Or e.-v-.-. . .- . - - . . 1, fpnailv ClrcalatIon.a eees GREENSBORO, N. C., SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1898. Price Two Cents looro I Trade With 1 J M Hendrix & Co,, I i and save Eight Per Cent. S by paying Cash for your Dry Goods I and Shoes I I 221 S. Elm St. Magic Polishing Cloth, I For restoring the original brilliancy to Silver or Plated m ware or any smooth metallic JJ sur face, Plate Glass, etc. Safe, Sure and Simple. m m m Cleans Diamonds, Jewelry, Gold, Silver, Brass', Nickle, JJJ very quickly and with little lalor. Price 15c each. W. B. farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad m Watches. m Katablished 1868 m : Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., Pomona, N. C. When you want a hand somer Photograph frame than you can get any where else, call at Alderman's. Fine Gilt Ovals just received. Ask to see Platinotypes or Photogravures and Bas Re liefs, 1131-2 East Market. Do You Want Some? We will have Young's Strawberries, gathered for our customers, at 10 cents quart, 3 quarts for 25cts. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. Souh Ehu St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription sent out frora our Drug store is filled 'ah the bust drugs the market can furnUh. All of th uet. omurh mix- tun iixitiiva and liver regulators k 1 :-.'.';.r.tlv Ti lot. ft.rt.l- Cka Of CV.-VV (1. ; Tf i-wn in f&ot. WA can supply you with anything in the 'uk nn.j, of the best quality and at rf-a.,...., i . "u.t: prices. Gaston W. ward, UlS C r., . THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Proceedings of the Meeting Held Last . - Night. ; The board met, the mayor in the chair, all present except Ellington and Merritt. . .-' 1 The special committee on a park for the city made a verbal ; report stating that the ground offered by Mr. Jordan was beautifully situated and was the proper place for a park and that Mr. Jordan wanted an expression from the board as to whether the city wanted a park. The matter was referred to the committee to investigate further and report at next meeting. Alderman Shaw was sworn in. Report of the chief of the fire depart ment for last year was filed. ' The board authorized the mayor to advertise for bids for lighting the cty for a term of three or five years. The board authorized the establish ment of grade on South Elm street be yond the water towtr. The mayor appointed the following standing committees: Finance Ellington, chairman; Mer rimon, Shaw, Merritt. Schools Merritt, chairman; Elling ton, Bain, Sergeant. Street Pickard, chairman; McKin ney, Lewis, Mendenhall. - Waterworks Bogart," chairman; Ellington, Shaw, Bain. Street Light Merrimon, chairman; Sergeant, Bain, Elam. Police McKinney chairman; Mer ritt, Shaw, Lewis. Cemetery Mendenhall, chairman; Sergeat, Elam, McKinney. Fireman Sergeant, chairman; Men denhall, Bogart, McKinney. Sewer Lewis, chairman; Elam, El lington, Bogart. Purchasing Elam, chairman;' Lew is, Pickard, Merrimon. Printimr Shaw, chairman; Merritt, Bogart, Pickard. Market Bain, chairman, Merrimon, Pickard, Mendenhall. Alderman Pickard moved that a committee be appointed to confer with county commissioner with regard to surveyor carried. The mayor appointed the street committee. The board made satisfactory ar rangement with the trustees of the Presbyterian church for the ground required for Summit avenue. The mayor appointed Sergeant, chairman, and McKinney and Elling ton as Summit avenue committee. Alderman Merrimon called atten tion to the condition of the water works reservoir and stated that the same was in a very filthy condition. The mayor instructed the water com mittee to investigate and report. Grades were established upon Syc amore, Edgworth, East Market and Spring streets and Summit avenue. The board ordered grade established on Smith street. The matter of electing a city attor ney was referred to the finance com mittee to investigate and report at next meeting. Adjourned. Will be Looked After. The reservoir from which the city water supply is pumped is reported to be in a very filthy condition, with old cans, sticks and mud in abundance in the bottom. The water committee was instructed by the board of aldermen last night to look after this matter at once and see that it is properly cleaned out. To neglect this very important mat ter would be nothing short of criminal. The health and lives of a large number of ourpeople are at stake. Mr. Bo gart, chairman of the committee, says it will be immediately looked into. Seriously Injured. George McAdoo, colored, had been plowing and at noon today unhitched and attempted to mount his horse to start to dinner. His foot became en tangled in the gear and the horse be coming frightened ran away, starting at Mr. White's on Asheboro street and turning down Whittington, dragging McAdoo by the foot. He sustained severe injuries, receiving a deep cut in the side and his head was badly bruised. He is unconscious at this writing and recovery is doubtful. . Spain's Cabinet Split. Madrid, May 27 The outcome of yesterday's financial debate is that both SenorPuigeerver.the Minister 01 Finance, and -the Marquis de Villa- verde.the Conservative leader, have Bjrreed to oppose the impost on tne financial debt, Senor Gamazo, the Liberal leader, and Minister of Public Instruction, has given notice that he will resign from the! Ministry if the impost is not adopted. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money A ROLAND FOR ITS OLIVER, Spain Captures the Journal's Yacht, Buccaneer. ANOTHER DOSE FOR C1ENFUEG0S Despatches For and. From Schley and Sampson Cadiz Fleet Sails. Spain Wants Peace. By Wire to Th Tklbg&am. New York, May 28 A special to the Times says the Journal's yacht, Buc caneer, while cruising off Porto Rico was captured by a Spanish warship. The captain of the yacht claimed that his vessel Was sailing under Gertran registry but the Spaniard refused to. release him. All persons found aboard the yacht were sent to Germany under guard. Spain will ask Germany to in vestigate the matter. JOURNAL DENIES IT. New York, May 28, (2 p. m. ) The report in a special to the Times that a Spanish warship had captured its yacht Buccaneer is denied by the Jour nal. SPANIARDS ROUTED. Key West, May 28 The Brooklyn, Schley's flagship, has landed 60,000 rounds of ammunition together with rifles and food for the insurgents after a hot fight below Cienfuegos. The engagement occurred on last Tuesday. The fort on the southside of Cienfue gos bay was knocked to pieces by the Marblehead and the Spanish cavalry were attacked simultaneously and routed by 700 Cubans. Many Span iards were killed. There were no Cuban or American losses. NO NEWS OF FLEETS. St. Thomas, May 28 All is quiet here this morning. No news has been received from the Spanish or American fleets. FLEET SAILS AT LAST.. Madrid, May 28 It is officially an nounced that the Cadiz fleet has sailed. A HINT TO THE POWERS. " London,. May 28 The reports that Spain desires peace are construed here to be a fresh -hint to the continental powers to interfere. Despite the in spired warnings to the contrary Spain expected their- intervention early in the war. As Spanish' burdens grow heavier and the outlook for- Spain, at home and abroad grows darker, the disappointment of Spaniards at the strict neutrality of the powers in creases. EAGLE IN PORT. Port-au-Prince, May 28 The officers of the auxilliary gan boat Eagle which has just arrived here, refuse to discuss Schley and Cervera. DESPATCHES FOR SCHLEY. Kingston, May 28 An important expedition, carrying despatches for Sampson and Schley, left Annotta bay, northern coast of Jamaica, in an open boat. The party was made up of four Cubans, headed by Preval, for merly a clerk in the consulate at San tiago. From Annotta to Santiago is about 140 miles. DESPATCH FROM SCHLEY. Washington, May 23 Secretary Long this morning received a cipher despatch supposed to be from Schley. He declines to talk. YELLOW: London, May 28 Reuter's Agency wires that there is a rumor that Samp son's fleet was defeated at Santiago and Sampson killed. BALLOONS FOR NAVY. New York,. May 28 A balloon for use in the navy was delivered this morning at Governor's Island by Maurice Mallet, the French aeronaut. The balloon will be forwarded to Schley immediately to help locate the Armada. " ST. LOUIS IN PORT. New York, May 28 The cruiser St. Louis arrived here this morning. MEASLES IN CAMP. San Francisco, May 28 Many cases of measles and bronchitis have ap peared in the camp at Preside ADULA RELEASED. Cienfuegos, May 28 The -British steamer Adula has been released and has sailed for Kingston instead of going to Trinidad for refugees. Brooklyn Handicap. By Wire to Th Txlbgram. Gravesend, May ' 28 Threatening weather dampens the ardor of the horseman's interest in the Brooklyn handicap which was run this afternoon. A slow track interferes with the attend' ance of society. Ornament, ridden by Jockey Sloan, is a favorite at odds of QLADSTONEVS FUNERAL. The Ceremonies and Procession Were Impressive. By Cable to Thk Txlbqbjji. . London,- May 28 Simplicity char acterized the obsequies of Gladstone today. The ceremonige were impres sive because - they - were devoid of pomp. There was no insignia of woe. The procession was composed of Eng land's foremost men clad in ordinary mourning costumes. . There was not a flower nor a bit of drapery . The plain oak coffin was deposited in the centre of Westminister Hall. The speaker of the house in robes and wig was pre ceeded by the macebearer and fol lowed by -members of parliament. Other dignitaries came in the order of their r antes. PROCEEDINGS OF CONQRESS. Senate Still Considering ' the War Revenue Bill. By Wire to Thk Tklbgbam. Washington, May 28 The senate today resumed the consideration of the war revenue bill. There was con siderable delay in securing a quorum. When Allison said he hoped the vote would now be secured on the corpora tion tax proposition providing for a special excise tax amendment Faulk ner, of West Virginia, suggested that Gorman accept the amendment making the tax one quarter of one per cent. Baseball Yesterday. At Cleveland Cleveland 4, Balti more 1. At Cincinnati -Cincinnati 13, New York 4. At .Pittsburg Pittsburg 8, Wash ington 3. At Louisville Louisville 14, Boston 3. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Clubs. Won Lost P. Ct. Cincinnati 23 1 766 Cleveland 23 9 766 Boston 20 12 628 New York 17 13 566 Baltimore 14 12 538 Pittsburg 17 15 531 Chicago 18 14 562 Philadelphia 10 17 370 Brooklyn ...11 15 423 St. Louis ...V-S 20 310 Louisville 10 23 303 Washington 7 23 233 Watched By Torpedo Boats. Norfolk, Va., May 26 The British steamship Consols, Captain Roberts, arrived here from Swansea today. Captain Roberts reports that when off the Grand Banks last Tuesday he was approached by two torpedo boats, that followed him for some distance, and examined his vessel through glasses, finally hurrying away and running at high speed out of sight. The vessels had no distinguishing marks by which -their nationality could be determined, but he surmised that they were Spanish. Challenges Two Spaniards. Chicago, 111., May 26 Captain A. H. BOgardus has issued a challenge in which he invites any two Spanish officers to fight a duel with him. The great marksman, who, with Dr. Car ver and Buffalo Bill, has divided honors as a crack shot, names Win chester rifles as the weapons, and challenges the Spaniards to meet him in David and Goliath style. Graduating Recital. The Telegram acknowledges the re ceipt of an invitation to attend the graduating recital of Miss Fannie Louise Brooks, pupil of the violin de partment of the Brockmann School of Music in the recital hall of this ex cellent school on Tuesday s evening, May 31st at 8:30 o'clock. New Hotel at Chapel Hill. The new hotel of Mr. W. W. Pick ard at Chapel -Hill was moved into this week and will be opened to the public before the University com mencement. The building contains fifty-two rooms, is bran new and will be equippel in first-class style. Pawned the Wheel. One G. O. Foraker, who formerly worked for u. nomas rsros., oougnt a wheel from Wingate on the install ment plan. Being shy of cash he pawned it to Pugh & Andrew who sold it to a Reidsville man. Wingate went to Reidsville and secured his prop erty. Swazieland is the newest land on the geological map of fiction. In "Um- bandine," Alexander Davis relates the life of a native king's combine. To Cure a Cold th One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 25c. HAS A BATTLE BEEN FOUGHT? Said That Long Admits That He Has Been Duped, RUPTURE WITH AUSTRIA LIKELY. Austrian Spies Furnish Spain Infor mationConditions at San Fran - cisco --Other War News. By Cable Tmt Tkukrah. Boston, May 28 The Herald pub lishes a. special from Jamaica to the effect that a persistent report there says that Schley has forced the chan nel at Santiago de Cuba, destroyed the Armada which had taken refuge there and bombarded the town. Re ports from Cuban official sources con firm the rumor. . DONS TAKE COMFORT. v Madrid, May 28 Castellar, a repub lican leader, opposes Spanish alli ances and recommends a policy of resignation and the greatest prudence, economy and energy for the future, adding that the Yankees may block ade our islands but they cannot block ade our honor. STEAMSHIP APPEARS. Kingston, May 28 The marine ob server at Port Royal reports a large steamship having three smokestacks to the eastward. She is heading for this place and is apparently American. THEY DON'T KNOW. New York, May 28 A Washington special to the New York Journal al leges that President McKinley admits that he has been mislead by the enemy . Secretary Long confesses that he 1b ig norant of the whereabouts of Admiral Cervera and the Spanish fleet. A RUPTURE IMMINENT. Washington, May 28 A diplomatic rupture with Austria is imminent. President McKinley is convinced that Austrian spies have been furnishing information to Spain. Representa tions will be made to Austria on the subject. Offioials refuse to discuss the matter. The refusal of the United States to make reparation for Aug- trians killed, at Hazleton adds to the gravity of the situation. WHERE, OH, WHERE? Key West, May 27 Conflicting re ports are current as to the location of Cervera' s fleet, some say at Cienfue gos and others at Santiago de Cuba, bottled up by Schley. Definite infor mation is soon expected. CONDITIONS AT 'FRISCO. San Francisco, May " 28 General Otis established his residence at Fort Richmond today. He will enforce strict discipline in the volunteer camp. There are many cases of 'sickness though none are serious. General Merritt completed the establishment of his headquarters today. THRALL AND JONES ARRIVE. Key West, May .28 Hay don Jones and Charles Thrall, the World corres pondents exchanged for Spanish prisoners, arrived here this morning on the gunboat Woodbury. ANOTHER AUXILIARY CRUISER. New York, May 28 Manager Gris com, of the American Line, says the St. Louis will probably be supplied with coal and provisions here and will be fitted out as an auxiliary cruiser, as was originally intended by the navy department. NO CONFIRMATION Washington, May 28 Up to late this afternoon there is no confirma tion of Reuter's report that Sampson has been defeated and killed. - The Impending Revolution. London, May 27 There are renewed sinister predictions of an impending revolution in Spain, contained in a special despatch from Madrid today. Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria is said to have strongly advised the Queen Regent to prepare to fly, and her mother who is now in Madrid, is reported to have given her the same advice, but, it is added, the Queen Regent is determined to remain. .Continuing, the despatch says: "The defeat of the Spanish fleet, which the best informed people regard as only a question of a few days, is bound to precipitate an outbreak." New Trial. In the suit .of Samuel R. Troxler against the - Southern Railway for damages caused by the alleged negli gence of the defendant by which the plaintiff lost his arm whilst coupling cars, the Supreme court has ordered a new trial refusing . the decision of ludge Robinson in the Superior court. The case, was argued by Shenck & Shenck and Chaa. M. Stedman for plaintiff and F, JL Busbee for de fendant. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau,' ) BiGH PpmTi N. C, May 28. '98. f Miss Mina Alexander returned home yesterday after spending several days in Greensboro. - Alvin Millis, one "of bur popular young men, who has been attending Horner's Military School, returned home today. " Misses Laura and Epsie Woolen, of Randleman, passed through the city last night en route to Salisbury to visit their sister Mrs. Dr. J. W. Long. The many admirers of Rev. T. A. Smoot will be pleased to know that he will occupy the pulpit at the Methodist church here, tomorrow morning and night. - Miss Cora Lentz, recent student at the Normal, left for her home in Con cord last night after spending the day with the family of Dr. Cartland. The lawn party given by the band boys on the graded school ground last night was a complete success in every way. The union meeting of the Piedmont association commenced here last night in the Baptist church. Quite a large crowd is expected tomorrow. Still. at Santiago. Madrid, May 27 Blanco cables that Cervera's squadron is still at Santi ago, and that the bulk of Sampson's squadron is blockading that port. Schley's squadron is watching outside also. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co. , commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York StockExchange: New York, May. 28, 1898. American tobacco 108 J Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 31$ B. and O.. .-. 17 C. and O 2H Chic., Bur. and Quincy 102$ CMcrGas: . . rr 101 Del., Lacic. and Western 152 Delaware and Hudson 109 Am. spirits 12f Dist'r and cattle feed Erie 13 General Electric ; 36i Jersey Central. 95i Louisville and Nashville 55i Lake Shore 190 Manhattan Elevated 105f Missouri and Pacific 35i Northwestern 128 Northern Pacific Pr 66i National Lead 33 New York Central 1171 Pacific Mail 27 Reading.... 18i Rock Island 1051 Southern Railway 81 Southern Railway Pr . 30f St. Paul 98i Sugar Trust . 137 Tenn. Coal & Iron 251 Texas Pacific lli U.S. Leather Preferred 68i Western Union Tel 911 Wabash Preferred 19i The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade Chicago, May 28, 1898. Wheat, July 103 " May. 175 " Sept 83i Corn, Dec " Apr Sept 33i " Oct " May 321 " July 32 Oats, Sept 215 " Apr " May. 26 i - July 241 Pork, Dec " Apr " May 1140 " July 1147 Lard, Sept .' 620 " Apr " May 612 " July 612 Ribs, Sept 595 " Apr.... ." May 685 c July 685 Cotton, Sept 637638 " Dec 637638 " Feb " March " April.. " May .644645 . June. " July... r August 652653 Oct.:...'.....: 635636 :Nov ............. . .. . . . 635636 Jan.. . . . .639(2640 C ( " , Spot cotton. ....... ... . .6 9-16 Puts, 85 j Calls, 851 Curb Our Bradley Ice Cream Cabinet Always ready. We can serve you Ice Cream Soda, any flavor, from 10 a m to 10 p m, every day. - - - . . A great many other delicious drinks .... - - ' - ' AT i Stanley i& Grissom, (Successors to. South Side 'Pharmacy) -J. K.JM'ILHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. , Manasrer. SI Crown Perfumery Co.'s Crabapple Blossom, Crown Vio let, Crown Glycerine Soap. Crown Lavendar Salts, sold by ' Jno. B. Fariss. Dependable -Druggist. Stamps, to oblige. - " - SPRING WEATHER Weakens The Eyes. There is no him a of h toui- whan the eyes need to be more carefully protected and assisted than this time through which we are now passing. The system is undergoing a change and the oppressively hot weather is debilitating. In this weakened con dition our delicate optic organs have to stand the glare of the bright sum-, mp,r Riin n.nd iuiIash t.Vi ntmnat. auk fa exercised they may be permanently injurea. 11 cney are trouDung you better consult at once the only Eye Specialist in this vicinity J.T.JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. Second Auction Sale of City Real Estate, Monday, May 30th, 1898, For this sale the court house bell will ring at quarter to six oclock, p. m. Everybody desiring to go should be at the court house door promptly at mat time. Carriages will be furnished free and will leave at 6 o'clock. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. Drink Oolah. To quell the thirst and" comfort bring, rm j -i i . .i ... - iue new urj.nK, voian,- is me ming; Till now, for years we've sought in vain A pleasantfhealthful drink to gain, To cool one from the summer's heat None other can with it compete, And well or sick, we alwais will Our glass with naught but Oolah fill HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite post Office. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of 'go in all of our goods. liolton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. Dr. B. W. BEST M. P. Building opposite McAdoo - "'Z,C House. . . ... Calls left at Holton's drug stors ' - - - 5. ' V" r 2 to 1. Sly Fox is second choice. 13 Limst. Pharmacist. if it falls to cure. - - -' ' - ' 7 " - "- promptly attended.

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