' r" '-c L.:-- " wn f ADER$-The Only Dally In Greens-J boro Giving Telegraphic Service. 1 iliilMll, : S v iw nuicniiaeno me Largest urcuia- t . A tlAn Af onw llailii au DiikKrk U... ii - X VOL. II- NO. 76 GREENSBORO, N. C., .TUESDAY, APRIL 26 1898. Price Two Cents il Jirainnio Money Saved I Is Money Made We can save you 8 per cut on all your Dry Goods and Shoes. New silks for Waist. New Umbrellas and fa.icy Par asols just received. J M Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. 7 New Designs ; -in- I : WAIST SETS. 5 2 1 am prepared to meet 5 every want in Waist ? sets of all styles in solid 5 2 Gold and sterling Silver, 2 plain and enameled, 2 These sets are new 5 2 stock and represent the 2 latest spring patterns 2 W. B. farrar's Son. En pcetor of Southern Railroad Watches. I"-i.iblished 186. 2 9 3-5-5--533---S-r- Flowers. (.':: Tj'.-te Assortment of the ( h.'i x-i and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. Flowers, Bouquets, Floral I), -ins for weddings, funerals, i . .. on short notice. Orders by or phone promptly attend- fli to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., o....:.a. N. C. Just Recjived A lot of new Hand Cameras, l-. priee 45 the "Hoss Dau iiy,' call and see it. Also Developing Outflts and other amateur supplies. You also want to see the new "Mas Relief' portraits and the lwautiful "Platinotypes." You can also see photographs of the Mattallion 'Officers of the State Naval Reserves at Alderman's itew Studio. ingan's Smoked Meals, Hams and Pure Leaf Lard And all kinds of Can goods and family supplies, Country Produce a specialty AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. outh Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription - lit 'i.it from our Drug Store is filled ' tli u.e best drugs the market can ' 'ni-h. All of the best cough mix- :i laxatives and liver regulators "!' fonstiintly in stock. Toilet arti- - of ,;vi-iy description in fact, we Mipplv you with anything in the linu. of the best quality and at ! :i-na.ble prices. Gaston W. Ward, lib . F.lnaSt. Pharmacist, NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, f High Point. N. c. April 26, '98. f C. V. Riohardson, of Florence, was in the city today. E. B. Craven, of Trinity, was a vis itor in town yesterday. Miss Cora Smithwick, of Axetell, was in the city yesterday. Chas. Carpenter and sister, of Troy, were visitors to the city today. Mrs. Virgil Guyer, left today for Lenoir to visit her parents. Prof. S. L. Davis went to South Carolina today. Mrs. J. El wood Cox and daughter, Miss Carrie, who have been visiting in Charlotte, returned last night. They will spend a few days here and then return to their home in Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Wilson, of Archdale, were in the city yesterday shopping. Rev. J. W. Griffin, of Charlottes ville, Va., who has been spending a few days in the city, returned home today. John Weatherly left this morning for Danville to visit his father, Prof. J. M. Weatherly. H. C. Turner, who has been spend ng a few weeks here at Jarrell's, left today for a trip through the south. Miss Mamie L. Thomas and Arthur Morris will be married tomorrow night at Thomasville, in the M. E. church, at 8:30 o'clock. Chas. Thomas, one of Thomasville's prominent young men, came down this' morning. Miss Lena Blair, a student at Guil ford College, passed through this mor ning enroute to Ashboro where she was called on account of the illness of her sister, Miss Florence. Dr. and Mrs. Stanton went to Ran- dleman today to see Mis9 Minnie Col trane, Mrs. Stanton's sister, who is very sick. D. II. Collins, of Greensboro, ar rived in the city last night. He is stop ping at Jarrell's. Any one wanting the very latest war news can get it for two cents by get ting a copy of the Greensboro Even ing Telegram from Charley Rankin, or at the Boston Shoe Store just after the 7:12 p. m. train arrives. Subscrip tion, &x month. Trinity College Notes. Correspondence Telegram. Durham, N. C, April 26. Dr. Few left for his home in South Carolina Saturday afternoon. His sister died Saturday night after a long illness. Prof. Edwin Mims will lecture in Trinity church tonight. His subject will be Sidney Lanier, the southern poet. Mrs. L.W. Crawford, of Greensboro, spent Saturday at the Park on a visit to her son. The base ball team went over to Wake Forest last Friday where they played their second game with the Wake Forest team. The game was a pretty one in every respect. Trinity won by a score of ten to one. On Wednesday, April 27, Trinity and the University will play their sec ond game. Coach Schoch has placed the team in fine trim for the game and the best game ever played at Trinity is expected. Chambers and Howland will form the battery. Dailey, John ston, Anderson and Bohannon in the out-field. Cheers in an Atlanta Church. Atlanta, Ga., April 24 The First Baptist church, the most fashionable place of worship in Atlanta, was to night the scene of a remarkable patri otic demonstration. The pastor, Dr. W. W. Landrum, preached a ringing war sermon to his congregation, urg ing the young men to enlist and "avenge the destruction of the Maine, and see to it that the country was not made the tool of Wall street." The congregation was gradually wrought- up. and the pastor asked that all pres ent join him in the hymn, "My Coun trv. 'tis of Thee." Three thousand people sang, and at -the conclusion of the song dozens of t.inv United States flags were flung in to the air and enthusiasm ran rampant for fully ten minutes. The pastor did not attempt to check it, but repeated his injunction to the young men to go to the front and prove tnat mere were yet men in the south who were aeter mined to" sustain national honor. - SAMPSON'S FLEET AT WORK Captures a Thousand Soldiers and a Half Million In Gold. THE WAR REVENUE MEASURES. Secretary Long Denies That Morro Castle Has Fired on Our Fleet and the Fire Returned. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, April 26 Chairman Dingley, of the ways and means com mittee, has submitted to the house the war revenue bill. It recites the neces sity of immediately providing revenue to carry on the war with Spain. That if peace had continued no doubt .the revenue would have, been sufficient. The bill submitted., today contains three changes from the bill as origi nally drafted, as follows: Discount of five per cent, on beer stamps allowed after the passage of the act. Telephone messages subject to a tax of one cent on messages transmitted thirty miles or more grad uated up to ten cents where the cost of cemmunication exceeds five dollars. Official telephone and telegraphic messages of the government are ex empt. Differential half-cent on min eral waters and beverages, domestic or imported and not otherwise subject to internal taxation, in half-pint bot tles is eliminated so that the dividing line is pint bottles containing less one cent and bottles containing more two cents. COLUMBIA SAILS. Newport, April 26 The Columbia sailed from here this morning. Its destination is unknown. THREE MORE PRIZES. Key West, April 26The light house tender Maugrove and the cruiser New port have captured three prizes. The Maugrove is bringing in a large transport vessel captured off the Cuban coast. The gunboat Newport, Com mander Tilley, is 'steaming up out of the harbor with two more prizes one a big schooner and the other a chunky sloop. VESSELS DETAINED. New York, April 26 When daylight broke today eleven steamships were swinging'at anchor outside of Sandy Hook. These vessels I'were detained by the new orders preventing vessels from entering the harbor between sun set and sunrise. SARATOGA ATTACKED. New York.'April 26 The steamship Saratoga, the last of the ward line of steamers to. leave Havana, arrived here this morning. The captain re ports that they were attacked and fired upon by Spanish soldiers who called the passengers "dirty American pigs." The work of laying sub marine mines in the vicinity of Fort, Wadsworth was continued during the early hours this morning. AFTER A RICH PRIZE. Washington, April 26 The navy department, through news channels not available by the newspapers, has received information that several ves sels of Sampson's fleet cited a large steamer supposed to be the Montserrat fifteen miles east of Matanzas. They signalled to pursue her and immedi ately put off after the prize. They have not been heard from since. The Montserrat carries a thousand sol diers and a half million dollars in gold. SOLDIERS AND GOLD CAPTURED. Key West, April 26 The steamer Montserat, having on board one thousand soldiers and five hundred thousand dollars in gold, it is report ed has been captured by Sampsou's fleet. MARINES TO KEY WEST. Fort Monroe, April 26 The trans port, Panther, with 800 marines aboard, left for Key West convoyed by the cruiser Montgomery. CONSIDERING WAR MEASURES. Washington, April 26 The ways and means-committee has continued its work on the war revenue measure today. The conference committee on the army reorganization bill will not consider the senate amendments. COMINO SEIZED. Key West, April 26 The United States' cutter, Winona, seized the Spanish steamer, Comino, last night, and took the prize to Mobile. RAIN DISTURBS SOLDIERS. Chattanooga, April 26-Rain in floods is falling in the valley this morning There is no shelter for the horses and the soldiers are delayed in getting set tled. THE REPORTS DENIED. Washington, April 26 Secretary Long at 11 o'clock authorized an em phatr'c denial of the reports current today that advices had beeli received that Morro Castle had fired on our fleet and that it had returned the fire. AGREEMENT REACHED. Washington, April 26 The confer ence committee reached an agreement on the Hull army reorganization bill. The house has also agreed on" the conference report on the Hull army re organization bilL DAY NOMINATED. Washington, April 26 W. H. Day was nominated today for secretary Of state. Jno. B.Moore was nominated for assistant secretary of state. SENATE AGREES. Washington. April 26 The senate has agreed to conference report on the Hull army reorganization bill. - SILVER SENATORS' PLANS. Washington, April 26 The silver men in the senate will not prevent any bond legislation bu will insist that, should the revenue under the new taxes be insufficient, if any-additional money is required, greenbacks and not bonds shall be authorized and they will not compromise on coin bonds. MUST ENLIST FOR TWO YEARS. Washington, April 26 Letters by the War department sent to the governors of the states, notify them that enlistments must be for two years, unless sooner discharged. The Adju tant General ""will bo informed when and where a state's quota will rendez vous. PORTLAND HARBOR MINED. Portland, Me., April 26 Torpedoes and mines were laid in the harbor here today. GOMEZ WANTS ARMS. Washington, April 26 Admiral Si- card succeeded Roosevelt as a member of the strategic board. Gomez notified the United States to send arms for the insurgents. NEGROES FORMING COnPANIES. They Will Tender Their Services to Governor Russell. Though some of the negroes., like some of the white people, are afraid of whizzing bullets and flashing guns, still there are many among them with great physical courage and love for the flag and their country's honor. At this very minute there are no less than seven colored military companies being formed in the state and some of them already have upward of 200 men enlisted. Companies have been formed in Ral eigh, Charlotte, Wilmington, Jew- bern, Winston, Reidsville and Con cord. One is being formed in Frank- lington and it is stated that Raleigh, Newbern, Charlotte and Wilmington will, within the next few days, have two companies instead of one. As soon as a regiment of 10 com panies is secured they will offer their services to the Governor and volun teer for the next call for troops from North Carolina. Prominent negroes claim that they can, within two weeks time, raise twenty companies. News and Obser ver. THE NEGATIVE WON. An Interesting Debate Last Night at -St. Matthews. The debate last night before the Literary society of St. Matthews M. E. church (colored ) was listened to by a large crowd among whom were a number of white people. The query: "Resolved, that all negroes should support the nominees of the republican party," was ably debated by W. B. Winsdor and R. W- Winchester for the affirmative and W. R. Page and D. J. Gilmer for the negative. Every inch of ground was hotly con tested, but in spite of mountain-like prejudices the negative won by a ma jority of the votes of those present. Viewing this question in the light of existing conditions, the result of this debate is a great victory for Page and Gilmer. The speech of D. J. Gilmer was par ticularly effective and the Telegram will print the whole of it in tomor row's edition, the reporter having failed to get it reduced to manuscript in time for today's paper. It will prove very interesting. To Oppose Removal. The matter of moving the federal court from Greensboro to Winston is to be considered tomorrow in Wash ington. Messrs A. M. Scales, J. D. Glenn, R. R. King and R. D. Doug las left on the noon train and Hon. Thomas Settle will leave tonight for Washington to oppose the removal and present the claims of Greensboro To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. The Neutrality Document Was Is sued Today SPANISH FLEET JAILS TODAY. French Cabinet on Neutrality Irish Members Parliament Commend the United States. By Cable tcTTHK Telegram. ' ' London, April 26 The British proclamation of neutrality, issued to day, is a routine document and lays down rules in regard to the bellig erents. There shall be twenty four hours interval between the departure of vessels of opposite sides. Ships now in British ports must leave in such time as may be given them and may only take coal sufficient to carry them to the nearest port of their own country. Vessels of either nation must not recoal in British waters without special permission within three months. Armed vessels must not take prizes into British waters. SPANISH FLEET LEAVES. St. Thomas, April 26 The Spanish fleet at the Cape de Verde Islands, it is expected, will sail today. SPAIN'S FLEET NEAR MAINE. Sidney, April 26 It is reported that Spanish warships are cruising in Nova Scotian waters. One of Spain's cruis ers has been sighted off the Maine coast. ENGLAND EXTREMELY NEUTRAL. London, April 26 The torpedo boat Soraers cannot leave Falmouth while a state of war exists. Five sailors intending to join the crew were detain ed under police surveillance. The British" naval authorities say Spain's Asiatic fleet will be-outclassed by the American warships in a fight off the Philippine Islands. WILL AID UNITED STATES. Havana, via London, April 26 Gomez announces that he will aid the United States with thirty thousand men in attacking Havana. SPAIN TO THE POWERS.' Madrid, April 26 The Spanish gov ernment has sent a circular to. the pow ers in which Spain regrets the neces sity of being compelled to force in or der to repel the scandalous aggression of the United States. MASSACRE FEARED. Hong Kong, April 26 The Insurg ents are massing around Manilla and a massacre of the the Spaniards is feared. NO NEED FOR WARSHIPS. Havana, via London, April 26 General Blanco cabled Madrid that he is abundantly able to defend Ha vana without the aid of Spanish war ships. GERMANY NOT NEUTRAL. Berlin, April 26 It is semi-officially announced that Germany will not issue a declaration of neutrality in order to preserve its freedom of action so that it may be in a position to intervene if it is considered necessary. ORDERED TO BE BRAVE. Key West, April 26 General Blanco issued a proclamation to the Span iards urging them to be brave that the invaders may be repelled by Spanish arms. FRANCE NEUTRAL. Paris, April 26 The French cabinet today approves the neutrality procla mation. SPAIN'S POSITION UNCHANGED. Madrid, April 26 In regard to pri vateering, Premier Sagasta says the Spanish government's position is the same as it was before the declaration at Paris. COMMEND THE ACTION. London, April 26 The Irish mem bers of Parliament passed a -esolution commending the action of the United Stated in reference to Cuba. Baseball Yesterday. At Louisville Louisville 4, Cleve land 11. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 4, Chicago 7. At Lancaster Lancaster 7, Hartford 1. West Pointers Graduate. West Point, April 25 The class of 1898 will be graduated tomorrow. The cadets will probably leave for Chick a- mauga or Washington on tomorrow night. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. THE WAR RESOLUTION. Passed Both Houses and Was Signed By The President. Late in the afternoon of yesterday, after the Telegram was in the hands of its readers the senate, in executive session, passed the house war resolu tion without amendment and at 6:15 'the president affiixed his signature. The" official text of the resolution is as follows: " "A bill declaring that war exists between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain: "Be it resolved, by the Senate and House of representatives of the United States of America, in Congress as sembled: "First The war be and that the same is hereby declared to exist, and that war has existed since 21st day of April A. D., 1898', including said day, between the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain. "Second That the President of the United States be and he hereby is di rected and empowered to use the entire land and. naval forces of the United States and to call into actual .service of the United States the militia of the several states to such extent as may bt necessary to carry this action into effect." May Buy the Whole Navy. London, April 25 A dispatch to the Central News from Athens says that the United States has offered Greece 45,000,000 francs for its entire fleet of warships. The despateh adds that hundreds of Cretans are offering to enlist in the service of the United States. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, April. 26, 1898. American tobacco Atch., Top. k Santa Fe 24. B. and O 15i C. and O 17 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 89i Chic. Gas 88i Del., Lack, and Western "141 Delaware and Hudson 141 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie lli General Electric 30 Jersey Central . . . .' 97 Louisville and Nashville 46i Lake Shore 197 Manhattan Elevated 92 i Missouri and Pacific 25i Northwestern 116 Northern Pacific Pr 57f National Lead '. 27 New York Central 107i Pacific Mail 2H Reading 15f Rock Island 851 Southern Railway 7i Southern Railway Pr 241 St. Paul 851 Sugar Trust 116 Tenn. Coal & Iron 18 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 85 Wabash Preferred The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO, April, 26, 1898. Wheat, July 93i " May 123 " Sept.. 831 Corn, Dec " Apr 33? " Sept 35 " Oct...i " May 331 " July 34i Oats, Sept 23i " Apr 28 " May 27 " July 25 Pork, Dec " Apr 1135 " May 1135 July 1152 Lard, Dec " Apr.... 567 " May 567 " July 575 Ribs, Dec " Apr 550 " May 552 " July t 555 Cotton, Sept 630631 " Dec 635636 " Feb " March . " April. :...613615 " May 615616 " June 621622 " July 625626 " August 629630 " Oct 63063 " Nov 633634 " Jan 638639 Spot cotton 6f Puts, 901 ; Calls, 951 ; Curb 93 You will find a fresh supply Beans, Peas, Corn and Garden Seeds -AT- Sta.mey '& Grissom, (Successors to South Side -Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. i j r wniiaren Are Important Customers, in our estimation, when they . are sent to us on a trading errand, we always remember that they are not dis criminating buyers, and we take special pains to see that they get what both you and they want. Then we always try to be prompt In waiting on them, there is always a little worry at home when they are sent upon an errand and stay too long, often though no fault of their own. f Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss Agents For Huylers Candies. SPRING WEATHER Weakens The Eyes. There is no time of the year when the eyes need to be more carefully protected and assisted than this time through which we are now passing. lhe system is undergoing a change and the oppressively hot weather is debilitating. In this weakened con dition our delicate optic organs have to stand the glare of the bright sum mer sun and unless the utmost care is exercised they may be permanently injured, ll tney are troubling you better consult at once the only Eye Specialist in this vicinity J. T. JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6 00 p. m. Borrow That Money You Want through the Southern Guarantee & Investment Go This company desires a number of applications at once. We have amounts listed todav as follows: $400. $1,000, three of $500 and three of $200 each. Gilt edge security will take any of these. Other amounts secured on short notice. WHARTON & McALlSTER. AGENTS MOTH BALLS. MOTHBALLS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. 15c pound 2 pounds for 25c HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite post Office. Fresh Garden Seed. Go Ahead ! But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of -Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of Jgo in all of our goods. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT ! When in need of Any kind of ' House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of Reference. R. E. ANDREWS. 834 West Market. mm