.aivtok . . - :. - ! ; v ' .. v Bven nog1 leieraimi. Circulation Gnaranteed.-s Circulation Growlcg Dally. VOL. II. NO. 131 GREENSBORO, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 1, 198. Price Two Cents i " EUREKA! (1 have found it) The Best Shirt Waist, Skirt and . Belt Holder invented since Shirt Waists have been in use, It is impossible for the skirt to sag or the waist to get baggy in the back, or the belt to work up so as to show the-skirt band. When once adjusted it can be removed with waist, requiring no attention in dressing except buckling in front. Detachable Hooks in Black x Tan and White accompany each supporter, suitable for any col ored belt; also, eyes for three waists and skirts. Guaranteed not to rust or soil the clothing. FOR SALE BY J 1 Hendrix & Co., 22i S. Elm St. 13 Repairing and Cleaning. ; I make a specialty of Watch Cleaning and Repairing of al kinds. Work intrusted to me is certain to receive careful and intelligent treatment from expert and skilled nanus, a good timepieee should be in- ; trusted only to a competent I watVim.kfir. Clocka cleaned. repaired, regulated and set in fine running order. . Jewelry and all small wares mended, cleaned and re polished. All work guaranteed. Prices always reasonable. W. 6. farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad Watches. Established 1868 Turnip Seed Just Received. ; If you want Good, Fresh Turnip Seed, buy of us. j HOWARD GARDNER. Druggist ; CORNER OPPOSITE rDST OFFICE. 4 Guilford College, North Carolina. i Five large buildings. Faculty of ten able teachers. Courses, of study leading to degrees. Tuition for term $20 to $26. Board and -room $S per month; in clubs $4 per month. Total expenses for year need not exceed $133 and can be easily reduced to $90. Correspondence solicited. Catalogue free. Address, GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C. Tomorrow Couniry Cabbage, 2c lb. J Country Irish Potatoes, 25c pk. Country Snap Beans, 10c gallon. j Country Onions, 25c pk. Country Apples, Jjc pk. ! Full supply of Kingan's Lard, Hams ind Breakfast Bacon always on hand. j See us groceries buy. and learn our prices on and produce before you VUNCANON & CO., t Reliable Grocers. South Elm Street Phone No. 2 i Every, Prescription sent out from our Drug Store is filled With the best drugs the market can furnish. All of the best cough mix tures, laxatives and liver regulators k"ept constantly in stock. Toilet arti cles of every description In fact, we can supply you with anything In the drug line, of the best quality and at reasonable prices. I Gaston w. Ward, ! : 108 S. ElmSt. PharaaciBt. NO NEW CASES OFSflALLPOX The Baseball Team Not Permitted to l Qo to Concord. 1 & Special to the Telegram. rReidsville, July 1 As stated yester day the smallpox patient has been completely isolated and every precau tion has been taken by the authorities to prevent any spread of the disease. They have been so succesful that no new cases have developed and it is thought that none will. Owing to the smallpox scare the base ball team did not go to Concord yesterday. The boys are eager to go to Greensboro on Monday And if permitted to do so they will make their appearance on the Fourth and try to win the game. A Runaway. Soon this morning the horse belong ing to M. S. Jeffreys became frighten ed near the corner of South Elm to Lewis t cets and made a wild dash up the liitt r. He was hitched to a wagon whn bo started but the wagon could not. keep up and was scattered along the stre -t. i The lines were broken at the start' and the driver was forced to retreat without conditions. The horse was caught uninjured at the intersec tion of West Lee, Lewis and Ashe streets. The wagon was completely demolished. Remember the Slngln Skule To Nlte. If you want to have a good laff do nt fail to attend Jedediah Bobbins "Singin Skule" at the Courthouse to night the cast is well rehearsed and everything is in complete readiness. This entertainment has been a tre mendous success throughout the state and entire south. Admission only 25 cents, kids 15c. Reserved seats can be purchased at Gardner's drugstore 10 cents extra. . To Examine Colored Troops. Dr. W.'H. Brooks, assistant sur geon of the Regiment, left yesterday for Fort Macon, where he will examine the negro troops who are there waiting to be muttered in. He was accom panied by his wife. News and Obser ver. I Taxable Value Increased. The railroad commission has just given out the new valuation oT rail road and bther propei ty. It is a large increase on the old valuation as will appear from the following: Atlantic ; Coast Line, in crease in tax $2,080,796 Southern railway, increase in tax.!........ 1,536,725 Seaboard! Air Line, increase in tax. I 773.890 Total: $4,391,411 Norfolk & Southern, in crease in tax 162,850 Atlantic & North Carolina, increase in tax 198,845 Western XTnion Telegraph company, increase in tax $618,218 Postal Telegraph company, increase in tax... 67,018 Pullman Car company, in crease in tax 153,082 Grand Total Increase.. $5,591,454 Baseball Yesterday. At Chicago: Chicago. 7 New York 5 At Pittsburg: Pittsburg ... 5 Brooklyn 8 At Cincinnati: Cincinnati t 3 Philadelphia 17 At Cleveland: Cleveland 5 Boston. 10 At Louisville: Louisville 9 Baltimore 1 At St. Louis: St. Louis 3 Washington iN 13 STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Clubs. Won Lost P. Ct. Cincinnati! 40 23 635 Boston 38 23 623 Cleveland.! 36 4 600 Baltimore.! 34 24 586 Chicago.... 36 26 580 Pittsburg..! ...32 28 533 New York. 29 . 31 483 Philadelphia. ...... .27 29 482 Brooklyn. ..24 . 34 , 413 Washington 24 37 393 St. Louis... ..21 42 333 Louisville. I ..21 43 328 : Boat Race. By AJVire to Thk Telegram. Saratoga, July 1 The day started In the in fairor the freshman race. middle of the morning the wind strong and the water was rough. was The race was consequently postponed until 3:30 p. m. . " , A HOT FIGHT IN PROGRESS City of Santiago Completely Surrounded, SHAFTER'S OFFICIAL REPORT. Lawton Leading the Fight--Qarcla and His Cubans Eager to Storm the City. By Wire to Thk Telbgbam. Washington, July 1 The war de partment has 'just received the follow ing from Camp Sevilla: An action is now going on but the fighting is only light and desultory. It was begun on the right near Caney by General Lawton'a division. He has been ordered to move upon the northeastern part of the city. I will keep you advised as to the progress of the battle. (Signed) Shafter. SANTIAGO SURROUNDED. rSibony,Jly 1 By three o'clock this afternoon the city of Santiago will be completely surrounded by Ameri can and Cuban soldiers under General Shafter, commanding the American forces. All of ttil army is now prac tically in sight of the city and the outposts on both sides are so close that the picket firing is continually going on but as yet no real fighting has occurred. All of the light artil lery has been conveyed to the front but the heavy guns have not yet been removed from the transports. The road will probably be finished today. When this has been accomplished the heavy guns will be speedily brought to the front and it is expected that the first fight will take place at Aquadores at which place the Spanish soldiers are strongly entrenched, ' WAITING IN LEASH. Off Juragua, via Port Antonio, July 1 More than 15,000 Americans, in cluding all the volunteer troops ope rating in Cuba, supported by more than 4,000 Cubans under General Gar cia, are lying within view of the Span ish entrenchments to the northeast of Santiago, ready to make a general as sault on the city so soon, as a forward movement is ordered. General Lawton has been ordered to take the lead. If the Spaniards show signs of retreat Wheeler and Kent will join Lawton and endeavor to drive the Spaniards before them into the city. Tte plan of battle is to advance and push 5,000 troops under General Lawton two miles nearer the city capturing the village of Caney and occupying the high ride beyond which overlooks Santiago. From this a terrific artillery fire can be rained on the Spanish entrenchments. It is believed that the Americans will accomplish this movement tomorrow. It is expected that the general attack on the city will be postponed until the arrival of the heavy siege guns. GARCIA LEADING THE FIGHT. Sevilla, June 30-Garcia's Cubans made a dash westward thi9 after noon and penetrated nearer to the defences of Santiago than any hos tiles force has yet been. Garcia led his forces in person striking Caney and passing in plain view of the Spanish pickets. Tonight he camps near to the Spanish outposts ready to make a dash so soon as the orders are given. The fact that the Cubans have been rationed for only 24 hours argues an early advance on the city. Garcia expects to have the hon or of leading in a grand assault and has exhorted his men to fight despe rately. The Fire Practice. The fire department this afternoon at 5 o'clock will give an exhibition of their skill as fire extinguishers. The new hook and ladder truck will be the principal part of the display. They will put two streams of water on top of Che NationalBank building and one stream in one of the windows of the building. From the new truck they will raise a tower and will throw a stream from the top of the 50 foot tower. Several prominent fire men from Wilmington and other towns and President McNeill, of the State Freman's Association will wit ness the practice. Our baby has been continually troubled wita colic and cholera, infan tum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Since giving that remedy he has not been troubled. We want to give yon. this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your mer itorious remedy. G. M. Law, Keokuk Iowa, For sale by C. ,E. Holton. NOTES FROM HIOH POINT. The Local News from Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. High Point. N. C, July 1, '9j At a meeting of the directors of the Commercial -'National Bank In the bank building Wednesday night, a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent was declared, $500 was added to the surplus fund and the balance of the earnings for the past six months was carried to the undivided profit ac count. This speaks well, for this insti tution as well as for the substantial financial condition .of our city. We doubt if there is a town in the state or south whose enterprises have con tinued to prosper as has ours and whose banks have not suffered more or less bv the financial depression of the country. The grass on the city park is being mowed down loday. This will add very much to the appearance of the plot which the city authorities ought to keep more presentable. No one would object to a small appropriation of the city's finances for this purpose J. L. Dudley has on sale the first lot of Georgia watermelons received here this season and they aremuch in demand. The members of the Jr. O. U. A. M. council here are living high today in happy anticipation of the bountiful feast the Randleman boys will set be fore them tomorrow. By untiring ef forts the members of the council here have made this the leading secret Or ganization of the city and their zeal is in, evidence in public and private, and while they glory in the proud name of an American citizens they also gather round the festive board with equal zeal. SALISBURY ON THE WAR. He Says the United States Is Anima ted by EUvated Philanthropy. London, June 30 In the course of a speech at the United Club in London tonight Prime Minister Salisbury said: "We are now living in calmer times except for the black cloud of war, which I most earnestly desire may be removed, between two great States, respecting who we are bound to feel and express the sentiment of neutral ity. One of these is bound to us by every tie of kindred and similarity of institutions. The other fought on our side against the tyranny of the first Napoleon. "While watching the war into which they have been unhappily led we are bound to abstain from expressing preference or judgment. We know that the United States is animated by elevated philanthropy, and we know that Spain is inspired by her love of independence, which is the greatest pride of all ancient nations. We earnestly desire that the day will speedily arrive when this terrible" slaughter by two great nations may cease, and the world restored to peace to watch the restoration of one nation and the continued progress of the other. Apart from this great sor row, which is not our sorrow, though we feel for it, the world at present looks smiling enough to us politi cally." Lord Salisbury dilated upon the agreement with France respecting the Niger troubles and indulged in opti mistic language concerning China. He declared that he believed Great Britian would be able to teach the Chinese government that the - con struction of railroads in China under British auspices would most increase her prosperity and best protect her against future enemies. The Cloven Hoof. With the truly good champions of conquest and colonization, who are impressed with a solemn sense of the Christian obligations of this country to the poor savages of the Philippines and of the awful weight of - our moral responsibilities and duties to. the, rest of mankind, there is no arguing. They simply overwhelm us with their im mense superiority. We feel as if Chadband aud Stiggins were holding a condemnatory conference over our want of the moral stamina to make good Christian patriots, imbued with a requisite degree of e'nthusiasm for our country's imperial greatness. We experience relief only when our in structors mingle commercial supre macy, calculations of the value of the sugar and tobacco plantations of the Philippine Islands and other trading gammon with their high moral plati tudes. Philadelphia Record. t Assistant Secretary to President. By Wire to The TKhBGBAM. Washington, July 1 President Mc- Kinley today appointed George Bruce Cartelyon, of New York, as assistant secretary to the president. MANZANILLO BOMBARDMENT One American Ship Disabled by the Torts. CAMARA HAS PASSED CANAL? Carranza Captured Transports Not Vet at Manila Typhoid Fever at Camp Alger. By Cabie to Thk Telegbam. . Santiago, July l-Four American warsmps DomDaraea Manzanillo on yesterday. The shore batteries pro tecting the harbor' were badly dam aged by their fire The Spanish guns replied vigorously and compelled the American ships to withdraw after one of them had been disabled. The Spanish gunboats which were in the harbor went to the aid of the batteries and exchnaged shots with the American ships until the latter ceased firing. It is believed that it was the intention of the Americans to take the city . THEOtJGH SUEZ CANAL. Madrid July 1 It has been an nounced that Admiral Camara's fleet, which left Cadiz sometime ago for the Philippines and which was stopped at Port Said from lack of coal, has passed through the Suez Canal. CORRANZA CORRALED? Washington, July 1 It is rumored that Lieutenant Carranza, the head of the Spanish spy system, who disap peared from the Montreal on Monday last, is now in the custody of the gov ernment. It is believed that Chief Wilkie, of the civil service, has effec ted his capture, which explains his disappearance. HAVE-NOT REACHED MANILA. Hong Kong, July 1 The Japanese steamer Matzushima has just arrived here. She reports that the American transports had not reached Manila when she left there on June 27. The Spaniards are still adding to the de fences of the city. In the harbor"are four British and five German war ships. . TYPHOID AT CAMP ALGER. Washington, July 1 Several cases of typhoid fever have developed at Camp Alger. A commission has been appointed to examine into the water supply. TOPEKA SAILS. New York, July 1 The cruiser To- peka cleared this morning and also the troop ships Lampasos and Neucces, laden with coal and supplies, sailed for Tampa where they will take troops aboard for Cuba. London, July 1 Advices received here say General Aguinaldo the .in surgent leader in the Philippines, has proclaimed a republic at- Cavite, Ma nila. The republic is placed under the protection of the United States, England and Japan, with the Ameri cans as chief advisers and the other two nations merely for recognizance and approval. HOSPITAL STEWARDS LIMITED. Washington, July 1 G,eneral Miles issued an order today limiting the number of hospital stewards to ten for eaeh army corps. REVOLT SUPPRESSED. Washington, July 1 Information has been received here that states the Porto Rican revolt was quickly sup pressed. The two leaders were prompt ly apprehended and executed by the Spanish authorities. , The plot was discovered and frustrated by the inter ception of a friendly letter, which told where arms and dynamite had been stored. The entire city is in a state of ferment and Governor General Machias has taken extraordinary pre cautions against another surprise. A Repentant Deserter. Col. Burgwyn has received a letter from a deserter. It is dated fat Best's, Cherokee county. The writer says he. deserted because the sergeants of his i ompany told him it was to be dis banded and the men placed, in other companies. He says he is sick with fever doubly regrets the desertion and prays the colonel's forgiveness, saying that when he gets well he will return if the colonel wants him. He asks what will be his punishment. Col. Olds' correspondence. A Removal. Hinkle Brothers have removed their stock of dry goods from the old stand on West Market street to their new quarters next door to the Bank of Guilford . Watch these columns for their offerings to the public tomorrow. Our New Depot. It is understood that work will be commenced. on the new Southern de pot the first of next week. The buijd iig?rilfcost $53,000 J FRANCE AND GERMANY HOSTILE. England Alone Friendly, According to Chauncey Depew. New York, June 30 Chauncey M. Depew returned today on the big Ger man steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. He spoke freely of his obser vations and experiences abroad. Re garding the sentiment toward the United States he said that in France feeling was most bitter against this county. Every paper in the city of Paris, except three unimportant ones, pnblish right along articles that have not changed any In tone from the be ginning, showing the greatest hostil ity. It is believed there that the ob ject of the United States in beginning the war was the extension of her terri tory, or imperial extension, and the same opinion seems to prevail in. Ger many. In England there is a complete re verse of sentiment. Six weeks time has changed the sentiment of 95 years and all animosities are buried by the tide of sympathy and universal ap proval and feeling of - relationship, which was binding against the world. It is related of the dean of the chapel royal that he was one day seated In the synod hall at Dublin, when a scent bottle dropped upon his head from the strangers' gallery. Rising from his chair he asked permission to make a personal explanation. "My Lord Primate," said he, "I am always glad to see strangers at our debates, and I feel specially honored by the presence of ladies; but let not their precious balms break my head!" THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co. . commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Cliicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing; quota tions of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, July 1, 1898. American tobacco 1201 Atch., Top. & .Santa Fe 334 B. and 0 14 C. and CX Chic, Bur. and Quincy 1051 Chic. Gas........ 98f Del. , LacK. and Western. ........ Delaware and Hudson Am. - spirits Erie f General Electric 39 Jersey Central , 94 Louisville and Nashville r.' 52i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated v 105t Missouri and Pacific 35i Metropolitan and S. railway..,. 159i Northwestern . 125f Northern Pacific Pr 691 National Lead NewYork Central 115f Pacific Mail Reading J Rock Island 97i Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr St. Paul.. 99i Sugar Trust 1321 Tenn. Coal & Iron 251 Texar, Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred 661 Western Union Tel . . . . , 93 Wabash Preferred The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, July 1, 1898. Wheat, July .T 76H " June " Sept 701 331 33 Corn, Dec v. " Apr .Sept " Oct " June " July 32 Oats, Sept...... 20i " Apr.... " June " July 21i Pork, Dec "K Apr -'u Sept..... ..: 967 July. 942 Lard, Sept : 530 " Apr " June " July 567 Ribs, Sept 540 (I Apr t June " July , 527 Cotton, Sept. 595596 " Dec..,. 595596 " Feb 602603 " March.. 609(3607 April ....610611 'May June July .603604 August 604605 Oct .595(3595 V Npv ............ y .593504 " Jto.,.... ........ 598599 -Spoi cotjioV. ............. 6 i -.' Puts, 8 3 Calla, 13 t Curb:, Just the Thing for Picnic Lunches. New Lot Jones Hams, V 12 l-2c lb Honey Refunded if Not Satisfactory. L. B. Lindau Fariss Has It! Baby 's Health in Hot Weather This hot, hotter weather soon to be hotter is the critical time of" baby's first and second year. Be careful, mother; see that the little one has all the attention and ne cessities. Comfort Powder. ...... .10, 20 and 25o Bottles 10c Nipples. .' 05c Sponges 5, 10,25c and up Teething Rings .; .10c Foods all the best. JOHN B. FARISS, Dependable Drugs, 121 South Elm Street. We Hava Today Lemonades, Limeades,, Crushed Fruits with ice' cream soda, and" nice Portuondo Cigar after wards. Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to-South Side Pharmacy) . J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, . 504 So. Elm. Manager. Youth and Old Age Alike need to have tifciryes1 carefully look ed aer, the one to avoid permanent jine otner to overcome tne effect ural decav . In either case a iialist should be consulted. De- ay is dangerous. J.T.JOHNSON. - The Greensboro Eye Specialist. OppositcAVioo Hotel. OFFICE HOUSSI 8:00 a m to 12:30 m.; 2:00 to 6:00 p.,m. A BUSINESS PROPOSITION is offered by the Southern Stock Mutual and The Underwriter's Insurance Companies. - Continue to give these home compa nies all the proyerty they will insure and by so doingou receive half rates or. less from South Eastern Tariff Association -Companies on the larger porton of your property. No other plan will secure such rates as now exist. WHARTON A McALISTER. AGHNTS. -WHILE THE War Tax. will Increase Prices on a few articles, there will be no increase in the price of prescriptions. We shall continue as heretofore, to use the utmost care, the purest drugs, and charge the same reasonable prices.. Uolton's Drug Store. MeAdoo House Building. Mi V t v; - v . C - v. IK , : i 1 - 'fir i t .-a

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