TV v 5 265 Daily Circulation.-s VOL. II. NO. 96 GREENSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY; MAY 19, 1898. Price Two Cents v uireees ooro 1 1,265 Pally Clrcfllatlon.sVt ;j I Trade With I i! ! I J M Hendrix & Co., and save Eight Per Gent. ; bv paying Cash for vour Dry Goods and Shoes 22i S. Elm St. k J New Designs IN WAIST SETS. I am prepared to meet every want in Waist sets of all styles in solid Gold and sterling Silver, plain and enameled. These sets are new stock and represent the latest spring patterns. w. B. farrar's Son. in Inspector of Southern Railroad Watches. F.stablished 1868 Flowers. Complete Assortment of the C'hoi.vj-t and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., ! ' miona, N. C. When you want a hand somer Photograph frame than vou can get any where else, call at Alderman's. Hne Gilt Ovals just received. Ask to see Platinotypes or Photogravures and Bas Re liefs, 1131-2 East Aarket. Plenty of Eggs, io cents dozen Young's Berries, io cents quart For anything eatable, see us netore you buy. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. -South Elm St. 'Phone No. 2, Every Prescription --i:t out from our Drug Store is filled the best drugs the market can i nish. All of the best cough mix- ins, laxatives and liver regulators k constantly in stock. Toilet arti '" of every description in fact, we in supply you with anything in the r line, of the best quality and at onable prices. Gaston W. Ward, lu S. ElmSt. Pharmacist MODERN IDEAS. Some Things Which This City Needs and flust Have. Ruminating about Greensboro and her growth and her possibilities we have jotted down the following items and submit them as Improvements that must come before it can be a first-class city: Electric street cars to aU parts of the city. A well regulated city market house to be kept clean and inspected daily. A street (superintendent to ride over the streets daily and see that the drive ways and sidewalks are kept prop erly repaired and clean, and that all goods boxes and other ob structions are kept off the sidewalks. See to it that all back lots jkre in spected monthly,- at least, and that they arc kept clean and that all sani tary laws are strictly enforced. A well regulated auction house, up-to-date and modern in its appoint ments. An association of business men and taxpayers to be formed to keep proper and equitable rates of freight to this city. Godcity parks for drives and a place for recreation and exercise for the little folks and nice walks for the ladies. A committee to condemn all old de lapidated buildings and fire traps. These and many other things, some of which we have already mentioned and others we will talk about later, are necessary to the growth and devel opment of the city. Let everybody "get a move on" and rustle for the up building of Greensboro. Repair and paint and beautify. Do all you can to make your streets, your homes and your places of business at tractive. Talk for and advertise Greensboro. All pull together and among other things do not forget the motto: "More manufactories for Greensboro." Is it a Nuisance? The drain from the pump just south of the C. F. & Y. V. railroad makes a constant mud hole and a most filthy looking place down near and along side the railroad track. Not long ago a small pipe iurther down South Elm street burst and a small stream of clean water was oozing out. The sani tary policeman called on the lady who lives there and wanted to know the why and the wherefore of that water. It had only been running a few hours and the plumber was already engaged to repair the break. If that was a nuisance and demand ed the attention of the sanitary officer, this constantly running and muddy branch from the well is a ten times greater nuisance and should be looked after. There is also a break in the water pipe at the plug on the corner of South Elm and East Washington streets. If a burst that does not cause water to run twenty yards demands the attention of an officer, v surely a break that makes a running stream for a hundred yards or more should lso"claim the notice of the worthy sanitary policeman. The First Regiment Leaves. The first regiment of North Caro lina volunteers has been ordered to Tampa and leaves Raleigh today. The railways have completed the ar rangements for transportation of the troops. The field and staff, field mu sic and first battaUon iro by the South ern Railway, the third battalion by the Seaboard Air Line and the Sec ond by the Atlantic Coast Line. It is expected that the division com ing this way will arrive here about 6:30 p. m. but will probably be later. The railroad officials have received no notice and cannot tell at what hour the troop train will arrive. Marriage at the McAdoo. There was a romantic marriage in the parlors of the McAdoo this after noon at 2:30. the contracting parties being Mr. E. M. Hollingsworth and Miss Holcomb.of Mt. Airy. The groom arrived last night, the bride and a party of friends, among whom was the officiatimr minister Rev. Dr. Banner, of Mt. Airy, arrived in the city on the noon train. The party Including the bride and groom returned to Mt. Airy at 3:10. The Monument Fund Qrows. The Worth Bagley monument fund continues to grow rapidly. lUe patri otic movement has met with a most hearty response. Yesterday $120 was added to the fund bringing tne tota up to -$752.10. All receipts are. ack nowledged through the Raleigh Post to which remittance should De maae. To Cure a Cold lnOne Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggista refund the money OREGON WAS AT BARBADOS The Harvard Sailed Today from St. Pierre. SANTIAGO DE CUBA BOMBARDED. Spanish Eleet Reported Near Costa Rica A Supposed Cablegram From Admiral Sampson. By Wire to Thb Tklbgram. Madrid, May 19 A dispatch re ceived from Havana says that Santi ago de Cuba has been bombarded by American war vessels. It adds that the damage to the town was slight. .Santiago de Cuba is in the extreme southeastern part of the island as is the most important part on the south ern coast east of Cienfuegos. THE AMERICAN VERSION. Washington, May 19 Semi-official advices received here confirm the re port that Santiago de Cuba has been bombarded. It is said that the Puri tan, Amphitrite and Minneapolis at tempted to cut the cable at that point and were fired on by the forts. They responded doing slight damage. WAS IT FROM SAMPSON? Washington, May 19 Secretary Long this morning received a cipher cablegram the nature of which, under the new regulations, could not be re vealed but there are good reasons for believing it to be from Admiral Samp son. ARTILLERY FOR TAMPA. New York, May 19 Battery M, heavyArtillery, left fort Hancock this morning for Tampa to join the Cuban army of invasion. THE JASON TO NEW YORK. Philadelphia, May 19 The monitor J ason started to New Xork this morn ing. The monitor is manned by New York naval reserves and is intended for the defense of the harbor. HARVARD SAILS. St. Pierre, May 19 The scout ship Harvard sailed for Hayti this morn ing. TO MAN THE HOLLAND. Washington, May 19 Officers and men have been ordered to the Holland sub-marine boat. It is believed that this boat has been purchased by the United States government. OREGON TOUCHED BARBADOS. Washington, May 19 The Oregon touched at Barbadosyesterday and was ordered to hurry on to Key West. OF SAFFRON HUE. Washington, May 19 Little credence is given the story that Senor Polo y Bernabe has secured a Spanish coal ing station at Miquelo", Newfound land. STILL A SECRET. Washington, May19 A second cablegram was received this mornihg from -Captain Clark of the battleship Oregon. The whereabouts of the Oregon, Marietta and Buffalo are still kept a secret with the department officials. General Miles wants 130,000 Krag- Jorgensen rifles immediately. WHERE THE FLEET IS TODAY. Colon, May 19 The newspapers here say that the Spanish fleet is now near Costa Rica. Costa Rico is near ly 1,000 miles directly west of Curacao the last port made by the squadron. CHARLESTON RETURNS. San Francisco, May 19 TbeCharles ton sailed back to Mare Island to re pair some damage done her condenser. Note of Thanks From Capt. Gray. Editor of the Evening Telegram: Sir: In behalf-of my company and myself, I desire to thank the kind citi zens of Greensboro through your col uuids for the fine box of provisions which they generously sent to their soldier boys in camp and to assure them of our high appreciation of the same. Very respectfully, R. Percy Gray, Cap. 2nd Ree. N. C. V., U. S. A. Camp Grimes, Raleigh. N. C. May 18. An Omission. We failed to mention in our article of yesterday on "More New Dwell ings" the nice six-room cottage being erected by Mr. C. W. Yost on South Spring street. Besides being in an excellent locality, when completed it will be a model dwelling and one of Ihe nicest in the neighborhood. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. 25c. NOTES FROM HIQH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. ) High Point. N. C. Mar-19,'98. I Lawyer Bradshaw was in the eity today. C. A. Barbee was a visitor in Greens boro yesterday. The lawn party at the Presbyterian church will doubtless be well attended. Miss Doub, of Greensboro, arrived in the city today. The ladies of High Point fixed up a arge box of provisions and sent to the soldier boys from here last night. J. Elwood Cox came in on the ves tibule this morning. W. V. Branson went to Charlotte today where he will make his future home. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Charles went to Winston today to spend a few days with relatives. Mrs. Wm. Tate left for Charlotte to spend a few weeks visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Walier Smith. Don't :forget that tomorrow night you will have the privilege of hear- ng Benry Blount in the opera house. The reason why Frank Brown re turned last night was that Holt's com pany had burst up. Mrs. W. Y. Davis, of Danville, ar rived in the city last night to see her brother, -Mr. W. E, Johns. Mrs. Davis will leave today for Mt. Airy to see her parents, Capt. and Mrs. W. E. Johns. Miss Lena Blair, one of Asheboro's charming belles, passed through to day en route to Guilford College to be in attendance at commencement. Amos Campbell, colored, was killed instantly yesterday afternoon at b o'clock while cleaning out a well for E. T. Corbett about two miles from town. The windlass broke and fell in on him, cutting adeep hole in his head and breaking his neck. He was buried here this afternoon at 4 o'clock. He was about 54 years old. The Websterlan Oratorical Contest. Correspondence Telegram. Guilford College, May 19th. The Websterian Literary Society of Guilford College will give its annual Oratorical Contest in Memorial Hall Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The occasion promises to be one of the most interesting of the commence ment exercises. The contest will be between five young men chosen from the society. The Webster's Interna tional Dictionary and stand whieh is given by the society to the successful contestant will be delivered by Mr. R. H. Hayes, of Pittsboro, N. C. A medal, given for the most improve ment in debating during the year, will be delivered by Mr. S. A. Hodgin, of Greensboro. Music for the oecasion will be ren- dp red by the well known Brockmann Orchestra. The public is cordially invited to be present. It Is a Good Thing. . A day or two ago we mentioned the the incorporation of the Greensboro Barrel Crane company. This crane or swing is destined to revolutionize the handling of heavy barrels in grocery stores. The following testi monial from one of our most progres sive local grocerymen will tell you something of its merits: Greensboro, May 18, 1898. -Mr. J. W. B. Collins, Dear Sir: I am using four of your improved barrel swings and like them well. I would not be without them for several times their cost. It will pay any groceryman to give it his atten tion, as it keeps the barrel out of the way and prevents trash from falling into the sugar. You are at liberty to use this testimonial in any way you see fit, to advertise your swings Wishing you sueces, I remain very respectfully, S. E. Hudson. Baseball Yesterday. At Chicago Chicago 4, St. Louis 11 At Baltimore Baltimore 9, Pitts burg 2. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Clubs. Won Lost P. Ct Cincinnati 17 4 809 Cleveland 16 8 667 Baltimore.... 11 7 631 Boston 18 9 625 New York 13. 8 619 Chicago 11 11 500 Pittsburg 12 12 500 Philadelphia 9 10 473 Brooklyn 9 10 473 St. Louis 5 15 "285 Louisville 6 19 240 Washington 4 17 191 WHERE FIGHT IS EXPECTED. The Departments Wink at Yellow Rumors. MONTGOMERY CRIPPLES GRUISEA City of Pekln Sails Tomorrow A Oerman's Spanlshy Tale Rush Orders for Rifles, Cartridges. By Wira to The Tkudqham. Washington, May 19 The strata and pxiety still continues here. It is gathered that a big naval battle is ex pected south of the Florida peninsula this week. The greatest secrecy as to the whereabouts of Sampson's squad ron and also that of Schley are ob served. It is currently believed here that the administration is winking at a number of the unfounded rumors' started for the purpose of misleading Spanish spies. x THE PEKIN SAILS. San Francisco, May 19 It is re ported here that the City of Pekln leaves tomorrow for Manila having three thousand troops on board. GERMAN SNAKE YARN. Key West, May 19 The German steamer Cenetla reports seeing the Spanish fleet coaling at Martinique on the 16th instant. CHASED A CRUISER. Key West, May 19 The Montgom ery skirmished with a Spanish cruiser off Nei villas light house, chased the Spaniard into the harbor and crippled him. RUSH ORDERS. Washington, May 19 The war de partment has issued a rash order for thirty million cartridges. PRISONERS TO BE EXCHANGED. Washington, May 19 The arrange ments have finally been completed to exchange the World correspondents, Thrall and Jones, forJDolonel Carte jo, brother-in-law of. Weyler, and Sur geon Julien, who are in prison at Fort McPherson, Atlanta. REPORTED GERMAN INSULT. Madrid, May 19 rA despatch from Havana says that when the German - warship Grier arrived there it point edly neglected to salute the American blockading sauadron. On the other hand it ostentatiously saluted the Spanish forts and the commander paid a visit to General Blanco. MORE TROOPS. Chickamauga, May 19 The first Kansas and the fifth Pennsylvania regiments arrived here this morning and went into camp. Bismarck Critically III. By Cable to Th bam. Berlin, May 19 Prince Bismarck is in a much more critical condition to day. Doctor Schweninger has been hastily summoned to his bedside. His extreme old age and the disagreeable weather incsease the apprehension of his friends. Fired on English Soldiers. By Cable TH2 TxuDQBAif. Gibraltar. M.v 19 Several British soldiers frcgjjjftTie fort were out boating yesterday afternoon and attempted to land on Spanish sou. The sentry tired on the party wounding one man. - Tennis Game Tomorrow. The Greensboro Tennis Club will send a delegation out to engage the Guilford College boys in a game for the local championship tomorrow. Messrs. Hal. Mebane, J. Simpson Schenck, Lee Wharton, and Robt. D. Douglas will make up Greensboro's team.- They are all handy with the racquet and a good game may be ex pected. Not Ready to Fight U. London. May 17 With reference to the Spanish cruiser Princess de Asturias having arrived off Martini que, as was reported yesterday, a let ter mailed at Cadiz on May 5th and received in London on May 9th, des cribes her as lying at Cadiz alongside a wooden frigate. She was having her masts put into position and had recently had her machinery aboard, but in other re spects the work of fitting her for sea was in a most backward state. Small Evasion. Mother You ought to be ashamed of yoarself . A girl of your advan tages and training, using such an ex pression as "Oh, Gee!" Daughter It is only an abbrevia tion for "Old Glory," ma. Indian apolis Journal. THE CIVILIZED WORLD MOURNS The Death of Englands Great Com moner. By Cable to Thi Tkudokam. Ha warden, Majr 19 The news of Gladstone's death was spread rapidly throughout the country bythe tolling the churdh bells. The only absentee during his last moments was little Dorothy Drow, his favorite grand child. The end was the most peaceful imaginable. Doctor DoWe took leave of Mrs. Gladstone at nine o'clock. She bore up nobly. Drs. Bliss and Dobie and Henry Gladstone are pre paring a statement of his last hours. The members of the family attended early communion in Hawarden church conducted by Rev. Stephen Gladstone. It was the ordinary service prefaced with selected prayers from the burial service. The Queen, the Prince of Wales and Ambassador Hay sent ex pressions of condolence to the widow. Telegrams, are coming in from import ant personages throughout the civi lized world. " The Late Spanish Minister. - Ottawa, Ont., May 18 In the House of Commons tonight, Mr. Charlton made an attack on Polo, declaring that Spanish spies under him had crossed over into the States. Mr. Laurier, in reply to a query whether he had done anything to pre vent this, guardedly declared that he had not done anything to hasten Polo's departure. Polo declared today that he would leave Saturday. THE. MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Go., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, May. 19, 1896. American tobacco 108i Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 30i B. andO..: 18 C. and 0 21 Chic, Bur. and Quincy..... . 101i Chft.Gas 97 Del.. LacK. and Western 152 Delaware and Hudson.... 107 Am. spirits 11 Dist'r and eattle feed Erie 12f General Electric 36i Jersey Central 94 Louisville and Nashville 53 f Lake Shore 186 Manhattan Elevated 104 Missou and Pacific 33i Northwestern 124i Northern Pacific Pr 65 National Lead 33 New York Central 114 Pacific Mail 27 Reading 17! Rock Island 101 Southern Railway 8 Southern Railway Pr 28i St. Paul 96 Sugar Trust 134 Tenn. Coal & Iron 25 Texas Pacific 11 U. S. Leather Preferred 64 Western Union Tel 90 Wabash Preferred 19 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, May 19, 1898. . Wheat, July... , 107 May 145 Sept t 88 Corn, Deo '. " Apr " Sept 36 " Oct . May 35 " July 35 Oats, Sept.... 23 " Apr " May 29 " July 26 Pork, Dec " Apr , " May 1195 " July 1210 Lard, Sept 655 " Apr " May 650 " July 647 Ribs. Sept 630 " Apr " May 6221 ' July 622 Cotton, Sept 629631 Dec 631632 " Feb " March ($ " April " May 631633 " June .....632633 " July 637638 " August 641642 " Oct. 628629 " Nov... 629630 " Jan 633634 Spot cottoa ....67-16 Puts, 103 ; Calls, 90 ; Curb 89 A fresh Supply Watermelon & Caoleloupe Seeds Also Seasonable-Drinks. -AT- tZ3 Stanley i& Grissom, (Successors to. South Side Pharmacy) J.K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504- So. Elm. Manager. Ura Crown Perfumery Co.'s Crabanple Blossom, Crown Vio let, Crown Glycerine Soap, Crown Lavendar Salts, sold by V. J no. B. Fariss. Dependable Druggist. Stamps, to oblige. SPRING WEATHER Weakens The Eyes. There is no time of the year when the eyes need to be more carefully protected and assisted than this time ' through which we are now passing. The system is undergoing a change ana the oppressively hot weather is debilitating. In this weakened con dition our delicate optic organs have to stand the glare of the bright sum mer sun and unless the utmost care is exercised they may be permanently J T . j 1 . T injured, xi mey are crouDiing you better consult at once the only Eye specialist in this vicinity J. T. JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. Second Auction Sale OF City Real Estate, Monday May 30th, '98. 1st. The property owned by Mrs. - Louisa James, situated on east side of Asheboro street. The lot contains 3 acres of land, has a comfortable two story dwelling, orchard, vineyard and fine shade trees. This is a very desir able place. 2nd. A vacant lot on Smith rtreet. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. MOTH BALLS. MOTHBALLS. MOTH BALLS MOTH BALLS. 15c pound 2 pounds for 25c, HOWARD GARDNER'S. : Corner Opposite post Office. - Fresh Garden Seed. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First besure you know just what sort of sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of 'go in all of our goods. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. Dr. a W. BEST M. P. Building, opposite MoAdoo House. Calls left at Holton's drug stors, promptly attended. ! 3 - 1 V- 4 v if it fails to cure. 25c.

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