I' Ao READERS The Only Daily in Greens I bora Giving Teiegrapmc service. i TOADVERTlSERo The Largest Circula-if a" flon of any Daily ever Published Here. , VOL. II. NO. 56 GREENSBORO, N. CM SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1898. Price Two Cents X oreees Or ! Ladies: S While vou are out S looking at the spring s b us and bonnets rndav S m.l Saturday, we hone S vou will favor us with aj S call and let usshow you 1.1 our New Dress Goods Silks and -Trimmings - k ki ki ki fci ! J M Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. itrrtrtt rr : Jewel Belts 5 The Latest Fad f These belts are set with beau- ji tif ully colored stones and richly JJJ Jjj enameled. K Cut Glass in new and rich designs and Sterling Silver Ware suitable for wedding presents. JJJ : W B Farrar & Son 1 Jewelers i Established 1868. 41 Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill. Nurseries Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., Pomona, X. C. Some special bargains in Hand Cameras at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. Gilson adjustable albums, just the thing for kodaks, at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. - Tripods, developing- pow ders and amateur's supplies, at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. Nice Country Mams AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. -South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2, Every Prescription - t.i out from our Drug Store is filled the best drugs the market can sh. All of the best cough mix t-urtjs. laxatives and liver regulators -ept constantly in stock. Toilet arti cles of every description in fact, we '-an supply you with anvthinjr in th drug line, of the best quality and at "-aaonabie prices. Gaston W. Ward, ins c ct - r.unst. Pharmacist. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor - Briefly Told. c Telegram Bukkatj , ) HidH Point. NVCi April 2 '98. ; 'Homey and Smith have bought Sev eral new huggles and eurries and have some good horses- and are pr2pared to do a good huaines. Uncle icK-attRhter, the propte totr oj arlll8 jLptelot his "gun thl morning' and. said he was ready for war.- Mrs. W. G. Barbee is spending the day in Greensboro. -TheJQraded school pupils and teach ers are looking forward to Easter with much pleasure, as ' they are going to hare a pic-nic. - v. Alex Stuart and Fletcher Barbee who have, been . in Lexington for the past few' 'day in the - interest of the Southern Guarantee company , returned today. They report a very successful trip. ; Mrs. W. G. Fortune and "children' who have been visiting her parents Rev. and Mrs. J. R. .Scroggs, left yesterday fpr Randleman to visit her sister, Mrs. J. O. Walker. J. J. Welch let the contract yester day to John Montgomery to build an other story on his building on corner of Washington and Jordan streets. He did this in order to make room for the High Po nt show case works-. C. A. Hamner is in the city today and tells us that his family will return two weeks from today. President Hobbs, of Guilford College passed through this morning returning from Ashboro. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ragan left to day for a few days visit to Charlotte. Rev. P. J. Carraway, presiding elder of this district, passed through this morning enroute to Asheboro. R. A. Williams, a studen. of Trinity High School passed through today en route to Greensboro. Miss Henry anna Hackney, one of the popular teachers of the Graded school, went to Guilford College to day to spend Sunday. L. H. Davis, a student of the Uni- versity, who has been home to see his j brother who has been very sick, re turned to Chapel Hill today. We are glay to say that his brother is much better. ASHBORO HAPPENINGS. Items of Interest From Our Neighbor ing City of Randolph. Correspondence Telegram. Ashboro, N. C, April 2. Eugene Gray, of Winston, was here yesterday. Prof. Hobbs, of Guilford College, passed through yesterday en route to Belvidere Academy, where he is to deliver an address. Presiding Elder Carraway came down this morning and will conduct services tomorrow at the M. E. church. Rev. E. G. Pusey, an itinerant Meth odist minister, will make Ashboro his home and has purchased a residence in South Ashboro which he will re model. Several hundred sheep were pastured here in the early part of the week. They were shipped to Rutherford county. Ashboro is beginning to develop the bicycle craze again. Many of the younger girls of the place have pur chased wheels and make graceful riders. Prof. Memlenhall has given his school a pic-nic. GThey will all go in a body to Kemp's Mills and spend the day (Saturday) fishing, boating, etc. Intelligence has just reached here that the large lumber plant belonging to J. W. Birkhead & Co., which was located a few miles south of here, was entirely destroyed by fire last night. We have no information as to the origin or insurance, but it is probably a complete loss. Change of Date. The fifth entertainment in the Nor mal course will tae place tonight, in stead of Monday 'night, as has been advertised. A telegram from Prof. Barbour announcing bis inability to be here Monday evening necessitates changing the date of this entertain ment to this (Saturday) evening Hacks wiU run from court house and hotels. Fare 10 cents each way. Ad mission to lecture fifty cents. To Cure a Cold In, One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. HOPEFUL BUT Is rhc feeling of MriM'KfiilejOn The Situation; - f- SENATE SUB-pMIUEEPpJ the Presldent'Has, Usud No Ultima ttrarnuster Rolls Have Been Ordered To Be Printed. By Yflre to Thi Tkt,t.ram. Washingtonr April 2 The sub com mittee of the senate .committee on' for .J. eign affairs appointed to draft a re port and prepare a form of resolutions outlining the course of action which this government shall pursue in refer ence to Cuba have come to a conclu sion and will report to the full com mittee. They will recommend the adoption of a resolution declaring n the first place for the recognition of he Cu ban republic, and in the second place for the intervention of the United States with her army and navy for the purpose of assisting Cuba to secure in dependence in case Spain refuses to concede it. The committee will treat the rescind ing order for concentration of the Cu ban non-combatants as a subterfuge and will dwell upon the past if not the present treatment of the unfortunates and will describe the Maine disaster, representing it as sufficient cause for declaring war if this country is desir ous of making it such. It will also touch upon the injury to American interests caused by the Cuban strug gle as full justification for our inter ference. THROWS BLAME ON CUBANS. Washington, Apr. 2 The Spanish minister has given out a statement, the purport of which is to eonnect the Cubans with the Maine disaster. SENATOR PRESTON'S VIEWS. New York, April 2 Senator Pres ton, who recently told in a speech of the the wretched condition of the re- concentrados says, that Cuban inde pendence should be immediately rec ognized; that our coast defense is strong and that our navy is better than Spain's. HOPEFUL BUT NOT SANGUINE. Washington, April 2 Congress has recovered somewhat from the excite ment which almost carried that body off its feet. The diplomatic issue has been made up and the president will now submit the whole facts in the Cuban case to Congress. It seems improbable that the ultima tum will go with Spain although the president has not given up all hope of peace. Leaders who have been in consultation with Mr. McKinley today say he is hopeful but not sanguine and that there is yet another chance for peace. NAVY SECURES MORE VESSELS. Washington, Apr. 2 Six additional vessels for naval service have been bought or arrangements made for this purpose by the navy department out of the fifty million dollar emergency fund. M' KIN LEY WILL ANSWER TODAY. Washington, Apr. 2 McKinley will send his answer to Spain today. His reply will be brief and Ominous, stat ing by inference that the only course left for the United States is war. The president will inform Guillon through Minister Woodford that the reply of the Spanish government has been re ceived and submitted to Congress for their consideration. McKinley will devote today and tomorrow in the prep aration of his message which will not be sent to congress before Tuesday or Wednesday. It is understood that in the event of war the French ambassador at Wash ington will protect Spain's interests here and the French embassador at Madrid will protect American inter ests in Spain. NAVAL CADETS ORDERED TO DUTY. Annapolis, April 2 The members of the first class of the naval academy, who otherwise would have graduted in June, were today detached and or dered to ships of various fleets. SHIPMENTS OF AMMUNITION . Brooklyn, April 2 The shipments of ammunition, powder, projectiles and shells from the navy yard are the largest in the history of the -station. All the shipments are consigned south presumably to the flying squadron at Hampton Roads and to the vessel at Key West. Any information concern ing destination of consignments denied The Texas is now painted a slate col or and has been repaired and is ready for service at any day. REPORT OF WOODFORD'S RECALL. Washington, April 2 A report is current that Woodford has Jbeen re- oalled -Nocabinet offiirikhew;? anfyv thing; & ,regartf :ta tt arlb o'ock this" morning.i , Thi rept Is 'discredited. orning.i . Th report la discredited -MlIETiNCrC,iAKD-iOF TRATEQY. Washi$gikni&pril 2-AraenVof Ihe NanjQar& of st : gy was hasti- Ijcalietf ihla Jnornin . consider the j: arrivauof the Spanis ilia at Porto ASSEMBLING GF REVENUE CUTTERS, j. j 'i ashingjkjn, 'AprUi -The havy-de partment ocay issuea orders fqrJthe revenue fe1te.tendezvovs at'Nor folk, by Monday. -The Windom"ahd Manning; two entters that arron "the great lakes, have been ordered to pro-. ceed iajihe Qt. Lawrence" canal .ahd report il ifdrloVtj , v .; X.- 2 MUSTEK ROLLS ORDERED. -1 " Washington? April T 2 Capt. Jacob Miller, commander of the state naval reserves, conferred with Assistant Secretary-Roosevelt in regard to signal service along the coast. The war de partment has just ordered muster rolls from" the government printing office. It is rumored that the first troops to be mustered in will be the national guard along the sea coast. The navy yard has been closed to visitors. THESE WANT NO WAR. Washington, April 2 Peace-at-any-price politicians are urging congress men, senators, and constituents to avoid war. NO ULTIMATUM YET. Washington, April 2 McKinley has not issued any ultimatum ' but simply notified Spain that her answer is un satisfactory. PRESDDENT HOLDS CONSULTATION. Washington, Apr. 2 Three mem bers of the cabinet, Long, Alger and Gage, together with Assistant Secre tary Day and various party leaders, are in consultation with the president. The conference has been in session over two hours. FOOTING UP ORDERS. Washington, April 2 The navy de partment went to work today footing up the orders that have been issued. No informatiou in regard to move ments of Spain or of their offensive or defensive operations -has been given to the public. Officers not in active service have been ordered to be in readiness. Several officers in private conservation say they expect guns to be booming within a week. Wire Market Purchased. By Wire to Thi Tklrgbam. New York, April 2 Prominent elec tricians say the government has pur chased the insulated wire market to obtain wire to complete urgent work. Large quantities have been sent to war vessels and seacoast fortifications and is being used in connecting sub marine mines and torpedoes. Strike in West Virginia. By Wire to Thi Telegram. Wheeling, April 2 The indications point to a general strike among the miners of West Virginia on account of the refusal of the operators to agree to the Chicago scale of wages and hours. None are working today. Oovernor Black Recalled. By Wire to Thk Telegram. Montreal, April 2 Governor Black, of New York, passed through on -a special train this morning en route to Albany, having been recalled by a telegram. Zola Verdict Set Aside. By Cable to The Telkgbam. Paris April 2 The court of appeals has finally annulled the verdict of the lower court in the Zola case. "WarfgM .Monday Night. "Wang" with a. large company of sixty people and two carloads of scenery, drops and properties comes for one night only and its farewell visit here next Monday night, April 4th, at the Academy of Music. Among the novel features of the much talked about comic opera "Wang" are a banjo chorus rendered by ten of the cleverest and prettiest girls in the company; a quaint and taking chorus of nursery rhymes given by several charming little tots, none of whom is over seven years old; a Siamese wedding ceremony reproduced accurately in every detail; a real steam launch and a royal barge float ing among French men of war at anchor in the harbor of Bangkok; and a really wonderful elephant, whose method of getting rid of a four gallon glass of beer is a mystery to the audi ence. Jolly- Juniors. The Jolly ' Juniors Cycle Club "met and organized last evening. Officers elected were:' Mary Stewart, presi dent, Irving Eldridge, treasurer, Edney Ridge, captain. Colors adopt ed blue and white. Weekly -club runs Thursdays. . , ri MLeafn f hefe is No Aliusfon to Cuban Independence WITH OR WITHOUT INDEMNITY. Spanish Boats Vlzcaya and Oquendo ' - . 'V io to. Join the Torpedo ,Flo- ? -' . ' . - --. - tlUa at Porto Rico. LBj'Cable to Ths Tklbgbam Madrid, April 2 A semi-official no tice given out today states that Mc Kinley did not insist on the freedom of Cuba. . It further states' that ".no pro posal containing the slightest'allusion to Cuban independence, with or with out indemnity,- wau made to Spain and had there been such a proposal Spain would have rejected it immediately. That there is no party or politician in Spain who is in favor of. such a solu tion. El Imparcial likens our war ships to sham soldiers of comedy. NOTICE IN SPANISH PAPERS. Madrid, April, 2 A semi-official notice published in today's papers is to effect that one of the most immoral devices that could be -put in operation J was the presumption that Spain would be disposed to recognize Cuba in re turn for indemnity. TO JOIN THE FLOTILLA. Key West, April 2 The Dispatch boats that followed the two cruisers, Vizcaya and, Oquendo, report that they go to join the flotilla at Porto Rico. FLOTILLA ARRIVES AT PORTO RICO. London, April 2 The official cables announce that the Spanish flotilla has arrived at Porto-Rico. NOT AT PORTO RICO. Madrid, April 2 The Spanish flo tilla is at Cape De Verde Islands and not at Porto Rico as reported. ROYAL FAMILY AFRAID. Berlin, April 2 The German Am bassador reports that the Spanish Royal family fears an outbreak unless the difference with the United States is adjusted. Butler on Caldwell. Washington, April 1 When Sena tor Butler was asked today what he thought- of Railroad Commissioner Caldwell's vote to restore passenger rate he said: "I was astonished at his action and deeply regret it. Mr. Caldwell's statement that he was forced to vote to restore the old rates because no one advancedjargument to refute the statement made by the rail roads is untolerable and absurd, first and above all the commission is a court of inquiry. They are given power to examine the books of the,! railroads; nobody else is Jiven that power and therefore they alone are in position to ascertain the facts. It is the duty of the commission to ascer tain the facts and not sit idle and ren der a decision on a partisan and ex parte statement." Congresman Fow ler thus expressed himself: "I have nothing to say, Commissioner Cald well's conversion seems to have been both suddenly and radical. I am willing to leave the genuineness of it to be passed upon by his conscience and the voters of the State." New Insurance Company. A newly organized insurance com pany, the Underwriters, of Goldsboro, with home office at Greensboro, yester day applied to the Secretary of State for license to do business in North Carolina. The officers of this com pany are: J. Van Lindley, president; E. P. Wharton, first vice-president, and A. W. McAlieter, secretary. The amount of authorized capital stock is $240,000; of this, $73,400 has been sub scribed for and $33,950 paid up in cash . News-Observer. A Volunteer Company. S. B. Spruill, of this town, is trying to organize a company of volunteers to go to Cuba or any other place their country may need them. Mr. Spruill is an ex-Confederate sol dier and hopes to get at least an half a hundred of his old comrades to join him in the defense of the Stars and Stripes. His patriotism and sympathy has been fully aroused by the situation in Cuba. He has notified the governor that he is now ready to be called on. Roanoke Beacon. Bicycle Drill. The members of the bicycle drill and those interested in its success, will please attend a very, important meet ing in. 'the Farmeria Warehouse to- night'at eight o'clock promptly. - Br "SEMI-OFFICIAL NOTICE. 'SEABOARD WILL NOT STOP. But Will Continue to Issue Passes to - -' Newspapers. The Southern Railway yesterday discontinued advertising relations with the newspapers of the State, and no further passes will be issued corre spondents or passes on account-of ad vertising. rm. . --' It is possible that the Soujthen'aqtaV, enter intocontracts with' epresffip advertising" space, , and in retfffn for the value of-such space mileage passes will be giren. " .. ' ; ..The .-Southern" -will ascertain first what the other railways in "the State propose to do. ; . The Seaboard Air Linehas decided to continue the issuance, of 'passes 'to the press. The passes will be quarter ly, and -will be good over their system in Virginia and. North Carolina. It is said that the issuance of, passes in this manner will be protected from State interference by the Interstate Commission law. J- The Southern has ordered the news1 papers in the State in which it adver tises to discontinue its advertisements in consequence of the ruling of the Railway Commission. Morning Post.. The Mt. Oilead Extension. Prof. J. M. Bandy returned to the city last night and will spend Sunday -with his family. He has made a pre liminary survey of the Aberdeen and Ashboro railway from Troy to Mt. Gilead, a distance of thirteen and eight-tenth miles. The professor says this branch will penetrate an excep tionally fine timbered section. He will return Monday to complete his work preparatory to letting the grading to contractors. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, April. 2, 1898. American tobacco 100 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe B. and O C. and O 18i Chic, Bur. and Quincy 91f Chic. Gas 90i Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric ( 32 Jersey Central , 92 Louisville and Nashville . .. 46f Lake Shore ' Manhattan Elevated. 95i Missouri and Pacific 26i Northwestern 117 Northern Pacific Pr National Lead New York Central 109f Pacific Mail Reading 16i Rock Island...: 84i Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 26 St. Paul 87 Sugar Trust 115i Tenn. Coal & Iron 19 Texas Pacific. j, U. S Leather Preferred Western Union Tel. 84f Wabash Preferred 141 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, April, 2, 1898. Wheat, July 84i May 105 Sept 77 J Corn, Dec " Apr 29 " Sept 31i " Oct " May 291 " July 34i Oats, Sept " Apr 25i " May....: 25i " July 22i Pork, Dec " Apr 940 " May 965 " July 977 Lard, Dec CI (( Apr 517 May 520 " July 527 Ribs, Dec " Apr 512 May 512 July 522 Cotton, Sept 678600 " Dec Jan '....564 565 Feb March (a April 590591 May 594(595 June (a July August . .60260 Oct. .599(d600 Nov........ ..ff..6Q0601 Spot:, cotton..... Pats, 831 ; Calls, ..V. 6.3-16 83: .Curb 841 DRINK" P. P. P. Pine Apple Pepsin Phosphate; i The most delicious and best diges- -- ;-j.7fi' tlVA drinlr rri t.Tio mwlret'.' TfoliAvnd .?.-: neaaacne and fullness ol stomacn. v . a - . . -.? causea irom over eaunsr non-assimua- - tiftn nf fnnrl t. -- r . kt;' Ml. Stamey & Grissom, .. , . (Successors to South $ide'Pnrmacy) " . J.'k. M'lLHENNY. Druroist. : 504 So. Elm. ' Manager. Brace Up! , C is good advice if It includes asug- "V-- gestion explaining how to brace up. - We give the advice and suggest our - - -' ". ( - - - j ' Shoulder Braces , If to keep you in perfect position, with erect form, and give you more breath ing room. We have just, received a big lot of Knickerbocker Shoulder Braces. All sizes, all prices. Jno. B.Fariss. Successor to Richardson &Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro Than Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and - went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY" one oi the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed, He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had given the prescription and in reply received' the following; DR. HARRY FRTEDEN W ALD, 1029 Madison Ave. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimohk, Jan 81st, '98. Dkab Sib: Yours of the 29th to hand. Dr. Johnson is Perfectly Right. The glasses-you sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H. FRIEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing House 302i South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. We have Applications for $600, $800 or $1,000, to be secured by good improved city property worth at least double the amount of the loan applied for! WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. IF YOU WANT Garden- Seed, GET LANDRETH'S -AT- HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite .post Office. Nice White Onion Sets. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of go in all of our goods. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT I When in need of Any kind of . House Painting: Give Ms a Chance. , Best oT References. . - ... R. E. ANDREWS. 83, West Market. - , 6- r7-M--.-.