vVn READERS The Only Daily in Greens- 4? JO ADVERTISERS The Largest Circula- tion of any Daily ever Published Here. J boro Giving Telegraptuc senm . VOL. M. NO. 73 GREENSBORO, IM. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1898. Price Two Cents; II V vvii Jin ini (511 Sill HI o Money j Saved 1$ Money Made We can save you 8 per cent on all your Dry Goods and Shoes. New Silks for Waist. New Umbrellas and fa.icy Par asols just received. J nil Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. i! if i9 H f e s-1 ee tee e ee eee eee e m ft. m Announcement! aih tn announce to the J !. ihlic that I will continue the j.-Aolrv business-under the firm J ! -im.' of W. U. Farrar's Son, JJ JjJ u: l upright business methods ! :n.jn!to merit a continuance-of jJJ iretiorous patronage bestowed i.v an appreciative public on the i.l.l tiriii. whose wide reputation ;;n.- work will be fully-main- m :;t;;:.Vl. JJJ : M. Royal farrar, 2.-5 2 Jeweler 6 greensboro. x. c 3 333335 22f Flowers. ( u:!.t!. te Assortment of the ( and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries ( ii Flowers, Bouquets, Floral n.-iyn-- for weddings, funerals, u-.. on short notice. Orders by ifiail or phone promptly attend- d to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., na. X. C. Just Recjived A lot of new lland Cameras, -. price o the "Boss Dan ilv," call and see it. Also Developing Outfits and other amateur supplies. You also want to see the new 'Has Relief ' portraits and the beautiful "Platinotypes." You can also see photographs of the Battallion Officers of the State Naval Reserves at Alderman's tfew Studio. Kingan's Smoked Meals, Hams and Pure Leaf Laid And all kinds of Can goods and family supplies, Country Produce a specialty AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Eliu St. 'Phone No. 2 Every Prescription -II' out from our Drug Store is filled 1 tlie best drugs the market ean ' "iti. All of the best cough mix laxatives and liver regulators i t constantly in stock. Toilet arti- of . very description in fact, we 1 an -upply you with anything in the ,;, !1r iine. of the best quality and at : a-.'iiiahle prices. Gaston W. Ward, l" S. Klu.st. Pharmaciet NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our , Neighbor Briefly Told. TlXBORAM BURKAU, ( High Point. N..C. April 22, '98. S W. H. Matthews, of Greenboro, is spending a few days in the city. Frank English, a student of Guil ford college, who has been spending a few days in Archdale, returned to school today. Captain Rankin is left in a bad fix. The train going north last night stop ped and took the first-class coach of the Ashboro road. Frank Hargrave, of. Lexington, was here today. H. A. Tomlinson, of Archdale, pass ed through this morning en route to Greensboro. Mrs. Jule Brown and daughter were in the city yesterday. F. M. Barbee returned from Hickory, yesterday. Miss Blanche Boyles, of Greens boro, who has been visiting friends in Trinity, returned home yesterday. Miss Doub, of Greensboro, came up this morning to visit Mrs. W. H. Ragan. Mrs. A. W. McAiister, of Greens boro, who has been visiting in Ashe boro for a few days, passed through this morning returning home. The Enterprise lias made arrange ments to accommodate the people so as to get the regular press dispatches about the war every afternoon. High Point citizens appreciate this good work. ' Mrs. W. A. Kearns, -daughter of our townsman, D. Davis, died at her father's home this morniug at 5 o'clock of consumption. She will be buried at Mt. Sheppard tomorrow evening at 2 o'clock. The citizens of High Point will have a mass meeting next Thursday night to nominate mayor and aldermen. A Card of Thanks. Mr. Editor Will you kindly permit me to thank, through your columns, all those who have so kindly assisted us with the bicycle drill. I wish to thank especially the young people who have worked so hard and faithfully in getting up the drill and to assure them that we appreciate fully their generous efforts. Brockmann's orchestra, the owners of the Banner warehouse, Mr. Marks for lights free of charge, those who assisted us with advertising, and last, but not least, our'darly papers, which have so kindly and generously kept the matter before the public; all these we desire to thank separately and indi vidually. And now, one word of apology for the seats. Every effort was made to get chairs, but none could be procured for love money and as a last resort the improvised seats had to be used. Again thanking all who have helped us and the public generally for kindly interest, Very sincerely, J. D. Miller, Rector of St. Andrews. - Cost of Traveling on Bad Roads. An illustration of the comparative cost of hauling over good and bad roads is furnished by C. E. Ashburn, Jr., in the Louisville Courier-Journal. The incident came under his own ob servation and the roads were in Ken tucky. He says: "A machine weighing 16,000 pounds was drawn four miles on the Brock turnpike, a macadamized road. It re quired four mules (4000 pounds to a mule), and-one-and-one-half hours of time, at a cost of 15 cents per mule per hour, or a total cost of four miles of ninety cents. 'After traveling four miles on mac adamized turnpike the route lay a lit tle less than 2000 feet ( less than two fifths of a mile) on a dirt road. To travel this 2000 feet it was necessary to use ten of the best mules and seven men; and with this force it took nine hours to complete the journey. The cost was $89.80, at which rate four miles would have cost $208.08; or, in other words, $208.08 is absolutely thrown away for want of a macadam ized road." Recruits in England. " London, April 21 The rush of ap plicants for enlistment in the United States army or navy continues. lie tween forty and fifty English and Irish sailors or soldiers, or would-be sol diers applied for enlistment at the United States Consulate this morning To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money SPANISH VESSEL CAPTURED, 4 Six Peunder Fired And The Buenaventura Surrendered. THE SITUATION IS ALARMING. Notice Served On All Nations That United States Will Proceed Te Blockade Havana. By wire to ThkTxl.bg ram. Key West, April 22 A Spanish freighter was captured by the Ameri ican fleet this morning. The vessel is the Buena Ventura and it is stated that she was carrying arms and sup plies to the Spanish army. One of the cruisers fired a six pounder at her and the Spaniard surrendered. She was captured by the Nashville and is being brought in as a prize. Great excitement here. SAILED FOR CULIA. Kej West, April 22 The North At antic squadron, except the monitors Terror and Puritan, the cruisers Mar- blehead and Detroit, despatch boat Dolphin, torpedo boats Gushing, Du- pont and Porter sailed from Key West this morning for Florida Straits. The sky was gray when the vessels sailed. They go presumably for Cuba. Du ring the entire night unusual activity was shown by the vessels and watch ers. THE BLOCKADE FLEET. Key West, April 22 The following boats will compose the blockade fleet off Cuba: Battleships Iowa and Indi ana; Cruisers New York and Cincin nati; Gunboats Nashville, Castine, Newport and Machias; Monitor Am- phitrite; Torpedo boats Ericsson, Foote and Winslow; Torpedo boat destroyer Mayflower. FLAU SHIP SAILED. Key West, April 22 The rtagship New York, of Sampson's fleet, sailed from here. at 5:30 this morning. SPAIN MUST TAKE INITIATIVE. Washington, April 22 The presi dent says that Spain must take the nitiative. It is unofficially announced that the Spanish fleet i not at the Cape de Verde Islands. NSW POSTMASTER GENERAL. Washington, April 22 Postmaster General Smith was sworn in this morning. The president received Sen ator Davis early this morning. THE FORMAL DECLATION. - When Senator Davis left the white house he said that a formal declara tion of war by congress will not be made before tomorrow. This will al low the Spanish government the full time limit imposed by the ultimatum. WRITTEN NOTICE DRAWN UP. Notice to all nations that the United States proposes to establish a block ade at Havana was drawn up by the attorney General and is now in the hands of the secretary of state and it is believea win De aeiiverea io ice diplomatic representatives today. ANOTHER CRUISER BOUGHT. A favorable conference report was made on the voluntary bill. The gov ernment has purchased a new steam ship built for the New England Fish Commission, and will be used as a cruiser. THE FLYING SQUADRON. Fort Monroe, April 22 The flying squadron was still here this morning through great activity prevailed on board and she was ready to move, and indulging in target practice. TO AID GOMEZ. New Orleans, April 22 Seven fili bustering expeditions will leave the gulf today to aid Gomez and the in surgents. WAR DECLARATION READY. Washington, April 22 A war decla ration is ready. The Spaniards are given one year to leave the country. It is officially stated that Spain will not give up privateering. MARINES .FOR HAMPTON ROADS. Brooklyn, April 22 The first bat talion of the marines from the Brook lyn navy yard, will leave for Hamp ton Roads tonight. The company is 750 strong. CONSIDERING DECLARATION OF WAR. Washington, April 22 A call for volunteers will be issued this afternoon The senate is in executive session con sidering a declaration of war. The house adopted the conference report on the volunteer bill. PRESIDENT ANNOUNCES BLOCKADE Washington, April 22 The presi dent signed a proclamation announc of Cuba. House and Senate passed the volunteer army bill whieh grants the president yower to oall for one hundred thousand volunteers immedi ately. DETROIT JOINS SQUADRON. Key West, April 22 The Detroit sailed at 2 o'clock this afternoon to join the blockade squadron. SENATE ADJOURNS. Washington, April 22 The senate has adjourned until Monday. TO GUARD PRESIDENT. " Washington, April 22 A military guard will be placed at the white house in a few days. This has been definitely settled, but none of the details of the arrangements are known. THERE IS SUCH A LAW. And It Should be Enforced or Else Repealed. Communicated. Dear Mr. Editor: I notice with much pleasure that you are endeavor ing to have all goods boxes kept from the sidewalks of our city. Several days ago you said. something like this: "if there is an ordinance againt such P"i?t-;.?e it should be enforced and if there is none there should be." I had occasion recently to investi gate this matter and found that there is an ordinance against having boxes, etc , on sidewalks, the penalty being a fine of $-5.00 upoU conviction and $5.00 for every day they are allowed to re main there. The only reason that some of our citizens have not insisted on this law being enforced is an unwillingness to break the peace and harmony and friendly feelings existing between those who persist in this violation of our law and those who have to suffer the great inconvenience and annoyance of these obstructions. It does seem to. me that men of clear judgment and integ rity as these men are who are so thoughtless of others' rights as to al low their employees to continue this nuisance would not take advantage of this friendly feeling but would try to do their part to sustain it. However, patience sometimes ceases to be a vir tue and if these gentlemen are soon called up and made to pay for their violation of this law and disregard for the rights of others they can blame no one but themselves. Allow me, Mr- Editor, in this con nection to assure you of my hearty appreciation of the efforts you are putting forth from time to time to have public abuses corrected and to build up and improve our city's interests. Your success In ' this direction shows how wisely you have planned. I only hope you may be a success ful in remedying the evil above re ferred as you have been with others. Very truly yours, Justice. Will Be Ordered Out. Raleigh correspondent to the Char lotte Observer says: The general belief is that an order for the mobilization of the State Guard will be issued tomorrow. Noth ing has been done as yet. Major Hayes is still in Washington, and the Adjutant General is not here. It is expected that as soon as the govern ment calls for troops a mobilization will be made at Raleigh of North Carolina's quota. The present strength of infantry of the Guard is about 1750, according to the colonels regiments, while the quota to be called for it seems, is 2;06S The statement is made that Gen. R. F. Hoke may be assigned to command of troops raised for home defense after the Guard is put into service. While there is in tense interest here in war news, there is not the least excitement. Every thing awaits tomorrow's develop ments. Minister Weodford. The Observer pause amidst the ac tivities incident to the war prepara tions, to repeat that while there is no public manifestation of admiration for him in any part of the country, its in dividual opinion is that nobody has borne himself a.ny better throughout the whole business than Minister Wood ford. In the first place he has done his best to preserve peace. After that it is to be said that he has behaved, at the Spanish capital, surrounded by hostile influences, with admirable dig nity and fine courage. His situation at Madrid has been no less perilous than that of Gen. Lee at Havana, but through it all he has never lost his nerve nor said or done anything that called for any American to blush for him. Let us render honor where honor is due. Charlotte Observer. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 3Sc WOODFORD -" PARTY ATTACKED Spanish Police Try to Capture a Member of the Legation. FRUSTRATED BY THE MINISTER At Valladolid the Train Was Stoned, Windows Were BrokenPro tected by Civil Guards. By Cable to Thi Tklxgbam. Hondaye, Spanish Frontier, April 22 Minister Woodford and staff reached the frontier this morning af ter most exciting experiences at Val ladolid where the train was attacked with stones. The Spanish police at tempted to capture a member of the legation at Valladolid. Moronoisthe member of the legation singled out for capture. The attempt was made on the ground that he is a subject of Spain. The arrest wa9 frustrated, owing to the presence of mind of the minister. The windows were broken and the civil guards were compelled to protect his carriage with drawn swords. The Morono incident threatened to be serious. A desperate effort was made to capture Morono which was only prevented by Woodford blocking the carriage door and saying that it could only be removed by force. Police ac companied the detachment from Tolo- so to San Sebastian, where the police officials left ou seeing Woodford de termined to maintain his rights. The party was greatly relieved when they left Spanish noil. CRISIS IN MINISTRY FEARED. Madrid, April 22 A crisis in the Spanish ministry is feared BY ROYAL DECREE. Madrid, April 22 A" royal decree was gazetted today calling out thirty thousand reserves out of . ninety-seven thousand. IF SAGASTA WEAKENS. Madrid, April 22 Campos will take the Priemiersbip if Sagasta weakens. MUST CERTIFY TO THE CARGO. London, April 22 The admiralty issued ordered today all bills of lad ing of he government -ships shall bear a declaration signed by the command ing officerof such vessels certifying that the store aboard is the property of the British government and not contra band of war. THE PARIS SAILS. South Hampton, April 22 The Par is sailed today for New York. To Protect Capital. Torpedoes . and mines are being planted in the Potomac river below Washington. They are being put there as a safeguard in case of an emergency, and the exact locations of the mines are being kept secret. The majority of the work is being done by night, and is being pushed forward with aji eye to the possible contingen cy of a hostile fleet attempting to shell the capital. War Notes. Senor Polo arrived at Niagara Falls yesterday afternoon. He refuses to be interviewed. Consul R. M. Bartleman left Malaga for Gibraltar, yesterday .- A dispatch to the London Telegraph from Barcelona eays that Spain's shortage of coaCl and provisions may bring hostilities to a premature end. Mr. Balfour said yesterday thatHer Majesty's government cannot lay down the principle that coal is contraband of war in the way suggested. It is fre quently so, but not of necessity, or under all circumstances. Burlington's Municipal Ticket. Burlington, April 21 At the citi zen's convention tonight Mr. D. F. Morrow was nominated for mayor, and Mr. W. C. Dameron for chief of po lice by acclamation. City Democratic Convention. The democratic voters of the city of Greensboro .are hereby notified to meet at the usual place in their re spective wards on Thursday night, April 28, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating two aldermen in each ward. And on Friday night, April 29, at 8 o'clock there will be a general convention of the democratic voters in the courthouse to ratify the nomi nations of alderman made inthediffer ent wards and "to nominate a candi date for mayor. C. H. Ireland, John . Michaux, Chairman. Secretary. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25o. MARRIED IN BRISTOL. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Phillips Arrived Here Today. . The marriage of Mr. B. S. Phillips, of this city and Miss Estelle Kidd, was beautifully and impressively sol emnized in Bristol, Tenn., the home of the bride, last Wednesday evening. The details of the ceremony and the elaborate and handsome decorations were written specially for this paper, but have been lost or delayed in transit. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips arrived in the city at noon today and after to night they will be at home at Mrs. W. S. Lyon's, 228 Cedar street. Tonight a reception will be tendered them at Mr. R. M. Phillips', 701 South Elm street. The Telegram extends congratula tions and expresses the wish that their connubial barque may always s'ail in smooth water with ho torpedoes or submarine mines to disturb its tran quility. From a Special Courier . The Spanish consul at Jacksonville was a passenger on the Charlotte, Co lumbia & Augusta last night. He was enroute north. He is quite youthful looking. He spoke English very well, but had little or nothing to say to any one. The Southern has had an order to place a hundred cars at Chieamauga as soon as they can be gotten there. Charlotte Observer. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations oU the New York Stock exchange andt the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, April. 22, 1898. American tobacco 100i Atch., Top. k Santa Fe B. and 0 15f C. and O 17i Chic, Bur. and Quincy 891 Chic. Gas 871 Del., Lack, and Western Delaware and Hudson 105i Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie Hi General Electric 30J Jersey Central 89 J Louisville and Nashville 43i ake Shore Manhattan Elevated 92! Missouri and Pacific 25 Northwestern 118 Northern Pacific Pr 581 National Lead New York Central 106 Pacific Mail 21i Reading 15 Hock Island... 85i Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 25 St. Paul 84i Sugar Trust 114$ Tenn. Coal & Iron 15i Texas Pacific y. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 85 Wabash Preferred Hi The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO, April, 22, 1898. Wheat, July 88 " May 114i " Sept 8H Corn, Dec " Apr 32i " Sept 34i " Oct " May 32i " July 334 Oats, Sept 22t " Apr.:....... 27i May 27i " July 24i Pork, Dec , . . " Apr... " May 1195 " July 1112 Lard, Dec " Apr... " May 560 " July 570 Ribs, Dec " Apr " May " July 540 550 Cotton, Sept 637(638 " Dec 645646 " Feb " March. " May 627628 " June ..630631 July .635(636 " August 638639 Oct 639(640 41 Nov .". 639640 " Jan ...646(3647 Spot cotton. . . .. .. ., ...... 6 7-16 PuU; 861 ; Calls, 901 ; Curb 88 You will find a fresh supply of Beans, Peas, Corn and Garden Seeds AT Stanley & Grissom,. (Successors to South Side .Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm.. Manager. Children : Are Important Customers, in our estimation," when they are sent to as on a trailing errand, we always remember that they are not dis criminating buyers, and we take special pains to see that they get what both you and they want. Then we always try to be prompt in waiting on them, there is always a little worry at home when they are sent upon an errand and stay too long, often though no fault of their own. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss Agents For Huylers Candies. SPRING WEATHER Weakens The Eyes. There is no time of the year when the eyes need to be more carefully protected and assisted than this time through which we are now passing. The system is undergoing a change ana tne oppressively hot weather Is debilitating. In this weakened con dition our delicate optic organs have to stand the glare of the bright- sum mer sun and unless the utmost care is exercised they may be permanently injured, if tney are troubling you better consult at once the only Eye bpecialist m this vicinity J.T.JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6 00 p. in. Residence For Sale On West- Market Street. This house is situated on the north side of West Market street in a very desirable locality and convenient to business. We al so have a corner lot just west of this dwelling which we offer for sale at a bargain. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. . MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. 15c pound 2 pounds for 25c HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite it'ost Office. Fresh Garden Seed. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are rignt. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want) then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of "go in all of. our goods. Bolton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT ! When in need of Any kind of House Painting Givi M a Chance. Best Of References. R. E. ANDREWS. 834 West Market. 5 ! if ing the block ad' of Havana and all If it fails to cure. 25c. -

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