- .. . - " v.. .-.'2 Tele Oreeeslboro E 1.235 uaiiy urcmaxion.-rv g vernn VOL. II. NO. 87r GREENSBORO, N. C, MONDAY, MAY 9, 1898. Price Two Cents Shirt Waists i 4? AT- Half Price We offer a lot of nice Shirt Waists at half price for Spot Cash. They will not be sold on credit or allowed to be taken out on trial. This is a big bargain and you should not fail to see i I Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. S New Designs -IN- I I WAIST SETS. 2 I am prepared to meet every want in Waist m J sets of all styles in solid i Gold and sterling Silver, m Z plain and enameled, u. Tl ; i ncje beis are new im. ... I. 1 i iL W stock and represent the ..A. 1 - i J I i ; latest spring patterns. : W. B. farrar's Son. : Inspector of Southern Railroad Watches. I 2 Established 1868 S f- Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. Cai Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., Pomona, N. C. Just Recjived A lot of new Hand Cameras, 4-5, price $5 the "Boss Dan dy," call and see it. Also Developing Outfits and other amateur supplies. You also want to see the new ''lias Relief ' portraits and the beautiful "Platinotypes." You can also see photographs of the Battallion Officers of the State Naval Reserves at Alderman's ;tew Studio. SATURDAY, May 7. Extra mountain honey, 12 12 cts. lb. Plenty chickens. Eggs, .1 2 1 -2 cts. doz. North Carolina cabbage. Garden peas. Butter on ice, 20 cts. lb. Large tomatoes, 30 cts. dozen. Everything Eatable at Prices that will Please you AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Lm - g them. i iJM 8 l1 Every Prescription '-nt out from our Drug Store is filled with the best drugs the market can fur nish. All of the best cough mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators K"pt constantly in stock. Toilet arti cles of every description in fact, we can supply you with anything in the drug lino, of the best quality and at reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, 108 s- K1St. Pharmacist. DEflOCRATIC CONVENTION. Was Held Saturday Copy of the Resolutions Adopted. The Guilford County Democratic Convention met in the court house Saturday afternoon. Mr. John C. Keh nett was elected chairman of the conven tion and Mr. Zeb. V. Taylor was elect ed secretary. Delegates to judicial, congressional and state democratic conventions were elected. The com plete list of all the delegates, which it was impossible to secure in time for today's publication, will appear in to morrow's Telegram. The names of two candidates for the judgeship in the Fifth judicial district were presented to and voted upon by the convention. The delegates to the judicial con vention were instructed to cast the vote for judge as follows: T. J. Shaw 661 D. Schenck, Jr 41i No other names of candidates were presented and no instructions to the other delegates were given. R. R. King, W. R. Land, Z. V. Taylor. W. M. Barber and J. H. Gil mer, were appointed committee on res olutions and the following was adopt ed: Beit Resolved, By the democrats of Guilford county in convention as sembled:. 1st. That all patriotic citizens must review with regret and shame the de plorable condition into which North Carolina has fallen under the present administration of its affairs. 2nd, That we pledge ourselves to employ all honorable means to restore an honest, economical and conserva tive government in our state, by elect ing to office men of high character and business ability. 3rd. That we cordially invite all democrats, who have heretofore affili ated with the populist party and all others who are in accord with the principles of the democratic party, to unite with us in convention and at the polls, to redeem North Carolina from tha misrule, extravagance and dis grace to which it is now exposed. 4th. We reaffirm our allegiance to the platform of the state democratic convention of 1896. R. R. King, ) W. R. Land, Z. V. Taylor, Com. J. Henry Gilmer, W. M. Barber. j , Excursion to Raleigh. On Friday, May 13th, a grand ex cursion will be run over the Southern Railway from Winston to Raleigh. Ti is train will arrive at Greensboro at 8:30 a. m., returning leaves Raleigh at 8:30 p.m. Greensboropeople are cor dially invited to join their Winston friends in a day of pleasure and profit, gladden the hearts of the North Caro lina troops now quartered there, wit ness their camp life, drills, &c. Quick time and pleasant surroundings guar anteed. Fare for round trip $1.50. W. J. Conrad. My Friend from India." The Danville Dramatic Club in "My Friend from India" arrived at 10:10 this morning, bringing with them a large crowd of Danville people, five cars in all, to witness the performance. The sale of seats are very encouraging and it is hoped the Greensboro people will give them, a packed house. We can safely say you will be highly en tertained, as the cast is particularly a good one and the piece is exceedingly fine. The professional people have just closed a run of 1,014 nights in New York. Watch the Papers And we will keep you posted on the Lawn Party to be given next Friday night by the Firemen in Mrs. Bul lard's lawn. Everything points to it being the largest party ever given in Greensboro. Contributions can be given to the ladies, who will wait on the public. Such things as cake, cream, money or anything in that line will be highly appreciated. Those who do not get a chance to give to the ladies can drop me a card and I will see that you are waited on. Clarence Bogart, Ch'm'n, ' Mob Whips the Soldiers. Tugano, May 8 A telegram has reached here saying that 300 were killed in rioting in Milan today and yesterday, and that a thousand are wounded. Eight thousand troops are quartered in the city this afternoon. The battle raged between the mob, which was well organized, and the soldiers in which the troops were com pelled to retreat. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take -Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. WILL LAND TROOPS IN CUBA Sixty Thousand will be Landed By Next Week. MOBS STILL RIOTING IN SPAIN Spanish Fleet at Porto Rico Spain May Send Her Fleet to North Atlantic Waters. By Wire to Thk Telbg bam. Washington, May 9 Extraordinary measures have been adopted by- the administration to moblize fifty thou sand volunteers at Chieamaugo imme diately. The cabinet this morning dis cussed the proposition for the imme diate invasion of Cuba with the vol unteers at Chick amauga, augmented with sixteen thousand United States regulars. The determination to land troops in Cuba is a result of Admiral Dewey's overwhelming victory at Manila. The government believes that the Army of Invasion will be backed by Admiral Sampson's fleet and that the Cubans will be liberated by midsummer. Transports sufficient to land sixty thousand troops in Cuba have been chartered by the government and are awaiting orders. The government in tends to land the regulars this week and the volunteers next week. Major General Coppinger arrived in Washington this morning from Mobile to consult the administration. Major General Shafter will lead the invasion and will be followed by Ma jor Generals Coppinger, Wade and regiment'ordered out. New York, May 9 The Twenty-second regiment has been ordered to Hempstead where the New York vol unteers are being mobilized. It will replace the Thirteenth regiment which Adjutant General Tillinghast will soon disband. AT PORTO RICO. New York, May 9 A despatch to the Journal dated at Hayti says the Spanish fleet, which left the Cape Verde Islands some time ago, has ar rived at Porto Rico. YALE KNEW NOTHING. New York, May 9 A special to the Journal from St. Thomas says a coast ing schooner has just arrived from St. Martin. The schooner says it was spoken to last evening near Anegada Island, which is situated forty miles northeast of here, by the American scout, Yale. The Yale asked the names of all the vessels the schooner had passed. During the meeting between the ves sels one of the crew of the Yale said three big American steamers are watch ing the Virgin and Mona passages and the Haytian waters for Spaniards. The Yale knew nothing whatever of the alleged engagement between the American cruiser Montgomery and Spanish battleship Vizcaya. CABINET MEETS. Washington, May 9 The cabinet met in special session this morning at 10 o'clock to consider the situation and the message recommending a vote of thanks to -acting Admiral Dewey, which the president will transmit to Congress today. ST. PAUL SAILS. Delaware Breakwater, May 9 The auxiliary cruiser St. Paul, sailed from here this morning. Her destination is not known. THANKS TO- DENEY. Washington, May 9 Congress this afternoon passed resolutions of thanks to Commodore Dewey and the officers and men of his fleet. Congress also authorized the number of rear admir als to be increased to seven. BOND PROVISION KILLED. Washington, May 9 Senator Jones announces that he will oppose the bond provision of the war revenue bill. It will therefore be stricken out in com mittee and a fight will be made to re instate the provision when the bill comes up in the senate. A SWORD FOR DEWEY. Washington, May 9 Senator Lodge presented, and -the senate passed, a resolution authorizing the president to present a sword to Admiral Dewey and to award medals to the officers and men who fought under him at Manila. The resolution carried an appropriation of $10,000. Allen, of Massachusetts, succeeds Roosevelt as assistant secretary of the navy. Cipher Messages Prohibited. New York. May 8 The Commercial Cable Company sent out the following notice this morning: "The Italian administration announces that private messages in cipher and code language are prohibited." THE WEBSTERIAN SOCIETY Olves a Delightful Entertainment at Old Guilford. Correspondence Telegram. Guilford College, May 8th. The Websterian literary society, of Guilford College, is held in high es teem by all who know anything about what it has done, what it is doing, what it will do. Not very long ago the members hon ored the young ladies society, the Philagorean, with an invitation to visit their regular meeting held on Friday evening May 6th. .fter ac cepting the invitation our hopes were high and our anticipations bright for an enjoyable time. At the appointed hour we were all seated in their taste fully furnished hall and the regular business of the society was entered upon. " We could but be impressed with the executive ability and consideration for parliamentary rulings which was manifested; and a quiet dignity char acterized all that wae done. A delightful program had been pre pared. The hearty applause which followed when the young men with the stringed instruments gave appropriate selections testified to the fact that it was indeed a treat. We laughed heartily at a paper containing many local hits and witty illusions. A pa per on the present aspect of war, was up-to-date and full of facts which showed that the speakers was acquaint ed with this subject. We cannot tell the genuine pleasure and .profit which was afforded by an able debate on the annexation of territory. The argu ments were straight and as each orator presented his side of the question it seemed that by the magic of his power we were compelled to see things in just that light. An opportunity was given for the visitors to speak and each one was glad for an opportunity to express their appreciation for the pleasure of the evening. When one young lady expressed her sentiments that she had always thought the Websterians did up things about right but now she knew it, her words were met with a hearty response by every Philagorean. After the regular exercises were over we were invited into a room where de lightful refreshments were temptingly arranged. This was not on the pro gram, but the pleasant surprise made it only the more enjoyable. All too soon this evening came to a close and we all recognized that our visit to this society would live in mem ory of one of the charming occasions of our study at Guilford College. We congratulate the public that on May 20th an entertainment by the "Webs" will be given to which all be cordially invited and we are gladto know that many will have the privilege to enjoy what only a few enjoyed on last Fri day evening. Three cheers for the "Webs." Warned of Spanish Agents. San Francisco, Cal., May 8 It is stated that the Government has been warned that the Spanish are intending to inflict great damage in San Fran cisco and vicinity, even if they have no fleets and armies here to do it with. The information is to the effect thatf Spanish spies will be relied upon to work havoc on this side of the conti nent, audit is greatly worrying both the Governme'nt officials and local au thorities. Measures were taken today to guad against such a contingency as far as possible, and the first result is the doubling of the guards at all places particularly exposed to snch attacks, especially where work for the Govern ment is going on. Resolutions of Gratitude. At a meeting of the congregation of St. Andrew's church, held May 8th, the following resolutions were adopt ed. Resolved, That we, the congrega tion of St. Andrew's church, deeply grateful to God that the judgment, costs, &c, against our church have been paid, do hereby extend our hearty and sincere thanks to all those who have so kindly aided us in this matter. Resolved, That we especially cher ish the kindly and Christian feeling manifested by such timely and mate rial assistance. Resolved, That these resolutions be preserved in our records and also pub lished in our daily papers. Fired on Our Warships. Havana, May 8, via Jamaica The batteries at Vedido this morning fired on two American cruisers which were chasing a fishing schooner. Some wreckage, apparently belong ing to the cruiser Cincinnati has been found floating off Cardenas, and it is reported here that the vessel has foun dered. A NEW YELLOW REPORT Says Americans Were Defeated On the Atlantic. f THE OREGON ARRIVES SAFELY. Rioters Destroy Railroads Dewey Is Made Admiral Sampson Sight ed War News from all Parts. Cable to The Tei.egkam. London, May 9 The Aldershot correspondent of the Evening News telegraphed his paper at 12:30 today that a message had been received by the Duke of Con naught who is in com mand of the forces at Aldershot reporting that the engagement be tween the Spanish and American At lantic squadrons has resulted in the defeat of the Americans. MADE AN ADMIRAL. Washington, May 9 President Mc- Kinley sent a message to congress this afternoon recommending that Commo dore Dewey be tendered a vote of thanks and appointing him a Rear Admiral. SAW SAMPSON. Cape Haytien, May 9 Captain Sampson's squadron passed eastward this morning. OREGON SAFE. Bahia, Brazil, May 9 The Battle ship Oregon arrived here from Rio Janeiro this morning. AT ST. THOMAS. St. Thomas, May 9 The Spanish cruiser Isabel the Second arrived here this morning but soon departed. RIOTERS AT WORK. Milan, May 9 Bread rioters de- sroyed all the railroads leading into the citv today. THAT FIGHT AGAIN. New York, May 9 Croswell theWorld correspondent at Port-au-Prince cables that the Montgomery fought an un known Spanish cruiser, possibly the Vizcaya, off Cape Haytien late on Sat urday evening. The flashes of the can non could be plainlyseen at each dis charge. A Spanishjsquadron is confi dently asserted to be cruising between Porto Rico and St. Thomas. Rea,the World correspondent at Puerta Platta cables that the captain of the German steamship Bolivia states that while at Haytien yesterday an American crui- rser entered that port, saluted and coaled despite Spanish protests. The Bolivia also sighted five American warships. It is believed that Samp son's fleet is steaming slowly eastward in line of battle. AN ARTIST'S TALE. Key West, May 9 An artist from the camp of Gomez says that 18,000 Cubans are in the neighborhood of Sancti Spiritus, but they are short of arms, ammunition and food. The re- concentrados are in a pitiable condi tion. SPAINS HOME TROUBLES. Madrid, May 9 The political situ ation here remains unchanged today. The liberal leader Gomazo had a con sultation with the Queen today. Go mazo is is president of the senate. The interview was without result. Every body is loath to assume responsibil ity for existing conditions. Port Mahon at Minorca is being prepared for attack. BOUND SOUTH. Lisbon, May 9 Nine Spanish vessels passed .Cape Espichel yesterday. It was bound for the South. RIOTING AT LARNEST. Madrid, May 9 A mob this morn ing wrecked the municipal building at Larnest. Troops were called out and they killed fourteen rioters, wounded many more and captured sixty. The rioting still continues. TROOPS RUSHED TO MANILA. Madrid, May 9 Spanish troops are being rushed to the defense of Manila The government has issued orders to the governor general to fight till death in resisting the landing of Americans SPAIN'S NEW MOVE. Montreal, May 9th The Dominion Coal company has refused to sell Spain ten thousand tons of coal to be delivered at Sydney, Cape -Breton Is land. This is taken to mean that Spain intends to send a fleet to North Atlantic waters. The Ewart Hearing. Washington, May 8 Senator Spoon er said tonight that he had summoned three more witnesses in the Ewart case and that they would be heard tomor row, when the hearing of the case wil be resumed by the Senate committee NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, ) High Point. N. C, May 9, '98. W. J. Armfield, of Asheboro, spent Sunday in the city. C. S. Welborn, of Trinity, was in the city today. James Wray, of Archdale, was in the city last night. J. W. Meredith 'returned from Ker- nersville today. Lee Cartland made a visit to Thom- asville yesterday. Miss Velna Shepard left for Bur lington today. Don't forget that Peterson's orches tra will give one of the best musical entertainment, of the season in the opera house tomorrow night. Mrs. Laura Field, of Greensboro, spent yesterday with her mother, Mrs. Petty, of Archdale. Mrs. J. Elwood Cox is spending the day in Greensboro shopping. E. D. Steele went to Sanford today on business. R. L. Pickett is spending the day in Greensboro. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Friday, May 13th. Grand wjrite excursion to Raleigh. Remember the date. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. . WA. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: Nr.w York, May. V1898. American tobacco 113! Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 29 B. and O 18i C. and O Chic, Bur. and Quincy.. 21i 99$ Chic. Gas 94i Del., Lac&. and Western. Delaware and Hudson... Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie General Electric 36 Jersey Central Louisville and Nashville 54i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 103 Missouri and Pacific Northwestern 124i Northern Pacific Pr 66i National Lead 33i New York Central . 115i Pacific Mail 27i Reading 19 Rock Island : 97i Southern Railway 8 Southern Railway Pr 29i St. Paul 95i Sugar Trust 132i Tenn. Coal & Iron 254 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred 61 Western Union Tel 90i Wabash Preferred The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade Chicago, May 9, 1898. Wheat, July 1201 " May..... 175 " Sept 94i Corn, Dec " Apr " Sept 37f " Oct " May 36f " July :.. 34! Oats, Sept 24 " Apr , " May.. 31i " July 37S Pork, Dec Apr " May 1090 " July 1122 Lard, Dec.., " Apr " May 592 " July 585 Ribs, Dec " Apr... " May 555 " July 56o Cotton, Sept 633635 " Dec 638639 " Feb " March " April " May 624625 " June 625626 " July 63063 " August 634635 " Oct 634635 " Nov 634635 " Jan 640640 Spot cotton..,. 6f Puts. 145 ; Calls. 106, ; Curb 121f A Fresh Supply Watermelon & CanteloupeSeeds Also Seasonable Drinks -AT- Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to.Soutli Side -Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. a Children Are Important Customers, in our estimation, when they are sent to us on a trading eizand, we always remember that they are not dis criminating buyers, and we take special pains to see that they get what both you and they want. Then we always try to be prompt in waiting on them, there is always a little worry at home when they are sent upon an errand and stay too long, often though no fault of their own. Jno. B. Fariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss Agents For Huylers Candies. SPRING WEATHER Weakens The Eyes. There is no time of thp. vfar whAn the eyes need to be more carefully protected and assisted than this time throitirh which we are now passing. The sy stum is undergoing a . change and the oppressively hot weather is debilitating. In this weakened con- i ; ju i ij t uimuu uui ueiiuautj upbiu organs nave to stand the glare of the bright sum mer sun and lintess thfi utmost, nana ia exercised they may be permanently injured. 11 tney are troubling you better consult at once the only Eye specialist in this vicinity J. T. JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6 00 p. m. AUCTION SALE OF IMPROVED CITY LOTS Beginning Monday May 16th, '98. With following described property: A good one story five room dwelling situated on east side of Arlington street near Centenary church now oc cupied by J. M. Love. A good one story four room cottage at corner of McCulloch and Bellevue streets, ownedby Mrs. Kate Pugh. WHARTON & Mc A LISTER. AGENTS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. 15c pound 2 pounds for 25c HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite post Office. Fresh Garden Seed. . Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that ia, when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of 'go in all of our goods. Holton's Drag Store. McAdoo House Building. Dr. B. W. BEST M. P. Building, opposite McAdoo House. Calls left at Holton's drug stors promptly attended. A -

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