jnLJ' 111 . GREENSBORO, N. Q.t MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1898. Price Two Cents Trade With j M Hendrix & Co., and save Eight Per Cent. by paying your Cash for Dry Goods and Shoes I 221 S. Elm St. - v- Magic Polishing Cloth m m For restoring the original bri i'.ianoy to Silver or Plated ware or anv smooth metallic m m m m m surface. Plate Glass, etc. v Safe, Sure and Simple. i 'lean? Diamonds, Jewelry, Gold. Silver, Brass, Nickle, very quickly and with little labor. Price 15c each. m m m m m m m ; W. B. rarrar's Son. J In. -eetor of Southern Watches. Railroad m m E:ablished 1868 Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at iona Hill Hurseries. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, . on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., Pomona. X. C. When you want a hand somer Photograph framethan you can get any where else, call at Alderman's. Fine Gilt Ovals just received. Ak to see Platinotypes or Photogravures and Bas liefs, 113 1-2 East Market. Re For Tomorrow: Home erOWn Snap Beans, ted reading from Lew Wallace's mas n,',!,,,; fnrrien terpiece, "Ben Hur, a Tale of the l e.uiLv.2, vJa.1 UCll f i x,r,AA CUS ana .aDrJKC- Chickens, 12 1-2 i V 15 cents. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable ah Elm St. Grocers. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription f-r.-- out from our Drug Store is filled wiT-h the best drugs the market can furnish. All of the best cough mix- yjres. laxatives and liver regulators KMt constantly in stock. Toilet arti- t-1-- of every description in fact, we supply you with anvthine in the drug line, of the best quality and at r-a.-.onaole prices. Gaston W. Ward, w is Elmst. Pharmacist. i i iKrr Hnneniu a w a unn i . . i i i : He Is Related to the Morehads off Thlsaty and Is nown Here. Some of our citizens remember Lieu tenant Richmond P. Hobson, who vis ited relations in this city three or four years ago and was the guest of Mr. Joseph M. Morehead. He is the nephew and not the grand son of ex-state senator S. M. Hobson (as stated in some of the papers) of Davie county. His grandmother, An nie Morehead Hobson, is still living in Davie county, is 87 years old and partially blind, but with intellect un clouded. She is the daughter of a revolutionary soldier and her mater nal grandfather, Capt. Joseph Motley, was a captain in the regiment of Col. George Washington . and served in what is known as the "French and Indian war," which began in 1755 and lasted seven years. Captain Hobson had six sons in the revolutionary war. Judge Hobson, the father of Lieu tenant Hobson, was a classmate at the University of Maj. Chas.M. Stedman of this city. Major Stedman and Judge Hobson served together during the civil war and the major is authority for the statement that at Spottsylvania Hob son, the father, showed bravery as conspicious as did the son at Santia go. The crew who accomplished the daring feat of sinking the Merrimac were Lieutenant Richmond P. Hobson, assistant naval constructor, and Dan iel Montague, George Charette, J. C. Murphy, Oscar Deignan, Join P. Phillips, John Kelly and H. Clausen. The latter is a coxswain of the New York, and took part in the expedition against orders. Captain Hobson started on his peril ous trip at 3 o'clock in the morning and under cover of clouds over the moon stole close in shore before the Merrimac was discovered, then a gun from Morro opened on his ship and was answered by the other batteries across the bay. She was followed by a steam launch under Cadet Powell who waited for some time for the crew to appear, but seeing no signs of them put back and reported that the Merri mac had been sunk squarely across the channel blockading it. Later the Spanish Admiral sent an officer to the New York under a flag of truce to say that the men had floated ashore and were safe but prisoners. A Splendid Record. Mr. George H. Royster has been the financial secretary of Endowment Rank, K. of P. of this city for the past ten years, handling many thou sands of dollars for the insurance de partment of the organization, and has conducted it in a manner highly satis factory to the policy holders as well as the board of control. Last year he scored a brilliant rec ord in surpassing -all 'Other domains in the United States in percentage of membership. We are pleased to state that Mr. Royster will continue as manager of this department as hereto fore and will collect all assessments and dues. New Department Added. Mr. N. J. McDuffie, Greensboro's largest furniture dealer, in fact, one of the largest in the state, has aaaea undertaking as a branch of his busi- js. He received the first instalment of goods for that department today. He has puschased a handsome hearse, which will soon arrive. This depart ment wi 11 receive close attention and will be first class in all its appoint ments. Mr. McDuffie, in addition to a mammoth line of furniture, recently put in a complete line of all kinds of house furnshing goods. Ben Hur Tonight. In the courthouse tonight at 8 o'clock there will be given anillustra- iAar. will fllnatrata I MI MILll.aU TXOTV0 - t.hf. leodinff incidents of the book. The chariot race alone will be well worth the small admission asked. The en tertainment will be given unaer tne auspices of the ladies' aid sooiety or Westminister fresoysenau tuuivu. Notlce.K. of P. riember. Semi-annual election of officers for Lodge No 80, K. of P. takes place to night. It is an important meeting auu every member who can possibly at- tend should ao so. do o" promptly a- e:30 o ciock. Visitors in the City. President William Thorton Whit- sett, of Whiisett lnstuuie, anu iu . Oldham, of William iiingnam ocnoui, at Mebane, are in me President Whitsett reports that a fine meeting of Tar Heel teachers at Ashe ville are confidently expected at Ashe ville on the 14th inst. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25o. - LANUtU TUUM miSSlOMAKIKS YHSraKUAY. I T I The War Is on In Earnest af San tiago de Cuba. EL HERALOD'S STARTLING STORY Santiago Forts Bombarded Again on Saturday Night English Praise tlobson's Daring Exploit. By Wire to Ths Txljdgram. New York, June 6 A special to the Evening Journal from Cape Haytien says that at daybreak this morning the disembarking of the American troops at Santiago began. The troops landed at Agu adores a few miles to the east of the entrance to the harbor. The landing was made under cover of Sampson's guns, the batteries of the enemy having first been silenced. At 7:55 o'clock when THE BATTLESHIP OREGON. The Oregon is S48 feet long and has a displacement of 10,288 tons. She oost $3,180,000 and steams 15 knots an hour. Her crew consists of 434 men. Four 18 in oh, eight 8 inch, four 6 inch and 80 smaller guns compose her armament. She Sunk a Spanish Torpedo Boat with One Shot. the desratch boat left for the cable office the cannonading was rapidly increasing. LANDING CONFIRMED. New York, June 6 A special to the Journal from Mole St. Nicholas, Hay tl, says that the auxiliary cruiser St. Louis arrived there this morning with despatches from Admiral Sampson for the navy department at Washington. She reported that five thousand Amer ican troops were landed to the east of Santiago early this morning under the protection of the blockading squadron. The landing party included a battal ion of engineers and the batteries of siege artillery. ENGLISH PRAISE HOBSON. London, June 6 Every evening paper in the city echoes the morning papers in unstinted praise of Lieuten ant Hobson's daring exploit with the Merrimac. The gallant deed was ably planned and pluckily executed. SATURDAY NIGHT'S BATTLE. Madrid, June 6 A despatch to the Imparcial from Santiago de Cuba says that at 10 o'clock Saturday night twenty American warships attacked Santiago but stood so far out to sea that none of the shots reached the dis tant forts. The bombardment was continued for 45 minutes and then stopped suddenly. It has not been resumed. The Spaniards made no reply waiting for a nearer approach of the ships but they kept their dis tance. On Sunday sixteen American warships were still moored in sight of Santiago. THE HERALDO STORY. London, June 6 A central news de spatch from "Vienna says that informa tion has been received there from a private source that the equipment of the Cadiz squadron, consisting of the Emperado Carlos V, Patriota and Rapido is proceeding in the slowest manner and the ships are far from hinr readv for sea. The news of the 0 departure of the squadron is incorrect The Star correspodent at Madrid says that the Heraldo has started a theory that a part of the Cape Verde fleet has gone to the Philippines. It announces that the Cristobal Colon, a torpedo boat destroyer and three auxiliary cruisers, painted and rigged to look like the cruisers Almirante .Oquendo, Jnfanta Maria Teresa and Vizcaya have been sent to Santiago as a blind The real battleships have reached Madagascar under instructions from Madrid to Droceed via Cape of Good Hope. The Spanish cabinet has in structed Senor Leon y Castillo, Span ish embassador to Paris, to negotiate a loan of a half billion pesetas, giv ing railway concessions as security for the loan. Reverends Palmore, Tucker and Allen Instruct Large Congregations. Yesterday was ' a field day at the Methodist churches in this jcity. At both the morning and evening services West Market and Centenary churches were well filled to listen to entertain ing and instructive sermons by the ministers whose names appear above. At - West Market 'Street church Dr. Palmore preached to a large congre gation at 11 o'clock. At. the same hour, Rev. C. Tucker, a missionary for twelve years in Brazil preached a splendid descriptive sermon in Cen tenary. Mr. Tucker revealed some startling facts in regard to the situa tion1 in South -America. He related many interesting and touching inci dents connected with the mission work in the distribution of Bibles, down there, and impressed upon his hearers the point that wherever the Bible goes light begins to dawn, and there is im mediate demand for preachers to ex plain its truths. At the evening services Dr.Palmore, who has travelel more, perhaps in the same number of years, than any min- ister on the globe, preached at Centen ..... .. . ary. Ana wmie traveling he was a close observer. He told more in his sermon last night, about the different religions of the world, than this writer has ever heard in the same length of time. He is amagnetic speak er, and possesses the ability to at once rivet the attention of every one in his audience. At the same hour Dr. Young J. Allen, who is perhaps the oldest missionary to a foreign field, in point of service, liv ing delighted, entertained and instruct ed the West Market congregation with adiscourse on the habits and customs of the Chinese and the work and prog ress of the missionaries in the Orient Dr. Allen has been a missionary to China for about forty years and no man, perhaps, knows more of the situ ation among the Celestials than Dr, Allen. Capt. Qrldley Dead. Washington, June 6 Capt. Charles V. Gridley, commander of the cruiser Olympia and one of the heroes of the brilliant victory at Manila, is dead. The announcement oi his death was received by the navy department, late this afternoon, in cablegram from Kobe, Japan, June 4th, and directed to 'Secretary Long. The dispatch contained this simple statement: ' 'Cap tain Gridley died today. Remains accompany me on Coptic." . The riohican Sails For Manila. San Francisco, June 5 The United States sloop of war Mohican, came down from the Mare Island navy yard today, and after a brief delay, sailed at 12:30 p. m., for Honolulu. It is un derstood that she will remain on duty at that port, replacing the Benning ton, ordered to join Admiral Dewey's fleet at Manila. The coast defence vessel Monterey and the big collier Brutu. which is to tow her from the Hawaiian Island to the Philippines, will probably sail tomorrow evening Soldiers Rations Reduced. Cape Haytien, June 5 A dispatch from a government source at Port-au- Prince eays: "A Haytien informant, now in Santiago de Cuba, cables that the destitution there has . greatly in creased since the bombardment began and the military commander has been forced to reduce the rations of the sol diers', among whom there is much dis- constent. " ,There has been no direct communication from Santiago,' thus far today. ' To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refuna the money if it fails to cure. 25o. OREGON GETS IN HER WORK Sinks a Torpedo Boat With a Single Shot. HOBSON WILL BE EXCHANGED. Monterey Started for Manila, This Morning Lew Wallace Falls to be Appointed General. By Cable Tax Tklbobam. Kingston, Jamaica, June 6, 11 a. m. Advices from Port Antonio state that it is uncertain whether the Span ish torpedo boat sunk by the Oregon was the Terror or Furor. The Oregon Bighted the torpedo boat sneaking toward the harbor and signalled her to stop. The signal of the Oregon was improperly answered and the warship fired a 13-inch shell striking the torpedo boat fairly amidship. The torpedo boat instantly sank, all hands aboard being drowned. Advices from Fort De France say that the Terror is still there but is disabled. If this report be true the torpedo boat was probably the Furor sent ahead as a scout for the Cadiz squadron of Admiral Cam- ara. REPORT CONFIRMED. Kington, Jamaica, June 6 The sinking of the Spanish torpedo boat Terror or Furor by the warship Oregon has been confirmed by advices from Port Antonio. LANDING OF TROOPS. Washington, June 6 It is expected that news of the landing of troops at Santiago will be received in a day or two. According to the best informa tion obtainable as to the time when the first detachment left the Florida coast the first military forces, consisting for the most part of engineers, shoul ar- rive at Santiago toaay. ine war de partment still guard the plans for the occupation of Santiago with the great est care and absolutely nothing can be learned concerning them. The time when the main body of troops will be embarked cannot be learned but it may be today . The fact has been well estab lished that the conditions at Santiago demand the immediate landing of troops Little time will be lost in embarking 12000. The administration has already designated the troops intended for that duty. Secretary Alger has prepared a Ust of the Spanish prisoners now at Atlanta for exchange through the navy department for 'Lieutenant Hob son and his gallant crew. So soon as the exchange has been approved by Secretary Long the exchange will be made. WALLACE NOT APPOINTED. Washington, June 6 The indica tions are now that Lew Wallace will fail of his appointment as a major- general of volunteers owing to his ex treme age, he being now 71 years old. CONDITIONS IN HAVANA. Havana, June 6, (uncensored) The city is longing for the coming of the Spanish warships under Camara. The fortifications have been greatly strengthened and the area of cultiva tion largely increased. The prices of food continue constantly on the rise and there is great distress among the unemployed of the city who are num erous. The failure of the autonomist government becomes clearer every day. MONTEREY SAILS. San Francisco, June 6 The monitor Menterey accompanied by the Collier Brutz sailed this morning for the Philippines by way of Honolulu where she will join the Mohican. REPORT DENIED. New York, June 6 A special to the Tribune from Mole St. Nichlas says that advices from the. flagship New York deny that a Spanish torpedo boat has been sunk by the'Oregon. WAR APPROPRIATION MADE. Washington, June e The urgency deficiency bill carrying an appropria tion of 117,750,000 for the war and navy departments was passed by the senate and house this afternoon. From the flountalns. An excursion with about two hun dred passengers aboard came down this morning over the C. F. & Y. V. from Mt. Airy and are taking in the sights of the City of Flowers. A num- of Mt. Airy's prominent people are in the party. They will leave on their return trip about 6:30 this evening. Revenue Bill In Conference. By Wire to Ths Tklbobh. Washington, June 6 The house voted on the war revenue bill in con ference. The conferees on the measure areDingley, Payne and Hailey. 5EIZINO DOQS ANEf GOATS. The Virginia Troops Had a Penchant for North Carolina's Pets. Mr. Fred L. Merritt, our special war correspondent at Jacksonville wired yesterday that the North Caro lina troops met the Virginians at camp and gave them the freedom of the place. The Richmond Dispatch's special from Jacksonville has some items that will interest North Carolinians. We quote: 1 The trip through was not entirely without accident. At Battleboro,N.C, one of the men of the third section, with the usual penchant of the boys for pets and mascots, caught up a beautiful dog as the train was pulling out, and taking it into the car, carried it to J acksonville and into camp. At Selma Colonel Baker received a tele gram from a physician in Battleboro, saying the dog was his little girl's; that her grief was uncontrolable, and asking that it be returned. Colonel Baker wired that he would have the dog sent back when Jacksonville was reached. TOOK GOAT AND CART. "But the feat of a member of Com pany It is the talk: of tne camp, up at a little North Carolina town the train stopped for a few minutes, and the instant it started he seized a goat and cart standing on the platform and dragged both up the steps and into his car. He has the goat in the camp to night, but the cart is not to be seen. He swears the billy came up into the car of his own accord. News and Ob server. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, June 6, 1898. American tobacco 1091 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 33f B. and O C. and O 234 Chic, Bur. and Quincy. Chic. Gas 103i Del., Lao?, and Western Delaware and Hudson Ill Am. spirits Erie General Electric 37t Jersey Central 941 Louisville and Nashville 561 Lake Shore V Manhattan Elevated 1051 Missouri and Pacific , 36i Metropolitan and S. railway 161 Northwestern 129 Northern Pacific Pr National Lead 35$ New York Central. 1161 Pacific Mail 30 Reading 19f Rock Island 1061 Southern Railway 9 Southern Railway Pr 324 St. Paul.... Sugar Trust 144i Tenn. Coal & Iron 26i Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 924 Wabash Preferred The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: CHICAGO June 6, 1898. Wheat, July 88i June 108 Sept 76 Corn, Dec " Apr.... " Sept 32f " Oct " June 31 " July 3H Oats, Sept 20S Apr June : 241 July 23i Pork, Dec ' Apr June 1035 " July.. 1035 Lard, Sept 605 " Apr June 6951 " July 695 Ribs, Sept 575 " Apr.... " June 565 July 565 Cotton, Sept 632633 " Dec 635636 Feb " March 4 April " May June 638639 " July ; 641642 " August 645646 " Oct;. 632633 " Nov.... 632633 " Jan 638639 Spot cotton.......... ... .6 i Puts, 74 Q ; Calls, 77i Curb76i ICE CREAM CABINET can furnish you with a nice glass of Peach Cream Soda, Strawberry, Pineapple, Cher ry, etc., etc. - Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to-South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Fariss Has It! Volunteers. We have enrolled the majority of this city's population in our roll of volunteer endorsements of our spe cialties. One reason why the indorse ments have come so easily lies in the fact that we will show you what every one is made of if you want to know. Bedfords Sweet Quinine, a way for for the children to take it. Try it. Dr. Cottles Eczema Ointment, money back if six boxes doesn t cure your case. 25 cents a box. Vick's Concentrated Extract Sarsa parilla. All the money is put in making a good medicine and not in advertising a poor one. A big bottle 75 cents. Jno. B. Fariss. Dependable Druggist. Stamps, to oblige. No Longer Dependent On Northern Cities I wish to inform the public that it is not necessary now to wait several days to have Spectacles and Eye Glasses made up in larger cities, as I have been for the last three months making up the most complicated lenses and consequently can fill all orders the same day received. I have already had many expres sions of appreciation of my efforts to give our people the very quickest as well as the best service. Very Respectfully, J. T. JOHNSON. Opposite McAdoo Hotels OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. Auction Sale Bargains WILL BE OFFERED Every Two Weeks, as long as bids can be secured. The lot sold yesterday went from 875 to $100 below its market value. How ever, others will be offered June 12th. Watch this space. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. Beef Wine and Iron. full Pints, 75c bottle HOWARD GARDNER'S" Corner Opposite-Post Office. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of go in all of - our goods. Holton's Drug store. McAdoo House Buildings . W V- . "r.. " - - v si- - i' s