mm VOL. II. NO. 106 GREENSBORO, N. C, TUESDAY, MAY 31, 1898. Price Two Ceh ts affirrniation Guaranteea.v r- fH 1 1 air 11 aijijin. g tircmaiion urowmg uany. m - "1 Trade With . 8 j M Hendnx & Co., and save Eight Per Cent. ! I s by paying vour Cash for Dry Goods and Shoes t 221 S. Elm St. Magic Polishing Cloth, m m m m m m m For restoring the original brilliancy to Silver or Plated ware or any smooth metallic - u faoe. Plate Glass, etc. Safe, Sure and Simple. 1 leans Diamonds, Jewelry, Gold. Silver, Brass, Nickle, very quickly and with little labor. Price 15c each. W. B. farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad Watches. Established 1868 Ik Ml til til Ml Mr Ml Mi Mi M Mi Mi m m m m m m m m m 333 333 333 333 333 Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries.. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., Pomona, N. C. W hen you want a hand somer Photograph frame than you can get any where else, all at Alderman's. Fine Gilt Ovals just received. Ask to see Platinotypes or Photogravures and Bas Re lid'b, 1131-2 East Market. Chickens Irish Potatoes Cabbage VUNCANON & CO.,- Reliable Sonh Kim St. Grocers. Phone No. 2. Every Prescription n from our Drug Store is filled t'.c est drugs the market can f -vi. All of the best coughdix ' laxatives and liver regulators ' . 'r.-iantly in stock. ToUet arti ' :vury description in fact,' we -..pply you with anything In the Ur ine. of the best quality and at r,,a-'-'lable prices. Gaston W. Ward, S. ElmSt. GREENSBORO FEMALE COLLEGE. The New Catalogue Additions to the Faculty. The city of Greensboro and Metho dists throughout North CaroUna have long had cause to be proud of that splendid and honored institution Greensboro Female College. Never, perhaps, in its history of fifty-one years of usefulness has this college been capable of more efficient and thorough work in all its branches than at the present time. An energetic, practical man, Presi dent Peacock, zealous for the best in terests of the college, has gathered about him a faculty of which any in stitution might well feel proud. They are specially prepared and peculiarly adapted to the work assigned to them. The Telegram acknowledges the re- reipt of a copy of the new catalogue for 1897-'98' and announcement for lS98-'99. It comprise an attractive, neatly printed and well arranged book of seventy-nine pages and should be read and studied by every patron and friend' of this noble institution. This catalogue shows a total enrollment of 161 pupils the past year. In the music department there were 122; art depart mert, 39; elocution, 54; business course, 34. The book is replete with valuable information and any one in terested can secure a copy by address ing President Dred Peacock, Greens boro, N. C. The faculty for the ensuing year has undergone a change in four depart ments and of the new members, princi pally, we will speak in this article. The old members are well and favor ably known and need no words of com mendation at our hands. Ine new members are: REV. T. A. SMOOT, A. B. The chair of science and philosophy is to be filled by Rev. T. A.Smoot. He is not an entire stranger to our people. While yet a young man, Mr. Smoot ranks high as'a scholar, pro found thinker and eloquent preacher. n securing his sesvices, Greensboro Female College is to be congratulated. He is one of North Carolina's bright est and most promising young men. He is a native of Iredell county, was prepared for college at Oak Institute in that county, entered Trinity in 1891 and graduated with the degree of A. B. in June 1895. For two years he was headmaster of Trinity High school and resigned that position to to take a special course at Vanderbilt University. He will fill the chair to which he has been called ably and ac ceptably. MRS. N. F. S HELTON. , The department of English Language and Literature will be in charge of Mrs. N. F Shelton, of Tennessee Mrs. Shelton was educated at Nash ville and is now principal of the Cum berland (Tenn. ) University Annex This department, in her charge, will be kept upto its high standard of ex cellence. MISS MARY O. BLACK. This institution is honored in that an alumnae of the college is to have charge of the piano and voice culture department. Miss Mary O. Black has received three diplomas from this In stitution, has had three years expe rience in graduate work and two years in teaching. Pupils in this department are fortunate in thisjselection. MISS RACHEL SIMS. Miss Rachel Sims has been selected for the department of elocution ana nhvsical culture. She is a native of K Durham, N. C, was educated In Washington, D. C, and later pur sued her studies in Boston, where she orandiner the summer. The work' will not suffer under her care The school of music is under the di rection of Prof. J. W. Parker, who is assisted by a corps of able and N com netent teachers. Prof. Parker has for sometime filled this position in the col leffe and his faithfulness and ability are recognized. He is capable in ev erv. resDect and is doing efficient ser- vice. - - - The college library is the pride of President Feacock.who in speaking of it savs: "We have every history of the state that has ever been published." There is no doubt about the fact that this library contains the best collec tmn ni information alonff this line in existence. The Ethel Cari Peacock reading ,r.a ABtn.hlisb.ed in 1894 by Mrs rtroA Ppiwnck in memory of her little anrhtpr. A beautiful room was im mediately furnished by the directors y.a lihmrv now numbers some- tuicr Hire .500 volumes, a large num hAP nf which have been added by Dr TDn.nb- fho naet. VPftr. T.o. Toiorrn.m. with other friends of the college, congratulates the manage ment upJn the close of another success .A rftioice with It in th( splendid prospects for a bright future of increased usefulness. The .histori cal sketch of the college with which . . i . .inug fa worth vour at- J11 feel prouder of the institution for having read It. MEANING OFTODAH ACTIVITY Sampson's fleet Off the North Coast of Cuba, NOTHING MORE FROM DEWEY. Warships Off Cap Hay tieo Accused Spaniards of Cowardice Vice- President Capote Captured. While for prudential reasons suffic iently apparent the war department declines to make known any intended! moves advices from the moBt trust worthy sources indicate that the Inva sion of Cuba will be made at several differeat points. Transports have been provided for about 30,000 troops at the various gulf and South .tlantjic ports. Wheth er Santiago de Cuba will be the ob jective point pf one of the corps of in vasion is necessarily conjectural for the present. The-force equipped and available for the invasion is estimated at 20,000 regulars and 13,000 volunteers. This force is stationed, for the most part, at Tampa. In addition there is a force of 40,000 volunteers at Chlcka mauga ready to move and it is under stood that this will occupy the points vacated by the invading column. Eight of the best equipped regiments have been ordered from Chickamauga to Tampa at once. Whether these regiments will accompany the ex pedition or take possession of the camp at Tampa until other volunteer regiments are prepared to join them is not known. It does not appear now that Porto Rico will be occupied before Cuba as was stated some days ago. The squad ron under Cervera being cooped up and the reserve squadron still at Ca diz it will be possible for Sampson to convoy the transports to Cuba and afterward intercept the Cadiz fleet be fore it can reach San Juan. - The report that Schley will force the entrance to Santiago and attack Cer vera in the harbor is- perhaps purely conjectural. Such a course would for feit the strategic advantage of the American commander's position. The alternative course of blocking the channel would appear the more prob able. Santiago, however, is the sec ond city of Cuba in importance and its reduction may be considered neces sary to the complete subjection of Cuba. The possibility that the block- ading squadron may be scattered by a a storm allowing Cervera to escape will doubtless lead to decisive steps to prevent such an eventuality. The censorship of news will be more rigidly enforced until the expeditions have been landed and in the interim only meagre reports may be looked for. FRIENDLY SENTIMENTS. By Cable Thb Telbubam. Paris, May 31 Foreign Minister Hanotaux, in announcing, the com mercial agreement of the cabinet this morning remarked that the arrange ment was indicative of friendly senti ments between France and America. NOTHING FROM DEWEY. Hong Kong, May 31 No news has been received here from Manila to day. SIGNALLING FORBIDDEN. Port au Prince, May 31 The author ities at Mole St. Nicholas have for bidden signalling to any ship. CAMARA "DELAYED" AGAIN. Gibraltar, May 31 Advices from Cadiz say that the forts there are mounting heavier guns. Admiral Ca mara's departure has been delayed again owing to defects in some of the torpedo boats of his squadron. KEEPING CABLES HOT. Kingston, Jamaica, May 31 Com modore Schley and President McKin- ley are constantly cabling and impor tant movements are -hourly expected. CUBAN VICE-PRESIDENT CAPTURE. Key West, May 31, ( 10 a. m ) There seems to be little doubt-that the Span iards have captured Vice-President Capote of the Cuban republic. The vessel in which he embarked accom- ranied bv his escort has been found beached at Cape Masi. Cape Masi is the extreme eastern AT point on the Wlndward passage and I's about 75 miles distant from Mole St., Nicholas, Hayti, for which point Vice-President Capote" is supposed to have been making. SUCCESSFUL EXPEDITION. Key West, May 31 The Florida expedition was a complete success. Five hundred Cubans were landed and are now with Garcia. A large quan tity of arms and ammunition was also landed. TheSpaniards were complete ly out-witted.and not a . shot was fired. The FJorida and her convoy the Osce ola have returned. WILL HE WAIT? Washington, May '31 Every- effort of the administration is being directed to the matter of getting orders to Commodore Schley to postpone the attack on Santiago and Admiral Cer vera until Admiral Sampsoa and troops arrive. It is feared that Schley will not wait. PASSING 8T. NICHOLAS. . New York, Mfty 31 A despatch to the Post f com. Cape Haytien says: Gunboats report sighting five Ameri can warships passing Mole St. Nicho las. WHERE SAMPSON IS. Aboard despatch boat off Cruz del Pdro, Monday 30 Admiral Samp- sou rejoined the fleet here this morn ing. Officers of the fleet are confident that Schley lias cooped up Cervera in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba and are expecting orders to co-operate in an attack. Cruz de Padro is an island off the north coast of Cuba about 100 miles east of Havana and- some twenty miles from the mainland. THE VESSEL ASHORE. Boston, May 31 The Boston fruit company has received a cablegram stating that its large steamer Belvi dere is ashore at Cape Masi, eastern end of Cuba. The vessel is probably a total wreek and the fate of the pas sengers is unknown. Ths company says that Vice-President Capote of the Cuban , republic was aboard the wrecked vessel. FEW VISITORS. Washington, May 31 PresidenCMc Kinlty spent a quiet day, few visitors being received. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. ) High POINT. N. C, May 31, '98. S Tom Rice, of the- University, was in the city last night. Miss Minnie Shepard went to Bur lington this morning. J. Li. Sechrest- is spending the day in Greensboro. Lawyer Bradshaw was in the city today. Miss Nellie Bowman went to Scotts burg, Va., today to visit relatives. Mrs. M. H. Shiplet wbo has been visiting in Thomas ville, returned home today. Miss Mamie Richardson, who has been spending a few weeks in Greens boro, returned home this morning. Mrs. A. J. Owen will leave in the morning with her brother, Edgar Widby, for a visit to her parents in Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. Will Payne who have been visiting relatives in the city left for their home in Mosco,Tdaho today. Miss Annie Ragan, of Archdale, came up this morning on her wheel. Mrs. P. B. Hackney and Prof. J. T Davis, of Guilford College, passed through yesterday returning home from Asheboro. We are glad to see Miss Annice Wheeler out again after a - weeks ill- ness. J. A. Turner one time a resident of this city but now of Huntington, W. Va.. is spending a few days in the city. Misses Fannie Myers, of Thomas ville. was a visitor to the city this morning. Ed Smith, of Winston, who has been down to see his father returned home this morning. Mr. Smith is about the same. Mrs. N. W. Sapp and charming daughter Miss Zora, is spending the day in the city. A Tandem, Not a Bicycle. W. A. Wingate ad Clarence Bo- gart went out on the former's new tandem last night without the required lamp and this afternoon they were cited ' to appear before His Honor, Mayor Nelson for riding a bicycle without a light. Bogart says that the wav out of the charge Is plain and easy: they were riding a tandem not a bicvcle. His Honor's decision in the case will be awaited with interest. Female Highway Robbers. Policemen Whittington and Pearce last "night arrested Ellen Powell and Georgia McGibbony, two colored wo men, who are charged with highway robbery.. It is claimed that on' last Saturday evening they knocked a boy in the head and robbed him of eighty five cents. . Judge. Robinson will probably diagnose their case and prescribe for them next week. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. POLICy. OF DELAY CHANGED President Tells the Cabinet he is for immediate Invasion. SCHLEY TO WAIT FOR SAMPSON. la it Cuba or PortaJUco? The Voiun- . .. -teer Reglment--Relnforcements and Supplies for. Garcia. By Wire to Thk Tsubg&ah. Washington, May 31 Indiana con gressmen this morning called on Presi dent McKinley with a request to ap point Lew Wallace a major general of volunteers. In the meeting of the cabinet this morning it was evident that the president's policy not to send an army to begin operations against Havana before autumn had been changed and his objections to an im mediate invasion met and overcome. Members of congress generally ex press the opinion that Ha?ana js at this season a mere pest hole and that Americans will die faster from disease than from Spanish bullets. Ambassador Hay has ' informed the state department that the following resolutions were unanimously adopt ed by the Churchmen's Union, of Eng land: Reesolved, that this meeting of lib eral churchmen extends its fullest sympathy to the president and citizens of the United States in their efforts to secure good government for Cuba and trusts that in future years the ties of blood and, brotherhood between Amer ica and Great Britain will be constant ly strengthened. LEAVING CHATTANOOGA. Chattanooga, May 31, ( 10:32 a. m. ) Early this morning the 69th regiment of New York volunteers received or ders to move to Tampa immediately. ORDER TO GENERAL LEE. Washington, May 31 It is rumored here that General Lee has been order ed to hurry from Tampa to Jackson ville. The reason for this order is not given. YELLOW JOURNALS OR CIGARETTES? Washington, May 31 Augustus W. Stowe arrived here this morning. He announced that he would be inaugu rated president at 10 o'clock and would invade Spain immediately. He was arrested. MEANS BUSINESS. - Washington, May 31 An order di recting eight regiments to go to Tampa from Chickamauga is construed as meaning that the government contem plates the occupation of both Santiago de Cuba and the province of Porto Rico without unnecessary delay. The number of men included in this order is eight thousand to be composed of the best troops in the volunteer army. IS IT PORTO RICO? Washington, May 31 The impres sion is growing thai Porto Rico is the objective point of the invading expe dition. Jf this -4s the case Sampson will protect the troops through the Wind ward .Passage. McKinley is de termined to occupy Porto Rico before Spain can sue for peace. COLONEL APPLETON DENIES. New York, May. 31 Colonel Apple- ton of the seventieth New York regi ment denies-1 that his regiment has been ordered to the front. A WRATHY SEA CAPTAIN. Key West, May 31 Captain Mer lin, of the. British steamer RestormeL, captured by the St. Paul and sent to this port, says that his failure to land his cargo of coal at Santiago de Cuba was due to the cowardice of the Span iards. The New Company. The organization of the new company is progressing as well as could be ex pec ted, say the men at the head of the movement. There is some .talk of a combination with the squad organized by Simpson Schenck though no defi nite action has been taken as yet. It is not thought there will be any difficulty in having tne company mustered in despite tbe determination oi tne war department to recruit the companies already organized up to 1U4 men in stead of .organizing new companies Governor Russell is understood to have declined to accede to tnis ar rangement. Julius Price who is inter' ested in raising the company has gone to his old home in Virginia to secure recruits. In regard to the company being organized by Simpson Schenck the impression has gone abroad that Its omcers nave been already elected This is a mistake. It was the home guard, company, not the volunteer company that elected officers. Officers of the latter are sun to be cnosen. ' 0 To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. BOTTOM BROPPED OUT.. A Great Surprise to Those Antici- pating Advances. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Chicago, May 31 The bottom dropped out of the May wheat deal this morning. Instead of the price booming to two dollars per bushel on the final day of delivery of May con tracts and before the delivery coulcl be made at the price which closed Satur day, one dollar and seventy-fivej it opened this morning at one dollar and forty. Fifteen minutes later it was a dollac and twenty-five. " It is "a big smash and a great sur prise to those who were anticipating a sensational advance. - It indicated the shorts which were covered through the private settlements since Saturday with Leiter. July wheat is seven cents below Saturday's closing. , LEITER' S PROFITS. Chicago, May 31 Leiter 's profits on the May- wheat deal is estimated at seven million dollars. Court Next Week. Guilford county Superior court will convene next Monday witn Judge Robinson on the bench. This will make three successive terms of court over which Judge Robinson has pre sided in this county. According to the plan of rotation it will be a long time before he will visit us again, and according to the determination of the voters of the state he will never, after the expiration of the present term, have the opportunity of visiting us again in the capacity of judge. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the ; following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: i , The following are the closing quota tions of the New York tockExchahge: New York, May. 31, 1898. American tobacco 1091 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 32 B. and 0 18f C. and 0 2H Chjc, Bur. and Quincy 103i Chic. Gas 104 Del., Lac. and Western Delaware and Hudson HOi Am. spirits Dist'r and cattle feed Erie 13i General Electric ..... k Jersey Central. ........ r 96i Louisville and Nashville 56 Lake Shore. .7 Manhattan Elevated 1054 Missouri and Pacific 354 Northwestern 120i Northern Pacific Pr 68i National Lead 33 New York Central 117i Pacific Mail 28i Reading Rock Island 107i Southern Railway 8i Southern Railway Pr. 314 St. Paul. lOOi Sugar Trust 139i Tenn. Coal & Iron 251 Texas Pacific 12 U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 92i Wabash Preferred 194 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade;. Chicago, May 31, 1898. Wheat, July 98i " May 125 " Sept. 81i Corn, Dec .' - " Apr " Sept : 34i " Oct.... May.. 33 " July.., 334 Oats, Sept 22i " Apr " May 31 " July 24 Pork, Dec " Apr .....v. " May . 1145 " July;. . . . 1150 Lard, Sept... : 630 ' " May....'.. 622 " July.. , 622 Ribtf, Sept.... V.-w. 602 " Apr May 692 July . 692 Cotton,' Sept 635637 " Dec rr-...'. 635636 Feb. " March,:. " April.. ........L.... May..I.r. .......... June.:............r.i..643644 .V July..":. 647(648 August ,651652 " Oct..... 633634 " Nor.: .633634 " Jan.. , 637638 NSpot cotton 69-16 Puts, 794 ; Calls, 82 ; Curb Our " ICE CREAM CABINET - - ' can furnish you with a nice glass of Peach Cream Soda,. Strawberry, Pineapple, Cher ry, etc., etc. Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to South Sjde'Pharmacy) J. K, M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 j5a. Elm. Manager. Crown Perfumery Cos Crabapple Blossom, Crown Vio let, Crown Glycerine Soap, Crown Xavendar Salts, sold by - ' Jno. B. Fariss. Dependable Druggist. Stamps, to 'oblige. No Longer Dependent On Northern Cities I wish to inform the public that it is not necessary now to wait several days to have Spectacles and Eye "Glasses made up in larger cities, as I have been for the last three montns making up the most ' complicated lenses and consequently can fill aU orders the same day received. I have already had many expres sions of appreciation of my efforts to give our people the very quickest as well as the best service. Very Respectfully, J. T. JOHNSON. -..Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. to. Second Auction Sale of City Real Estate, Wednesday, June 1st, 1898, . For this sale the court house beU will ring at quarter to six oclock, p. m. Everybody desiring to go should be at the court; house door promptly at that time. Carriages will be furnished free and will leave at 6 o'clock. " ; ' WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. ... - Drink Oolah. To quell the thirst and comfort bring, The new drink, Oolah, is the thing; Till now, for years we've sought in vain A pleasant, healthful drink to gain, To cool one from the summer's heat None other can with it compete, And well or sick,we ajwais will Our glass with nought but Oolah fill HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite ost Office. Go Ahead I v But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar- . tide the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices.. There is a lot of "go in all of our goods. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. Dr. B. W. BEST M. P. Building, opposite McAdoo House. Calls left at Holton's drug promptly attended. stors pjg M ."--?... - -ft : ... t mm v . Pharmacist

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