurch. He will lecture here' tonight. The windows of Sapp's racket store, is drawing quite a crowd today, look ing at his nice line of neckwear. The minstrel boys are talking of re peating their show at an early date. A largenumber of the Christian En deavor society of Guilford -College are going to attend a meeting of that society March 18th, 19th and 20th, which will be held in High Point. We welcome them here. : v They Are Coming. The-greatest fun makers -that ever visited Greensboro, will appear in the Academy of Music next Wednesday night, March 2nd. Polk Miller, Oscar P. Sisson and Estha Wallace. They are all known here aWun makers an9 they take the house by storm whenever they appear. Polk Miller, known to almost every one here, as the greatest old time negro impersonator now liv ing, has never failed to. please and amuse the people with his banjo, songs and funny sayings. Oscar Sisson and Estha Wallace are beyond a doubt the" greatest pair to catch and please the people that has ever visited Greens boro with their funny comical songs ancl dances. This is a show for every body, old and young who want to spend an evening of enjoyment and fun. Seats now on sale at Gardner's drug store. Reserved- seats 50 and 75 cents, General admission 50c, Children 25c. Why He Wasn't There. The civil service examination for janitor of the federal building at States ville, N. C, the 17th , frequent, though not painful, mention of which has been made in these columns, was in every particular a success. Many applicants filled up the blanks, as made and provided, and they will get an answer in about two or three years. The Landmark, in commenting upon the otherwise successful examination, says: "Col. Fairbrother, of DanvilleVa., was not present with his promised speech, and there was much disappoint ment in consequence." ... The colonel was advised of a plot in Charlotte, to kidnap him and vaccinate him and accordingly he "fought shy." Fairbrother' s Farrago.' New Pie Deal. And now the rumor is again current that the transfer of. John R. Smith from the penitentiary to the agricul tural department was merely Govern or Russell's delicate way of getting' rid of an old and faithful henchman It is said that for a long time the ex ecutive eye has glanbed approvingly upon John Graham, of ( the county of Warren. The eye of f Senator Butler also, rests approvingly upon Graham. Now then the little question is will -the board of agriculture, oust the one and elect the Other when ltr- next meets r Stranger things hatfe happenedvSmith says he doesn't know anything about the"matter. Graham was here today. Col. Old's. ' To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money ifit fails to cure. 25c. . PASSED A SLEEPLESS NIGHT. Passengers on Board La Cham pagne Landed at Halifax. CARDINAL GIBBONS' ADDRESS. A Rumor Denied Other Items of News From Various Corners of the Globe. By Wire to The Tkt.bg ram. Halifax, Feb. 28 The last night spent on board the steamer La Cham pagne by passengers was one of intense excitement. Little or no sleep was indulged in and all were anxious for dawn this morning that, they might land and proceed o New York. With the knowledge that all danger was passed, there came a reaction. Many passengers of the middle class were penniless, having expected to find friends here from New York. A special trainwill leave here today and made a fast run to New York. A PATRIOTIC-ADDRESS. Bv Wire to Thjb Txlbgbam. Baltimore, Feb. 28 Cardinal Gib bons was present today at mass held, commemorative of the Maine's dead sailors and delivered a patriotic ad- ddres8 in which he was closely follow ed by a large audience. A REPORT DENIED. By Cable to Thb Tklbgrax. - . London, Feb. 28 It is emphatically denied that there is any truth in the report that Lloyd's Underwriters are asking for slight war risks upon Span ish steamers bound for the island of Cuba. TO. THEIR FULL STRENGTH. By Wire to Thb Tklbgram. Tacoma, Washington, Feb. 28 Governor Rogers has ordered that twelve companies of the national guard shall be immediately recruited to their full strength. Work of Fortification: By Wire to Ths Tklbgram. v. Port Townsend, Washington, Feb. 28 The work-of fortifying three con spicuous points contiguous to Port Townsend, which has. been going on in desultory fashion for some months, is now being pushed forward under special orders from the secretary of war. Preparation's are being made for placing heavy guns. Consul ing Secretary Gage. By Wire to The Telex; bait. Washington, Feb. 28 Representa tives of some of the largest banking houses in New rork are here consult ing with Secretary Gage about the probability of issuing some bondsfto remain until the report of the naval board of inquiry is made public when the question of a bond issue will be de cided definitely. Guarding the Village. By Wire to ThkTklbgbam Columbia, S. C, Feb. 28 The white residents of Lake City, where the col ored postmaster Baker, was killed by a mob, are today guarding the village from an attack by armed negroes. Every road and path leading to the village is being closely guarded. Weak from Fasting. By Wire to The Tklbgram. , Philadelphia, Feb. 28 Rigid fasting at the opening ' of the jJLenten season has prostrated Archbishop Ryan. He became so weak that he was unable to attend to attend to his duties yester day at the church and was removed to the parochial residence. L Stomach Cut Out for Cajicer. San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 26 Dr. Charles B. Brigham, J&i St. LukeyS Hospital, has made a complete excision of the stomach of a female patient suffering with cancer, and 36 hours after the operation she is resting com fortably, with almost a., normal pulse and temperature. It will be at least a -week, however, before tnere can be a well-founded ope for a recovery. - Catches 'Em Napping? Dr, Von der Hayden, of Yokohama, Jaoan. doesn't propose to let the mi crobes take him by surprise, and- has built a house. lined with" glass, which gets its ventilation from above,througTT apertures so constructed that the air 'can escape, but no microbes sneak in. The air is admitted to- the house by tubes", provided with filtering arrange ments to catch microbes which might undertake -lo' crawl through. How he manages to get in and out though, without letting some of them in, is not stated. Wilmington Star. j TWIN-CITY DOINGS. Some Things Talked of and Done In Winston-Salem. Special to THif TklBgbam. Winston, N. C. , Feb. . 28 The com missioners of the town of Stoneville through their attorney Mr. L. M. Swink of this city, will bring suit at the next term of Rockingham court to test the validty of a $5,000 issue of bonds, of date January 1, 1889, sub scribed to theRoanoke and Southern railway. , -It is learned upon authority that the attorney general has designated the state penitentiary as a place for the imprisonment T5f all United States prisoners of this state sentenced to terms for over one year, but it is thought that no removals will be made from the federal to the state prisyi of parties already serving terms in the iormer. The customary inducements, such as a suit of clothes and $5 in money, will no doubt- be offered to "graduates" of the latter as is done with the former. Rev. Dr.vW. S. Creasy, as chaplain, preached a very fine sermon to the 1 members of the Forsyth Riflemen yes terday morning in Centenary church. Mr. H. W. Burwell in his 72nd year died of paralysis in Salem last night at 7:45 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H. A. Giersh. His son Ernest Burwell, of Tarboro, ar rived here last night. The remains -will be taken to Goldsboro tomorrow morning for interment. The case of state vs.J . W. Harriscn comes up tomorrow morning and will probably consumethe major portion of the week. Opinion is divided as to the outcome of the trial. Prof, and Mrs. J. H. Clewell, of the Salem Female Academy, left on thei annual visit to patrons of the school this morning, going to Macon, Ga. That's When. Two ex-union veterans write the Washington Post suggesting, in view of the low state of the public finances and the imperative necessity for an increase in the navy, that the ex-union coldiers surrender their pensions to the government for one year, and the Post says that "should the suggestion meet with the universally enthusiastic re sponse which it deserves, and which we confidently expect, the government will "be in possession of the means re quired to build one of the finest fleets in all the world." " The Washington Post is a notable joker. One can, in the mind's eye, see the pensioners falling over each oth her tin their zeal to help out the government in this time of need by surrendering for a year the swag for which they lit and bled and died. When the lusty infant, pinched by hunger k seen to turn away from - its mother's milk; when empty swine achew the slop poured in the trough for them; when water runs up hill and men gath er figs of thistles, the "universally en thusiastic response will be witness- ed. ' But not Observer. befqre then. Charlotte. Will Come in 1900. The National Educational Associa tion which has been in session in Chat tanooga adjourned to meet in Colum bus, Ohio, next year". The strong ef fort, on the part of Superintendent Mebane and other State educators to induce the associatiou to --hold the next annual meeting in' North Caro lina failed. ' North Carolina was a strong seeond and our representatives made ISany friends. v Mr! D. E. Ellis wrote Superinten dent Mebane yesterday: "The meeting goes to Columbus, Ohio, next year. 'We will get it in 1900 sure. A strong plea was made for Asheville -by .Prof . C. D. Mclver, Prof. J. D. Eggleston, Jr., and myself Columbus won the fight before the convention met. - 7. The papers state that Dr. Mclver's speech fm the supervision of normal schools made a great hit and was a" very able production. Raleigh Post. Threw a Shot Seven Miles. Washington, Feb.' 26 A party of of Government officials, accompanied by a Congressional delegation, went to Fort Washington this afternoon to witness a test of the new Rey burn ten inch fortification gun guarding the ap proach to the capital at that point The test was in eery respect success ful. Three shots were fired, each one reaching almost to Alexandria, seven miles distant.. It was "necessary for the gun to be in view but two. minutes with each firing. The gun, it is stated can throw a shell 11 miles. ' To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cur ireV J 25c. THE COURT AT KEY WEST Meet the first Time on Inited States Soil, THE WOUNDED ABLE TO SIT UP Assigned to a Room in the United States Cour HouseThe " First Witness Examined. By wire to Thb Telegram. - . Key West, Feb. 28 The members 0i the court of inquiry were astir early this morning, preparing to meet for the first time on United States terri tory. They entered the room assigned them in. the United-States courthouse at 10 o'clock. Lieutenant Blandin, officer of deck, will be the first and perhaps the most importantywitness among the Maine men. His testimbny will occupy most of the first sitting. Other officers will then follow. WOUNDED ABLE TO SIT UP. All the wounded are able to sit up to be examined1 by the commissioners. Admiral Sicard said he thought the court would -finish its work here by Wednesday and then return to Ha vana. Nothing can be said about its work. - . Fire In Lynchburg. Lynchburg, Va.', Feb. 27 The Stain ford Dye-WOrks here were destroyed by fire at 1 o'clock this morning ( Sun day,) with the exception of the box- sheds. The loss is$100,000,partly cov ered by insurance. The property was owned by the Stamford Manufacturing Company, of Stamford, Conn. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield &rCo. , commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Feb. 28, 1898. American tobacco 89i Atch., Top.' & Santa Fe 28 B. and O r. C. and O..., ; 20f Chic, Bur. and Quincy 95i Chic. Gas rTT. 924 Qel. Lack, and Western.. Delaware and Hudson. . .'. 109 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed . . . .". Erie General Electric 33i Jersey Central 93f Louisville and Nashville. . ..... 54S Lake Shore J., Manhattan Elevajted . . ip3f Missouri and Pacific... : 27 Northwestern 122 Northern Pacific Pr, 62i National Lead New York Central . ........... 113 Pacific Mail 19 Reading .. 86i Rock Island 85i Southern Railway 28f Southern Railway Pr...' 93i St. Paul.. 126i Sugar Trust 20i3 Tcnn. Coal & Iron . . 19i Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred ' . . 62 Western Union. Tel 87i Wabash Preferred.. 16f The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO, Feb. 28, 1898. Wheat, Jan . " May............... " July. Corn, - Jan " Sept.. " Oct... " May, " July Oats, Sept " May " July Pork, Dec . . . " May . " July Lard, Dec " May " July.... Ribs, Dec.. " May " July.. 1041 871 30 3U 28i 241 1046 1042 522 520 510 518 Cotton, Sept " Dec.. "... " Jan " Feb . - March ; ..' 607601 " April.. 610611 " -May.. .;6i3614 " June - ' July 618(619 " August 622624 " Oct v. 618(619 " Nov ;....618619 Spot cotton 6 5-16J Puts, 881 ; Calls, 81fc. Curb. ;v ;j Purissima et Optiine."" ' Drugs and Mefdicjhes both in our general stoclf and rescnption' department - will e found for sale at Stanley & Grissom'v (Successors to South Side Pnarmacy) , J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Purity in drugs is a,-essential to life and health as expert knowledge of medicine is in the preparation of a doctor's prescription. Thar freshness and absolute purity of . oar " drugs and medicines have done as much for our reputation - as the care and attention we give to our prescription depart ment. Bring us your prescrip tions if you want them filled right and at the right price, Fresh supply Buist's, Lan dreth's and Ferry's Garden seed just in. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson. & Fariss More-Accurate Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. O. M. Vanstorv had his little girl's eyes examined In Baltimore last year and went with the DrescriDtion to one of thelanrest and best known optical houses there- to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY .one-of the lenses got broken recently ana was earned to the Greensboro Bye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that' neither lens accoraea with tne prescription, ana so enangea them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses . with an explanation to tlte o oculist who had given the prescription and in reply received the following; DR. HARRY FRTEDENWALD, 1U2U MADISON AvB. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimore, Jan Slst. '96. Dear Sib: Yours of the 20th to hand. j Dr. Johnson is Perfectly Right. The glasses -you sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H. FRIEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing House 302i South Elm Street. Examination. Free. , OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12: m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. -MONEY SAVED- by insuring in Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Co. 18 -MONEY MADE Greensboro, Feb. 19, 1898. We have been carrying insurance in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company for two years and are well pleased with it. Our dividends have made our insurance " $59.83 cheaper than it would have cost us in other companies. t GUILFORD LUMBER MF'G CO. C. A. Reynolds, Pres. W. D. Mendenhall, Sec. & Treas. Onion 5ets Onion Sets Onion Sets Onion Sets -AND- Laiidreth's Garden Seed Howard -Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite tst Office. The Necessity For Medicine furnishes its own reminder, but we would "like to sug gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs ana chemicals than at our Prescription Department. Holton's Drag Store. McAdoo House Building. , LOOK OUT I When in need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. West Schenek Street, VV '-.v.' ..J . 1 ms; - .- : V. "... jVk,-- -mm- J -. - - , - .4 .7 , .j ,V'-- ;.'j-rv !:.

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