E Teleg boro v Tn RFinERS The OnW Daily in Greens- ram venin 5 boro Giving Telegraphic Service. m TO ADVERTISERS The Largest Circtila A Hon of anv Dailv ever Published Here. u 1.M VOL. II. NO. 50 GREENSBORO, N. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1898. Price Two Cents reee s Tennis AND Of ALL KINDS AT 0 221 S. Elm St. S Sr fr to Of Or Or Jewel Belts The Latest Fad m m m m m m m m These belts are set with beau tifully colored stones and richly enameled. Cut Glass in new and rich designs and Sterling Silver Ware suitable for vvedding presents. W B f arrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. M The Season for Birds and Oysters will soon be over: call while we have plenty of them. Central Cafe, Some special bargains in Hand Cameras at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. Gilson adjustable albums, iust the thine for kodaks, at Alderman's. 113 1-2. East iWarket. Trioods, developing: pow dersand amateur's supplies, nr Alderman s. 113 1-2, East Market. Just Received 2 barrels Cuba Molasses, - 40 cents erallon . 2 barrels Homemade Molas ses. 35 cents erallon. 1 barrel Sauer Kraut, 15 cents gallon. Nice Sweet Oranges, Apples, Lemons, Florida Cabbage, Plenty Eg-gs 10 cents dozen, Butter 20 cents pound. VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. j?om.h Flm St.. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription sent out from our Drug Store is filled with the best druers the market can furnish. All of the best cough mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators kept constantly in stock. Toilet arti cles of every description in' fact, we can supply you with anything in the drug line, of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, 8 Bicycle HENDRIX THE CITY FATHERS. A Summary of What Thev Did Last Night. The board of Aldermen met last night with the mayor in the chair. Ellington and Hiatt were absent. The street committee reported in favor of accepting the strip, of land tendered the city at last meeting for the extension of Lithia street to the North Carolina railroad. Adopted. Water committee filed a report recommending the putting iu of a water plug near the furniture factory, and one at northeast corner of Whit- tinion and Ashboro streets. Adopted. Special committee to which was re ferred the matter of putting drains through the McAdoo meadow made a verbal report and filed a proposition from W. D. and C. N. McAdoo, they offering to pay the cost of digging ditch and covering the same, provided the city will pay for the piping and laying the same. a W. D. McAdoo's proposition was conditional that work be commenced in 30 days from date of proposition. If not accepted within that time the proposition to become null and void. Alderman Shaw moved that the prop osition of W. D. McAdoo be allowed to expire by limitation. Adopted unanimously. W. C. McLean asked for an exten sion of the sewer on Forbis street to connect with his new building's. This matter and that of connecting Lindsay street school with the sewer were re ferred to sewer committee. The matter of opening Chestnut street was re-referred to street committee to confer with property owners. Alderman J. Henry Phipps offered an ordinance requiring all riders of bicyles to have lighted lamps on their wheels while riding after night fall. a. N. McAdoo beinsr present had a conference with the special committee in regard to putting the drain pipe in his property in the meadow and offered to give $250 and stated that C. E. Hol- ton would add fifty dollars to this amount to put pipe from Sycamore to. and across East Market street, and the committee recommended the accept ance of the same. Alderman Merrimon moved that the report be continued until next meeting. Carried. Grade was established on Gaston street. Alderman Thornton moved that the cemetery committee be instructed and empowered to cultivate the vacant land in the cemetery and that street com mittee be instructed to take all street sweeping and manure from stables to the cemetery for the purpose of culti vating said lands. Adjourned. Let Them Come. It ?s with ereat treasure that the Telegram hears of the probability of the establishment of new manufactur ing enterprises in Greensboro. With by far the best railroad facilities in the state, with the lowest official death rate of any town above 5000 popula tion in the state, with her excellent city and county schools she needs only diversified manufactories to place her in the lead of the industrial develop ment of the state. We hope that our people will give all the encouragement they can to this line of our city's growth. A Thing of Beauty. The new Crawford wagon recently nnrehased bv Mr. C. P. Vanstory 13 indeed a thing of beauty and a pleas c " ure as well. It has regular bicycle equipment pneumatic tires, nickle plated spokes and ball-bearing run ning o-ear. It is handsomely finished o o - all around. In riding in this wagon you feel no iar, tne motion ueiug ou cmt , u noiseless, that it suggests sleighnding more than anything else. We venture to sav there is not another in the state like it and we con gratulate Mr. Vanstory on his enter- addincr such a vehicle to his already excellent livery. r- The Orchestra Concert. The concert at the court house last night by the Brockmann orchestra was an exceedingly pleasing event, and a full house greeted the performers. Each number on the program was received with rounds of hearty applause, the violin solo by Miss Mamie Dowd be ing encored, as was also the male onartette. comDOsed oi Messrs. z.. v. . T'n.vlor. A. H. Alderman, R. M. Al- bright and Dr. Wheeler. j j The ladies' quartette, which is com posed of Mrs. Myra Albrignt, Misses Man Wood. Helen wneeier ana l.ii- lian Brown, will De renaerea tomgnt " Jl A 1 A. No admission fee was charged, but collection, amounting to aDout . . i was taken. The concert will be repeated tonight and those desiring invitations can get v,, w line at wnarwu oru. . Hfl. A. lAn If LLA-l-l v r- bookstore, free. PLANS MAY BE FRUSTRATED, Mckinley's Efforts to Maintain Secrecy. MARIX EXPLAINS THE REPORT. Other News on the Situation Sent From the. Nation's Cap ital City. By Wire To The Tklbgram. Washington, March 26 Further in formation regarding the report of the court of inquiry before it is submitted to congress on Monday is not expected. However, publication of the report as cabled Minister Woodford for Spain may be made there. If the' report is published at-Madrid it will be imme diately cabled back and the efforts of the administration to maintain secrecy until congress has been communicated with will be frustrated. Congressmen have shown remarkable loyalty to the president in restrain ing their desire for radical action until the president prepares his plans. It is thought that this restraint cannot be continued longer than Tuesday or Wednesday. If the report be allowed to go to the committee without action the adminis tration's policy mast immediately be submitted to congress or it will taKe the matter into it's own hands. Mr. McKinley still hopes for peace. The president'has been correspond ing witn sagastas government re garding some plan of self-government for Cuba. Little is known of the plan but it provides for Cuban independ ence. MARTS EXPLAINS REPORT. Washington, March 26 Judge Ad vocate Manx arrived at tne vvnite House early and is engaged in"1 going over certain parts of the tistimony given before the court of inquiry and explaining theeffects described therein. CONTRACT FOR COAL STATION. Washington, March 26 The navy department will today award contract for the erection of necessary buildings at Dry Tortugas for the purpose of establishing a coaling station. Terror at Portsmouth. By Wire to The Telegram. Portsmouth, Va., March 26 - -The monitor Terror steamed into the har- bor this morning. Officers Leave Havana. By Cable The Tblbubam. Havana, March 26 Cap:ain Sigsbee and other officers of the Maine will sail forey West'tomorrrow. Naval riovements. By wire to The Telegram. Key West, March 26 It is reported that the battleships Iowa and New York will sail for Norfolk tomorrow. The Montgomery will be sent to the Brooklyn navy yard. Annual Boat Race. By Cable to The Telegram London, March 26 The fifty-fifth annual boat race between the crews of the University of Oxford and Cam bridge, was rowed this afternoon over the Thames championship course from Putnev to Mart Lake. Vxford won by six boat lengths. For Boston's Defense. Bv Wire to The Telegram. Washington, March 26 The mayor of Boston is here for the purpose of consulting with government officials regarding the effective defense of that port. He was given assurances that that the army and navy would be fully able to Drevent a raid on any part of the New England coast. The Salvationists. By Wire to The Telegram. Chicago, March 26 Gen. Booth, of the Salvation army, accompanied by Commander Booth-Tucker, Consul Booth-Tucker, Commissioners Nicol, Col. Lawley, and Brigadier Alice Lewis, arrived in the city today, and will remain a week before going to Indianapolis. British Naval Activity. By Wire to The Tklbgram. Honer Kone, China, March 26 The British fleet is taking on board full supplies of coal and ammunition, and is preparing to put to sea immediately. Work goes on night and day. The British battleship Barfour sailed from this port today for Nagasaki. Urgent orders have been given to hasten preparations to place the naval de partment on a war footing. . NOTES FROM t'lQH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, ) High Point. N.C., March 26, '98. f F. M. Barbee is spending the day in Thomas ville. Rev. N. R. Richardson left today for Bessemer City. Misses Kesler and Makepeace are visitors to Thomasville today. Miss Minnie Coltrane, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Stanton, returned to her home in Randleman this morning. Ed Petty, of Archdale, passed through this morning en route to Greensboro. Prof. A. B. Kimba", of Oak Ridge, was a visitor to our graded school to day. Richard Pettiford was arrested in Greensboro and brought here on the charge of disturbing religious worship at the colored Baptist church last December. He was found guilty and sent to the county roads. H. J. Welborn, who lost his voice some weeks ago, is very fortunate. It came back to him yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock. He is one happy man today. Dr. Woollen, of lianaleman, was in attendance at Dr. Kilgo's lecture last night and left this morning for Salis bury. The High Point show case company made their first shipment yesterday. It went to Hickory. We are glad to state that tlign Point is to have a bakery. They will sell their first bread today at the old bakery stand. Prof. O. W. Carr and his son, Ern est, passed through this morning, en route to their home in Trinity to spend Sunday. We hear that much damage was at Troy by the wind Thursday even ing. The store of A. Leak & Son was blown down. The damage is esti mated at $3000. Dr. John C. Kilgo arrived in tne city last night and delivered a strong lecture in the Methodist church to a large congregation on the subject of Christian Education. Dr. Kilgo re turned to Durham last night. The regular monthly representation speaking of the graded school was quite interesting and entertaining on yesterday afternoon. It is certainly one of the most profitable exercises in which students can engage. The peo ple of High Point are to be congratu lated on having their children trained in public speaking and reading right in their midst. Horner Ragan and Miss Lillie Sherrod were named by the committee for excellence, we con gratulate them. Just a Private. There is one man in North Caroli na willing to go to Cuba to fight as a private. His name is E. Merrick, -of New Berne. Unlike the half a hun dred volunteers who have up to this time written to the governor, Mr. Merrick does not ask for a command, but only that he be given a place as a private. He fought in the Confeder ate army during the late war, and was clerk of the city of New Berne in 1871. He is now abous 45 years old. Philadelphia Bank Closes. Philadelphia. March 25 The Peo ple's Banfc closed today. Clay Kem ble, assistant cashier of the Guaran tor's Company, was appointed re ceiver. There is believed to be some connection between the failure of the Guaranteer's Company and the bank, but nothing can be confirmed. It is believed today that the death of Cashier Hopkins, who died yesterday, was a case of suicide. He ran the bank. WILL HELP SETTLE SPAIN. ' Great Excitement Among South Car olina Darkeys. Charleston, S. C, March 25 W. H. Robertson, Colonel commanding the First (colored) Regiment, National Guards of South Carolina, notified Governor Ellerbee tonight that he had 1,000 negro soldiers ready to march toward Havana tomorrow. Great excitement prevails among the South Carolina negroes. Robertson says he can get 5,000 men in line within a week. One company has been organized and equipped. A conference of war among the officers of all the negro troops will be held Sun day, to feel the strength of the com mand and to make an appeal to the State government for arms, etc. ToJCure a Co 14 in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All dwiggists refund the money if it fails to core. 25c. TO HALT SPANISH FLOTILLA Orders Issued to The fleet Hamptom Roads. at NO MESSAGES ALLOWED TO LEAVE The Real Significance of the Report Not Yet Indicated The Battle- ship Maine Was floved. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, March 26 The wildest sort of rumors are afloat. Some' to the effect that Spain has been notified that her fleet must 8top and that Schley has been ordered to have the fleet at Hampton Roads ready to halt the Spanish flotilla. SPAIN GETTING STRICT. Washington, March 26 Minister Stewart L. Woodford the state de partment,that no dispatches relating to the movements of Spanish warships are permitted to leave the country. It is not known whether this embargo relates to telegrams from Woodford to this country. Both Woodford and Dyer, United States attache at Madrid, sent dispatches Thursday. The cen sorship relates particularly to the tor pedo flotilla. NOT YET INDICATED. Washington, March 26-s-It is learned today that the real significance of the report of the naval board of inquiry has not yet been indicated. The wide ly published statement to the effect that theboard finds that the explosion was from the outside and that it was caused'by setting off some kind of submarine mine is doubtless correct, but this statement only hints at the serious nature of the findings. The harbor master at Havana testi fied that the Maine was moved from the place where she was first anchored to buoy over the spot where the explo sion occurred. Whether the mine was there before the removal is not stated. This information comes from a man who knows every word of the report. There is every reason to believe that when congress learns the facts it will be impossible to restrain the houses. The Private Secretary. Manager Blackburn, of the Acade my of Music, has secured, for one per formance, the great success of last season, the Private Secretary, with Edwin Travers and his admira ble company. The Private Secretary was decidedly the best performance that was ever given in Greensboro, and while the audience last season was small, it is safe to say that it was the most thoroughly delighted one that ever left the opera house. This season Mr. Travers will appear at the Academy of Music, and those who did not see the performance last season are unconditionally urged not to miss this ODDOrtunity to revel in the beauties of the cleanest and bright est comedy ever written. Those who were present last year will not require any advise they will be among the very first to secure seats is a foregone conclusion. The Private Secretary is a clean, pure and wholesome comedy, and its success for this reason alone cannot be wondered at. It is a purely legitimate comedy, and deserves to stand in the very front rank of all theatrical concoctions designed exclu sively for laughing purposes. Mr. Travers comDanv last season was an exceptionally good one, and this sea son tne assurance is giveu mai present organization is even superior to the company which appeared here last January. Thursday niffht. March 31st, is the r cj i ' date for their appearance here. Seats are now on sale at the usual place, and by special arrangements the prices for reserved seats have been placed, at 75 cents. No extra charge for reserving seats in advance. A WOflAN LEAVES $40,000,000. Inheri ance Tax on Her Estate Will Reach a Million. New Haven, Conn., March 24. Mrs Jane Winchester, a venerable widow of 91 and proprietor of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, said to be the wealthiest woman in the world, died at her home here today. Fabulous estimates of her wealth are made, one statement placing it at $40,000,000. Under the inheritance tax law about $1,000,000 will come to the State by the transfer of her prop erty to her heirs. Mrs. Winchester leaves one daugh ter, Mrs. Thomas G. Bennet, wife of the president of the Winchester Arms Company. Mrs. Winchester has giv en two hundred and fifty thousand to Yale during during the past ten years, and it is believed she has left the uni versity a considerable legacy in her will. " ' CRAVEN MEMORIAL. The Corner Stone Will be Laid at Trinity Commencement. Rev, N. M. Jurney, the agent for the Braxton Craven memorial build ing, which is to be erected at Trinity College, was in the city yesterday, re turning from Greensboro, where he attended a meeting of the building committee of the proposed memorial. Rev. Mr. Jurney informed the Post that he seeured $650 for the memorial building Thursday last. The larger part of this amount was donated by one individual. Mr. Jurney has agreed to give $1000 of the $10,000,which sum it is proposed to secure for the construction of the building. Mr. Jurney says he hopes to be able to lay the corner stone of the building at the commencement exercises next June. At no distant day it is expected that work on the building will begin. The architectural plans have already been accepted. Raleigh Post. A Gold-Bug Trick. Louis James is impersonating Spar- tacus in North Carolina. As we un derstand it, Spartacus was a candi date for presidential elector on the fu sion ticket and was defeated. Why any should attempt to imperson ate the unfortunate man we cannot un derstand, unless it is a old-bug trick. Fairbrother's Farrago. " To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All drusrffists xefund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing qiiota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Mar. 26, 1898. American tobacco 94f Atch., Top. & Santa Fe B. and O C. and 0 17f Chic, Bur. and Quincy 881 Chic. Gas 89 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie. General Electric 30f Jersey Central 88 Louisville and Nashville 46i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 94i Missouri and Pacific 24f Northwestern 115 Nortnern Pacific Pr National Lead New York Central.. 106i Pacific Mail Reading Rock Island 82i Southern Railway ; '.. Southern Railway Pr 25i St. Paul 88 Sugar Trust llli Tenn. Coal & Iron 18i Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel Mi Wabash Preferred The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Mar. 26, 1898. Wheat, July 831 t May Sept 104 764 Corn, Jan.... " Mar " Sept " Oct " May ' ' July 27 31i 281 30 Oats, Sept " Mar " May " July.... Pork, Dec " Mar " May " July Lard, Dec... " Mar " May.... " July Ribs, Dec... " Mar.... " May .. Tnlv 24 25i 23 930 935 942 487 470 497 ... 492 . . . . 492 . . . . 4S5 ,591592 Cotton, Sept. " Dec... Jan Feb March 581582 April 581582 May 585586 June - July 589(590 August 591593 Oct 590(591 Nov 591592 Spot cotton 6 i Puts, 82 ; Calls, 84 ; Curb DRINK p. P. P. Pine Apple Pepsin Phosphate. The most delicious and best diges tive drink on the market. Relieves' headache and fullness of stomach, caused from over eating non-assimilation pf food, at Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to South Side 'Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Brace Upl is good advice if it includes a' sug gestion explaining how to brace up. We give the advice and suggest our Shoulder Braces to keep you in perfect position, with erect form, and give you more breath ing room. We have just received a big lot of Knickerbocker Shoulder Braces. All sizes, all prices. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one oi the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had given the prescription and in reply received the following; DR. HARRY FRDEDENWALD, 1029 Madison Ave. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimore, Jan 31st, '98. Dear Sir: Yours of the 29th to hand. Dr. Johnson is Perfectly Right. The glasses you sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H. FRXEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing House 302i South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. We have Applications for $600, $800 or be secured by good $1,000, to improved city property worth at least the loan double the amount of applied for. WHARTON & Mc A LISTER. AGENTS. IF YOU WANT Garden - Seed, GET LANDRETH'S AT- HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite .post Office. Nice White Onion Sets. Go Atjead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we dome in or rather that is when you come i in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of go in all of our. goods. Ilolton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT ! When in need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. West Schenok Street. 108 S. ElmSt. Pharmacist.

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