) ehmg am. Hr-'-VV"V TO 'TO fcXAOERS -The Wf Dijrf la 6rM TO. ADVERTISERS TW UrSi CWcal. ' , Mr Khrtnf Tatefrasaic Hniot ; , , , . VOL. H. NO. 72 GREENSBORO, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1898. Price Two Cents dreensboro - w .-Hi . r . v b 'i. f.V-i ' 4 3 iV Money Saved Is Made We' caw you B per cent on air1 your Dry. Goods and Shoes. ; New. Silks for Waist. New g Umbrellas and fa.icy Par asols just received. J1I Hendrix Announcement! J wish to announce to the f J public that I will eontlnue the r Jewelry Ibustness under the firm J lb tit T tfo .... Ann T 5 and By upright business methods $ I hopeto merit aoontinuanoeof J U the generous patronage bestowed $ S by an appreciative public on the Ifc rbl flrnn artinso lHdrt rp.TlUCfLtJon W 2 Tor Duawors wiu.uoiuujrmttiu tained M. Royal Farrar, m m m m m ' m Jeweler 'grbrnIboro;' n. p ii. Flowers. Complete '.Assortment of the Choicest and . Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. i " - 'i ii- 3X ; ' Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, v etc., on short notioe, Orders by i-r' mail or phone promptly attend ed : " v .' - j.' Van Liindley, Prop., '! Pomona, N CV. ' ' ' Just Rec jived.' ; - ,s ' A, lot of new fiand Cameras, 4-H, price $5 the "BosaDan - dy,' call and see it. AlbO Developing Outfits and other amateur supplies. You also want to see the new "Bas Relief ' portraits and . the beautiful "Platinotypes." ' ' You can also Bee photographs of the Battalllon Officers of ' the State Naval Reserves at Alderman's Uew Studio. ' Hams ahtf-Pure LeMiard And , alt kinds pf Can goods t . and family supplies, ; ' " ; "y Country Produce r- V " a specialty . , - VUNCANON A CO.'S, ''z1; Reliable Grocersr' -r " "South Elm St " 1 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription Money & Co., i 221 S. Elm St. . It) . , -J) ' 4 Kingan y ".sent out from our Drug ,,Store is UUea A ''' with they best drugs the market can furnish. All of the -best cough xnlx " turesr laxatives and liver regulators ' ' 'J kept constantly in Btock. Toilet arti " " :;clea of every description In fact, we - can supply you with anything, in the i r ' drug Jine, of the" best quality and at reasonable prices. j 1 Gastca W.-.Wzrf; Before." "After. The above cuts were made purely for advertising purposes, but they are In no degree exaggerated and we print them solely to illustrate the point we have been making in favor of good roads. NOTES FROM MIQIt POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor " v . Briefly Told. - " ' Telegram Burkau, Hiog POINT. N. C; April 21, '98. f C. A. Hammer went to Winston to day) 'S. W. Raid, of Lexington, was here last night: ' , , f - GusUvusyCelly, of Carthage, ts vis- ' S. Bryant, of, Randleman, was reg istered at Jarrell's last night. g . , J. L. Freeman, of Archdale, return ed from Richmond today. v ii R h. Pickett is in Winston on bus iness. ' i j',- " Miflg A. J. Tomlinson, of Archdale, passed today enroute to Greensboro. " Mrs. 07 A. Hammer, who has been in Washington several months, has returned home. .. . . C. H. Hoover of Ashboro, was in the city last night.' ; , 't ,f A large crowd left here this niorn ing to attend the picnio that goes from Archdale today. v- ; The sidewalk in front of the Groome building Is being improved by the city force. They might also add to the comfort and safety of" the publio by continuing the work in front of some of the stores in the postoffloe block, r Miss Elizabeth Dowd returned last night from : Charlotte, where she has been spending a few days. Henry Miller, colored, was tried by Magistrate Steele for the theft of a coat from Jim Riddick. Miller plead guilty and was bound over to ; court, Being unable to give bond he was ta ken to Greensboro. . Millersays he'd rather go the war ttan to the county roads. . . r' ' Ab the Ashboro train .came in today at noon Solomon" Mastont colored, endeavored to oatcb a b car and rrHTunder the wheels, mashing bis foot BO badly that it will have to be ampu tated. ' , . t Baseball Yesterday. , At" Washington Brooklvn 6. -Washington At BaltimoreBaltimore 18, 'Boa- ton 3." -- " At LouisviUe-LouSsville 7MChlc- ago 6. - . At St.Louls St. Louis 5, Cleve- ndlO.c - T " ' KM ' PbUadelphia Phnadtilphia 8 Ne York 6.. - . ' " ' " At Chapel Hill-UA NC. l4 Oakl J j I ; ' Opening Saturday, C V. The opening of the new store of D Bendheim & Sons takes , place Satur day , at the Guilford Department Store old atand, 230 South Elm Btreet. See their his ad. on ' third page of this paper. L 1 - 1 "1 ' jj , i jnn-T'i" ii if 11,1 ""' 11 ,b ' '"ni . .j; ".'"v.,'- To Cure a Cold In One Day. ' A .Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All'druggiats refund the money If HfaUstoCure. 25c. AC inSidc or LAST OACB Troops Pass Through. The reality of our war with Spain was forcibly shown this morning by the passing of troops through Greens boro enroute to Tampa, -Fla. Nearly 2000,per8ons were at the Southern de pot to set. Uncle Sam's soldier boys go through. ' The first train passed through about 12 o'clock and 'was composed of bag. gage, cattle and flat cars. ' The bag gage cars were filled with provisions and toils, of wire, and on the fiat cars wi&. firo atnbulaicege oj: tVm Red Crosn society and several -wagons for the movement of the provisions. - Two cattle oars contained horses for the ambulances and wagons. Five other trains followed this one at in tervals of thirty-five minutes each. They contained troops and were greet ed with loud cheers. On the platforms of nearly every coach stood soldiers waving the United States flags and cheering. Youths' Ball Game. The West End ball team began the season T yesterday by defeating the Normal team 27 to 8 The positions of the players were as follows:. ' - ' West End E. Ridge, o; Crawford , p; A. Pearce, ss; Foushee, lb; Gentry, 2b; Glenn, 3b) T. Pearce, rf; Forbis and J. Eldrige, of; Leak, If. . Normal Bandy, c; B. L. Keefe, lb: Creech and JKnight, p; B. R. Sted man 2b; B. Boyles, 3b; Knight and Creech, ss; Groome, rf; Malcome, of; Latiker, If. Score: " - West End...... '.5 3 5 2 5 3 0 2 2-27 LNormal........7.i 1 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 8 The umpires were eatherspoon and C. Armfield. - Creech was -batted all over the field. - - , Knight did better, but was hit rath er unmercifully.: Crawford was Borne; what flighty the first three innings, but" redeemed himself in the last five. - ' " Although the wind was unfavorable the batting was heavy on both- sides. The feature of the game was the run ning catch by Tom pearce. - West End will play ; Church -Btreet next Saturday "at the park - - ' . . . Indian Uprising. - ' ' ByWirfctoTHiTaUMBAM.' , Rush Springs, I. -T., April 21 Ru mors reached here of an uprising near Fort--Sill by Gerronimo and his Apachee band. This caused, the re turn of ' one troop of cavalry which reached here enroute to New Orleans. Indians fell out v among', themselves. More trouble is feared. y "a . -Another War on Hand, Bj Cable Tn Tilbubam. . j - ' Managtte vNlcaragua,'"Aprii 21- Peace negotiations with Costa Rioa have failed. 'War is probable.-Two armies are facing each other neai the frontier. " t; ' ' To Cure a Cold In One Day. " Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to euro. 25o.' v ;a , THE CRISIS CLOSE AT HAND Warships are Moving and Prepar ing tor Action. WILL OPEN WITH A BLOCKADE, Fw Congressmen Think hostilities Will Last Over Two Honths-- Lee Says Two Weeks. By wlr MTbiTblbobim Washington, April'31 The text of the ultimatum approves of the resolu tions of congress an(T( in obedience to the ' act, directs Woodford to present Spain with a formal demand from this government oJijjminediate relin quishinentofC Ihdrawherland and naval fort Jhnd ta-llictaim all intention to eitirr.! sovereignty and jurisdictioJi : over the Is land, exeej)t - ;for pacifieation. Whn that is established to leave the government and consul of the Island to its inhabitants! The ultimatum gives Spain until noon Saturday to comply. The Britisti embassy will take charge of the American legation. eucfuses to" recede. Washington, April Zl A cablegram just received from Minister Woodford says Spain refuses to '-eoede. ENLISTING IN . NEW YORK. New York, April 21 The Spanish consulate was closed up 'at noon to day. Ten thousand men enlisted here this morning. The recruiting stations are crowded with volunteers. M'KINLEY ANXIOUS FOR ACTION. Washington, April 21 Minister Woodford cable that all diplomatic relations are ended. Capt. Sampson's orders have been prepared. The war ships are moving for action. Cuba and Porto Rico are to be blockaded. Action on the war tariff will be taken immediately. The president hastily gathered the leaders of congress around him 'and is anxious for action. THIRTY THOtJS ANtVKESERVES . 'Washington, ApiI- 21 General MeCook, of the national volunteers andlreserves, has issued a call for 30,000 men of the reserves to report for duty immediately.; DURATION OP HOSTILITIES. Washington, April 21 Few con gressmen think that hostilities will last over two months. General Lee is reported as saying the war will not last over two weeks. ' . r 'BEADY IN SIX HOURS. Albany, April 21 Major-General Roe has announced that he will have the New York militia ready within six hours after the call is issued. ADVISE ADVANCE ON CUBA. Washington, April f 21 Congress may. declare war immediately. The strategist board advises an immediate advance upon Cuba., Secretary Long is consulting the president regarding same. FIREARMS CALLED IN. . Poughkeepsie, April . 21 The gov ernment has called in" all :- small fire arms loaned to military schools." INFERNAL MACHINE FOR M'KINLEY. v-v-; . "", Washington, April 21 An infernal machine in a , cigar box, was sent to the white house this jnorning. Com mittees of both hon8 aue in session discussing the advisability of making a declaration of war H" immediately, 'as the president requests. Some- sona tors have advised against a declara tion of war." " ' ' t COAL EXPORTS , PROHIBITED. t Washington, April 21 The house foreign affairs committee is discussing the war situation. The senate has passed a resolution prohibiting coal exports, " ' . Postmaster. General Gary has' re signed and Charles Emery Smith has been oppointed his successor. .' Gary resigned because he did' not approve of Bending the ultimatum . . ; THAT WAR EXISTS. .1 Washington, April 21 The presi dent will notify the powers today that war exists Joint resolution will be presented declaring that a state of war exists. N When the act- passes ; fleets will move. , , 3J : , EVERYTHINU TO OO SOUTH.-' Washington. Afril 2i Adjutant General Carbon ail vised, that every regiment-;; of infantry and cavalry, and all light batteries of artillery or dered south has started. VOLUNTliKR IL IN SENATE Washington, Apil 21 The .Bettaoe military cammltte ronslderlng the ill An t-ffoi-l ill U pa.-!i 11 Hi rKI.Y F-Xl'K. "I El as!i;nguu. April -I sa:ii(noi " : H.-'t liR- tn-uii ordered to uba 11m d!au-! A uval baukj ie .-x ix-.-U il hcmrl v . KAVOKABI.K T) VOI.l' NTEEK ' Wahingt4ni. April 21- The m-tiU' couimittM? authorizes a favorabl;- re port on vdunteer army bill. Sjx. iai cabinet inueling considering the Mral cgist board's recouiuiendation to in U'l-rupl the Spanish tleet The senate passed sundries civil bill and took up i the naval appropriation bill. j TIME OF ENUS-I..IKNTCVT. j Washington, April 21 -The senate J cuts the time of enlistment in naiional guard to one year. The national guard of the District of Columbia as sembled under hurr orders. City Democratic Convention. The democratic voters of the cit of Creensboio are hereby notified to meet at the usual place in their re spective wards cm Thursday night, April at H o'clock, for the purpose of nominating two aldermen in each ward. And on Friday night. April 9, at 8 o'clock there will be a general convect'on of the democratic voters in the courthouse to ratify the nomi nations of alderman made in the differ ent wards and to nominate a candi date for mayor. '. H. Ireland, John S. Michaux, Chairman. Secretary . THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porter field & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co.. commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Hoard of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York. April. 21, 1898. American tobacco 97 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 23i B. and 0 158 C. and. 0 17f Chic., Bur. and Quincy. . . 881 Chic; Gas.:V..v........... m Del., Lack, and Westernj Delaware and Hudson 104 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie..... 11 General Electric 30 Jersey Central 88J Louisville and Nashville 44 Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 91 J Missouri and Pacific 25 Northwestern.... 115 Northern Pacific Pr 49 National Lead. New York Central . 1061 Pacific Mail 21 Reading 15f Rock Island 82 Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 241 St. Paul..... 83i Sugar Trust 113i Tenn. Coal & Iron 181 Texas Pacific U.S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 841 Wabash Preferred 14f The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, April, 21,-1898. Wheat, July 89 May 112 Sept 82 Corn, Dec " Apr " Sept Oct " May..?.. " July..... 311 34 32 33 Oats, Sept.... 22 " Apr " May " . July Pork, Deo.... " Apr May 27i 27i 24 1107 1107 1127 555 " July Lard, Dec. Apr . . 555 . 565. Ribs,- Dec u Apr ; 557 May 655 July........ 567 Cotton, Sept..... i : 637(638 i " ' Deo 642643 1 " Feb....... 3 March. 4 'J. "t April .,..621625 " May....;,,;,,.".,;. 628629 ' Jrune.,;...'.i...l'..'w..632633 .July.;..i ..6311637 August.-.,:. ....wtm . ii Oct i ...... i ,.633(639 ;.639640 Jf " Jan. ...w.;i..,.i645(a647 Spot cotton. :.6 7-16 full, S7i" Q i Calls, ttlj Curb WILL NO! !ILLD! Ntw supers Applaud The fnergy 1 ef The Government. DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS SEVERED1 N oodf'.i II ra t tic Orovnl- t To i ; M-iJ ' nthuslas Miuutinx "Death i nsikuea. ' H i t Th K I hl.fc. HAM Madri.1. Apn. -1 -The the I ' n i u-ii Slau-s was recei . v tins uiormiig It was written in lili. The Spanish government innm--cliau-U broke otf all diplomatic rela tions with the 1' tilted States and noti fied the I'nilcd States minister to that effect le fore he was able to reM'nt his not, . The newspajnTs applaud the en erg of the government and much en thusiasm is shown by the public at the advent of r. KK.KFSES HI KK-i KIVK t l.TlMATI M Madrid, April 21 The city is in a tit of excitement over Minister Wood ford's departure. Spain refused to receive our ultimatum. The Spanish fleet has headed for Cuban waters. WOODFORD LEAVES SPAIN. Madrid, April 21 Minister Wood ford was given his and left for France. passports today SPAIN SANCTIONS l'UI V A'l'EKKl NU . Madrid, April 21-The cabinet de cided to act in regard to private ring as shall be most convenient when the occasion arises. This indicates that Spain will authorize privateering. The war like feeling is unabated. An effigy of McKinley was burned - by a mob in Valtadolid. The cabinet sat for several hours last night devising means and plans for defense. All night long the streets were filled with enthusiastic crowds Bhouting, "Death to- the Yankees." Senor Bernarbe cabled MoKinley's ultimatum yester day from Washington before leaving. DON CARLOS A PATRIOT. Ostendo, April 21 Don Carlos says when the first shot is fired he wVll prove himself a Spanish patriot. Ijr ENGLAND NEUTRAL, BU'f " . London, April 21 Davitt was given notice to ask Secretary of stateCh amber lin this afternoon to make coal in the British colonies contraband of war. England will remain neutral but will aid the United States if Europe inter feres. The government declined Davitt's request to declare coal a contraband of war. SPANISH FLEET ON THE MOVE. Havana, April 21 Spanish agents are trying to buy coal at St. Thomas and Windward Islands. The Spanish flf-ct, it is reported, has- sailed from Cape Verde Islands and may be going to strike the American coast. REFUSE TO CONFER. Havana, April 21 It is understood that the insurgents have refused to confer with a delegation from the co lonial government. It is quiet here. TO AID SPAIN. Paris, April 21 A national sub scription ifor the aid of Spain was opened today. It was promptly sup ported. WAR TALK SUPERCEDED. By te Probability of an Increased Tobacco Tax. Speoial to the Telegram. Winston, April 21 War talk here has been superceded by the intensest interest in the probability of an addi tional tax of six cents on tobacco. The manufacturers are particularly Bolioitoua and anxious about the out come. They expect an additional tax of two per cent, to be made and have prepared to fight bitterly any Increase beyond that. The tobacco trade, .. . fasR"-ecoming demor,aiiKd and crashes ma, any moment. It is reported that sev eral of the concerns will close down until the matter is definitely ' settled. Evern the)re is talk of some of the large concerns 'doing likewise, but they are now running day and night. One fac tory is reported as making 40,000 lbs. a day.' This means more than a mil lion pounds a month for one factory alone. - This, factory has been com? polled to turn orders away. ' v P. H. Hanes and a committee ap pointed by the Tobacco Board . of Trader are now in Washington plead ing with the ways and means com mute of the house of representatives not to kill the main Industrie of the! south by imposing this great hard ship, . '-.,. Mr. Hanes telegraphs here that they are working viorously but cannot as yet give' an opinion as the effect of r oetfie at I Vj their efforts, , ' v,,uil,indifreshsupp,y BeailS, PeaS, Com dfld Garden Seeds -AT- Stamey & Grissom, (Successor to Bouib Side Phannfccy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Dnirgtst. 'k1 So. Elm. Manager, Two Soul but a Single andthat thought is ourcigar case. If you a iv fond of a tine cii'ar and don't want to pay a fortune to own it, and urn want il fresh and made from all Havana tobacco (we said ALL :.nd mean it) you will tind it at our store. We can give you clear Havana cigars from 5c to LV, or we can give you a Havana tiller. Sumatra wrap per, hand made cigar that will surely please you, and the price will not hurt vou. We ha save cigars at all prices. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson &.Fariss SPRING WEATHER Weakens The Eyes. There is no time of the year when the eyes need to be more carefully protected and ;i-:-'e,i than this time th'' ' -a- are now passing. T' uergoing a change at ,.re fly hot weather is dc 1 1 t i i ? weakened con- diw . .i'.. ,,,s. organs have to s j'. the bright sum mer .- . unless the utmost care la exercised they may be permanently injured. If .they are troubling vou i bepw consult at once the onljjfiye, Ifpecialist in this vicinity, J. T. JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. Residence For Sale On West MarkeOStreet. This house is situated on the north side of West Market street in a very desirable locality and convenient to business. We al so have a corner lot just west of this dwelling which we offer for sale at a bargain. WHARTON 4 McALlSTER. AGENTS. MOTH BALLS. MOTHBALLS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. 15c pound 2 pounds for25c HOWARD GARDNER'S. CornW Opposite rosv Offic Fresh Garden Seed. V v o Ahead But first be sure you are riant. is where we come in or rather that m when you come in and see us.- First be sur? you know iust what ort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure yon go to the place where yon can bay the ar tide the cheapest and beet. Wa have a ' full line of, just such goods whleh we.' are offering at unusually , low prices. There ia a lot of Jgo in .all of our; goods. JF ' "..:, Holtoarcj Stcre; - " - i . McAdoo House Building. - , -ii1iii.i.iiri.i,-.iii,ii fc . LOOK OUT ! j ' , Whea tn need ef f . Anjr kind of 1 , House Painting ," Givt Mt a Chanct. Best ol Reforenci. , 1 . - R." K. ANDREWS. 834 West Market. .i' f 1 X - v. J 7 i - - V , 108 S, ElmSt. ' PharmwM - r7-v 1T r i k