slbdro noiusiw-jm uniy uaiiy in Greens- "fc baro Grvinn TlMiraML. jb uene T TO ADVERTISERS The Largest ClrcuU- Hon of any Daily ever Published Here. M f VOL. II. NO. 35 QREEN8BORQ, N. C, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1898. Price Two Cents - . Evefiiiajr ; : . . : --.' i ' - 1 See IHENDRIXl 1 & Co- 8 FOR Always Up-to-date g g in Styles and Down to date in Prices. 221 S. Elm St. We beg to call the attention of the LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron which does not become overheated or injure the hair. We invite you to call and t.;amine these irons, which we have in nicKei and silver plate. W 6 farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. The Season for Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty of them. Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Street' Pharmacy. Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager At a Bargain: 133 3-pound cans Beans, 1896 pack, at T cents per can. 211 3-pound cans Tomatoes and Blackberries at 8 cents per can. The very best can Corn at 10 cents per can, every can guaranteed. Good corn at 8 cents. Kind Inrorp F.atincr Annies. Sweet Naval Oranges, nice Lemons, just in.- Try Kingan's Home-smoked Meats and Pure Leaf Lard. None better on the market. VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription . out from our Drug Store is filled w "i-h the best drugs the market can f i nish. Atl of the best cough mix-'-'s. laxatives and liver regulators 'rf'-l't constantly in stock. Toilet arti A every description in fact, we ;iri -upply you with anything in the 'n line, of the best quality and at ''tollable prices. Gaston W. Ward, S. Elm St. Pharmacist. " 1 1 " i EASIER FEELING PREVAILS Since The House Passed The BUI Appropriating fifty Million. THE MONTGOMERY" AT HAYANA. mobilization of Fleet off Key West Goes on Senate Will Pass Th Appropriation Bill Today. By Wire To Thb Tblbg&ax. Washington, Mar. 9 A somewhat easier feeling over the Spanish situa tion has followed the passage of the bill appropriating fifty million dol lars for the national defense. The general opinion seems to be that the measure was one 'of peace rather than war and that no incurrence since the beginning of the Cuban controversy has done so much toward averting a conflict with Spain. The enthusiasm which prevailed in the house yester day has taken possession of the sen ate today and the appropriation bill will be passed before the day is over. MONTGOMERY ARRIVES. By Cable Thb Tilkjram. Havana Mar. 9 The United States cruiser Montgoincr arrived here at half past nine o'clock this morning. BILL REPORTED FAVORABLY. By wire to ThiTklbg&am. . Washington, Mar. 9 The senate committee on appropriations has just decided to report the house bill favor ably without change. It will be brought up so soon as the senate meets and will be passed today. No arrangement has been made as to de bate because debate in the senate can not be limited. MOBILIZATION GOING-ON. By Wire to the Tilbg ram. Washington, Mar. 9 The 'steady mobilization in Florida waters of naval vessels was increased this mora- ing by the arrival of the torpedo boat Porter at Key West. The Porter re cently left Norfolk going south. THE BILL PASSED. ' Later When the senate met Senator Hale introduced the bill appropria ting fifty million dollars for national defense. It was passed without debate, ayes, 76; nayes, 0.' Round House Burned. Bv Wire to Thk Txlbgram. Kennebunk PorT, Me., March 9 The round house of the Boston and Maine railway burned this morning. One lo comotive exploded. J : Spain Has Not Purchased. By Wire to Thk Tklkgram Washington, March 9 The govern ment has information that Spain has not purchased the Brazilian boats. SHOT A BOY. Result of a Mad Dog Hunt in Salis bury. A mad dog hunt in Salisbury yes terday morning came near costing a boy, Will Bullard, his life. The Salisbury Sun says: While the dg wa9 lying-in a yard, having stopped to rest. Mr. Will Porter secured a gun, which had not been fired lately, with which he intend ed to kill the dog. But when he pulled the hammer back it failed to stand and the gun fired, a portion of the load entering the face of Will Bullard, a white boy, who had just come to the door of his father's house. Dr. Brown was summoned to look after the boy and found that he was not seriously hurt. Five shot had entered his face, one of them penetrat- ng an eye. It was not ascertained whether the boy will lose the optic or not. Marriage Near Slier City. This evening the marriage of Rev. John C. Humble, of Spring Hope cir cuit and Miss Lizzie Waters, will be solemnized at the home of the bride at Lawrence, near Siler City, in Chat ham county. It will be a quiet home wedding, at tended by friends. Miss Walters is sister of C. L. Walters of this city. A Washee, JWashee. r.Manthnrn mav have a new washee. ooa at. an on.rlv d&v. Sam Lee. of Wilmington, is here looking around today and will locate if he can se- '0;uWa and encouraere- .UlD o uivw 1 - w ment for his glossonal art. To Cure a Cold In OneDay. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists reruna me uivucj if it fails to oure. 25c. mi i r huiim Mirii-i EirtiKir i The Local News from Our , Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, ) High Point. N.C., March 9, '98. f The following pictures now adorn the walls of the seventh grade class room at the -graded school: Etght Handsomely framed. pictures, including portraits of Tennyson and Washing ton draped with stars and stripes, and J ackson. on horseback draped with MKredersjte flag, also ehromos of the Battles of Bunker Hill and Gettys burg, representing the birth and su premacy of the Union. It is also dec orated with two large palms. The mantel is tastefully trimmed with silk screen and pot flowers, smilax and grasses. Wild flowers will be placed in the windows. Another novelty is a sand map of Europe on moulding bound and a chalk outline map of England on sketch board. These are used in the geography class. W. C. Lane, the popular teacher, takes equal pride with the students in these embellishments. J. R. Myres, one of Thomasville's most popular young men, came over to the city yesterday on his wheel. Mrs. E. D. Steele left yesterday for a veit to her relatives in Richmond, Va. Lawyer E. D. Stele spent yesterday la Greensboro. Miss Ida Alexander left yesterday for Baltimore where she will buy a a supply of goods for her millinery store. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sapp, of Kern- ereville spent yesterday in the city with the family of A. V. Sapp. w Oscar Richardson is fencing in his orchard on Steele street. The High Point Orchestra will give one of their best exhibitions in the opera house Friday night. Don't miss it. Postmaster R. C. Charles and fami ly, who have been visiting relatives in Winston for the past few days, re turned yesterday afternoon. Messrs.. W. B. Steele and L, J, In gram arrived in the city this morning an the.. vestibule. Misses Velner and Minnie Shcpard left today for Burlington. DEBATERS CHOSEN. Other News Notes from Whitsett Institute. Correspondence Telegram. Whitsett, March 9 The speakers for the public debate have been chosen as follows: Dialectic Society C. C. Barnhart, W. A. Kine, A. E.Wharton and E. E. Parrish. Athenian Society C. D. Kellam, D. P. Clapp, E. E. Stallings and W. S. Clapp. The debate will take place Saturday evening, March 19. A large crowd usually attends these functions. Misses Alice and Mamie Dick have returned from a visit to friends in Bur lington. The young people are taking a great interest in tennis now and the courts present a lively scene on fine after noons. We are developing some good players. ' j Two fine lectures- hive been given recently, one on "Chicago," by Prof. Whitsett, and one the "Ministry," by Rev. Wharton, of Hampden Sidney, Va. President Andrews Coming. There is little need to say anything of President E. Benjamin Andrews, who lectures on Robert E. Lee at the Normal College, on the 15th inst. It would be hard to' find ah American au dience that does not already knowthat he stands in the front rank of Amer ica's educators, lecturers and think ers. The Augusta Chronicle, speakiDg editorially, says: "It was a rare privilege which the people of Augusta enjoyed last night in listening to the lecture of President E. B. Andrews on the character and career of Lee. To say that his audi ence was charmed,' would be but a commonplace definition of the rapt attention with which they hung upon his clear and concise presentation of the life of tee and the sense of de lighted wonder with which they follow ed him through the original views by which his lecture was characterized." President Andrews should and doubt less will have a crowded house. Hacks will be run for the lecture as usual. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. BUYING WpSHIFS : NOW. ,-.. United States .Will Not Wait. For Brownson. ORDERS TO BUY ALREADY SENT This Done to forestall Purchase By Spain The St. Louis Finishes Repairing and Puts to Sea. By Cable to Tei Txlbgkam. London, March 9 The indications are that the United States will not wait for the arrival here of Commander Brownson in order to purchase war ships. Definite prders for the purchase of war vessels have already been made for ships which are now building here. This action, it is understood, has been taken with a view to fore stalling Spain as she is supposed to be bargaining for the sama vessels. ST. LOUIS. GOES TO SEA. Newport News, Va., March 9 The St. Louis, whiclr has been undergoing repairs, went tq sea this morning. MARTIN ACQUITTED. But .There are Seventeen Other In dictments for Murder. By Wire to Thb Tclkram. Wilke8barre, Pa., March 9 When the jury retiredlast night they took only one ballot and it was unanimons for 'acquittal. The ballot was taken for form's saice ae the jury had de cided before leaving the box. After the jury was thanked and dis charged by "Judge Woodward, District Attorney Martin asked that the defend? ants be required to continue their bail bond as there are still seventeen in dictments for murder against them, and thirty-eight for felonious assault. .The bonds were continued and .the district attorney laid be had ; not de ldd wfcat ti do-wtvb, tbeseotaer Oases but will confer with the prosecuting committee. The deputies came into court this morning prepared to go home, some of them having packed their grips. Wilkesbarre, Pa., March 9 The jury in the trial of Sheriff Martin and his deputies for the shooting of the miners at Lattimer last fall today brought in a verdict of acquital. The trial has been in progress for some weeks. AMflUNlTION FOR THE, SPANISH. Soldiers and -Cartridges Sent to Strengthen Blanco. By Cable to Thb Tklbgbam Madrid, March 9 It has become known here today -that the Spanish merchant steamer Alfonso XII sailed for Cuba from Barcelona on Saturday having on bJrd four officers, nine hundred soldiers and four "million Mauser rifle cartridges. ENGLAND WILL ORAB. Qetting Ready to Seize One of China's Sea Ports, By Cable to Thb Tklbgbam. Manchester, "England, Mar. 9 The Manchester Guardian- this morning says that a rumor has reached here which is considered trustworthy to the effect that within the next three or four days the British fleet will take possession of one of China's sea ports. PLAQUE RIOTS IN INDIA. Sailors Called out to Quell the Dis turbances. By Cable to The Tklkcbam. Bombay, India, March 9, 1898. Plague riots have broken out Jin the native quarters with the result that many persons "have been killed or wounded. The British bluejackets have been landed to quell the disturb ances and preser-ve. order. Russian Warships Arrive. By Cable to Thb Telegram. Hong Kong, Mar. 9 The Russian warships Sitsoi, Veliky and Navarin, belonging to the Black sea fleet have arrived here. The political situation in the far ast is causing uneasiness among. the population of this port. STUDENTS FIGHT TO THE DEATH No Cause of the Tragedy Can be Learned. By Wire to Thb ram. Lancaster r Pa. , March 9 Tremend ous excitement exists here overs fight to the death between two male students of Millersvile school. One of their was killed and the other will die. The authorities have been trying in vain to ascertain the exact cause of the af fair but have been unsuccessful. The school authorities so far have sue ceeded in keeping the names of the combatants from the police. None of their fellow students will say any thing. Bad blood had existed between the students, each having threatened the other. They met on the lawn this morn ing, a few words passed and each drew revolvers and began firing'. ANOTBa "VERSION. Lancaster, Penn., Mar. 9 Roy Gehrig of 'Milton, Pa., fatally shot Will B. Davis, of St. Claira Pa., at Millersville school today. They went there to call on a lady and retired to the hotel together. Early this morn ing Davis came .running down stairs saying his chum had shot him. Davis was in bed when Gehrig who was walk ing about the room shot him three timet in quick succession. A note left says they .were in love with Alice Cum mings and Annie Holmes and not beiag able to " SCO them because they were kept away they resolved to sui cide. Davis denies all knowledge of the compact to suicide. BROWNSON SAILS FOR EUROPE. To Buy Any Warships That Are For Sals. By Wire , to Thb Tslbgram. New York, Mar. 9 Commander Brawnson sailed for Europe today on the St. Paul to secure "options on war vessels It is said that he will be In thority from the navy" department and backed by the President to prepare for the exigencies of the occasion. It believed that the possibility of war is remote but the best prevention of war is to prepare for it. GOVERNOR'S LITTLE JOKE. Will Put No Obstacle In Dr. Thomp son's Way to Enlist in Militia. Friday evening last Governor and Mrs. Russell gave an, oyster roast at the Executive Mansion at which the State officers and justices of the su preme court were invited guests. The oysters' were sent the Governor by some of his admiring constituents in Brunswick, the county of his na tivity. The Governor and his guests con versed freely on matters of State and nation. Not least among the subjects talked of was the probability of this country becoming involved in war with Spain. The question of drafting troops from North Carolina interested c . rm. , , s "Well," said that State officer, official duties as Secretary of State will preclude the possibility of my taking up arms, however much I might desire to get in the fight." The Governor looked quizzically at" his secretary of state, and remarked: 'The appointing power still resides in the Gubernational chair and I see no prospect of a change in the prerog ative." The laugh was on the secretary of state, and none of the guests enjoyed the joke more than the Governor. - Before the roast was over Judge Douglass was trapped in the same manner, tie too stated in -a very in nocent manner that his judicial duties would prevent him from joining the militia in case of war. Auditor Ayer recalled the Gover nor's remark to Dr. Thompson, and the laugh was on the judge. Raleigh Post. Been Reading the Telegam. Teacher to Class "What is a manu factory?" Charlie "Please ma'm.I know. It's a thing to help build a town." Teacher "Correct Charlie, in one sense; but where did you learn that?" Charlie "Read it in the Evening Telegram. To Cure a Cold In One Day; v Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists, refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. i TO EXPEL- CORRESPONDENTS With the Authorization of Gener al Lee. THE ENLISTMENTS AT BROOKLYN. Host of Those Who Apply Are Turned Down Because of Inability to Pass The Examination. Cable to The Tkleg ram. Havana, Mar. 9 Secretary Con gosto . yesterday officially declared that all of the American newspaper correspondents now in Cuba would be ordered to leave Havana with the au thorization of Consul General Lee. ENLISTMENTS CONTINUE. By Wire to The Telegram. Brooklyn, March 9th The enlist ment of petty officers, mechanics and firemen was continued today at the navy yard. A big crowd appeared but fe"wof them were able to pass the rigid examination. Our Credit Good. By Cable to Thb Tklbgram. London, March 9 The stock market opened strong and active this morn ing for American securities. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The" following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Mar. 9, 1898. American tobacco 92 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 26 C and O. ....... . ................ ; " Chio., Bur. and Qulney.,V..ii 92J Del.. Lack, and Western. ........ . Delaware and Hudson. Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie. General Electric ..4.. 32 Jersey Central. 92 J Louisville and Nashville 51 Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 10 If Missouri and Pacific 27i Northwestern 119i Northern Pacific Pr. .. 61 National Lead New York Central 11H Pacific Mail Reading 18 Rock Island 84i Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 27i St. Paul 91f Sugar Trust 125i Tenn. Coal & Iron 20i Texas Pacific .' . U. S. Leather Preferred.. 60 Western Union Tel 86 J Wabash Preferred 15i The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO, Mar. 9, 1898. k WheafTJuly..... 90 May. Mar y 1041 102i 28i Corn, Jan " Mar " Sept " Oct " May " July 4 304 311 26i 27 241 1025 1030 1035 517 520 527 515 515 520 Oats, Sept " Mar " May " July ork, Dec " Mar " May " July ,ard, Dec Mar " May " July : Ribs, Dec " Mar " May " July Cotton, Sept. 614615 Dec . . Jan Feb March 606607 April .,. .607608 May 610611 JuneN.... July...;.. 613614 August 1 615616 Oct.. ..612(613 Nov...:.. 610611 (i Spot cotton &i Puts, 103 ; Calls, 1061; Curb Purissima et Optime. Drugs and Medicines both in our general stock and resorption department will e found for szile at Stanley & Grissom's, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) J. K. MMLHENNY, Druggist, 604 So. Elm." ' Manager.' in drugs is as essential to life and health as expert knowledge of medicine is in the preparation of a doctor's prescription. The freshness and absolute purity of our drugs and medicines have done as much for our reputation as the care and attention we give to our prescription depart ment. Bring us your prescrip tions if you want them filled right and at the right price, Fresh supply Buist's, Lan dreth's and Ferry's Garden seejl just in. ' Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson ft Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro j Than. Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had bis little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. . FORTUNATELY one of the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the ooculist who had given the prescription and in reply received the following; ' DR. HARRY FREEDENW ALD, 1029 MADISOH AVB. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltihoki, Jan 81st, 88. - Dbab Sib: . -tYwot of the 29 th to hand. ' i' -" Dr. Johnson is Perfectly Right. , iMTiTintTmnr.tOTn now ntn m twtnir, ' Very truly yours, V " H. IErKDEKW ALD. M. Pc Publishing House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. -THE- Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Co. is Encouraged and Strengthened by the Testimonials of Its Policy Holders. Greensboro. N. C. We have bean insuring for two years our bank building in the Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company. We have received divi dends amounting to $15.00 which have reduced ' the cost of our insurance that amount, We believe that the Company gives to its policy holders as good indemnity as any other, and as all the profits over and above the stockholders' ten per cent, are returned to the policyholders the claim of the Stock Mutual upon the pat ronage of the insuring public could not be stronger. THE PIEDMONT BANK. J. M. Walker, Pres. Spring Tonics -AND- Blood Elixirs -s'-. WE HAVE THEM Fresh Garden Seed. Howard Gardner, -Druggist. Corner Opposite fosT Office. The Necessity . For Medicine furnishes its own reminder, but we would like. to sug gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled with more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class of drugs and chemicals than at our Prescription Department. ilolton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT ! When in need of Any kind of Hous? Paintings Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. West Sohenok.Street. Purity r t V rt ----- - f