boro Evening: Telerarr rirnilation Guaranteed. Circulation Growing Daily. 0U. . NO. 114 GREENSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1898. Price Two Cents eees i - i , . Trade With J M Hendrix & Co., and save Eight Per Cent. by paying vour Cash for Dry Goods and Shoes 221 S. Elm St. gic roiisning m m m m For restoring the original brilliancy to Silver or Plated .v;iiv or any smooth metallic --.;rfav. Plate Glass, etc. Safe, Sure and Simple. loans Diamonds, Jewelry, MId. Silver, Brass, Nickle, very quickly and with little labor. Price 15c each. W. B. farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad Watches. Established 1868 Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc., on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., i Vnona, N. C. When you want a hand Nuiner Photograph frame than vuii can get any where else, "all at Alderman's. Fine Gilt Ovals just received. Ask to see Platinotypes or Photogravures and' Bas Re licts, 113 1-2 East Market. For Tomorrow: Home grown Snap Beans, ':rh Pc4:.::s, Garden Peas and Cabbage. PLiuy Chickens, 12 1-2 and 15 cents. VUNCANON & CO., He liable Grocers. So.ah Elm St. 'Phone No. 2. Every Prescription out from our Drug' Store is filled the hest drugs the market can oh. All of the best cough mix . laxatives and liver regulators ':'ri:ant!v in stock. Toilet arti- 1 i every description in fact, we M'ly you with anything in the ar'ir line. r'' of the best quality and at mc prices Gaston W. Ward, 10 n. rucui WCDU1INU. 1 1 I II 1 1 The Church Tastily Decorated With Evergreens and Flowers. Last night at 8:30 o'clock the hour appointed for the marriage of Miss Sallie Truitt and Mr. Walter Wil liams, Centenary church was crowded with friends of the contractingjarties. The altar of the church was prettily decorated with ivy, cedar and flowers, with two graceful arches of the same material, forming semi-circles of light with candles burning thereon. The enchanting and inspiring strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march res ponded to the cultured touch of Miss Lizzie Crocker as the wedding party came down the middle aisle: Messrs. Welch, 'Gregory, Phipps, McNairy, Glascock and Brower; then came the groom leaning onthe artnof Theodore Williams, best man. Following them came the bride, charmingly attired in snowy white, accompanied by "her sis ter Miss Lovenia, mafd of honor. At the chancel, Pastor Gay awaited them and performed the solemn cere mony which made -them man and wife. The scene was pretty and impressive, and as the bridal party marched out, many wishes, inaudible, yet fervent, were made that their journey through life might be ever along pleasant paths with birds and flowers, rippling brooks and sparkling fountains to cheer them. HE MADE IT GOOD. But Wanted the Balance of the floney Paid In. A merchant of South Greensboro, who deals in scythes and grain cra dles sold a cradle to a farmer last year and guaranteed it to do first-class work. A few days ago the farmer brought the cradle back and com plained that one of the fingers was too short causing it to drop wheat. The merchant very promptly had the de fect repaired and when the cradler was about to start he was informed that he owed $1.25 on the cradle which had never been paid and that it must be forthcoming or the cradle should re main in his store. Visions of golden grain waving in the field and beginning to spoil for the reaper's scythe probably rose in the farmer's mind and he perhaps reason ed with himself that it would require all his spare change to pay the binder, He thereupon told the merchant he had no money, but that after harvest the amount would be promptly paid. This seemed rather vague to the merchant and he positively refused permission to the man to carry the cradle away without that dollar and a quarter. But a bright idea struck Mr. Cradler and he snatched up the blade of steel with its rigging of wood and darted out at a twenty-knot gait. He ran a few yards and on hearing the stern command "halt" he heaved to. He reluctautly returned to the shade in front of the store, fished up his stocking leg and turned over the money. An Excellent Report. The Telegram is in receipt of the first annual" report of the High Point Graded School and a most creditable one it is. ' It shows a total enrollment for the year of 476 white and 236 col ored children. The percentage of at tendance was unusual high. The teaching force of the school is com posed of nine white and six colored teachers. The total amount of re ceipts and disbursemants for the year was $5,049.95. The cost per pupil for the year was 86.15. Carrier's Baseball. Tomorrow morning the Record and Telegram carries will play a inning game at the park. seven The Record team, although they will have but six men will be larger than the Telegram's team. Pearce, the West End pitcher will be in the box for the Record. White will pitch for the Telegram (Tame called at 10 o'clock. No ad mission charged. t All invited Attack Hourly Expected. New York, June 8 A special from Cape Haytien, says the Americans and insurgents have formed a junction near Santiago, and that a land attack on the city is momentarily expected. The Spaniards claim to have 24,000 seasoned troops in bantiago. xne further savs that Colonel The- nuz. a renowned Austrian artillerist in the Spanish service, was killed in nfroir'a bombardment of the forts in Santiago harbor. Masonic Notice Regular communication of Greens- ki.i-w l ec erf. No. 76. A. r & A. M. this UJ i fc ' evening at 8 o'clock. EL C. Berger, W. M. W. T. Gayle, Sec'y. REPORTED FALLEN MANILA Snrrendcrcd to Dewey to Escape the Insurgents. GREAT DEPRESSION IN SPAIN. sagasia 2eeKs Peace Fourth Army Corps to Tampa One Santiago Cable Working. By Cable The Teusubam. Ixmdon, Jnne 9 An extra edition of the Westminster Gazette this after noon says Manila has fallen, tut whether into the hands of the insur gents or the Americans is unknown. Despatches to the Exchange Tele graph company from Paris and Mad rid say it is rumored that the Spanish garrison at Manila, fearing a massacre by the insurgents has surrendered to the Americans. Foreign securities are greatly de pressed today. Spanish fours are one and one half lower. It is tnown that public feeling in Spain is the worst since the war began. Premier Sagasta is searching for an opening in the direction of peace. The opposition is stoutly resisting and threatening to form a coalition. The objection is causing a revolution. FROM MOBILE TO TAMPA. Mobile, Ala., June 9 Adjutant Gen eral Cecil has notified Secretary Alger that the effects of the fourth army corps have been packed and that the corps leaves for Tampa today. NOTHING AT HAYTIEN. uape Haytien, June Up to nine a. m. today no cable connection has been established with Santiago nor has further news from any source been received from the American fleet. PORT AU PRICE ALSO. Port au Prince, June 9 Nothing has1 been received from Santiago .this morning. It is reported that edible communication is interrupted. CABLE WORKING TO KINGSTON. Kingston. Jamaica, June 9 The West Indian cable company is sill using its cables connecting this city and Santiago de Cuba. EASY TO TAKE. Washington, June 9 Lieutenant Whitney told Secretary Alger this morning that Porto Rico is easy of invasion and advised the landing of troops in the Plaza of the city. REGISTRY CHANGED. San Francisco, June 9 The Ameri can yacht Tola, now in Asiatic waters has obtained Austrian registry, the owner, Count Festich, fearing capture by the Spaniards. ALIVE AND CABLING. Washington, June 9 Captain Phil lips, of the battleship Texas, cabled Secretary Long this morning that he was alive and well. He added that he was at a loss to know how the rumor originated. The navy department dis credited the rumor from the beginning COMMOTION IN MADRID. Madrid, June 9 General Correa, minister of war, refuses positively to send further instructions to Augusti, governor general of the Philippine islands. He says that he has already cabled Augusti to protect Spanish honor by fighting to the death. Senor Salmeron is agitating for a national government in Spain. He declares that the ulterior views of the present ministrv are hindering patriotic ac tion. The bad news received here from the Philippines has made a profound impression. The public appears calm but there is a latent intensity of dis satisfaction though it has thus far been expressed on patriotic grounds only. ASTOR BATTERY IN CAMP. New York, June 9 The Astor moun tain battery went into camp at Pelham park today. WAR REVENUE BILL REPORTED. Washing-ton. June 9 The confer ence committee announced this after noon that it would report the war revenue bill today. Finished Its Work. The Woman's Board of Foreign Missions closed its annual session in this city last night and the delegates and members have all left for their homes, manv of them residing in far awaystates. The session was pleasant, profitable and interesting. flaking Preparations to Leave. Montreal, June 8 Although Messrs. Carranza and du Bosc pretended not to believe that they are to be ordered out of the country, it is known that they are making preparations to leave. Detective Kellert's case against them has been fixed for argument tomorrow. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram. Bureau. ) High Point-. N. C. June 9, '98. f Mesdames Kinney, Guyer, and Greer, of Thomasville, were in the city today. W. C. Jones is in Greensboro today. Rufus King left today for Elon Col lege commencement. Mrs. Will Worth and children, of Spencer, are visiting her father-in- Joseph Worth. Mrs. J. E. Mitchell went to Hi! lsboro today to visit relatives. Mrs. J. W. Young, who has been visiting her uncle, A. J. Dodamead, left today for her home in Berkville, Va. , Miss Estelle Tomlinson, of Archdale, who has been in school a"t Asheville, passed through the city last night, re turning home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seigo, of Albe marle, are visiting Mrs. aeigo's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lindsay. Frank Gurley, proprietor of the Show Case Works, left this morning for Baltimore on a business trip. He will bring his wife back with him. James Scroggs won the medal at Trinity College for the highest grade in his class. He came home last night. Qeneral Hoke Declines. Today General Robert F. Hoke re ceived a telegram from Senator Pritch- ard saying that the latter, accompa nied by Congressmen Linney, Pearson and Skinner, had called on the presi dent and asked him to appoint General Hoke a brigadier general, and that appointment was tendered him. Gen eral Hoke replied, thanking Pritchard, Linney, Pearson and Skinner, and de clining to accept the commission. He told these facts at his home tonight. When your correspondent said: 4,Gen- eral, I deeply regret your (Jecision," the grand old soldier said: "I siirply could not accept. I could not if a major generalcy had been tendered me." But the compliment paid Gen eral Hoke will be sincerely appreciated by all North Carolinians. It is a com pliment to one of the bravest and most modest of men. Ctl. Olds' corres pondence. Cost of Cable Messages. The many cable lines and the result ant competition have brought the cost of communication between New York and London down to a fairly low fig ure, 25 cents per word, but when one tries to reach more remote parts of the world, where the line is controlled by a single government, or company, or where there is little business to sup port it. the cost of sending messages amounts to alarming figures. To 'send ten words from New York to Manila, for instance, costs $23.50 or $2.10 per word beyond London. This is the commercial rate. Newspaper dispatch es go for half this sum, but even so, the cost of bringing a column of news from the Philippines mounts up to nearly four figures. Even from a point so near as Curacoa, which became for a short time, the centre of news inter est, the commercial rate by the cheap- route is $1 98. These two samples will give a fair intimation of the immense sums being expended by the newspa pers in gathering information about the war. New York Sun. Marriage at Ramseur. Mr. W.J. Blair left yesterday after noon for Ramseur, where he was uni ted in marriage last night to Miss Es telle Pugh, of that place. They went to Archdale today to visit relatives They will reside on Ashboro street, in the handsome cottage which Mr. Blair has just completed. We welcome Mrs Blair to the "City of Flowers," where Mr. Blair has a host of friends. A New Soda Fountain. Mr. G. W. Ward has greatly added to the beauty of his drug store by re placing his old soda fountain with one of onyx. We cannot describe half its good points to you, but Mr. Ward will be glad to have you call and ex amine the fountain and sample its contents. Cable Office Abandoned. Cape Havtien, -Hayti, June 8, 9:15 p. m. Even before cables in Guanta- namo bav had been injured so that they could not be worked, the opera tors at the Caimanera station were forced to flee by the fire from the Amer ican ships. Up to this hour, 9:15 p. m., there has been so direct cable com munication from Santiago since Mon day at midnight. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AU druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. HAVANA BLOCKADE BROKEN? Reported That Spanish Warships Have Entered The Harbor, PREPARING A SPECIAL MESSAGE. Hobson's Exchange Asked For Today. Appointments Insult to Britain. Two Spaniards Expelled. By Wire to The Telegram. Key West, June 9 It is reported that three Spanish ships have been sighted off Havana, one of them being a battle ship. No confirmation of the report can be had . and The meaning of this? Key West, June 9 Naval officers of high rank credit the persistent reports that three Spanish warships have ap peared off Havana, forced the block ade and entered the harbor. One re port says that the squadron which en tered the harbor consists of one bat tleship and two cruisers. A SPECIAL MESSAGE. Washington, June 9 According to a senator who has been in consuita- ton with the president today on mat ters pertaining to the war McKinley is contemplating the submission of a special message to congress calling for the immediate annexation of Hawaii as a war necessity. The message will be delayed for a few days to await any action that may be taken by Reed s committee on rules. The mes sage will probably be submitted early next week. INSULT TO BRITAIN. New York, June 9 Still, the Journal correspondent at St. Thomas, cables this morning that Walter Bett, secre- rary of the British consulate at San Juan de Porto Rico after fifty-six hours imprisonment during which he was subjected to gross maltreatment by the authorities has been banished from Porto Rio by order of Gover nor General Macias. He was subjected to this treatment on the suspicion of having informed the Americans of the mining of San Juan harbor after the bombardment of that port by Admiral Sampson. Thirty other Englishmen were arrested along with Bett. THE APPOINTMENT MILL. Washington, June 9 The president promised today to appoint General J. P. S. Gobin, of Pa., brigadier-general of -volunteers. The nomination will be among the next sent to the senate for confirmation. Gobin is commander- in-chief of the grand army. The Penn sylvania delegation has been making a strong fight for his appointment. Senators Quay and Penrose left Presi dent McKinley this morning satisfied with his assurances. Senator Pritch ard, of North Carolina, urgued the appointment of Judge Whitaker of Raleigh, as colonel of one of the im mense regiments. McKinley was noa- commital. Senator Faulkner, of West Virginia, asked to have a battery of artillery included in the state's quota under the second call. The President was in conference today with Senator Lodge and Representa tive Newlands, of Nevada, relative to the annexation of Hawaii. FOR HOBSON'S RELEASE. Washington, June 9 Application for the exchange of Lieut. Hobson will be formallv made to General Blanco today. KICKED OUT OF CANADA. Montreal, June 9 Word has reached here from Ottawa that a messenger has left there with a writ of expulsion from Canada for Carranza and Du Bosc. Hanged for Murder. By Wire to The Telegram. New York', J une 9 Andras Malenak was hanged in Essex . county jail this morning for the murder of Mrs. Annie M. Kinetz. The Vizcaya Damaged. New York, June 8 A special from Kingston Jamaica, reports that the Spanish cruiser Vizcaya ancLjihe tor pedo boat destroyer Furor, were badly damaged during the bombardment of Santiago's defences, on Monday. A shell from the Brooklyn is said to have burst under the Vizcaya's port quarter, dismounting a gun, injuring the cruiser's rudder and wounding several of her sailors. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pa; required . It i 3 guaranteed to give per feet satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. E. Holton. FIRE AT M'COLL. This Morning About Four O'clock-- Heavy Loss. Special to the Telegram. McColl, S.C., June 9This morning about 4 o'clock, the mammoth ware house of F. P. Tatum at this place was discovered to be in flames. The fire spread rapidly igniting and con suming Mr. Tatum' s livery stable, a harness shop and a jewelry store, the buildings of the two latter also be longing to Mr. Tatum. The origin of the fire is unknown. The loss is very heavy and is estimated at ten thousand dollars. SAMPSON CALLS FOR TROOPS. He Wants to Make Quick Work of Cervara and Santiago. Washington, June 8 Admiral Samp son, in a dispatch to the navy depart ment, yesterday told the department to send troops to Santiago immedi ately. The admiral is anxious to make quick work of Cervera's fleet. Naval men hope that Santiago will be taken and the warships captured be fore the end of next week, so that the American squadron can proceed to San Juan. The transport Panther, with 650 ma rines, sailed from Key West for San tiago this morning. The marines will co-operate with landing forces. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists rerund the money if it fails to cure 25c. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A.. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York StockExchange: New York, June 9, 1898. American tobacco 102i Atch., Top. & Santa Fe S2i B. and 0 191 C. and O 23 Chic, Bur. and Quincv 1041 Chic. Gas 102i Del., Lac, and Western 155 Delaware and Hudson Am. spirits 144 Erie General Electric 38k Jersey Central 95 Louisville and Nashville ooi Lake Shore -. 188 Manhattan Elevated 104$ Missouri and Pacific 35 Metropolitan and S. railway 1901 Northwestern 128i Northern Pacific Pr 69 i National Lead 35 New York Central 116 Pacific Mail...-. 29 Reading 19i Rock Island 106i Southern Railway 9 Southern Railway Pr 32k St. Paul 99S Sugar Trust 137 Tenn. Coal & Iron 25 i Texas Pacific 12i U. S. Leather Preferred 66i Western Union Tel 91 Wabash Preferred 19 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, June 9, 1898. Wheat, July 89i " June 102 " Sept 85 Corn, Dec " Apr " Sept 331 " Oct " June 3H " July 32 Oats. Sept 21 " Apr " June 24f " July 23f Pork, Dec " Apr " June 1050 " July. 1050 Lard, Sept.... 615 " Apr " June 605 " July 605 Ribs, Sept 587 " Apr " June 577 " July 577 Cotton, Sept 631632 " Dec 634635 " Feb " March " April ' " May June 642644 July.... 644(645 ' August 648649 " Oct 631(632 ,c Nov 631632 " Jan 637638 Spot cotton 6 Puts, 735 ' ; Calls, 761 ; Curb ICE CREAM CABINET can furnish you with a nice glass of Peach Cream Soda, Strawberry, Pineapple, Cher ry, etc., etc. Stanley & Grissom, (Successors to. South Side -Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Fariss Has It! Volunteers. We have enrolled the majority of this city's population in our roll of volunteer endorsements of our spe cialties. One reason why the indorse ments have come so easily lies in the fact that we will show you what every one is made of if you want to know. Bedfords Sweet Quinine, a way for for the children to take it. Try it. Dr. Cottles Eczema Ointment, money back if six boxes doesn t cure your case. 25 cents a box. Vick's Concentrated Extract Sarsa- parilla. All the money is put in making a good medicine and not in advertising a poor one. A big bottle 75 cents. Jno. B. Fariss. Dependable Druggist. Stamps, to oblige. Youth and Old Age Alike need to have their eyes carefully look ed after, the one to avoid permanent injury, the other to overcome the effect of natural decay. In either case a specialist should be consulted. De lay is dangerous. J. T. JOHNSON. The Greensboro Eye Specialist. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; z:w to b:w p. m. Third Auction Sale OF Valuable Town Property, Monday, June 12, 1898. Consisting of the following: 1st House and lot on Chestnut street, property of Mrs. Bettie M. Houston. 2nd. Four vacant lots situated on Spring street, between Schenck and Greeu streets. 3rd. House and lot, corner of Mc- Culloch and Vance streets, belonging to Mrs. Brock. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. Beef Wine and Iron. Full Pints, 75c bottle HOWARD GARDNER. Corner Opposite post Office. Go Ahead 1 But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know mat What sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices There is a lot of go in all of our goods .4- llolton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. Him St. Pharmacist.