AoVaOERS The Only Dally In Greens-1 i boro Giving Telegraphic Service. -H eiegrainni ? ' 7? ADVERTISERS The Largest Circula - O : VOL. II. NO. 60 GREENSBORO, iNrOw THURSDAY, APRitTj 1898. Price Two 'Cents 1U V Until Further Notice we will give a discount of 8 ;icr cent, od all "cash sales ex -,xpt brown and bleached do--nttios, which will be sold for 5 ivr cent, discount, job lots and -ivcial sales at prices named no discount. This will eoable us to sell - 1 .i2" storth of goods for $1.15- for Example: r.v one selling goods on -edit is sure to lose at least 5 :..r cent, and it will cost at least .'; jxm- cent to keep books and ,-i.lkvt accounts. This 8 per , , nt. the customer saves by pay nir cash, and we make,, 5 per ,vnt. bv having the ready cash. 4 it i !! H kl i3 -,o discount our bills. boyou -i-e the customer paying cash i;vt jroods 8 per cent, cheaper ihanlhe one who buys on credit.' Does this not seem reasonable? Think the matter over and give i:? your cash trade and save that" 8 per cent., which is good interest on your money. Youes truly, '; J M He'ndr x & Co. I Jewel Belts The Latest Fad These bolts are set with bcau tifully colored stones and richly enameled. Cut Glass in new and rich designs and Sterling Silver Ware suitable for vedding presents. W B f arrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. 4 Flowers. Complete A.-ortment of the ( lioliv-t and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Dcr-ijrns for weddings, funerals, etc.. on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., i'omona, N. C. Some special bargains in Hand Cameras at Alderman's, 1 13 1-2, East Market. Gilson adjustable albums, just the thing for kodaks, at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East Market. Tripods, developing pow ders and amateur's supplies, at Alderman's, 113 1-2, East iWarket. Nice Country 1 lams AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2 Every Prescription nent out from our Drug Store is filled with the best drug's the market can furnish. All of the best cough mix tnres, laxatives and liver regulators kept constantly in stock. Toilet arti cics of every description in fact, we can supply you with anything1 in the J rug line, of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, "THF HEART OF CUBA - Will Be Played at the Academy of V . Music Tonight. The greatest success "of the .season will be presented'by" 4,The Merrymak ers' tonight at the Acudemy of Music. This company, the strongest that has played the South, will be remembered on account pf the fine performances given here during ThansgiVing week. The play' presented tonight deals; .with war in Cuba depicting the i' fierce strife between the downtrodden Cubans and their relentless foes of Spain. The play is strictly up-to-date, full of "stir-' in scenes: and thriUing climaxes and through all this is a vein of pUre wholesome and refreshing comedy. Ladies tickets are" 'distributed for tonight. Two ladies.or a gentleman ajid lady will be admitted on one 30-cent ticket. Tomorrow night "The Land of Gold," Saturday night, "The Out cast," and Saturday matinee, "The Great Diamond Mystery." .-Baseball Saturday. The' first game of college baseball will be played here Saturday between Johns Hopkins University and Oak Ridge Institute. This will be the, first game of Hopkins players in the State this season. They played a good game with Georgetown University laet week and would probably have won the game but, for the disabling of Hop kins, catcher. Captain Robinson and third baseman McGraw, of the Balti more team have been the coaching the players and have them in good condi tion. The Oak Ridge -team have just returned from a victorious trip through Virginia. Both teams are in good trim and those who attend will witness a good game. The game will be called at 3 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Carolina Shoe Store. This is the name of the shoe store to be run here by Mr. S. B. Norris, who has just bought out the shoe store of Sample Brown. Mr. Norris was fqr several years with W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co., in Raleigh, later of the well-known aad popular firm of Norris & Carter. He is a hustling, up-to-date man, knows how to handle goods, snows what touy and before laying in a bran new stock throughout will make great sacrifices in the goods now on the shelves, many of which are just in and had not even been unpacked. The store will be open to the public tomorrow morning. Read the new ad. on this page, and call on Mr. Norris. The Ooods Being Bought. The buyer tor the new store of D. Bendheim & Sons., is now in the northern markets making selections and purchases of new goods for the opening, which will b3 soon. The store room formerly occupied by the Guilford Department store will be re painted and refinished and will make one of the handsomest stores in tne city. But is McKinley a Lincoln? Some sympathizer with President McKinley in the trying times he is passing through, has found in the life of Abraham Lincoln an incident that is timely. It is given in the New York Tribune as follows: "At the White House one day some gentlemen were present from. the west, excited and troubled about the com missions and omissions of the admin istration. The president heard them patiently, and then replied: "Gentle- men, suppose aii tne property you rere worth was in gold, and you had put it in the hands of Blondin to car ry across the Niagara river on a rope, would you shake the cable or keep shouting out to him, "Blondin, stand up a little straighter; Blondin stoop a little more; go a little faster; lean a little more to the south?'' No, you would hold your breath as well as vour tonerue. and keep your nanus on until he was safe over. The govern ment are carrying an immense weight Untold treasures are in their h ands They are doing the very best they can Don't badger them. Keep silence, and we'll get you safe across." Ray mond's Life of Abraham Lincoln, page 752. To Protect Beaufort Harbor. Beaufort, N. C. April 6 United States Engineer. Col. Craghill, and Assistant Engineer F. D. Perry, ar rived here tonight for the purpose of formulating plansjor protecting Beau fort harbor and g'arrisoning Fort Macon. It is probable'.that a mosquito fleet will be formed for this port and in case of war the government telegraph line will be extended from Hatteras to Wilmington. . V Attention Southsldes. Every member of the Southside Hose Co., is requested to be present at their regular monthly meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. .By order of J. H. Phipps, Pres iSHi Between President McKlntey aiid YET THERE IS 6REAT DISGUST '. - - -, Representatives)! the Foreign Pow- ers Call on President McKinley i ' and Plead for Peace. By Wire to Ths Tklbgkam. Washington, Aprir7 Consul Gen eral Lee cables that quiet prevails and that 200 Americans have left. " Secre tary Day says General Lee will prob ably leave on Saturday and that the Americans are leaving rapidly. There are no important developments in the situation anywhere. Elaborate preparations are going on at the White House for the enter tainment of 100 guests in the east room by Mrs. McKinley in honor of a num ber of ladies who are visiting her. WILL BK NO CHANGE. Washington, April 7 Congressman Grosvenor, after a conference with the president this morning, said that there would be no change in the message un less there is a change of facts which is unlikely. p The senate committee on foreign af fairs didn't meet today. Senator Gray of the foreign relations committee, af ter a talk with the president, expressed the belief that Minister Woodford and General Lee would not remain at their posts after the opening of next week. NOTHING SIGNIFICANT. Washington, April 7 A cable from Minister Woodford concerning yester day's cabinet meeting has been receiv ed, but it contains nothing significant. PLEAD FOR PEACE. Washington, April 7 Representa tives of England, France, Germany, Austria, Russia and Italy called on the president and Secretary of State Sherman today to plead for peace. The visit was short and it was impos sible to get further facts. DEEP DISGUST OVER DELAY. Washington, April 7 Upon learn ing that there were no riots and that all is quiet in Havana, many members of both houses of congress expressed deep disgust over the delay in sending the President's message to congress, which delay was attributed to threat ened riots in Havana. TEXAS AT NEWPORT NEWS. Newport, April 7 The battleship Texas arrived here this morning. CONGRESS ACCEPTS EXPLANATION. Washington, April 7 An armistice is declared between the president and congress pending which an effort will be made to recapture the lost "situa tion" that mysteriously disappeared yesterday. Congress is disposed to accept the explanation of the with holding of message, provided the president sticks to the" statement that the delay is due to the safety of Amer icans in Cuba. It is impossible to find words to express the feeling of indig nation and disgust which prevailed among senators and representatives during yesterday's events. POWERS ASKING PEACE. Washington, April 7 Representa tives of the Powers have tendered their good offices with the hope for the maintainance of peace and the re establishment of order in Cuba. Mc Kinley responded that he recognized the good will and friendly tone of the communication and shared in the hone, therein expressed, that the out- come of the situation in Cuba would be the maintenance of peace between the United States and Spain and the re-establishment of order on the is land and terminating the chronic con dition of disturbance. The president further said he is con fident that eaual appreciation will be shown for its own earnest and unsel fish endeavors to fulfill the duty to hu manitv bv ending the situation which has by its infinite prolongation be come insufferable. First Lesson. The first of Mrs. S. T. Rorer's les sons on cooking before the department of domestic science at the Normal was given yesterday afternoon. Quite number of housekeepers in the city took advantage of these lessons and. attended the lecture. Chicks International Stars. Frank Tisdale, a North Carolina boy, whose former home is Newbern, is in the city advertising for Chick's International Stars. Mr. Tisdale savs this Aa one of the best on the road. Theywill be here next week, AN ARMISTICE 'April ISth and 14th - ..--J - -s - ' 1. ' .Jtm...r. -- , - - . .- ,1 ..-:... . " 1 !T - 1 - NOTES fROM HJQH' POINT. TheXocal NewVirrim. Our . Neighbor :'. "V, j Briefly fold. ; : ; TELEGRAM.BijRBAtJ. -) Hiafi Point. T8X Ajiril,ft. E. G. Morris. Asheboro, passed through today, enroute Danville. Seabourn Perry went .to' Spencer to- Tt,p:jW. , Carr, of Greensboro; west down the Asheboro road today,' Lent Donovan spent yesterday in Greensboro. Fred Bar bee left last night for Washington to. spend a few days. Mrs. Dr. D. A. Stanton, and little Clara are spending the day in Randle- man. The Ladies Aid Society will eive the M. E. Sunday school a reception in the M. E. church night. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn, of Charlotte, who have been visiting the familv of Donah oe Smith, returned home today. Albin Minis, of Horner Military nstitute, and James Scroggs, of Trinity College, are expected home tonight to spend Easter. W. J. Armfleld went down to Ashe boro today on business. A large number of friends went down to the train this morning to wish Mrs. Joyce and daughter Carrie a pleasant trip to Charlotte. They will will stop here a few days on their way home to Detroit. N. H. Slaughter, the - proprietor of Jarrell's Hotel wishes to say that the company of Merrymakers stopped at his hotel and are the nicest set of adies and gentlemen that ever visited his place of business. They are not only gentlemen in their rooms but were In the office an elsewhere. The case between John Hedrick and Conductor Royal was brought up be fore Mayor Bradshaw today and had a preliminary hearing and were bound over to court. Hedrick was found guilty in two offenses. One forcarry- ng concealed weapon and the other for an assault on Capt. Royal. They gave bond and were released. The Merrymakers presented their play the "Land of Gold" to a large and appreciative audience last night. The singing was very fine and ap plauses were made. They left today for Greensboro where they will doubt less have large audiences every night. Whltse t Items. Communicated. Whitsett, N. C, Apr. 7, Miss Lillie Brown returned '98. from Brick church today, where she has been visiting friends at that place. Be sure and remember April 9th, and come out to the grand lecture by Hen ry Blount. Subject, "Beyond the Alps Lies Italy," The Whitsett and. Alamance base ball team played ball on last Wednes day on the latters grounds. Score, 18 to 8 in favor of Whitsett. Greensboro and Whitsett will cross bats on the diamond here next Satur day. Mr. H. V. Stewart left today for his home in Greensboro, Messrs. E. E. Stallings and H. C. Carter attended the commencement ex ercises at Alrmance High School. A joint debate was held at the insti tute on last Friday night. The query was, Should the UnitedStates declare war against Spain. After a warm discussion it was decided in favor of the affirmative. Notes From Oak Ridge. Correspondence Telegram. Oak Ridge, April 7th The first school nd college game of this season in Greensboro will be played Saturday, April 9th at 3 p. m between Johns-Hopkins University and Oak Ridge Institute. Johns-Hop kins has an unusually strong team and the Oak Ridge boys have just re turned from a trip to leading Virginia schools flushed with victory. So i good game may be expected. Our boys won from Virginia Poly technic Institute at Blackburg by score of 18, to 5. From St. Albans school at Radford 10 to 9, ten innings srame. The latter team is one of the very strongest in Virginia, winning last year from all the schools in that state "except the University. Barker and Malone did the pitching While Malone is only a colt, he is J whole team and bids fair to be the srreatest pitcher we have had since Stephens. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets-. AH druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25o. AMERICANS ARE UNPREPARED I This Opinion Causes Defiant At-' - tltudeln Madridi. DENIED THE SECOND ULTIMATUN The Panic Among ; Cubans Exceeds . . Thai Among Americans on' the Cuban Inland. By Cable ThbTbudgram. Madrid, April 7 A dispatch to the Imparcial from Havana says there is . intense' excitement in that city. Three hundred and eighty-six passports have been issued within twenty-four hours. The wharves are piled with baggage and the streets are patrolled by cav alry.. Four reconcentrados, who were liberated last Tuesday, were found murdered near the outskirts of Santa Clara. SPAIN TO REMAIN FIRM. Madrid, April 7 Minister Wood ford will present a fresh note to the Spanish government today demanding definite answer within six hours. The cabinet has decided to firmly ad here to the tenor of Spain's previous note. The Queen Regent has approv ed this decision. SPAIN MORE CONFIDENT. Madrid, April 7 The pope sent an important communication to Premier Sagasta last night which; was the sub ject of a special cabinet meeting. The most striking feature of the situation is the fact that, owing to the policy of procrastination at Washington, the Spaniards believe that the Americans are unprepared and afraid to fight. This opinion causes a defiant attitude on the part of Spain. EXCITEMENT IN SPAIN. Madrid, April 7 The postponement of McKinley 's message increased the excitement here. A prolonged cabinet council was held last niifht. Nobody believes there "will be a peaceful settle- nlent. Premier Sagasta denies that there is any dissension in the cabinet. BELLICOSE TALK IN MADRID. Madrid, April 7 After the cabinet meeting a semi-official note was issued which was regarded as serious. The announcement caused much excitement and bellicose talk. The cafes are crowded and people are eagerly dis cussing the situation and approving the attitude of the cabinet. It is the general impression that the United States presented an ultimatum and de; manded an answer in six hoursi that Spain modified the note presented with the result of the last conference. SECOND ULTIMATUM DENIED. Madrid, April 7 It is still hoped that McKinley 's message will be post poned and that the original program of autonomy will be carried out. The Becond ultimatum presented by the United States has been denied. CUBANS WANT TO LEAVE. Havana, April 7 The panic among the Cubans exceeds that among Amer icans here. They realize that in the event of hostilities they will be unable to leave and will be at the mercy of the volunteers. They would like to go to the United States. The report that the American fleet will simultaneously attack Cuba, Porto Rico, the Philli pines has added to the rage of the Spaniards. tttt.tft BY SPANISH POLICE. Havana. April 7 Tomas Bnto, a wealthy farmer of Matanzas, was as sassinated by the Spanish police be cause he sheltered a wounded Cuban officer. VICTORIA AGAIN APPEALED TO. London, April 7 The Queen Regent again appealed directly to Queen Vic toria asking her to exert her influence to avert war, adding that she "touch ingly recalled that both are widows, thus are deprived of advisors The Stock Sale. The auction sale of stock from the OccOneechee farm took place at Me Adoo's stables today. One hundred head of cattle were sold. There were buyers from the near by towns in ad dition to a number from the city. The prices brought were about as good as was expected. Knights Templar Attention. There will be a stated conclave o Ivanhoe Contmandery, No. 8 Knights Templar this evening at 7:30 p m. All Sir'Kniffhts will attend in full uniform for the annual installation of officers Visiting Sir Kniehts cordially wel corned . B y order of Jas. D. Glenn, ' Eminent Commander. -eOLUflBUy TOMB. Will Probably Share In the Destriic- v .--u?tlo.a.i rana..- -? rlf, as. is .confidently expected, the guns of pur big battleships" are trained upon the" city of -.Havana' it wiirbe a military ; salute over - the grave - of Spanish- powerin the westermworidr. And it will be a strange, t almost a sad, confidence that this same ' saiute will scatter tp.the four winds all that is left of the man who gave to Spain that''. magnificent colonial empire.of .which a few scattered islands is the las. remnant; . 5 Christopher "Columbus lies buried Jn the Cathedral of Havana and his tomb will in all probability share -in the destruction of the city. .It will be" our guns which do the deed,- butthe guilt will rest, not upon us but upon the head of that cruel and ungrateful people who in life rewarded the great discover with chains and is now forcing us in the course of human ity to raze his1 tomb. Fruit Killed. 4 it is tnougnt now that there is no doubt about the fruit crop being killed. Several light frosts and two regular old wintertime freezes have undoubtedly done the work for it. It is greatly regretted. The fruit crop is an important one in this part of the state. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druersists refund the monev it fails to cure. 25c. ' THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleid & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co. , commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, April. 7, 1898. American tobacco 101i I Atch., Top. & Santa Fe.. B. and O C. and O Chic, Bur. and Quincy., 191 93i Chic. Gas , 921 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson. . . Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric 33 Jersey Central 92 Louisville and Nashville 50 Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 98 Missouri and Pacific 27i Northwestern 120 Northern Pacific Pr National Lead New York Central. 112 Pacific Mail Reading 164 Rock Island 86i Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 26S St. Paul ,90 Sugar Trust 1191 Tenn. Coal & Iron 20 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel. J ' 87 Wabash Pref erred... T." The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, April, 7, 1898. Wheat, July. May Sept 105i 76 Corn, Dec... Apr Sept. . . , Oct May July. 28i 31i 29i 30i Oats, Sept.. Apr May July. . . 251 25 23 980 Pork, Dec.. Apr . . . May. . . 982 990 " July... Lard, Dec.. " Apr... 515 May... July. . . 515 525 Ribs, Dec.. " Apr... May . " July... 515 522 Cotton, Sept. . . .602603 " Dec... " Feb - " March ; " April ..J " May... I " June... July.... i - August Z ....... . Oct... " Nov " Jan 593594 596597 603604 6056Q6 602(603 607608 Spot cotton. . . 6 3-16 ' Puts, 831 ; Calls, 841; Curb pasfp Dyes, Calico and tablets -AT SGrissom, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) -, J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist. 504 SO. Elm. . ' MftnAror . , . e-- Two Sous .with. . ; ' . J 7 ' - and that thought is ourcigar case. -If you are fond of a fine cigar and don't want to pay a fortune to -own it, and you want it fresh and 1 made from all Travana tohnnn ( we said ALL and mean it 1 vou will find it at our store. We can give you clear Havana cigars v from 5c to 15c, or we can give you; a Havana filler, Sumatra wrap per, hand made cigar that will surely gplease you, and the price will not hurt you. We have cigars at all prices. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson &.Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro JThan Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstorv had his little eiii's eves examined in Baltimore last year and went with the prescription to one of the largest and Jest known optical houses there to have the glasses maae up. fortunately one ot the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be - re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vans to ry sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had it! u16 mre.8criltion and m rcpty received DR. HARRY FRIEDENWALD, 11EM MADISON AVE. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. , Baltimore. Jan 81st. '98. Dear Sib: Yours of the 29th to hand. Dr. Johnson Is Perfectly Right. The glasses -vou sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, H. FRIEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing House 302i South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. We have Applications for $600, B800 or be secured by good $1,000, to improved city property, worth at least the loan double the amount of applied for. WHARTON & McALlSTER. AGENTS. Easter Egg Dyes Paas, 12 sheets for - 5 cents White Rabbit, 8 col ors for 5 cents red, yel low, violet, pink, blue, lilac and scarlet. See ous window dis play. HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite .post Office. Fresh Garden Seed. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are rieht. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know lust what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure vou so to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are. offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of go in all of our goods. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo Housj Building. LOOK OUT ! When In need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References.'' R. E. ANDREWS . . West Market. 4 ' - if V :: -re':.?"';' jus fc. hlmSt. Pharmacist,

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