. ..c.rr, . - .ncRThe Onh Daily In Greens- . , c. t T0 ." . r .. -.r.n Telearaohic Service. i TO ADVERTISERS The Largest Circula- ft tion of any Dairy ever Published .Here.. Jk-. yOL. II. NO. 79 GREENSBORO, N. C, FRIDAY, A PR if L 29, 1898. Price Two Cents villi i uu lllllll III AT Half Price We offer a lot of nice t Waists at half price N.:r Spot Cash. They not be sold on creiit illowed to be taken on trial. This is a i!i Wiz bargain and you should not fail to see liiem. J M Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. t S- r S- S- S- f-fr fr. New Designs m -IN- m WAIST SETS. I I am prepared to meet every want in Waist .vis of all styles in solid Gold and sterling Silver, pLiin and enameled, m These sets are new 7 Mi . .1. ... J J. - :k and represent the i.iut spring patterns. W. B. Farrar's Son. m i if Southern Railroad Watches. I -;;': '".Shea N- 3 5 5 2 -s 2 -2 -2 -S -S "9 3 " Flowers. to Assortment of the and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries ( Kiowers, Bouquets, Floral - . : - for weddings, funerals, . n phort notice. Orders by phone promptly attend- J. Van Lindley, Prop., X. C. Just Received A lot of new Hand Cameras, --". price 5 the "Boss Dan ny, call and see it. Also Developing1 Outfits and other ;ii!iateur supplies. You also want to see the new Has Relief ' portraits and the beautiful "Platinotypes." You can also see photographs of the Battallion Officers of the State Naval Reserves at Alderman's iiew Studio. Kin Jan's Smoked Meals, Hams and Pure Leaf Lard A J. all kinds of Can goods ..nd family supplies, Country Produce " a specialty AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2, Every Prescription t from our Drug Store is filled '. best drugs the market can All of the best cough mix natives and liver regulators -'ant'.y in stock." Toilet arti ery description in fact, we : !,;.v you with anything in the 1 . of the best quality and at prices. ston W. Ward, The Ward-Meetings, i-The ward meetings In ""this city last night to nominate candidates "for al dermen passed ; ojf-quietjy - and .har moniously. "V V .- v-Tr ' " The first ward fiominated be pres ent incumhents, Messrs. Mejrknon and Picl-ard.- " . - The second ward nominated Messrs. W B. Bogart and the present Alder man Frazier. -' - The third ward nominated the pres ent incumbents, 'Messrs. Elam and Sergeant. The fourth -ward nominated the present incumbents, Messrs Ellington and McKinney. The fifth ward nominated new men, Messrs. John Lewis and E. E. Bain. The sixth ward nominated new men, Messrs. J. W. Merritt and W. D. Mendenhall. All the wards except the third, en dorsed the present incumbent, J. J. Nelson, by acclamation. In the third no action was taken as to candidate for mayor. Tonight the general convention will be held in the court house to ratify the action of the ward meetings. The first ward meeting passed reso lutions declaring itself in favor of the following improvements: 1. Laying of a sewer main from the Southern railroad to the outlet below Proximity mills, and from the court house along West Market street, to connect to main sewer. 2. The permanent macadamizing of West Market street, from the corner of Ashe to Cedar street. 3. For more electric lights in the first ward. 4. That the city should own its own water and lighting plants. James Youug. That handsome, young and talented actor, Mr. James Young, will once again appear before the people in the well known play of "David Garrick." Each year Mr. Young's talents as an actor have spread wider and wider throughout the universe and it will not be long before he will be recog nized as one of the foremost actors of the day. It is understood that certain New York parties, who have recognized his remarkable talents are anxious to en gage this young actor for a tour next season throughout England and the continent, in which case we are afraid it will be a long time before the people of Greensboro will have an opportun ity of seeing this talented and pleas- ng young actor again. The play of "David Garrick" is one of the most humorous and laughable on the stage today, especially when Garriek meets the queer people at Trigots dinner, and in the third act, when Garricks breaks up the dinner party through his drunkenness, the audience is kept in one continued up roar of laughter. Early flornlnz Fire. Fire was discovered this morning about five o'clock in the rear of the Sample Brown Mercantile company's store. The fire was spreading rapidly when discovered and several goods boxes and Mr. Brown's barn were burning. The alarm was turned in immediately and the flames soon ex tingushed. Had the fire had half an hours headway the entire business part of town would most probably have been burned. The origin of the fii-e is not definitely known. It is reported that two boys smoking cigarettes were seen running from that direction just before the fire was discovered. There is a probabil ity however that the fire started from a pile of ashes thrown near the barn. Strawberries. The 'Ladies Aid Society of the First Presbyterian church, today and to night, will serve strawberries and all kinds of ices and creams at the empty store room in the Benbow, recently oc cupied by Ruben, the tailor. Some of Greensboro's prettiest girls will pre side at the tables and serve Klondike dainties. A number of young ladies from the Normal will aid in serving the delicacies. Knights Templar Attention. There will be a special conclave of Ivanhoe Commandery, Ub. 8, Knights Templar, this evening at 8 o'clock, for the DurDOse- of installing officers. All Sir Knights are hereby commanded to attend without uniforms. , James D. Glenn, Eminent Commander. Statement From Capt. Gray. No man under 21 years of age will be allowed to go with my company acrainst the will of his parents. T.rftiita obiecting to the enlistment of their sons will please notify me promptly upon seeiDg their names in the papers. fercy uray., Recruiting Officer CONDEMNED TO-BE SHOT. A. A Sailor on the Puritan Has. Been . Convicted of Treason. . A jSLOOP-WITa SPlES ON BOARD. Alger Has Submitted Deficiency Est!- f - ' ' mates Announced Austria 1 Will Aid Spain. V f - r - By Wire to Thi Tkwbax. Key West, April 29 A sailor on the Monitor Puritan 'has been nvicted of treason here. He has a family at Matanzas and was caught filing the' locks of the magazines. He has been found guilty by Drumhead court martial and will be shot. SPY WILL. BE SHOT. New Orleans, April 29 John Watts was arrested today at Porte Eads as a Spanish spy. He will be shot. SEVEN SPIES CAPTURED. Key West, April 29 The cruiser, Newport captured a small Spanish sloop this morning. The boat had seven Spanish spies aboard. WAS CARRYING NEWS. Key West, April 29, Only one blank shot was fired at the Garcia by the Newport. She was carrying news of the movement of the United States fleet to Havana. NOTE TO AUSTRIA. Washington, April 29 The an nouncement that Austria is going to aid Spain caused a sensation here. An official note will be sent to Vienna in regard to Austria's neutrality. Secret service agents are watching all Spaniards suspected of informing Spain of the movements of our army and navy. KNIGHTS OF LABOR PROTEST. Washington, April 29 The Knights of Labor have sent a circular to con gress denouncing the proposed in-x crease in the interest bearing debt of the United States. NURSES SAIL. Tampa. April 29 Clara Barton and a force of red cross nurses sailed for for Key West this morning on the steamer Masco. DEFICIENCY ESTIMATES. Washington, April 29 Secretary of War Alger has submitted deficiency estimates at $34,000,000 to cover the additional army expenses to July 1st. ORDERED TO SEA . Brooklyn. "April 29 Orders have been received at the Brooklyn navy yard for the cruisers San Francisco and New Orleans to put to sea imme diately. WAR REVENUE BILL. Washington, April 29 The house convened at 10 o'clock this morning and will allow two hours more for the discussion of the war revenue bill. The discussion will take place before the five minute revenue bill goes into ef fect, under which rule amendments will be discussed. Under the present rule a vote will be taken this afternoon Senator Bland, of Missouri, dis cussed the bond feature of the bill to which he said democrats could not agree. They could not agree to the issue of any more coin bonds which would be construed under a republican administration to mean nothing but gold bond. Two or three score of amendments have been made to the war revenue bill. Some of considerable impor tance have bten agreed upon by the ways and means committee. The amended bill may be offered as a sub stitute and then it will go to the house. THE PANTHER SAFE. Key West, April 29 The troop ship Panther arrived here this morning convoyed by the cruiser Montgom ery. WANTS AMMUNITION. Key West, April 29 The battleship Indiana arrived here lor ammunition for her thirteen inch guns. APPROPRIATION BILL. Washington, April 29 The senate has adopted the conference report on the naval appropiation mil. The senate has decided to adjourn today until next Monday. WEST POINT ENGINEERS. West Point, April 29 A battalion of engineers leave today with pontoon f to join the army oi invasion. ENROUTE TO NORFOLK. Detroit, April 29 A war detachment of the Michigan naval militia, two nun dred and twenty-five strong, has started today for Norfolk. ORDERS TO TROOPS. Tampa, April 29 Orders have been 1 J 1 - u receiveu uy iu tumuiaouci ueie ku prepare thirty days rations nd be ready to invade ouoa at any time. CANADIAN VOLUNTEERS. Toronto. April 29 Col. Pope, ex United States Consul ,to Toronto, is raising a regimen of Canadian volun teers. -NOTES FROM tllQHPOINT, The Local News from Our Neighbor - , Briefly Told. ' . TinJsbBAM Bureau. ) -High Point.- N. C. April 29, '98. f - - - Messrs. N. J. Fields and John Marsh are spending the day-in Greensboro. . Rev. John C. Kilgo, of Durham, was in the city this morning". -We are glad to know that the High Point -Cornet Band's uniform is on the. way. They will be ready to fill their engagements for commencement entertainments . The Misses Armfield, of Sapona Side, are visitors in the city today. Allen's Great Southern Shows will be here tomorrow. They will give a public balloon ascension. Miss Par al lee Smith, daughter of Mr. Donahue Smith, was married last night to Mr. J. B. Havre, of South America, Rev. S. H. Hilliard officiat ing. Mr. and Mrs Havre left on the 9:13 train for Washington City, where they will spend -heir honeymoon. They have our best wishes. Mr. Ernest Sumner, of Thomasville, is spending the day in' the city on private ( ? ) business. Miss Etta Dorsett, one of Bethany's charming belles, is visiting her si9ter, Mrs. P. H. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Payne gave a re ception last night to a large number of friends in honoi Miss Craven, of Bethany. Many games were indulgrd n and at a late hour the merry party bade the charming host and hostess good night and wended their way home ward. The meeting last niht for the nomina tion for aldermen and . mayor was the most exciting time in High Point's history. "Dr. Braciahaw and W. P. Ragan ivere placed in nomination for mayor, and the vote was a tie. At this juncture the convention adjourned but shory reconvened. Chairman Roach cast the deciding vote for Mr. Bradshaw. Another convention is called for tomorrow night to nominate another mayor and board. Mrs. John W. Lambeth, of Thomas ville, is in the city. S. Bryant, of Randleman, was here last night. Allen J. Tomlinson, one of Arch- dale's leading citizens, was in the city this morning. Miss Virginia Lambeth, of Thomas ville, is spending the day with Mrs. P. H. Johnson. DEATH OF SOL C. WEIL. He pied Yesterday and Will Be Buried In Wilmington. A dispatch from Wilmington an nounces the death of Hon. Sol. C. Weil, at one o'clock yesterday in New York city. Mr. Weil died of catarrh of the stomach. Mr. R. L Katz left last night for New York to accompany the body to Wilmington where it will be buried. Mr. Weil was born in Charlotte, but soon afterward his parents moved to Wilmington, where he lived until he moved to New York city. Mr. Weil began the practice of law as a partner Major C. M. Stedman, who was at one time Lieutenant-Governor of North Carolina. Mr. Weil had relatives in Greensboro, being a nephew of Mr. E. R. Fishblate. Although Mr. Weil had been in New York for only a short time he soon became one of the most promi nent lawyers in the city . He was an especially brilliant man , and a lawyer of unasual ability. His death is par ticularly sad as he had prospects of a long and brilliant life of usefulness before him. He was assistant United States District Attorney under Presi dent Cleveland's last administration. He was elected last fall to represent the 19th district in the " New York gen eral assembly. This district has-al ways been a republican stronghold and the democrats' are'twually defeat ed by a majority of from 6,000 to 7,000 The fact that Mr. Weil carried this district for the democrats and ran ahead of his ticket attest his popular ity in New York. - A host of . friends in this city and throughout the .state mourn the un .timely end of this brilliant young lawyer. Cowboys to the Front. Washington, April 28 Colonel Leonard Wood left for'the west today to recruit the regiment Of cowboys, of rwhich Assistant Secretary of Navy Roosevelt is to be lieutenent colonel. Colonel Roosevelt has requested Roger Williams, president of the Na tional Fox Hunfer's Association, of Lexington, Ky., to raise a company of enough riders and fighters for the cowboy regiment. His request will be complied with. , , SPANISH FLEET ON THE WAY Sailed this Morning and is Head ing for America. MOB ATTACKED THE CONSULATE Spanish Soldiers at Santiago Dis heartened by Suffering and Dis ease Run on Spanish Bank. By Cable The Txibubam. St. Vincent, Cape de Verde Islands, April 29 The Spanish fleet sailed from here this morning. The destina tion of the fleet is -unknown.' Later A dispatch received from London states that it is rumored, at the American legation. in that city, that the Spanish fleet has left the Cape de Verde Islands and is heading for America. ATTACK AMERICAN CONSULATE. Kingston, Jamaica, April 29 A mob of Spaniards attacked' the American consulate at Santiago this morning. No details have been received. DID NOT SIGHT PARIS. Queenstown, April 29 The Campa nia arrived here today and reports that she did not sight the Paris while on her way over. HOURLY EXPECTED. Hong Kong, April 29 Severalbank- ing companies have chartered a ves sel to remove all the specie money from Manilla. The fall of the city is hourly expected. RUN ON BANK. London, April 29 A Madrid dis patch announces that the run on the Spanish bank continues. SAILED TOWARD CUBA. London, April 29 A- St. Vincent dispatch says that four Spanish cruisers and three torpedo boat des troyers are supposed to have sailed toward Cuba. SPANISH REPORT. Madrid, April 29 An official an nouncement says the Matanzas forti fications did not suffer by the bom bardment and that not a man was killed or wounded. TALKING THROUGH THEIR HATS. -Madrid, .April 29 Captains of Spanish Trans-Atlantic steamers guarantee to deliver mails to Cuba and to successfully run the blockade. FRANCE WARMING UP. Paris, April 29 It is announced that extraordinary military activity is being displayed throughout France. All the ships recently mobilized will be kept in fighting trim, and it is ex pected that all the reserve forces will be called out. SUFFERING AT SANTIAGO. Kingston, Jamaica, April 29 Over four hundred Cuban, British and American refugees arrived this morn ing at Port Antonio from Santiago. It is said the inhabitants can exist only one week -longer. Soldiers have seized all the food supplies. Spanish soldiers are greatly disheartened by intense suffering and disease. Torpe doing the Santiago harbor has been abandoned. WILL REACH MANILA SUNDAY. Madrid, April 29 The United States fleet is not expected to reach Manilla until next Sunday. The Spanish fleet, which has been divided, has been re inforced by a large auxiliary cruiser. POOR OPINION OF OUR NAVY. Madrid, April 29 No disturbances are reported, rne newspapers con tinue their work of belittling the United States fleet and the work of our sailors. NO NEWS AT ST. VINCENT. St. Vincent, via Cape Verde Islands , April 29-Within an hour after the cruisers sailed from here this morning, the three torpedo boats, Airiette, Ra zoe and Azore, with armed transports San Francisco and Cuadde Cadiz left the port going in a northerly direc tion. It is understood that the desti nation of these boats is Grand Canary.' Provisions are becoming scarce and the consequences are that large quan tities of provisions are being purchas ed for the fleet. , No news of any dec laration of war has been received. Willing to be Drenched. South Carolinian by birth; North Carolinian by necessity; American by citizenship, and will offer my services to Uncle Sam to go to Cuba and fight, and if necessary be drenched in human blood' jn defence of the stars and stripes that protect me. , jTLee Russell (Col.) G reensboro, April 29 . ."'''To "Cure-a Cold In Ode Day.. - Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it f ails to cttre.. 25o. A Peculiar: Use of a Check. The people's National Bank of. this city, is a United States depositary , and as the- revenue office- canfiot take checks, the bank attends to,, ordering stamps for its customers We; learn from the revjenue office this morning that a gentlemanif omVthe country re cently sent the bank $11 or'a brandy stamp, 'but neglected. ' to .enctose the necessary papers therewith. Che bank therefore could"not send the stamp and returned him a" cashier's check for the amount asking for the papers to be sent back with it. Upon receiving the check the countryman immediately pasted and tacked it securely upon the barrel of brandy and sent it on its. mission. When he found his error this morning he told Mr. Reynolds that 'Jhe never had seed a white stamp before and thought it darned curious, but guessed she'd go a'l right." Winston Journal. Meeting at Baptist Church. There is an increasing interest in the meeting at the Baptist church. A large congregation was present last night and they listened with deep in terest to a strong sermon on salyation. At the close of the sermon a number manifested an interest in their souls. The Bible reading yesterday afternoon on "Christ our Priest" was very help ful. Day Takes the Oath. By Wire to Tag Telegram. Canton, April 29 The new secretary of state has.taken the oath of office. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, April. 29, 1898. American tobacco 102i Atch., Top. j& Santa. Fe 25 B. and O.. .". , C. and O 18i Chic., Bur. and Quincy i . . . 92i Chic. Gas... .-. 91i Del., Lacic. and Western Delaware and Hudson 141 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie Hi General Electric 31 i Jersey Central 93. Louisville and Nashville 474 Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 94S Missouri and Pacific . . . . 26i Northwestern . . : 4 116i Northern Pacific Pr 62 National Lead 28f New York Central ; 1081 Pacific Mail Reading 151 Rock Island 84 Southern Railway 7 Southern Railway Pr 25i St. Paul 87i Sugar Trust 122 Tenn. Coal & Iron 19i Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 861 Wabash Preferred The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade CHICAGO, April, 29,1898. Wheat, July 93 " May..,. 120 " Sept 821 Corn, Dec..' " Apr " Sept 35 " Oct May 33i " July 34i Oats, Sept 23f " Apr " May 301 " July 26 Pork, Dec " Apr " May 1085 ',- July 1110 Lard, Dec " Apr " May ................ 567 " July... -575 Ribs, Dec...... " Apr.. f V - 4 May . .u..-.. I ...... . 54 " July .V... -550 Cotton, Sept. .630(2632 " Dee........ 634635 Feb..;..... g " March..,,.. - " April!. . " May.... 615616 June. . . July.... August . Oct Nov Jan. . . ...620621 . . .626627 it ...63063 ;.. 631(635 . T.633634 ...637638 Spot cotton. 6 5-16 Puts, 91i ; Calls, 95i Curb You will find a fresh supply ' : of;. Beans Peas; Corn and Garden Seeds - -AT- Stamey & Orissom, (Successors to. South Side-Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manaeer. Children Are Important Customers, in our estimation, when they are sent to us on a trading errand, we always remember that they are not dis criminating buyers, and we take special pains to see that they get what both you and they want. . - Then we always tryio be prompt in waiting on them, there is always a little worry at home when they are sent upon an errand and stay too long, often though no fault of their own. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss Agents For Huylers Candies. SPRING WEATHER Weakens The Eyes. There is no time of the year when the eyes need to be more carefully protected and assisted than this time through which we are- now passing. The system is undergoing a change and the oppressively hot weather is debilitating. In this weakened con dition our delicate optic Organs have to stand the glare of the bright sum mer sun and unless the utmost care is exercised they may be permanently injured, if they are troubling you better consult at once the only Eye specialist m this vicinity J. T. JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 amto 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6 00 p. m. A Home Institution Fostered by Home People Southern Stock Mutual Insurance Company Affords the best indemnity, Has paid a dividend of 20 per cent to its policy holders for the past three years. Is here to stay. WHARTON & Mc A LISTER. AGENTS MOTHBALLS. MOTH BALLS. MOTHBALLS. MOTH BALLS. " 15c, pound 4 pounds for-25c HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite fost Office. Fresh Garden Seed. Go Ahead 1 :i But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and, see us. First be sure you know iusfr what . sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet , v articde you want, then be sure you go- r to the place" where you can buy thear-i v tiole the cheapest and "best. We have a f.' full line of just such goods which we are Offering -at unusually low prices. ' Thereis a lot of Jgo in all of our goods. ; Holton's Drag Store. McAdoo House Building. LOOK OUT'! When in need of Any kind of House Painting Give Me a Chance. Best of References. ., R.-E. ANDREWS. 834 West Market. 1 11 "I v 4 f mSt. Pharmacist

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