Qreeri Tele vera . m TO ADVERTISERS The Laraesi Circular ft Hon of anv Dailv nvar Pnhlihiwl Ham.' j VOL. II. NO. 59 GREENSBORO, N. C;, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6,1898. Price Two Cents 4 ft fc TO READERS The Only Daily in Greens- fc bora Giving Telegraphic Service. sboro E r Don't fail to read what we have -to say in this space tomor h row. It will be worth your attention and 3 will not be an adver 8 tisetnent, but a notice of change in qurmeth g od of doing business. Rfl Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. s.Iewef Belts s The Latest Fad lb Or Thsf belts are set with beau- m ti fully colored stones and richly JJJ enameled. 4 2 Cut Glass in new and" rich designs, and 4 Sterling Silver Ware suitable for wedding presents. W B farrar & Son Jewelers m Established 1868. m Flowers. Complete Assortment of the c hoicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., Pomona, N. C. Some special bargains in Hand Cameras at Alderman-'s, 113 1-2, East Market.. Gilson adjustable albums, just the thing for kodaks, at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East iWarket. Tripods, developing pow ders and amateur's supplies, at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. Nice Country Hams -AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2 Every Prescription sent out from our Drug Store is filled with the best drugs the market can furnish. All of the best cough mix lures, laxatives and liver regulators kept constantly in stock. Toilet arti cles of every description in fact, we can supply you with anything in the drug line, of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, 8 108 S. ElmSt. Pharmacist NOTES FROM HIQH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, I High Point. N.C.. April 6. '98.1 The Merrymakers presented in a ro mantic manner at the opera house last nigh a very interesting drama entitled "The Heart of Cuba," to a large au dience. The company is composed of some very good players. The singing and dancing were very catchy. The company will present "The Land of Gold" tonight, this is a very interest ing comedy and will doubtless be greeted by a large house. " Mrs. M. H. Shipiet and Mrs. Frank Gurley are visitors at Thomasville today. Mrs. Rev. J. B. Richardson boarded the train going north today. John W. Moon is spending the day in Greensboro. Miss Etta Dixie Kearns, one of Asheboro's most winsome young ladies who has been visiting Mrs. J. R. Flag,? went to Worthville today where she will spend a short while before re turning home. Miss Lola May Hicks and Mr. John W. Moon will be united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the bride on Thomasville street tomor row evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. O. Alderman will officiate. Mrs. Joyce and daughter, Carrie, will leave tomorrow for Charlotte, where they will spend a few days be fore returning to their home in De troit, Mich. A visit was made to the Graded school this morning and everything was found in a "booming" condition. They are all anticipating a grand time next Monday. The pic-nic will be at Benbow's old bone mill. Good order and discipline will be maintained. We are glad to note the school is moving along nicely and preparations are being made for the commencement which will occur May 1st to 4th. Prof. Geo. H. Crowell deserves much credit for his good work during this year. DELIGHTFD WITH HIS VISIT. Dr. riclver and Our City Schools. Lectures at the Normal. President C. D. Mclver, of the State Normal, Greensboro, who visited Win ston's city schools yesterday, returned home today. He stated to a reporter that he was delighted with his visit; thas he found all the rooms looking bright and cheerful. He was especial ly pleased with the decorations, say- ng that he tuought more attention was paid to this feature here thad at any of the public schools in the state. The professor added that the decorations never failed to make a good impres sion on a visitor. Dr. Mclver informed the Sentinel that Mr9. S. T.iRorer, of the Phila delphia Cooking School, with spend a week with the State Normal and In dustrial college, beginning tomorrow and will make daily lectures on cook ing and domesljc economy. Besides the students of the domestic science de partments in the college, a large num ber of housekeepers of Greensboro will attend the lectures. The charges will be on$l. Winston Sentinel. Polo y Bernabe. Many well informed people have been making inquiries concerning the odd manner in which the name of the new Spanish minister is written. On this point Mr. Robert D. Douglas gives us the following explanation: Polo would be the Senor's name if he were a plain American, but is en tirely too democratic to suit Spanish ideas. The custom among some of the higher classes of Spaniards is to write their mother's name and add to it the connective y, followed by the maiden name of the mother, and it is this cus tom which has caused many to wonder whether the gentleman's name is Mr. Polo or Mr. Bernabe. Dr. R. F. Gray's Illness. Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Gray left on the 10:30 train today for Baltimore, where the former goes to enter the Johns Hopkins hospital for treatment. He has been in bad health for several weeks. He went to Piedmont Springs several days ago, hoping to be bene fitted, but he continued to grow worse and it was decided to return to Balti more, Dr. Gray has a host of friends here. who hope that he may soon be restored to health. He is Winston's oldest na tive born citizen and there are none who are more highly esteemed Sen tinel. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Tatp Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. sc. PROBABLY THE LAST DAY Indications Point to a Definite Settlement. BUT MAY WAIT OYER SUNDAY. Congress to Get the President's Message When Consul General Lee Gets Out of Havana. By Wire to Thi Telegram. Washington, April 6 All Washing ton is in a state of the greatest excite ment today. Unprecedented crowds throng the capitol eagerly listening and watching for every bit of news concerning the pending crisis. The officers are overwhelmed in the stam pede. Everybody listening for the President's Cuban message. Never were the halls of congress so crowded as they are today. Many women fainted. PLANS OF ACTION. Washington, April 6 A majority of both houses of congress will follow the president. Griggs says he under stands that Consul-general .Lee sails today. Rear Admiral Walker, re tired, conferred with Secretary Long today regarding the situation. This fact revived the rumor that adminis tration is seriously considering the matter of placing him in the supreme command of the entire naval forces in home waters. The plan of action of the naval for ces in the event of hostilities has been completed. A naval official says the flying squadron is to seize the Cana ries which it will use as a base of op erations to intercept Spanish mer chantmen and attack Spanish sea ports. READY TO ARBITRATE. Washington, April 6 Charged' Af fairs, Dubose, authorizes the state ment today that Spain is ready to ar bitrate the Maine disaster. WILL SUPPORT M'KINLEY. New York, April 6 Secretary of State Sherman sail today that he ex pected the unanimous support Of Mc Kinley's Cuban policy by both houses without regard to political affiliation. WILL ACT TOGETHER. Washington, Apr. 6 Senator Frye, of the foreign relations committee called on the president at noon today and talked with him about the mes sage and how it. should be handled in congress. The senate and house com mittees will act together and report a resolution in the identical form so that there may be no delay from diff erences between the two houses. Sen ator Frye has submitted his resolution embodying the recommendations of the president. UNDER SEALED ORDERS. Washington, April 6 The flying squadron was ordered today under sealed orders to sea. CUBAN RESOLUTION DISCUSSED. Washington, April 6 The Senate committee of foreign relations today resumed discussion of the Cuban reso lution for the purpose of changing it to meet the recommendations of tire president. CABLEGRAM FROM LEE. Washington, April 6 There isgreat excitement at the state department. A cablegram from General Lee says that one of theconsuls in Cuba has beenheld up and cannot get away. His name is not known. The president has delay ed his message on that account. ANOTHER DISPATCH. Washington, April 6 It is not prob able that the president's message will go to congress until 3 p. rh., after the close of the stock market. THE NAVY HOSPITAL. Washington, April (5 The navy de partment has decided on Port Royal, S. C. as a navy hospital. Ships in jured in battle or needing attention south of the Virginia capes will be sent there. COMSERVATIVE ELEMENT MEET. Washington, April 6 Theconserva tive element of the senate met this morning to consider what to do in case the resolution is reported calling for the recognition of Cuban independ ence. The general purpose is expressed as being opposed to the adoption of any resolution which is not confined to the support of the president's plan of intervention. WILL ACT IMMEDIATELY. Washington, April 6 Congress has decided that when the president's mes sage is received that it shall be refer red by both houses to the committees on foreign relations which are ready to act immediately. If necessary General Lee's request for more time will be heeded. If Lee is safe out of Havana harbor tomor row morning at 10 o'clock the message will be reported to congress with re commendations to act .immediately. Tremendous pressure was brought to bear on both houses this morning to compel a postponement of final ac tion until tomorrow. WILL CAUCUS TONIGHT. Washington, Api -The republi jongress will at 8 o'clock isident's mes n. There are cans"of both houses meet in caucus ton; when action on the sage will be decided signs of the greatd activity at the jents. All tele- war and navy depaj graph and telephone lines are kept busy. General Lee says he can leave Havana at noon. MAY WAIT OVER SUNDAY. Washinton, April 9 When the offi cial announcement was brought from the White louse to Chairman Davis that the lives of Americans who are unable to leave Havana today would be in danger if the message was read today, the .senate agreed to wait over Sunday. FORECAST OF PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Washington, April 6 The presi dent's message is waiting for Lee and the Americans to get away safely from Cuba. They are not able to get trans portation sufficient for the number now on the island. The following is a correct forecast of the most impor tant provisions of the message: The tone is firm and vigorous. It recom mends that the president be empowered to use armed land and naval forces to expel Spain from Cuba. The qualifi cation, "at his discretion," was so strongly urged by one element of con gress that it be not included in the message but that it will be left to con gress to say whether authority shall be used by the president immediately or at his discretion. The message contains no recommendation for the recommendation of Cuban independ enc. The president is unalterably op posed to such an action at present. Refugees Going to Key West. By Wire to Thi Tklbgram. Key West, April 5 This is evidence of extreme excitement in the city today in anticipation of the crisis. Prepar ations are being made to receive Con sul General Fitzhugh Lee. A room has been engaged for him at a hotel. A government steamship is coming from Havana loaded to the guards with refugees. Gold Comes From Europe. By Wire to The Telegram. New York, April 6 The steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse arrived last night from Europe and brought with her five million, two hundred thousand dollars of gold. North Carolina's Mills. "Nearly all the cotton and woolen mills of North Carolina," according to the local correspondent of the Wool and Cotton Reportc, "are running on either double or extra time. Even the new jpl ants put in operation during the present year, of which there are quite a number, have orders which ne cessitate extra time operations. Many of the latter are selling their products largely, some of them, wholly, to the foreign trade, China and Japan being large customers. One of the Carolina mills shipped goods, representing three months' output directly to Japan the goods having been bought before being manufactured." This is pleas ing news to be sure, but it has one unpleasant suggestion in it. "All the woolen mills" in -North Carolina are running on double or extra time, and there is not one in South Carolina. Charleston News and Courier. CAPT. ASHE INJURED. Thrown from His Seal' on the Freight Last Night. Last night Capt. S. A. Ashe, who was returning from Durham on the freight train, suffered an accident that came near resulting seriously. He was sitting in the upper part of thecaboose When the train reached Morrisvillehe was thrown forward on his seat by a sudden jerk and his head was thrust through the glass window. An artery was cut and the wound bled pro fusely. Dr. A. T. Cotton was called ill and accompanied Capt. Ashe to Raleigh. He was quite weak from loss of blood, but the injuries, though painful, are not serious. He had a narrow escape. News and Observer. nailer-Simmons. Cards are out announcing the mar riage of Miss Mamie Simmons, daugh ter of Hon. F. M. Simmons, to Mr. L Mahler, in Church of Good Shepherd, Tuesday morning, April 19th at 10:30 o'clock. No cards in the city. News and Observer. ENDEAVORING TO AVERT WAR Doubts Expressed as to the Suc cess of the Attempt. CHANGE FOR HONORABLE PEACE England Assures the United States of Her Sympathy in Our Cuban Policy. By Cable The Telegram. Madrid, April 6-Spain is endeavor ing in every possible way to avert war. Doubts as to her succes are freely ex pressed in all quarters. A CHANCE FOR PEACE. Madrid, April 6 The reply from Washington to the last suggestion of Minister Woodford, by which it is un derstood that honorable peace satis factory to both countries can yet be secured, was received during the night. The contents were not divulged. ENGLAND IS WITH US. London, April 6 England has as sured the United States of her fullest and most cordial sympathy with its Cuban policy. FLEET COALING. Hong Kong, April 6 The United States fleet here is preparing for sea. A supply of coal is being purchased from other warships. CINCINNATI RUNS AGROUND. TTa.iT WTrcT A nnil ft 'I'hn nMiiiaDI Pin. cinnati is aground in the middle of ine narDor, naving run into a muu bank opposite the government wharf. The tug Tilden is trying to get her off. THE WHITES RETIRED. A South Carolina Shooting Bee Re ported Through Atlanta. Atlanta, April 5 A special to the Constitution from Columbia, S. C, says: Near Newberry last night there was a battle between eight or ten whites and a score of negroes. A deputy sheriff, with a warrant for the arre6t of Monroe Leitzsey, charging him with assaulting John F. Banks, a member of the legislature, swore in a posse and went to the man's house late at night. Leitzsey called for help and twenty negroes from adjacent houses rushed out with shot guns, thinking it a lynch ing party. Firing on both sides was lively. Four whites and four negroes were wounded. The whites retired. Coming to Greensboro. Harold Holmes and the Merry Ma kers will begin a three night engage ment at the academy tomorrow night. From a Greenville, S. C. paper we take the following: o q The Merry Makers played to anoth er appreciative audiencelast night and "The Heart of Cuba," which made such a decided hit Monday night, was presented again with even geeater suc- U-cess. Tonight a vaudeville performance will be given. There will be plenty of fun, lots of songs, good dincing and a number of new and catchy special ties. The roaring farce comedy, entitled "Two Little Vagrants," will be one of the features of this evehing's program. Trick scenery, something new in this city, will be brought into requisition and the performance inevery way promises to be full of snap and sparkle. Holton's New Chief Cle: k. S. T. Neale received notification yesterday of his removal as chief clerk in District Attorney Holton's office. Col. James Martin has been appoint ed to the vacancy and will assume charge of the position at once. Mr. Neale was chief clerk under R. B. Glenn and held over to this time. His services as chief clerk have been effi cient and were perfectly satisfactory to both the ex-district attorney and the present one, but the ways of poli tics must prevail and Mr. Neale had to go because he is a democrat. Col. Martin has resigned as U. S. commissioner. Winston Journal. Sans Soucl Club. The Telegram acknowledges with thanks an invitation to attend the Easter reception given by the Sans Souci club, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Weaver, 602 West Market street, Thursday evening, April 7th. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. EDITORS TO THE FRONT. Ez -Confederate Wants to Command War Editors and Congressmen. I was talking yesterday with a gen tleman who won honor and promotion as a confederate soldier about the prospects qf war. He is a strong anti-war man, and expresses his hostility to war vigorously and emphatically. "I thought,"he said, "that I would never go to war again. I am beyond the age and I had my share during the civil war, but I have about decided to enlist if we have a war with Spain upon oneconditon." I ventured to ask what his condition was. "I think of writing to the Governor and offering to volunteer if he will let me command a company composed ex clusively of those editors and Con gressmen who are clamoring - for war, and who will be satisfied with nothing but war. I want to take them into the very front ranks, and where the fight ing is the hottest and let them get a taste of what they say they want" This anti-war man continued: "I have no heart to see the flower of the country killed and ruins and country come to give freedom to a lot of negroes who are not fit for self government. Three southern states by law disfranchise the negroes, saying that they cannot govern, and yet we are asked to go to war to procure in dependence for men not a whit better qualified than those whose votes give us bad government here." News and Observer. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co"., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trader The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, April. 6, 1898. American tobacco 102i Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 26i B. and O C. and O 18i Chic, Bur. and Quincy 94 Chic. Gas 92i Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson., Am. spirits Dist'r g,nd cattle feed Erie..! General Electric 32i Jersey Central 95 Louisville and Nashville 511 Lake Shore .- Manhattan Elevated 981 Missouri and Pacific 27 Northwestern 117i Northern Pacific Pr" National Lead New York Central . lHi Pacific Mail Reading 161 Rock Island 86i Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 27i St. Paul 90i Sugar Trust. 1191 Tenn. Coal & Iron 20 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred .. 58 Western Union Tel. 86f Wabash Preferred The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO, April, 6, 1898. Wheat, July 84 " May 105i " Sept m Corn, Dec " Apr " Sept 32 " Oct " May 29i " July 30S Oats, Sept " Apr " May 25i " July 23f Pork, Dec " Apr "" May 900 " July 997 Lard, Dec " Apr " May 525 " July 535 Ribs, Dec " Apr 525 " May 527 " July.. Cotton, Sept 605(605 " Dec " Feb " March.... " April 594595 " May 598599 " June July 605606 1 August 607608 " Oct 604(605 " Nov 605606 " Jan... ' 608610 Spot cotton..; 6 S-16 Puts, 84 ; Calls, 86i; Curb DRINK P. P. P. Pine Apple Pepsin Phosphate. - The most delicious ar 1 ? ges tive drink on the market. Relieves headache and fullness of stomacn", caused from over eating non-assimilation of food, at Stamey & Orissom, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Two Souls with but a Single and that thought is our cigar case. If you are fond of a fine cigar and don't want to pay a fortune to own it, and you want it fresh and made from all Havana tobacco ( we said ALL and mean it ) you will find it at our store. We can give you clear Havana cigars from 5c to 15c, or we can give you a Havana filler, Sumatra wrap per, hand made cigar that will surely please you, and the price will not hurt you. We have cigars at all prices. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro fcThan Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and.. went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known, optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one 01 the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had given the prescription and in reply received the following; DR. HARRY FRTEDENWALD, 1039 Madison Ave. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimore, Jan 31st, '98. Deae Sir: Yours of the 29th to hand. " Dr. Johnson Is Perfectly Right. The glasses you sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H. FRTEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing House 302i South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. We have Applications for $600, $800 or $1,000, to be secured by good improved city property worth at -least double the amount of the loan applied for. WHARTON & Mc A LISTER. AGENTS. Easter Egg Dyes Paas, 12 sheets for 1 5 cents. White Rabbit, 8 col ors for 5 cents red, yel low, violet, pink, blue, lilac and scarlet. See ous window dis play. HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite post Office. Fresh Garden Seed. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of go in all of our goods. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT ! When in need of Any kind of House Painting Giv Me a Chance. Best of References. R. E. ANDREWS. 834 West Market.