: . lie -f;w 7 TO READERS The Only Daily in Greens- M boro Giving Telegraphic Service. ems 4? TO ADVERTISERS The. Largest Circula V tion of any Daily ever Published Here. VOL. II. NO. 83 GREENSBORO, N. C.,; WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1898. Price Two Cents boro :Eeiltlg, ore gram. Shirt Waists -AT Half Price j We offer a lot of nice g Shirt Waists at half price g for Spot Cash. They g will not be sold on credit g or allowed to be taken g out on trial. This is a g big bargain and you should not fail to see them. Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. S- - Or ft. New D sign IN WAIST SETS. I am prepared to meet every want in waist sets of all stvles in solid Gold and sterling Silver, m plain and enameled, 5 These sets are new stock and represent the latest spring patterns. W. B. farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad Watches. J a, Established 1868 4 tr Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop.,. Pomona, N. C. Just Recjived A lot of new Hand Cameras, 4-5, price $5 the "Boss Dan dy," call and see it. Also Developing1 OutGts and other amateur supplies. You also want to see the new "Bas Relief ' portraits and the beautiful "Platinotypes." You can also see photographs of the Battallion Officers of the State Naval Reserves at Alderman's Kew Studio. Plenty FRESH EGGS 12 l-2c dozen AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription oent. out from our Drug Store is filled with the lx;st drugs the market can furnish. All of th VKt nuirh mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators qi constantly in stock. Toilet arti- lcs of every description in fact, we can supply you with anything in the UruS line, of the best quality and at "'a-sonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, 108 S. ElmSt. Pharmacist. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. High Point. N.C.. May 4,98. J The Graded school commencement commenced Monday morning and ev erything has worked out very nicely. Large crowds have attended daily. To day is the last day and good speak ing is looked for. Kemp P. Battle delivered the address today at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Frank Gurley and daughter Clara left today for Baltimore to spend some time visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. M. A. Harris, at one time a resident of this place, but late of Greensboro and mother of our towns man Mr. J.W.Harris, died in Greens boro last night and was brought here this morning where she -will be buried tbi afternoon at 3 o'clock. The fu neral services were held in the M. E. church. Mrs. Joyce and daughter Miss Carrie who have made a wide circle of friends in the city, left today for their home in Detroit, Mieh. Their many friends here wish to see them again soon. Misses Virginia and Clara Hamner, who have been away for about twelve months, returned home last night. They spent a part of last "year visiting the principal cities in Europe, return ing to Washington, where they spent some time visiting friends. Rev. N. R. Richardson and family and Miss Stella Scroggs went down to Trinity yesterday afternoon for a drive. While coming down a hill the breast strap came loose and the horses be came frightened and ran away, throw ing the whole load out. Luckily no one was seriously hurt. Mr. Rich ardson and Mamie were slightly bruised, the surrey and harness' con siderably torn up and -one of the horses was cut up pretty badly. Chas. Long arrived in the city last night and will spend a few days. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Tate are spend ing the day in Greensboro. Capt. and Mrs. B. I. Fisher passed through this morning enroute to Ash boro. John Marsh received a car load of machinery today for the Guilford Foundry and Machine Works. DAVID GARRICK. James Young Pleased and Delighted The Audience. The brilliant and talented James Young played David Garrick- to a Greensboro audience last night. To say that all were pleased and delight ed is putting it in mild terms. When Manager Blackburn, of the Academy of Music, wrote in his ad the other day "the best for the last," he did not miss the truth very far. Mr. Young is admirably supported and when the curtain went down on the last act last night all were sorry the play was over. Mr. Young appears tonight in "The Lady of Lyons." This will be his closing performance and all lovers of a genuine artist on the stage should get their seats at once. In order to give everybody a chance to see Mr. Young and his. splendid company in the "Lady of Lyons" the curtain will not ring up until after prayer meeting, say nine o'clock. Doors open at eight o'clock. Mr. Young visited the Greensboro Female and the State Normal Colleges this morning and was delighted with the reception he receiyed , and we pre dict that he will be shown their appre ciation of his visit by a full house of college girls to see Hamlet this after noon and the "Lady of Lyons" to night. ."" Baseball Yesterday. At Brooklyn Brooklyn, 9, Phila delphia 6. At Chicago Chicago 9, Louis ville 10. At Washington Washington 5, Boston ?7. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 2, Cincin nati 5. At Cleveland First Game Cleve land 5, St. Louis 2; Second Game Cletel&nd 3, St. Louis 2. Southside Hose Co. Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Southside Hose company will be held tomorrow, night at the regular place at 8:30 o'clock. By order of the President. J. Henry Phipps. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. 256. WE MUST SEIZE PORTO RICO And Throw Spain's Base of Sap plies Across The Atlantic. MAJOR GENERALS APPOINTED Arrangements Completed For Em. barkatlon of Troops to Cuba. Translating Dewey's Report. By Wire to Tri Tklbgram Washington, May 4 The strategy board has been today considering the best course to pursue with reference to the -Spanish fleet which is now west ward bound from the Cape Verde Is lands. The proposition was submitted and discussed that this fleet must either be met on the high seas and an nihilated or we must seize Porto Rico and thus throw the Spanish base of supplies accross the Atlantic ocean. It is understood that the board has decided on the latter course and that a swift patrol service will be established to notify our men of the approach of Spanish vessels in order that our ships may meet them and give battle. There is still some nervousness over the pos sibility of Spanish cruisers skirting the coast and doing damage since Spain has despaired of her ability to cope with us in a face to face struggle. Many efforts are being made by of ficers to satisfactorily account for the failure of the first detachment of troops to start to Cuba on schedule time. It is believed that the plans have been changed. SPANISH SPY CAUGHT. Philadelphia, May 4 A Spanish spy was captured this morning while tampering with the magazines of the St. Paul, which vessel is now in Cramp's ship yard. M'KINLEY HAS DEWEY'S REPORT. "Washington, May 4 Commodore Dewey's report has been received and is now in the hands of the president. TO JOIN SCHIY'S FLEET. Newport, R. I., May 4 The New Orleans sailed today to join Commo dore Schley's flying squadron at Hampton Roads. The Minneapolis arrived this morning. SAMPSON HAS FIGHTING ORDERS. Key West, May 4 Rear Admiral Sampson was advised this morning that a conjunction has been effected between the United States and Gener al Gomez. Immediately the fleet sailed after receiving fighting orders. OREGON SAILS TODAY. Washington, May 4 The battleship Oregon leaves Rio today accompanied by the Marietta and Niethero. Sec retary Long says every precaution has been taken for the protection of the battleship from the Spanish fleet. TO SEND TROOPS TO MANILA. Washington, May 4 Instructions have been telegraphed to San Fran cisco giving the officials authority to advertise for -bids for the transporta tion of troops to Manila. MILITARY GOVERNOR FOR PHILIPPINES Washington, May 4 President Mc Kinley said this morning that he would retain.the Philippines and place a military governor over the Islands. VOLUNTEERS FOR MANILA. San Francisco, May 4 The first volunteers to go to Manila in aid of Commodore Dewey were mustered to day. TO ESCORT THE OREGON. Washington, May 4 Rear Admiral Sampson has been ordered to send the cruiser New York and the battleships Indiana and Iowa to escort the battle ship Oregon. POSTOFFICE ARRANGEMENTS. Washington, May 4 Postmaster General Smith has arranged for the establishment of an American post office in the first Cuban port that is seized. CELEBRATING "YANKEE DEFEAT. ' ' Key West, May 4 Last night Ha vana was the scene of an enthusiastic celebration over what was termed Yankee defeat at Manila. Tremen dous torchlight processions, banquets, balls and other species of revelry were indulged in. The Spanish army was lionized. General Blanco ordered wine carried to the garrisons and mandlin crows paraded the streets. YELLOW REPORT. Key West, May 4 A special to the Journal says that three Spanish bank ers last night ran the blockade with a schooner. The vessel had aboard $3,000,000. PLANS COMPLETE. Tampa, Fla., May s Arrangements have been fully completed for the embarkation of troops for the inva sion of Cuba. -The transports, Flori- da.jOlivette ar,d Mascotte; are pre pared to sail. The enlistment of Cubans continues and the number is rapidly increasing. FIGHT OFF CIENFUEGOS. Tampa, Fla., May 4 A fight oc curred off Cienfuegos between a Span ish gun boat and an American tor pedo boat. It is believed that the gun boat was sunk and the torpedo boat was damaged in theengagement. - HART WILL BE LIBERATED. Washington, May 4 President Mc Kinley announced today that he will soon liberate Hart, captain of the fili busterer, Laurada. It will be remem bered that Captain Hart was convicted of aiding the Cubans and furnishing them with armb and ammunition and for which crime he was sentenced to prison. , THE COLUMBIA SAILS. Bar Harbor, Maine The cruiser Columbia this morning weighed anchor and sailed from this port in an east erly direction. SAN FRANCISCO IN PORT. Provincetown, Mass., May 4 The cruiser San Francisco arrived here and dropped anchor at seven o'clock this morning. TRANSLATING DEWEY'S REPORT. Washington, May 4 Captain A. S. Crowinshield. chief of the bureau of navigation, is translating a long cipher cablegram supposed to be from Dewey. Secretary Long sent to the house to day a deficiency estimate of twenty-one millions for the remainder of the fiscal year. MAJOR GENERALS APPOINTED. Washington, May 4 The following men have been appointed Major Gen erals of volunteers: Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia; Gen. Joe Wheeler, of Alabama; Gen. "Wilson, of Dela ware; Senator Wilson, of Senator William J. Sewell, of New Jersey. MANILLA TAKEN. Washington, May 4 Vice-president Hobart says that Admiral Dewy's re port is here. Manila has been taken and the American flag floats over the Philippines. ASTOR CHANLER OFF TO CUBA. Said to Have Started With Four Friends to Join Gomez. Disgusted with Jthe poor prospects of having a part in the fighting in Cuba as commander of a regiment of Amer icans. William Astor Chanler, it is stated, has resolved to cast his for tunes with Gomez. He was told last week in Washing ton that the force he had organized here will not be needed by the Gov ernment. The news was bitter disap pointment to him, because he hid ac cumulated a body of picked men, ev ery one of them warranted by two doc tors sound in wind and limb, and guaranteed by their own as surances to be without any family ties which would inspire them with undue prudence in the heat of battle. His purpose was to lead into service ten full companies of able-bodied dare devils and to enjoy excitement with them and fun with the forces of Gen. Blanco. When these hopes were offi cially destroyed he determined to go ahead and do the best he could to pur sue his own ideas of a happy summer outing. New York Sun. nay or Crutchfield Vindicated. In Monday's municipal election in Winston in which Col. A. B. Gorrell was elected, the retiring Mayor Crutch field received 523 votes and T. J. Wil son 376 votes. Wilson was the candi date of the Lybrook faction and every inch of ground was thoroughly work ed. We learn that in the recent con test for postmaster between Lybrook and Crutchfield the former's friends agreed before the authorities in Wash ington that-Crutchfield was exceeding ly unpopular in Winston and that he could not poll fifty votes in a city election. The result of this contest shows' who is the choice of Winston re publicans. The Way of the World. Yesterday at the Southern depot in this city the dead body of L. Bryan, enroute to Virginia for interment, lay on a hand dray and was unconsciously brushed and jostled against by the surging thousands who were gathered there to see the soldier boys off. The story of life and death was briefly told. It is the way of the world. There lay a form cold and silent in the last long sleep, totally oblivious of the animated, moving throng around it. There was an immense crowd of people, full of life and vigor, knowing nothing and caring nothing for the dead body in their midst. Bicycle Drill. A the request of many who were unable to attend the bicycle drill given semetime ago, the drill, with all its be wildering and pretty figures, will be repeated next Friday night. A deep interest has been taken in the rehear sals for the drill and those who see it this time will be more delighted than they were on the former occasion. Remember the date, Friday night. RIOTS ARE RIFE IN MADRID, Minister Moret and Martinez Cam pos Reported Assassinated. PREMIER SAGASTA A REFUGEE. British Consul Killed a Spaniard at Santiago British Warships Ordered There. By Cable to The Tklbgram. BRITISH CONSUL ARRESTED. Kingston, Jamaica, May 4 The British conusl at Santiago has been beseiged by a mob. The consul was compelled to fire in self defense and was promptly arrested by Spanish officials. Three British warshipshave been ordered there. SLAUGHTERING CUBANS. Kingston ,vJamacia, May 4 Refu gees from Santa Clara, Cuba, are flocking to the coast but there are no vessels to rescue them. In the mean time the Spaniards are slaughtering them by the wholesale. KILLS A SPANIARD. Kingston, Jamaica, May 4 The British consul at Santiago, in defend ing the consulate against a Spanish mob, killed a Spaniard. HOT TIME IN SPAIN. Madrid, May 4 Bloody riots are reported from Seville, Valencia and Barcelona. A military dictator is imminent. DEWEY'S REPORT ON THE WAY. Kong Kong, May 4 The Revenue cutter Hugh McCulloch, arrived today at Mucio Bay. It is believed that the outter brought Dewey's report of the battle and bombardment of Manila. DON CARLOS AGITATED. Brussels, May 4 Don Carlos was greatly agitated today by the infor mation received in private telegrams from Madrid. REPORTS DISCREDITED. London, May 4 Dispatches received from Madrid discredit the reports from Gibraltar. MORE TROUBLE FOR SPAIN. Madrid, May 4 Carlists are active ly engaged in circularizing Spain. MARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED. Valencia, May 4 Martial law has been proclaimed here. It was neces sary to call on the mounted police for assistance before the rioters could be dispersed. SAGASTA SEEKS PROTECTION. Gibraltar, May 4 Minister of Colo nies Moret and Martinez Campos, it is reported have been assassinated. Premier Sagasta has been compelled to seek refuge in the British Embassy. Riots have occurred all during the day at Madrid. 5 CAPE VERDE FLEET AGAIN. London, May 4 It is reported that the Cape Verde squadron is now on its way to join the fleet assembled at Cadiz. HAS MANILA SURRENDERED? London, May 4 Inquiries made at the Eastern Telegraph company's of fice this, morning elicited the infor mation that the Manila cable is still closed. The . reported -surrender of Manila is based on conjecture. MESSAGES FOR DEWEY. Hong Kong, May 4 The British cruiser, Immortalite sailed from this harbor this morning. She is carry ing messages to Commodore Dewey at Manila. Sad News Follows Dr. Julian. Dr. Julian and wife, of Thomasville, arrived here yesterday morning, he to attend the meeting of the Medical society, and both be guests of Mrs. Julian's brother, Mr. S. W- Cramer. Scarcely had they gotten in the house when a telegram was handed them an nouncing the death, in Lake City, Florida, of Dr. Julian's mother. He left for Lake City last night. Char lotte Observer. Recruiting Office Removed. The recruiting office has been re moved from the room above Fish- blate's store to the office in the rear of the Savings Bank. W. R. Land, Recruiting Officer. No Trouble at Burlington. Special to the Telegram. Burlington, May 4 There is no truth in the report of any trouble be tween the military companies here to day. Nothing has been heard of it. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it faihrt) cure. . 25o. LIEUTENANT SETTLE He May Be Appointed Ueutenal Col onel of N. C. Volunteers. A strong effort is being made by Senator Pritchard to have the Presi dent appoint Lieutenant Douglas Set tle, of North Carolina to a staff posi tion in the volunteer service. Lieutenant Douglas Settle is a brother of Hon. Thos. Settle of this place. He is North Carolinian by birth and is still acitizen of this state. For the last ten years he has been a Lieutenant in the tenth United States Infantry and has spent this time at various forts on the frontier. The ex perience gained out in the west with the Indians peculiarly qualifies Mr. Settle for the position. For the last eighteen months he has been a member of the staff of Gover nor Atkinson of West Virginia. Lieu tenant Settle has lately been detailed by the government to muster in the West Virginia volunteers. Although the effort is being made to have him appointed by the President, Mr. Settle desires to be appointed a Lieutenant-Colonel of North Caro lina volunteers and be associated with his own people. This appointment is made by Governor Russel. Mr. Settle is a West Pointer and after over eleven years active service, he is Jemminently qualified to fill any position to which the governor may see fit to appoint him. Passed Peacefully to Her Reward. Mrs. Margaret Harris died yester day afternoon at six o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Kirk Cal lum, and her remains were carried to High Point this morning and laid to rest beside her late husband, Ransom W. Harris. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, May. 4, 1898. American tobacco 108i Atch., Top. & Santa Fe. 271 B. and O.. C. and O 20 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 96 Chic. Gas 93f Del., LacK. and Western Delaware and Hudson 108 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie 12 General Electric 33f Jersey Central 93$ Louisville and Nashville 50i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 98t Missouri and Pacific 281 Northwestern 121i Northern Pacific Pr 65i National Lead 32 i New York Central . 112J Pacific Mail Reading 17$ Rock Island 89i Southern Railway 8i Southern Railway Pr 211 St. Paul 9lf Sugar Trust 1284 Tenn. Coal & Iron 2H Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 88i Wabash Preferred 16 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO, May 4, 1898. Wheat, July 98f May 130 Sept. . 83i Corn, Dec. Apr. . Sept. . Oct... 35i ."!!.'.'!.'!!."".'!!!!!!! 33t 34i May. July. Oats, Sept 23 " Apr " May " July Pork, Dec " Apr " May. " July '. Lard, Dec , " Apr " May " July : Ribs, Dec , " Apr. " May " July , 30f 26 1101 1130 595 600 Cotton, Sept 617 " Dec 6! Feb.... March April May , June ' 61i July 61 August...-. 6: Oct Nov.. .....611 Jan.......... ..6! Spot cotton...'. .. , . ... . Puts, ( ; Calls,'; ; Curb 555 562 618 20a)621 605Td)606 0611 4615 18619 617rce618 9620 2313624 65-16 A fresh Supply Watermelon & CanteloupeSeeds Also Seasonable Drinks -AT- Stanley & Grissom, (Successors to. South Side -Pharmacy) -J. K. MMLHENNY. Druraist. 504 So. Elm. Manaorpr Children Are Important Customers. In our estimation, when they are sent to us on a trading errand, we always remember that they are not dis criminating buyers, and we take special pains to see that they get what both you and they want. Then we always try to be prompt in waiting on them, there is always a little worry at home when they are sent upon an errand and stay too long, often though no fault of their own. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss Agents For Huylers Candies. SPRING WEATHER Weakens The Eyes. There is no time of the vear when the eyes need to be more carefully protected and assisted than this time through which we are now - passing. The system is undergoing a change ana me oppressively not weather is debilitating. In this weakened con dition our delicate optic organs have to stand the glare of the bright sum mer sun and unless the utmost care is exercised they may be permanently injured. If they are troubling you better consult at once the only Eye Specialist in this vicinity J. T. JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. AUCTION SALE OF IMPROVED CITY LOTS Beginning Monday May 16th, '98. With following described property: A good one story five room dwelling situated on east side of Arlington street near Centenary church now oc cupied by J. M. Love. A good one story four room cottage at corner of McCulloch and Bellevue streets, owned by Mrs. Kate Pugh. WHARTON & McALlSTER. AGENTS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. 15c pound 2 pounds for 25c HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite f ost Office. Fresh Garden Seed. Go Ahead ! But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of "go in all of our goods. Holton's Drug Store. McXdoo House Building. Di B. W. BEST M. P. Building, opposite McAdoo House. ' Calls left at Holton's drug stors promptly attended. C ' " 7 t

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