r V. r-.y ?&>i f TO READERS The Only Daili In Greens- niwinn Tnlearanhtc Service. IS TO ADVERTISERS the Largest Clrcula- uuiu " 3 o i - hou m any uaiiy ever Published Here.. VOL. NO. 62 GREENSBORO, N. C.f SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1898. Price T wo Cents ro Even Srag' oreeinislboro II. Until Further Notice - we will give a discount of 8 xm- cent, on all cash, sales ex cept brown and bleached do mestics, which will be sold for 5 i)or cent, discount, job lots and pjvcial sales at prices named ami no discount. This will enable us to sell l.-Jo worth of goods for $1.15 for Example: Any one selling goods on iviiit is sure to lose at least 5 jer cent- and it will cost at least :; jxn- cent to keep books and collect accounts. This 8 per cent, the customer saves by pay ing cash, and we make 5 per cent, by having the ready cash u discount our bills. So you r-ee the customer paying cash :ets goods 8 per cent, cheaper Than the one who buys on credit. Does this not seem reasonable? Think the matter over and give us vour cash trade and save thatS per cent., which is good : merest on your money. Youes truly, J M Hendr x & Co. m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m I Jewel Belts til The Latest Fad These lelts are set with beau ti full v colored stones and richly enameled. Cut Glass in new and rich designs and Sterling Silver Ware suitable for wedding presents. W B Farrar & Son Jewelers Established 1868. Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., 1 mona, N. C. Just Recjived A lot of new Hand Cameras, 4-5, price $5 the "Boss Dan dy," call and see it. Also Developing Outfits and other amateur supplies. You also want to see the new Bas Relief ' portraits and the beautiful "Platiuotypes." You can also see photographs of the Battallion Officers of the State Xaval Reserves at Alderman's ew Studio. Another Lot Country Hams 1 Caster Eggs AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, , Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription it-nt out from our Drug Store is filled with the best drugs the market can furnish. All of the best cough mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators rt'ept constantly in stock." Toilet arti cles of every description in fact, we an supply you with anything in the drug line, of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, les s. KhnSt. Pharmacist. MRS. COTTON'S RECITAL. An Ideal Evening and a Large Audi ence Greeted Her. Last night in the Chapel of G. F. College Mrs. Sallie S. Cotton, of Falkland , N. C. , read her famous poem, "The White Doe, or The Fate of Vir ginia Dare." A large and apprecia tive audience welcomed her to Greens boro again. She is well known here, having delivered the alumnae address to Greensboro Female college at last commencement. Miss Manie Currie, of Max ton, read a short, though beautiful, sketch of the myths and traditions connected with Virginia Dare, the first white child born on the American continent. Then Miss Addie Latham, in a few choice words, introduced -Mrs. Cotton. The reading of the poem consumed but an hours time, and that hour was spent with intense interest on the part of the audience. The style of delivery was exceedingly easy and attractive. The description of the scenery in early north eastern North Carolina was true to nature. Her interpretation of the myths connected with the conversion of Virginia into a white doe and of the reconversion was deep, strong, still, and beautiful; so also was her inter pretation of the Indian and early white life on our 'eastern shore. The poem has a good plot, if this term can be applied to a poem. The characters are in the main true to nature at any rate true to our best myths. In the portrayals of their deeds of heroism and love she touches the depths of pathos, and often she reaches the sub lime and the beautiful. This poem is soon to be published in book form; and then it will take its place among the very finest literature of our day. It will preserve in beau tiful form one of our most beautiful myths. A Colored Alan Hurt. This morning a colored man who drives for Troxler Bros, was thrown from his wagon at the junction of South Elm and Lewis streets and right badly hurt. He was picked up and soon got alright but for the bruises about his head. No flornlng Service. On account of the opening of West Market street church there will be no service at Centenary church tomorrow morning. The pastor and congrega tion have been kindly invited by Dr. J. H. Weaver to hear Dr. E. E. IIoss. The pastor will preach at 8 p. m. Literary Meeting of Epworth League. The regular monthly literary meet ing of Centenary Epworth League" was held last night at the residence of Dr. E. L. Stamey, on South Elm street. An interesting program was rendered, after which games were played and refreshments served. At 11 o'clock the guests departed after having spent an evening of unusual enjoyment. Postponement. The Emma Gray Missionary Society have, on account of Easter holiday, postponed their regular meeting from Monday, the 11th, to Tuesday, the 12th. To this meeting all young girls over sixteen are most cordially invited. A pleasing program has been arranged, after which refreshments will be served. A Small Fire. Last night about 11:15 o'clock the boiler house at the furniture factory was found to be on fire and but for the timely work of some colored men the entire' factory would soon have been ablaze. From the tank near by they secured water with which they kept the names from spreading until the Eagle boys arrived upon the scene and made short work of the fire. The fire is supposed to have originated from the boiler. We did not learn the extent of the damage. First Church Announcement. There will be no services of any kind in the First Presbyterian church next Sunday morning or at night. Preaching, Sunday school, Christian Endeavor, are all suspended that we may celebrate, with our Methodist brethren the happy day that marks the formal opening of their beautiful new house of worship. ' Egbert W. Smith. Failed to lateral! ze. A call was made yesterday for a meeting at the courthouse last night for the purpose of reorganizing the defunct Guilford Grays, but it seems the patriotism of the ex-soldier boys in our midst has not reached the re organizing point, as there was no re sponse to the call. In fact, one citi zen remarked this morning that there were not enough present to light the gas not even enough to constitute a corporal's guard. PREPARATIONS CONTINUED. Authority Asked to Enroll Regular, Militia and Marine Forces. LEE'S DEPARTURE NOT AFFIRMED. Removing Dynamite and- Arrang. Ing to Prevent Landing of American Army. By Wire To Thi Tklbgram. Washington, April 9 Secretaries Long and Roosevelt appeared before the house committee of naval affairs andsked of the committee immediate legislation authorizing the Secretary of Navy to enroll the regular service, state militia and merchants marine forces. Secretary Long said this legis latipn is imperative so that the depart ment might be prepared for expected developments in the future. The com mittee will report a bill to the house Monday giving Secretary of Navy the authority asked for. UNCONFIRMED RUMORS. Washington, April 9 There were few callers at the White House today. The report that the Queen Regent would sign the dec.ee declaring an ar mistice in Cuba and that this would be followed by independence, is uncon firmed in official quarters. SENATOR 'CCLLOM TALKS. Senator Cullom, who called at the State department and White House, said he had heard a rumor of the queen's intention, but was not aware that any dispatch on the subject had been received from Spain in the last 24 hours. He suggested that an -armistice could only be affected by the consent of both parties, and scouted the idea that there might be a change of view on the part of the insurgents. SPANIARDS PREPARING. K-y West, April 9 Iuforuiatian from Havana says Spaniards are ac tively preparing for hostilities, and that large quantities of dynamite are bfci-ig taken to the smalPcities for fear oft an explosion in case of American bombardment. Artillery being ar ranged to prevent the landing of an American army of occupation. HAVANA QUIET. Washington. Apr. 9 At noon there were no advices that Gen. Lee had left Havana. Quiet prevails. FALSE RUMOR. Key West, April 9 The report that the light house tender Fern had been blown up is false. . MINING THE CAPE FEAR. Wilmington, April-9 The mouth of the Cape Fear river is being planted with mines. Approaching Marriage. Cards are out as follows: 4 Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Kidd invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter, Ida Estelle, to Mr. Baxter Spain Phillips, Wednesday evening, April twentieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, at Gve-thirty o'clock, Main Street Methodist Church, Bristol, Tennessee. Mr. Phillips is the popular and ef ficient foreman of the Telegram force while Miss Kidd is one of Bristol's most beautiful and accomplished daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will be at home here after the 22nd. Easter Song Service. The following is the program of the Easter Song Service to be given at the St. Barnabas Episcopal church tomorrow morning at the eleven o'clock service: Processional Anthem, "Awake up my Glory," J. Barnby Carticle "Christ Our Passover." Dr. Hodges Glorias " Dr. Hodges Te Deum In G Caleb Simper Jubilate Deo E flat T.J. R. Corbin- Hymn "Christ the Lord is Risen Today," Warren Kyrie Eleison Bridgewater Gloria Tibi Anon Hymn "The Strife is Over," Palestrina Offertory Solo, "The Reesurrection," A. J. Holden Ascription "Thou Art Worthy, O Lord," W. B. Gilbert Sanctus S. B. Tuckerman Hymn W. H. Monk Gloria in Excelsis Old Chant Hymn Recessional, "At the Lambs High Feast we Sing," Bach To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lctst All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25o. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. Tho Local Nevi from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. TEtEGRAM Bureau, High Point N.C. April 9, '98. j The annual debate between the fol lowing literary societies took place last night: Adelphia Fraternity, and Lycurgian Society, of Trinity High School. Query. "Resolved, That the State should undertake higher educa tion." There was good, speaking on both sides. The question was decided in favor of the negative. Several High Point people are go ing to Winston tonight to attend the Moravian Easter service. Perry VaiL. had the misfortune to have his collar bone broken. Lee Cartland is out again after a week's illness. Rev. W. H. Brown, of Trinity High School, passed through this morning" enroute to Reidsville. A. W. McAlister, of Greensboro, passed through today enroute to Ashboro to spend Easter. O. E. Wilson, of Archdale, passed through today enronte to Greensboro. C. A. Henderson, of Elon College, who bas been visiting in Ashboro, passed through yesterday returning home. , Prof. Heitman and Miss Harris, of Trinity, were here yesterday. R. R. Little, of Greensboro, passed through this morriing enroute to Salis bury. James Scroggs. a student at Trinity College, came home last night to spend Easter. Mrs. W. G. Fortune, of Asheville, who has been visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Scroggs, return ed home today. H. A. Milli6, a student of Horner's Military School, came home this mor ning to spend Easter. C. Keen, of Thomas ville, is a visitor to High Point today. Miss Alice Flagler left today for Winston tospend a few days. Misses Kate afker and Callie Wood, of Trinity, passed through to day enroute to Greensboro to spend a few days. Trinity College Notes. Durham, N. C, April 8. Friday, May 6th, has been decided as the date for the public debate be tween the two literary societies. The query is: Resolved, That the tendency of the United States toward a stronger centralized government is to be de sired. The Hesperian society has the affirmative and their debaters are H. M. North and Richard Webb. Colum bian, G. H. Humber and S. A. Stew art. Orators, Hesperian, J. B. Need ham; Columbian, L. W. Crawford, Jr. The class of '99 has elected the Ar chive staff for next year as follows: Editor in chief, D. W. Newsome; as sistant editor, R. M. Mann; business manager, W. W. Card. Monday, April 11th, will be holiday. Several of the students have gone home to spend Easter. Trinity's next game of base ball is with Johns Hopkins University, Tues day, April I2th.. The practice for this week has been good and the team is in good shape for the coming games. The Merrymakers In the "Land of Gold," at the Acad emy of Music last night was an artis tic success. It depicts in a very pic turesque manner the serious and hu morous life in the new Klondike gold regions. The characters are vividly drawn and true to nature. Mr. Ro bisch as Judge Lovetoddy was a great success. He is one of the best come dians seen in our city this season. Mr. Holmes is always at home in the heroic lead and his work shows care ful training, and an artistic finish sel dom exhibited. Ted Byers, in black face proved himself an all round ar tist. Miss Mayme Childress, as the pet of Klondike is a .clever little actress her singing and dancing has won her many admirers. Tonight the Merrymakers finish their engagement, and will present "The War of Wealth" a comedy drama. Their refined specialties will be a fea ture of the performance. Ladies will be admitted free tonight, same as on Thursday, if purchased in advance at Gardner's drug store. Popular prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Will not Reach Here Until Monday. We are requested to announce that by reason of a change in his plans, Judge Simonton will not reach here until Monday. It was at first an nounced that he would arrive Sunday. the: policy not changed And Will Not -be Unless Spain Backs Down. CONTINUES -TAKING TESTIMONY. Congress Ready to Act Tuesday. "Greater Activity in War Circles. Pnritan at Key West. By Wire to Thk Telegram. Washington, April 9 The policy of the administration has not chagned since yesterday, and will not change unless Spain backs clear down. The senate foreign relations committee con tinue actively taking testimony in the Maine case, and by Tuesday congress will be ready to act on a joint resolu lution ordering Spain out of Cuba. GREATER ACTIVITY. Washington, April 9 There is still greater activity today, if possible, in the war preparations at the navy and war departments. PURITAN AT KEY WEST. Key West, April 9 The monitor Puritan joined the squadron here to day. THE MESSAGE MONDAY. Washington, April 9 It was an nounced at the White House at noon that the president's message would go to congress Monday unless Spain yields. So far Spain has not pro claimed an armistice. Senators Hanna, Elkins, and Ald ridge, and Secretary Day are now closeted witlfthe president. Another Vessel Purchased. Cable to Thi Tiukbam. Hong Kong, April 9 United States officials have purchased the British steamer Zafiro. Lee Leaves Havana. By Cable to The Tklbgram. Havana, April 9 Consul-General Lee called on General Blanco this af ternoon to say good-bye. He departed ;vt 5 o'clock. More Powder. ny Wire to Thk Tklbgkam Wilmington, Del., April 9 The Du pont powder mill received a contract from the government for a million and a half dollars worth of powder as soon as possible. Situation Hopeless. By Cable to Thi Tklkgram. Rome, April 9 Dispatches received at the Vatican from Madrid represent the situation as hopeless, 'and that the government has been obliged to aban don the idea of decreeing an armistice on account of the opposing sentiment in the army which resents sueh action. Auch Alarm in Florida. By Wire to Thk Tklbgkam. Jacksonville, April 9 The people are alarmed at the iminence of war. A large number of people are closing their business connections and hurry ing northward. Final preparations are being made for use of rapid fire guns. Italial Cruiser on a Visit. By Wire to The Tbi.bg ram. Washington, April 9 The Italian cruiser Amdfrigo Vespucci was sighted this morning off Indian Head. She is cadet ship on a practice cruise and it is supposed that her visit to Wash ington at this time is simply for the purpose of enabling her cadets to visit the capital of the United States. A Reading by Miss Castello. Miss Bernice Castello, the dramatic reader, impersonator and vocalist, will give a readinat the court house in aid of the new Baptist Sunday school room, Tuesday night, April 19th. Miss Costeilo is an accomplished elocutionist and vocalist and her en tertainments have been received every where with enthusiasm. The New York Tribune speaks in highest terms of her readings at the Waldorf and says she charmed her audience by her unique entertainment. The Trenton, N. J., Gazette says: "The audience was very appreciative; many encores being given Miss Cas tello, whose recitations, impersona tions and solos showed remarkable talent. The last number of the pro gram, the garden scene from "Romeo and Juliet," was depicted in a most realistic manner." To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Wild Spaniard With Pistols. New York, April 8 Probasco Re ve na, of Brooklyn, with a red sash around his waist and flourishing two revolvers, today for half an hour .ter rified the women and children of his neighborhood with shouts of "I'm a Spaniard I Death to Yankee dogs ! They're all pigs!" Revena is in love with a young wo man who thinks very little of him, and he made this display in front of her house. Tiring of the exhibit she put on her hat and in futherance of a scheme went out with a, little smile at him and started up the street. He fol lowed the girl diplomat and she led him along until she found a police man, into whose charge she gave Revena. Federal Court. In the United States court yesterdav only ordinary distilling and retailing cases were tried. About 25 cases were disposed of, the sentences ranging from 30. days to a year and a day, there being four of the latter term. They will be sent to the penitentiary, the shorter terms being confined to the roads. The case against the mail clerk. Fiery is engaging the courts attention. today. Tokio Swept by Fire. Vancouver, B. C, April 8 News by steamer states that 1000 houses were burned in Tokio, Japan, recently; that 11,000 persons were rendered homeless, and that many perished in the flames. It was an incendiary fire, started in the Harquikeh Theatre, and fifteen streets were burned'out. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, April. 9, 1898. American tobacco 101! Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 251 B. and O lJi C. and O. :... 19 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 93 Chic. Gas. 91i Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie : .' General Electric 32 Jersey Central 92 Louisville and Nashville 494 Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 91i Missouri and Pacific 261 Northwestern 118i Northern Pacific Pr 61i National Lead New York Central . 110i Pacific Mail Reading 17 Rock Island..... 854 Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 26 St. Paul : 89f Sugar Trust 118i Tenn. Coal & Iron 20 Texas Pacific . U. S. Leather Preferred 57i Western Union Tel Wabash Preferred . . 15f The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, April, 9, 1898. Wheat, July ; 84f " May 106 " Sept 771 Corn, Dec... '. " Apr 291 " Sept 32i " Oct " May 29S " July 3U Oats, Sept 21J " Apr 251 " May 25f " July t 23i Pork, Dec " Apr 985 " May 987 " July 997 ' Lard, Dec " Apr...., 517 " May 520 " July..... 527 Ribs, Dec.... " Apr....:... 530 " May 520 " July 527 Cotton, Sept 603605 " Dec " Feb " March... " April 594595 " May.. 597598 " June " July 603604 " August 605606 " Oct 603604 ' Nov 604604 " Jan 608609 . Spot cotton 6 3-lfi Puts, 84 ; Calls, 851; Curb, East ep Dyes, Calico and Tablets AT Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Two Souls with but a Single and that thought is ourcigar case. If yon are fond of a fine cigar and don't want to pay a fortune to own it, and you want it fresh and made from all Havana tobacco ( we said ALL and mean it ) you will find it at our store. We can give you clear Havana cigars from 5c to 15c,' or we can give you a Havana filler, Sumatra wrap per, hand made cigar that will surely please you, and the price will not hurt you. We have cigars at all prices. , Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson &. Fariss More Accurate Service in Greensboro fcThan Baltimore Mr. C. M. Vanstory had his little girl's eyes examined in Baltimore last year and went with the prescription to one of the largest and best known optical houses there to have the glasses made up. FORTUNATELY one oi the lenses got broken recently and was carried to the Greensboro Eye Specialist to be re placed. He saw at a glance that neither lens accorded with the prescription, and so changed them both. Mr. Vanstory sent the old lenses with an explanation to the occulist who had given the prescription and in reply received the following; DR. HARRY FREEDENWALD, 1029 Madison Ave. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. Baltimore, Jan 31st, '98. Dbab Sib: Yours-of the 29th to hand. : Dr. Johnson is Perfectly Right. The glasses you sent are not those ordered. I cannot understand how such a mistake oc curred. Very truly yours, " H. FRTEDENWALD. M. P. Publishing House 302 South Elm Street. Examination Free. OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 5:30 p. m. We have Applications for $600, $800 or $1,000, to be secured by good improved city property worth at least double the amount of the loan applied for. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. Easter Egg Dyes Paas, 12 sheets for 5 cents. White Rabbit, 8 col ors for 5 cents red, yel , low, violet, pink, blue, lilac and scarlet. See ous window dis play. HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite fosT Office. Fresh Garden Seed. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. -First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of go in all of Ymr goods. tlol ton's Drag Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT ! When in need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. ' - B. B. ANDREWS. 834 West Market. ' "''.Vvi . 1 ." ..." V -"- T "-- V , ' ..-'. -...--. w . - I