boro Evening Telegram i TO READERS The Only Dally In Greens- boro Giving Telegraphic Service. jiff -------m-m-m-m m mW-m-M--M-l. m TO ADVERTISERS The Largest Circula-Tji VOL. NO. 43 GREENSBORO, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1898. Price Two Cents Greens V is. II. 45 J. M. :: I 8 & Co. FOR HI Always Up-to-date in Styles and Down to date in Prices. 69 221 S. Elm St Wo beg to call the attention of the LADIES to our New Perfection Self-Heating Curling Iron which does not become overheated or injure the hair. We invite you to call and examine these irons, which we have in nickel and silver plate. W 6 farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. The Season for Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty of them. Central Cafe, Some special bargains in Hand Cameras at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. Gilson adjustable albums, just the thing for kodaks, at "Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. Tripods, developing pow ders and amateur's supplies, at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. Just Received 2 barrels Cuba Molasses, 40 cents gallon. 2 barrels Homemade Molas ses, 35 cents gallon. 1 barrel Sauer Kraut, 15 cents gallon. Nice Sweet Oranges, Apples, Lemons, Florida Cabbage, Plenty Eggs 10 cents dozen, Butter 20 cents pound. RIX1 H EN D VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription sent out from our Drug Store is filled with the best drugs the market can furnish. All of the best cough mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators kept constantly in stock. Toilet arti cles of every description in fact, we can supply you with anything in the drug line, of the beat quality and at reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, 105 S. Elm St. Pharmacist. WARLIKE CHANGES MADE, In the Navy Department Plan of Campaign. PROVISIONING PREPARATIOS. Cruiser Amazonu Formally Trans ferredSenator Mason to Call Up Resolution of Intervention. By Wire to Thi Telegram. Washington, March 18. War like changes have been made in the plan of campaign of the Navy Department Three squadrons instead of one are to be organized on the Atlantic coast to furnish protection from Maine to Florida. One squadron to remain at Key West, another at Hampton Roads and the third will be made up of mon itors to be stationed at Port Royal, South Carolina. WELL. CALL UP RESOLUTION. By "Wire to the Tklbg bam. Washington, Mar. 18 Senator Mason said today that unless the president takes action this week he will call up his resolution concerning inter vention in Cuba. PROVISIONING WARSHIPS. By Wire to The Telegram Chicago, March 18 Preparations have been begun for provisioning the warships of the United States for any emergency. Chicago packers started to New York today to close contracts for canned meats. AMAZON AS TRANSFERRED. By Cable to Thk Tklbg ram. Gravesend, March 18. The Cruiser Amazonas built by Armstrong's for Brazil and purchased by the United States, wa9 formally transferred from under the Brazilian flag to the stars and stripes shortly before eleven o'clock this morning. A STRONG APPEAL. The Sermon of Mr. Fry at Centenary Last Night. A large congregation heard Rev. J. A. B. Fry at Centenary church last night. The church was full, and chairs were used in the aisle. The preacher's theme was "Sin, as a Disease, and Christ the Remedy Therefor." It was a most earnest appeal; the preacher's soul was in his words. It was old time Methodist preaching, showing the nakedness and hideous deformity of the disease which is carrying millions into the depths of degredation and woe. The closing part of the sermon in presenting the Great Physician was eloquent and touching. Mr. Fry is faithfully performing his duty, and the good seed sown will spring up and bear fruit in season. Preaching to night at eight o'clock and tomorrow at half past ten. All cordially invited: It is Growing. We are always glad to hear of any thing that indicates the growth of pub lic sentiment in favor of permanent road improvement. This sentiment is growing among the most intelligent and progressive men as well as the largest property owners in the county. They are thinking men and have traveled and have seen the good of such work in other sections. Their opinions and interests are worthy of consideration and should not be ig nored. Our Interests In China. London, Mar. 15 Sir William Rob inson, who has just arrived in London from Hong Kong, of which colony he has been Governor since 1891, in an interview today warmly advocated an understanding with the United States on the Chinese question, say ing the aims of the United States in regard to China were identical with those of Great Britain. He added: "There is feeling at Hong Kong and Shanghai that the Chinese provinces cannot hold together much longer. They are already partly independent, not only of each other, but also of the Imperial Government." The Georgia Democrats. Atlanta, Mar. 17 The Democratic Executive Committee met in Atlanta today and after an all day session is sued calls for two State conventions and two primaries. United States Senator A. S. Clay resigned as chairman of the committee on account of conflict of Senatorial duties with bis labors as chairman and Hon. F. G. du-Bignon, of Savannah, was elected to succeed him. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure,. 25c. . NOTES FROM" HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, j High Point, N.C., March 18. '98. ! Miss Kate Parker of Trinity is vis iting the Misses Eshelman. Leslie Cartland a student of Guil ford College is spending a few days at home. Miss Debora Tomlinson of Archdale is spending a few days with Miss Harmond. Miss Alice Johnson, of Jamestown is visitiner her sister, Mrs. Dr. W. G. Bradshaw. Miss Bessie Steed, of Oxford, who has been visiting her friends and rela tives of this section returned home to day. Miss Jessie Henley, who at one time lived in High Point, but now of Greensboro, will visit Miss Jessie Rankin. Miss Ruth Worth, of Raleigh, is here stopping at Dr. J. J. Cox's. Miss Ada Gray, of Levington is spending a few days in the city. Miss Ethyl Dime a very popular young lady of the Greensboro Female College is visiting Miss Snow. A. G. W. Thompson has an attrac tive window at his bicycle repair shop. It is something new. J. W. Edmondson, who has his bar ber shoy opposite Jarrell's hotel, has fixed up his place in proper style. High Point is very tastefully deco rated in honor of the fourth annual convention of the Christian Endeavor meeting, which assembled here at 2:30 today. About 40 delegates have ar rived up to noon from the following places: Henderson, Greensboro, Lex ington, Salisbury, Charlotte, Wins ton-Salem, Raleigh, Washington, Guliford College and Asheboro, A large crowd came in today from Asheboro to attend the C. E. conven tion. ARBOR DAY AT CAMERON. Dr. rlclver flakes a Strong Address to the People There. Yesterday, Arbor Day, was duly ob served and celebrated at Cameron with appropriate ceremonies. Presi dent Mclver's ability and power as a speaker is recognized by his old friends and neighbors in Moore county and he was invited to make the address on this occasion. From a special to the News and Ob server we take the following: The address, at 2 o'clock by Dr.C.D. Mclver, the great president of the Nor mal college in Greensboro, was an able and powerful one, and made a profound impression. Every utterance was a Solomonic chunk of the richest wisdom and showed him to be the pro- foundest thinker' and the broadest statesman. State News Items. Maj. Thomas Seagle, of Hickory, died yesterday. The Clevel and Star says the re-nom ination of Solicitor Webb is practi cally assured. The Zeb Vance Democratic Club of Asheville has over 1,000 members and it is claimed that it is the largest club in the South. lhe Kutnerloraton vindicator is out strongly for Solomon Gallert, of that place, for the democratic nomina tion for congress in the ninth district. The Truth says that among the pas sengers coming into Salisbury on a Wi stern North Carolina Railroad train a few days ago wa3 a drunken Mormon elder. Wilmington business men have or ganized a tariff association, to keep its eye on railroad freight rates, and Mr. James Kyle, of Fayetteville, has been elected manager. Could' nt See His Son. Yesterday thefatherof Walter Fann, who was recently sent to the Wake county work house for disorderly con duct by Mayor Russ, sought to see his son. He was not permitted to see him, but saw Tom Robertson, sentenced to five years imprisonment for seduction, dressed up in fine citizens' clothes, with a silk handkerchief in his pocket, walking around doing nothing, while the other convicts are in stripes and hard at work. All should be fed out of the same spoon. News and Observer. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c. SERIOUS STRIKE IMMINENT Will Greatly Retan the Produc tion of Big uuns, OBJECT TO A RIGID DISCIPLINE Instructions Have Been Sent to the Torpedo Flotilla to Remain at Canary Islands. Bv Wire to Thk Telegram. Troy, N. Y., March 18 A serious strike is imminent at Waterolie, the largest ordnance fictory in the United States. The men are greatly dissatis fied and the strike will greatly retard the production of Ag guns. The men object to the too rigid discipline of Col. Mordecai and the summary man ner in which a number of employees have been dismissed. TO REMAIN AT CANARY ISLANDS. By Cable Thk Tklkgbam. Madrid, March 18 The Imparcial today says that instructions have been sent to the torpedo flotilla to re main at Canary Islands due to the government's desire that the squadron should be escorted to Cuba by a crui ser and for no other reason. AT KEY WEST. By Wire to The Telegram. Key West, Mar. 18 The cruiser Montgomery arrived here this morn ing from Havana. The Detroit sailed for Tortugas with provisions and am munition for the fleet. The Morgan liner Arkansas arrived with Senator Money and Congressmen Cummings and Smith. If She Can Get Along. By Cable to Thk Telegham. St. Petersburg, Mar. 18 A note was published here today that Russia has instructed its representative in Coila that she will withdraw her financial adviser Coila says she can get along without help. Material and Designs. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, Murcb 18 The house bill was favorably reported author izing the secretary of the treasury to make experiments to determine the best material for minor coins and sub mit designs to congress. Chloroformed and Robbed By Wire To The Telegram. Hazleton, Pa., March 18 Father Aust, chairman of the miner's prose cuting committee, was chloroformed and robbed of a large amount at his home last night. There is no clue to the robbers. Negro Boy Lynched. By Wire to The Telegram. Little Rock, Ark., Mar. 18 A negro boy accused of stealing twenty dol lars from a cash drawer in Batesville was lynched here-today. No Such Request Made. The following telegram was sent out Wednesday by the agents of the As sociated Press: "Raleigh, March 16 Governor Rus sell today received a message from President McKinley, asking how many troops the state could furnish in case of hostilities. The reply of the gov ernor gave 245,000 as the number." Maj. E. M. Hayes gave official de nial of the story yesterday. He stated most positively that no such message had been received from the president or the government authorities at Wash ton. Raleigh Post. Holton Stands a Chance. Winston, N. C, March 17 A gentle man who is "on the inside" tells me District Attorney Holton stands a good chance to get the Federal judge ship for this district if Judge Ewart is not confirmed. Mr. Holton is not an aspirant for the place. "It will be either Holton or Col. James Boyd," said the gentleman who is in a posi tion to know. Spaniard at the White House. Washington, March 16 At the pub lic reception held by the president this afternoon a Spaniard attracted con siderable attention in the line. As he passed the president and shook hands with him he said in. Spanish: "Long live the president." It is not known whether the president understood or not what was said but he hazarded a quiet "Thank you." Wants a Ruling. Father Worth is greatly worried about, free passes. He has written two letters to the railroad commission asking if he cannot have them. He wants a ruling on the matter. Col. Olds' Correspondence. CHINA HAS NOT ASSENTED To the Rigid Demands Made by the French. Cable to The Telegram. St. Petersburg, March 18 France has made important demands upon China, giving that country eight days in which to answer. France demands that China shall not alienate any territory south of the Yang Kiang Valley, being a check to England '8 needed extension of the Kow Loon and Yannan Railway con cession to the prolongation of the ex tensive mining rights at Chauk Yun nan coaling station near Hainan. That the direction of the Imperial Postal service be transferred from Sir Robert Hart, director of the Imperial Maritime customs to the French. Thus far China has not assented. WOULDN'S PAY INDEMNITY. Ezcitement Over Report to That Ef fect in Washington. Washington, March 17 There was considerable interest and some excite ment in the city today due to publica tion of a cable from Madrid, telling of the issue of a semi-official note early in the day, declaring that if the Wash ington government should demand an indemnity of Spain for the loss of the Maine Spain would refuse to pay it Those officials who have declared per sistently that there would be no war have based their declaration on the belief that in case the board of inquiry reported that the Maine was blown up from the outside this country would promptly demand an indemnity and that Spain would pay it rather than fight. They still think so. THE COURT OF INQUIRY. A Meeting Yesterday and -a flessage From It to Washington. Key West, Fla., Mar. 17 The "Maine" Board of Inquiry held a meeting on the battleship "Iowa" to day. There is talk to the effect that a brief preliminary report was sent to Washington last night by one of the Maine's" officers. It grew out of the fact that some hours after the other officers of the "Maine" mentioned jes terday, had received orders to go north. Lieut. Blow was unexpectedly ordered to go with them. It is said here tonight that Blow car ried at least a message of some kind from the Board to the Navy Depart ment. TROOPS PASSING THROUGH. A Long Train Last Night Filled With Light Artillerymen. The vestibule train on the Seaboard Air Line, arriving here at 2:16 o'clock last night, ran in two sections. The first section contained fourteen cars. Eleven of them were filled with United States soldiers and -three contained baggage 4,000 pounds each. The soldieis were companies of ar tillerymen, consisting of about 60 men each, to be transferred from Fort ress Monroe to the following points: Fort Caswell on the Cape Fear River, near Wilmington, N. C; to Tybee, near Savannah, Ga.; to Fort Morgan, near Mobile, Ala. The men for Fort Caswell were taken by another train at Hamlet; at Green wood, S. C, the four cars for Savan nah, Ga., were dropped. Quite a number of people went to the depot last night to see the war-train pass through. News and Observer. ALLOWANCE INCREASED. The House Doubles the Allowance for the Rural Free Delivery. Washington, March 17 No political questions were discussed in the house today. The whole session was de voted strictly to the postoffice appro priation bill, which was taken up for amendment under the five minute rule. The question which consumed the major portion of the time related to the allowance for clerk hire at post offices and to rural free delivery. The house increased the allowance for rural free delivery from $150,000 to $300,000 and defeated the proposition for in creased clerk hire. The amendment to increase the appropriation for rural delivery was offered by Mr. Stokes, democrat. The house at 5:10 p. m. adjourned. It Was Yellow Talk. Richmond, March 17 It is stated from Charlottesville that the Univer sity of Virginia board hasnever,as re ported recently, considered seriously the name of Grover Cleveland in con nection with the presidency of the institution. WITH GREATEST ANXIETY Everybody Awaiting the Report of the Court of Inquiry. WHAT THE PRESIDENT WILL DO It Is Thought Cuban Independence Will be Recognized Whatever the Verdict Rendered. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, Mar. 18 Today is one of great excitement and interest. Ev erybody is awaiting with great anx iety the report of the court of inquiry on the Maine disaster. Proctor's 6peech is taken as the administration's description of affairs in Cuba and also removes any doubt as to whether the explosion was outside or inside the battleship. WILL RECOGNIZE CUBA By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, March 18 It is now sure that the President will recognize Cuban Independence whatever the ver dict of the court of injury may be. Given His Consent. By Cable to The Telegram Rome, Mar. 18 It is officially an nounced that Admiral Bren, minister Marine Italy, has consented to the sale of the armored cruiser Varese to Spain. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porter field & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co. , commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Mar. 18, 1898. American tobacco 96f Atch., Top. & Santa Fe. 24f B. and O C. and O , 18i Chic, Bur. and Quincy 901 Chic. Gas 91 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson 108 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric- . 32 Jersey Central 92 Louisville and Nashville 49f Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 99i Missouri and Pacific 24 Northwestern - 118i Northern Pacific Pr 603 National Lead New York Central 109i Pacific Mail Reading. . 16 Rock Island 83f Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 26 St. Paul 89i Sugar Trust 1191 Tenn. Coal & Iron 19 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred 57 Western Union Tel t... 85f Wabash Preferred 15 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Mar. 18, 1898. Wheat, July t 864 " May 105 " Mar 102 Corn, Jan " . Mar 28i " Sept " Oct " May 29i " July 301 Oats, Sept " Mar 25 " May 25$ " July 23 Pork, Dec " Mar 985 " May 990 " July 995 Lard, Dec " Mar 507 " May 512 " July 520 Ribs, Dec " Mar 507 " May 507 " July 512 Cotton, Sept 602604 " Dec " Jan " Feb " March 594595 " April.. 594595 " May 598599 " June " July 602603 " August 605606 " Oct.. 602(603 " Nov 602603 Spot cotton 6 i Puts, ; Calls, ; Curb Cuban Hand Made Cigars PORTUONDOS "All Alika" PORTUONDOS ' Chicos' ' also G. W. CHILDS WHITE KNIGHT GEN'L KNOX etc, etc., at Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. AMERICAN LIGHT, COOL. Easy to Wear. Retains Severest Hernia No pressure on Hips or Back. No nnderstraps, with Comfort. w ever moves. in this truss the principle hitherto so greatly desired has at last been achieved; that of firm JJFf1 vnsia?tly noldto& the rupture with a gentle handlike pressure. Its tightness 2 reatherweight m comparison with other trus ses. It is so light the wearer scarcely knows he has anything on, and this is a great com FOTsale bylg nearer to forget his ailment Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Farias More Accurate Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one of the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw a-t a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had given the prescription and in reply received the following; DR. HARRY FRIEDEN W ALD, 1029 Madison Ave. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Bamimobe, Jan 31st, '98. Dear Sir: Yours of the 29th to hand. Dr. Johnson is Perfectly Right. ' The glassesyou sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H. FRIEDEN W AT. TV M. P. Publishing House 302i South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. We have Applications for $600, $800 or $1,000, to be secured by good improved city property worth at least double the amount of the loan applied for. WHARTON & Mc A LISTER. AGENTS. Spring Tonics AND Blood Elixirs WE HAVE THEM Fresh Garden Seed. Howard Gardner, Druggist. ' Corner Opposite .post Office. The Necessity For Medicine ita nivn reminder, but we would lilrA t.f ancr. gest in passing that when such an un fortunate need occurs, there is no piace in town wnere it can be suppled i i .11 Willi mure promptness, -skiii, accuracy, or with a hisrhfir flass of H r-nora anA chemicals than at our Prescription uepanmeni;. Hol ton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT ! When in need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS.. West Schecok Street. SILVER I il TRUSS. J

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