1,235 Daily Clrculatlon.sa sooro ven-m OL. M. NO. 89 GREENSBORO, N.-C, WEDNESDAY, MAY II, 1898.. Price Two Cent - 1 1,235 Dally Circulation.- gj 211 LU.11 1111 o S I i I i i! 8 AT Half Price 8 We offer a lot of nice Shirt Waists at half price for Spot Cash. They will not be sold on cfeiit or allowed to be taken out on trial. This is a bie bargain and you should not fail to see them. Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. irr((((f - New Designs IN Ml : WAIST SETS.; I am prepared to meet Z every want in Waist m sets of all styles in solid m Z Gold and sterling Silver, m plain and enameled, 3 2 These sets are new stock and represent the 5 latest spring patterns. W. B. farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad Watches. Z It Established 1868 , 2 Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries, Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phoDe promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., Pomona, N. C. Just Recived A lot of new Hand Cameras, 4-5, price $5 the "Boss Dan dy," call and see it. Also Developing Outfits and other amateur supplies. You also want to see the new "Bas Relief ' portraits and the beautiful "Platiuotypes." You can also see photographs of the Battallion Officers of the State Naval Reserves at Alderman's iew Studio. SATURDAY, May 7. Extra mountain honey, 12 1-2 cts. lb. Plenty chickens. Eees. 121-2 cts. doz. North Carolina cabbage. Garden peas. Butter on ice, 20 cts. lb. Large tomatoes, 30 cts. dozen. Everything Eatable at Prices that will Please you AT VUNCANON & CO.'S, Reliable Grocers. South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription sent out from our Drug Store is filled with the best drugs the market can furnish. All of the vbest cough mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators kept constantly in stock. Toilet arti cles of every description in fact, we can supply you with anything in the drug line, of the best quality and at 8 0 reasonable prices. Gaston W. Ward, 108 S. ElinSt. Pharmacist DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES. To the State and Judicial Conven- . . tlons--May 35-26. The following delegates-were selected by the county democratic convention to attend the Judicial and State con ventions to be held in Durham andRal- eigh respectively, May 25th and 26th: STATE DELEGATES . J R McCulloch, J C Bunch, A J Bnsick, W T Whitsett, M H Holt, W H Ragan, Oscar N Richardson, DrMP Fox, J H Gilmer, Z V Tay lor, J D Glenn, C M Stedman, J W Forbis, W R Land, J N Wilson, T J Shaw, D Shenck, Jr; J T Morehead, J M Burton, Dr J R Gordon, L A Carmen, J S Ragsdale, John Gray Bynum. JUDICIAL DELEGATES. J T Morehead, M H Holt, John N Staples, D H Collins, J M Burton, Oscar Richardson. Dr J R Gordon. C M Stedman, F P Morton, John Stewart, D F Busic, J A Rankin, R M Reese, W E Shenck, A L Brooks, J A Davidson, Frank Dalton, F G Chilcutt, John E McKnight, J Allen Holt, J J Nelson, Dr D A Robinson, John A Barringer, E R Fishblate, G W McKinney, W N Wright, S D Idol. Dr M F Fox, John W Wharton, Chas Manning Z T Melvin, L E How erton, Prof W T Whitsett, J S Cobb, W H Osborn, J R Donnell, W C Bo ren, E M Hendrix, A M Scales, John N Wilson, J R McCullough, R R King, Gen J D Glenn, T A Lyon, John S Michaux, W R Land, L M Scott, E P Wharton, H W Wharton, W D Wharton, J H Gilmer, Dr A P McDaniel, Banks A Boon, Dr W G Bradshaw, R C Charles, J M Walker, R W Brooks, Dr W J Richardson, W H Ragan, Jas W Forbis, Z V Taylor, W M Barber, R M Phillips, W D Mendenhall, C P Sapp, H J Elam, D M Lucas. Home Guards Drill. Last night the Home Guards drilled for an hour on East and West Mar ket street. There were between 30 and 40 men in the company. They are fast learning the rudiments of drill work and last night's work demonstrated that with a few more drills the boys will be ready -to go into camp and drill like veterans. Capt. Schenck is much pleased with the showing his men have made. Handsomely Done. The editor makes bis best bow to the Tom Rice Jewelry Co. for a match safe that is truly a "thing of beauty" and a joy to the smoker who would fain keep his matches dry. Engrav ing and all it is, like all the handi work of this live firm, handsomely done. Folks who remember the news paper man their hearts must be properly located. Slow to Volunteer. A gentleman who is well posted on military matters yesterday commented on the slowness with which the men are volunteering for the various com panies. A considerable number of men from each company are turned down by the examining surgeon and difficulty is experienced in filling the vacancies, len desiring to volunteer can 'probably secure admission to some of the companies by applying at the recruiting office here. While no reason has been given for this slowness it is probably due to the reluctance of green men to go to a warm climate. Spaniards Celebrating. Mobile, Ala., May 10 Gustavo de Cortesna, a prominent Cuban "Lot this city, received the following letter from Havana yesterday, dated April 26: "The Spanish are celebrating the vic tory of the capture of four American ports, Mobile, Boston, Charleston and Pensacola. "Blanco has given a very large ban quet to the army and navy. The city is gaily decorated and thousands of people in processions. The city is wild with enthusiasm." State Civil Service Examinations. Washington, May 10 Civil service examinations will be held at Wilming ton June 4th for postoffice clerk and carriers, in Asheville, June 4th, for storekeepers and gaugers. Applications for examination of the former must be filed in Wilmington Dy May 31st, and for the latter in Ashe ville, by May 28th. Remember the Maine. But don't forget the boys at Raleigh who go to save tneir country's nonor nranH ATP.'irsion over Southern rail way Friday, May 13th. Round trip $1.50. To Cure a Cold In One Day. ToU T.a-r.t.ivft Bromo Quinine Tab A nAV W" - lets. All druggists refund the money POWERS AGAIN TAKE A HAND Spain May Sue for Peace and Lose Cuba and Philippines. SAMPSON ORDERED TO KEY WEST Will Schley Bombard Havana? Forts Fire on Blockaders Expe dition Landed in Cuba. By Wire to The Telegbam. Washington, May 11 Representa tives of the powers are in conference this morning seriously considering the proposition to compel Spain to sue for peace on the basis of relin quishing Cuba and guaranteeing to the United States an enormous indem nity. The proposition as now consid ered will give permission to Acting Admiral Dewey to hold the Philip pines until all of the indemnity is paid. McKinley will be approached today with the view of unofficially ascertain ing the views entertained by the ad ministration in regard to such course. SAMPSON ORDERED BACK. Washington, May 11 It is reported on good authority that orders have been issued to Rear Admiral Sampson for his immediate return to Key West in order that his fleet may" co-operate with army of invasion. The bombard ment of Havana may precede the bom bardment and capture of Porto Rico. NEW SQUADRON FORMED. Washington, May 11 The armed yachts, Restless, Viking, Felicia and Aileeu were delivered to the govern ment this morning. These vessels will form the nucleus of a new coast, patrol fleet the commandor of which will be William H. Hemphill. He will have as his flagship the Buffalo, the dynamite cruiser Nictheroy recently purchased from Brazil and now on its way north. It is said that when this squadron is formed Schley will be ordered to join in the bombardment of Havana while the troops attack by land. EXPEDITION LANDED. Key West, May 11 Word was re ceived here this morning that the transport ship, Gussie, had landed an expedition under Captain Dorst, of the. Fourth United States Cavalry, on the north coast of Cuba, about fifty miles from Havana. Seven thousand rifles and two hundred and fifty thou sand rounds of ammunition were landed to be used in equipping the Insurgents. These arms and ammuni tion were sent ashore after fir6t land ing two companies from the First In fantry. OFF FOR MANILA. Portland, Oregon, May 11 Four companies of volunteers leave here tonight for San Francisco under com mand of Lieut-Colonel Toryan. Sev eral officers of high rank have received orders to hurry to San Francisco and from that port to embark for the Phil ippines. ATTEMPT TO POISON TROOPS. Atlanta, May 11 A second attempt was made this morning to poison an infantry camp located here. The drinking water at the camp had been dosed with arsenic. ALLEN SWORN IN. Washington, May 11 Charles H. Allen, of Massachusetts, who was named as Roosevelt's successor, was sworn in this morning as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. FIFTY THOUSAND READY. Washington, May 11 The Adjutant General this morning announces that 50,000 troops are ready for service. The volunteers from Montana were the first prepared. ROUGH RIDERS RECRUITED. San Antonia, May 11 Thirty-nine eastern club men and three hundred an I forty cowboys joined Colonel Roosevelt's rough riders today. A WARSHIP FROM THE WEST. San Bernardina, May 11 The rail road men of California have started a fund to build a battleship for the gov ernment. IMPROVED MARKSMANSHIP. Key West, May 11 The Santa Clara batteries of the forts near Havana re sumed their fire on the blockading squadron this morning. One of the shots struck within twenty yards of the fleets. GAVE GUNNERS THE GUY. New York, May 11 The steamship Schleswight arrived here today from the West Indies after a most exciting voyage. While it was off Hayti ifc was fired on by a Spanish warship and chased for several hours, only the usual poor markmanship of the Spaniards enabled the 6hip to escape. The shells all flew wild. At first the passengers were panic stricken but soon recovered themselves. Then then gathered aft and jeered the Spanish gunners. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. High Point, N. C, May 11,'98. S The board of aldermen held their regular meeting Monday night, and restricted the bicycle law by putting them off Washington street sidewalk from the crossing of North Main street to the railroad crossing at the colored school and also the flat between the Asheboro and main line at the depot. We are in favor of the board in re stricting the l&w to all the sidewalks within the city limits. This law goes into effect May 15th. They elected Messrs. R. C. Charles, F. N. Tate, A. Sherrod and R. A. Wheeler as school commissioners. No better selection could have been made. Peterson's Orchestra gave a splendid entertainment in the opera house, last night to a select and appreciative au dience. After the entertainment those who indulge in the Terpsichorean art remained for a short while to trip the light fantastic. Don't forget Hillyer's Wonders at the opera house tonight and tomorrow night. It is strictly a moral show. Many valuable presents will be given away. Messrs. Hal. M. Worth, W. P. Wood, and C. C. McAlister passed through the city yesterday enroute to to their homes in Asheboro. Dr. H. C. Pitts went to Fayetteville yesterday to attend the dental asso ciation. C. A. Grimes, of East Durham, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Mary E.'Cartland went to Wal nut Cove yesterday. J. W. Collins, of Reidsville, was in the city today. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Havre left today for Charlotte where they will spend a day or two and then go to San Fran cisco. Mrs. Laura Field, of Greensboro passed through this morning returning from a visit to Archdale. Two Deserters. Two members of the Goldsboro com pany deserted Monday. They were missed from camp yesterday morning and a search was immediately begun for them. Capt. Bain and the First Sergeant of the Goldsboro company left for Goldsboro on the morning train with the expectation of overhaul ing them there. In the afternoon one of the deserters was captured in the city. He was immediately arrested and taken to the camp,' where he is now under guard. It is stated that the prisoner is in chains. Both boys are United States sol diers, and desertion from the army in time of war is a very serious matter.- A court martial will be required to nflict punishment upon them. The penalty for desertion in time of war is death or such punishment as the court martial may direct. It re quires a two-third vote of the court martial to convict. Morning Post. Odd Fellows Meet. The Odd Fellows are here in large numbers and it is said the attendance is the largest ever known at a session of the Grand Lodge. -The session be gan at 4 p. m., in Odd Fellows hall, J. P. Sawyer presiding as grand master; B. H. Woodel, as secretary, and R. J. Jones as treasurer. One of the events of the-day was the arrival of the Deputy Grand Prince, Mr. Pinkerton, of Worcester, Mass., who tomorrow afternoon will lay the cor ner stone of the auditorium at the blind institution. There are now 133 Odd Fellow lodges and 4,000 members of the order in this state. Col. Old's correspondence. A Big Stampeed. It is expected Friday, May 13th, at the Southern railroad depot. All aboard for Raleigh on the excursion Are you with us? Baseball Yesterday. AtWashington Washington 4, Phil adelphia 6. At New York New York 5, Brook lyn 0. At Boston Boston -10, Baltimore 4 At Pittsburg Pittsburg 6, Louis ville 2. Scared Missionaries. By Cable The Telegram. Sierra Leone, Africa, May 11 The American missionaries in the Soudan are flocking to this place from the Marampa -district. They have been frightened by the threatening attitude of the Khedive. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the - money if it fails to cure. 25c. FLEET REPORTED AT CADIZ, Spain's Most Powerful Vessels As- sembled at That Port. SPANIARDS MAD AT ITS RETURN. Germany Strictly Neutral But Wants Philippines Japan Wants Part Also Martial Law in Italy. Cable to Thx Tklegkam. London, May 11 The Globe this afternoon publishes a dispatch from Cadiz, dated last Saturday, in which it is said that Pelayo,Victoria, Carlos V, Aalmiraute Oquendo, Vizcaya, Maria Teresa, Cristobal Colon, Al fonso XIII,Pluton,Prosperpina,Osado Aufia, Furor, Terror and several tor pedo boats, transports and the steam ships, Normania and Columbia, are now at that port. All of the vessels are in complete readiness to sail except the Pelayo. The Globe adds that it believes the Spanish squadron will sail today and that troops will be on their way to the Canaries by the fif teenth. Three battalions of marines now quartered at San Fernando are ready for embarkation. Lieutenant Caldwell, a naval attache of the Amer ican embassy at London, this after noon says he disabelieves the report that the Cape Verde fleet is at Cadiz. FURIOUS OVER FLEET'S RETURN. Madrid, May 11 Rioting was re newed here this morning by the popu lace who have become furious because of the return to Spain of the Cape Verde fleet without meeting Sampson and giving battle to his fleet. . RIOTS IN ITALY. Rome, May 11 Serious riots oc curred this morning at Como Navara. itched battles took place in the streets between the regular troops and mobs. The troops shot indiscrimi nately into the mob to stop the rioters from building barricades which they had begun. Women aided the mob in fighting and waved socialists' flags. MARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED. Rome, May 11 Martial law has been proclaimed at Naples, Florence, Leghorn, Shozzia, Mecsina and Milan. FRAMZ JOSEPH'S VIEWS. Vienna, May 11 In his speech to the reichsrath today Emperor Franz Joseph said: "We will observe a strict neutrality in the present conflict between the United States and Spain. We hope that the war may soon be fin ished and some equitable arrangement made. We hope for pacific develop ments in the far east but face an un certain situation. The maintenance of a powerful armament will be neces sary." TO BUY PHILIPPINES. Yokahoma, May 11 The Hiji Shim- po, a leading newspaper, advocates the purchase by Japan of a portion of the Philippines. MOB ON TOP. London, May 11 A dispatch from Madrid says that the mob there burn ed an immense grain warehouse this morning despite the guardia civil. AFTER PHILIPPINES. There is also a tfory current here, and it has found its way into the morning newspapers, that Germany will attempt to gain possession of the Philippine islands by guaranteeing to the United States the indemnity that Spain will be compelled to pay when the war is over. DEWEY RECOGNIZED. Hong Kong, May 11 General Agui naldo, the insurgent leader, has or dered his followers to recognize Ad miral Dewey as the ruler for the Philippines. A DESTROYER DESTROYED. London, May 11 It is reported here that a Spanish torpedo boat destroyer has been blown up near Gibraltar. All of the crew on board at the time of the explosion were lost. SOLDIERS THREATEN TO REVOLT. Havana, May 11 The city is on the verge of a panic owing to the report from Madrid that no supplies have been sent. The Spanish soldiers are openly threatening to revolt. Big Order for Ponchos. Cleveland, Ohio, May 10 The Cleve land Rubber Works has just received a rush order from the United States government to furnish 15,000 ponchos for the volunteer army. The Jponchos are light rubber blankets, 72x45 inches and are adapted to three uses. They can be used as blankets, as capes, or four of them may be laced together and made into a tent. RALEIGH WAR NEWS. Reidsville and Oxford Companies to. Consolidate. The Adjutant General says that the Reidsville company and the Oxford company of the Second Regiment are arranging to consolidate, as neither can alone present enough men. He added that the Henderson company, which was trying -to get in the regi ment, was not likely to do so and that the companies from Murphy and Le noir, with 100 men each, would be or dered home. Tonight the physical examination of the 80 men which Raleigh will fur nish of the negro battalion was com pleted. It is expected all the battalion will be at Fort Macon by Friday. The whole cost of the war to the State will not exceed $1,000, the Adju tant General says. The cost of the camp is something like $1,000 a day. The cost of transportation was heavy. Uncle Sam pays for all these things. The Burlington company of the Sec ond ( Holts's ) arrived this afternoon. Tomorrow seven more companies will come in and the regiment will be full. Then the surgeons and .mustering offi cers will be as busy as bees. There is a rush of companies to get in. Many are on the reserved list. The appointment of B. F. Dixon as major of the second gives general pleasure. A gentleman from Southport says that two 12-inch disappearing -guns are to be added to the four 8-inch ones now there. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co., eommission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota- of the New York Stock Exchange: New YORK, May. 11, 1898. American tobacco 112i Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 324 B. and 0 1 19i C. and O 22 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 1001 Chic. Gas 984 Del., Lace, and Western 159 Delaware and Hudson 110 Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie 13f General Electric 36i Jersey Central 95 Louisville and Nashville 55 ake Shore 187 Manhattan Elevated..'.... 102J Missouri and Pacific 34i Northwestern T 123i Northern Pacific Pr 66i National Lead 83f New York Central . 116i Pacific Mail 28i Readimg 18i Rock Island.. 99 Southern Railway 81 Southern Railway Pr 30i St. Paul 97 Sugar Trust 132 Tenn. Coal & Iron 26 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred 64 Western Union Tel 90 Wabash Preferred... 194 The following are the closing quota' tions of the Chisago Board of Trade Chicago, May 11, 1898. Wheat, July 1184 " May 179 " Sept.... m Corn, Dec " Apr " Sept 37t " Oct " May 364 " July 364 Oats, Sept 244 " Apr " May 314 " July... 274 Pork, Dec " Apr ; " May " July 118 Lard, Dec " Apr " May - 525 " July 555 Ribs, Dec " Apr " May 600 " July..... 605 Cotton, Sept 631632 " Dec " Feb " March " April " May 635636 .- 621622 " June 624625 " August 634635 " Oct 631632 " Nov. 633634 " Jan.... Spot cotton 61 Puts, 102 ; Calls, 119i ; Curb 110 A Fresb Supply : Watermelon & Canteloupe Seeds Also Seasonable Drinks -AT- Stanley & Grissom, (Successors to. South Side-Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist. 504 So. Elm. Manager. Children Are Important Customers in our estimation, when they are sent to us on a trading errand, we always remember that they are not dis criminating buyers, and we take special pains to see that they get what both you and they want. Then we always try to be prompt In waiting on them, there is always a little worry at home when they are sent updn an errand and stay too long, often though no fault of their own. J no. BrFariss. Successor to Richardson & Fariss Agents For Huylers Candies. SPR1 NG WEATHER Weakens The Eyes. There is no time of the year when the eyes need to be more carefully protected and assisted than this time through which we are now passing. The system is undergoing a change and the oppressively hot weather is debilitating. In this waakened con- . Qition our delicate optic organs have to stand the glare of "the bright sum- - mer sun and unless thte utmopt care is exercised they may De permanently injured. 11 tney are troubling you better consult at once the only ire o : i i . at. i opeuianau 111 tins viciaiEy J. T. JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. AUCTION SALE OF IMPROVED CITY LOTS Beginning Monday May 16th, '98. With following described property: A good one story five room dwelling situated -on east side of Arlington street near Centenary church now oc cupied by J. M. Love. A good one story four room cottage at corner of McCulloch and Bellevue streets, owned by Mrs. Kate Pugh. WHARTON & McALISTBR. AGENTS. MOTH BALLS, MOTHBALLS; MOTH BALLS. MOTH BALLS. 15c pound 2 pounds for 25c HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposbte .post Office. Fresh Garden Seed. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line'of just such goods which we are offering at unusually . low prices. There is a lot of 'go in all of our goods. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. Dr. B. W. BEST M. P. Building, opposite McAdoo House. Calls left at, Holton's drug stors promptly attended. If it fails to cure. zoc. -