Ore TO READERS The Only Daily In Greens- eeslbwo Tele boro Giving Telegraphic Service, verinn 1 HI4I :- 4 T,?yERT,SERS-The Largest Clnala vi uiy uuiy ever rusnshed Here. J E gram. VOL. II. NO. 34 See I f J. M. 1 IHENDRIXI I FOR Always Up-to-date g in Styles and Down 8 g to date in Prices. 8 221 S. Elm St. We beg to call the attention of the LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron which does not become overheated or injure the hair. We invite you to call and examine these irons, which we have in nickel and silver plate. W B f arrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. The Season for Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while wehave plenty of them. Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street Pharmacy. Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager At a Bargain: i: 3-pound cans Beans, 1896 pack, at T cents per can. 11 .i-pound cans Tomatoes and Blackberries at 8 cents per can. The very best can Corn at 10 cents P-.-r can, every can guaranteed. Good corn at 8 cents. Fine large Eating Apples, Sweet Naval Oranges, nice Lemons, just in. Trv Kingan's Home-smoked Meats and Pure Leaf Lard. None better on the market. VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription - s-:nt out from our Prug Store is filled with the best drugs the market can n nioh. All of the best cough mix ture,, laxatives and liver regulators k'-nt constantly in stock. Toilet arti- fi'--.- of every description in 'fact, we tan upply you with anything in tne dru line, of the best quality and at ''anonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, 10s s. Elm St. Pharmacist, Bill FAVORABLY REPORTED, Appropriating fifty Million for National Defense. TO BUY SHIPS IN EUROPE. Perfecting The Navy Work at Wash ington Yard Pushed Day's Views Of The Situation. By Wire To Thi Tklbgram. Washington, Mar. 8 The appropri ations committee of the house of repre sentatives this morning unanimously agreed to report favorably the bill to appropriate fifty million dollars for the national defense. WORK AT NAVY YARD. The Washington navy yard where a large establishment is maintained by the government for the manufacture of gnns and ordnance material is working three shifts of men night and day on the big guns. DAY'S VIEWS. After a conference with the presi dent today Judge Day acting secre tary of state said, "we have no news either from Madrid or Havana. The situation may be said to look better. There is more quiet this morning. Our war prepara tions are being pushed, however. PLANS FOR THE VAVY. At a conference of the navy depart ment today the secretary of the navy and the chairman of the senate and house naval committees agreed upon the chief's plan to put the navy in first class fighting condition with part of the fifty million dollar appropriation. Commander Brownson was ordered to Europe to report on the purchase of warships. A Remarkable Amateur. The local billiard players are all enthusiastic today over an exhibition of the game given at the M. and M. A. club rooms by L. L. Magnus last night. Mr. Magnus is not a professional at all but is a traveling man, represent ing a combination table company. A gentleman who has seen Ives, Shcaeffer and all the notables, declares that none of them could touch Mr. Magnus. He was pitted last night against one of the local players who is considered a fairly good player and yet Mr. Mag nus made 73 points while the local player made 3. Several gentlemen made the attempt but could not so place the balls on the table that Mr. Magnus could not make his points. Among his feats was to make his ball jump over the counter wire and hit another; to make his points on the table and then have the ball leave the table and hit two more in the corner of the room. One member of the club went up to see Mr. Magnus make a few shots be fore keeping an urgent engagement, but became so absorbed that he forgot the engagement and stayed all aven- ing. He Flew but Lit Again. This morning as Sheriff Monroe, of Rowan county, was passing through the city en route to Raleigh with three recruits for the penitentiary, he spied an escaped convict from the Rowan chain gang standing in the door of the men's waiting room. About tne same instant the negro, whose name is Hilander Harris, spied the sheriff. A look was enough. The negro flew. Ihe sheriff notified the police and before noon Mr. Pearce nabbed the bird and he will be turned over to Sheriff Mon roe as i he returns from Raleigh to night. Boy Catches a Hawk. On Wednesday evening last, a hawk flew down into the yard of Mr. Benj. Halliburton and caught a chicken. A rooster, which happened to be close at hand, however, objected to this pro ceeding and immediately made for the hawk. A tough fight ensued, during the progress of which, Siegel Halli burton, 10 years old, grabbed the il- carried him to the woodpile and dispatched him with an axe. Mc Dowell Democrat. Emergency Appropriation. By W Ire To Thi tvmhau. Washington, Mar. 8 The emergency appropriation bill will be discussed for four hours. The cruiser Brooklyn left La Guayra, Venezuela, for Hamp ton Roads today. NOTES FROM HIQH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Tetlegram Bureau, ) High Point, N.C., March 8. '98. f The board of Alderman met last night and wentthrough with their work as usual. A petition .vas made to have electric lights on Jordan street. It was granted. We' hope the board of aldermen will also place lights on Centennial avenue where they are very badly needed. Miss Annie Tomlinson, of Archdale, entered the Graded school here today. This shows that our suburban friends appreciate a good thing when they see it. Applications for been received within a radius of seven miles. Miss Hattie Tomlinson, of Archdale was in the city today shopping. Misses Bertha Snow: and Clara Cox are doing some good and telling work for the meeting of the Christian En deavor which takes place here 18, 19th and 20th. E. E. Pitts and family will move in to J. H. Millis residence on South Main street about' the 1st of April. A. J. Tomlinson, one of Archdale's leading citizens, passed through today enroute to Lexington. Geo. T. Leach, of Raleigh, is here this week having some much needed work done on the side walks fronting his property onThomasville street.'' Capt. Mclntyre, of Thomasville, is spending the day in the city. Hurdis Burns was hurt very badly yesterday afternoon while splitting some timber with an axe. He Bplit his foot instead of the timber. W. P. Picket left today for Danville on business. G. R. Miller, of Archdale passed through this morningcenroute to Lex ington. I. F. Ragan who has been home for a few days returned to Greensboro to day. We regret to know that his fath er is no better. M. T. Barker is spending the day in Greensboro on business. C. R. Call, of Winston, who has been visiting in High Point for a few days, sold his interest in a house and lot on North Main street to E. D. and W. B. Steele today, and returned home thi 8 afternoon. W. G. Lewallen, of Asheboro, was registered at Jarrell's Hotel yesterday. RIGHT ARM ARRIVES. Remains to Be Seen Whether Big Ouns Can Be Raised. By Wire to Thi Telegram. Key West, Mar. 8 The tug Right Arm arrived from Havana and is taking coal preparatory to sailing for Norfolk. Her officers say that it re mains to be seen whether the big guns of the Maine can be raised or not. The idea of sending big wrecking der ricks to Havana has been given up. Two large tugs will remain with the Maine. BRAZIL REFUSES TO SELL. But Will Transfer Contracts on the Cruisers now Building. Cable to Thi Tklbgram. London, March 8 It was officially stated at the Brazilian legation this morning that Brazil now refuses to sell any of her completed warships. She is ready, however to transfer con tracts on cruisers now building for a proper consideration. Local Cranks Note. The attention of the local rooters for the American game of baseball is directed to the following from the Charlotte Observer: "There is talk of the University of North Carolina baseball games sched uled for Greensboro, being moved to Charlotte. An effort will be made to have the games here on the 20th of May. Charlotte cranks are of course pulling for them." Steps should be taken to keep the games on the" boards for this place. Greensboro is really entitled to these games and such support should be as sured, as will enable us to get them. Wholesale Jewelers Assign. By Wire to Thi Tbl.bg ram. x Cincinnati, March 8 An assignment has been made by D. Schroder & Co., whholesale jewelers. - To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c. GREENSBORO, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1898. WITH FUG AND BRASS BAHD Lee vjells How Americans Leave Havana. Will A RUSH OF MEN TO ENLIST. The Crews of the Columbia and nin neapolis Ordered to be lade Up Immediately. By Cable to The Tklbgram Havana, March 8 Consul General Lee said last night: "If Spain wishes to declare any or all of us persona non grata it is her privilege. But if we must leave town we-will leave with the American flag flying and a brass band at the head of the procession." WORK AT THE NANY YARD. By Wire to The Telegram. Brooklin, March 8 Preparations for war about the navy yard here are the greatest yet. An order has been received from Washington to prepare two detachments of marines onefor the Cruiser Columbia and the other for the Minneapolis. There is considera ble excitement among the marines. All want to go into active service. There was another big"rush of men to enlist today. VIGOROUS ACTIOrf THREATENED. Trouble Brewing Between the Japs and Russians. By Cable to Thk Tklbgram. Pekin, March 8 The Russian de mands from China have caused the greatest and most intense excitement at the Japanese legation. The Japanese minister has had sev eral interviews with officials of the Chinese foreign office urging the re jection of the Russian demands. It is reported that Japan has threatened to take vigorous action if the demands of Russia are conceded. THE REPORT DENIED. St. Louis Has Not Been Ordered to Brooklyn. By Wire to Thk Telegram. New York, Mar. 8 Vice-President Wright of the American line said there is no truth in the report that the steamship St. Louis has been ordered to the Brooklyn navy yard to receive an armament as an auxiliary cruiser. Appropriation Bills. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, March 8 The senate is today considering the District of Columbia appropriation bill. The house is considing the emergency de fense appropriation bill. Congress man tannon, of Illinois, is ex plaining it.' It will pass almost unan imously. Charlotte Behrens Dead. By Wire to The Telegram Port Huron, Mich., March 8 Mrs.' Robert Mantell died early this morn ing. She was known on the stage as Charlotte Behrens. Queen Victoria III. By Cable to The Telegram. Queen Victoria has postponed her trip to Cimeir because of indisposition. Grave fears are felt because of her advanced age. Purchase Reaffirmed. By Cable to The Telegram. London, March 8 The English news papers this morning reaffirm the news of Spain's purchase of warships. A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Hong Kong says that a fresh rebellion has broken out in the Philipines, and that 53 Spanish soldiers have been killed. No further details are known at Hong Kong. The tug Dauntless was libelled yes terday by the governmennt, charged with filibustering. The vessel is now in charge of a deputy marshal. Be sure to see the chainless bicycle on exhibition at Daniel's. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Taiti lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. 1 wrnT-mnTTnr - - - - - ' " f- 1 i 1 -- - " vmi I I . ' 1 SHOT IN THE SIDE. As a Result of a Free Fight on Cot ton Factory Row. In one of the negro houses on what is known as the cotton factory row, there wa? a promiscuous fight last night. A strange coon by the name of Jim Copeland, from Burke county, was being crowded by two or three negroes when he drew his revolver and open ed fire, striking Sam Gorrell in the right side. The ball passed through the liver and lodged. He was attend ed by -Dr. Dellinger, who dressed the wound and Dr. Turner was afterward called also. One report of the affair 'said that one of the negroes crowding on Cope land had a knife in his hand. The Gorrell negroes are a bad loW one of them having been shot in a barroom brawl before. The revolver used was a 38-calibre and the wound is a dangerous one, though Gorrell may recover. Copeland made his escape and had not been caught up to noon today. Some Valuable Papers. Dr. Peacock yesterday added some valuable papers to his magnificent col lection of North Caroliniana at Greensboro Female College, already the finest collection of the kind in ex istence. These additions are volumes of the Wilmington Journal for 1862, '63 and '64. It was during this time that the terrible yellow fever epidemic raged there and oftenlhe daily papers would not be issued more than once or twice a week. In addition' to this the papers are of course valuable for the war news they contain. All papers published in the south during and previous to the war are in great de mand because, for the most part, they have been destroyed. Northern deal ers eagerly buy everything bearing a southern imprint of that period. Cherry Repeated. "I've got money j to burn and dog my sheep if I don't set fire to it all to onct to git Mark outen this."- Uncle Bob in Cherry Friday night. "And Charlie, we want you to go ivery blissed day and visit our poor Captain in the jail beyant." Dennis O'Flanigan in Cherry Friday night. "I cannot, I will not give up my love." Cherry at Academy Friday night. Queen Regent HI. By Cable to The Telegram. London, March 8 It is reported that the Queen Regent of Spain is ill. There is a drop in Spanish consuls as a result of this report which cannot be verified. THE EWART INVESTIGATION. Fourriore Witnesses Examined The Committee Have Nothing to Say. Washington, Mar. 7 Four more witnesses were examined by the senate judiciary committee today. They were W. T. Crawford, E. H. Fanning, Chas Webb and A. S. Bernard. They were called by Senator Butler to give testi mony in support of the charges pre ferred against Judge Ewart. Accord ing to a story current today, the testi mony of the above witnesses was for the most part favorable to the judge. Friends of Judge Ewart say that most of the charges have been disproved by the evidence furnished by Senator Butler's witnesses. On the other hand it is said a clear case has been made out against Ewart. The judiciary committee is not talking about the case and no one can say positively what their report will be. News and Observer. Kid McCoy Whips Two Men. Indianapolis, Ind., March 7 Kid McCoy tonight, before 3,000 people, whipped James Blackwell, of this city, Jack Tierney, of Terre Haute, without leaving the ring. He played with them from the start and ended both men with left hooks. From the ring he an nounced that on Wednesday he would claim the championship of the world as he had had $5,000 posted for six -weeks for either Corbett or Fitzsim mons. He will defend the title at least once every six months until he is de feated. Bryan In Montgomery. Montgomery, Ala., March 7 Bryan spoke in Montgomery tonight to an audience of 6,000 people. All shades of politics were represented in his au dience, and his reception on the plat form was hearty. His speech was a long one, on the usual free silver lines. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. NO COMPLAINT OF LEE, Spain Issues a Semi-Officlal Note To That Effect. JINGOES TRYING TO FORCE WAR, Declares That It Is Essential That The Two Countries Should Reach -An Understanding. By Cable The Telegram. Madrid, March 8 A semi-official note just issued by the government declares that it has not received any complaint regarding the attitude 'of Lee. On the contrary Blanco affirms that Lee's behavior has always been correct. Nevertheless the incident serves to explain the origin of the ill will between the two countries. This is proved by statements attributed to Secretary Sherman by which the jin goes have created a belief in the United States that Spain is trying to provoke a war, while at the same time engendering a feeling in Spain that the United States demands open hostilities. It is essential that this double game should be ended to prevent the coun tries from going to war without either desiring it and without motives for it.- I THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co. , commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Mar. 7, 1898. American tobacco 91 Atch.,Top. & Santa Fe 26i B. and O. C. and 0 191 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 92i Chic. Gas 90S Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson 110 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric . .. 31f Jersey Central 92 Louisville and Nashville 50i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated ,.. 102 Missouri and Pacific 251 Northwestern 119i Northern Pacific Pr 604 National Lead New York Central Il2 Pacific Mail Reading 18 Rock Island 86i Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 27 St. Paul.: 9H Sugar Trust 124i Tenn. Coal & Iron 20i Texas Pacific. . . . U. S. Leather Preferred 60i Western Union Tel 85J Wabash Preferred 15i The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Mar. 8, 1898. Wheat, July 91 " May 1041 " Mar 102 Corn, Jan " Mar 28 " Sept.... " Oct " May 30i July 31f Oats, Sept " Mar 2 " May.. 26 " July ., 24$ Pork, Dec Mar 1012 " May 1017 " July 1022 Lard, Dec '. . " Mar. 507 " May 512 " July 520 Ribs, Dec " Mar 507 " May 507 " July '. , 515 Cotton, Sept ' " Dec...". " Jan - " Feb " March 605606 " April 607608 " May 611612 " June ... " July..... 614615 August 617(3618 " Oct........ 612(613 Nov 611612 Spot cotton 6i Pate, 103 ; Calls, 1061; Curb Price Two Cents Purissima et Optime. Drugs and Medicines both in our general sjtock and prescription department will be found for sale at Stanley & Grissom's, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Purity in drugs is as essential to life and health as expert knowledge of medicine is in the preparation of a doctor's prescription. The freshness and absolute purity of our drugs and medicines have done as much for our reputation as the care and attention we give to our prescription depart ment. Bring us your prescrip tions if you want them filled right and at the right price, Fresh supply Buist's, Lan dreth's and Ferry's Garden seed just in. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro C Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and. went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one at the lenses got broken recently and was Ciuziad. to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to .be-M. placed. He saw at a glance that neither lcaa,,J ' "V accorded with the prescription, andsochanffwfc1'. - them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lense -with an explanation to the occulist who had - given tne prescription ana in reply receivea the following; DR. HARRY FRTEDENWAUJ, 1029 Madison Avb. ( ' Baltxhobb, Jan 31st, '08. - I IK A K MR ' Yours of the 29th to hand. ' Dr. Johnson is Perfectly Right. f; The glasses-you sent are not those ordered. TT l.fl kf fill V 1.1 VT VIP A 9 Mr. ' k M. P. Publishing House 3021 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p, m. -THE- Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Co is Encouraged and Strengthened by the Testimonials of Its Policy Holders. Greensboro. N. C. We have been insuring for two years our -bank building in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company. We have received divi dends amounting to $15.00 which have reduced the cost of our insurance that amount. We believe that the Company gives to its policy holders as good indemnity as any other, and. as all the profits over and above the stockholders ten per cent, are returned to the policyholders the claim of -theStock Mutual upon the pat ronage of the insuring public could not be stronger. ' THE PIEDMONT BANK, J. M. Walkbb, Pres. Spring Tonics . -AND ES I ood Elixirs WE HAVE THEM Fresh Garden Seed. Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite foST Office. The Necessity For Medicine furnishes its own reminder, but we would like to sug gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs and chemicals than at our Prescription Department. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT ! , When in need of Any kind of ' House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. West Schenck Street.