Greensboro Telegf am. "T0 READERS The Only Daily inGreenv DOrO umnjj icicyiupiuw ithi TO ADVERTISERS The Largest Circuia- tion of any Daily ever Published Here. Jfr VOL. II. NO. 40 GREENSBORO, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1898. Price Two Cents ! . .1 - . r J. M. E-NDRIX & Co. ' I :: 8 8 FOR ill Always Up-to-date k in Styles and Down to a ate in t-ncc. 221 S. Elm St. Wo beg to call the attention of the LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron which does not become overheated or injure the hair. We invite you to call xand examine these irons, which we have in nickel and silver plate. W B farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. The Season foF Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty of them. Central Cafe,. Some special bargains in Hand Cameras at Alderman's, 113 t -2, East Market. Gilson adjustable albums, just the thing for kodaks, at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. Tripods, developing pow ders and amateur's supplies, at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Aarket. Just Received 2 barrels Cuba Molasses, 40 cents gallon. 2 barrels Homemade Molas ses, 35 cents gallon. 1 barrel Sauer Kraut, 15 cents gallon. Nice Sweet Oranges, Apples, Lemons, ' Florida Cabbage, Plenty Eggs 10 cents dozen, Butter 20 cents pound. VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription sent out from our Drug Store is filled with the best drugs the market can furnish. All of the best cough mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators kept constantly in stock. Toilet .arti cles of every description in fact, we can supply you with anything in the drug line, of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, 108 S. Elm St. Pharmacist. CHICKAMAUGA BATTLEFIELD To be the Camp of the Regular Army. DO WE GET THE AQU1DABAN? St. Lotils Expects Orders to Take on an Armament Cruiser San Frail ly clsco Leaves Lisbon. By Wire to The Tklbgram Chattanooga, March 15 It "is be lieved that within a few days twenty thousand regular troops will occupy the tern- Chickamauga battlefield park. The government reservation is big enough to accommodate any num ber of troops. General Boynton, one of the park commissioners, writes that the gathering may occur immediately and embrace three-fourths of the entire United States Army. HOLDING THE ST. LOUIS. By wire to Thk Telegram. New York, Mar. 15 The New York special navy board reported to Wash ington today on the St. Louis.They are awaiting orders to Bold her. The board is now examining the Ward line after which it will take' up the Cromwell line. i the san Francisco sails. By Cable to Thi Tklbgbam. Lisbon, Mar. 15 The cruiser-fian Francisco sailed from here today in a southwesterly direction. The govern ment has decided to complete the de fenses of the port of .Lisbon as speed ily as possible. STILL BUYING SHIPS. By Cable to Tax Telegram. London, March 15 It is reasserted today that the Spanish government has secured the Chilian battleship O'Hig gins, and that the United States is ne gotiating for the purchase of the Bra zilian battleship Demaio, formerly the Acquidaban, the flagship of Admiral Maio. The vessel was lately recon structed here. ORDERED TO SEA DUTY. By Wire to Thi Tklxgkam. Washington, March 15 Every na val officer now on shore duty has been ordered to prepare for sea duty. Of ficers on tne retired list are ordered to shore duty to take the place of those ordered to sea duty. Estimable Yoring flan Dead. Special to the Telegram. Winston, March 15 Henry Winkler, a most estimable young man, died at his home in Salem today about"l2 o'clock, aged 22 years. His death was caused by consumption. The inter ment will take place tomorow after noon at 3 o'clock in the Moravian graveyard. Bis mils Burning. By Wire to Ths Telegram. Trov. N. Y.. Mar. 15 The Wood- side Mills at Cohoes, one of the lar gest in the city is burning beyond con trol. The fire department here and at Albany has snt a response to urgent appeals for help to prevent the flames from spreading. Operatives Return to Work. By Wire to The Tklbgram. Tanntbn, MVss., March 15 Fifteen hundred operatives of Wbittenton Cotton Mills, who struck over a month ago today, returned to work this morn ing. The ten loom fixers who started the strike were not taken back. Spanish Troops Arrive. By Cable to Ths Teleg ram Havana, March 15 Fourteen hun dred Spanish soldiers arrived hre to day. It is reported that the Vizcaya is going to visit Vera Cruz at the so licitation of the Spanish residents. ReHef for Maine Victims. By Wire To The Tklbgram. Washington, Mar. 15 A bill for the Telief of the heirs of the Maine victims wiU be taken up after the postal bill. To Cure a Cold in One Day. - Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AH druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. TO REMOVE THE BUILDING. Congressman Unney Trying to Take the Public Building to Winston. r A letter received here today from Congressman Kitchin conveys the in formation that a dead set is being made to have the public building" re moved from here to Winston. Congressman Linney left notice on Congressman Kitchin desk an hour before the hearing was to be had be fore the committee on public buildings and when Mr. K?itchin returned the hearing was already over. However, he has secured from the committee promise of a rehearing with five days notice and unless Greensboro wishes to loose the building citizens here should bestir themselves in the matter. Messrs. Buxton, Holton and others of Winston have gone on to Washington where they appeared before the com mittee and made argument in favor of Winston. Citizens here are requested by Con gressman Kitchin to collect data at once and forward to him or send on a committee armed with facts and ar guments if they wish to retain the pub lic building. This matter should be attended to at once. There is absolutely no reason why the public building should be tajren from here to Winstoi, but the move may be made for all that if only one side is presented. From every point of view Greens boro is the more favorable location for the building and it should be easy to so convince the committee. Let steps be taken once in the matter. A delegation should be senttb Wash ington to represent Greensboro before the committee. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegkam Bureau. ) High Point. N.Ct March 15. '98. T. R. Lashly is spending the day in Winston. Ben Collins, of Reidsville, is spend ing the day in the city. . Sam Bradshaw was in the city last night. J. G. Greer, of the Southern rail road, was registered at Jarrell's hotel last night. Miss Ethel Diffie, of the Greensboro Female College, who has a host of friends here, will visit Miss Bertha Snow during the Christian Endeavor convention. Messrs. C. C. McAlister. and C. S. Morris, of Asheboro, and Hal M. Worth, of Worth ville, passed through this morning returning from Greerfs boro going home. Alex Stewart who has been here for some weeks in the Southern Guaran-, tee business left yesterday for Win ston. Mr. Stewart will return Satur day. The many friends of .Miss Estella Curlee will regret to know that she is very sick with pneumonia. Miss Mabel Montgoinery, of Greens boro, arrived in the city yesterday and is visiting her cousin Mrs. S. C. Montgomery, on Washington street. There will be a meeting tonight at the Methodist Protestant church to take steps to make final arrangements for the Christian Ehdeavor conven tion, j Prof. W. C. Lane, one of the teach- ers of the Graded school, was called home to Goldsboro last Saturday on account of his father's illness. Miss Mary Aamfield has charge of his room while he is absent. B. E. Burns, of Burns hotel - in Asheboro, who has been visiting tha family of W. P. Smith, returned home yesterday. J. W. Lovelace, of Reidsville, late book-Keeper of the Eagle Furniture Co., who has been home on a visit re turned to High Point this morning and will go into other business here. The commencement of the High Point Graded school will take place thefirst week in May." Rev. Dr. Rond thaler of Winston, will preach the commencement sermon and Kemp P. Battle, of Chapel Hill will deliver the address. To Cure a Colddn One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it f ails to eure. 25c. SPAIN UTTERS A SQUEAL. Protests Against the Sale of War Ships by Brazil. AUSTRIA COMES TO AID OF SPAIN Trying to Interest European Powers. The Naval Cadets to be Enlisted. Work of Naval Militia. By Wire to The TxihgraS. Washington, March 15 It is re ported that Spain has lodged a pro test with the Brazilian government against the sale of the cruisers Ama- zonas and Abrenall to the United States on the ground that it is an un friendly act in viaw of the present tension of the situation between the Madrid and Washington governments. AUSTRIA'S OFFICIOUSNESS. By Cable to Ths Tklbgram. London, March 15 Great pressure is being brought to bear upon the European powers by Austria to urge them to protest against the interfer ence of the United States in Cuba. It is stated that the movement was in augurated by the Prineess Eulalie on her recent tour of European Courts NAVAL PERSONNEL ILL. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, March 15 No doubt exists here in nava circles that con gress will immediately comply with the president's request and pass the naval personnel bill. This bill pro vides that eighty-two naval cadets shall receive commissions immediately and also that the cadets who graduate in June shall be made ensigns. THE PART OF -fHE NAVAL MILITIA. By Wire to the Telegram. Washington, March 15 It has been decided that in the event of hostilities the naval militia will take care of harbor defense in conjunction with the naval and coast defease officers. The latter being of the army department will detail the reserves to take charge of the improvised sub-marine mines. A Speculator Shot. By Wire To The Telegram. Washington, March 15 D. Joseph Canty, a stock broker and the late partner of H. W. Vansenden, private secretary of Ex-Secretary Carlisle, shot and probably" fatally wounded George Frye-this morning in front of the Western Union building. Three shots were fired all of wfilcn took ef fect. Trye was a speculator. When arrested Canty had hia bowie knife in his hand. . Later. Frye died before the arri val of the ambulance. Canty refused to talk. ' Van Senden was recently ar rested 'on an iridictmenfby the district attorney for fraud. The cases, were nolle prosequied. Evans Has Another Week. John Evans, the condemned negro who is in confinement awaiting execu tive action, is not worrying about his fate. Evans does not look any the. worse for his long confinement. He has been in Wake county jail since December last. Unless the governor extends execu tive clemency Evans, who has"" been reprieved three times, will hang within one more week. Evans was seen in the jail yesterday. The darkey talks in a 6tupefled man-, ner. He is not uncommunicative at all. He still protests his innocence of the crime with which he is charged. Religion is the theme on which he con verses mostly. Raleigh Post. There Will Be Others. It appears that Guilford county will have two or more candidates for the judgeship. Mr. D. Schenck Jr. will contest with Mr. Shaw the endorse ment of the democracy of this county. Mr. Schenck is one of the 'most bril liant young lawyers of the state and would doubtless fill tne ermine with honor to himself and satisfaction to the district. With -two such excellent men to choose from Guilford should be sure of the nomination to which she is entitled. The county will doubtless go to the district convention a unit on some good man. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. INSURGENTS HANG INSURGENTS. Scheme of the Executed Soldiers Frustrated. Havana, March 13 The American djpers at work on the Maine wreck brought up this morning several pieces of the Maine's engines. ' It is announced that the Court of Enquiry will not finish its investiga tion before Wednesday. It is officially reported that the in surgent leaders Cayito, Alvarez, Nunez and Espinosa have been hanged at La Esperanza, Santa Clara, by Roberto Bermudez, another insurgent leader, who knew they were going to surrender to the Spanish authorities. The Only Way Out." - By Wire to The Tklbg ram. Niagara Falls, Mar. 15 Two women entered the barber shop . of Albert Hathwell today and claimed he was their husband. He ended the cotro versy by shooting both of them and then himself. All were ,taken to the hospital in a dying condition Letter's Greatest Wheat Sale. Chicago, March 12 The biggest sale of cash wheat that has ,yet been made by Leiter took place today. Counsel man & Day purchased an even two million bushels. What the price paid for this enormous lot could not he learned.' Joseph Leiter, the "wheat king," merely stating that it was made at market price. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co.. commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New Yt)RK, Mar. 15, 1898. American tobacco 94i Atch. , Top. & Santa Fe ....... . 24 B. and O , C. and O -. 18J Chic, Bur. and Quincy 891 Chic. Gas 90 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson 110 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed. Erie t General Electric . 31i Jersey Central 91i Louisville and Nashville 48i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated.-. 101 Missouri and Pacific r . 24i Northwestern 77T. . 116f Northern Pacific Pr W)i National Lead New York Central . 108i Pacific Mail Reading w. 16i Rock Island .T. 83 Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 25 St. Paul.... .' 38ft Sugar Trust . 1204 Tenn. Coal & Iron 18i Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred-. 58 Western Union Tel 86! Wabash Preferred 15b The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Mar. 15, 1898. Wheat, July 85J " May 104 " Mar lOlf Corn, Jan " Mar 28 Sept 1 v... " Oct.. " May 291- .' July v. , 3H Oats, Sept " Mar 25i " May '.. 264 " July 24i Pork, Dec '. . " Mar .. .' 975 May 980' " July 985 Lard, Dec.. " Mar........ 500 " May 502 " July 515 Ribs, Dec " Mar 502 " May 502 " July.. 507 Cotton, Sept.. 603 (605 " Deo... rv Jan J " Feb " March.... 595596 " April ..595596 " May... !. . . . . . . 599600 " June . July .603604 " August ,...606607 Oct. 602(603 " N&v.., :..603604 Spot cotton 6 i Puts, 100 ; Calls, 105; Curb HIS MINESS THE POPE, Will Put His finger in The Pie. THE REPORT JO COME AT LAST Spain Transfers" The Scene cf Her Brilliant Victories to- The Phil- Upjne Islands. Cable to Tns Teleckav. 5 London, Mar. 15 The ral Ma'l Gazetto lliis afternoon publishes a dispatch from Rome which says there has been a rrcer.t exchange cf communications between the Va tican and Spain iegarding Ctrba and the relations existing between Spain and the United States. The Pope doing all his power to pre vent hostilities, "which might be fatal to the Spanish dynasty." The Vatican has especially exerted its influence at Washington and has tried directly and indirectly to idis suade the United States from "plunging into a war with Spain. , NAVAL BOARD NEARLY THROUGH. By Cable The Tejegram. Havana, March 15 The naval board has almost completed its investigation and its report will bo forwarded tc Washington in two or three clays. A few details of tbe exptrt testimony arc being carefulJy collected and previous" discoveries are being vevi5cd. SITUATION IN PIIILLTPINE ISLANDS. - By Cable to Tele Telucbam. Madrid, Mai'ch 15 According to an official dispatch received from Manilla, the capital of the Phillip! no islands, today five hundred insurgents were killed during the siege of Bainas. The dispatch adds that the insurgent forces did not offer any resistance to tne Spanish troops sent to the relief of the garrison. THE EWART WAR CLOUD. An Interview Returns to Trouble His Dreams. A Washington special to the News and Observer of today says: J. L. Garrett, of Kinston, will be examined tomorrow by the Senate Ju diciary Committee about what he .knows concerning the charges that have been filed against' Judge wart. According to a report today the re publican members of the Senate Judi ciary committee are much displeased over what Judge Ewart said about the force bill some 9ixJtcars ago in. an in terview published in Ashcville. v His criticism of the republicans whoiadv - cated that monstrous measure is now brought up against liin. So far as the other charges go tha republican members of thd judiciary committee it is said are disposed to let them as they have beeu full met to theii entire satisfaction. It is said tonight that it is the little Sharp Intsrview given out by Judge Ewart six years ' ago that endangers his nomination. Howdy or his friends hope that ho will out all right. Senatorial dignity is very sacred. HORRIBLE DEATH. A Young Boy Killed and Hangled by - a Runaway. Weldon, N. C, March 14 News of a distressing accident reaches here to day from Enfield. Mr. Charles D. Mills was ploughing in a field Safcur eay. At 12 o'clock he took the horse from the plow, put his six-year-old son upon its back and started to din ners The horse ran away throwing the child. The little boy's clothes were caught in the.hook of the traces and lje was dragged to death. Tbe horse ran all the way to the tiouJc with the little mangled, bleeding re mains. The distress of the parents can be better imagined than described. News and Observer Special. How Alger Would Do It. The Portland Orcgoniansays la case of war the country will sadl need a secretary of war who possesses judg ment, and that General Alger isjiot the man. Alger's locomoti veiled ajid reindeer expedition schemes Tor Alas fctk are pointed to as-evidence of his resources, or rathcruis want of Uiem. in important emcrgcneies.We presume in' case of war, his first issue will' be to contract for immense quantities of ice to be manufactured in Florida for use of the Army in Cuba. Raleigh Post. Spring Time, The season for blood medi cines, Renovate your sys tem; call on us, -we will tell you what kind to buy. We have all kinds., Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to Souti Side Piarcaaey) J. K.M'ILHENNY, Druggist, , 504 So. Elm - X Manager. AMERICAN LIGHT, COOL, Easy to Wear. Retains Severest Hernia No pressure on Hips or Back. Mo onderstnps. with Coinfort. Never moves. in this truss the principle hitherto so greatly desired has at last been acnie eU: thit of firm ly and constantly holding the rapture with a gentle handlike pressure. Its tightness Is featherweight in comparison with other trus ses. It is so light the wearer scarcely knows he has anything on, and this ii a great com fort, enabling' the wearer Urt orges his ailment For sale by Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Farias More Accurate 'Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little giri'sye. exaniined i:i Baltimore hist year aud went with the prescription to one of the largest anl -estknown optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one of the ieuses;rol broken rccenNy and was carried to tie Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re--placed. Ue saw at a (lance that neither lens accorded-with th prescription, and so changed thera Mr. Vanstory sent the old lcnsei with an explanation to the oceuiiat who had yiveu the proscription and la reply received the following: DII. IIAItRY F1UKDEN WALD, 10.13 Madison Ays. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1p.m. liALTiiionr, Jaa 31st, '98. Dear Sih: Yours of the 23th to hand. Dr. Johnson i& Perfectly Right. The glasses you sent are not, those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. ' , Very truly yours, H. FRIEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing House 302i South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. -THE Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Co. is Encouraged and .Strengthened br the Testimonials of Its Policy Holders. Creensboro. N. C. We have been insuring fortwot jters our banii iiuhdina in the Southern Stock Mutu- 1 fu-suranco Company. Wc have received divi dends am juinintf t$l-V0 wfeijhhave reduced the c st of oar 4nsarance that amount, W be iei'e that the Company givas to its policy h ldcr.s as ood i idem-iity as a iy other, and as a'l ttie prollts over andab ve the stockholder ten per cent. s.v returned t the poiayhDlders the ciaira of the Stojk Mutual upon the pat ronago of the insuring public could not bs strjngor. r- THE PIEDMONT B NK. . 9 M. WAiiiEB, Pres. Spring Tomes AND- Eilood Elixirs WE HAVE THEM Fresh Garden Seed . Howard Gardner, Druggist. Corner Opposite jt'ost Office. The Necessity For Medicine furnishes its own reminder, but vre would like to sjg ;rest in passing that when such an un fortuniic uoed occurs, there is no place in town where it can be suppled vviih more promptness, skill, accuracy, or with a higher class OT drugs and jhciiiicals Uian at our IVescription Department. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building-. LOOK OUT ! - When In need ot Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. West Schenck Street. SILVER I L TRUSSJ 4. - - ----- -tj--' . ;'-"'sf'i.:i 7 i 1 - )r 'v-". '-'' I