1 "; ; I , , -. .-V ;-.-.- -v- r il L41llJljlo ' & tlon 01 My DaI1 ever Published Here. ? VOL II NO 36 7 " : - " - - ' ' ' - GREENSBORO, N. C.,,THURSDAY. MARCH .0. mon- . " ' NOTES FPQM HOTH Dn.MT I nrnnnnrur.; I ' -' v - i ULi iiui Lii I ui nil nnnnnn niTiDniv . - . MLViunuutfflfluu nunnUni SECRET ORDERS ISSUED? J. M There Is Excitement In the Navy Department, A RUMOR OF ENGLISH AID The Conservatives In Havana Decide to Take Part In the Forth coming Elections.. By Wire to the Tklrg ram. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. ) High Point, N.C., March 10. '98. f Miss Lillie -Millis and Mr. D. V. Cassady were married last night at the nomeofthe bride. Thev-will mub High Point their" future home. Don't forget to go the opera house Friday night. G. R. Miller, of Archdale. was in the city today on business. Proctor and Parker Return From Cuba. i THE AWFUL ikl THEY BRING. FOR The High Point minstres feel hitrhlv Washington, March 10 Secret or- I honored as they are wanted in Win ders have been issued which are caus- ston and Asheboro at an early date. ing excitement in the navy department M. Fletcher and family, of Phila-- tor who ta teen making a study of here. President Griscom, of the Amer- uclPuxa a- wno nave been at Jar- the Cuban situation with Colonel Par- ican line, has been in consultation with ,T. IL. nm 01 JanuarJ' ker arrived thW oay tee is in Const i Danger nf a . sasslnatlon and ail Havana Admits the Maine Was Blown Up. By Wire to Thk Tklbgkak. T7" TTT a -r x.ojr weBi,, iviar. Senator Proc- We. regret to Always Up-to-date in Styles and Down to date in Prices. 221 S. Elm St. left trf1 ft V frT Vf I'notnn President McKinley, Senator Hanna lose them and Secretary Long. . ,f ;, t , , 4. . , , , w. J. Armfield is spending the day It is stated that every vessel of the in Asheboro with his son. auxiliary navy leaving New York has T ,. L , t , Mrs. J. B. Richardson left today a naval officer on board, ostensibly as for a visit to her mother in Lilesville. as a passenger but really to take com- A n w t . iuuiupuun oas a very at-, tractive sign in front of his bicycle re- Queer rumor. pairing establishment. morning and was shown to Admiral Sicard's room at Prove to Have Been Only Boys Dynamiting Fish. . Special to the Telegram. Winston, March 10 What was sup posed to be an attempt to wreck a train on the Mocksville railroad Mon day has proved to be a bit of boys' thoughtlessness, and happened in this way: A company of young boys wera out "dynamiting" fish on the river, throw- ing the dynamite irom the bridge, as the nearest point of vantage. Several bars are said to have been thrown, these two without caps were left on the bridge, the boys forgetting them. They were found next day by a man who reported the fact in a most hair THE! ANSWER "GO AHEAD' Other Nations Wish to See the United States Intervene. M'KINLEY'S MESSAGE COMPLETED once and was. . closeted jvith him for several hours. The object of the inter- raisin& manner. The boys won't, say view presumably was to deliver some mand in case of war. messages to Admiral Sicard from Cap tain Converse of the Montgomery who is an old Vermontef. Proctor refer red the UnionAssociated press corres pondent to Colonel Parker who there- is said to be considering the advisa- We beg to call the attention of the bility of placingEnglish cruises at the LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron By Cable to The Telegram. Miss Flov Richardson one of TTicrh London, March 10-The government Point's most highly accomplished fore spoke authritatively on Proctor's young ladies, who has been visiting V18lt Cuba to examine into the situ the Misses ArmfiAld. nf QnTmn. QJJ I oMnn rv.lrx,l D..I .j 1 - "f"" .,, . vuivuoi i. oiKi- saiu senator iui w uays returnea nome last night. anyiQing ior tne reason that the A .t n n i : 9, r ty i ... ujuauiibiiig oi usn is thoroughly against the law, and what was thought to be the most dastardly act is one of the thoughtlessness of a crowd of boys. As to the Communications. By dable to The telegram. servwe of the United States in case of war with Spain. HAVANA CONSERVATIVES. By Cable The Telegram. Havana, March 10 The central com mittee of the conservative party, after RecognizingCuban BelligerencyEng land Openly Preparing to Recog nize it After Us. By Wire to The Telegram Washington, Margh 10 It is now knowiTthat Sir Julian Pauncefote's call on President McKinley was to ex press the gratification of the Queen at his wisdom and conservatism-displayed in handling the Spanish-Cuban matter and her thorough sympathy with the efforts of this country to rej lievethe distress of the unfortunate Cubans. England's attitude in the event of war was not "broached. The Evening Journal's Washington special states that the recognition of Cuba is certain in a few days. President McKinley's message to congress recommending the recognition Price Two Cents Spring Time, The-season for blood medi cines, Renovate your sys tem; call on -us, we will tell you what kind to buy. We nave all kinds. Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Purity Lawyer G. S. Bradshaw, of Greens boro, passed through the city today enroute to Asheboro. The subscription list of The Greens boro Evening Telegram is rapidly London. March 10 On o i01 u v,uua was purely a house of commons said no commnni. is completed and approved bv his ad tions had been exchanged by Paunce- vlsor8- Other-nations when asked re in drugs is as essential to life and health as expert knowledge of medicine is in the preparation of a doctor's prescription. The freshness and absolute purity of our drugs and medicines have done as much for our reputation as the care and attention we give to our- prescription depart ment. Bring us your prescrip tions if you want them "filled right and at the right price. Fresh supply Buist's, Lan dreth's and Ferry's Garden seed just in. Jno. B. Pariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss which does not become overheated or injure the hair. these irons, which and silver plate we have in nickel W B farrar & Son High gain. Point's loss and Winston's a debate lasting until 3 o'clock, agreed BrowiDS ia High Point and vicinity to take part in the forthcoming elec- James Wray, of Archdale is a visit tions. or to the citv today. This attitude does not mean that they Mis3 Bessie Steed is spending a We invite you to call and examine have accepted the autonomous form of few days in Trinity visiting relatives government or that they will contrib ute to its establishment. The conser vatives will only accept 'the posi tions to which they may be elected so as to watch the proceedings of the au tonomists and defend their interests; as they say, "to enable them to pro test to parliament against th nrw regime and against the calumnies cir culated by the Madrid press and against their arbitrary exclusion from repre sentation in the city councils and pro-1 rMQmff' rfamtwwhroB- vincial assemblies . ' ' The conservatives claim that they represent 80 per cent, of the wealth and pay 70 per cent, of of the taxes of the island. personal one." THE FAMINE AND DISTRIBUTION of the reconcentrados is almost inde scribable. The Alcalde of Matanzas told me that 50.00 peonle had Ai of starvation during the year past and 5,600 during the mdfnlh of February. In the hospital of Matanzas are hun dreds of Cubans mostly sleeping on the floor fote and the United States respecting yarding intervention have answered More Accurate Cuba. v "go ahead." . . service in ureensboro - ENGLISH SYMPATHY. T t. ,n mi I 1 nan Baltimore vuvu, luuiw xvr Aiierts lo a move- THE MARKETS. merit in the house of commons from conservatives and liberals alike to urge England to acknowledge he in- W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission dependence of Cuba immediately after Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. The family of G. J. Starr left today the ward three of the inmates died ror winstou, where Mr. Starr has been in business for sometime. It is Jewelers Established 1868. The Season Mrs. W. J. Clary, of Greensboro, who hae been visiting the family of A. V. Sapp, returned home today. Miss Serra Tyson, of Asheboro, is spending the day in the city shopping. " i i i . . . .... . . i During. olir half an hour in uirurB mrmsn us with the following the United States does. closing quotations of the New York Stock exp.hftncp anrl t.ho OtVilnarm ta Blanco's order modifying Weyler's re- of Trade: concentrado order has not yet gone The following are the closing quota into effect but whea it does I do not of the New York Stock Exchange: believe it will help matters. Around New York, Mar. 10, 1898. every town there is a trocha and the 1 American tobacco 93 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe.. 25i B. and O C. and 0 19J Chic, Bur. and Quincv qi . 90 Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last nu. o With the. ncrinn " rr , " " Ronald Munroe Ferguson, a liberal b,estknown optical houses there to have the I glasses miuie n r mBTrrWAinwxr representative, will question the srov- the lensesgot broken recentlyand was carried "r v..vv,uouuiu xiiyc apeuiaust to De re- ernment whether Pauncefote has ex changed communications with Presi dent McKinley regarding Cuba. for Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty 01 tnem. citizen who goes beyond it WILL BE SHOT. Clara Barton has done much toward L. McRae, of SpraV, who has been distributing supplies. Most of the Chic . Gas south on business passed through thi American consuls are wArlrlncr in Del., Lack, and Western this oSroetioTir One eonsni aaHpi agas, THE POPS ABILIN. for 109 Central Cafe, USE Tar Heel Cough Syrup and Stop That Cough. Trial Bottle Free, at Asheboro Sireel Pharmacy. Geo W Kestler & Son, Props W C Porter, Manager Dr. Ivey One of the Speakers. The fortieth anniversary of the Y IM. C. A. of Richmond, Va celebrated In that city on night, the 20th instant. Twelve eminent speakers from over the country have been selected to speak on the subject of Y. M. C. A. work in twelve different churches of Richmond on that occasion. Rev. Dr. T. N. Ivey, of the Chris tian Advocate, this city, has been se lected as one of these speakers. Those who go to hear him, expecting to be entertained and instructed, will ret be disappointed. Andrews on Lee. President Andrews of Brown Uni versity will appear for the first time in North Carolina at the State Normal and Industrial Gollege, Tuesday even ing Mar. loth., delivering his famou leeture on Gen. Robt. E. Lee. Our will be people o not often have an opportu- Sunday mx,y or hearing so great a man on so great a subject. The AmericusGa., Evening Herald Delaware and Hudson Am. smrit.s in Cienf uegos , who is deep in Spain's Dist'r and cattle feed . . . . . . . . " sympathy, says the reconcentrados are Erie dying from eating too much. He will General Electric 3if not be given further supplies. Jersey Central gjj a - . . . j-iouisviue ana .Nashville vu As we were entering a hot tarn I "osuvme out Hake Shore. Guilford Win Have Candidates Judicial Honors. There is not a great deal appearing on the surface but the political pot is beginning to boil pretty freely here for all that, in view of the approaching county and district conventions. The indications at present are that Guil ford will have at least two candidates for judicial honors before the county con vention and possibly before the dis placed. He saw at a glance that accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to t.hp nom.iiot m given the prescription and in reply received the following; DR-HAKRY FRTEDENWALD 1029 Madison a vb. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Dear Sib: Baitimobe, Jan 31st, '98. Yours of the 29th to hand . Dr. Johnson Is Perfectly Right. The glasses you sent are not those ordered, l cannot understand hnw mih a n,i.tir. Very truly yours, H. FRTEDENWALD. curred. M. P. Publishing House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2": 00 to 5:30 p. m. Spanish officers standing by the door Manhattan Elevated.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.' ioi -THE trict convention nurnnnn iIm said: "I Should like U have nn W Maani Q.T,;fi .T" . w"u wumu.wmi uiuun HIUIUQI III0UI 0IIUC UU. os cuuvenuon. At present there are three members of the bar who are in the j field. It is a tradition of the district that Guilford county divides her I says: "A most eloquent address. Even more than eloquent, it was im pressive, touching and magnificent. T ixever was an audience more enter tained. From beginning to end Mr. Andrews was listened to with the most interested attention, and there was not one in the audience who did not thor oughly enjoy the evening." A Lively Runaway. Yesterday afternon a wagon and team belonging to Peter Jackson, out I in the country, was standing near Mc- to kill those people." Every Ameri- Northwestern nsj. can in Cuba is watched as though he Wortner.n Pacific Pr 59 were a criminal. Everybody in Ha- National Lead. is Encouraged and Strengthened by the testimonials of Its Policy Holders. New Ynrlr Pont.ral nil v u wuv a . AAA'S vana now knows that the Maine was pVifio Mail blown up. -The Spaniards do not deny it nor do they seem very sorry for it. LEE. IS A GRANB MAN. He is a hero in constant danger of assassination. Havana is calm today but it is .the Calmness of suppressed feeling before a storm. Are we going to have war? Well should not be surprised. FOLLOWS OUR EXAflPLE. Florida Cabbage at 3c lb Irish Potatoes, 20, 25, 30c peck Plenty Chickens, Eggs. Butter, and all kinds of produce, The best grades of Flour in the city, at our store. Our prices are right, our goods first class. We want your trade. VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. Jim Corpenlng Captured. The negro who shot and seriously wounded Sam Gorrell at a dance on Clinton street Monday night, was cap- Auley's bar, when the team took fright tured by Officers Weatherly and Whit- and ran away. The colored driver tington last night. His name is Jim was thrown astride the wagon toneue at Cnrnpntna I nitaA nf rnnolan a a xi-a I fVio fi.il Km.n u V j I r. . . . .. viuuM, i wuuu ui we uuisea uiiu away i Kussia i laKes an Appropriation were at nrst lniormea. they went, going south on S. Elm with It appears that Jim was preparing the driver in this perilous position. to leave town on No. 38 last night. He The wagon was loaded with shingles and they were scattered to the four winds. The team was held up some where onMcCulloch street with no dam age done, barring a few bruises sus tained by the driver. Reading i7 Rock Island Southern Railway Southern Railway Pi- 26i St. Paul 9oj Sugar Trust 124 lenn. tjoai & iron 19 Texas Pacific u. &. leather .Preferred 60 Western Union Tel T. 86 Wabash Preferred 15 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade Chicago, Mar. 10, 1898. . . GreensbdTo. N. C. we have been insuring for two years our bank building in the Southern Stock Mutual insurance Company. We lave received divi- strength in the district convention and fails to get her just recognition in con sequence. This year Guilford is enti- 834 tied to a candidate and has plenty of ?i?I'mo,untint5 to 815 00 wnIca navs reduced" . . . t-iuuj vi the cost of our insurance that amount w good material. She ought to naire believe that the Company gives to its policy one. Parker of Alamance is .SSSS& a candidate for the indcmshi ??.r, cen.t- are returned to the policyholders - 1 i Kiic o wen mutual upon the pat ronage 01 tne insuring public could not be for was discovered below the depot under the gangway for loading cattle when the officers located him. He is in jail awaiting trial. ' South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription New Business Ventures. The Secretary of State today char tered the Albemarle Park Company, of Asheville, for 30: years, capital stock $50,000; stockholders, W.G.Raoul.of Atlanta, T. W. Raoul- and T. F. Davidson, of Asheville. The company is given the right to purchase, lease and improve property. A charter was also granted the Edenton Telephone Company and one to the Brunswick Canning Company. Coli Old's correspondence. Her Navy. By Cable to Thk Telegram. St. Petersburg, March 10 A special ukase has been issued ordering the disbursement of ninety million rubles, ($70,000,000), in an extroardinary ex penditure for the construction of war ships. A new loan will be raised to provide funds. The American, Brit ish and Russian defense appropria te ti it dented. An effort to determine the pulling strength of elephants was made not r:- out from mir rimer Rf-ro ia filled verv lonsr afiro by the use of a dvna- the best drugs the market can mometer. One of Barnum & Bailey's 'Ornish. All of the best couffh mix- largest pachyderms registered two and Queen Goes South. 1 laxatives and Jiver regulators a half tons, -but a smaller one pulled I jjy cable to thb Telegram " i'L (.onstantly in stock. Toilet arti- nve ana a nan rons. xi requirea me '-"- of every description in fact, we combined strength of 83 men to equal ';in supply you with anything in the this, and a pair of powerful horses une, of the best quality and at registered at a ton and one-fifth. ' it-'-nable prices. Reduced Rates On account of the appearance of Louis James at the Academy of Music Mondav afternoon and nitrht in .Tiilina Caesar and Spartacusthe Gladiator, tions thU week &Sgreg&ting $240,000, the Southern Railway, will sell re- yJW Ior navai armament is unprece duced rate, round trip tickets from all the neighboring towns to give the peo ple a chance to see this great actor. This is a great company, and one that Greensboro has never before had the pleasure of seeing. Seats now on sale at Gardner's drug store. Matinee 3 p. m., in which Julius Caesar will be played. At night 8:30, Spartacus the Gladiator will be played. ' 104 102i 28i 30i 30f 26i 241 26i 1022 1032 1027 Spain Buys Five Ships. By Cable to Thk Tklsgram. Berlin, Mar. 10 Spain has made a conditional purchase of five vessels and others are being inspected. N Windsor, England, -Maroh 10 The Queen started for the south of .France . this afternoon. Duties Remitted. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Washington, Mar. 10 Senator Chandler has introduced a bill remit ing the,duty on war material. Gaston w. Ward, S. Elm St. Pharmacist. To Cure a Cold In Oner Day. Take Laxative Sromo Quinine Tab lets.' All druggists refund the money if it fails to ure. 25o. Sagas ta Says-Peace. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. By Cable to Thk Telegram Madrid, March 10 Premier Sagasta says there is nothing in the present situation to cause alarm. Wheat, July " May. " Mar Corn, Jan , Mar Sept Oct " May " July Oats, Sept " Mar . May ;.. 'July ". Pork, Deo " Mar " May " July Lard, Dec Mar 517- May , 530 July 522 Ribs, Dec... Mar 515 May 520 July 515 Cotton, Sept 610(611 " Dec Jan Feb .-: March 602604 April 604605 May...x. 608609 June ,i July 610611 August 612613 Oct; ..609610 Nov X ..608(609 Spot cotton........ 6i Puts, 102 ; Calls, 105i; Curb it i. : . 1 , , auu iu is preu-y generally un derstood that he and Boone of Durham who is a candidate focolicitor have formed a combination. the piedmont bank, S. M. Walker, Pres. A Murder Involves Two Countries. Westminster, B. C, March 9 Jack I Atkinson, who runs a hotel on the Ca nadian line at Blaine, quarreled with Billy Patterson, proprietor of a rival establishment on Saturday last. At kinson shot Patterson in the leg, in flicting a wound from the effects of which Patterson died. Atkinson sur rendered to the authorities. The trial will take an international aspect, the feature .being that of a man standing in Canada and shooting another who stood on United Statesoil. Harried Today. The marriage of Miss Albright and Mr. Junius B. Stroud, took place to day at the brides, home at Albright, Alamance county. Mr. Stroud, ac companied by his brother, E. B. Stroud and sister Miss Mamie Stroud, left at 8:50 this morning. The bridal party will arrive in the dt.v train from the eant. t.hia 0r,,- m,J , . . mrnisnes its own v f v,uufi . xuo reminnpp t-mr. tu-o arnn i 4. Telegram's heartiest congratulations gest in passing that when such an un- are extended to the newly wedded fortunate need occurs, there is no couple. P1.36 ln vovrn wherrtrcan be suppled niuii inuic prumptness, skiii, accuracy, Fame. or wisn a mgner clasT of drugs and uireuiiuais man at our Prescription Senator Jeter C. Pritchard has gone. Department; np another rung on the ladder of fame . . He has at last had his picture printed 1101101) S WUQ SlOTti in the patent medicine aCitvertisements. v " and soon the North Carolina - senator I McAdoo House Building will be heralded to the world as taking Spring Tonics -AND Blood Elixirs W HAVE THEM Fresh Garden Seed. Howard Gardner, ' - Druggist. Corner Opposite .tost Office. The Necessity For Medicine sixteen dozen bottles of a noted remedy LOOK OUT ! auu. wing cuuircijf uureu 01 a corn on the left ear. Charlotte News. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxatiye Bromo Quinine Tab- ets. All druggists refund the money -if it fails to cure. 25c. When in need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. West Schenck Street. ."V -i

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