mmmmmmm emmni Circulation Crowing Dally. VOL. II. NO. 109 GREENSBORO, N. O., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1898. Price Two Cents Telegram, issi -; viireeinisioioro lav - V Trade witn j nil Hendrix & Co., and save Eight Per Gent. by paying vbur Cash for Dry Goods and Shoes i! s? s 221 S. Elm St. Magic Polishing Cloth. Ml m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m For l-estoring the original ni iilianey to Silver or Plated ;uv or any smooth metallic irfaoe. Plate Glass, etc. Safe, Sure and Simple. leans Diamonds, Jewelry, tJold, Silver, Brass, Nickle, ycry quickly and with little la'uor. Price 15c each. W. B. farrar's Son. i npector of Southern Railroad Watches. Kstabli9hed 1868 m m m Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries, Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to- J. Van Lindley, Prop., i'omona, N. C. When you want a hand- mer Photograph frame than vou can get any where else, ca at Alderman's. Fine Gilt Ovals iust received. Ask to see Platinotypes or Photoyravures and Bas Re- lid's, 113 1-2 East Market. For Tomorrow: Home erown Snap Beans, !;! '1 Polices, Garden Peas and Cabbage. PL-mv Chickens. 12 1-2 and 15 cents. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. s.njth St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription ' til out from our Drug Store is filled vith the best drug's the market can '' "ni.-h. All of the best cough mix- -'! laxatives and liver regulators - i-onstantly in stock. Toilet arti- " - of every description in fact, we ;in supply you with anything in the 'i,! i.r line, of the best quality and at ' -t.-onable prices. Gaston W. Ward, MR. ROYSTER A5SIQNS. Mr. M. Royal Farm- Is, NimMf a Assignee. The numerous friends of Mr. Deo. H. Royster will regret to learn that he has found It necessary to make an as signment for the benefit of bis credi tors. The deed of assignment was filed this morning and names Mr. M. Royal Farrar as assignee. There a. a. number of preferred creditors, both of the first and second class. It is thought that the assets will mom than kaw. the liabilities. Mr. Royster '19 one of our best citi zens, and has many friends who deeply sympathize with him in his financial embarrassment, and hope that it is only temporary. We hope soon to see the business flourishing again un der the name of Geo,. H. Royster. SHOULD PREACHERS TEACH? A Colored Minister Replies to "Many Citizens.' Editor Telegram: While we regret to learn that the "Many Citizens" are hostile to the ap pointment of ministers as principals of the Graded schools, the writer is not surprised. For there are very few things that the many citizens desire to see the ministers obtain. They do not want to them live in a respectable place, nor have sufficient comfort where they do live. Neither do they want to see them exert a wide influence over the masses of the peo ple. Yet the ministers are the best set of men the race has and should help to mould the sentiment of each com munity. Though there be some amongst them unworthy of the name. We have no regard for that sentence which says "the representative men do not want ministers in our Graded school." For these representative men are too weak-kpeed to dictate the policy of their town or o shape the destiny of a struggling race, but when it comes to opposing a minister who tries to make an honest living they are at home. The writer is aware that the college doors close behind thous ands of trained teachers each year but all - who take the course are not adapted to teaching. It strikes the writer that it mitrht be a good thing for these "Many Citizens" to open up new enterprises for the re cruits and cease dictating to the board of education, while they hoard up their earnings as though though they might take wings. The ministers are sincere in their efforts to induce the race to imitate the best model of our age and time. Imitate them in every respect. Don't put your ministers in an ice box and expect them to sweat. The writer thinks that the preachers prepare their sermons and impart religious instruc tion about as well as you support them. "Poor pay begets poor preach." There is one pastor in our town who has not received more than $18.00 a month for the last six months, and another who has received still less, and it is probable that some of these "Many Citizens" have paid less than 13 in as many years. Therefore 11 tne preachers prepare themselves let them have a 6how. Vox nonuli ne semper vox Dei est. Wamba. Why Interference Is Improbable. The American newspapers are wast ing a good deal of ink in discussing the question whether any of the Euro pean great powers are likely to inter fere in their war with Spain andspecu lating on what would be our attitude were this the case. They may rest cer tain that no European power has ever dreamed of imposing: terms of accom modation on one orotherof the billig erents, while all or any woum dc 11 ready if asked, to act as a medium of negotiation with a view to peace. The object of modern diplomacy, when a war arises between two great nations, ia t.rk lrwA.li7.a it. and to prevent its spreading. In the first Italian war between France and Italy, which re sulted in the loss to the latter of Lorn baray, in me Austru ueimou and in the Franco- Prussian war, the struggle was localized by neutrals act ing on this principal of non-interfer ence. All that is written about some powers wanting to interfere on behalf of Spain and our insisting that such interference must not take place, is mere lOUrnaUBUC uivtu. xauuwu 1! i!. 4.V T nAnn Truth. Not In the Fight. . t a. TT -wwi r baat 1 T t hD rfcl . Mr. na'S " r . , r,a f vnur naner a protest against the appointment of preachers as prin- oinnln and teachers and teachers of the colorea graded schools of this P. ? f if T cny sig ueu "Many uuzeus, the clergy wish to say svf "Rot.hfU A. M. as one oi that 1 am E. church and have never sought a pi of the county. I have UUU DH u ' . always parish. found enougn w uo m uij I am not in tne ngn. TfetTDectfulIy. - P.J. Jordan. BATTLE EXPECTED- HOURLY, Thirty Thousand Troops Gone to Santiago and San Joan, PRESIDENT'S PROGRAM OUTLINED Schley's Report Received Rumored That Fleet Has Forced Entrance. Fltz Lee to Porto Rico. Any doubt that may have existed as to the purpose of the administration to occupy Santiago is now dissipated. Sampson has been ordered to join Schley and assume command which he is said to have done on yesterday. There is a rumor that the combined squadrons again attacked the fortifi cations of Santiago yesterday but the rumor lacked confirmation up to this morning. It is probable however that an attack will be made immediately and troops who should have arrived by this time will be landed under fire of the ships to form a junction with Garcia. The main reason for attack ing Santiago before Havana is, of course, the capture or destruction of the squadron now in the harbor. An other reason is that Spain is expected to sue for peace immediately upon the fall of Havana and it is desired that the United States hold as much terri tory as possible before that transpires. For this reason also it appears that Porto Rico and the Philippines will be occupied before a move is made on A Havana. ARMY OF INVASION OFF. By Wire to Thb Tklbokam. Washinfiton, June 3 Despite all official denials there is the highest authority for the statement that troops to the number of thirty thousand are now en route to Santiago de Cuba and San Juan de Porto Rico. They embarked yesterday but whether from Tampa and were halted at Key West or whether they embarked at Mobile or some other coast point can not be definitely learned at this writing. Transports were in waiting at several coast cities and troops may been em barked on all forming a junction after putting to sea in order to mis lead the Spanish spies. Though despatches inspired by the war de partment deny -the sailing of troops the denial is contrary to positive in formation obtained fromother sources. It is known bevond dispute that the administration is expecting a battle to occur withinthe next twenty fourhours. General Shatter is undoubtedly in command of the expedition sent to San tiago. General Lee is in command of the expedition for Porto Rico. General Miles wjl command an army of 100,000 men that will invest Havana after the other expeditions have landed and se cured themselves so that the warships can be spared to convoy the main army GENERAL. OTIS RECEIVES ORDERS. San Francisco, June 3 Orders were issued by tne war department late last night to prepare the Colorado and Pennsylvania troops to stsrt for the Philippines next Tuesday. This order was the cause of an early stir among the troops this morning. It is expect ed that several other regiments ol troops will accompany him. ANOTHER APPEAL. . London, June 3 It is announced here today that Spain has addressed another appeal to the powers to inter vene. IN SPLENDID CONDITION. New York, June 3 The cruiser St Paul came into port this morning and anchored at Thompkinsville. bhe is in splendid condition apparently, and is not damaged in the slightest degree SPANISH PRISONERS RELEASED New York, June 3 Thirty-nine Spanish prisoners, who were captured with the Spanish steamship Rita off Porto Rico, arrived here this morning The prisoners were released and turned over to the Austrian consul for ship ment to Spain. PLENTY OF FOOD. Madrid, June 3 The captain general of Porto Rico telegraphs that no an xiety is felt in regard to the supply of food on the part of the population Several ships have recently landed cargoes CORRESPONDENTS RELEASED Havana, June 3 The newspaper I nnrrPHTHlflllHllLH VV UlVUIUil auu I -ww-wt-w C3 .-u a boo, wuu were truiw u while landing from a yacht, were re- iAlupii this mornine- owincr to leased this morning repre- sentatives made by British Consul Gallan. PURELY SENSATIONAL. Paris, June 3 A correspondent of Gaulois, at Madrid, declares he has learned that Admiral Cevera has never been in Santiago harbor and that he is nowpproaching the Philip pinesr ?; v FORCED THE HARBOR. Madrid, June 3 The Pels says that it is rumored that the Americans have forced the entrance to Santiago de Cuba. REVIEWING THE ARMY. ' Chickamauga, June 3 A two days review of the volunteer army encamp ed here began today. SIQSBEE GONE TO WASHINGTON. New York, June 3 "Captain Sigs- bee of the cruiser St. Paul left here for Washing today. URGED THE QUEEN TO YIELD. London, June 5 The Pope again urges the queen of Spain to yield and end the war. It is not thought that his urgent request will have any effect until a decisive battle has been fouerht. OFFICIAL REPORT RECEIVED. Washington, June 3 The official re port of Commodore Schley haabeen re ceived concerning the Santiago fight. He says he has no doubt that Cer vera's fleet is in the harbor. PRESIDENT'S PROGRAM. New York, June 3 A Washington special to the Evening Journal says the president today outlined his plans to the cabinet as follows: Sufficient troops will be sent to Santiago to se cure the capture of the town and the destruction of the fleet by a land and sea attack. Santiago will then be made the seat of the military and civn government oi the uuban re public. A bombardment and land attack will be made simultaneously on San Juan de Porto Rico and a suffic ient force left there to hold the island. It is believed these operations will practically end the war. NOTES FROM HIQH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. High Point, N. C, June 3, '98. f W. H. Ragan returned from the north today. Sheriff Hoskins was a visitor to the city today. Miss Maggie Carr passed through this morning- en route to her home in Trinity. The High Point base ball team went to Reidsville today, where they play two games, one today and one to morrow. C. R. Call, of Winston, was in the city last night buying furniture for the firm in which he is interested. Miss George McCalley, of Mt. Gil- ead. arrived in the city last night to visit Miss Minnie Alexander. Several of High Point's popular young ladies and gentlemen went out to Brokaw's farm last night on a moonlight picnic. A very pleasant evening was spent by all who attended. Ben Hur, a sacred, moral and in structive entertainment is to be given at the opera house tonight. A large crowd is expected. A surprise party was given in Arch- dale last night complimentary to Miss Nelie Folwell. Miss Folwell passed through the city today en route to Atlanta where she will remain a month or so. U. S. Marshal Milikan and family, of Greensboro, passed through the city today en route to Archdale to visit Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Wilson for a few days. The funeral services over the re mains of Mr. A. B. Smith whose death was noted in these columns yesterday were conducted in the Methodist church this morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. A. G. Kirkman, of Greensboro. Mr. Smith has for a number of years been identified with the mercan tile business of High Point. He came to High Point in 1857 and was at once employed as a salesman in the dry goods establishment of the late Sewell Farlow. Later on he engaged in the drug business for himself until he was succeeded by his son. He was born in the town of Wadesboro, N. C. Sept. 24, 1839, and was married to Miss Mary E. Bowman, daughter of the late Wm. Bowman, Dec. 24, 1860, and unto them were born six children of which four survive him. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the beresved family. Disabilities Removed. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Washington, June 3 The Senate today concurred in the house amend ment bill for removing the disabilities imposed by the fourteenth amendment of the constitution. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. SANTIAGO BEING BOMBARDED The Ball Opened Before 0'Clock This Morning. Nine INSURGENTS ASSISTING BY LAND Cable Office Abandoned The Vesu- vous Opening the Channel Four Thousand Troops on Way. By Wire to The Tklbgham New York, June 3 A special cable gram to the New York Tribune from Port-au-Prince Hayti says that the news has reached there that Sampson and Schley appeared off Santiago de Cuba this morning and re-opened fire on the forts at the entrance. The en gagement began before nine o'clock and was still in progress when the cablegram was sent. THE WORLD'S REPORT. New York, June 3 The World cor respondent at Port-au-Prince sends a special cablegram saying that the bombardment of Santiago has been resumed. No particulars of the en gagement could be had at the time. Cable communication with the island is uninterrupted and the fact that no responses have been received to the cablegrams of inquiry sent is attribu table either to an order forbidding those receiving them to respond or the people are too excited to answer. I( is probable that orders have been issued not to allow news to reach the United States. THE CITY BESIEGED. San Domingo, June 3 The city of Santiago de Cuba is besieged by the insurgents under Garcia acting in co operation with " the United States squadron. WASHINGTON BEHIND AS USUAL. Washington, June 3 No news has been received here of a resumption of the fighting at Santiago. The report ed land attack of the insurgents is be lieved to be unfounded. WORK FOR THE VESUVIUS. New York, June 3 A Washington special to the Journal states that the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius will be used to destroy the mines in the channel at the entrance of the Santiago harbor and thus clear a way for the entrance. of the American fleet. The cruiser Cincinnati has been sent north on some mysterious mission. ARRIVES AT NORFOLK. Norfolk, June 3 The Cincinnati reached the navy yard here at ten o'clock this morning, probably-to undergo slight repairs though she ap pears alright outwardly. FIRST INVADING DIVISION. Washington, June 3 It is learned this morning that four thousand troops made up the first division of the army of invasion destined for Santiago de Cuba. The division left Tampa day before yesterday under the convoy, of powerful warships. The second divis ion is preparing to follow as quickly as possible. SANTIAGO STRONGLY FORTIFIED. Cape Haytien, Hayti, June 3 No news from Santiago has been received up to noon today. In the first attack the flagship Brooklyn was ordered to stand off shore and locate the various batteries. The fleet starting 7,000 yards from the shore, moved swiftly toward the harbor en trance, opening on the forts and the Cristobal Colon as they approached The latter was struck twice instead of once as was. at first reported. The en tire set of forts opened fire but inef fectively. Borne of the modern guns were well aimed. Commodore Schley occupied a position near the forward turret on the Massachusetts and calmly watched the enemy's forts through his glasses. The Americans fired four rounds from their heavy guns. It is evident that Santiago is well fortified, having a number of modertLguns using smokeless powder It will require a heavy bombardment to reduce the forts and dislodge the Spanish fleet. SAW NO SAIL. Key West, June 3 A despatch boat has just completed a sail around Cuba report that it did not see a sail after leaving the blockading squadron. It sailed in sight of land continuously Carried Back to Georgia. Mary Davenport an escaped convict from Augusta, Ga., who was traced up and arrested in this city yesterday by PoUceman Weather ly, was carried back to Georgia this morning by Offi cer J2. Collins, of Augusta, who ar rived last night in search of her. THE WAR REVENUE BILL. Senators Jones and Teller Speak to the Question. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Washington, June - 3 During the consideration of the war revenue bill today Senator Jones said he thought the revenue features of the bill should be passed, before the bond provision was taken up. He predicted that the first year of the war would cost the government seven hundred,, million dollars. Senator Teller opposed haste in considering the war revenue bill. He says the treasury has ample funds for the present and that there will be no embarrassment before J uly first. The coinage of the seignor age came in for a share of the discus sion. Senator Wolcott offered an amendment compelling the coinage of not less than $4,000,000 a month. fleanlng of norro Castle. Many persons are wondering that there is a "morro castle" at Havana and a fort ofsimilar name at Santiago as well as one of that name at San Juan, Porto Rico. The explanation is that the Spanish word morro means ' o ti ir.V l rr TAnnH " TMrwiot.1 Tine nvw an eminence; an overhanging use oi a precipice;" a high headland looking towards the sea. Here, naturally a fort would be placed if there was a city near by to be defended and hence the association of the name with any Spanish fortification placed on an elevated harbor-guarding eminence. Asheville Citizen. THE MARKETS. Closinz Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co. , commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing Quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York StockExchange NEW York, June 3, 1898. American tobacco 1084 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 32i B. and O 194 C. and 0 224 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 1041 Chic. Gas : 100$ Del., LacK. and Western 160 Delaware and Hudson 110 Am. spirits Erie 134 General Electric 364 Jersey Central 951 Louisville and Nashville 55 Lake Shore 190 Manhattan Elevated 1044 Missouri and Pacific 34$ Metropolitan and S. railway 1564 Northwestern 128 Northern Pacific Pr 67i National Lead 35 New York Central 1164 Pacific Mail 29 Reading 194 Rock Island 1054 Southern Railway.. 9 Southern Railway Pr 314 St. Paul 100 Sugar Trust 1421 Tenn. Coal & Iron 254 Texas Pacific 12 U. S. Leather Preferred 64f Western Union Tel 914 Wabash Preferred.; 194 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, June 3, 1898. Wheat, July 94 June 1124 Sept 804 Corn, Dec Apr , Sept 34 Oct June 324 July 334 Oats. Sept 21 Apr June : 25 July 241 Pork, Dec Apr June 1095 July : 1095 Lard, Sept. . 625 Apr : June 617 July.... 617 Ribs, Sept 590 " Apr " .June 580 July 580 Cotton, Sept 631632 " Dec... 632633 Feb March April. . . . May. .....7. June 638639 July ....642643 August 646647 ic Oct 629(630 " Nov..... ...629639 ; Jan .634635 Spot cotton 64 Puts, 79 j Calls, 82i-? Curb 804. - Our ICE CREAM CABINET can furnish you with a nice glass of Peach Xream Soda, Strawberry, Pineapple, Cher ry, etc., etcr Stanley & Grissom, (Successors to. South Side Pharmacy) J. K.JYi'ILHENNY, Druggist, ' 504 So. Elm. Manager. torn lira CrownPerfumery Co.'s Crabapple Blossom, Crown Vio let, Crown Glycerine Soap, Crown Lavendar Salts, sold by J no. B. Fariss. Dependable Druggist. Stamps, to oblige. No Longer Dependent On Northern Cities I wish to inform the public that it is not necessary now to wait several days to have Spectacles and Eye Glasses made up in larger cities, as 1 have been for the last three months making up the most -complicated lenses and consequently can fill all orders the same day received. I have already had many expres sions of appreciation of nSy efforts to give our people the very quickest as well as the best service. Very Respectfully, "v J. T. JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:90 a m to 12:30 m.; z:uu to o:uu p. m. Auction Sale Bargains WILL BE OFFERED Every Two Weeks, as long as bids can be secured. The lot sold yesterday went from $75 to $100 below its market value. How ever, others will be offered June 12th. Watch this space. WHARTON & Mc A LISTER. AGENTS. Drink Oolah. To quell the thirst and comfort bring, Tne new drint, uoian, is the thing; Till now, for years we've sought in vain A pleasant, healthful drink to gain, To cool one from the summer's heat None other can with it compete, And well or sick, we alwais will Our glass with nought but Oolah fill HOWARD GARDNER'S. Corner Opposite .post Office. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know iust what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices . There is a lot of 'go in -all of our goods. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. Dr. B. W. BEST M. P. Building, opposite McAdoo House. - . Calls left at. Holton's drug stors promptly attended, ' Cf? - 'J Hipf CONffNTMTIS b-ABPr 5QM3 - b ElmSt. Pharmacist.

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