v J TO READERS The Only Dally in Greens-$ boro Giving Telegraphic Service. L Tele vemiini am m TO ADVERTISERS The Largest Circula-11)" Hon of any Daily ever Published Here, g QreeimsBoro E . v. j- i " -i 'T:rrrreFi:iifiKCCP' VOL. II. NO. 31 I J. M. HENDRIX & Co. FOR 9 .. Always Up-to-date in Styles and Down to date in Prices. 221 S. Elm St. We beg to call th3 LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron which does not become overheated or injure the hair. "We invite you to call and examine these irons, which we have in nickel and silver plate. W B Farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. The Season - tor Dims ana uysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty of them. Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy, Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W G Porter, Manager . At a Bargain: 133 3-pound cans Beans, 1896 pack, at 7 cents per can. 211 3-pound cans Tomatoes and Blackberries at 8 cents per can. The very best can Corn at 10 cents per can, every can guaranteed. Good corn at 8 cents. Fine large Eating Apples, Street .Naval Oranges, nice Lemons, just in. Try Kingan's Home-smoked Meats and Pure Leaf Lard. None better on the market. VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription sent out from our Drug Store is filled with the best drugs the market can jurnish. All of the best cough mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators kept constantly in stock. Toilet arti cles of every description in fact, we can supply you with anything in the drug line, of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, Pharmacist. TO RETAIN THE VOLUNTEERS Official Denial That They -Will Be Dismissed. LEE SAYS IT WAS BKOWN Long Again Denies That He Has Any Information "Whch Has Not N Been flade Public. By Cable to Tu Tklbgram. Havana, Mar. 4 A cable dispatch from Madrid says that Minister of Colonies Moret confirms tberstatement of General Parrado that the govern- ernment never thought of dismissing the volunteers. x Information comes from Washing- ion mat lee has communicated direct to the President his opinion that the Maine was blown up by an exterior explosion. The Maine board has not yet allowed any indication of the result of its-researches to hemme nnhii . - x j neither has it made any communication to the authorities at Washington. The members of the board are still at Kev West and will probably return to Havana today or tomorrow. TO RE-EXAMINE THE HULL. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Washington, Mch 4. It is offically admitted by the navy department that the naval inquiry board has completed only the first branch of its inquiry in to the cause of the Maine explosion. No opinion is expressed as to when it will be completed. Secretary Long thinks the board will return to Havana very soon to make a more detailed ex amination of the hull of the Maine and to reexamine the witnesses. The secretary still gives assurances that he has no information bearing upon the cause of the explosion which has not been given to the public. This statement undoubtely refers to the official correspondence. President McKinley is indirect corres pondence with Admiral Sicard but it is possible that no correspondence relative to the work of the board has passed between them. This is official ly stated to be a fact- That the Presi dent has received some information of some sort over this wire is likely. INDIAN HEAD BLOWN UP. second only to the Blowing Up of Hell Gate. By Wire to Thb Tki.bg bam. New York, March 4. Indian Head, one of the most historic landmarks on the bank of the Hudson was partly blown up by dynamite this morning. The explosion was heard to a consid erable distance. Seven thousand pounds of dymanite was U9ed. As an engineering leat trie wort is .second only to that which destroyed the Hell Gate. The shock which destroyed part of the beautiful palisades was heard through the whole of Northern New Jersey. Ten thousand people lined the bank of the Hudson. TheSteerage Was Cool. By Wire to Tbi Tilkrav. New York, March 4 Today 189 of the La Champagne's immigrants ar rived by steamer from Boston. The reports indicate that there was less apprehension in the steerage than in any part of the ship after the accident. Woodford Warns Washington. By Wire Thb Tblbubam. Washington, March 4. Minister Woodford is said to have warned -the state department by cable that the future movements of Spanish war ves sels should be closely watched. Uwb Additional Artillery Regiments. By Wire to Thb Tklbgram. Washington. March 4. The house committee on rules are determined that the bill providing for two additional artillery requirements shall pass the house. The bill will- probably be voted on early next week. Court Proceedings. The case of J. T. Scott vs. Western Union Telegraph Company, taken up yesterday afternoon, consumed most of the morning. The case grew out of delay on the part of the company in transmitting a message due to repairs on the office at Jamestown. Attorneys Scott and Staples appear ed for the plaintiff, and Strong of Raleigh for the defendant. The question at issue was whether the company rendered itself liable to damages by receiving a message for transmission when its wires were down and for that reason delaying the de li very Croup Salve, 25 cents. prevents croup, cures bad head cold and catarrh. All druggists. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. ) High Point. N.C., March 4, '98. The funeral of Mr. John H. Ferree at Randlemah yesterday was lareelv attended by his friends and relatives . oi mis section. Owing to his connec tion with many enterprises Jin Ran dolph county, business was practically suspended yesterday. Perhaps there is no man in the county who is held in so high esteem and will be so greatly missed by all classes as Mr. Ferree. John Bundy's boy was very pain- ruiiy hurt near this place yesterday. while he and s colored man were doing some grubbing. The boy was holding a bush down for the colored man to cut it off, the axe glanced and cut him very badly on the hand. Messrs. W. P. Picket and J. J. Welch spent yesterday in Greensboro. David Lindsay, postmaster of Beth any, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. W. C. Hammer, of Asheboro, is visiting her father-in-law, Rev. W. C. Hammer of this place. Charles Tilden has accepted" the po sition as bookkeeper at Eagle Furni ture Company. J. E. Jones, High Point's photo grapher, spent yesterday in Asheboro. Miss Mable Wood, of Asheboro, who has been visiting Miss Julia Pearce in Greensboro, passed through this morning returning home. J. B. Laraway, the route-agent on the Asheboro and Aberdeen railwav. returned this morning from the north where he has been for treatment for his health. M. A. Smith is attending court in Greensboro this week. A. E. Tate is spending the day in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Pickhard, who have been at- the Bellvue Hotel since the first of January, left yesterday for Tampa, Florida. The High Point Orchestra will give a concert in the Opera house next Fri day njght. IN THE HANDS &F THE JURY. Matters of General Interest from the Twin-City. Special to the Telegram. " Winston, March 4 The executive committee of the State Sunday school convention met here last night and arranged dates for Rev. H. M. Har rill, an international field worker of Jacksonville, 111. The places and dates fixed are: Asheville, March 25th; Salisbury, 26th; Greensboro, 27th; Durham, 28th; Henderson, 29th; Ral eigh, 30; Goldsboro, 31st; Charlotte, April 1st. Prof. Harrill will then spend ten days in South Carolina. The committee selected Rev. James R. Jones, of Guilford College, and Rev. N. B. Broughton, of Raleigh, as delegates to the international conven tion in London, England, next July. Argument in the Harrison murder trial closed today at noon after a whole day spent in able debate. The speakers were A. E. Holton, Solicitor Mott and Assistant Solicitor Mc Neill for the state, and Clement Man- ly, E. B. Jones and C. B. Watson for for the defence. The jury then, after instructions by Judge Coble, retired totheir room, the solemn duty to perform, upon which depends the fate of this man. Sticking to Rules. There is a good old story of a Gen eral whose death was announced in a a newspaper by mistake, a circum stance which annoyed him very much. He called on the editor and demanded that a contradiction should be insert in the next issue. "That, General," was the editor's reply, "is quite out of the question. We never apologize and we never withdraw a statement; but I'll tell you what we'll do for you. We'll put you in the 'Births' next week." San Francisco Argonaut. On Double Time flaking Projectiles. Reading, Pa., March 3. Beginning next Monday the Carpenter Steel Works will go on double time, work ing on projectiles for the government, and employing 250 instead of 222 hands. Spain Buys Two Ships. By Cable to Thb Tklsgram London, March 4. Spain has pur chased two warships now building for Brazil. One is the Amazonian and the other her sister ship. " To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo QuininevTab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. GREENSBORO, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1898: ASININE tHOIUS 1 REED nants ms rour feet and Will Not Budge. HE KNOWS IT ALL AS USUAL The United States Squadron Off Hong Kong Is Now Practlcally'Wlth out Ammunition By Wire To Thb Tblbqram. wasmngion, Mch 4. The most de- termined foe to every measure of. pru- uence or precaution in the present alarming state of affairs and the most stubborn obstacle opposing every pre paration for war is Speaker Thomas a. Keed. He guesses that the Maine was blown up by accident and acting on this guess he persistently stops all legislation looking to a proper pre paration for war. By Wire To Thb Telegram. Washington, March 4. Apropos of the discussion as to the intention of the authorities to use the Asiatic Squad ron now off Hong Kong and within a short distance of Spain's Phillipine island possessions against those is lands in case of war the fact has been elicited that the vessels carry less than one-third of the ammunition usually carried in time of peace. CAMPlNOt)N SAQASTA'S TRAIL. Italian Who a .Month Ago Threatened the Premier. Cable to ThB'Telbghan. Madrid, March 4. The Italian who a month ago ran up to Senor Sagasta's carriage and threatened him with a stick has been found prowling around the latter' s house. Inquiries are being made to ascertain whether the Italian is connected with suspected persons The prisoner shows signs of insanity Children Cruelly Treated. By Wire to Thb Txlbgbam. Boston, March 4-The legislative committee has reported that it found great brutality practiced on boys in the Essexs truant school and other : schools. Two boys were chained to gether and kept in- a small cellar one of them .being hitched to a horse weight. The Governors Lease Project, The status of the lease of the Atlan- nc oc lxortn Carolina nanroaa may now be stated in a very few words. If the railroads commisioners (Caldwell and Pearson ) do as the Governor de sires them to do, they will, npon the strong showing made by the railroads revoke their order reducing passenger fares. In such a case the lease will be made to the Southern. But if for political reasons they decline to re cede from a position which the rail roads unite in declaring to be errone ously taken, then the lease is off. There are persons close to the Gover nor who yet believe that the order will be revoked after the exceptions of the main lines of the railroad are care fully considered. Col. pondence. Old's corres- Mr. Lincoln's Estimate of Neighbor. A New York firm applied to Abra ham Lincoln, some time before he be came President, for information as to the financial standing of one of his neighbors. Mr. Lincoln replied as follows: "Yours of the 10th inst. re ceived. I am well acquainted with Mr. X., and know his circumstances. First of all, he has a wife and baby; together, they ought to be worth $50,- Secondly, he has an office, in which there are a table worth $1.50 an three chairs, worth, say, $1. Last of all, there is in one corner a large rat hole which will bear looking into. Respectfully, A. Lincoln." The In dianapolis Sentinel. Knew Explosion Was Coming. Portsmouth, Va., March 2. Walter J. Holland, representing Beaton & Holland commission merchants, of Chicago, who was in Portsmouth to day, said that he was in Havana the night the Maine was blown up and witnessed the explosion. "Just before the awful, dull roar, which was followed by two sharp de-. tonations," he said, "I heard one Spaniard remark to another : 'In two minutes all of the Maine's. crew will be in hell.' The scoffing and laughing among the rabble while our poor sailors were struggling in the water was horrible to my ears." To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the . money if it fails to cure. 25c. LIKED NORTH CAROLINA. Norwegian Editors Send Back Some Pleasant Letters. Secretary Ramsey,' of the agricul tural department, has received letters from several Norweigian editors who recently came south to man investi gations in this section with a view to advising their countrymen in regard to settling here. All of them were sent Mr. Brunner's book, "North Carolina and its Re sources," and it is to thank Mr. Ram sey for this that they write. Without exception they speak in the highest praise of the state, its lands and peo ple, and all express aegret at their in ability, because of a change in their program, to stop in Raleigh. One of them, Mr. Halle Steensland, who is Swedish and Norweigian vice consul at Madison, Wis., and also a bank president, writes: " A.B for myself I am satisfied that many places in the Southern States possess advantages of various kinds that farmers do not have in the North, especially if they would cultivate the land there as they do here. The trouble is to get our people to start. If they are to start at all, as a rule, it will have to be in colonies. I met several Scandinavian farmers in the South who appeard to be pleased with their condition. More will undoubtedly fol low in coarse of time." News & Ob server. HISTORICAL RELIC FOUND. Six Pound Cannon Ball Due Up In the Capitol Grounds. Gardener Terry, of the Capitol squ are, found a valuable relic yesterday near the east gate of the Capitol square, which will be placed among the historical collection of war relics in the State Museum. While excavating near the rock foundation of the old iron fence, Mr. Terrv dug up a large cannon ball. It is a six-pounder, and was evidently placed there during the revolutionary war. The ball ' is now at the Adjutant General's office. Maj. Hayes examin ed the ball, which is badly eaten with rust and he is of the opinion that it was made during the time of the Re- m .. ... voiuuonary war. tie states tnat no such balls were manufactured or used during the Civil war. The ball is oi the most ancient make, and Maj. Hayes deems it a most valu able relic. He will turn it over to the curator of the museum. It has never been discharged. Raleigh Post. Ian Maclaren's Orthordoxy. London, March 3 Dr. Kennedy Moore, who was prominent in last year's attack on Dr. John Watson (Ian Maclaren), is renewing the as sault. He has notified the Presbytery of South London that he will move at its next meeting to transmit to the Synod, which meets at Liverpool on April 25, an overture complaining of the heresy in Dr. Watson's work, "The Mind of the Master," and praying the Synod to take steps to vindicate the honor and faith of the church. It is an interesting coincidence that the Synod will meet In Dr. Watson's own church. Wants $10,000 Relief. Washiugton, D. C, Mch 3. Senator Mason to-day introduced a resolution for the relief of the widow of the color ed postmaster recently killed by a mob at Lake City, South Carolina. It is the same as that introduced in the House of Representatives by White, of North Carolina, to-day, except that the amount is made $10,000. The Kaiser's Big War Fleet. Berlin, Mar. 2 The Budget Com mittee of the Reichstag has adopted the Government naval bill fixing the number of ships to be held in readi ness for service as follows: A flag ship, eighteen battleships, twelve large cruisers, tnirty small cruisers, eignt coast defense ironclads and thirteen gunboats, besides torpedo boats, school ships and small gun boats. Senator Proctor's Gift. Senator Proctor donated to Clara Barton $1,500 for the relief of the re- concentrados. The Senator was deeply impressed by the horrible spectacle he saw dur ing his trip to Matanzas. He found that the reports sent the American papers concerning the ravages -of famine had not been exaggerated. Kills His Brother and Himself.''. Cordele, Ga., Mch 3. Shep Wood, a prominent young farmer living near here, today shot and killed his broth er, J. nomas wood, seeing tne result of the deed, he turned the revolver on himself, and sent a bullet through his own head, killing himself instantly. The brothers had quarrelled oyer business matters. DIVERS WORKING SLOWLY, Barge Employed to Carry Pieces of Wreckage, SPANISH DIVERS UNRELIABLE. The Report That a Spanish Flotilla of Torpedo Boats isnot Coming Formally Denied. By Cable to Thb Telegram. TT - r f i a , xiavaua, marcn 4. warm, rainy weather prevailed this morning Hiverytmng is quiet so far as can be observed. The divers are at work working slowly but steadily during such hours as it is possible in the tur bid waters. The big barge was found useful in cavrying the heavier pieces of wreckage. It is strange that it should not harvebeen sent here earlier ne bpanish divers have been down but little. Any reports sent out as coming from them are likely to be in correct. A number of wreaths and floral pieces were sent to the Colon Cemetery today to decorate the graves of the Maine victims. A cable from Madrid denies the re port that a .flotilla of Spanish torpedo boats and torpedo boat destroyers are not to be sent to Cuba. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New Y&rk Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: Thefollowing are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Mar. 4, 1898. American tobacco 91f Atch., Top. & Santa Fe B. and O.. 27 C. and O.... 20i Chic, Bur. and Quincy 96i Chic. Gas 92 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Am. spirits . . . Hudson. HOi Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric 321 Jersey Central 92i Louisville and Nashville 54 Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 104i Missouri and Pacific 27 Northwestern 12s Northern Pacific Pr 62i National Lead New York Central 114 Pacific Mail Reading 19i Rock Island 86 Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 281 St. Paul 93 Sugar Trust 126i Tenn. Coal & Iron 20 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred 61i Western Union Tel 81i Wabash Preferred The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Mar. 4, 1898. Wheat, Jan May Mar , 105 104i 281 Corn, Jan " Mar " Sept " Oct " May " July 30i 31 26i 26i 24f 1042 1047 1057 515 520 527 515 515 ' 520 Oats, Sept. " Mar " May " July Pork, Dec Mar May July Lard, Dec Mar May July Ribs, Dec " Mar " May .. " July Cotton, Sept '. " Dec " Jan '. " Feb " March 610611 " April 613614 " May 616617 " June " July 620(621 4 August 622623 " Oct 616(617 " Nov 615616 Spot cotton 6 5-16 Puts, 103 ; Calls, 1061; Curb Price Two Cents Purissima et Optime. Drugs and Medicines both in our general stock and rescnption department will e found for sale at Stamey & Grissom's; (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist. 504 So. Elm. Manager. Purity in drugs is as essential to life and health as expert knowledge of medicine is in the preparation of a doctor's prescription. Tito freshness and absolute purity of our drugs and medicines have done as much for our reputation as the care and attention we give to our prescription depart ment. Bring us - your prescrip, tions if you want them filled right and at the right price,- Fresh supply Buist's, Lssk dreth's and Ferry's Gardes see just in. Jnd. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. CT. M. Vanstorr had his little srlrl'a eve examined In Baltimore last vesr and went with the prescription to one of the lai-crrat best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FOKTUNATELY one of the lenses pot broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed . them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occuhst who had given the- prescriptio the foUowHg; on moa in rents received DR. HARRY FRIEDENWAIJV WZV JSLADISON AVB. Hours,- 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimore. Jan Slat. 'BJC Dkab Sib: Yours of the 29th to hand. Dr. Johnson is Perfectly Right. The glasses vou sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, . H. FRTEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing- House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.: z:uo to 5:30 v. m. -THE- Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Go. is Encouraged and Strengthened by the Testimonials of Its Policy Holders. Greensboro. N. C. We have been insuring for two vears our bank building in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company. We have received divi dends amounting to $15.00 which have reduced the cost of our insurance that amount. We believe that the Company gives to its policy holders as good indemnity as any other, and as all the profits over and above the stockholders' ten per cent, are returned to the policyholders the claim of the Stock Mutual upon the pat ronage of the insuring public could not be stronger. THE PIEDMONT BANK, J. M. Walkbb, Pres. Spring Tonics AND Blood Elixirs WE HAVE THEM Fresh Garden Seed. Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite rosT Office. The Necessity For Medicine furnishes its own reminder, but we would like to sug gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs and chemicals than at our Prescription Department. Hol ton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT ! When in need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. West Sohenck Street. : V 108 S. Elm St. J- . -