7- " v . ' - -. . -. 5 firruiation Guaranteed V0L. II- NO. 115 GREENSBORO, N. C.,; FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1898. Price Two Cent s Trade With & Co., and save I Eight Per Cent. i I I t s $ by paying vbur Cash for Dry Goods and Shoes 221 S. Elm St. Magic Polishing Cloth. m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m For restoring the original in iiianey to Silver or Plated w;t v or any smooth metallic - ;: fiK'e, Plate Glass, etc. Safe, Sure and Simple. leans Diamonds, Jewelry, CkKI, Silver, Brass, Nickle," wry quickly and with little ianor. Price 15c each. I I W. B. farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad Watches. Established 1868 I I I m m m m Flowers. Complete Assortment of the Choicest and Finest Flowers, at Pomona Hill Nurseries. Cut Flowers, Bouquets, Floral Designs for weddings, funerals, etc, on short notice. Orders by mail or phone promptly attend ed to. J. Van Lindley, Prop., lVmiona, N. C. When you want a hand nmer Photograph frame than viiu can eet any where else, cull at Alderman s. Finer Gilt Ovals just received. Ask to see Platinotypes or Ph otogravures and Bas Re licts, 113 1-2 East Market. For Saturday. Plenty Chickens, Eggs and New Irish Potatoes, 3" -1; cents Kicon. ::!:. Sr.sp Beans, gallon. Breakfast Provisions of all ki: cheap as they can be us Si VUNCANON & CO., 1 Icliable a1, Elm St. Grocers. 'Phone No. Every Prescription from our Drug Store is filled bct drugs the market can All of the best cough mix ... Olives and liver regulators -litntiy in stock. Toilet arti- .'1 y description in fact, we :!; you with anything in the of the best quality and at ':'-C:ie prices. K'-i v;i.- Gaston W. Ward, j M Hendrix Broke up tha Den? A very cwveiL and l creditable piece of work bas been done by Officer Scott of the police , force. ,v For several months he has had an inkling that certain gentlemen of porting tenden cies - were passing -the, chips In the 1 night and otherwise wooing dame for tune in games of chance and hazard. Such gatherings are usually hard to call upon but by diligent Officer Scott succeeded in locatiner them and brought home to the mem bers thereof that the game was hazard ous In more ways' than one. There were two distinct groups of the play ers and positive evidence has been se cured against both. Some of those incriminated have waived examina tion and will submit. The others will be brought up for trial. Officer Scott has done several excellent nieces of work lately but none more creditable than this. ' Court Proceedings. The following cases were disposed of today: State vs. Jim Gilliam and 'Henry Miller; larceny, guilty, sentenced 4 months on public roads. State vs. John Adams and Caesar Jordan; rape, not a true bill. State vs. J. M. Coble; murder, not a true bill. guilty. State vs. John .Stanfield; larceny, plead guilty. State vs. James Patillo; larceny, plead guilty, judgment suspended on payment of cost. State vs. James T. Scott; assault with deadly weapon, two cases, plead guilty. State vs. D. I. Brooks; retailing, not guilty. The Carriers! Ball Game. The game of ball this' morning be tween the Record and Telegram car riers resulted in a victory for the Rec ord carriers by a score of 12 to 10. Quite a crowd of rooters for both sides was present and added much life to the game. There was a surplus of um pires and a large deficit on their part in the knowledge of baseball rules. The game was close and exciting despite the poor rulines of the um pires. The teams lined up as follows: Record Team Pearce, p; Marley, 1st b; Sullivan, 2nd b;' C. Ridge, 8. s; Turner, 3rd b; Abbott, c. Telegram Team White, p; Jones, 1st b: C. Yates, 2nd b; B. Yates, s. s, Ballard, 3rd b; E. Ridge, c. A Statement From Mr. York. Considerable discussion -has been raised in the press and in congress over the use of "mineraline" in in creasing the whiteness of flour. The name oi tne xorK Manuiacturing company of this city lias been coupled with the industry of preparing this m . w m m- a . f product for the market. Tomorrow we will publish a statement from Mr, York giving the facts in the case. Until then those who wish to do exact iustice will reserve judgment in the matter. Another Tar Heel Wins. Mr. Edgar B. Sherrill, won the first prize (it was $100 in cash) out of a class of 76 for maintaining the best average in recitations during the year in the law department of Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. His average was 99 2-5. Last year he ob tained the prize of $50 in the junior class. Mr. Sherrill is proof reader in the trovernment Drintiner office and is a brother of Mr. John B. Sherrill, editor of the Concord Times. Durham at the Front. With one of our citizens at the camp of the Durham boys, cheering them, and assuming the government's oliga tion to pay them off for one month.and taking active steps to have them clothed and equipped; and another citizen p Durham giviug $100,000 to Trinity College in one day, is a pretty good day's work for Durham, take it nlease. The spirit of ""J J r - Tat.rifttiBm and crenerosity is abroad in our midst. Durham Sun. Fatal Row at Tampa. Sa.un.nnAh. On.. . June 9 A riot among United States troops at Tampa Monday night caused the death of four negro regulars. It is impossible to obtain full particulars, owing to the censor, but it is known that regu lars were indulging in a drunken rev elry when met by a body of Southern volunteers-and a fight precipitated, in which fire arms are said to have been used. Tampa is reported to have since i laWi under martial law. the en- tireSecond Georgia regiment being placed on duty to preserve order. To Cure a Cold In One, Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. : All druggists refund the money 25o. LIBERALS WAHT THE ALLIANCE Anxious that the Matter be Han dled with Care, UERRITT HURRYING TO DEPART. Monterey Delayed No News for Mc- Klnley Cables AH Cot Troops to Leave ChJckamaiiga. By Cable Thk Tkibqrah. London, June 10 The Westminister Gazette this afternoon says that the Liberals desire nothing more, than to draw more closely the bonds of friend ship and good will with America. The attention of the leaders Is drawn to several points that need careful hand ling because, judging from the present conduct of. foreign affairs, there are grounds for fearing that the best poli cy may te wrecked by lack of wisdom and perseverance. The Gazette further says: "We plead for care and caution in dealing with America because we are anxous to save that cause from the fickelness of the present government." SECOND PHILIPPINE EXPEDITION. San Francisco, June 10 General Wesley Merritt, in obedience td or ders, is hurrying the preparations necessary for the departure of the sec ond transport fleet to the Philippines. Large quantities of provisions and ammunition are being rushed aboard the China, Colon, and Zealandia. The transports, Senator, City of Pueblo, and Queen will soon be ready for troops. The Zealandia is expected to sail this afternoon. MONTEREY INJURED? Santa Barbara, Cal., June 10 Cap tain Dabney of the steamship Pomona which has just put in reports sighting the monitor Monterey in tow of the Brutus fifteen miles off Gaviola and forty miles to the westward of here. The monitor was heading apparently for the passage between Santa Cruise and Santa Tosa island and thence seaward. It is supposed that the mon itor had been compelled to . seek quiet waters to repair some Injury.- - QUIET IN WASHINGTON. Washington, June ' 10 President passed a quiet morning today and re ceived nothing official until the arrival of the cabinet. He was disturbed less than usual by demands for personal interviews. He was closeted for a short time with Senators Lindsay, (Kentucky) and Piatt (New York,) and Representatives Hooker (New York,) and Hawley (Texas.) Mrs. Hart called on the president and asked for the official papers which re lease her pardoned husband, Capt. John Hart. CABLE CHOPPED. AGAIN. Port au Prince, June 10 This place has no cable communication with San tiago de Cuba. It is supposed that the last of the Santiago cables has been cut. SAMPSON'S WORK. Cane Havtien. Hayti. June 10 The cable connecting this place with San tiago de Cuba has been severed and no news from that place can be se cured except by dispatch boats. GARRISONING THE PORTS. Camp Black, June 10 The 22nd regiment of New York was moved this morning under orders issued some days ago. The regiment will be used to garrison forts Schuyler, Slocum and Willett's Point. The only troops re maining in the city now unassigned is the first battalion of the 47th regiment. The others are at Tampa, Chicka- mauga and points above. Referred to Blanco. Madrid, June 9 A dispatch to the Imparcial from Havana says that Sampson on Wednesday sent Cervera a proposal to exchange prisoners so as to obtain Hobson and others of the Merrimac crew. General Linares, commander of Spanish troops in San tiago, replied that such negotiations must be conducted with Blanco. The government declines to add any thing to reports from Santiago, but newspapers admit that the Vizcaya was hit twice and the Furor once. Ministers admit receiving later tele grams which are believed to have been of serious import. Tenth Private Convicted. San Francisco, Jnne 9 The general court-martial in session at Camp Mer ritt has convicted John Campbell, of the Tenth Pennsylvania volunteers, who attacked a colored man at Mount Gretna, Pa., just before the regiment left for the coast. A light sentence was imposed, as Campbell has practi cally been in prison a month. - - . .NOTES FROM HIOH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor i -- Briefly folik :f " " ; ;: - .. - ' TELEGKAH .BUREAU, f " High Point. N. June 10, '98. f - Misses Harris and Robbies, of Trin ity, were visitors to the city today.- - - r.' ' -v . . A. V. Sapp and little daughter, Irene, are spending toaay in Greensboro. . J. B. Best arrived In the city today on northbound train. Several Archdale young ladies came up yesterday afternoon on wheels. The Ladies Aid Society of the Pres byterian church gave a reception last night to the members' of that church so that they might get .acquainted with their new pastor. . A delightful exer cise was well rendered after which ele gant refreshments were served. Tuesday night being the annual meeting of the school board it was fraught with much interest on account of it being the time for election of su perintendent and teachers for the com ing year. Prof. Geo. H. Crowell was unanimously re-elected superintend ent. All the old faculty was re-elected. The board 'was exceedingly gratified at the work of last year and the re election of the old faculty without a dissenting voice is the highest compli ment that could have been paid the efficiency of their work, and the only way of demonstrating confidence in it in the future. The Captain and the Red. As to the second call for troops and the matter of recruiting, Gen. Cowles said: -"With the eighty-fifth tender of a company, I have stopped the list. There is no telling how many offers would have been made, certainly over 100. Cot. Burgwyn is getting many tenders of squads. He has enough of of these to fill his regiment if the ten der materialize." One of the captains of the Second is in trouble. He is from the- west. Two weeks ago he 'looked upon the wine when it was red" as they .say in the army said, "How" tooroften. So he was arrested in town and had a close call. Yester day he had a return of the habit and was under arrest. It is whispered that his company may hsve- another cap tain. Col. Olds correspondence. , The College Endowments. It was learned that it is the plan of Washington Duke to make his total gift toTrinity College 11,000,000. It is also learned that President Taylor, of Wake Forest College, is at New York to see the widow of the late G. W. Bostick-in regard to the 1 100,000 which her husband desired to add to his other gifts to the college, thus making its endowment $350,000. Bostick gave the college $24,000 in the Standard Oil Company's stock, which has a market value of $108,000. Raleigh Corres pondent Charlotte Observer. Oil on the Waters. London, June 9 The Madrid corres pondent of the Times says that Sa gasta is trying to calm public opinion by assuring those with whom he con verses that things are not so bad in the Philippines as they seem, and that the government has taken remedial measures. He adds that all is quiet in Cuba, public tranquility and loyal enthusiasm reign in Porto Rico, and no peace negotiations begun, because at the moment there is nothing to ne gotiate about. French Cabinet Crisis. Paris, June 8 The following semi official note was issued this afternoon. The ministers have placed their res ignations at the 'disposal of M. Me- line, the premier, who, if his policy is approved by the Chamber, will re model the cabinet on the broadest ba sis, in accordance with the conditions of the recent elections. Cargo of Arms Seized. Hong Kong, June 9 The police have seized a cargo of arms on board the British steamer Passig, owned by the SangPam Yung, oi tms city, it is supposed the arms were destined for the insurgents of the Philippine is lands. They were seized under the neutrality law. Capt. Hart Pardoned. Washington, Jtine 9 The president today granted a pardon to Captain John Hart, who was convicted of fill bustering, and who is now in prison in Philadelphia. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, .tetter,, cnappea nanas, cnll blains, corns! and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. E. Holton. THE SAN. JUAN EXPEDITION, Plans" for The Capture Already : Completed. SAGASTA'S DENIAL RIDICULED. Journal Boat Shelled Grant Takes The Field Nothing Official in Regard To Peace. By Wire to Thb Tklbgram. Washington, June 10 There is a general understanding in official cir cles that General Shafter's force of twenty-seven thousand will be divi ded after Santiago de Cuba is taken. One part of his force will remain there and the other part will go at once to Ponce on . the coast of Porto Rico. The exact date of the departure of the force will be determined by General Coppinger's readiness to start for San Juan. Simultaneous attacks will be made on San Juan; by land and sea and will be followed by a junction with the remnant of Shaf ter's expedition which will travel seventy-five miles on military roads from Ponce to San Juan, thereby bi secting the island. It is believed the campaign in Porto Rieo will disheart en Spain and will season the raw American soldiers for a decisive vic tory at Havana. ( JOURNAL BOAT SHRT.T.Tin. New York, June 10 (11 a.m.) The Journal in an extra publishes a spe cial dispatch from Cape Haytien stat ing that the Journal dispatch boat "Fly' was shelled by the Yankee and the Dolphin while reconnoitering at Santiago de Cuba. At Caimanera a shell from the Dolphin smashed a train carrying Spanish soldiers killing many of them. SEEKING PEACE? Washington, June 10 There is no official confirmation here of the Mad rid, Paris and Vienna despatches stating that Spain is seeking peace through the mediation of -the Pope or the powers. . SAQASTA RIDICULED. - London, June 10 The denial 6T Pre mier Sagasta that Spain is seeking neace has been received with ridicule here bv men well acquainted with Spanish policy. It is perfectly well known in diplomatic circles that Spain has been for sometime making every effort to end the war with the least possible loss of territory and -dignity It is auite generally believed that the aueen resent has appealed to Austria and the Vatican to hasten the cessa tion of hostilities. THE TRAITOROUS COAL DEALERS. Philadelphia, June 10 There have been no fresh developments today in the investigation being conducted by District Attorney Betts and Chief Mc Manus. of the secret service, into the operations of certain well-known coal dealers here. The revelation of the case against the coal men has been the topic of the town. The officials refuse to reveal the exact character of the in formation or the names of the opera tors but the charge will be selling large quantities of coal to Spanish agents since the outbreak of hostilities. Assistant District Attorney Kane, when seen this morning, said he had nothing to-add to the facts already made public and that no overt action would be taken until further develop ments. The arrest of the operators is expected to follow shortly. CONFERENCE REPORT. Washington, June 10 Senator Aid rich, of Rhode Island, presented the conference report on the war revenue bill to the senate this afternoon. Its tirovisions were made known to the senate. SPANISH CAUSE HOPELESS. London, June 10 Balfour, the gov eminent leader, said in the House of Commons this afternoon that inter-1 vention is impossible unlefis there is a reasonable prospect tnat sucn ac tion would be welcomed by-both coun tries. The St. James Gazette, of London advises America to occupy Spanish waters immediately and points out the utter hopelessness of the Span ish cause in the present conflict. TO GO TO TAMPA. Chattanooga, June 10 The troops now remaining here will soon be or dered to Tampa and other gulf points General J. R. Brooke today announced that' it is the purpose of the adminis tration to mobilize one hundred thous and more soldiers at Chickamauga. The camp here is now tha best equip ped camp in 'the country. General Grant will take the field today. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. ; 25o. C rlarlnes Landed. - Norfolk, June 9 Thomas Spain, of Norfolk, received today a letter from Carrollton Rhea, telling of the land ing of the first battalion of marines at Aguadores,- Cuba, which occurred, he said, a .week ago. - : Rhea, who is from Norfolk, is a member of the first battalion. - He wrote- that- the Ameri cans landed ' at Aguadores. a town near Santiago,' that Bhortly after landing they were attacked by a Span ish force. In the skirmish, which en sued, two Americans were-killed, Rhea says, and 30 of the enemy. Fleet May Sail for Spain. w asmngton, June On good au thority it is said that the plans of the Administration with regard to Spain extend much further than now supposed even by those on the inside. The statement is made that if Spain does not surrender with the fall of Porto Rico and Santiago she will be made to feel the sting of war at her own doors. - The Canaries will be as sailed and the Spanish seaports bom barded. - Another Spanish Squadron. Key West, June 9 It is reported here today that a Spanish squadron, consisting of one large cruiser, two small cruisers and a torpedo-boat, were seen last night in Nicholas Chan nel by one of the mosquito fleet. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Qo. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with' the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York StockExchange: New York, June 10, 1898. American tobacco 1131 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 341 B. and O. . ........ . .7 -. C and O,.. Chic., Bur. and Quincy.......... 1071 Chic. Gas: . . . J. Dek, LacK. and Western 155 Delaware and Hudson 110 Am. spirits Erie.... General Electric 39i Jersey Central. Louisville and Nashville 54i Lake Shore. Manhattan Elevated .. 1051 Missouri and Pacific , . Metropolitan and S. railway... . Northwestern 1261 Northern Pacific Pr .". . - 69i National Lead New York Central 1161 Pacific Mail. 29 Reading Rock Island 107 Southern Railway 8f Southern Railway Pr , 31 St. Paul 101 Sugar Trust 141 Tenn. Coal & Iron 25 Texas Pacific 1H U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 92 Wabash Preferred.. The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, - June 10, 1898. Wheat, July: . 88 June 100 Sept 75 Corn, Dee.... Apr ........ Sept 34 Oct v June 33 July 33f Oats, Sept 22 " Apr " June 25 " July -24i Pork, Dec Apr June 1020 July 1020 Lard, Sept 602 Apr... June 500 July .: 500 Ribs, Sept .c 565 Apr June . . 555 July.... 555 Cottonf Sept .631632 Dec ,t: ....... 633634 Feb .W.... March. - April '. j May June .645(3646 July.... .646647 August 650661 Oct 631632 Nov 630631 Jan .;........4.636ra637 Spot cotton. .., ..... ..... .6 PutB.. 74f Calls, 76 ; Curb 75 , Our ICE CREAM CABINET can furnish you with: a: nice rpv glass oi Peach Cream Soda - 'iO Pi.l.-l r?' - t :-:.-,"- t - otrawDerry,. nneappie, -,ner- rv ry, etc., etc. : - Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to. South SldePharmacy) J. K. M'ILHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Fariss Has It! Volunteers. We have enrolled the maioritv of this city's . population in our. roll of volunteer endorsements of our spe- -cialties. One reason why the indorse ments have come so easily lies in the fact that we will show you what every -one is made of if you want to know. Bedfords Sweet Quinine, a way for for the children to take it. Try it. Dr. Cottles Eczema Ointment, money back if six boxes doesn't cure your case. 25 cents a box. Vick's Concentrated Extract Sarsa- parilla. All the money is put in making a good medicine and not in advertising a poor one. A big bottle 75 cents. - Jno. B. Fariss. Dependable Druggiet. Stamps, to oblige. ,. Youth and Old Age Alike need to have their eyes carefully look- T-l-0 ed after, the one to avoid permanent . injury, the other to overcome the effect i--. of natural- decay. In either. case a f specialist should be consulted.: De- lay is dangerous. ; , J. T. JOHNSON:: The Greensboro Eye Specialist. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. . OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6.00 p. m. Third Auction Sale OF Valuable Town Property Monday, June 12, 1898. Consisting of the following: 1st. House and lot on Chestnut street, property of Mrs. Bettie M. Houston. 2nd. Four vacant lots situated on Spring street, between Schenck and Greeu streets. 3rd. House and lot, corner of Mc- Culloch and Vance streets, belonging to Mrs. Brock. WHARTON-& Mc A LISTER. AGENTS. Beef Wine andIron. Full Pints, 75c bottle HOWARD GARDNER. Corner Opposite jtost Office. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of Jgo In all of our goods. . Holton's Drug Store. V ., McAdoo HouWBuUdiiigr r . 5 1 N i- - ,-- r i; t-:iB..,,' v - 108 .luiSt. Pharmacist. if it fails to cure. c ite-' -

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