- r..x- ? :. 5 circulation Gaaranteed.t Clrcaiatlon Growing Daily. 11 11 VOL. II. NO. 128 GREENSBORO, N. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1898. Price Two Cents ii r il ii - il EUREKA! if fcl U k' fc fcl fc' k' fc' fc fc' k' k k' fcl k i' H .1 k fc k kl H Ift a s ki ki 1 have found it) The Best Shirt Waist, Skirt and Belt Holder invented since Shirt Waists have been in use, Tt is impossible for the skirt to sag or the waist to get baggy in the back, or the belt to work up so as to show the skirt band.. When once adjusted it can be removed with waist, requiring no attention in dressing except buckling in front. Detachable Hooks in Black, Tan and White accompany each supporter, suitable for any col ored belt; also, eyes for three waists and skirts. Guaranteed not to rust or soil the clothing. FOR SALE BY J M Hendrix & Co., 22i S. Elm St. Repairing and Cleaning. -u I I make a specialty of Watch 41 Cleaning and Repairing of all kinds. Work intrusted to me JJJ is certain to receive careful 4 and intelligent treatment from expert and skilled hands. A JJJ good timepiece should be in- it trusted only to a competent watchmaker. Clocks cleaned, JJ repaired, regulated and set in t fine running order. Jewelry and all small wares JJJ mended, cleaned and repolished. All work guaranteed. Prices always reasonable. JJJ W. B. Farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad y Watches. Z, Established 1868 Turnip Seed Just Received. If you want Good, Fresh Turnip Seed, buy of us. HOWARD GARDNER. Druggist Corner Opposite: i"OST Office. Guilford College, North Carolina. Five large buildings. Faculty of ten able teachers. Courses of study heading to degrees. Tuition for term 520 to $2ti. Board and room $3 per .Mjonth; in clubs $4 per month. Total expenses for year need not exceed m and can be easily reduced to $90. Correspondence solicited. Catalogue free. Address, GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. Tomorrow Couniry Cabbage, 2c lb. Country Irish Potatoes, 25c pk. ountry Snap Beans, 10c gallon. ountry Onions, 25c pk. ! i.untry Apples, 15c pk. V : supply of Kingan's Lard, Hams : ! ;i-.-;ikfast Bacon always on hand. is and learn our prices on - and produce before you i.,.'. . VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. -'. an Kim Street Phone No. 2 Every Prescription ---nt rWt from our Drug Store is filled iui thi best drugs the market can .irni-li. All of the best cough mix- in-,, laxatives and liver regulators : pi constantly in stock. Toilet arti- - f every description in fact, we ' supply you with anything in the line, of the best quality and at a-onable prices. Gaston W. Ward, lu S. Elm St. Pharmacist. THE LOYAL T. GRAHAM. A Hospl a! for Greensboro's Colored Citizens. The hospital for the colored people of Greensboro has now reached that point where it is only a question of time until theinstitution will be open to receive patients. The opening of this hospital will make an advance in the treatment of disease among the colored people of the city and its influence in adding to the general health will be noticeable. Below we present an outline of the plans and a statement of work accom plished toward perfecting this new en terprise. The communication is from Rev. S. S. Sevier, pastor of the con gregational church, who is intrusted with the securing of funds and man agement. He deserves great credit for the faithful work he has performed: "The hospital for the colored peo ple of .Greensboro is located in a neat building on a lot 50x165 recently pur chased of Mr. Ed. Wharton and deed-J ed to a board of trustees. The insti tution will be known as The Loyal T. Graham Hospital for the negro. The building is in course of preparation for the reception of inmates and will be in condition by October 1st. There will be two wards in the building one for males and the other for females. Eah ward will contain three beds, together with a free bed. One of the beds has already been endowed by a generous Christian lady of Philadel phia. A trained nurse from one of best northern hospitals will be placed in full charge." This institution deserves and will, no doubt, secure liberal donations from people of all classes. An appeal is made to all to help -this worthy cause. Drugs to Be Advanced. The local druggists in their meeting of yesterday decided to advance the prices of certain proprietary medicines owing to the war tax and of some drugs influenced by the tax or the in creased demand for them, owing to their consumption as war supplies. All proprietary medicines now sold below the regular published prices of the manufacturers will be advanced to such prices while some will continue to be sold at the old prices. Some drugs like sulphur, which is used so largely in the manufacture of explo sives, and some in demand in the sur gical department of the army will also be advanced. The new scale of prices will go into effect on and a'ter July the first. This action it is thought will equitably distribute the burdens of the war tax as between dealer and consumer. Of Interest to Cyclists. Work is progressing rapidly and satisfactorily for the road race on the Fourth and it now seems that the race will be a success. The road will be in good shape and free from all vehicles and other obstructions. The race will begin at 5 o'clock, immediately fol lowing the boys contest. Some inter est is manifested by cyclists in other towns throughout the state and Mr. Wingate is hopeful that a large num ber of riders will send in their names. The admission fee for each contestant is fifty cents. A Great Game. The attention of sporting editors who would know how a game of base ball should be reported is respectfully called to the following, printed as handed in: The game of base ball yesterday betwen Winston V. S. Greensboro, was very Interesting game the score was six six Greensboro would had win all of the players would had win all of the players except two had wagon wheel in thair head One player lost a dimmon out his ring a ward will soon be offer son. A. F. H. Various Expounders. Maj. Chas.M. Stedmanand Col. Jno. A. Barringer, two veteran expound ers of the law left this morning for Gibsonville where Major Stedman will prosecute a colored expounder of the gospel for beating a woman. Col. Barringer will uphold the gospel ex positor and show His Honor, the jus tice, that the woman needed the whip ping, that the Reverend gentleman did not whip her or that moral sua sion was wholly inadequate to the de mands of the case. In Good Health. Surgeon Brooks, of the Second Reg iment, says: "We have now only thir ty cases in the hospital, about half of measles. One case of insanity has de veloped. It is the second. The first was transferred to the asylum here. That was of a man named Kennedy, from Charlotte. Private Abell, of the Nantahala company, who has menin getis, is much better." Col. Olds. CAPTAIN SIGSBEE'S REVENGE, The St. Paul Puts The Terror Hors de Combat. WATSON'S WORK CUT OUT. He Has Gone to Get His Squadron. Will Miles Take Charge of Opera, tlons at Santiago? By Wire to Thk Telegram. Washington, June 28 - Captain Sigsbee, of the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul, reports an attack on his vessel by an unprotected Spanish cruiser and the torpedo destroyer Terror last Wednesday afternoon off San Juan de Puerto Ricor The Terror made a dash for the American boat. The St. Paul quietly awaited her approach and when the Terror was in good range opened fire. The Terror was hit three times, an officer and two men were killed and three wounded. The Terror dropped back under cover of the fortifications making the trip with great difficulty. She was later towed into the harbor in a sinking condition and is now being repaired at San Juan. WATSON'S CAMPAIGN. Washington, June 28 It has been decided that Commodore Watson's first objective point will be the Canary Islands where he will seize a base for supplies. Having secured this he will then proceed to the. coast of Spain and bombard Ferrol, Cartagena, and Bar celona, where ship yards are located. Should the Spanish government recall Admiral Camara, who is at the Suez Canal, a great naval engagement will take place in Spanish waters. His fleet will be eventually reinforced by the Brooklyn, Indiana, Columbia, St Paul, St. Louis, and Minneapolis. FLEET READY. New York, June 28 Commodore Watson sailed on the Newark today for Santiago. His orders are impera tive and he has been informed that he will find his squadron ready for him off the Cuban coast. MILES WILL GO TO CUBA. Washington, June 28 Secretary Alger officially announced this morn ing that General Miles would com mand the next expedition to be sent to Santiago. SET-BACK FOR MILES. Washington, June 28 It is stated on the best of authority that President McKinley after careful consideration has decided not to -grant the request of Major-General Miles that he be sent to Santiago. In the judgment of the president General Shafter is en titled to all the crdit that may result from the Santiago campaign. The honor of directing American opera tions before that city is naturally cov eted for the reason that like Dewey's achievement at Manila, it may result in substantial promotion for the officer highest in command. General Miles however will soon leave on a tour of inspection and will eventually see Porto Rico. FOURTH MANILA. San Francisco, June 28 -General Otis is busy with the reorganization of the troops remaining here into a fourth expedition to be sent to Ma nila. The expedition will probably consist of six thousand troops under the command of Otis and it is thought will be ready to sail not later than July the ninth. Special Train to Raleigh. To the vestibule from the north this morning was attached the private car of third vice-president Finley, of the Southern. The car was immediately attached to a special train for Ral eigh. The railroad commissioners meet today and this fact very prob ably accounts for Mr. Finley's haste to reach the capital oity. Thinks it Is All a Bluff. London, June 28 The Washington corr spondent of the Daily Chronicle says: Spain is to be frightened into making peace. That is the meaning of the theatrical announcement of the Americana that a squadron is going to Spain, announcement for which the navy department, contrary to its cus tom, has sought the widest publicity. President McKinley sincerely hopes the fleet will never sail." $1,000 for Making the Medals. Washington, June 27 After the president's message in regard to Lieu tenant Newcomb and Captain Hodges don was rsceived in the senate today. Senator Frye introduced a bill pre pared at the navy department carrying the president's recommendations into effect. The resolution appropriates $1,000 for the manufacture of medals. NOTES FROM HIGF POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Tod. Telegram Bureau, High Point. N. C. June 28, '98. Mrs. J. F. Morris, of Raleigh, ar rived in the city today to viBit her cousin, Miss Nora Moon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Drake, of At lanta, are stopping at Jarrell's hotel for a few days. Mrs. Chas Muse 1 ;ft this morning for Staunton, Va., to visit her sister. P H. Johhson is sending the day in Greensboro. A. Sherrod is in Greensboro today. Ed Jenkins, of Winston, was in the" city today. CCapt. W. H. Snow went down to Edgar today. Arthur Kirkman went to Raleigh today. Mrp. Mary Cartland attended the. funeral of Miss Widows at Springfield this morning. Mrs. D. H. Blair at one time a resi dent of this city but now of Greens boro, arrived in the city today to visit J. R. Parker. J. L. Sechrest is spending the day in Greensboro. Mrs. L. L. Wheeler spent yesterday in Trinity. P. H. Morris, of Asheboro, was registered at the Jarrell house last night. Will Ragan went down to Greens boro today. Rev. A. W. Plyler and Bart Walk er, of Asheboro, passed through yes terday enroute to the Buffalo Lithia Springs. Frank Armfield returned this morn ing from Washington where he went on the excursion. Prof. C. F. Tomlinson, of Archdale, passed through this morning enroute to Chapel Hill to attend the Univer sity law school. Miss Lillie Smith, of Guilford Col lege who has been visiting her sister here, Mrs. J. B. Davis, left this morn ing for Asheboro where she will spend several weak 9. Cyrus Wheeler, of R. P. Grays company who has been home getting up recruits returned to Raleigh today. Palmetto Coons Not Wanted. K. L. Vernon, of the Southern rail way, tonight showed the Adjutant General a telegram from the station agent at Charlotte saying that 75 of Gray Toole's Charlotte negro company were at Rock Hill, S. C, and that Toole wanted to know if he could get transportation for this 75 to Charlotte and thence to Fort Macon. The Adju tant General was very indignant atthis effort to import South Carolinians. He sent the following telegram to Toole: "I understand 75 of your men are in Rock Hill. As we do not want any soldiers from South Carolina, I have deducted 75 from your 109. You can bring only 40, and I will get you 75 from this state for your company." The Adjutant General says he will di vide this 75 between two other towns. Toole is knocked out as captain. Charles A. Cook says tonight that he certainly has a brigadier general's place. Col. Olds correspondence. Sale of the Prize Ships. Key West, June 27 A vessel carry ing mail forthe soldiers and sailors engaged in the Cuban campain left here this afternoon, and a vessel bring ing the first mail from the army is supposed to be on the way to Key West. The auction sale of the prizes con demned by order of Judge Locke be gan at noon today. These sales were made: The Severita, $1,350; Santiago Apostol, $2,700; Fernandita, $500; Es pana, $3,400; Podri .de Posi, $1,010; Antonio Saurez, $1,260; Orient, $350; Quartro de Setiember, $470; Antonio y Paco, $1,910; Lola, $800; Engracia, $1,000' Parquitta, $490; Mascota, $360; Tres Hermanos, $575; Pinero, $1,070; Soflia, $1,550; Mathilde, $1,600; Can dita, $950. I Colored Trick Rider Coming. William Lindsay, the much talked of colored bicycle rider of Greens boro, will be here on July 4th, to take part in the big celebration at Latta Park. The regular races are expected to be good. On that day at the park six colored boys are to chase a pig with greased tail. The boy that catches the pig will keep it as a prize. Charlotte Obser ver. The adjutant general says the negro regiment will have two majors, and that ho will recommend Captain C. S. L. A. Taylor for lieutenant colonel. He has no doubt of. his getting that commission. MILES ISSUES NEW ORDERS Only Regulation Colors Will be Al lowed in the Army, CAMARA IS SQUELCHED (GAIN Not Permitted to Embark Stokers .The Yale Arrives The Panther Back at New York By Wire to Thb Tklegeam. Washington, June 28 Gen. Miles issued an order this morning to com manders of volunteer regiments to re port promptly appointments of adju tants and quartermasters. The ap pointments will not be antedated and officers will be entitled to pay only from the date of assuming duties'. He also issued an order adding the fol lowing to the army regulations: No ensign, streamer, pennant or other banner of any kind whatsoever other than the Sags, colors, standards, pennants and guidons prescribed by the army regulations will be used in the army, or any regiment or other organization thereof. BLOCKADE PROCLAIMED. Washington, June 28 President McKinley issued a proclamation this morning declaring a blockade of all ports on the southern coast of Cuba and also of San Juan de Puerto Rico. IN FOR SUPPLIES. New York, June 28 The troop ship Panther, which has the honor of land ing the first American troops on Cu ban soil, arrived in this port this morning. This is the first port she has visited outside of Cuba since she landed the first marines at Guantana mo bay. It is believed she is here for supplies. SUPPLIES FOR OUR TROOPS. Baigudi, Cuba, June 28 The auxil iary cruiser Yale arrived this morn ing with large quantities of ammuni tion and supplies for the American troops. CAMARA S REQUESTS REFUSED. Cairo, June 28 Admiral Camara has been informed by the Egyptian government that it would be a viola tion of its neutrality laws to allow him embark stoker's whom Spain had previously engaged at Port Said fori the Spanish fleet. Accordingiy the authorities have been notified to see that no men go aboard the ships. Camara has signified his intention to remain at Port Said for three days to repair the machinery on his vessels. Fish's Body Asked For. By Wire to Thk Teli.bg ram. Washington, June 28 Nicholas Fish, the father of Hamilton Fish, Jr., who was prominent in New York so ciety, called on the secretary of the navy at noon today and requested that the side arms and body of his son be sent north for burial. The Negro Regiment. It seems that the government wants to get the negro regiment, which will be the Third, in service as quickly as possible. It is said it will be quickly sent to Florida, no doubt to Tampa or Key West. The adjutant general made this remark today about the de sire for speedy mobilization. He tel egraphed for the contingents of the regiment at Asheville, Rutherfordton, Statesville, Maxtpn, Charlotte, Win ston, Greensboro, and Durham to rendezvous at Fort Macon Thursday. These aggregate 550. The other 500 ordered to rendezvous there Saturday next. Out of the 1,050, 863 men are necessary to complete the regiment. This will give a margin of nearly 200 for rejections by the surgeons. Col. Olds. Smallpox In Catawba. Newton, June 27 A family of ne groes in the eastern part of the county were suspected of having smallpox. The case was reported to the county health authorities, who at once pro cured Dr. H. F. Long, of Statesville, to make an examination. He reports five patients in this family as undoubt edly having smallpox in its different stages, though it is of a mild form. The report also shows that it came to this family through the same negro who spread the disease at Statesville and Belmont, he having, stayed all night at this house about five weeks ago. These parties infected are now quar antined, and it is hoped the disease will be checked. Charlotte Observer. Commissioners Meeting. ., There will be a regular meeting of the board of county commissioners on Tuesday July 5th. The first Monday is the regular meeting day but the Tuesday following has been selected since Monday is a legal holiday. No Small Pox In Reldsville, Special to the Telegram. Reidsville, June 28 The excitement over the alleged case of small pox in town has subsided as the negro who was suspected of having the dreaded disease is well. It is not' probable that the order for a general vaccina tion will be enforced as the negro is up and walking about. The govern ment expert who was telegraphed for is not needed and the request for an expert will not be repeated. Japan's New Cabinet. By Cable to The Telegram. Yokohoma, Japan, June 28 Qkuma Stagaki has been charged with the task of forming a new cabinet. This will be the first party cabinet in the history of Japan. The resignations of the ministers of marine and war have not been accepted and they will remain at their posts. nartial Law Proclaimed. By Cable to The Telegram. Vienna, June 28 Advices state that martial law jhas been proclaimed at Limanowa and Neu Sandee. This4 step was taken in consequence of fre quent cases of robbery, murder and incendiarism which the civil authori ties could not suppress. By Royal Decree. By Cable to The Telegram Budapest,Hungary, June 28 A roy al decree has just been issued proro guing both houses of the Hungarian diet until the fifth of September. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co, W. A. Porterfleld & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York StockExchange: New York, June 28, 1898. American tobacco 1174 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 83i B. and O 15 C. and 0 23 Chic, Bur. and Quincy. 104 Chic. Gas 96 Del., Lacs:, and Western Delaware and Hudson Am. spirits 14J Erie General Electric ; 38 Jersey Central 94 Louisville and Nashville 51f Lake Shore ". 190 Manhattan Elevated 104 Missouri and Pacific 35 Metropolitan and S. railway 158 Northwestern 125 Northern Pacific Pr 69 National Lead 33 New York Central. 116 Pacific Mail 29 Reading I8f Rock Island I07i Southern Railway 8 Southern Railway Pr '. 29 St. Paul 98 Sugar Trust 129 Tenn. Coal & Iron 25 Texas Pacific 11 U. P. Leather Preferred 65 W-u5rn Union Tel 93 Wabash Preferred 18 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, June 28, 1898. Wheat, July 71f June 77 " Sept 66 Corn, Dec " Apr " Sept 32 " Oct " June 31 " July 31 Oats, Sept 19 Apr " June 20 " July r 20i Pork, Dec " Apr " June 947 " July 947 Lard,' Sept 550 " Apr " June , 540 " July 540 Ribs, Sept 542 " Apr " June 535 " July 535 Cotton, Sept 608609 " Dec 609610 " Feb 615616 " March 619620 " April.. " .May ' June 621622 " July 621622 ' August 622623. " Oct ..608609 " Nov 607608 Jan... 612613 Spot cotton 6 I Puts, 65 ; Calls, 67 ; Curb Fancy Peaches Large baskets 25c Each L. B. Lindau Fariss Has It! Baby's Health in Hot Weather This hot, hotter weather soon to be hotter is the critical time of baby's first and second year. Be careful, mother; see that the little one has all the attention and ne cessities. Comfort Powder 10, 20 and 25c Bottles 10c Nipples 05c. Sponges 5, 10,25c and up Teething Ring's 10c Foods all the best. JOHN B. FARISS, Dependable Drugs, ISt. We Havj To'day Lemonades, Limeades, Crushed Fruits with ice cream soda, and - nice Portuondo Cigar after wards. Stanley & Grissom, (Successors to. South Side 'Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Youth and Old Age Alike need to have their eyes carefully look ed after, the one to avoid permanent injuL the other to overcome the effect of natural decay. In either case a specialist should be consulted. De lay is dangerous. J. T. JOHNSON. The Greensboro Eye Specialist. Opposite McAdoo Hotel. OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p. m. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION is offered by the Southern Stock Mutual and The Underwriter's Insurance Companies. Continue to give these home compa nies all the proyerty they will insure and by so doing you receive half rates or less from South Eastern Tariff Association Companies on the larger, porton of your property. No other plan will secure such rates as now exist. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. Go Ahead I But first be sure you are right. That is where we come in or rather that is when you come, in and see us. First be sure you know just what sort of Sponge, Bath Brush or other toilet article you want, then be sure you go to the place where you can buy the ar ticle the cheapest and best. We have a full line of just such goods which we are offering at unusually low prices. There is a lot of go in all of our goods. Holton's Drug store. McAdoo House Building. 1 1 - - 1 r t 1 - ' -J ii---- i ---jr---'.- t i - I 4 1 . r l1"