- - - - fntttn Guaranteed.- g iTVnO- 119 weee sooro rami; venim n eiie Circulation Growing Dally. :.--vv" GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1898. Price Two Ceits Trade With J M Hendrix & Co., and save Eight Per Cent. $ by paying Cash for $ your Dry Goods I and Shoes 221 S. Elm St. m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Ml gic roiisnmg t. v restoring the original i.riiiianoy to Silver or Plated or any smooth metallic -.irfa.v. Plate Glass, etc. Safe, Sure and Simple. ( ans Diamonds, Jewelry, i"':d. Silver, Brass, Nickle, vr v quickly and with little ;i;or. Price 15c each. W. B. farrar's Son. in.-peetor of Southern Railroad m Watches. i:.-tablished '868 5 Beef Wine and Iron. Full Pints, 75c bottle HOWARD GARDNER. corner Opposite post Office. Wrun you want a hand vjiikt Photograph frame than v. .u can get any where else, "all at Alderman's. Fin Gilt Ovals just received. Ak to see Platinotypes or Ph"tovrravures and Bas Re- na. 1131-2 East Market. Drink Hire's Root beer. I k Ifct Drink O. Ihrth. ;h lie. VTNCANON & CO., i a-Grocers. . .' ".lrr St.. Thone No. 2. ry Prescription Store is Ulld ' ; 1--t uruifs the market can Ail of the best cough mix w I I'l laxatives and liver regulators ' constantly in stock. Toilet arti of t-vury descriDtion in fact, we - ipl'ly you with anything in the -r I'm.:, of the best quality and at -onable prices. Gaston w. Ward, 10 KlmSt. Pharmacist SPANISH CHIVALRY. The Sneaking Cowards Shooi at a Funeral Party. After the battle at Guantanamo a funeral party of Americans was pro ceeding to the edge of a hill to the northward of the camp to bury, the bodies of Surgeon Gibbs and Privates McColgan and Dunphy. A squad of marines from the Texas acted as es cort. A stretcher bearing the bodies had just been lifted to its place, and Chap lain Jones, of the Texas, was about to begin reading the burial service, when the Spaniards, who could see what the men had gathered for, gave a fine ex hibition of their boasted chivalry by shooting at the funeral party. All sprang to arms save the chaplain and escort, who stood still. Volleys from Colts, howitzers and. rifles were poured into the chapparal, making it hot for the dastardly Spaniards. Then, to add to the fusilade, in honor, almost it seemed, of the dead heroes, other Spaniards across the bay began firing at the dispatch boat, which challenge was answered by the Texas with" six pounders. The Spaniards were driven from that side for the rest of the day. Shortly the firing ceased and the fu neral was resumed. Chaplain Jones had nearly finished reading the ser vice when the enemy's rifles cracked to the east, but the chaplain kept on, and when he finished, the men again took their rifles and resumed the work of watching; Meanwhile the Panther shelled the brush to the east for half an hour, and from that time on less trouble was experienced. In the afternoon tents were all struck and carried down near the beach, but were not again pitched. The Span iards fired on the flag when it was raised, but were soon silenced. The Panther and Marblehead resumed fir ing at 5 o'clock, and then all the Span iards disappeared. Little is known of the enemy's dead, but buzzards were seen gathering over the hill. THE CRACK COMPANY. The Universal Verdict Concerning Our Boys at Camp Russell. As a rule Greensboro people are not a boastful people; but it is with pard onable pride that we all speak of the splendid bearing and high standing of the Greensboro boys, Company D, of the second regiment, now encamped at Raleigh. They always elicit the heartiest applause in the drill ma- neuvres or on dress parade. Everybody applauds them. All are struck with the soldierly appearance and gentlemanly demeanor of the Guilford boys. Captain Gray and the other officers must needs be proud of the boys when they hear so often the verdict that company D is the crack company of the regiment. When the second North Carolina regiment goes to the front you may expect to hear a good report from Compa'uy D. There will be no skulk ing and no wavering. They have the spirit and fire of true American man hood, this may be truly said of the others also, but we are speaking spec ially of our own boys and those who who enlisted in Captain Gray's com pany. The Telesrram sends them, both col lectively and individually, the greet ings of Greensboro, and congratu lates them, from the gallant captain to the humblest private, on being the crack company in the regiment. All hail to Company DI Battle Ground Bullets. Mr. W. Giles Mebane has been ap pointed chief marshal for the Battle Ground celebration, July 4tn., ana ne will be aided by a number of our youna: gentlemen who will do honor to the occasion. A number of our young ladies beau tifully apparalled .suitable to a patri otic occasion, will join the marshals in the procession to the pavilion, es corting the orator of the day to the grand stand. Governor Russell is expected at the 1 f celebration and a number oi aisun guished gentlemen of the state. A magnificent ball will be .given under the auspices of the Battle i Grnnnd company, and managed Dy the marshals and others. It will be chaperoned by ladies of the city. There is more to be seen at Norfolk than any other seaport town. You can spend a week and then not see all the sights. We give you four days. Round trip for $3.50. List YourTaxes. u tn Gilmer and More- X tie 119b uaado " head townships can be found in the court house in me grauu j" j WILL NOT EXCHANGE HOBSON Blanco Says He Has Not Received Instructions to Treat. EIGHT REGIMENTS ARE READY. Horrible Conditions In CubaAdvi ces From Garcia--Help For the Marines --Regulars Fighting. By Cable The Tkuoubam. Havana, June 14 via London June 15 Captain Ludlow came into port here under a flag of truce to negotiate under instructions from the United States government for the exchange of Lieutenant Hobson and the crew of the Merrimac now prisoners at San tiago. Captain-General Blanco re plied that be had received no instruct ions from his government and 6o was not empowered to treat for the ex change. CUBANS' PITIFUL PLIGHT. Kingston, Jamaica, June 15 Sister Mary Wilberforce of the American Red Cross Society, who was expelled from Cuba by order of General Blanco, has arrived here on the British cruiser Talbot. She states that the condition of the civil population is indescriba bly horrible. Deaths from starvation and in great numbers are of daily oc currence. The American relief sup plies sent to Cuba have been confisca ted to feed the troops. She says that Blanco states that he will reduce Ha vana to ashes before he surrenders it. GARCIA READY TO CO-OPERATE. Tampa, June 15 Colonel Hernandez has arrived here with a letter from General Garcia for General Miles. Garcia announces that he has 9,000 in surgents ready to co-operate in the at tack upon Santiago and that he has taken possession - of points near the city in anticipation of the arrival of the American forces. AID FOR THE MARINES. Washington, June 15 General Shat ter in command of the Santiago expe dition has been instructed to leave 2,000 men at Guantanamo bay to rein force the besieged marines at that point. The main body of the troops will be landed near Santiago. BOUND TO FIGHT. Old Point Comfort, Va., June 15 A serious riot has taken place between the first regiment of Maryland volun teers and the United States regulars stationed at Fortress Monroe. Three hundred engaged in the fight and had to be quelled by a detail of troops. Seventy-five of the rioters were ar rested and twenty are in the hospitals as a result of injuries received in the brawl. STILL ANXIOUS. Washington, June 15 There is anx iety in military circles here over the marines who are hemmed in by the Spaniards at Guantanamo bay. It is thought that. General Shafter on his arrival may also find himself out numbered. MILES ASKS FOR A COMMISSION. Boston, June 15 General Miles has written a letter to Governor Wolcott asking that his son be given a com mission in the Massachusetts organi zation which is going to the front. The application has been filed. EIGHT REGIMENTS READY. Washington, June 15 General Lee has eight regiments ready for the Porto Rico expedition if Porto Rico be the real destination. It is expected that they will embark on next Mon day. MEN DISSATISFIED. Newport News, June 15 Engineers Stokers and ordinary seamen in the service on the auxiliary cruisers Yale and Harvard have announced their determination to refuse to put to sea on the departure of their vessels. The men have not enlisted and are dissatis fled. ANNEXATION RESOLUTION. Washington, June 15 Congress man Newland's Hawaiian annexa tion resolution will come up before the house this afternoon. The four men who attempted to hold up an express train at Coleman, Col., last week were captured last Sunday, after a fight. Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal., says: "During my brother's late sick ness from sciatic rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Balm was the only remedy that gave him any relief Many others have testified to the prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords. For sale by C. Holton. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. High Point, N. C, June 15, '98. I Dr. D. A. Stanton is spending the day in Greensboro. W. C. Capel, of Troy, was in the city last night. John Shell, of Reidsville, was among the visitors today. Mrs. Herb. Freeman and sister-in- law, of Archdale, were visitors at E. A. Snow's yesterday. Will Armfield, of Asheboro, was in the city this morning. Fred Jones returned from Rock Hill, S. C, this morning. Mrs. A. W. McAlister and children, of Greensboro, passecL through this morning en route to Asheboro. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gurley returned last night from Baltimore where Mrs. Gurley has been visiting for a month or two. We are glad to see Miss Lillie Ran kin in the telephone exchange office after a weeks illness. Miss Kate Allfree, of Pittsburg, Pa., who has been here for the past three months for her health, which we are glad to say is greatly improved, left this morning for Indianapolis, Ind., where she will spend a few months be fore returning home. The Idlers Sketeh Club was greeted last night by an overflowing house. They repeated their former success as was evidenced by the la ighter and pro- onged applause. They appear again tonight and will leave tomorrow for Greensboro where they will appear three nights. Lee Payne went to Greensboro to day. John Cook, an employee of the Snow Lumber Company, fell this morning and was bruised vey badly internally. Baseball Yesterday. At Baltimore Baltimore 7, Wash ngton 8. Second Game Washington 4, Balti more 2. At Louisville Louis ille 7, Cincin nati 3. At Boston -Boston 0, Philadelphia 9. At New York New York 2, Brook lyn 3. At Cleveland -Cleveland 1, Pitts burg 3. At Chicago Chicago 3, St. Louis 2. Second Game Chicago 7, St. Louis 1. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Clubs. Won Lost P. Ct. Cincinnati 32 14 G95 Cleveland 3L 1G G59 Boston 30 17 638 Baltimore 25 18 581 Chicago 25 22 532 New York 24 22 521 Pittsburg 24 24 500 Philadelphia 19 24 441 Brooklyn 17 2(5 395 Washington 18 29 383 St. Louis 16 30 3(0 Louisville 15 34 30(5 They Favor an Alliance. Toronto, June 14 Two important church conferences here expressed themselves, strongly in favor of an Anglo-American alliance today. The Toronto Methodist Conference dis cussed the matter and there was only one dissenting voice, that of the Rev. E. S. Rose, who thought that perhaps the United States were a little hasty in their professions of friendship for Great Britain, and that the talk of an alliance was largely influenced by the present war. All the other members of the conference favored the resolu tion. The Congregational Union passed a resolution in which the members said they beheld with reverent wonder the crumbling of ancient empires and strongly approved of an Anglo-Saxon alliance. Hurrah for Bluel Hurrah for Blue! He made a detour of Santiago harbor and counted the Spanish warships bottled up there. He is a South Carolinian. Bagley, Hob- son Blue! Give us a Southern boy for a ticklish job. Charlotte Observer Blue is a familiar name to this writer. The good old Scotch settle ments of Moore, Richmond and Robe son counties are largely populated with people of that name. It is not at all improbable that the above men tioned Blue is a descendent of North Carolina stock. Any way we heartily ioin tne Observer in savin? "Hurrah for Blue." II, i A, Resolution Will Pass Congress Late Today. BOTH PARTIES SUPPORT IT. Manila Troops Gone Cadiz Fleet Lingers Another Coaler Caught. -NoiNews at Port au Prince. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, June 15 A bill has passed the house granting: American registers on foreign steamships, as specialties and unionists to be used on transports. Debate on the Hawaiian annexation resolution has been resumed. Con gressman Fitzgerld, of Mass., in ar gued in opposition because it violated the fundamental principles of the dem ocratic party, viz: that the trovern ment rests upon the consent of the governed. The forty thousand natives in Hawaii have not been consulted in the matter of annexation. Congiessman Berry, of Kentucky followed Mr. Fitzgerald, favoring an nexation. He was confident that time would show the opponents of the move their error. A vote will be taken be fore adjournment this afternoon. It will undoubtedly be adopted by a large majority. Practically all the republ icans and a number of democrats will vote in favor of the resolution. The fight in the senate will begin immediately. The only danger con fronting the resolution there is the possible attempt at filibustering to prevent a quorum on the final vote. SAILED FOR MA NIL A. San Francisco, June 15 The second part of the Manila expedition started this afternoon. It is supposed that it will go via Honolulu. "INDEFINITELY POSTPONED." Madrid June 15 The departure of the Cadiz fleet has been indefinitely postponed. The reason given by the officials for this change of programme :i the inefficiency of the fleet. ANOTHER STEAMER CAPTURED. Key West, June 15 The British steamer Twickenham has been cap tured near Santiago de Cuba while at tempting to run the blockade of that port with a cargo of coal intended for Admiral Cervera. She arrived here this morning with a prize crew aboard. NO NEWS. Port au Prince, Hayti, June 15 Up to 8 o'clock this morning no news Has boon received from Guantanamo or Santiago de Cuba. The Board of Strategy. Col. Al. Fairbrother, of Danville, n the last issue of his Fairy Go, per petrated the following upon an inno cent and unsuspecting public: "The bored of strategy: Acting ad mirals of the United States navy." Late Telegraphic Briefs. American boats have dragged the harbor at Guantanamo but found no mines. Everything is ready for the landing of troops. The French cabinet has resigned. The rumor that five regiments" have been ordered from Camp Thomas is not confirmed. Army officers say that Shafter' s swiftest ships, under strong convoy, are pushing forward with all speed to the relief of the marines and will reach Guantanamo tomorrow. A despatch from off Santiago states that Sampson has cut off all supplies for Santiago and troops there are on famine rations. The Vizcaya is fac ing the port entrance, the Oquendo with the Colon and Theresa the other entrances. Chairman Hull says another call for 50,000 volunteers will soon be made. SanrpsoB -eabled this afternoon that the Cubans have come to the aid of the marines at Guantanamo. Urgency deficiency bill carrying $224,000,000 was reported to the house today. Orders were issued to General Cop- pinger today to prepare the fourth army corps for Porto Rico. . It appears that beer is becoming an important factor in education in Mu nich. Four of the student corps of that city are erecting $40,000 club houses adjoining the new Hofbrauhas Nearly ten thousand quarts of beer were consumed at the opening on a Sunday afternoon of this year's Hof brau bock beer season, the beverage having been tested on the day before by 800 officials, headed by the Gover nor of Upper Bavaria and the finance minister. IT WILL BE TO BLOW UP THE CZAR. Plot to Assassinate Him at Conse cration Services. By Cable to The Telegram. London, June 15 Advices from St. Petersburg tell of a plot to assassinate the Czar at consecration services at a church in Tsarskoe Seloe, by under mining the spot where he wS expected to stand. The attempt is blVed to be the work of the secret police for the scare given them in view of the aboli tion of a lucrative post in that depart ment. Charmingly Entertained. The social tea given last night at the home of Miss Ruby Glascock, on Asheboro street, by the Young Peo ple's Missionary Society of Centenary church was one of the most enjoyable events in the history of the society. A large number of the . young people of the church were present and for three hours were delightfully enter tained by the charming hostess. Noth ing was left undone that would add to the enjoyment of the occasion. At 10:30 o'clock the guests assembled in the spacious dining room where tea was served in the most pleasing man ner. On each table was a mite box which was not neglected by the young men of the party. Many expressed their intention to join the society at its next meeting. At 11:30 the guests departed with many expressions of having spent a most delightful even ing. Surf bathing, boat riding. There is no place like Ocean View, only a few moments ride from Norfolk. Round trip to Norfolk $3.50. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co., commission brokers , furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York StockExchange: New YORK, June 15, 1898. American tobacco 110 Atch.,Top. & Santa Fe B. and O C. and 0 22i Chic, Bur. and Quincy 1031 Chic. Gas 98i Del., Lacn. and Western Delaware and Hudson Am. spirits ; rie General Electric 36f Jersey Central Louisville and Nashville 51t Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 104f Missouri and Pacific 35i Metropolitan and S. railway Northwestern 124i Northern Pacific Pr Qli National Lead New York Central 115 Pacific Mail Reading 19 Rock Island 105 Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr '. 29 St. Paul : 98f Sugar Trust 130S Tenn. Coal & Iron 23 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 91 Wabash Preferred 18f The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, June 15, 1898. Wheat, July 79i ' June 88 Sept 72i Corn, Dec " Apr " Sept : 34i " Oct " June 33i " July 34 Oats, Sept 22i " Apr " June 26 " July 22i Pork, Dec " Apr " June 95 " July 5 Lard, Sept 5b5 " Apr " June 585 " July 585 Ribs, Sept 565 " Apr ' ' June 555 " July , 555 Cotton, Sept 9ft " Dec 626627 " Feb 6323633 " March 635636 " April " May June 64,3644 " July 643644 " August ...647648 " Oct .625626 " Nov 624625 " Jan 629630 Spot cotton 69-16 Puts, 71 ; Calls, 73i ; Curb Bargain Times With Undau, STANDARD GRANULATED SU GAR, 5f cents per pound, 17i pounds ior si.uu. Premier Corn, old price 20 cents. new price 15 cents. Premier Asparagus, old price 45 cents, new price 35 cents. Leggett's Eden Peas, old price 20 cents, new price 15 cents. Blue Ribbon J. & M. Coffee, old price 30 cents, new price 25 cents. Ferris' Boneless Breakfast Bacon, 13 cents per pougd. Every day something good to eat 'at a Bargain. L. B. Undau Our ICE CREAM CABINET can furnish you with a nice Iass or Peach Cream Soda, strawberry, Pineapple, Cher ry, etc., etc. Stamey & Grissem, (Successors to. South Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. '3 Manager. Fariss Has It! Volunteers. We have enrolled the majority of this city's population in our roll of volunteer endorsement of our spe cialties. One reason why the indorse ments have come so easily lies in the fact that we will show you what every one is made of if you want to know. Bediords Sweet Quinine, a wstf for for the children to take it. Try It. Dr. Cottles Eczema Ointment, money back if six boxes doesn't cure your case. 25 cents a box. Vick's Concentrated Extract Sarsa parilla. All the money is put in making a good medicine and not in advertising a poor one. A big bottle 75 cents. Jno. B. Fariss. Dependable Druggist. Stamps, to ofclige. . Youth and Old Age Alike need to have their eyes carefully look ed after, the one to avoid permanent injury, the other to overcome the effect of natural decay. In either case a specialist snould be consulted, lie lay is dangerous. J. T. JOHNSON. Tkp Greensboro Eye .Specialist. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. Borrow That Money you want through the Southern Guarantee & Investment Co This company desires a number of applications at once. We have listed today amounts as follows: 400.00. $600.00, $800.01, three of $500.00. each, Other amounts secured on short notice. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are flight. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come in and see us.- First be sure you know just what sort of bponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of 'go in all of our goods. Ilolton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. -Vi'1'-- .- -. i'1, ' ' ,'Jt 'J

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